HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-11, Page 11GQ1) RICI SIGNAL.AR, THURSP,AY, JULPY 1.1, ?l97 P',AGE' 11
f ee en c� oda v
Rev. arnet A. Pother w s in-
' w k d h l' .iday ' visitors with . start a branch office for -
. �, � . off c . fo a com 'pr'esided. , over bv. a 1�5r�: �3.e�fa .-
ducted into „the Auburn Charge Mrs. Frances ;lark: .putin firm which e -b e R. "• '
�f the � Unitedg na 1 � L�tnsrn� anal Mrs.:(.el�a I'aylpra
Much ?f 'Mr. and Mrs. Wray Bryagt' of ,lawyers to obtain "instant The attractive teat les .nr
,G$tnada last Sunday evening in. Sinith- Fa�tls visit 'Inst week 4. 'law" - Alvin is in Torontoand a e as ce
tred wrth a red rose-.tn a�crvsLal
Knox United Church, . Rev, .,<,withMr. and Mrs. '°Donaitdi',trr,”`-'Vtrork:a":,•ia`•°o an"'�.e°djitar 1"crr' :'rose bowl --were' of
$ ere'in charge
McLelland-Stewart,5Pub1ishing Mrs. Donald' Haines,. Mrs.
Company. Marion will. be .star.... Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Russel
taney McDonald of Lon, twright. ',,. w� _
desboro•Rcen"aucted,-the Servicer '4` Mr. a . •
nd• Mrs;'Wilfred Q"Don-
Rev: John Roberts of Belgrave nell sof, London visited recently
preached tbe• induction sermon with ,Mrs: Myrtle Munro.
ting Grade 13 corm Septernber Brindley and' Mrs, Frank
but chose to stay and work Raithby. <Guesas,were present,:
and Rev. Cecil Wittick of Blyth ' Visitors I,ast week with, Mr.. the mirth for the Sarrtmer mon-- frorri -Goderich BlYth and 'the .
inducted Rev. Garnet , Potter and Mrs. Prank Raithby were ths al leak.. - surrounding district,: , .
into Atm Auburn. Charge, cOM;1 Susan, Mary., Jane And joe Although Rev. and Mrs. Pot- .. • ' . „
• Pdsed of Knox United dhurch' , Raithby of Preston and"Linda ter have Only been -at. Agburn VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. -
and' Donnybrook' United Raithby of Clinton.. • one Week, they have been made This year'S'Bible Schtool was
. eluirch, . ' '.'•' ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raitliby ' to feel very ,,we'korrie ,and held during the 'week of JA.tly 1
. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Jphn Raithby attended the, already are a part of:the com- , to' 5 at Knox United Church.
. and Mrs. Wilfred , Sanderson.. wedding last Saturday.of their xnunity,„„T,hey .lOok forward • There Was. A daily attendance'
were Mr. and Mrs. George gra,ndsort, Toni Raithby at with a great deal of . an.- of. 62 children. Who attended
"• Robb and Michael of London'. Doon Pentecostal church, ticipation and, hope for their • and there were' 17 Aeaders 'and
and Miss'B,arbara Sanderson of ministry here. *. helpers: ,
Toronto,., . NEW ;MINISTER The clagseS ranged from Nur-I
Mrs. Frances Clark sPerit the' CQMMUNITY NEWS sery to the-Yonth group. ,They
weekend at Port Stanley'with The' Rev. Garnet -A. POtter are:
" Mr, and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh, •cornes in „Auburn Pastpial Thornas flaggitt accom7, Nursery, leader 11iIrs, Shirlev
and -rattily. ' eharge from Serving the 'Por- panied 'by his -son, George, Andrews with helpers -Mrs.,
a nd Mrs. , Earl cupine-Schumacher. Pastoral Haggai, Mrs. Haggai.- and sons, James Glousher% Tracy Machan
Yoyngblut of Woodstock called Charge near the city. of Tim- John, Paul 'and Michael of and Bradley Andrews,i students
'On relatives in the village 'last inina. He has been there since Zurich attended the London „Sharon Snell, Michael
• FridaL, 1968, and this year was chair-, Majors-Stratford,-Kraven Knits Hakkera; Julie Cunningham, ...
