HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 194 az A � A :NEW, BI^1GO; Clinton Legion U111113:30 .Every Thursday. Ad. mission $1^00, fifteen regular, gimes.. $10.00" each, Three Share -The -Wealth, games. One - Jackpot for $2b0' in50 calls consolation. One call ' and $10.00 added weekly :if not ' won.-•--cgtfn FIERI .POTES:'T'r-•-arts, crafts, antiques at :Ripley High School', Friday, August '2, 4:00 to 10:00 p.m„ Saturday, August, 3, 10:00 a.m. to &:00= p.m.. Admission 5Qc. Meals available, Free' parking, -47732 , ' Zenith makes four quality hearing aids priced from 585 to995. #' f Ill°ESR F-A.IT,K annual • gigantic 'Rummage. bale, BINGO every. Saturday, '• Go deric hLepinn Hall 8:30-pm . ay, ly•=12 ha > „rr.r.�Fft 1re*Ki a tt�5 $1,1:00- ••-• n $ field prizes. Fnur share-the•w alth THE COUNTY 14.0.L. of West Bruce will hold their annual Church Service to the Kirtcar; dine, Anglican Church on Sun- dayt•' 'July .7 at 11, o'clock. Brether•n . please meet at the Town Hall at:10:30, All met*:, berswelcome.: Arthur McCor- Mick,' ,Cbunty,., .Maste'r,” Albert Tout, Deputy Master, H.W. Rit. chis, Cou'ty'Secretary.---27 'P ' • FR' -E- - Come •in fora free hearing test and let us show you the wide range of Zenith .models and&styles. There's &Zenith nearing aid to, Retch an loss a hearing aid can hel ,. FREE , cleaning, arid ,check-up Of ariy hear<"ng aid•. Remember; e'h'9th healing aids:have -suggested retail prices ''significantly below those of, mOst'fOreign irnported %rastrymerits': "' ' • NbiFF The quality goes imbefore the name goes on games, with this.'week s lac pot $85 owOn , in 57 calls Poor prt7e, :'ftt'Irtimlon, '1.,UQ-gtt REGULAR HEARING AID SERVICE CENTER CAM•PBELL'5 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, July 1 1,. 1 -3 P.M. FREE•'. ELECTIIQNIC HEARING TESTS REPWIRS TO MOST MAKES OF FEARING AIDS. 'E. R THEDE kM. HEARING.:AID. SERVICE 88 QUEEN ST. ,.S. KI_TC ICER` PAGRETT1 LAS tIA' so sWEST° STF EET„':GODERI :H • (Near The ._. cgrgmax l Delivery ` � e. o � 50 ' C ±e r g OPEN 7DAYS Modiday: through Tttursdav 4 to 2 a:m. Friday & Saturday . 4 to 3:30 a.m. Sunday 4 to 12 GQDERICk. SIGNAL ST4 R, THURSDAYI JUIa 4, IS74 -1E'AOISA for something d.lfferent. 'When yoo.have friend,' r ' drop' -n,. bring .-them'lo Squire:,Gifts.', ifts ' *fere, awe your �.c�ompeny wout4 . dsllght inn tivuring .your unique .building• that 11,1t + , vented bandshell, `ust brirtltuI °a:s1 giftware Com*. out and-'bKowse;. through our varied boli.utlon of Interesting •gift items, souvenirs ;and •.uthentic Indian arid Eskimo oratts. WMJ°fsaturs, the well 'known names that .everyone, look..for, it sounds ,diffsrent., but why not, try it „- we're Sure you'll find, a visit to Squire Gifts an interesting ex- ri " pe en4e olftS SIer Open Late 77• nights" a! week Highway 21 South Godrich CLINTON -, ONTARIO , frtilEATOr1 BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. " SHOW STARTS 8.30 PAA tOr, t1tingry 0.0109 Y 4 i L ICI T° SNACKS for n0—hungry:. pelopl ' ,; ,. ► YMGODERICH R:ESTAtR-AN K ITAVERNLtST�► HOUSE ��. • LICENSED UNDER THE LIIQUQR LICENSE .ACT WEST; STREET a° .., GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED HAROLD _ K.. ARNOLD .HEARING AIDS TD;.:._R, 8 Diis !1. 