HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-1, Page 1VOL. XX.I. NO, 26 AND S• FORD & CO is WOODHAM. For some years past we have ma0e Men's and Boy's Clothing, -both Ordered and Ready -made -our special study, and we feel confident that our new Spring Stock of eq zi-nictcle Oldthin,g, Suit-tngs, Worsteds, Panto▪ ws, Will excel, both in price and quality, anything ever Shown before in this part ofethe country, 313ECA.USE We buy our Clothing direct foam the Manufacturer, and pay eash every time. By looking oyer the following Prices, you will see that this means a • MARKED ADVANTAGE TO YOtJ; ItEADY-MADE CLOTHING : Boys' Suits nt 50, 1 75, 200, 250 and 3 00. Xouths' Suits at $3, 300, 400, 500 and 000 God g• oe:Moutitt: (re $5 0kfirsIsfeerteignd Vests at el, CLOTHING TO ORDER : Y4E0451110 serge Snits for $11. ' Men's Light and Dark Tweed Suits for 512. Men's Pine Black Worsted Suits fer a3.6 f 0. We guarantee a erat-elaesfit or no sale, With SIO worth of Goods, we give you one or those beautiful 416 Pictures that are on exhibition:it our Store. Urecliton. wARRINt4.--ba Arendayevening 3.9th of Yebruarga certain person stole' from incl.Itete buggy in Rill's hotel shed, a grey,goat robe. The party was eeen, and thinkrrAg that ho WAR taking it for a lark notkieg was done; but sines a week has elapsed, antrthe robe not 2.eturn,ed, it is now presumed to he a oase ot t heit, and f the said robe is not returned at once, aotion will be taken to recovoritt PREM.. ITAIST, t 4** a Staffa. — BRIEFO.-Mr. Alex, Fergusen, , the late and long time treasitrer of the kownshipeuts been very ill of late and considerable anxiety was entertained. for him. by his friend* -Mr. John Robbins has been im- ' proving arid adding to his outbuilding' late- ly and is now pretty well equipped with •rileedi, stabling, eta., for all necessars purposes. The work wag done by Mr. c,., Sam Spiereof ' romarty, and reflects credit on hie ability a a oarpenter and builder, , lelr. Sitters is a good workman and thoroughly honest and trustworthy. Good luck to him. TiCker8litith:. . Coutectne-A fun counoil met at Kjile's , hoteleFek7g sWertstedetsteliey *as appoiatt deteesseseed oh' Vaillblese'''- de rot: ads In id few dere. r. Scott was feet.onited Moe- ioal Health officer. The contract of fur- nishing timber for township purpoing was let to Mr. Alex. Muetard, of Bruaefield, at klitile above former rates, viz., go for cedar and all for rook eltif, delivered at the residences of the rnembere of the ' council. The clerk eras instruoted to adyertise asking tendon for the erection of a bridge at tteedon'x corner, 4th COIL Alex. G. Smillie wag appointed clerk. The appointment takes effect September lat. The preeent oletk consents to hold the fort till then. $25 was voted to help the • needy. The toenail willmeet March1l9th to appoint pathmastere, poutelkeepers, .to., attWebern• hotel. 5. Seaman, Clerk. They make one feel as though life WAR Worth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liyer Pills after eafing; it will relieve dye - pantile ald digeation, give tone and vigor to the system, s Hamilton City Counoil defender night voted to reduce the number of shop licenses from 80 to 20. While skating at Dunkirk, N. Y, Sunday meht, Mia ara% Synder ;and A.ugust Krusz were drowned. • Itnexerzegenme-There aro RAMA blimp's remedies indispengable in every family. Among these, the ex.perienee of years ammo ns, ebould berecorded Perry Davie' Pain -Killer. For both internel and ex- ternal appliostion we have found it of great value; especially min we recommend it for for colds, rheumatiime or fresh wounds and bruises.