HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 50QDE-41CH SI'GNAIeSTAR,'TH1JR$D` ►t"
.Karl KrQhmer captain of the, Goderich Atom Select Soccer.
squad p,roudly dis laYs troPhY his tedfn won ,i .the
This. week preyed to be
another busy one a1,She Sunset.
with the long wee1tend in the
'midst of it. Our Holiday Party„
`appeared. to be •a. success if
cess jean be measured ,by
•.satisfied smiles and the number
of golfers who came back for
More the following day.
in the 1V1ixed-Scotch Tr3vg
Ball, 'thih,,a•iri'ners• were: ,Adele
ennan and George Low -with.
44, Mike Drennan and Willa
Wil.liarns- with a, 40, and the
mpst • honest golfers were
Sherry Hayter and John .
•Sturdy.. We would like to thank
Brian Ainsley fr'orri
1 who provided the music for' the'
•. evening: Most seemed to enjoy
thea dance , and Willie and
George Low appeair. ' to be as
• fine a• match on the°golf 'course<
as they are on the dance floOr.
This week we were pleased to
host a number of events ,at -thee
Sunset:v(14he Kinsmen;'s Annual
Steak Barbecue `was' held here
on Monday .night, the Huron
Electric • League. Golf' -- •
riam nt;'on W edes y.n da ', Robert-
winners' were' Karen Sturdy
and Ellen Connelly.
The ladies are reminded that
July 4 is Prize Nile. Everyone is
to bring a $1. gift; then everyone ,
wins. There will be a shot gun
start at .6.• a lock, so be sharp.
Suund y;` ;4une 30--proeed.t0'
be'' an eventful day for •two
Jiiriiors• Dave Bedour shot one
of his better games and was'the
winner for the day. Other Win-
ners_were -Mike Graf, Steve
Davy and Roger Lewis. -
Ray Bade, another Junior, is,,.
also . to be congratulated, Hie
made :his first holerirt-ane on
number 16, here, Sunday. • Rayis ' seventeen and, ,has been
member at the Sunset `,along
with his father and sister for
two -years, Ray will have• his
name engraved' on our Hole -In
Qne Plaque and will recewe a
$26: -.,gift certificate front ;our
Pro Shop.. Ray is our. first
Junior to. to. 'make. a hole-in-Qne ..
here, Out at this ratei_it.will not
be his last,'
' Hope 'to see you 'r ore in 74,
Three ° persons y'ere ;injured
in separate :traffic accidents:
last: week,. Gdder:ieh police
reporj. '
Thomas �.. Hayden: R#I 5
"Goderich suffered seriot4m ' in.
juries Jine"`L7r�rv'fien the motor-
cycle he was driving mild a Gar-
diner 'Dairy truck, driven'by
Gerald Mero, collided at the in-
tersection of Victoria Street
and O.1o)icester- Terrace.Tht motorcycle received .$600
damage' and the -truck $300
damage.. as' a result ,of the ac='
cident, police est mate.
Ori`June 2'8, Rita TigereRR 6
Goderich, suffered neck injuries
when the czar• she was driving
*;ova's hit from beh nct.jay a' car " "on Bruce Street near the ded over to .his fa4her.
driven by.Stew rt S.tweenstra, . Goderich Nursing, Horne.. "• . Police Chief, Pa( King
\Kingston St, Damages Were $-8Q ' Police srty there were no wit--• 'eminds the pub1ic� that 'a
to l h Tigert car and $5fi,to .ehe nesses to the `accident. ,The van Gdderich ,bylaw • prohib►its
SteenstraCar, , police say., y received $artone200 damage. Y front sch l
The third accident victim A car 'driven by Arthur Suter firearm within toyfl limits, The
last week was Isobel Murray,* ter, Walker� n;` received $500 Criminal Code 'oaf Canada
%6 - West St., . who s ffered a damage and a`:„car driven by H. . prohibits anyone under 16 from
broken arm and bruises when Glenn • Haye, 85 Essex ning a except cinder
she was struck by a bicycle on a •received $250 damage when the proownging ns'Qf a 'sfirearmpecial permit.
sidewalk along West Street. vehicles ipllida'd° Jude 29 MAP..Parents., should temernber
bicycle was ridden by a -intersection-of--Victoria Street ,these Laws and how .they apply
age 7. ° to children, the chief says,
!oral kioy, and 'The Salt ..Mine Road'.
