HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 22Yf• . 9 8ALGCSDERIC4 SIGNAL -STAR. rt t1 1R I)A '.',.rlil;.. C', 4, 1974,.; • BY LOUISE CAMPBELL AS far tie the Huron Signal was concerned, .a "Libel &1, vic- •tory, was inevitable.Each ar- ticle held the Liberal candidate in high esteem,. while 'a degrading write-up on : the op- postion candidate was hound • to give the reader a ..distorted view of the local situation, In fact the canipa ign . of 189w - a vie Qus,struggle.on the part of both 'candidates tg .wrin the con • .fidence of the voters, -.This "elec- tion inspired in the populous of our area an emotional conflict in .which neighbours and even relations were not on.Speaking terms:during the political fight. • June 1.4, • 1894, a °write-up --on,. the - Lib.e.r.afi . candidate ,headed the front page of the S.i;gnal, A,ppare,ntly,: J.T. Garrow'was,jn God•erich to give a C'arnpaign speech. He confron- ted familiar supporters, who loved "and respected him for .his ahilitie and "job well done while its office•,the past four years. ' . .' As a• Liberal nominee "he was, opposed to- a too . tight 'dr'awing •- partisan• lines" •° He , expressed a view 9f concern -for' rights, rather ,,,than- being, pressed tb agree with .Liberal wills they. were unfavourable to •t,he people, , Whom "-`tae represented.. . Hie claimed „, "politics' should', be a means to an end, and not the end itself". Garrow 'reflected, on' his party leader for a moment: He spoke of Sir -Oliver' Mowat as s respectable and honourable leader, With- Unimpeachable tegri,ty.: Thies •praise wliS'' • neces°l;itate4 by &idence of his leadership which had . now . lasted,. 22.: year; v' thout ' In terruption, Ins 'Mowai`s entire °rei•g,n, there had :never • been ,a. single rumor' of scandal, and 'Mowat shad c:ontributed; greatfv.to On.: ta.r.iO's 'favoa!able -financial position which now"•maintained ' El total of $6,100,000 I% its credit. 'Garrow- 'didn't neglect 'nthe fact that=he-»la:imself bad in- :traduced a` bill. '.to allow Canada's ni ,ririers to: have'the right to -vote This was:all•cam- paign talk in -an all ou,•tattempt " to gain • more . :.support in his' •-desir-e'.tca=defeat his atery `radical oppanint, Co.nnoll , :On June' 21, the candidates._ r madenoniirration;, speeches, in., • which a vicious battle' proved more' favorable.. for "Garrow: • ' . As,the first. speaker, 'Garrow, - W s:given the ,fif:"st;opportunity to • justify , .his position;. • -and criticize .: his' opponent's .behavior. c) -rice amore,. `he' • •.r.ecalle-cted the excellent Liberal government of twenty two years, and he brought` =try -7 :the 'attention of chis audience. that. this_ v u ld probably be the lasttime his, party' leader. would "he running, -in elec- tian;,,.dye to hie ripe age: ti . lµi,e said .that Liberals „,represent "a length of service, „good •-governmen.t, freedo:m , .from. scarrda 1, a high Moraal at; tribution,9 and thr.istian character All' legislation had been reformed • and simplified, and brought.up to date -in the interest of the 'people At,this point hp was ready to' "stab his oppoSitio>;a,,.:Iike any good .politician,.. and so stated' that'Connolly had 'turned 'into, a'good'i:iberal._-But he'.worried for 'the good of the people and noted that Connolly,.wolll'd be dangerous if ever .given the op° oto ,,,represent . the people. After ill, Connolly'c'til'y. • represented • a, strongly ,protestant 'segment of the far- ' ming population,• and a'mea ber of his organization had, rejected all merchants, doctors, • Iawyers, teachers, and skilled individuals, • .The: last..point G'a"how brought up• was a his- "personal. appeal to the valuable cause of prohibition; should' this govern- ment .,and the Coutts of the province decide to_.enforce such a measure. .Fcillowin• an emotional respons from "an excited audiencA the bewildered can �,c idate for Con'serv'ative ° fotnination toil, the platform, �u denied .that he yeas any longer a .devout Conservafive, , *nd explai act ,his, 'position as tin independerit'.patrot , the truth 1f the matter was, in alit 'minds 'Of the Signal _Otters,' Connolly sawn a slight . chance of •getting into power, with the growing support o.