HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-11, Page 2- • PAQ•b.' 2.-GADFRICR SIGNAL STAR, ;,FHUJ r e e C • S1MY, cJU it is,gcod to see. that Huron County Council has, agreed to- look into the Mat- • -ter of. ,restructuring: It is time. Despite the Ontario government's presently per - ..missive ;attitude toward restructuring, :- tort .past experiences one 'can be, assured thatu.the movo•is-toward change El& iftAggressive municipal. councillors don't accept the challenge, the job ,wili be done for them That is the style of the Davis govern- merit. The game is to lull the people into • e sense of non -urgency, then .hit them with.: arr'�edit -which proves, there, was. urgency after all: That's one way to' in- sure that government .approvedmethods are -used. After all, the government has 'left the choice"with the people. It isn't government's fault then, if the people, don't respond voluntarily. " Huron County. �citizens must bb satisfied that county council has opted to do °the study themselves. Who -knows Huron. . Gounty better than. the people who live here? Who kr1oWs best what the . people of. Huron want than Huron's own people? •- • There `are, indications that Huron.. .1.1'J,1.'�.4 J.1.N•1 •v.1.y, County -Council .plans to use theOtents and' abilities of _. Hur'on • folks in° their - study.That's important, too, for many in • telligent and concerned' Huron • County -residents will have much to contribute to , a'.•study on restructuring. ' • '•Ano.ther " suggestion from. Morris ,Deputy -reeve Jim Mair is also worthy•of fir, Y 11, 1974,. rornie •b, careful consideration • That suggestion was tO' give Hurpn County resigents•' a, • chance to.. vote on any proposals ,for restructuring before they,are submitted t) "for" government approval.. " Myth Standard has this to. say 'abt°Ut that: "Perhaps„ oat times'people m don't make -„she' best decision (after alt they• keep electing Bill 'Davis and his:<. , Tories) buts you either have'to have faith in people or give up Raying lip service to 'Democracy as a form of government, In t. •Huron,.,•bif nowhere else-, let's opt for Democracy and give the people a vote on atheir own .future," u ` Yes, ,people should have a say in their own future - and they can make wise and proper choices according to their personal needs when they;are,kept wel-h; informed. That will be the giant headache for county council - letting the , people know wtfat'sgoing on, helping them learn the issues, keeping therm in- terested- and -involved. • at's.'why, from the very begin »� ••, mittee to""study restructuring must open the lines of communication such as they are rarely opened in,this' county U ,fie They must •let the people in, they, must to ahictclen in the people see, they must give them every opportunity to be heard. It won't 'be an easy task,,, but it can be• done, it must be.done if this county is to 'remain. the leader it ;has always been. It will be done if Huron wants it -that way. eed action, ,fust_ before -the• Ontario. Legislature recessed for the sur r ter months, Liberal , e. . . ..MPP for., Huron -Bruce Murray` Gaurnt asked the:Minister of the Environment if • he were planning any legisiative•action -°, - in respect to. non-returnableboftles 'and •,other solid waste. Gaunt wondered What _action' would be taken by the Minister to '"alleviate the problem throughout the ' summer.,: months'' . The reply . "the Hon. 'W. Newman, Minister of "the + nvi`ronment, was: `Dunt g -the summer month%'I will be in 'm office and we. will: be studying this .Y. very actively.'' At; "this juncture, one government' member ..•shouted �' out, '"Surrounded by non -returnable bottles MacDonaid,'s comment immedi ttely • conjures up° a- cartoon in.' On mind' - , Environment. •Mi Newman eating over his .papers, trapped .with ' 'actrcie of non -returnable bottles; una�+le IO.find. • an answer or escape fr-om'th ;But booking,more closely at t it is a`notrso-furtny'pbss,ibil- pile of garbage migh other kind. of�'disposabie container. •and., ...item known' to man'. Mankind may all one. day be 'choked by his own litter. ' Many; citizens throughout the .country • are intensely:interested in th.e, pr'eser- vati n of the environment.. A good -Many 0 - A love, f h Id ha Is ' collection _orpoems about several, times along wi;th a ,pie - a Crank of dark hrow'n hair ttke•.o w at: -'Lou eve ` eel Thrilled me with love's delight, tied- with a,bright'red ribbon„ the 10;3 as a child, The other' Oh, if -some spirit from allove, and a 'photograph album was •ohotogr'anh...,was of a young" With all 'h'skill-had-tried . all there was. But the evidence man '`�' 15 YEARS- AGO' - Last week. was a poor•one for the "merry-go-round. On Mon- day the proprietors took it' downandstored it in Bissell's Warehouse where itwill i''timain until next- fall. The following notice 'in the wind,ow'of;a certain tailor shop on the Square was the:9hjeet' of considerable attention, on Tuesday, eliening. 