HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-11, Page 9' a•Wa.. �r. Hydro rpt as UC in GODERICH SiG.Nu, .Fi'A r,' .Tutni$p4, 19.7 pAcit Live' be c.trically thin ^ 1i;Ydro however, ha "Meer :; the su rimer — arcd fot-ten. ier'centPUO °balk ,to i9 the red, this less .than,°you will •be 'able to , time $:34,207.00. Manager Dave thin fall- :and winter. The BdiSton- `predicts. a, deficit sof 'Goderich PUC•is eurrenrly'ad nea•rlv:$60,000 if the. September' vising customers that•t.here will increase- is„ not. put info effect. be a price, hike , this fall but. • The major expense incurred 'hilrcn predictions:4sall ..for' by the Goderich titil'ntv'is' the similar escalation every year .cost of ".raw bulk power pur un`t'il at least 1979. it ... chased' off `Hyd rci The future as.-- • The 'coat. of the raw power °•predicted • by the power com- th'at the local PUC Purchases "pany does not look bright for fr.,omrOntario.Hydro is going to ratepayers'across the province. • be raised . by '15 percent this The Ontario Energy Board January „if the Crown .Cor- reviews. the cases for price in- j1oration is successful in its ap-.Crease when application , is plication to the Ontario Energy made . by the Crown;rcxr- Board. , poration.. Ontatrio Hydro The approval sought by however reviews•, °ail ap-, Hydro is for a 15 percent in- . plications for gate increases crease to the :353 municipal made .by any i.n.d:iar,iival utilities. According. to. Mr. Rolston they frown on, any in- crease of over "'ten -percent, and-°, usually do nut, allow.them to go through, 'This 'means that if l- yd•rd receive permission to, escalate utilities it services anis a 16 percent hike to direct industrial. customers. "The proposal for rate' in- creases comes at. *a time when the whole industrial world is caught in the grip of tremen- dous inflationary presspres' pikes to, 15, percent' mi re than from' which Ontario ljyd•ro can. last year that the ,Goderich • ,Teehooltlgy,' however, has not not,. isolate itself,_', , said, one utility will be earning five per "vet overcome the problem' in ,Hydra counsel to the Energy cent_ less next year despite their volved in thts•"°process and it is Board. a ten percent rate raise. ' Hydro ° impossible .a`or `" Hydro at this,.... Another' Hydro' spokesman • h?xpes to continue• raising .costs point to 'con plete the. wanted June -28 the Canadian Coast told the Energy,.. Board that :1,5 ,percent per year until 1979. project: Guard Cutter Rapid returned. ---nniunici al utilities1 face At that rate the Goderich "PUC, � 2 June 29 the Helen.,..Evans • PFarmers and farmer groups arrived li ht from Buffalo -for escalating local -op ating. costs'• will be denied.25: perc9nt of, are also demanding very high salt. " that will in turn ace,pressure their possible stir`plus �at the rices f`rotn Ilydrix r right of on local rates that.will force in- end of the five year period. Pb 4 g u June 29 the oNdes� boat: an ., . way over their ' ia,nd.: There` the lakes, the Westda14; Du:ltith, creases. He predicted rates Dave' Rolstonreferred to the price' cannot be effectively met arrived' with a , load,, of, corn. , would jump from ten to twenty. local utility's forecast for- the •byHy'droand delay', a"re caused ,,` •W. percent depending on the finan next few' years and de'crtbes :, while settlement is reached. June .:'0, the Sarniadoc cial position :of the individual the position, we would be• in if One hydro predictionstates arrived with a toad of` grain utility. the local rate was not raided° ghat• if,'t`h line from the new'' from Thunder Bay, '• -' , The Goderich PUC is not ^in ' each,. year to correspond ,with "Bruc!e - geerrcating station ' is ''.' June 30, the. Agawa' Canyon an overly. stable •• financial , the Hydro rates. "Wit,h.the in'- a• delayed' . ;year after its, 1976 • arrived light from Sarnia for • pos,ition and has been operating crease. in • September we Should. 