HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-1, Page 3,N•
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,.- v.,:.,:r._QL' ...,,.....„:„;•;";
Mrs. IL D. )Vest
of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.
$200 Worth,
Of Other IViledleirtes Failed
Batt d Bottles of Xfood's Sctraaparilla
"It is with pleasure that I tell of the great
benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Per (3 years I have been badly, al:dieted with
breaking out with running Sores during hot
summer months. I have soinetlinee not heel;
tibia to 1150 nay limbs for two loonths at a time.
Seing induced to try Hood's SarsaParilln, X got
ono bottle last spring, cominenced using it; felt
•0 much better, got tsvobottles more; ,took
twin during the summer, was able to do my
housework, and
Walk Two IttIllies
which I had not clone for six years. Think I
am cured of erysipelas, and reconunentl any
person so afflicted to use
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Potir bottles has done more for me than $200
worth Of other medicine. I think it the 'best
blood pinifier known," Mn, II. D. Ni-nSw,
Church street, Cornwallis, N. S.
HOOD'S PILLS euro liver Ills, constipa.
tion. biliousness. Jaundicesick headache. 25e.
The Privy Council Decides in Favor of
tlte Provincial Government.
Losmoe. Feb. 28, -The 'Indicial"Coni-
mittee of the Privy Council gave judg-
ment on Saturday declaring the Ontario
act respecting assignment and preferenced
by insolvent bankrup,te to be valid.
Their lordships declarecrihat said pro-
visions at issue -l -enactments relating to
assignments purely voluntary -do not in-
fringe on the exolusive legislative power of
the Dominion goverrnnent.
The merits of the case were heard on
December 15, when Hon. Edward Blake
appeared for the Province of Ontario and
Sir Riohard Webster presented the argu-
ments on behalf of the Dominion. The
question was whether the jurisdiction of
the Dominion Parliament- on the subject
of bankruptcy and insolvency was so ex-
eotusive that though not exercised the Pro-
ncial Legislatures were powerless to.give
t -en partial relief, Canadian judges had
differed on the subject.
Notorious Character Dead.
HAMILTON, Feb. 27. -Mrs. Frederick
Mandelbaum, known in New Yolk city as
a notorious "fence." and who did a.
fletirtehtoghnsiness there in that line for a
„1_,,nniiite'r of years, died here yesterday.
Mrs. Mandelbaum was about 65 years of
age. She was very wee/thy, having ao-
cumulated a considerable fortune as a go-
between for the shady eleniint of New
' York society and as a receiver -of doubt-
fully acquired goods. She mune to this
city about ten years ago, when the New
York authorities had begun proceedings
against her and her conviction was prob-
able. .A. big legal fight ensued here for
her extradition, but with the assistance of
Attorney Hummel Mrs. Mandelbaum was
enabled to continue her residence in Can-
ada and has reaided here with her family
ever since.. For a time she carried on a
small business here, but has lived retired
for ;leveret years past. During her en-
forced residence in Canada ;she never ven-
tured across the border, but her remains
will be taken to Nev York this afternoon
for interment there on Wednesday morn-
Parricide Takes His Own Life.
HONESDALE, Feb. 27. -Lawrence Mc-
Donald, who Murdered his father at
Prompton on January 5, committed suicide
by hanging in the Wayne county jail. He
was found dead by Sheriff Murphy yester-
day morning. McDonald had opened the
window lattice, stood on a chair and tied
a sheet around his neck and to the lattice,
and then kicked the chair farm under him.
One side of his body was badly frozen. He
left a letter stating that he and his father
were alorie in the house when the crime
was M:emitted, and that he was intoxi-
cated. The dogs began fighting and he
took a club to part them. He said he
struck his father by iniatake,and continued
to hammer him, thinking that be ivas
striking the dogs. He thanked. God that
he would soon be out of his trottliles.