( the farmers r- he Advocatedfron his Con. ,servaty.ve ,;notliinttl paaiticirt: ' This ati ire t "Conservative :segmteftt:iii thetaudience, d a tiliiing anfident'e' was '•anrefle'c- " 'ted on the faoet4., of the `'trusty . Liberals, . , v �. ' t ontrc ily" rationalized •his in'. 'e ndent Stand, expressing his ' personal views which would he advantggeou3 to this ,area of West Huron. First of all, were he= in pOwer,r,he would tax all capitalists on mtirtgag and d• '1 1n.vestnients•; _He' • abruptly stated that he ''disagreed with 'the political fee systern, and 'that it •:•,'houid be abolished".. e hopes to regain the sup- -1 port from the towns in his riding,_ and, said he would give them as much" satisfaction a, possible. He attacked':° the Liberal governments' ackiini if giving"' a norms, ' to the railway,: $. H°e tivrnp.athize4 'with our 'arm without adequate facilities:btfi ween Gd*derich` and Wi•ngham, and-,prol� osed facilities and con- nectionS ' at `Dungannon .0.6 1 Fort Albert Auburn • f • n and otli fir' , strategic vantage pouts, Connolly denounced the Liberal_ action'of contributing • ° to the World Fair, ,and -criticized other misdeeds of the party., tri power. Following this he 'quickly left' the platform' to t�v.o.id questions, but was on- „. • •f'a;onted -in tl e aisle" whicbi 'caused confusion. When' he was asked i:f he was a member of -the -Protestant, Protective, (contlntiodp, on page 3A) • 4,0 FRESH DAILY — •"GREAT ON A GRILL!"' GRQUI1D BEEF CANADA' No. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, SANTA, ROSA - PIunmS , . $1 o00 CANADA po. I, GRADE, IMPORTED.• Tomatoes 4 NEW'CROP, YOUNG TENDER, Zucchini Squash CANADA No,. 1 GRADE, IMP.ORTED. reen Beans •TOWN CLUB -- 14c •LB LOWER THAN A YEAR, AGO' ' vat pas SWIFT SUGAR PLUM,. "Side. Baton SLICED a -Ib vac pag99 BURNS ;CAMPFIRE, RIND ON, ,BY. THE PIECE • Sidi B,. acon SEND CUTS 16 5 9 • . •,CENTRE• CUTS LB 790 . SHOPSY, COLE SLAW OR • Potato S ladT 24.=oz carton ,, GREAT, C N. A, GRILL!" . GRADE ," ,"_ BEEF Cross MirSteaks s. SILVERBRIGHT,.. �, A F Salmon Steal SHOPSY, 'SWEET PICKLED; OVEN. ROASTING GOLDEN SKILLET, ,,A . Ctii keri Cutlets, FitOUN , �b 9 8 Fe Corned Beef Brisket -• :4::$1,-.318 A SCHNEIDERS, :LIC.ED, 7 VARIETIES' - FROZEN . "...R......EAT ON A"GRILL!" BURNS,. STORE PACK, Beef & Pork Sausages TOPE PACK,; HOT OR • SWEET SX u Italian Sausage • TOWN, CLUB; 78%. Beef ° Patties:,...,;FROZEN' 2.41k4g $1.79 • :4o e Park�r RAD 60%0. or 140% Whole Wheat or Cracked' Wheat SLICED-, . BUY 3' LOAVES SAVE' 'lit' J,. 24 -oz ° loaves ti , JANE PARKER • (SAVE 1Oc) Cake EN. tl..144-1-1b;1-o cake,, 95i ,..IAftE PARKER, PLAiN'.OR SUGARED (SAVE dc) ' Family 'Donuts.. , : pkg o1`12 5 9 , JANE. PARKER -••(BUY 3 PKGS --- SAVE 32c) 'ielt Rolls 3 pkg, of 12$1.00 JANE PARKER," BROWN 'N SERVE" (SAVE 8c) Cherry Hill, •Danish- l3llue; Cam'enibort, Chive,'Ementhat.r, Mushroom, onion Crean Spreads • 4-0Z TUBS ' IA;NE- PARKER • Strawberry Pile fuh'8=inch pie89114 JANE PARKER '"(SAVE IOc), Lemon b Pie N.. full 8-inchr pie 69 .$1 'JANE PARKER ;'BLAIN, POPPY SEED, • SESAME SEED ' 'FRENCH , ROL , P1AINa R WHEAT TWIN. ROLLS Acticn Priced ! Action priced S COUPON AC/ION PRICED! 10.02 pks,,.., AC/'ION PRICED! eat 20 -oz pkg 67? ACTION ,PRIDEbl, 9 • '-OOTHAASTE rt, MOUTHWASH'iN"ONR Close -Up CRI: t or 12ED g. D. SMITH ,:°. APPLE ti - ACTION PRIDED! P.ie " "1,D. tA41.TH. 19-flwztir .7`Erni R'dGU .=- ''PLAIN, MEAT, MUSHROOM• Spaghetti. ACTiO . PRICED!:Sa uce'l4Yi ozjae39 i .. °3,VAllIETIES FROSTING MIXES . ACTibN' PRICED! ..,B�ett Crocker . 1.0 pkg 5►., PRICED! FROZEN, CH,IC'KEN, SIIRIMPr ETD, , . SAVE 14c ACTION «WE RESERVE THE• RIGHT i"C UMI1' QU NTIESI, . i LL' Pili ES SHOWN" IN' THIS, AD• GUARANTEED• EFFECTIVE p.r w "tnil0OoH 'SATURDAY, JUI,Y 61k, 1911':'"" •