HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 18pA P _ a PAOH 4�A.-GODE` ( i SIONA1 STAR,,%TIIURSHAY, •JULY 4, 1971,, armors bid to,re-route power Iines ose bn bottle for f� 1otsI lilt'' 11 1 1: 0Y* The Goderich ;tions Club and the two.young Y,L_ion r presentatives• from Texas .exchangedbgifts u enirs�`at �th-e MaitJar-rd--CAiintr.. Club last` Th 'rsda . DustyHubbard left' from• ldalo and so v � . Y x � Y ,, 4 Texas, presented the LionsMpreiden't, Bill Alcock centre, with two pennants from 'Texas and. a iron •from her home town news . a er the,Lubbock Avalanche -Journal. The brandin traridngP P � •g `iron s mbol stands for--'Lubbock-�Leacls the Way'. Robert Ca11►�n:tight, from Rotan, Texas, is holding the Goderich banner that .is ' to -tie taken -back to Texas, (staff -photo)" - Farmers in Huron and Bruce Counti'ess who have 'been fighting the proposed power corridor between Bradley J'unc, tion and Seefortll°'in favoyr, of a route that would travel through lower class, ,farmland • saw .their• ycause d,ealt,a death blow ;by Environment1 minister -William Newman -last week. Mr. Newman, has ordered :ex- propriatior of the lands On- tario Hydro wants for its route. To back' up his decision the mini"s""ter said ,that if farmers • and Hydro have not 'come up with settlements within 80 days the.,: Ontario. Land ,Comper- sdtion •Board will be called upon, to, arbitrate the a matter. The Drily bright point of the decis'i'on ik that the widt,h^of the. right-of-way will ' be reduced, i.nitiallyl at least, from 9,00 feet to 500 feet on the firsf'l "'' fthe • route and 'from 540- feet a 490 feet` on the second leg o the • corridor: When• the land needed for a proppaed e�tpan- siotrthose, rights of way will be increased" to their • original - figures, but until that ,time the ,;extra la.r d „,will remain under the control of the respective farmers. as The 'envirbrirnent minister discounted the fanners' - proposed, routestcfor a number of reasons. Firstly, he, said the, alternate.. route would ' cost about,.$5 million mare than the' Hyuro rcjute and it would riot save.saye.afr appreciable amount of arab.ie_la.nd, . In 'fact, Mr. -- lewman ,felt that the alternatie route wo.i+d probably create '.,tother problems.;, ± eeondl'y 'tlae•N inister,expl' ned that the far- ., m rs' _prop '-d ,route did ,not don't ider :the amount of prime agricultural land that would be affected in the souiherly„endY 'the t hsrinission fine around WiiI''ghain' , and a proposed Wingham," transfer `station. At this point along the'alternate 'transmission route, as much or. _: more.. prime ,Arid„.. nd would be disrupted: + ',Erivironmment • Minister Newman J based his .ex- propriation order on a report] from - Mac' Craig, an Owe Sound lawyer, ,who headed 'an r April ftCoo rding -to Newrnan, Mr. Craig's report • states -that -4n choosing. a route Hydro took more land use fac- tors into `account than' just the disruption ofagricultural land: He cited such 'examples as the number of river..crossings, nurn 1 ber oLw,roperties.affected and, the number of diagonal land. reverences involved.' - Ucensod ,undiI L.C.S.trR,. BAYFIELD,,, R D., GODERICH .5244711 SUNDAYS --- 'DINE BY CANDLELIGHT Our ,fust beef is' a delight FAMOUS, EXCITING,,, ENTERTAINING Charlie E .stein .ANN- H18 •BAND for your listening and dancing pleasure ,4 Yanwnr.r..r.... FIRE AND ALL OTHER LINES HURON ROAD , GOD.ERI,CH. 524- /411 ' Occasionally, son'tething