Five mon, four colored, o.,ne white, were
killed, and several others injured, by the
explosion of a boiler in the oil mill of
.1reeman '8c Rayne at Compte,
F. C. Cotton, M. P. I'. for Vancouver,
and publisher of The News -Advertiser of
that city, refased to answer certain
questions in court and has been committed
for contempt.
Col. Gibson of the 18th Battalion, Ham-
ilton, and Col. Smith, sergeant -at -arms of
the House of Commons, have been ap-
pointed honorary aides-de-camp by the
Governor-General, •
' A St. Catharines young man eloped with
a clairvoyant, who has been carrying on
business in that city. The event has
caused mnoh,exeitement.
James Howe stabbed Patrick Carollin
while the two men were in the Atlantic
House, Ingersoll, on Thursday night. Car -
injuries are serio110.
Daniel Leary, of Douroe, near PE3terboror,
lost his way in last Monday's snowstorm
and his dead body was found on Saturday
about three miles from Peterboro'.
The Preach Government elainis that the
second light between French and British
forces in Sierra Leone" was due to the Brit- lost
ish invading French territory. now
Mrs. Myra Rradwell, editor of 1.ega1 to b
News, and the find lady lawyer admitted
to the bar of Illinois, died in Chicago at
noon yesterday, aged 63 yOars,
G F. Wilson, the postoftIce clerk Who IS
accused of stealing MOiliky from registered
letters, was committed for trial at Lindsay
ou Ptiday by Magistrate Denison,
„ ,
First Meeting ef the Winter Series
Reid in Dunnville,
Delivered hy Practical and Competen
Dairymen trout Ditrerent Ettrts of
the Pritvineer-Hinto from Prof.
Demi; of Guelph Agri.
c olt nral College.
DUNNVILLE, Feb, 24. -The Dairymen's
Attsociabion .WeEitern Ontario held their
first meeting of the series of local conven-
tions to be held in Western Ontario this
Winter. There was a large gathering of
representative farmers from the surround-
ing counties. Some of the most prominent
dairymen and others present were; A.
Pattallo, J. A. Ruddick, Woodetook: J. S.
Pearce, R. Robertson J. W Wheaton
London; E. Booth, Ingersoll; Prof, Dean,
Guelph; I. Cleland, Listowel; .A. G. Gil-
bert, Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; N.
Shapley, Wellanclnort; J. N. Paget, Cam-
ber°. H. Eagle, "Atteroliffe; A. W. Ed-
wards, Caisterville; J. Senn, York.
Mr. .A. Rattail°, president of the asso.
oiation, in, opening the Meeting referred to
the good work being done by the Western
Association through its local conventions.
The first speaker was J. S. Pearce, of
London, who touched on the winter dairy-
ing movement and allowed the importance
a the farmer making a more 'special effort
in 'dairying and keeping only good cows -
cows that Will pay and return the farmer
the most profit. He recommended that
farmers should not make dairying a side
issue, but one of the important branches
of his business.
Mr. L. A. 'Congden, deputy reeve of
Dunnville, extended a hearty welcome to
the dairymen on behalf of the citizens.
Mr. Pattullo accepted, the thanks of the
citizens and introduced Mr, A. G. Gilbert,
manager of the poultry department, Ex-
perimental Farm, Ottawa. Mr. Gilbert
showed by conclusive argument the
portanee of -the poultry department of the
farm. Every farmer should make one
dollar per hen per year. EyerjF lien.should
lay from 120 to 240 eggs a year. Cut green
bones and out red clover hay are the best
feed for producing egg. Plymouth Rook
is the best fowl for the farmer.
