HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 4PAQE + ;-GQ ►ERIC, SIGNAL -t TAR',: ',I HURSIDAY, JULY 4, 1974 .GOMMGrIiTY NEWS -Mrs. MaryBe're,of Dungan- non and Earl McNee of Belmore called '• on Au ►lirn friends last Sunday evening. -,, Master Michael Haggitt of - Ztirieh .visited last week with his. grans paredts, Mr. 'and Mrs., Thomas ;.Haggitt. •- • Mrs. Ebner .Trommer visited on Sunday with her9mother, -Mrs: =13. Od;bert: in- Auonerest, Stratford. ' Mr,,and-.,Mrs. Norman Wood- • of innerkip moved into their new home' lasts week;•on John Street purchased from Mrs. Elsie Scott. Mrs. Scott recently moved into her new home pur-' ' .chased, .from'' MTs'.---:Mab'el Brooks." Mr. a'nd Mrs. Kenneth Haggitt. and family, , of St. ••' Catharines. spentlast weekend with ,his parents; -Mr. and Mrs, Thomas, Haggitt, Wayne Scott of Wawa' spent: • the weekend with his arents,- P and :Mrs. -Kenneth Scott and brother,, Eric' Scott. ---- �• Mi s,��Kerne-' McDonald of ` ,' MissI°salwel~•Fox , Seaforth � and of plyth visited last Saturday with Miss Laura :'Phillips ducted byMrs. Carmen Gros Lunt✓�h-, wa§ .served by' Mrs. Joe Mrs. Thomas Cunningham; `. • , PA$TOA�s. Frttell- Knox United 'Church, AubUrri, was filled (0 capacity. last last :Sunday to W' hear :pastor, • Alfred Pry 'preach his farewell message before. he retires to live in Goderich. •Donnybrook U'rl,ited 'Church also joined` in with ' the service. Church 'organist, Mrs. Nor- man Wigh`ttnan • was at the organ and Miss Nancy Ander- son and Miss Judy McPhee were pianists. Mrs. Fry led the congregation in the responsive Psalm. Guest soloist Cgci1 3 Fry, brother of Pastor Fry,'. sang two solos. A trio composed of Nancy 'Anderson, , Shirley Dodds 'and • Melba Park sang two numbers., rt' The choir, also sang.- • . Pastor Fry chose for, his last message at the Auburn. Charge,' • "Plan and' Purpose','. He urged evel'yone 'to. have a' purpose and plan fobtheir life',;in this world and the .next. Like St. Paul, he stated that he came, to the Auburn .Charge five years, ago with. fear and' trembling, 9 and deter�`."tfined- tooprir'each' Christ and Fi'' crucified, -;" The followin s a copy -of his , farewell meas° to his Mrs. Stanley Ball is.a patient in' Clinton,,. Public . Hospital ,;1 '--following surgery. • . - Visitors. last week with Mr,..• Y.IYhfL>f1yf,/w'YMYS,Y •,( f Y,1W 1,Y,,•hW�..; and Mrs, William `H'el iic and family . of .Goderich were 'Mr:' and' -Mrs. Emerson Rodger, Mr. and Mrs: '. • Bill Rodger and • family ocluburn• and Mr.. and ;Mrs, Clare Rodger and _ r.,,r..,rt za. - , Kathy, iif" "od`eri r . - Mrs: -Edgar Dari- entertained 10 little • friends of her daughter; f Sandra on the' oc= • nasion of .her sixth birthday, All enjoyed the afternoon. �v'ith games and a, delicious'uricht'of" "This is riaparting r}� essage to you. a l 1. W hen we. ca ine 'tp You in 1969 oui 'first request ,was 'the hope that .we?might,` be one happy family in••.God, We -:are sire that you' will agree that this ,has'been , accomplished.- / You, have been very loyal` in at- ' tendance ` at the `Sabbath -se(- ' _you ' -`.,have always been • willing to ° co-operate 'in the hot dggs4-and' birthday' cake.' well-being of the Churcht"You �" 7 - � �� •, and!'