Mrs. Emilia Trornm'er 'W,as: man of Cochrane PresbYtery. '-balr,-gam9. in LOndOn-)ast Grace johnstOn, Brian' Glenn, „
, taken . bY ambulance tb Mr. Potter , spent ,
Witigharn hosPital last Friday. childhood and teenage year; on :nephew, Larry .1-laggiAtt,, who' riingham, Julie,Dagi.,,..Todd An";
, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie' Niblock a' farm in- the Township 'of . plays with the London Majors, thews, Stephanie Durnin, -Sena
and family' :returned list Amaranth,' COunty •of DUfferin. was the honoured Player'of the • McVittie. •
weekend from a trip in Quebec. Fie was in The electrical .and- Month and presented withr The .Primary class, Jeader,„
Mr. George Timm, Mrs. Erna . plurpt2ing c'O'ntracting business trophy and ring at the game. 'Jayne Artni-tr . with hellPer14.....
• Bethke aervrit ....,.„Lar,ry, as the son of -Mr. and ,,Nvonne Bean,' Lori Brown And."
• the -children departed' to their
• classes .for thei4daily lessons
The themes for Or:different
groups were Obey Jesus,
,: Forgive Others, Love Others,
0.thers,- and Grow lite
de ;Vries, Glenyce McClinchq,4 Jesus.
Carla Hebert, Scott Machan,
Shawn Seers.
Middlers,.. leader, Mrs. Peter
Verbeek .and Wanda Plaeter.
witli :helpers Sherry 'Verbeek,
"cif Gorrie visite last week" with for 11 years.- -.,, , - Mrs. .; Joe Haggitt -of
Mr: and Mrs. Maitland Allerio "In 1954, ' he attended ..,the Leamington. and they used to..
' Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craig of "Elgin House . Conference :and ' reside in this, village a few
LuCan visitedinday.with . more and more became cpriyin, ' irears ago. `,. . ,
Mr. Williarri j. Crarig and Mr, Ced that God Was calling him to Mr. and.Mrs, E,tI Davies, Mr.
and Mrs.1Maitland Allen. become a minister. In Decem,. ‘sithd. Mr. C9tirt Kerr of Ben-
VisitOrs , with Mrs. Myrtle
Munro were Mr. Old Mrs..
ber 1956, he entered the full- - nnlier„,,,Mr. and Mrs. Harold
time work in' the',..pialted Carter,. Goderich and Mr. and_
Church- of Canada as a Lay Mrs. Cliff Skolrood, Clinton
Of .Londonand .Dr. and Mrs...-. Minister supply., .Serving the tended the',Ontario Horse-shqe
• Fergyson of Toronto. pastoral charge of 'Maynooth pitching* corripetitiOn 'at
Mre.' Jetrid Riieger .and' and Fairground, Dolt/ling, Ontario'. Mr.. Kerr
. Wendy and Hank Perre of Lon- - During' some of this tfine:he Won the Senior Championship
don visited last SundaY studie&uniyersity..silbjects and -ftir Ontario •and DaVies *.er"; Wendy Vari Breda' and °
Mr. and'M-rs.. Donald Cart-', then in 1961 attended' QUeen'ss plaCed third. Linda° Raithby, students:Keith .
;,yv,right ;and " , " Theological College, Kingston, •
Lynn Hildebrand, students'
Palph McVittie, Brian Wight -
man, Stephen Verbeek, Angela
Hakkers, Nancy Snell, Helena'.
.IVi,onic•a •.Hebert,.,«ShNlley
Haggitt, Joanne "dater, Shan
•'Glousher, ,Jainie.Daer, Evelyn
1-1ak`kers, Brent Andrews,
-Marilyn -Archambault, L irie
Cartwright, Janice, 17'ae:r,
Bradley Cook; Robbie Glenn
and, Dennis Schneider.
Juniors, leader . Mrs,, Ted •
Bakker and helpers Janet Cooky
and Sherry Brorniner, students,
Mary Jane Raithby,;
'McDowell, Anita Hallam, Deb-
>bie Cunningham, Carol Seers,
KathyMachan, Lind4 Cun- •
ningham, Michael' Andrews,
Frank Slater, Derrick Cart-
wright, Darcy Andrews Robbie
Plyikett, David Plunkett, Rod -
"MY Cunningham, Kelly .,Cun-
Each morning' the 'children
assembled in. the santuary. of
the church where they began by
-singing their. theme song. The
music was , played.' by Doris
Naylor and, led by 'Jayne Ar-
thur.rand Yvonne Bean. Each -
day thiVlearned 'new songs as -
well as .reu.ic:w ing, t:hc:.olrl.,onesr
Then, the Rev. Garnet Potter
began his talk with -a: scripture
}lesson which went along with
the daily lessons. Mr. Potter as
well ,as. his wife told the
children stories each day. Then..