'This store ' will close at 7:30,tonight to give :; us a:ch'ance to attend a meeting of God's children at which our blessed LordHimself will be present. This is the only meeting in this- town_ that.he- .can o.wn.” This remarkable statement has an, added significance from the fact. that. Tuesday is the nights of meeting of some of the young people's societies of the churches, The supshine en'Sunday was .welcome after the long °period (for this time of year) of wet weather, The" grumbling now will be on account of the heat• The frequent rains have had a - bid effect on some. of`Che crops, the' whole sad tale: --.Rut sis showing on the Wheat and the pears tare turning We have parted; I am lonely ' Yellow., Hay that"hacf been cut, n, -Since we, breathed our last and left, 4.lving•-in the field' was 1 a� his To make,, me. doubt thy truth farewell, damaged by (he rain, 'hut we and love And 1 feel- I';laved thee 'only. " are tai, not much hay had • e , cu ��ot 1 potatoes on was overwhelming. It recorded ben„ • some sort of a love affair from After rev iewing the materials ]• Should have said he lied: More than mortal tongue can low-lying ground may also• he the •past fir- an 4• it Ingo ,Goderich residents "-merit has agreed the,. so .rvenirs ;-faith And I thought when we were use, but 11. • l hand, - h d• i-� 1 d lh t Yet tri ' h •'bbd 1 f` to • involved at tee itc ria e r e. au . as ro a my sou o , •,„. •traced to the same ca art d - When -Mr. and Mrs.. Thciiti'as belonged to a manmaybe the`.. In woman's constancy!• • parte Inas been done in that respect. ' hh Th thetri man • Years have passed, and I, lone- • Drive; �1 .ey c�un these iso 1 e - �. � 'C�c);lle' isle. Institute boys are e: past- in andesk...1 1 am thinkin of trice vet g - turnable bottles theydont pun,- I _ ✓ the replies;to .our inquiries do : - 1. T u That I could at=len h forget - not show that4J, much damage w' _ Cook were moving• recently into .one in ;•the; photo -,who lost his And now, whate'er a wo g are actively attempting to do`somet ing their new home on; 'Sunset lady to anot er roan.'Thus uw 1' . sal The '. blue caps of the about it -the ' don't--bu soft drinks 'in h found lad bit f' little 'reminders,eirf her a lack I't.l deem it but a lie • hearted Y Y very rYotice'abl'e' on the streets • � n the: a t { old Ap non re d t ed an parenily ,the •momentos had. 'chase p Pph t•h beautiful r o try ab gut these or n�ant lines: We have parted products 'wrapped •° - •- un,. of her hair �'drmed - in' a -perfect .ringlet her •photograph with Another poem with the title g. . been' slashed. away in asecret "In ° Absence" ends 'up with . •M 5.hey are sort of r these day ,.T,t' . is, apoetry c p 'g ' - ;, dearest- loved ,•• �' 'c'ounter-irritant, to the,,girlms necessary; amount of p'ackagi . It all hiding place that had. served love and love lost. Haste, happvllay, -oh haste and',, one, h I b t 't, ' .b. � a,�l� ial solution ' ll f O poem 'entitled '"To A.' bring' lotion the' sooner the better, Were recorded,;tn the findings ... heartbreaking thought;,.. - , pines; Iheehav*e• merit legis that was the ,year 1$47 on the 0 that'my memory could'effacfe ging back the dove worshipped'' at' thy • On the local scene there are strong in- ., 50 .YEARS AGO " back of one poem and the Thine image graven .there! . voice shall sing shrine; sunbciri�nets• By the ways has Yet I feel° that ;'trioti art. •mine; A • e pS u : t IS . nky. we or ,many, many years., ' One any,of our ,readers seen, a sun- s ♦ ' ^. .. •. , . • .r•' • • y.