Prof, Dean, Agricultural College:Guelph,
then addressed the meeting on home dairy-
ing or 'butter making on the farm.- He
einphasized cleanliness as a necessary qual-
ity of the successful butter maker. Begin
cleanliness at the stable, have only pure
air in the stable, put cows under such con-
dition that they will ' feel good, then
they will do good service. Milk
should be strained as soon as taken
from the cow. Milk set in shallow
pans should be kept at an even
temperature; in the shot guns cream should
be taken off at the end of 24 hours. Set
as near the natural temperature as possible
in water about 45. The best results are
from the separator. There will be six
times as much cream left in. the milk by
using the creamer than by the separator
and twice as much by shallow pans as by
the creamer. Keep cream sweet until
there is enough for a churning. Twenty -
foul; hours before churning warm cream
to about 60 0. Have the cream ripe before
beginning to churn and warm it skrwly,
and have it at a proper temperature when
churned. When fresh cream is added the
whole lot should be stirred. Use butter
color if the market wants it. Put- color
in cream before churning. The churn
should be as simple as possible, without
any dashes. It should take about half -an -
hour to churn. Stop when the butter is in
the granular form. Use a half to one and
a quarter ounces of salt per pound. Have
butter put up in attractive form -in pound
prints wrap,ped in parchment paper.
Mr. Cleland, of Listowel, gave instances
of how much some of the patrons of his
cheese factory had made last season. They
ranged from $500 to $650 from their cows
011100 Rates of land, and from $700 to
$850- from cows on 150 acres of land.
Seventeen men received over $10,000 last
season from the Cheese factory alone.
Mr. Boyle, M.P. for Monett, and Dr.
Montague, M. P. for Haldimand, then ad-
dressed the meeting, briefly showing the
importance of dairying to the Canadian
The convention, for .practical benefit to
the members of the association, was an
unqualified suocess.
A. Change of Venue Granted in the Hooper
THREE Mynas, Feb. 26.-A letter was
received by John R. Hooper, in jail here
awaiting his trial on a charge of attempted
murder, from his lawyer, Mr. Renaud, in-
forming him that he may have a change of
venue. Hooper will be tried in Montreal.
The Attorney -General, Hon. L Chase Cas.
grain. and the Crown counsel, Messrs.
Cornellier and MacMaster, have consented
to the clump. Hooper will accept gladly,
and the $100 which is necessary for such
change has been furnished.
He Was Once Chief Justine of the Superior
Court, Ouebec,
QUEBEO, Feb. 27. -Sir William Meta,
dith, ex -Chief Justice of Superior Court of
Quebec, died yesterday, aged 82. Sir
William Meredith was born in Dublin. Ire-
land, in 1812. ' He came to this country
In 1824 with hie stepfather, the Rev. Ed-
ward Burton. He retired from the Bench
In 1884. He received the honor of knight-
hood in 1896. '
ziot So Serious a Disaster,
Lotenes, Feb. 27 -Later despatch**
from Port Louis show that the effects of
the cyclone which passed over the Island
of Mauritius last Thursday were not as
disastrous as at first reported. A passen-
ger trein consisting of an engine and utile
cars was blown from the Port Louis bridge
into the river and five passengers were
killed and ten injured. All of those killed
Were employes of the Midland railway.
The granite cutters of Contiectient went
on strike fourteen Months ego, and have
over a million dollars in wages, and
the strike is settled. The unions are
e recognized, ' so it seems the men
have won the fight, though their loss is
A company with $400,000 capital has in
VieW the construction of One or more
bridgee over the Niagara gorge, with the
intention of constructing a bolt line to
take in both sides of the liter, in bounce -
!ion with the Niagara Palls Park and River
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best productsto
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraeed in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas -
nut to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of it 011.30 lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction, to millions' and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on, the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but, it is manu-
factured: by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will noI
accept any substitute if offered.
For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store
The Important Events in a Few Words
for Itussr Readers.
Joseph Hartley; porter in a Winnipeg
hotel, hats fallen heir to 835,000.
Last Thursday was a holiday in the
United States -Washington's birthday.
The steamer Millard has been lost off the
Nicaraguan coast with 60 men on 'board.
In Lethbridge, N,W. T., 583 rninershave
quit work owing to a reduction in, wages.
Senator Howlan has been appointed
Lieut. -Governor of Prince Edward Island.
A shock of earthquake was felt in New
Jersey on Wednesday. No serious damage
was done.