-- Christian Era. A Ssmona COMPLAINT. People make light of coughs, colds and la grippe, MA often netrlect them. Thin ehould not be done. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup re a sere :ours for all these, diseases. It godliest and heals the throat and lanes. IKIrkton. ' P AINTING,DBOORATING,PA.PER HANG- ING -Frank cornishe late of Delphos, Ohio, has opened a shop in Kirkton, and will be pleased to give figures on Painting, Decorating and Paper Banging. Satisfaction Ktutranteed• BurEss.-The Epworth League have decided to hold an At Some" in the basement 'of the Methodisc church on Friday evening, March 16th, commenc- ing at 7.30 p rn An energetic com- mittee have been aeleoted to make all necessary arrangements so thet all may enjoy themselves as ME0h al possible. Admission fee will be 15o. -Mr, Amos Doupe and Miss Ada M. Hutton *ill represents the Epworth League of this' place at the Methodist Young Peopled, Association at London March 20th to 22nd.-Mr.leDonald McCallum who has beep on the sick list for the .fast two months is improving in health. Dublin. 13men8. -Rev. Father Keely is ehuey re- hearsing for a coecort to be held here on the 19th of Marais, and:from all appear - lames a very promising Fogranune will be .givetre-John Rediltond we ampleeeed to ante ii fast (.nt the way te, recovery after ten clay* illuess.--Mise T. MoKenna left for Verento on Thursday. Her many friends regret her departure and wish her abondant summer; in the near future: - Oar veterintry egurgeon wears a look of joyousness these dare the occasion being the presentetion by his wife of a young 'veterinary. (*rand Bend. B.RISP3.-Grand Bend is still flourishing and will shine more brightly than ever: this summer. -The anion aohool section at Grand Bend intend erecting o brick eohool this gammen It Mete be solid brick with a pozch. Thies will add greatly to the ap- pearance of' our town. -We have now a Lady Maciethee hive in town known as DONAR hive, organized. by Miasma Eilher and Rau, of Creditors. The efficient were installed as follows 1-1S/Tra. G. Turnbull, 1'. C. ; Alris Hamilton, Com. ; Mrs P. tfaggon, El, K. ; Mrs. W. It. Follis, F. K. Um. earriere, Chaplain ; Mies BarbOra Folli, Master al Armt..; Mia. Green, Picket ; lere R. Olyer, , Left I. 0, ; Mr13. Shipley, Sen- tinel, Miss' Gravel], Banner Bearer. They *tart off with fourteen members and expect soon to have duite a number more.- The boys and girls are making use of their spare evenings on the ioe which is very good for skating• -o -Mr. Foster seems to be liking hie school here very well and alto the people of the sectioni-.[r, J. Conroy, repregentative for kfctlaster & Co., of Toronto, was here last week and sold a large order of spring stook to the Post Offia store.--Beatrioe and !day Robinson aro very sick now but we hope to hear of thpir recovery soon. Dr. Owen of Parkhill is attending them. - Mr. Joseph Gill is still very poorly. -Thos Fallistuold a bunch of 13 steers realizing a fair price. -181r: Silas Gratton sold his heavy &plight horse for IWO. A good price considering the market. Creditor" Cash ' ••••••ftemeromnanritimum. Stori We haye been making use of slack. tinaes overhauling and clearing up our Stock and laying' out LOTS OF GOODS TO BE SOLD At Cost and Below, Consisting of Mon'stland Bops' Overcoats, ranging from $2.00 up; ,epeenes tel- e stets worth $11.50, now $8.00 ; Etc, Etc FUR8.131aok Coney Storm Collar and Muff worth $4, now $2.50; Black Op- , "posum Storni Collar and Muff worth 40, now $6.75; one only Oppos- m Cape, worth 012, now $8,50; a foW black Coney Muffs loft at 85c. CAll Fur Caps, Sealette and Wool Caps, Shawls , and Weed- Good APS e - Must be sold regardless of Cost. Also Winter DreeS GOOde:at *bargain, Last year's Prints,'worth 12i and 14c at 100. A large Stoclt of Ready-rnade Clothing itt natant:031y low prices. Tr A Q 5 libs Idneolorecl japan Tea for $1; 5 ILbs 450 Gunpowder Tea for ri U 1.25, a map; 7 bars best Electric Soap for 25c; 4 gallons Coal Oil or 50c. Matches, 10c per box. All other Goods in proportion. 