. Mrs.' Bill ` Barret M"rs, Gerald 'McDowell Trustee Board, thank .d rs. Fr.. for assistance " Norman McDowell is also a in the United Church Women•.:,, member of -the Board and Mrs. and presented gifts to her,kMrs. "'"Norman MO:Vowel is the Brian. Hallam on behalf' of• -the secretary -treasurer, Robert children,...and adults" thanked'' Turner ,is the superintendent: to attend; conference 2uxing the.`week,•aof..July n 12th, 200 4,H Homemaking Club girls from allparts of On- .-tario will' be participating in. the Girl's Conference held • at the University of Guelph. , The girls who are attending from Huron • County., are: • f,. Joanne Kieffer, RR 2, the Frys far excellent help in Mr. Raithby thanked all for Teeswateer;' Mary Edith Gar- de art ents: Qf the church. their eo-operation and - teied Win ha Barbara ^.. P•- m ,,. §,� Hiss, RR 4, -Wingham; R - Greg Hallam and Andrew that a record sale of. lol,snhad M;" ore RR 5, Wl«n bam; an themwith taken plac duringthepast •' g Koopm � presented :� Dorothy Bonescha>�sker, RR� 1; a space saver of attractive year. Starting o'n:July lst an in- Ethel; Joanne Gibson, RR 2, shelves for their books in .their- crease An price for:, lots and. Seaforth; ,Marie Betties, SRR 2-; new home in "Goderich: Both' grave openings would come in ;, Bayfield; Shelley Weber, 'RR ,3, Pastor and Mrs• . Fry" -thanked effect. ' ,.,••••d-I)ashwood; Kathleen -- Gielen, everyone for the lovely gifts. • Those laid (o,, rest during RR : rediton. ' Members from° former 1.973 'were William' S. Dodd, ova charges, Zion and Kincardine, Grant Charles ,Mallory, Mrs. �� •citizets : 'wejcomed ,were • present as were many -Margaret members of the- Fry family. • Laur'a ay -Jac son and Mrs.. ow Usher's• for the day _were Ken- Archi Webster. . -Law enc_ The .--guest speaker, Rev. neth McDougall, r , g ,.., l� � • .Har'old Snell rhos 'for his�tes r on Gross' and' L, a �'� •1oug Dtirnin. ' ' What mean ye by hese s�iones,? ° w , He spoke fof Joshq MEMORIAL. SERVICEChildren of Israel The .'purpose.4 of . this Terence is, to assist., girls int' gaining an appreciation of their • apportunities. ' and ''respon- • sibiltties as ilidiv;-idual's, mem,- - bers of ' a Club, a :community and ,.as'Canadia.n''citizens. Ths Conference .will encourage 'Members ° to:,: share their.ideas and broaden, ttheir'eperiences by meeting with club ,members from across the province. 4 program has been planned to include special speakers, exhibits, demonstrations and participation _,of club.'girls_ in discussion groups. 4. - Pla-etzer, Go d IODEparty leading the deli htfu coffee` arty "was g A g P and making given by, the Maple Leatfw,Chap• • a memorial of sto e s for -their .' ..:D.E. `' f, ,1- owrn the A large crowd attended t t ter i.0 o i g Mrs. 4Fi -annual memorial 'ser e , safe crossing of the ed Sea, so • sitizenstiip court,'June: 20..Mrs. ofB _. with .Rev. Fred'; Carson of :t:'; always remember t is miracle: Colborne Si., was the scene of w the ex- the, gathering, Mark's Anglican: .Church in w.