The important strategic railway connect-
ing Tien-Tsin with Shanghai, China, is now
Mrs. Sophie Beresford, of San Francisco,
has died from glanders, which she contract-
ed from a horse.
Three Chinamen who had been smuggled
over the Canadian border were captured in
Chicago on Friday,
Wm. Waldorf Astor has subscribed $10,-
000 to the fund for the relief of the unem-
ployed of New York city. '
A gang of women counterfeiters has been
unearthed in Omaha, Neb., and two of its
members are under arrest:
The death is reported at Liverpool of
Capt. Richardson, commander of the Allan
Line steamship Sardinian.
The Manitoba Legislature, by a vote of
81 to 5 has rejected the proposal to ;abolish
the Provincial Government House.
The Governor of Texas has been arrest-
ed on a charge of 'violation of the State
game law. He was admitted to bail.
Chicago pickpockets took $500 in dash
and $25,000 in securities from a Wabash
avenue car passenger on Wednesday.
The Reichstag, by a large majority, has
adopted a proposal to introduce in Ger-
many the Australian method of polling.
Ex -Premier Mercier delivered a violent
speech on the Manitoba school question on
Friday night before the Club National of
Frank Benninger, while attending ' an
edge saw in Thompson's mill, at Shallow
Lake, Ont., on Thursday, had his right
hand cut off.
An anti -Chinese Sunday school agitation
Is in progress at Chicago. It is urged
women should not be brought into contact
'with the Celestials.
Tho League of American Wheelmen has
deoided to bar colored men from member
ship, and to put the makers' amateurs in it
class by themselves.
A nlimber of manufacturing establish-
ments at Norwalk, Conn., which were
closed last fait on account of hard times,
have been re -opened.
Mr. Edward D. Davison, one of the
wealthiest and most enterprising men of
Nova Scotia, died at Bridgewater on Wed-
nesday of pneumonia.
At San Francisco on Friday Dr. Eugene
West was sentenced to 25 years in the peni-
tentiary for the murder by malpraetice of
Addis Gilmour, a young milliner.
At Thomasville, Ga., Thursday evening,
Henry Spencer, a condemned murderer,
• escaped from gaol, after he had shot and
killed 'the gaoler, Timothy Singleterry,
Leo Lauthier, the Paris Anarchist who
on November 13 stabbed M. Georgevitch,
Servian Envoy to France, was on Friday
sentenced to penal servitude for life.
A French missionary in Anhwei, China,
was aesaulted and robbed by a' mob re-
cently. Like indignities were suffered by
English and Americans in Foo Chow.
By a railway collision near Huntingdon,
Pa., on Friday, William Sneath was in-
stantly killed and Conductor Sohn M' -.-
and Samuel D. Warely were badly in-
A mob of freebooters known as the
"redheaded freemen" are committing ex-
tensive clepredatione in the Shao-Chow dls
ttiet la the north of Kwan g Ting Province,
At the annual meeting of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad, changes
were made in the direetorate which, it is
said, placethe road in the control of 60
Vanderbilt. ••
Verdict of Suicide*
LONDON, Feb. 27. -The coroter's jury
inquiring into the deatit 02 tho ;mail:Ansi
Martial Bourdin, who was killed by the
explosion of a bomb itt Greenwich park on
the night Of February 15, returned a ver-
dict of suicide,
- No Sign otthe itintotithod Diluters.
WaoXasnititun. P
.3 Fab, 27. -his Id
the 18t11 (10r and not 4 sign' has yet been
disoovered of the thirteen Vietithe in the
Gaylord nil 11
?if.1 t
111,h, -'64ifirik0, ititt,
A ltliil I id
' &E'sj-caeeeralaari:. li. pi vi.