331:40/MIT 14/4.3112Tans Sue esSors to l3rowu ee Siebert. CREDITONs "HEW TO THE LINE, Tagil, Tug, onLvs FALL wHERE THEY MAY EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAYMORNING. MARCH 1 1894 .PROOMMINSONPIIIIIIIMOINVONOI Hensall. NU sdAMEliON SMITE, Barrister, Salle - Y • , ter, Coaveynnoor. Offiee lUain-st. Can be eensulted after office lhoure at the Oommormal Hotel. Bengali, 3.- Zeefle, a praetioal ehoemaker, lo s opened a choice stew stook of all Muds al:loots &Shoes in 3-, Oard"e Old Stand north of Oeininercial 4.01. Wo vrill not be underiold, Call and see, bring Your repairing and try, us fru a hand- made shoe, J, ZE,MPLB. A Mir Bankrupt Special Mugabe Selo for two weeks at A., Weseloh's, liensali,loonnone: Leg Monda3r, ll'eh'y 26. We have putchased a large Bankrupt Stook of Boots & Sloes at a discount, and enlarged our store to twiee ifs fermer size, and added a large now stook of ail kinds of Sprieg and bummer Gooda bought direct from tho best manufaeturers for Oo.sh. This enables us to sell yen Footwear cheaper than any other dealer. As our store ill IIOW ett110,1 tO any city shoo store, and we have in stook all the latest styles, but our steak io far too 'ergo, and must 130 field at oneo regardlese memos, we would invite you to mat, at it will pay you to come end bay pow andsave from 26 to 05 per bent. These goods eannot be re- placed at theprieeg ,vre are low selling them. doses° will not nermit to quote prices, but a call will convitioe you that we mean what we advertise. Sign of Big Boot. A. WEISBLOti, Ma wen's Block. Following are, the market geotaticani : • , Wheat ..... ......... .. 55 to d8 ,' Barley Oats 35 to 35 Peas 50 to 50 .. , 29 to 29 Hay ' 6,00 to 7,00 Batter ...... . . ... „ .. , -10 lo 20 Effde........d.... .., 15 to 16 flogs .... .. • ... 600 to 6 25 Clover seed. . Beaues.-At the Iasi regular meeting of L. O. L. .733, .611essre. Louis Sands and Wm Morrison were initiated into the raysteries of Orangeism and another gentie, man joined by certificate. This lodge is in a meet prosperous condition, and Worship... ful - Secretary- Palmer was instructed to Make a bank deposit. The newly initiated were thoroughly drilled in the working of the Orange degree. Brief speeches were made by Bros: Bell, McKay. and Palmer. Bro. Bell exhorted the ;newly made:mem- bers to be true to their obligation, to make . the holy scriptures the rule of their Howe and to be good Orangemen they should be goad Christiana. Bro. Molloy said he was pleated to be present at the initiation of :Messrs. 8ends and Morrison. He said he was glad he was an Oreogoman. The haute McKay was associated with Orange. a m , Gen. Hugh , , 11.1 eliay, his illustrious =cos*, foughtin King William's battles n Sooilanct. He wished 733 prosperity. 