<: Mrs, Snell spoke, n-: 4 a t 1 of th ' o nds a •l.0 m t ore 'Ma C charge.:..He was assisted by Re -cellen ordergr y r-r4;4Mrs, 4RQ.bt. c. 1 's . an' thanked:The Trus ee Board'citizenship,'secret ,r reser ed Ro,n hurl of the- Huron Men's d x .... �' , secretary, i� • Chapel and Rev..I-laroltl ,Snell ,or -their work.' 1n closi g� he I.O.D.E. greeting /cards to some "of Exeter. Mrs. Celia Taylor ac, remarked that 'stones mean a 20 new Canadians. These cos 'anied on he' accordion forgreat deal to 'many people, but, 'represented 6 European' coin- the singing of the hymns. hymns. ,� he urged.all, to keep faith with tries, 'namely '1' ae Netherlands, Frank Raithby, chairman -of - God rio .matter what happens, Italy, Greece, Germany, Den - Y • .t::he.Cemetery Board' welcomed , . Rev, Ron Curl led in prayers ° markt as well as U.S.A.. Name ' all ton"the 'service arid -spoke of and pronounced the benedic-e tags helped, • to identify , the the resignation of ,William tion. ,. - • \ " guests sand. their friends. Two visitors from:the Sarah Hale Chapter,. Clinton; Mrs. l bt M M R L d Teck --Vavies• • were present: ••',,Music -provided by 'Mrs. Jessop was'44 background for an informal sing-spng,'- • ,ane of the most importants: events of.. the golfing season •the Paperniclk' Trophy, .It was very;. fitting that"�last year the Trophy was won by Mr. Ronald Menzie. lYlr.''Menzie was a good friend. of Mr. Ivan 'Papernick: tlr)nellys, Jiro Wilkinson and Jack Evan's.: a e the a rnick • He Toon 1Q d '�' Pe Trophy, to` the Mens 'Section. • p Y - , , Men's Night will be .played• ., on Thu'slay because of the holiday --•Monday --. ,,oil.. -Moore got a Bole ln•ope on number six • .while golfing with his. friends. on Sunday afternoon, 'lune 30„ Well' done Ron: - , on: - Ladies night was rained out last week. Hopefully the rain . . Will go ^o away, ,,,on Tuesday' nights. On Wednesday, _June '26th • Jean Knight, Jean' Hanky and Cl rt .'Hoffineyer ventured to the. Mitchell, Ladies;:I'.nvitatioh - guess what happened - it rained' but. the ,girls • had :`a good day at ►way. Ivan- , papernick started golfing,in 1944.. Mr. Lloyd, who Qw.ned-.- the ,lao„wling , alley on West. Street where now stands the. P.U•C:,,':'got Ivan interested• in the game.• He 'really' took to �it. In 1950. he won.• the Ellis and' Garrew Trophies. In 1957 Larry and Ivan won .the Father and Son>Trophy, Ivan was very interested in young golfing ' people and also his son's game. He' enjoyed' golfing 'with- his wife Jean and she, says she played better golf ',then. `His' `golf itlg - buddies were Ted Plante; Howard -Pollack, -the ° 5 • ,o• ae ea.n an , rs. Wainer during the year and adding, Robert 'Arthur to the - Also -present. wee -her --grand-. —have -provided us--with.-a lovely- °rents;' r, `and Mrs: William Lynda-j�:arnd=.�ilie- Terry.' Scice + .. p M,�, .home, It has been . a joy so serve . and ' Marion Watt, Mr,,. E. Young of . Goderich . --" you. - and' Mrs. Ray Ma cKenzie; 'of 'Mr -and- -WS: Fordyce Clark ,' 'We -have appreciated the a Toronto, visited at the, home of of Goderich Visited'on Saturday • •response of our young people . Mr; and Mrs: Ross MacKenzie. _. • with "Orve 1 °'McPhee '• and. rs. • - both_ in .the choir'and jn .their •, , , �,... °••far t� weekrend.