'rdead•line it with require' an - salt , " at increasing` deficits Since realize a• $29;000 surplus which, -energy replacementpbill' of ,$40 June :30;,t'he Thorold brought 1971. Ontario Hydro hase in -.at.' that. rage, would . drop„.1!'o million. y� w • a a part load of grain frc ih Thun- creased rates to the PUC•,{y• $'17,000 in '1975 and would - ,. - . ''der. Bav: '4five,' six,, and_ ten , p 'ent ” place us in the recd, by 197x6 to , All- .these .. future c:c�n 1 •., ,July .3 thy. Roy ` A •Jadrey several times since :January of the: tune of $61,893 siderations ' bv. Hydro do not arrived light from Sarnia 'for •1969. The local PUC,.however, The cost of power i', going up mean that the province , will ro salt. a a decreased their. rates ' on and, the power needs of . ;face an energy shortage nor• will ' • '+a•• :• o January 1, 1967. and .did' not Goderich are rising just'as,.fast. , Goderich customers;, but, it Ger , JOY 3' • the Roy A. Jockey raiste them again until April `1, ' ' -"So far 'this year we nave, " tai'nly, leads one to believe that - 1969 when they made the first ' hooked up ,61 water services in . it- will ca tie a monetary :Thor- ' ' arrivedflight. from °1VIi land for .' rate increase in 15 /years cif, town!,." said Mr. Rolston, can Hydro a !Gnarl of salt. tage, to. consumer~•, July 4 the Canadian'Govern•, ,steady`koperatian. see where we 'will .have' well ,`'Rut, says Dave Rol:4on,•. "ment Boat the Advent.arri•ved, "We're going in the hole•'o over. `100 homes constructed "hydro here is still*rhe cheapest - • •July 5 the tug,Ethels arrived. fast it's •not :funny," said PUC` this vear'.as`well :. as some apart- in the, world." r manager :Dave "Rolston. "The ment buildings, the new. mall- cost of -power is up, the cost of •Q and • 'two • new • inciustrie , on ' b gas ,for the service trucks Went.. Highway 21:.`•1. can see where . up, the ;price of `Copper has' the town will use at least ten • •doubled, trans,forme,rs :are- ••percent more power each, year:"": costing`" one third more than, ' Energy, replacement costs', las_Lyear. Everything''we use is that Hydrois-'suffering, each: cdsting' us 'mor"e.,, 0/ear are ' being transferred .to '. The Goderich PUC was run- .,., the final -power consumers, the ping ata :substanti.al� surplus ratepayers. The replacernent• is for over a decade despite On-, not due, to a• lack of power, the-,, Carlo Hydro increases, The'generating .,,stetlons are fully April of 1969 increase -by the capable of `•supplying. the-.; local Utility maintained this province's needs.' The problem :' surplus until 1971 after; ..t'wo is transmission ,`Of ' the .high Ryder) increases forced them voltage: A -meat deal'' of. op into an $849.10 deficit at°year's position 'has *been turned end""The•,local, rages were in, agaipsr Hydro concerning. !•heir }'creased ih March of. 1972• to 0 -chosen -routes for power' lines,`; • counteract the' deficit` and at Conservation .groups,' are ,the end. of_ the Year a $20,292;.. ,demanding ' that .:at.he, lines be surplus was enjoyed. The tnos`1, placed underground at a cost cif recent: increase' from Ontario, many: °millions, of dollars IeuniscIasseshegiH ".Tennis Glasse" started last. Saturday morning at the •GDCI'� divided the class into two groups.- s young Y 9 9 P '- Y g and old -and turned courts and there , was a good turnout ofr enthus.iasts, both the' older players over to his Assistant,'TimHill. (staff photo) young and old. The instructor for'the summer,, Paul Brown., • Four doorhardtop, .Air conditioning, vinyl top, xii� fully equipped. tris, DHC -15Q Har pr AWS, July 6 the Sarniadoc brought a, .load of pail) from Thunder. Bay - tiz July 7 the Hamildoc arrived ligl3t from Hamilton -for. salt. - July 7 the . E. B. Barber arrived light from '`Sarnia for salt.'': fuly 8- the' tug • H•eler M. MacAllister arrived yr ' ,.. ,►, , ,Y:.,- ,..,,; BEAUTY .41 iN . Goderrch,' Ciosirrgtrfo Holidays JULY 30th to AUGUST- 6t CQme:S:ee :.Our Large Selection • larnoiria Natural Y '"168 THE `;SQUARE''' " GO ERICH ; 524-70.2 -'E•stablished 1950,, SEAFORTH" s CLINTON WALKERTON` AT enm ller Acres .....r Last pick of strawberries„ July •12,, Friday. First pick of ,. rasp - "berries, July 1.2, -l! riday, We will be open 9:O0, a.m. to .12:00 noon, five days a week for the , rasp- berry season. Closed Sundays and Wednesdays.. Situated 11/4 .miles -north of Benmiller,- then 1/2 mile east°or 23/4 -•chiles -south of Carlow (hen 1/2' ,mile sa$t. Raspberries ' 48c per :pound. Pleasebring . your ' own., small containers.. . MEN'S BOYS':. LADIES' GIRLS' and BABY'S WEAR ' YARD .GOODS -: FURNITURE -I: MATTRESSES.- PAINT SEWItIG MACH NES -.SMALL APPLIANCES -'LAMPS, LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA • •If yoiir man llkee'to repair your app!' nces himself, and :ends up in a mess - give' us a cal ur experts can handle your"appliance service probl' °s quickly, .efficiently; and economically: • If your' appliance is listed on this ad 'wet ca take care of your problems for you. Give us a call at 24= . 8670. You'll be glpd you did:., .tor• �. M.._ OUB• PAINT. SPECIAL 'WAS TO END. JUNE 30TH WE ARE EXTENbING: QUO' \SPECIALS `AS sL'ONG AS ,,, r... ;,. RE'S'ENT,,,S'TOCKSs'LASY!' ' • r� lY'