NancyNerbeek, Patti'
McDowell, 'Bradley'. McVittie,
Belleville and Mr. and MiS. -student at AdolnlaustOwn BouqUets and .flower
'Frank Gagnor of TOrOnto Spent . this tithe., After c.graduatiorcand arrangements „.o,f ,peonieb7
the holiday weekend with' Mr. ordination in 1964 he 'served delphiniurn, orange blossom's,
Miss .,Diarie,- Kiekconnelin,,of., ' for four. Yeara,, * ° _ = 'cacti and a table of roses Made
....Lortclon-""antl• Mr. and' • ' .Mr. 'Pn'tter inarrie.d .with a l'ovly setting in the Auburn
Henry Youngblut of Kitchener' three childi:en. Mrs. Potter will , Comkunity Memorial hall:for,
.spent,the,holiday..vvith.:Mr. and be wprking. at the Goderich , the floral tea.
MrS. Andrew kirkconnell: Psychiatric Hospital on the• President Mrs. Kenneth'''.
.Mrs: Myrtle Munro yiSitecl nursing 5taff having been tran- welcorned thErguests And
last week:with,her sister, Miss sferre,d froin' 'Northeastern Mrs. Eleanor BradnoC1 was in
.Mary! McEachern of Moon Regional Health Centre at aharge of the gUeSt bdok. The
ta*:,a 'hor0"rnitde baking table was VI,
•Misses Jean Houston and quite recentlY franaferred from son%and Mrs. Myrtle Munro. •
,,./.',Jean Jamieson off.To nto Were OttaWA Victioria,:_ B. c: to, The white elephant table.was
:Closing fOr.
-JULY' 30th:
. For. something different.
Wohen you havo frier*
drop in, bring
them to Squire -gifts.
Avpuld: „delight .in touting outs -
unique building that -18 .a con-
giftWare. Come out and browse
through our,varied collection of
interesting gift items, souveniti's
and- authentic Indian and
Eskimo craftsf*e feature the
well ..knowii names that.
'everyone looks for. It tiOunds
different, but why not 'fry it ...
we're lure you'll, find a `visit. to
Squire Gifts an interesting ex-
-Squire Gifts
Open late...7,hights."a week
4.01'n , riday' evening. t17.e
Nosing program was held wh
parents and friends were
gr1ests• Each' class ..with their
Leader did a npmber and sang
songs led by Jayne Arthur anc .
Yvonne; Bean 'with. Doris
Naylor at t,he,,, piano. The'. of-
fering. was received by Doug.
•Gl:ousher and,Greg Hal1'am. MI,
were invited to go to the Sun-
day school room where the, 308 'HU,$ON RD."
display of arts and crafts, were
on' display. .
The children with their Sun-
day school pupils and' friends,
erijpyed races ' behind ' the • _
church. Winnersof the. races
were: Carla Hebert, JulieSDaer,
Jamie Ser, ;.Paul Plunkett,
Marilyn, Art:hamb-Pt,-;Darlene'
}Linking, .Keith4Hallam, Brent
Andrews, Anita Hallam, Carol
• ilacUurrt.. Dlil.nt ro
• 'Wa> her-/Splh Dry.ro
• Portable Dryro
RENT. oi'r, BUY.
BrOW,n, Greg Hallam. Pouglas
GlouSher • and. Angela
Vries, -Grace johnston, Angela -
Schneider,, Brian' Glenn and
Michael Hakkers.
Mows up, to :4 houre
. on 'a singlp'cftarge of
FROM Alp:MEW log*
See it at:
This wepk our water,.
'tower 4as just • about
EMPTY due to- people
not paying' attention to .
the wateririg restriction
If this continues and a
!ire develops, our taktrirn
could suffor disastrous
fire drage ind loss of
RemeTber it could be
your home'- Please help
restriction by-law.
104 AREA NO. 1"
Wat6ring.MaY Be. Done On
.ARIE4 NO. 2
ToWn.Aitay °Use Hose.$eivice sun**8