'lost , Iliklt r DAY 74 94p4 GODERICH" SERVICE DRAY TUE'SDAY r• July 9 from 9 a.m. - 12 noon: • AT • RIECK'PHARMACY 14 THE eU,ARE°' ,•: 'GODERICH • TELEPHONE 5244241 521-7241 ' Adult Entertainment ...•� t l (11�� They makk $215.39•a risk' o' Cops; and 10 million in one .day asp :Rpbbers'.- -How did .they jet away with it? EWOT(KASTNER pres rt CUFF GORMAN JOSEPH •O,O,1.OG:NA, «°Adult Entertainmert:" •n Yro `1.4'Y •United Artists ;ATitiCHRD D ZAN,IICK DAVID BROWN PRESENTATION + e the kiv�le s -ihtsrn retty, areh'tt�n0 P_ et close to hom wl wr wry�)w/w)wl wl wl wlw)wl wlw/.lr l � OU • w!,^'lwlwlw)wlwlwlwlwl,.,.r�yw,w/wlwlwlwrY'!w/YrIwM'!+•rlw/wM•lwJ�.'llwrlwlwlwlwlwl !••)..'jwlwlw/wlwlwllwJwlwlwlwl,)•Iwlv+Jwrwl•.:, Presldna's Ball FRIDAY: 'J LY -12 Y'/ful lwlw1 'IY'+ "1 11YIM 1.01,,,11v4v,1.11, !!w),.�,rfv •fw/Wlwlwl 1vwIY0.,M,.'l,ylwlw)wry+)wh w! wlw!•Jwrwlw, A *at AN 1 •'t nwn.a,d"An .< BEST^. 'PICTURE: •BEST DIRECTOR' ''.'BEST STORY AND • SCREENPLAY.'. d'_y;ra•i,j • •. • • BEST ERN EDITING A BEST ART ' DIRECTION •• BEST SCORING' » ' • B'1=T CCSTOME • DESIGN." • Complimentary Cocktails - 8'1'to , e; Dance to -the° Mbonlitbrs from, Putnam, - 9 to 1 • Midnight Buffet •" • Q $15. PER COUPLE ° Tickets" aval ble• at the C pb'and' fjom Directors. 0.4 • d 44. Wherever you finove 'theWe(comg Wagon hostess is^the right person ,to . help 'yqu -Mind :a place 4n' your new i;onainity4 ' • 482.-9423 Gail The bolonel •and iiisLE3o, -•.- want YQU o have �-w+v+rv+v.vJ Z y _(For -•your.,. ,... fullest enjoyment— • you must, .) ' • see this film; from the beginning.): DAVID S, WARD :GEQRG ROY'HILL •.TONY•BILL and MICHAEL & J.ULIA•PHLLIPS at theiregu1ar.price. A "4 You get this Holiday Safety -Pack • Each -pack,. •contains: ''Aspirj,n . Kleenex • Nlercurochrome.• Calomine Lotion • • Spray ;tan of Iri,sect Repellent" • Tum.:U:riguenti io"•. First Aid: Spray Cross Safety.olciers f P p ,OFFER CONTINUES •ONLY WHILE.SUFiPLY. LASTS. REG. VAL. $4.O0 (based on manufacturer's suggested retail) ,..._FIRST RACE NIGHT FRIDAY JULY 5. � � .� _.r• old. .. a .$',9,000�flntario Sires Stakes ��yea��eM1 ' PIU Bainton's bac ?ti-M"r "74c T W IN S AE,AP4A(rANU+4PANY ". �` o1�& $vidr and his boys trthk (r ,,flr�ger�libktn' good` n ' , -et the 5`Poialts- O " V ti 87 Kingston ,St. RICH Ie w d ' tCovered Be°ttir � .Area - Cover d- a , .r r� �stan .. ��. ...m .. 'rye Pari Mutuel Wa9Ong -; .ARi�fresntea" g, � rt ,