HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-04, Page 27,777
160 17,1; kit 4,-,ar'
1$4t* °'r1F
—5'Ctici ;4—
`t". M.75
is: important
4-04: CivOL4'
e7),y porp p
Every'rne an electio5.ro fs rourrot, the -
!editorial colurnn in this new-spaper
carries some kind. of a'plea for ;voters to
_Rest out to -the polls andt,,,cast _their
balIots, It is :a7 kind of tradition with
newspapers that • they prick the con-
, sciences of people who might otherwise
be somewhat apathetic about their
ltirivilege to vote.
While ,no 'editoOal,"•reaches ail , the
J. People - moves to ' action all'those
who read it does serve as a rerninder •
-to aiew- arid perhaps encouragernent to,.
someothers. .
MondaY's election in Jrluron.4,4iddlesex,,
is an important .is /important „•
;because it history, in ifie making and
onlyvoterswill make_thetlifference.4 is
important . because every-. Canadian
citizen 18 years Of age or oldef_ha_san
, c,
,ojportunity to be heard in a big-waY.It
important because one person - maybe
you- could cast the .deciding NOte.
• ..„,
UndOnfirmed statistics shoW • that
HurOn County's record of voting is tell,
,notch. On an average, more Huron
County citizens vote in every election
than in ally other-Pliding PI the province,
maybe „even, Canada. Last performance
is admirable but no one,..ShOuld rest oh .
those laurels,. Former electiOns•are gone
• 'arid the.,rnagic of that moririp_nt. This .
election is what counts'. • • ' —
, The ..Music14 SocieCY have
engaged as conduotor of phi
Marine Band, A.C. Greig of
Almonte, QinAtio. Mit., greig is
an expert .eOrpetist and 'also luta :
considerable experience as. a
„band leader. He played a solo
the band _ of the •
Wallace combined shoWs when
, they'topred from the Atlantic
-to -,the _Pacific in, Ahe United
States under a leader Whd had
...,,been. :three years in SOusa's
band. He was 'conductor for a .
band, in "an Ontario_ t
irst made bi..$
----inipact when his band took
three first prizes in the -second
. two years. _
A Merry- go,reu
one of the ceritows7of attraction
in town_for-the,"past Week.'
--Next WedneAddy,will be the
'Uloxions Twelfth: range
walks will he ..held .this
count at Exeter and
' Wingha-m, - ' „•
Take the time this weekend...to study
the three,pandiclat'es for the federal seat -
- Bob McKinley for the Progressive
.se'rvatiyiis?' John L..‘mdon for the ,Liberals ,
and Shirley Weary for the • New
DemoCratic Party. Make.yoUr decrsion.
Then_go-te-tf,tel?011s Kilonda'y and Vote. It
is .-yoUr'cluty as well as your rigpt.
Tuesday- Morning a ttizen ,
--found • no fewer than our
rocket-stiCks, his 'yard, hey "
w,er,e of -no light weight" and
one of them, if it had light
any person, :would have
-enough .to make the persofl.
alien ed
.-Oply - 15 people took time out from
J.:Their- busy-' st hed u let -To fill in the, little
, , _
-. balloU, , (eh, appearecl,.on-4hit-,Teditoriai.
., :0140---.-Y44.*:4-'4,:e\ 0/.4T -:.a90‘ . 4314,f.r6,17:1?0at
handfOl, ,!eilf,,,r , 1 lies -7 : th ere- - Was '.11 o, °. do.ulit '•_,
• Which way ,th.- peo'Ole - re,Jan.: 'when: it
• coMeS „to an alternative to munidipal
„police.forceS.,The tally was...11 to four in.,
, ,favour*oi. law, and order' Linder the On-
.- .tario Provindial..Police. , 1
-.4 —
The .question asked was, "It the„
- -
„rnuhicipal police force must 1?e• phaSed
out, -1 faNi_or: a. , Policing by OPP; L. A
i-doimty p.)licp?Tdroe.' -. •. ..
\ '§-Ome pebple criticized the wording,on
the ballot:it 'WasrConsiclerecl by thew to,
be a loaded question and it:Was argued ,
that too. few'.citiens had enbugh inior-,
'. illation abbui poAicing to putforth an in-
„telligent, opinion. ..
. *Others felt the idea for anpoinioripoll
on policing was good. They agreed it .
-was nothing more than a measure of
.pub opinion - but they welcoreted the
' - oppo nity to get some Sort of an
inkling, eif thew ay people were thinking.