M Ifill, ' ilr
tii Vil it
Beidg free from
all combine,wel'141o; offer farmers the best in every line. In Binders, the Maxwell as a three -
canvas machine never yet excelled. "Walter A, Wood",matle by Frost & Wood,single apron, open back Binder, denounced.
by all rivals you know why), and McCiormiele Bencliochine, Mowers --Frost & Wood,tMaxwell, and McCormick. Rakes
of every description, Cultivatois --Hamilton's New. Elastic Giant, Champion, Bell,and others. Ploughs of all the leading
makes, Scufilers, Cutting Boxes, Crushers Tread Mills, Wind Mills, Hay Forks, either round rod or angle steel ; %gone,
Sleighs, Etc., Eto, We ask all interested 'to call at our Rooms and prove the correctness of our claims and Eraistatements of
unprincipled rivals.
A 1141!*1
Dear Sirs, --I have been using B. • B. B.
for boils Emil skin diseases and find it very
good as a ours. As a dyspepsia cure I
have alio found it unequalled.
Mrs, Sarah Hamilton,
Montreal, Qae.
• English Spaym Liniment removes all
•bard, soft or oalloueedLuums and Blem-
ises from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splinta, Rine Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure eveiknowe. Sold by 0. Lutz, Drug-
lat. Sep 18,'93
• RELIEF IN S/X Homts.-Distressing Kid-
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Mi-
llet, Cute." This tiew remedy is a great
eurpriae and delight to physicsians on ac-
couot of its exceeding promptness in re-
lievhog pain m the bladder, kidnembaok
and every part of the• urinary passages in
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost immed-
ateiy. If you want quick relief and cure
this is your remedy, Sold by C. LOTZ,
0. C. Rion/awe & 0o,
My son George has suffered with neural-
gia round the heart since 1882, but by the
applieation of MIN.ARD'S LINIMENT In
1899 it completely disappeared and has not
troubled him since.
Rasmus= CURED •IN A DAY. --8011t11
American Rheumatic Owes for Rheum atiera
and Neuralgia, nakedly curet; in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark-
able and naysterions. It removes at once
the cause Eind the disease immediatd Ws -
appear& The doee greatly 'benefits, I
wa, ELDER, Hmisa.mri ALND BitUCEPIELD.
A disastrous eyclone has occurred in
kMattieudri.tius Is
land. Fifty persona have betna
The undersigned:wishes to inform the Public in general that he keeps oan--
dandy in Stook all kinds of
Special notice is drawn to B. a Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled:te be the
lYfostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said b
competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate.
See -that horse?
Furniture Abet is not only useful, but a
pleasure to the eye, costs no m.ore than
the other kind. It is only necessary to
• go to the right place to get it. We can
show you the prettiest and daintiest de -
sips imaginable. The house beautiful,
the heme comfortable is made by the
furniture in it. Do you knovr how
easily and cheaply this can be accom-
plished ? A walk through our store will
show you. Here you will find
Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything
in the Furniture Line,
N ItowE.
animals cured In 30 ululates by Wolford's :
Itch on human and hcrees and all
6 .
75 cents. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. 018
Sanitary Lotion This neverfaila. Sold by
He has a
,$mooth •an d
glossy ooat
and feels ba
good enough
condition to
Will the
ani so would
m horse if
it; owner used
lt renews the system, enriches fht blood land
gives nature a fair °hence, is also at unfailing
eradicator for hots and worms. It i, just as
good for cattle as for horses: Try a SW peek -
age if your horses or castle are not thriving.
Fora spavin, ourb, ringbone or kpiint, use
Dick's Blister 50m -Dick's Liniment for
sprains, swellings, bruises, oto 250. -Dick's
ointment for scratches, old sores, saddle galls,
eto. 25o. mailed on receipt of priee.
DICK Sr 00,2. 0.Box 482 Mogramaxo
Send 26 "Snulight"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
look older sooner then a man") to Lever
Brae., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you
will receive by Fein a pretty pieture, free
from adyertieing and well worth framing.
flits is an easy way to.decorate your home.
l'he soap is the best in the market, and
it will only cost lo postage to send in the
wrappere, if you leave - the ends open,
Write your addrees carefully.
An OLD AND Win.L-TRiED ItismEDy.- Mrs.