in into 'the., arage. In `the Zvvinter•, nickel." I. insisted 1 would pay t.eresting.or unusual ,comes snow blew in. Neither bothered -the go ng ra e..1 e re se . along -74o brighten the daily me, bit you'kn t`what vo, Men.:• ,hey .tv re . doing F it, for routine, just., when: it seems to are.iiiCe. - ' Canadian literature. Jamie •be%;gettto•g:-dreany u.ple..,,mi' ,•,,,,,,Well o y the, night in said they.w.ere pretty busy, 'and these happened to me recently: quest ifin, the two ladies asked when 'Wanted it done. I First, the good ,Satnaritans., decided' to close the garage said whenever they,could get at The story really .;.began,, one door, because the snow was •- it. I thought he meant . in a night last Winter.- ' blowing in. They, gave a great couple or"•,three 'weeks-, I have an ancient . and heave, the wire came off the ,I went in-tb.•dinner,,deligh:ted., venerable wooden garage, pulleys, and the door came off - at .this display of gratitu-de or whieh 'bears on bath sides of the" rails. - • whatever. After .dinner., .I heard the entrance � the honorable Fortunately, the car,was' hot a bit of ,a din out.back,'and they 'scars : left' ..by my wife and in the garage, or I'd have .been ,were, four young men,, getting 'daughter as theytried at looking rot a new caro The:door that ridiculous door ,. back on g v various times to get the car into weighs 'about six hundred -the tracks. the garage or out of it. pounds. 4 I-was-alrnost,overcome with My wife is the only person of It did - not come crashing something or 'other. Ail four my acquaintance who. can try to + right down, but hung,, suspen- were former' students of mine: .,04,4„,a-car_out of a garage and ,d'ed by'the wire, at a .forty-five Mike Laurin, Mike Dragoman, get it wedged -k•itty-corner degree.,angle in,the garage. You 'John Sachs and Jamie Hunter. across the. building. On several couldn't have driven a kiddy At least -two of them_ had been occasions d have almost had to car in them working•since eight o'clock that have the 'garage demolished to >= I was /g'oing to Organize a ` morning, and here they were 2 getthe Carout.- -., . . ..work pa.;ty and get it back. on twelve hours later', slugging night last. the rail', it was storm and awayata '.brutal awkward. job ' • Anyway, on this ig h Y, winter,'` wife -and .a fiend then•"I -got .the `flu ---and time for their�`old English teacher. I 'were,�trying to close the garage went n, and things�cr_ =piled _up; was touched. They.-„absolutel .' ' refused any payment.. e ' -A/couple of -times,” r went out • I- was just as astonished as o garage, which ;will probably'• '.a. d_ looked at the stupid. thing, was :moved. .Here were four. ever see forty_again. The door did once tried CO get ft,back on young guys who, ' instead of is ' not eiractly. electronically • he rails, which' almost gave me' moaningparourtd. Omit, no'em- controlled. a double hernia. ` . • . J-ployment, or' living- on -welfare, ° it is a massive tiring, abolrt Well, time went on;•and my had formed a loose partnership, six inches thick, of hardwood: wife nattered away about get and were doing construction It would cost about a thousand . ting that door, fixed and the'._._ painting, anything . they could. .dhllars..--ta bu.i1d. tod.a�.-The '.