"Probably,Jfve reason .the poll Was So
- rnual-,) in favour of the •OPP had
ornething .to do with the:.,,fact that the
OPP known -corrimddity while a
.Dear Edit -or Dear Editor,
„county. po -- ci,„
s 'they ,went so;aring, high 1 Once-dgain we would like to
orpOrate profi& r.eached acknowledge the exT
this area...Still:-.4 good .rnanY Of the the .aliy • - • .cejlent„fassistance giveh-,to 6ur
arguments pro -and, 'con- - about a .The Btidget served, A the safety programnie_here at Vic-
. . ed Few - midst: toria Se o b Mike Ch. f Pat
h 01„ Y te
cdi,inty force as opposed toljQlicipg by . .
d B 11 h t, • • • . •
p atitu ,an a y oo • .king and Constable.,TorS,Jare-
newspape'r, and Other publicatiOns in withglee, Oh thanks Pierre for 'Department. •
CWP - have been put' forward -in this,: , And high place-Lucksters sang zak ” of the . Goderichl olice
1 .
recent weeks and intereted" readers _the profit spree. ,, 'The -time. deyoted• to Ytalks
Then fronx,the Land there rose lend deinonstrations, as well as:
- may _haVe formed their opinion after
, , • renc men ou t, • safety patrol work wer, greatly
arguments. '
Trudeau did,n t ,seem t heal% . e ou a SO q
It is rSever.Wi.se to question.thewisd6m , The electielis broUght.„ abolit,' ' the doderich' Lions Clublor
4top_much w.eight from. elected officials. -, N.D.!), . -•'A en:Nil-44.4s . to .provide
Citizens_do have opinions ahd • this . And 'BOb.of power hung.er farne,'' .patrola'b, ierabers With amoSt en -
't was on....theae men he placed '•i..1,b§givaltat-2101./efi ..a i. ' St:
newspaper is 'grateful to the 15. people - the blame ' .. ' •-,ChristOphers,-&-Seach. On. that!
Who• • offered theirs in :this instance. , ttut during the campaigning ., ocCasion-70 bl J` k
, .
We throw rnotiopoty's . assistance given in. our regular
careful consideration of those 1.1 t
• • . -
• . . ,
• Also at,
arra ngenints are. -
to establish a c(3.....oper .
and Crafts Shop at the if arid
-we ex -..._tend aninvitation,. o
craftsmen 'and-, artists .wi in
.the County to .pEirticiplite
.this ventnre;
feel free to.call tne- at, 5e4-9924.,
or -Edwina Allen at 624-7409..-
1: you would - like 1.7o .1;ear
more about'ihiS project, please
ive Arts..
• • Joan Van den Broeck-
urojt istoric Jail Board.
- " •
a whole fireWorks display all at,",;
• ...- •
once. •
• On /Friday last Out esteemed
townsman, Alex Saiinders„ (he
popular Manager of the
•Goderich Organ: Co., went, to,
.Ottawa to 'transact sairN.
business 4.0d attend a conven-
Ition 4hen in-provess at the ,
L ”capitifl. The evening ofhis
arrivaLa full dress' dinder was '
, given to those attending the' -
ear gclito§;7.
. „
EnClOSed- Ay cheques for ccinv•ant ion, and' when ' Mr..
$8,5,9 to renew mY snbS,cription. ,Sauriders went to get ready for
It IS ,osorniithing I 'would not it he -found, to hisschagrin,lhat.
want ,to -do wi.thont. "I like fte. anoth,p,pattY whose grip was,
• W had ac-
' • Sa nders
keep in toudh with theold town, the same as Ills n
a d there has,been. at least..one.... Cid...P.Rially taken it to_ ( .e
criptiort--often moze--in the r. u .
-.Stra family. since my father- taken the forethought to put a ,
cipat e old Goderich High 'tie -went to that
first t' to .Croderich as pin: dress stiit Ins-gali7lbut-when
• ...School in 871--a position an ordinary 'hu‘siness s it. .
"1" am intereg ed in the new • 50 NEARS AGO
W Id 1 Ie t thank iet d taff and Wish •
you, all (be best f
ahead.,I have heard
plinientary remar.ks•a
,paper latety floin v
,correspondents- and 'they
CertainlY•well deserved:'.
ThC new ,plant .sounds ver
"'held for Years.
The Opposition lerican ear hut appreciated,,, ' • • •
. propr ors an s
th years • At the ball game here 'on .•
any com., • Tuesday afternoon a ball went
out •the.„'througlr-the windshield of a car , 4 n.•-#
Haus in Which Miss Curzon was sit.-
' re • • ti ng, and -the -broken gl ass .
• ted sothe ,cuts about her face.
The track committee of. (he
up to date --a far cry from Dan. Goclerich Trotting,
McGillicuddy's little office on
North Street vt,rhich I rernem•bwalL0' 1
With best wishes tO: one and held o Wednesday, July 2:3.. -
all of 'your staff and personnel, ' On Saturday last the opening
, night of'llie new London or-
. •
chestra engaged for the summer ,
" drew 'good '
behind public opinion -or to Stifle it with said he, bp aspirants in the •,••• tidal ba -clung wh
• •
., onsta es , a,E al
Though ,it was only, a smattering of the ' days we'll hear the tale told- and Hills very capably han al
Many ways. ''• • games •and .boat. rides •for the
For now we have Nlection din ' patrol boys and ,girls. '
and speilihes• from the Soapb6x. , ,, Our thanks are extended ..to
ring,. • . , . • both the ' Police , Depart:MO-1'.