•- G, � ." .. w�' requited is -spine": ood OVern- Only on date and two names False Lover reccSrdS thetie The jiffy for which" my sad soul . Since,.the hour when Jirst mel iat s9 g �• • � � � , . � °,�bonne�.ted- lady lately? . „ whose dications ft°h•at 'Goderich Town Council will, be moving into the area of.waste rec 1' Flight' now an investigation is Once more the songs "rnv heart' And mv.thoughts are all about 'A new use for an;empty third enshrines: thee , story has been disco„vered. D. Campbell of Goderich: I.'Those features ever dear. • `' names . of, two •.photographers. And yet' trio” miakery `loves �to. Frank •Cooper, of London and • • t.r�ae Return, oh,. happy joyous heart In the ' il,enta hours of night: When the second -story (over a ...bei,ng ••Niiicher is thi: one When the`''morning 'brings the venient- yard room to deposit' the -regular the `4a e lovely 'lady appeared control We Have Parted - and it tells light. 'ashes, rsirriply take. them -up-. yo rig .� ' n made at the muni'ci al- level into The .'photographs the I still would cherish in My Dearest . Io ed- one, then come,w business place) is used Inr: a soul, And never more depart, 9 .. things album, aplieared to be of - only AF: rn'. mast sacred right, to me • dwelling and there is, no con - two people --The photograph of That an l form •yrhose sweet - 'But the c ge or. garbage for recycling purposes. A cant `� • ste i;•lo:rward to be sure. Failing this,, arrangements could be' made: for a cen- tral collection depo in -town where con- • ' '.. rrs-'ot;i•fd take their,.. c ern e•d c i t i ze AhewspaperS arid'glass;to-be carted away" to "some recycling, plant: Again though, 'problem. ' this programtwould only be .as.good as e picture, the numbers of people Who would su'p- y-d and, the port it. It is -not the full solution.. contain -eve Back to Queen's Park 'then: - and 'Hon . ~ - ' W. - w anis office •where . the puzzle' r . Herb Turkheim :dt Zurich; and a me O'er' of ..they Huron County, 'board of • ,Education- should.be gratified by .remarks'..from the -Ontario Minister,. of Transportation and Commt-tnications last Week; Mr.'Turkheirn•raised the question of the safety ;fattbr in school; buses • some months- ago and, as we recall -he didn't .get all that uch support for, his. . tl 'contention that ove crowded buses acrd a• :inadequate safety , r' quirements pose" a. very real' threat to children on: their way - to and from school.. Ours comment, in' this- column at that. time ws• that it seemed inoomprehen- '•Asibte that sghbol buses should be per- mitted to carry so, 'Many students that some of them had to stand - ,,'practice • which : is• permitted , on publicarents • .because 'the ,majority of those vehicles operate on city 'streets where • traffic is cantrolle'd' ` and speeds are ' much!. lower than the- country! runs require, Of school buses • Kids to. -Marne will be studied' "very, actively'' this•sum- • • rner,_Let's.hope-some answers are forth- • :coming and. that ' the provincial govern- . inent will' find some way, to effectively y • ...ig.. .. -„ -protect from. -ourselves, . Dear ,Editor, • One of your recent editorial's „dealt with tha,,l=lu:ron County education budget and. the -dle"- it would cost, '. You in- 'timated that it would arouse interest and ,qu.estions• from, ratepayers. I. was sure .it would -too, but will it? I've been keeping an 'eye on the papers familyr Do parents really know ,,t,aining - little or no positive how their child is behaving or 'response. 'This" .ham b"een using the facilities provided? necessary for the purpose of .Most parents' have absolutely;•-'m,aintaining sorne semblance, of no idea:of the,actual quality of. . order -which I feel. is conducive 'behav'iour. In many cases they' to learning and' so' that: there 'wiicildn't,believe. it unless:,hey, ''mig rt be some trivial :accom- :sawitl and even then • 'some '•'plishment. These interruptions would try to make excuses: •:: certain.ly detract ;from . the of-+ • Don't be- blinded land .brain- ficiengy of 'teaching. washed by sophisticated jargon I would' appreciate some feed proclaiming• thatceverj`tthing is back"co`nment' from the basic SO,much.;better, and• rosier"than • ones paying the bills -as '`to it• used to .:bel Ask those - whel.her or not this is the man - `stairs and empty them on the floor. `The chief objection to the': ,plan iso the danger of fire, and• • A the Coderich brigade had ,ea '.. on - Tuesday 'afternoon to put: out- a fire. started.in this way. 'I'ke ashes contained some hot coals that burned through t•he. floor and ignited apiece of car- dboard. '`A' few pails of -water and' ' a • chemical ext.ingu;isher • Were enough: to halt 'thee fire recent mil"estone in'itSi history.. and the floor was torn .out to Staffs seetn „powerless to curb . make sure it had hot spread.. - this trend regardless of the ex- , -Mr, - .lames McManus •-, has tent of their desire to °d`o 'so. received , a quantity, of equip- From reports tickling' init meritfor the past;eurizing•'plant would seem, that, bad as con he 'hc3pes, to establish in the •ditronts• are here compared .