�:neighbou�rs dropped a few-l�,in-ta„y.,,.get%.:,-.,:�,,,,,,,,.tlx,,�.,.,rro.,,,,,,, chap -who- installed -it was quit but I --became sort of fond of They were immediately of - ingenious, that crazy thing hanging°there, fered• the job `'of taking off -my, "• He installed a couple bf rai as one might g•et • fond" of, a storm windows and painting some pulleys, . and two "hyge . cross-eyed, cat. - my house, And that':e 'haw you , weights at'the end• of solrne One fine'evening recently, •f get ahead in the, world, which hea-vy;-- ire. While the door was'Sitting:in'•the'back•yard, en- �rdoes NOT owe you a' living could not be rai"sed and slid • .joying my preprandial a eritif,` ,young' man back With ancouple of fingers, when ' an old, truck pulled up In addition to this lucky like those in a modern garage, '•a'nd •a 'sweaty, dirty young mail,° .strike, I have Dan. St: "Amand, a strong man, with a good • came' through the gate. ,, another studeritf and' thee best heave, could get it ' up ands ' Under; tide. grime I: iflevltified ' cornet player in the wholelarea, sliding• back along the rails. '`,iamie Hunter, whom I' taught cutting my lawn, so' all in all,.. it ' ' I• ,• atn' not- a particularly last year" .Grinning, •he announ- looks like a good summer.. -- , • • strong • roan. In .:fact, ' I. am a ted, "Mr.r'Smiley, I'm going to tweak• one, in' more ways than do something for Canadian. cine as, ,r,y wife could tell' you•. literature°•'' L wars baffled. " He r1nn . _ ,_—as,.t._.Y seem tO. /Fhis door is as old as th •"` Mr. Newman recognized the objections lodged by area far.: mers but 7has•decided to go', ahead. anyway. '1"-'1" P'! lY+d'trrray;G��u-rrt,wI-. _who.. campaigned,. against the•. route, could only comment t'lat the reduction ' of • c2trridor wid- ths, 'was --'a helpful oncession,; beat .the ideal Solution would° have been, ,a re-routing, of. the. ::.power 'lines, -r � ,{ Wr w,,.ywlw! M'rwlw/wlwlr•lwhvlw)w/ Iwlw)wr.••tiwlwM•N•IwrwH•tM'I•.7wlw/w/w/v wlv+I�+lfy�'IA•IPMv.I�•fwl:•• M•Ir".I.^'�Ywfw/w . sa result, f usually°�left the went on, "V�1hen are you going garage d.00r;� open. I' reoi ldn't to get your•garage door fixed?" see• the point in'all that heaving "Oh, that: Any day rtdw and. hauling. This ancioyedmy Jamie; as soon as I.. can find wife::- In• the fall, leaves blew someone to do it. Why? "Well, every. time Mike and I drive ,by. and see that. door, it ,bothers us, •We're going Co 'fix •it for you'.". rest!'.',. enahusasticall ."L ow much cant -14S : "It's not going to cost you -,a - I�.:rlw ,.Iwrw/WII :Iwr , aye. .,w w,,� r Ywlu1.,,,n, WED.,‘ THUJRSF, FRI.� sAT., JULY}10,11,12,13• BER fi WELCOME,. ' SERV.ICEI would .Ike ,to Call - you 'with "hbusewarming_gifts" and in- "' formation about your new 'location. The Hbstes'a will ba glad to, arrange your •subscrip- tion -to. the Signal -Star Call eat 524-7854 R• -eriJ c carman photograp 524-7924 p S'S 0 — RTS 95 Toronto:, St: large—WEDDINGS... ,small children • family aerial , colour olt R TRA1 �MII�EIt�A��:^ Indusw'ialn� STCA_R— brochures F R A M I N G= needlework PHOTODRAWING ENLARGEMENTS y «Y DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 e PHONE 524.9981 All • fishermen should know ' how to swan, know first:a and carry a first aid kit with them on fishing ,trips. 'Wear• a personal flotation•..4evice which . • will support you in yourgfishing clothes. Keep. ;in the .swim with,, 'Red Cross Water, Safety.- `' • �\ �`14'�v' l ♦ ti{:x.•{y.}}'r • 14•{ q'•\•} \} " i'M•{'1k'v.'k?}'{ +, -plc.:y{; :.{'?:;.{' •:{•x:^4:1 '+ ; y \4 \ a �: {: \{Y4C•+: }�O?'h {.. •.:..