'They could not. fail with such creditable men a's Bros, Clark, Betagough and Palmer at the itelm.:-.4.11iss, Hattie Sutke rand- is glad to ' axMounco that ihr John T4.6 -pe, of vi.,. at Forest. --Mise Megiip, 'iiistiee was 'at Clinton. ' on Tnood:,,y. inerchant `tailor, ha S made up his mind to amain in HenSesil, and ,bas opened out a ew, fresh stook of all , kinds of, tweeds worsteds , and pantings, and invitee all who are in need of a spring and summer uis to give him a cilia -Mr Treuractn rintnell is erecting a new stable. -Mr red Ingram and family left for their ome in Vancouver, B. C, hot Friday orning.-Mr A, Weseloh had his bank- upt stook of boots and shoes moved from urich last week. -Mr Jas Carlisle was at eaforth ,last, Monday.-ltlies P. Stone. an of Chiselburst is visiting in town. DmeAu. --The de ior ut Werlinsa- day evening came, ,, as, :' announced. 11,41 Mr. Henry Tondo, .,.k., 19. tieavitt. ,Mrs, Wile Deering totedtedi the, chair, The 'discussion was sharp ' 'The l',,lecision was at womerdheve laienVd in emme, A song by John Ford 3'0 tIzta dial as by Silas Stanlake rine John Reale gteTee singing of the National • afitheiNtoloted the meet- ing. , , • e ' ,4 - kid ,," / •L'.1,40.4(1 • 1, I Le/ ' -tete, Id' Bruesei. W.Aidlrer is goline to build a bre* house.' Mr. 'W' Itfite is oonteraplat- lag the 84410. X0hO 1.144LIel Of Exeter, hes the elentreet for tha litiokwork of loth buildinga.-Mr.' Love tdietencle building hinaself a brick node:snow t. it-aste-0 Anderson. , Bninrs.-The Seim of Temperance divi. Hien of this place impose holding it con. cart on the 20th of elfish to commemorate the 991h birthday'ofeetee. Neal Dow. -A, G. Ratoliffe willort*ilattethe Agricultural College at GrielpOteit,eterni, Mr, Rat- cliffe in enteredite,tihr irky student. -Our school teacher, Mi k, is convalescent. .),,....":04.4. Aomori:we-A sad accident mimed on Tuesday afternoon in Mr Beni Sherry's bash, When Mr Sherry was in the act of felling it tree, which fell in the opposite direction to vrhich he intended, and. as his team etas standing in ,that direction, Mr Sherry ran to get them out of the way, not thinking of the danger he was running into. Before he readied the horaes he was struck by the tree, which severely injured him, and at preaent there is bat little hope of hie recovery. The tree also struck tlae team of horses, killing one of them in- etantly. MrsBberry anti family have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their trouble. (Too late for last week.) Blitzes -Rev Dr. McKay, Missionary of Formosa, occupied the palpit in Carmel church last Sabbath evening, and preached to one of the largest audiences ever gathered in thal church, ae quite a number could not gain admittance. The Doctor gavel, very hatereating discouree on the Mission- work el that field.-tIr Jacob Taylor ot Clinton was in town last Friday. -Mr A. Wilken of Londesboro was visit- ing in town on Monday. -Mr Weteleh, otir enterprising boot and shoe dealer, was at Zurich last Monday and bought the bankrupt if tack of boots and shoes of Mr D. (tottsolialk, which was sold by auction, _miss Curry of Bills Green ie visiting in town.--tiesers Chas Memo J. C. Stone- man, Wm Elder and Miss Murray attended the Sonday School Convention which was held at Clinton on Tuesday and Wednea day, --Mrs John' McArthur, wbo has been ill for the peat two months, is, we are glad to announce, recovering slowly. -Mrs John Pope,and family, who have been -visiting at ,her father's, at Deighwood, returned home Monday, -A load of our ekaters at. tended the carnival at Clinton Monday night. -A number of the I. °O. a F. at- tended the oyster supper at Clinton on Tuesday night and report having had a good tiree.