`t6 premises on East'Street .'tfor» • former years, ,.we may be suf- merly-bccupied by Lloyd's' fruit • fering..from a rnild case of the warehouse: , disease in comparison to Five hundred feet df° the new • 'nearby centers. After working waterworks' intake '.has been ti under';"the conditions which 'I Jaid" in the .Water. The ,total have endured tlus year I cannolength of the intake from tine.' longer stand idly .by :=without' shore line.is to be• about.• 2, 000 I i I 'transport strugglm,ng -in • the classroom ner in which I am expected 10 • protesting' and tolerate having, -feet 'and as soon as the 800 feet John Rhodes the p,rov nc a p in time wase ca4 r n 1J p • es, ground but I've rnisseti any Minister, however,: addressed. the. rumblings if there have been Legislature on this very • question and , any. Are tunes so affluent that sad that hool buses .need,.;arrtong ' `the `public 'will just :react 'sp „ apathetically, as it has before, ny improvements, ,,Stronger frames' to, pocket or -will it require - an-. oug a is no quo e S ewers'' Perhaps newpaper ° h h 'l CL b hinted that I •have bee They o• 0 • f the time tq o A. Fr ole this regulation Would mak-e-'�headlrnes recently proclalming t Find listing Loo henvrly in large portion o George of g all •:' _seat belts to be installed in everyand merely dig deeper into the A h h ' t d • seat: .saying • •, standing question.)' Mr: Rhodes that he h -ad manufacturers of s :hopes ,his , public stron9est on this issue 'cabinet minister,- will manufaot'urers to start' redesi buses. The' minister also said t .,,;need higher .backs and more' pad tieir seat!;; and:Added that le9rsla will b"e'.used if bus.manufacturers.,don make the improvements' themselves. Winghatn Advance -Times: Ith t a trying • to teach under pitiful hand ,.pathetic, conditions 'and they -would, scarcely agree that things are as rosy as they .are made out *to :be. • - The school is stapposed to be open.-_, to you, - so w, ratepayer "earn " ,may • salary. am 2;someWvhat 'confused as t^o what -my, exact rale, inlhe classroom should be ` now. Aoparently 1 have been,, -laboring under the erroneous impression • that 1 a see c e s- a deterioration. rapid ,progress" will be, .made • • I, have an old-fashioned at- with, the- 1,200 feel of steel pipe titude toward work --a `"hasty beyond that •as this will be laid 'word to even : mention to the in,. longer length, .and t-hejr will majority in .modern'c!Sses. It be. bolted 'together, in place of •should' be• teaching since it "has makes ,you, °very, �u pop l the hand caulking that has to n u ar. whether you , ave pupils a en•- een and wishes to ' dirig or ,no • get involved;" in • concert ' lower taxes in some areas, have .assen..g�ers out of the in out what it's like:'Volunteer lunteer to that area. Disciplining seei�ns too • be. given . Io,s ,of' "time_ to play announce thac., be will be .in V o > Rl • 'lulled .people into a. Sense of :havee become the major• issue' an. fully expect the best of all,"Goderich one day of each week • teach or 'supervise a class in' Well -being -and rid ccirnplacency. • children are with teaching something you •do things to. fall ,intro taps with lit- to, -•p aid i f ' " teach violin. n a later interview � I • take exce tion to such •"' which none o your c a _ • Pant- � n ' p pupils. Visit the school, una n- if lime permits. tie o"r no, effort on. their. To s xa hone -and .orchestral in- ..appro•ached ;the headlines when I receive my r � .every jabin which I have been- �°;- rumerrts. Only a lim°ii;eil num- This buss, but he tax 'bill' .and :not'e,_,that tt IS ©ou pca�ad�al�trt nc uld b�obsarna�i T4.{� idea rafL�eP. .1.n lint'. SL y > be.accepted. • engaged, , includi• ng this one. I her' of students laternent,. the' higher-, with the bulk of the in- , ,or whom the is not necessary an it yould quickly clear" up' probleths of -giving .a.tdecent day's wdrk in • ' ign-a - tar Publishing any' Ontario. m., eirielyAnby dtb:rviation int*"*"'e - methods which- cou Id a nd ,•• • 5 YEARS 'AGO jj crease due to educed/4n levy. 1 have„,gone.with the intention of . education System. 13upposedly -not necessarily, prov,ide„.a.