Winelow's Soothing 'Syrup bas been used fifty
years by millions of mothers for their children
while teethincwith perfect success. It soothes
the child, Not tene ate geree,allaye the pain,
cures the oolio, and is the best renaedy for
Diarrhoea, le pleasant to the taste. Sold by
druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value is inoaleulable, Bo sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Eoothing Syrup
and taice no other kind.
We have on hand a select Stock of
Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolle
and Salt Meat, which we aro selling
cheap for cash.
Crocks, pails and tubs filled with
Pure Lard at lowest cash price ; as we
sell for cash only, we allow- no one to
under sell us, and we guarantee all
Goods sold at Packing House.
Cuttings, Sausage, Tender Loin,
and all cuts of Fresh Pork on hand,
Boots and Shoes
Must be solcl this month.
Now is theZchanco of a life
time to get •good cheap
• footwear at •
The People's Shoe Store.
Next Door to Post Office.
m,moz,xtaarimom.. •
Agent for the Brantford Ste
Laundry. •
Can always
Be' Dressed Well
If he:goes to the properiTailor.
• We have a large range of Pat-
terns to choose from -;Natty
Tweeds, Serge' and Worsteds,
made up in any style, and fitting
the customers so well that inti-
mate friends do not scruple to
ask who made your Suit. Our
customers never hesitate but
answer with a knowing sinile,
.0-0 YE -11\1-S(
The Tailor.
ralhionablo LEAD'
• a
young, oid or middle Siged, who And them- aW nt a Bicycle?
selves,nervouti, weak and exhausted, who are
breiten down from exceed or eve/ work, result- I
ing in many of the following symptoms • TH E G
ental depression, premature obi age, loss of
ovf4 axial thYt', iplal°tfamti oenkil 'her! 'tbhitisti hdertZgl, se) Ind iinissilloenul,
leek of enertisopain in the kidneys, headaehes,
pimples on the face and body, itobiug, ur
peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting
ut the organs, dizziness. speots before the ey08'
twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elSe-
where', bashfulness, deposits in the urine loss
f will power, tenderness of the scalp and
ninth weak and flabby muscles, desire to
leer), lailure to eti rested by sleemconstipation
uilness of hearing, loss of vome, desire for
oil tude, exonabi lily of tens per, sun ken eyes,
urrounded 'with leaden eireles, oily looking
kin, etc., are all eyinistome of nervous debil-
ty that load te 15083(113' unless eured, The
pong or riteloottroo having lest i ts tensioh
very lunation wanes in eonmequence. Those
he through *buss committed au igeeranoc.
ay be permanently tiered. Send Your ad*-
mistier book on diseases peculiar to Man,
ant free, sealed, Addres....M, v. LtmoN, 24
aottoonell Ave., Toronto Ont...Canade
, •
A gontso sell our sheltie and hardy netaety
stook either on balary or Denuniksion. Wo
ate give outman the privilege of selling our
new and choice yarieties of seed potatoe s.
Secure the ageney at oboe, which will hand-
somely rePay You cs now is the time to soli
uab goOdo for i g
Adtheas the Fk N. MAY COMPANY, Nursery -
Men and Psepaitaters of Choice Sed Potatoes,
Rochester, N. Y.
:4°87' TIRE
1401 taSu‘"0
Is the only Tire that vve satisfaction y ar
• t414',1tTLIOCD ny
The Goold ki!tycle Co,
0,1 Yosee sreasy, Brantford, Ont.
vonoal 0
Fannon's Block.
Best Ordered Glutting ptoduted in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave year or(l.ers early,for
with tlin best staff of Tailors ; the bee
stook of rine Trimminge, and the hest
Cutting in Town, yea are Imre setisfaet
• Succeeded in raising our business
from the smallest to the largest, not
only hi the County of Huron, but equal
to many in the eity of Toronto.
A. large Stook
Well Bought
•Well Selected
Sold Cheap
Sold at a Profit.
Hard Work
Square Dealing.
• Wo do not give our goods: away to
some customers and make others pay
high prices. Uniform prices and small
profits itIl round.