-Car earlers were al Seaterte hot week, but owing to not having had any preofice this year as there is no rink here, they weren't in it with the Seaforth team. -Mr W. ft Dates, grocer, moved into his new residence last week, -Widow Brown of the London toed died on &Andel evening and was buried on Wedneeday at tee Rodgerville cemetery. 13nuferce-Mr. John Ashton, our enterprisifeg livery man, has sold out hie bu1. nese to Mr. Troyer for it good sem -Mr, Wm. Simplon, who WAR Injured in the bash lard week, is able to he about ageio. Miss Emma Nevie le visiting Mende le Winghaui. A bettet liver regulator and health to- etotet than Eseljay's Liver Lozengee it herd to be &end, This is the experience of Toronto fatuity wise had ttied only ono bold They want more tent cm At 00004 They ere it ploatarit and sere teediciao. sold et 2do, a box at draggiels. Cr onuef'ty, „r- Bamrs.-edr. „ka areas CIDIpbell and -telnilY of Moose l'alt;',N. W. T., and Mr. Hobt. l'utvden nntl fettili, of Brandon, who have spent thcaspast few months visiting facade hereabout, joado for home. next weet.-Jas. Parke, who has " been home for BOO10 tiatO leaves shertly for Dalrota.--a Mr. and Mtn. Je G.Atiller hariea an infant child on Tuesday. t-Mide Robert Johnston has tye contra° t, tor the„ erection • of Mr. Hislatids derelfinged;•Mret;Haneilton is push- ing tlie ittpleenent -bdtess this season and hire, already bifolted",4 targe thirober oI orders.--Meody 0lif1649aes left hero for the inmost) of., ceedidng a load= in Branaptordett F. MecLaren, ot Windsor, and John ofToroittp dont it few days lea week visiting !bet dote, Mr. Ferguson of Staffa. Mr. Fergel*elaig attained it good age and his maineftiendi ,tre anxious as to his condition. i-Atiateeber of young men die a kindly act to , tdr. 'King last weak. Tile old sonar:inane: '5,00,4 was about run out and being in poor health himself they oat ane drew .about tate cords for Moe, Mr, Boyle kindly supplidel the itaaber. Dash -eddied. tneetitig of tht Ears:aorta Institute was hold ta '\'Srgert'ed hall last Wednesday, int e A ,g,)1111- staffqf oelieqWere-fn aittindre itit,f-, and 4ile- ouseed various questions of interest to the tarnaers. The evening entertain- ment was largely attended and a good program was delivered. -Mr. Willie= Cuntz of Crediton has been engaged by Mr. Henry Roese, our east end wagon maker, who is now Making it , great number of wagons and buggies for Are spring trade. -Mr. Wm. Pfaff, butoher, put in a large supply of ice last week ot splendid quality. -Messrs. Zeller & Appel ot Zurich were in the, village on Monday, -Mr. Henry Birk is nursing a sore Mendeb at present. The meet- ings of the Knights of thistlVlao oabees will now be held the 1st anct 3rd Monday nights' in.:end,* month. -The auction sale of the estate of the late Ain Henry Yager, vrao held at Wilert's hotel on Tueeday. The .property Was kW/eked dOWD tO 'Vire Wrn. Willert for $1525.- Everybody should beware of several able bodied tramps who are passing through the country at present. .--A grand entertainment will be given in the Evangelical church on Thursday ereniug,March 17th under the auspices of the Y. P. A. ' Cen.tralia. l3rnees.--(Coraing), Canada's charm- ing whistler, Miss Bloom, who will assist at the first auniversary of the R. 1. of T., on Friday evening, March 2111. Refreshomate will be served by the ladies of the counoil. A dmission, d 5o, children ]5. -Rey. W. H. Butt addres- sed the County S. S. Convention at Clinton last week. The Clinton New Era reports u follows "Mr. Butt who has;recently oonae into this county is a valuable acquisition to the talent of association, his address was among the best delivered during the convention." -Mr. A. Bovvalaugh is home from Clinton where he has been in charge of' a saw ma --Miss Lillie Hill, who hag been in London ix home visiting. --Mrs Bill is going to have an auction sale on March 8th. --Mise Eva Ppm hi visit- ing her parents. --The church bell has recently been put in position and now tons out the hour of service-1Vlieses Mitohell and Elston injured by the runaway team of Mr. Harrison are still suffering considerable pain and pros- tra tion. (From another source). Mune*, --Well some one prophesy when sleighing will come.