And Bob, he•: -'Would tbe, wages andlo„th.e....1.!ian'...s.Xlub.,
freeze; Real thinks trioneye---- . - ' ,Yours eruly,'-
grows on trees •
Election goodies fiy„,tn Trudeau
,. sailtiodiv' D, av!d ..,says., the-,,17.,(Irt:.,
• To people he' just 'offered ,
a . . druirtbs_bileilaketis w.ent.' to .
developed swirprning_mgorpm,e,i--for;,-'-ailsoff Bums . . -' ..., ,
A- ' Pictures found
those with althost any, type of diSability. ' And 'Pro speech writers writing
total feelings of the community, it must
be considered representati.v.eiLreinains
now for someone to bhiallenge these fin-
• dings.
' What spbrt requires a' mirprntum in-
vestifierit, can ,be enjoyed by every IrieT-
ber of the family', and -is -•:.a --great way to,
'keep fif? Swimming.
"Don't tell Canadians, swiMming is
good for them," says Al Thiessen,,,,
Rational 1:.lir,ector, fled Cross vyatei•
Safety.* "They might •stotis doing it. L,
"fitness is not one of. our national,
strongpoints, although" 'we seem to be
„impiroviri a bit, Swimming' Ione of the
-best 'keep -fit' activities for a -number of
reasons. The cost is minimal, especially
When Compared to,thep Oar nedepary
for golf, or skiing, or a health club mem-
bership. *Age .and ability 'are no barriers
elihtif. "Anda" -for fabilitiet -welt
Caisiada abotiiida with, swimming. areas
in the- sumnier 7 -Months and " More and
More -communities "are, building indbOr
pools 'Disabled people have known for
a long time that 'swincrning . is a mar-
V'e I lou's keep -fit activity ,What began for
' ther'r). as therapy bee.arite• an..enjoyable
recreation which helped them maintain a,
fitness level they Could' nOt achieve
otherwise. Red Crdst Watei..gafety has
Donald O'Brien.
• "Red -tb-gt Wor,ks 1Nith • script try heal to maRe long
Dear Edits*. *
• '4,b a. wit. " , • • • • '
-municitaal-parks--and-recreatiOn , groups 0 make p7.- . , &1St. a short riOie • to thank
lery0 a Lover boy,
to create suitable fitness ,prograrnmes in everyone who responded to our).•
Margaret; she cidims, he gives .
° pool facilities. The dissemination' of her •joy. request for R. :Sallows pictures.
As tune. permits everyone ‘911
f kh I "e is. one of our Lover or *it it matters 'not; .
be contacted and. arraxtgements.
a, er
objectives, but it is not the only objec- "Image" is so much tommyrot.
We've summed it up, the Wife
tive;The.improvernent of national health nisime,. and, we'll_ be. ,Votins
and fitness has always beery,,a prime -aim
*A. I.:averLy
of Red Cross ',Water Safety." ' •
- Remember New -Zealand and the Com=
monwealth pames when all thoseJithe
..young- Canadian bodies splashed to gold
'medals in the olympiC pool? Cart there
*pOssibly 6•e a bettel• advertisetoent- for:
• swimming as, 4-a, „keep -fit activity than
those faces ttiining with health -and
„sometimes tearS, of happinesS?.
The great thing,about swithrnin'g as a
sortJs that you don't have *to compete
Unless you Want to: It's pure fun, it 118
'very best. '
, Oh yes F + F is !an, equatiOn
thateasy to solve: Swimming' equals
Fun ahd Fitness. What are you waiting,
for?. come an _
Al be made to. either. pick up
Lie pictureswhich have been
donated or to .have them'
Readers are cordially
▪ invited to express their
bpinions of loold.;1)rovin-‘."
, ciaI7 and fedbral issues
th)40gii- the Letters to
the EditCe coluirin of The
Goderich, Signal -Star.
. '
letters must be
signed- to be publishecl,":
although pen-harriew are'.
pcfmissible :-proxiding it
Is understood that upon
xtquest from another
. the letter Welter's
true..1... name' -will be
as been busy getting the- rack •
first-class ,condition feik the.
ich- ;will ,,be •
looking forward ...to receiving
yon r -Paper eacli. week,
• Sincerely Yburs,
sStraig Hewson,
• Ontario.