{;'•,�1,��'�ti /he Forun`n makes suii)rnerccm'e alive witb.tf=i'e'best in live entertainment. A celebration of"wbrm summer, oftetnoaris • and 'evenings, and later,, the mellow weekends of autumn,,Rock.i,Jazz, Folk. Symphony. :Ballet. -Opera. Ali in a ,beautiful outdoor amphi, theatre by,, he•water. There's roorn for 8,000 people to enjoy_ it all, a Cinesphere arches its glii'ter ng sphere .around the wortds,most erdvanced'fdm theatre. With towering. new l«AJC films ...six,:;storeys high,' ,With with 16-f"racic stereophonic sound' This year, hang onto Your seat for a world premiere: •tlae'breath-stopping .: hi -junks of ' Snow •Job . (ts.a lqugh•fillod ride_in a . :pione,,..on .0 bus.. i n the,..a.iir..dnd through the ' snow. And returning this,a, corner is the • widely:' acclaimed film Volcano..., the brilliant drama of an Icelandic volcano eruption. Children's Villa' is the wo° itis -most exciting playground. Over 30 space-age ways for : kids toh'ave jrx, -in"a happy place dreamed up just for-thernr. On,.a M6.pn_W.a1K. An Earth ( -, _ Box Crawl. Cuing bliss- .. fully drenched in the,N• . ' • oew�,Woter Play Area. Sitdoting Water Cannons. (Aftbrovatds, they pop • Ainto t bird•shoped Kid Dryer to get dried off.) . `this year We've added.. omething,f 0 gr !M up a rtew Mrni-Gattrisur"se ' Eighteen hples in -.N . • ... -stbrylcrndr tting: -Putt•puttl Experiential Theatres in -steel pads'high :above. the,, water, surround you. with sound„..colour, imrlge . It:s_a whale new multi -media theatre e.x'pe.rience using firm slides, lights, •,music. This year there s a startling view' of Canada's capital in "Ot taws More Than aCity and the swirl of dancing colours and patterns known as 'Kaleidoscope' 0. Plus: °Marching bands, clowns, ,talking • animals' ail over the park. A tra��elling Showboat to fill the canals -with' the 'sound of music.' The FMCS Hada. Youthcraft •Ontano, a new' artisan`showplac,e+•:The Marina with its unique sec roll promenade.. /ylore' than 2b' eating 'rind drinkl'ng.:plcioes in all, for -every' palate -and pocketbook; , Pedal.- Boats. •. Weekend .hel:icopt'er rides. Par'k- land, Picnic spots; -And watch for many mare- . new things:to enjoy, all season long• �� Hours: Surnmer, .Progrcirnme:- May 18 -Labour • Day, Park open 10 00 a,m. J:00 a,m, Attractions ' open to 10:00 p.m.Autumn Programme: Sepl.' tember 7 through Thanksgiving. Park and At- tractions open weekends and "`holidays only,, time; Os above. Winter Programme: Sunday, -fa `February 28 • ADMISSION; (Includes all attractions above, r xcept. pedal howls, • helicopter. rides,..Mi.rti,Golf and tours of HMCS Honda: Adults (18 and ov,er): $1.50 each (after 91:00 p.m., $1.00).• Juniors°r (.I3-17°): '$1.00 each. Children with parent .or, :guardian: .free (up to 4 children); Ch•rltlren (12. and under, unaccompanied): 754 each.`ntario resident senior citizens: frees • Parking: on site $1.00. (Except during CNE p riod.) During CNE admission • ' paces will be the same ds those chor ed by the Exhibition. Tickef will permitentry to .c bath Onfariq Plage .and CNE, Spacial Rotes: O,t:oup ti :discount civd�lable`n, .� f11►' pre-arrdnged tours. 'Pht5ne (4.A) 965.7064 f .% informatio'n. tiliNESE 52A-2242 • Try our Delicious Prepared Meals • We have excellent Dining Facilities • We can also prepare Your meals for convenient Take-out •n., T,.huir. 1 O' to 1 a Fri=u=Sat. 16 to 1 Sunday 1 1..to 10 Treat Yourself to dinner , out at • • wiY, l'° 1 y1'rr'rrvr ,.IIs rrarrwr,.vn.