�. . Lily Kerns: - - . . . r' -willingness to become involved. ' a. ourri` g ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd., Raithb� The Official' Board and . the ; Mr. and. , M Frank' Yeo „of G,oderich, •'Mrs. Mac Bell of r oof--Dorchester visited 1aat;.Sun- 'Session, the : U.C.W.; the Ex- New 13runswick,_'MT. and Mrs. ''� day.with Mrs. Celia Taylor. ` plorers, _ "the Sunday Schools; `•Mi. :and �- Mrs: ' Harold Wayne Hunter: and`Jennifer-of :and the.. Juni° ;Congregation, London visited at the home of NicholsonMr.-;and-:-Mrs---Ar-•-•---have * - — been.a -great ' in= ., .. ..., .- Mr. and Mrs. George Moncrief. thur Nicholson of .Sea f orth, Mr. • spiration. No:minister nd yife and MIs; John Stadelin"sari and� - �'� • Mr: Joe.,MapIntyre 'has been • . could ask. for more . • -_r ° a }latent in Kincardine Christine of `Blyth, and Mr: and ``As a family we ,have had IiosiSital. His many friends Mrs. Hugh Bennett arid James many changes; we have -shared ' - wish him '°a speedy -recovery. ' of 'Port Albert visited last Sung' our joys and,sorrows. We have Mr. d Mrs. Robert Simp sonof day with Mrs. Eleanor Bpd , rejoiced when' little area were intail, are holidaying - ._. ° --- r ° 'nock. ` ' born in o it - rrfidst, and when thi ek at a •cottage, at Kin Mr. aid Mrs..' Rbnald Rath= our young people were married, , '.til Beach. well µof Parkhill - visited last ._also, when we received , new Mr, Mrs. Jahn MacLean, Thursday", with; •hertwwtnother, members into the family. e. W �• . of Chicago, visited,:,. -in the cos-. Mrs: Celia T-aylq -=.--- ;shared our sympathy .when munity `(his; 'week..He is She; • dear ones were called into ,nephew of ..the late Donald 1i1f LKERByRN CLUB "higher service, w • ' . , ` MacLean .of 12th Conceasidh. . -' ' "Now'the ,time' has _cam for 5 - e '' Mr. anct• Mrs: Meldrum''find The monthly meeting-rif the- -' us t 'retire' from _active service.three children of Detroit, we °e Walkerburn Club was .held' -at We thank you all•for`your. Hive at the home of Mr• and Mrs. ' the home_of Mrs: Thornes Cun- and understanding during Finley `MacDonald and Mrs. ningham with. .•MrsTed , these fiveyears, also, we thank' Sadie Blue of Ashfield, over,the --- -I-I' 1 ing presiding: . , - •• all the good,peeople of the enti"r:e K,eekend. ans,were Made -to' have the community. May God bless. you • - ahnuat picnic,atthe home of ° all and. as we have been one".....- .,,Mrs. Ted Hunking ,on'July,.17 ,• family in -the Church,. may we- at 7 p.m. Everyone is' askednto ,all be a., part of, the .great bring food "arid, dishes for their , Church victorious: in Heaven, • family.• ° Sporta',Awill, be- in. the when than time comes,". ` charge ,of Mrs. Joe 'Verwey and AFollewin .-the •ehurch-savtee -„- n 1Vrs. Joe -Hunting an __lunch • `' a reception anti social hraur-vas , :conveners are Mrs. 