A. bit and run accident=June,; Police arrested and charged 4 The chief also asks. parents to.
28 was investigated by officers • one man witgh-breek,enter and tell their, children`s not Ito ride
who are still looking 'for a truck „ theft and•,•.another with•mischlef ' bicycles on . •i3idewalks• Its is
that struck Via. van Owned by early Saturday morning bin con. against the • law:
Hoffrneyer-Y -Plumbing and nection ,with the ,breaking of a Bicycles can only. •
'be ridden
Heating. The van was park plate elide window at the IQ, ,;4,1 on the. right ,etde of roads.'
store on South 'Street: ► bu n'; Cyclistsi should also ,watch
' \ City of cigarets was st`olen.' for., pedestrians to. avoid-teagre- •._
Police. say .the. arrests were accidents such asthie one on.
made within.a few haters of they West” Street Tun Z9, 'when la
"break-in. ; woman suffered -bruises .and a
About' the same time "a plate. broken arm -when; she was:. ,
glass : door .' a> G;od.erich\ struck by.a bicycle 'ridden by a
orial. Arena. -was smashed. `-ehild. •
Police say there• is no connec . Adult' cyclists` should set a
Cion with the earlier incident,. gond exam•ple for youngster's by
and' an 'investigation is- -cons . obeying -traffic regulatio.na-
'tinuing. ° wen riding, the chief main-- •
A, local golfer cginplained to tains.,
police • onhe , weekend that a Cyclists, going into'-downtow •,
person 'was firing a rifler In, ''shops •should' lean.their
res onse to the' call police b'i"eycles against walls and, not
P m,
,•.. - ;, �� � .. ; . seized• e'''.22 rifle •from a 13 pa
park t in., the .middle of
Forest City G.olf_ Lea .e on Lawn .B 0 3,
. Year-old- 'rhe; sidew
the chief Centenni t Cup T urnaMe t laSt 'Saturday.The son Scho01 on Fridayand the
Selects coached by Tom Profit an -Tny Jeacock h� adds.
Saturday. award tay•.,defeating C�lintori 1-0 .and Exeter:5-0.: (photo 6y Y• Thank'you for your
• • :. •�T
Aob 4<ellestine)s r uppo rt; we .hope that all had ,,, ,Goderich L' awn .Bowltrtg
an enjoyable time. Club hosted teams from Strat
""Men's Nite was held both• rd.,_.^ St,' ;Marys, Exeter,
Tuesdays -nand Wednesd`ay4 ghht -` fSeaforth; Clinton, ' Norwich,
as there were -those who were Wingham,: Atwood,. and Ilder-
"rained out on Tuesdayevening..° ton •on -the, July l :holiday when ';,,
The top wihnerse -in_ each fl ighi „_ the ,, notoria ' dild• Grey TrL st -
wwere• Dents Lassal ne in "thee 'Tiro went -u for. itsannual
�-first flight, Bob Durnin.in.:the co ppettl; cin,_ P'
second flight end . Harry' The St. -Mir s team`, of
r flight. Brenda , and rr ' _
W`illiaciis 'in the third � ;:.�3:arry iVlcLglla,h
.Wederesdayas ' top winner won.. first' ace:.and the V acrd. ___
er *aw•ard by, slightly
me... the • G° odericli ,team of •
le the final. .game,. with
Goderich against Exeter, it was •
.were in. the first flight •-:Tony
Exet,emr. Centen,ni.a`l` Cup the Combination of Karl Kroh- Bedard in the second' flight,
eturned again .to'Goderich last mer . and, Tommy Profit, that Jack Hinton ndin the third
� R _ � . nd ern? Fi�'her
ekend. again opened the siring, arid' r ' ary Ouse a
night, Rennie "Armstrong. The" ei ht topCeams, were ,as.
�purteen• <Gtiderich Atoms' ,after. this, . it.:was Goderich all . ' •. g' •U� •
All-Star s)• played tthe Way. 'By half time they were - Let's hope, that next Tuesday.,, fo ws -'fleet', Brenda and .
'occer' when they hear- � goals' :Jeff norrrme *.:night r •. , •:,.. ,� • �, Si.-nd Exeter to repeat scoring the .'second goal Mark may be Indic * of sornethTrig, 'sec,ormd,•. Mary• Rouse
last ;year
retain the c1
'Iry i the firs
s b ' 2 l th De 7 ht 'i'rrgs ftng;--•weather it -Larry McLel lane Marys,
performance,. and.- _;Crawford, Jeff Dertomme . and . - gentlemen;-' t ladies; nighthas. Fisher",, Goderi7ch; third, Nora
Jim MacDonald all scored in • not been ;rained. out, yet, * Finnigan and; Lorne 'Gardner,
•'.gktne against,, theso'n•
ecd-.ha•if to make it 5.0 -ladie•s -nig rt was held Thur Wingh'am, • fourth, Marg. and"
-Cfinton,e a ggal 4as 'score d by , for Goderich and Joe .,Melady sday evening: and turned out to . Geo. Allison, Goderich; fifth, -
r ss rom achieved .his second shut e o e a fine d' H S _ i
- ,:ToiYi�m�ofit._._ . _._c o • --- ---.. = . •
A Sunset -Golf' member: frornKitchener soored ,-hole in .one
•tic ; six s er
�' on the $'S yard hole 16 'at'the?Sunset. Golf. and Sport Centre.
f h d h d h t f f b f n evening all round race an acv. crimgeour,
and, as"enoij. h the -competition. ' °" First flight, winnets. Were .Godo h th, Esther. and z
-Karl KrQhmern.