While•there is no limit
to itleAen6lh of a letter
-which can be offered far
d. •
publication, -the editor
does reserve the right to
delete portions. of any
_copy "Submitted for hi-.
clusion in this'
Take an active Interest -
in your hometown
'newspaper. Write a 'letter ;
to the Editor tbday.
the • pavilio
croWd and the m
everevening for th
'A meeting of th
trowers•was held in th
of." the Departinent
Agriculture in Clinton onJu
28 for thepurposeOf carkirtizirt
the fruit industry of the county.
It was decided' to hold a fruit, .
4' 'show sorrip- time and.
'someWhere in •The. county- 011.4
A. commillee. with Capt..
R.R. Sloan as 'whairman, was
named- and ha4i, charge or the
details connection With the
fair. It is hoped' by,this means
that considecable interest -will
be 'stirred tip in what is at
present more or less lagging in-.
sic was ngiCh
ion is open
of ,
ober it
The County Town''Naitspaper (4 Huron
F)tindel ,n 1848 and pziblIshed 'very Tnpraday at Glder.1:11, 0n•ar40 tyrqmber f;or
74WNA -.CANNA Ad4ort,taing el°8$ relLialr *Siibz;drilafinna pay4ble actiatine
Sa 50 In oinada $10 00 iri'art caun'irlea antar Pnan Canada spigle c:atales 2t1r,•;41.4
Ilasa rnarl qeqlstraf• Iktirrtbar 0116 AdverNsing ts,acneptei, nn the bandufonl •
• i.r? 'he rsobiraphinal ta?fra'r• the ' 4dy0oistnq pa lct upr4d by ttibli
ere /141UT, Jere trohee vvlt Iraasnerablry 111-?wpto far winatufe 01,-1! et), WI
tv• j oh -o bit4rne, lf the advanvaerv...rit wolf ba bald far af aprbIllable ratq to ote
• M 3 .01graritIgC3t eeele altibensT1 g•inds aPiserv•c‘as it a 411)11 prvab glada •-;,#
FAINte;ra MO el V ba said Advartisol4 la rrilarely An if folf s011. Ind eilaY bA VI,OVieliteri°`
'AtiV ",016,Th 3t4nal•S,Af 15 n5* resoortoci, 119 ,fie f5Se Ji )(''i
ettal,,JICet6°5- /e Ptia.54 „
si'adttoritit, Ohio*
1111101406M 52441331 •
a� code_ 51.9
Published. by Signal -SW Ptiblithilig Lid,
Wont 0,3 tiffiteR9-orialtlent:ifid pubkaher
SHIRLEY J. KELLEft..4difer •
'NOLL DIMMICK'i-editoilavstxtr ,
'SVEDIXANt-iiditOriae Staff
tOWMO J014400--..4t4tOottOiplg
'0Avit ot WfLL1AM$.-dve?tiPI
„ofaftese studenta. pleaSe oak the Signal -Star with
ation. Mop you.havi tiny' old' pft0100r#5113 for
bring them into the' dffide: Every effort\Will be
urn them to. you,in tfie tame ctipdition as,they were
The newspaper between the frame and the pitur,e was (fated ria
'1806. if that, 1$ any, hint tit. IQ ItieLfdintity ot theee•graditatea of
the past. This.photograph is another of theGoderiber high'
' sahOOI, gem, which Mire handed t6 thtt 840104,4r for wen. ,
-titicetiott. 6edit a 14 of the IstAduattitkpartot-
n'enled ';ritine,frdert lest wo4k.e photograph. If yb--6 are able to
R.H. Baer, Benttiller, has
ten acres of, rye that averages
six feet and a, half in height.
That is-prettY good frfr a back-
ward, season. A sample -he
brought.,to the offke'the
day meait 'red seven 'feet' nine
irAt4 and has beenin.,the Sf.ar"
.win'How. •
The final. graduating class of
Victor Lauriston Public School
' held its banquet at the Har-
borlite Intt„on Thursday, June
26 with, 120 students' in atten-',...
dance. Robertson Menforial '
School la fiylle expanded trr in-4-
clude Grades' 7 and A and a
.note of doom has been •sounded ..
for VLPS. 'The venerable old
school will be no triore:His ry,
hoWeler, ,will tecord, the.
honorableteacher'S; who have
guided through the. years,. and ,
the,rnany'siudents who have
. aiiailed .thentselves of the op-
porttinities'for ed.4cation. When -.
.the finalt.'hanfli is-Writ,teik,and
,"Phe Rite dppears.theevenitsiof
4'5 Oars will be lockedinside a
, book �f memorles.., .--.
Residents of the Royal Hotel -
on Hantilton'Street were "Ade,
ithmelefts after the building wits „.
' badlk damaged b, ,fire (ill
; -Tuesday. Volunteer firein'hw ,
froth 601[1.111th located the fire
' Inaide a Wall t,owake4,the'rear of
.theliiilding, and on appal/at,
outbreak' was discovercil in
wt wall a 'short "while.',rat
n. 0