'Elliott ,,,enjoyed rin. the Sunday School , Lapp and Mrs :Ronald -Gro : Room:.The members of.: -.Unit 4 Role call was ..answered, by 'One Iierved'lunch. " '' donations to the support of the Donald Haines was ch n A buffet` barbecue .was held • Poster. Child, It wthanfiounced for the .program. HaroldWeb- in the honor of Mrs. • Connie that it is •now paid `up to the ster,:poke on' Pastor and 'Mrs.. Mitchell of Londop, Harold' • end of• Auguet. Vry.s ministry and thanked' Fulker, -of London and Mrs/ .• `• The `draw prize was wort by 1 them: Set' Thompson of Don- Resta 3attersby, 'of 'Goderich. Mrs. Leonard Archambault. It nybrook also thanked the Fry's °Twenti,t ix guests attended' the _had • been donated by Mrs, -for their leadership, and Mrs. function held atQ the cottage' Larry' Johnston. , . , • Stewart Chamney presented . .rollerty_ of Mr. and Mrs, Bill An interesting, program of `them with a purse of money oh Vest, of Goderich. • contests and -poems was con ': ` p behalf of. -the -member. '' Mr's. Ronald 11iIc(�ree=thanked the hostess ' Mrs. Royal : for having opened her home Tor the event. a • Ref ,esiimenis . '• were -served under°:'the.' capable supervision,. '• of •Mrs. McKellar and Mrs.' Strickland,.' with the Regent,. Mrs R, McGee��'pouring• coffee .. V The il Goderioh: Town:: Cots ci F wi�1- meat ,,on the folloviting dates durin�gthe-summer vont �•s of.,July and August. , - JULY '1 1 and JULY 2 5 AUGUST 8 and AUGUST, 2 2 ,, 57.W EST ST. a - , a ,J. HAROLD • WALLS AM,. �r C,M.C: CLERK TREASURER Banks;;,; allocating, capita guarantied loans.•, 4255' Business of the House,, -1 port•atton- egis.1ati'on, 5 Customs Tariff Bill •(C-1- C•ustoms,-tari'ff budget Dairy, ; .,n 4 us t r y,. .p o cl i cy.., Dental Examining Beard o'f. Can•ada•• Bill., 1 tor' government 'l jvestock• trans - 15'5 • 9-S.a,45724-5 changes , .•19'3 5 - 4.5 8 2 ". • • - Fai'rrn improvement' bails, 387'0 Feed •grain, 7502 Fruit and 'veget.ables, 1935 , Gr.ain', 3200, ,‘,6281.x,-.6375-:6,.'`8348. \ Gre at L a l„,,e s, 13, i g h. w a t'e r level , e c 2638 Hall Lamp do: of Canada• Ltd. ,• Centr i.a, l.ay,offs , 8.3.05 = .4 • Income Tax, 397, r Income Tax 8.11, (C:170) , 3112-3 , „ Live°stock; trailsport'ation guidelines -h" etc r473 - 'Local . inita.ti'vres. .program,. 89• Milk --and butter, 2582 : •Oi 1 seeds', 5874:5 R.i 1ways., parse V"''St tLsL ` southwe_.staern Ontario; -275M, r r, 'Sugar beets, ,1595, 1elevis.ion, CAV :,ystems';application to *CRTC, expedit.ing, '3'614 Canadian- Fort es,, , e1 osed bases ,and st t-- ;on • po i cy , )1060 ' ' . ~Industry , 'pea icy,' -M. '796-8 �. Electora1113oundaries'.Readj-ustment ;Bill, (Huron-,Mi-ddlesex); 1'270 " a •Farm. Improvement;,.• Small.•Businesse's' and • Eislieries« 'Improvement Loans Acts Bill 1'386 _ "i Mi lk, su s'idy, •?9'b 9.$ - '0i1 and`as • o i 1 '•f m,'west 'to ,eastern Canada, Sarn•i r pipe'. ine•,,.. farmer' -s' prot,ests, 170 Olympic` 1976 summer games , n MontFea1 , , athletes training. at closed, Canadian • Forces: bate at Clinton*, 751, , ▪ Pork producers, assistance,. 797 S•gar 1 386 a� ° Boundariep Readjustment Bill, 2030 / .Farm tmproiement -Loans , 2145 • - Since the • present • .r'` FedralGovernment..ras a been in Office. s thf-. purchasing power �f �oqr d Asthas decease•to 61& �•/ • 4 •McKinley,. ., ,...,----- . - will¢ �-a r k t9 ,.r.et t o r ejh a purchasing - - , , older, Of . •our incorne!, - ;