� h
and ce Mel• $read Gadersch seven `;
l.- Tn ` h 1• 'w Sh rl h l I4Y Y R k , from F hole p win the - gain* his goal cs e . oderic ine, up - Was
as as i , y ae ar =.; ,
• „_.,,•._ ,. * � , .x "�..-.. . ;' ., . >i•;i•Su'rltiay.afternoch:" ay Bode plc's his bai.t e o e as;'
w lad coir Bolton eitird' °fli ht wrRrrer,di,Gli•••�1a gyle and borne' tat ''' _
..came after ten, minutes of play folly s doe Me y, . S , a g William Bode, left, Dick; SFmuster `and Bi1.l' Schuster "all of Kit
in the 'second half, '", ;Profit,,' Robbie. kr•sch Jim were. Karen Sgott, Marg Smith. .thews, Goderich; . and' eighth,•v; chener•, watch after his triumph. 4_- •
Clinton came more into` the " MacDonald Mark Crawford, Hodges.; g LiIlii :q ah Al {-n Pyin,.Exeter.
and Teresa Hod es.• third f`Ir ht '� , ' ;.� •q.,�• •�,
game at. this -point but e Tommy Profit 'and. Stephen' ati ., �.. - ~.
f T.
Melady, the Goderich goalie, Profit ""fr-om -the Hearts:
was tested only once. Playing Karl. Krohmer, `Scott Bell,
for the first time together 'the i : ve Elliott, Ben •Melick, Jeff
•,,seven boys from the.Heartsaand- " 3e ornmm ., Mike Moriarty and
seven from .the Gunners were
Step,': ri Jeacock--fz'om the Gun --
caught off -side repeatedly and,iner ;s.\Coaches.Toin Profit
it ,ioo'k some. time 'for them to (Hearts) •,Tony •'Jeacock (Gun -
get used to one another. ners): •
In the other semi -ficial game Special: th
bat -ween Exeter and Seaforth,-. "'and s,Mrs.
t.. ''22 ft p•
ks to•:Mrs. Bell
he score was' - a err J lliott, Mike
minutes -of extra time �'f"ie
Moriarty -Sr. an.elmut Kroh -
game .was decided. can -penalty
crier ."For their. vo.al 'auppor".
These were the .only. +u•r people
shgeits, ,•the final score. being..8-7 •from Goderich, a'lon ith.. the
in fai�or of Exeter. two
'coaches to dheer the oys to
In-,. the consolation final •it . - .
wag Clinton over ••Seaforth. 5-.1, victory. .
0 I FO R
Two door hardtop; 350 V$, automatic,
power steering, power -.)brakes, radio,
fear defogger, 'tinted Windshield, custom • ,
tape piayel, vinyl tops whitewails,..whee0
discs, : side mouldings, -sharp, dark red
with white. top. Local car: Lie. No. DHC..; -
• 340
Four door hafdtop, factory -air con=-•
ditionhnik 455 V8, automatic,' power.',
steering, power brakes, power windows,
:radio, tear speaker, vinyl top, /electric.
rear.defoggef.*lull tinted glass, all..new 4
whitewalls. A' .genuine bargain. Lic.` No.
197 P °
Four r -hardtop, 3,.50 V•8y automatic,"
polder tooting,• power brakes, • radio,
vinyl top, 'rear. defogger, 'tinted' wind-,
shi'aldene .whit6wall tires, 26,000 miles.'
Maroon wit . sm1rt contrasting Ulterior
art - a
give. 9#: �,,,
Soden, 350 V8; automatic, • power °•
steering; power brakes, radlojust-21,000
mlie Smart; dark brow! !Pirriish:.Llc. No:
- "I foiled it' right nekt to that
lady lying on her., st'oraach .'` , `
• , .1
•1 r •
Monthly payor of C
$1000,. 86.61 '60.95 • 47.04 .,31.01*'
15004 .133.24 91.45 , 70.5 49,79
Interest bn above ixtnnp%t' tit 12% Per Annum
r-,Autorttatit thetmoatat , di Permanent washable
fifter e•• 2 -speed fan .e Ventilation control/.
. Tilt-oo!� front • 4 -Way air direction.corft'rol
ii.s(rde-out:chassis-- «. - .
. 400 V8,,auftmmatic, • . er leering, power,
. 'brakes., power wind #", six way,>ower
• '. setts, A]tiAlf=Ni stereo
`• ice, full, -tinted
Oast,: spatial wheel, coy - #. A lately.
looks and drives likes brand` w. Mutt be
seen. 34,000 milt. Lio. No. D.
Sedep,.,.,350 V8,- -:automat
steering', power brake
whitewall*, wheel dike:
'miles On tills;'•top of the finer'
• No.CkH86$ ' '',