--true for day's .pay It just Limited ripw printing all exists, are ,prevented from gives me a feeling of personal' major ,, Weekly 'newspapers in g on . squandering*and are•compelled picture. ., ot upseti, l'Orte *parent, has indicated thai ' ' Huron County with the excep- . discipline ' their child . three that Manner with -my eiriployer. tion of the Exeter ,Titnes- ces and facilities now provided' times in a period or half an :Durini recent years it -has , unexpected visitor. However, : and monthly papers ar'e printed to thern , "free".70-ther ,hard- .stich a 'visit provides'the pupils hoar for the reason. With becothe increasingly difficalt .t.o • experience this satisfaction. Ire• from. the counties of -Bruce, working, concerned people :with,„an opportunitylo give.tou thirty-six -pupils in a .class I Grey and Larnbton.'The most inld.probably.share the seine cannot' affoid to alio* Ahern ° creasi nig frustra'Cion and., a "snow" job 'with a phony • ' recent .addition to printing' ligt g if they could see, firgt behavionral performance."SuCh ' -that IUXury. One hundred. and discouragement results When, iwas the Lucknow .Sentinel. s I do daily, the tremen- ------:-., eight interraptiOris in• thirty teachets,' with no recourse, see • their best intentions and effOrts: The International Police as I witnessed in ply oWtI ell'acs ste of pupil potential ' during the. Education Week. -minutes doesn't- leave much Hall Of Fame, a Project of Con - don't look for* -flationary., pressures swith which - . every .titi-rt-., by ,,,an ' ever. stable Tom' Fortner of "the Goderictr Police .Force, is to deal hut -there is.an eatially close, ''Ig hav'Seehr:!ing "o* a ' increasing of • Pupils who, -riot qtlite Willing the most - h - nearing completion. The 'ous anti quite unnecessary • "07,-. the ,00unty ,Tovvn tiew-snapar of Huron —a.- ." for to' 'he malante )f 9)03 adimortertieet. Anil be eAlti fDt 'el "le 'epolinable rate In 'he • dosinoss and Editorial 0164 ,,TELEpHoite 5i4-8331 5.0014 dist Malt registration' number -016-- sp fitiElEAt SHRIERLorosident and publisher, • DAVE R. WILLIAMS-fadvertiaing rapeosentOtive fee dous w and iterti bargains and, pay* for -'something worthw Change air •rdoney sp, utility and factor which is eroding youra . - wanton arid rampant disrespect- and effort tit •- d -• display'contains police badges._ .earning an they are . Old shoulder flashes gathered He in ex• : -If you" investigate' anCI miS4se br "file., materials having to passo - , • arid . on- the part of from 2,000 --police forces . die" arid ,as a recipient o art .t. -readily 4ee that you are being 'Atolls* that 1 heive- witnessed fort and, achievement, ,,, oar, thioughout the' free world. The had, you tire being „taken, you channel their *energies :ana • - •„ • ff t• i i of it I. would° appreciate so e ' , aro ex enSive items Whi h r space to snow e ec we y. • column space 'to comment an costing ratepayer.% a pretty - • - -•• n't Wasting giriurticks all of -Sidewalk Sale and^ Art Mert-1 v ones for whom this hiige If ratepayers 'fiel thin 3thev.. r` ' ^ - - liv individuals inexperiences in ' '\ ' od . d li ' • .14—.11 , whith. er e your o ars. wi get :ender way next ,week are hot receiying a just return earning a living 'and paying . made. 'Phis is due to the , rpt,„„ it was able to ve you a net- wit.h -at ,etti;t, tWO heW • will have to ibitiate sortie ad.- 8°111 instil a, sense of value in the use tion for changes and *take steps " my e ass was an. way A. sso.iaiion haye I than cah -with „one: grade, marqu.ee for , the shoWing of ,,td- ensure that their objective is .4frt-' Tel -Y bt 'efficient us; °I* (:):•ii-e':41ence is recant— - rnainly -because of kid\ ;trie ,...spe•cial films and ihe KAr- the blame. 1). placed A Very drs -topot-rh.lirayeotter .;i4til.cstner Oactell'n"porwiir'ilbeg.eitvg. nival -will be placed 'right uri ,,-.tErhtt'd;1,,se s:dvsotoerrnst,rp_.'elVI.vake.rt gru.r.e usine urorit,ie tb-nitir *school. nor ,huay0'. allowed js the financing of,_the \ be on sale each day ...mid--; share. Also:lhey.'should take °a an, 1°Y. lb. le trittht bds4'.:aimill611Yigrnolgt;p14: .night. There hos been a gradual* i'eolacenvoit of full. class sets of . Psychiatric tiospitil ,will have' h 1"11Y d°8.e look light Pt horn* seVei•al limes a' daYi werY if there..are students Irk the for the same offenge and nb- deterioration si Ace our wits, in coTaition•for years a bonth displaying their artit pato