- W S. Davis, Wm. Luker and others were felling it tree on Tuesday in 'There Handford'e bush they were fortunate in 'seeming nine comas, two of which vvere very large arid valuable,--Weiley Fairhall of Brandon,Man., is visiting . his brother Charlie thii pleoe.-4t. F. Rieke; VTAR tri London oter Sunday. Mr, Fred. Smith of Brantford is elid- ing his brother 0. W. of this plat:M.-- The Arena= orgireiebr has beeu can- Vares:ng in OM place but. We do not know how tabootssaful he halt been, A Toroblon lady saye "I havo tried a great many remedies but 110,707 found one to give 010 mo witch relief en rlseljny'm Giver Lozenges, I would not be without them," are sold at 05a. at a rugiVots. lkiiieird'e bulb:101i for rheumatism. CONDENSED DISTRICT NEWS. nuncer. A quiet but pleasant event t piaoe at the residence of Mr. J firoeneh, in Tuottersmitis? on Fri last. This was the inarriege of DOW Sproat, of Ethel, formerly Tuokerspaitb, to lain Hannah, siete the worthy hoot. Thee) Brussels Bost chronicles deeth of Benjamin Edwards, at -th age of 82. Mr. Edwards was born Brentwood, Co, Essex, England, on J uiygltla 1812, ad oonsequently woul have,beee 82 next July had his lif been spared. Fifty-one years ago the deommed purchased the lot on whiola the G. T. It. depot now stands in Lon don for,$5, the Forest Cit, being bu a quiet going village at that date. Mr and Mrs Edwards resided in Markham for time, then moved to the town ship Of MoGillivray, Mindlesex County and, took up land. Thirtydfive year ago they purchased lot 3, con. 0, rdreY townehip. „W illis,m) 'Wallace, of aona leer, Essex County, vvrites as follows: .For sorcie weeks past I have noticed several demi crediting different farmers in the township of Tuokersmitla and Hibbert, with having marketed some heavy bogs, and thinking it might be of some interest to these gentlemen, tcdhear from the teo-called corn hoonty of Essex I wish to state that Mo. Samuel Jackson, of the Middle: ,road, delivered in comber a few days ago, nine hogs, which averaged, when dressed, 413 pounds. These were of the Berkshire breed and were fed en- tirely on corn. MIDDLESEX. The Parkhill council tie having tlae streets named Mid holmes numbered. Parkhill ,council has decreeti th there -Shall be five hotel and no oh licenses in that town during 189 The license f e6 for hotels was fixed $185. .70)31$' WFIX1910 uestishers and rt.*** sows • 'FHB LATEST N Several earthquake shoults ware felt ia o°h°kti. Sial'illiYelablutsinceLk.portion of lleslo,B, 0. was ehey deetroyed by Are Saturday :night. Lose Mori "°C°0'n°g°r°e'saneen Wilson of tariff bill fame r of ills en oh; steyrii,ohu;iidy ei rn. the city of Mule°. h tanhilet'oqPoti dar teb sae it 31 ro:ft na the808800.tar list' go al:Pr ladrI5v °11 g b°: t Iva rlo in A change of venue him been greeted in d the aecone Hooper trial at Three Rivera a and the ease will be hertid in Montreal. W. C. Carrethere walked, out of a second storey window ,at Kingston on Saturday night and tooeived injuries which resulted t- in his death. , Five year old Johnny Doerr was burned to death et Rochester, N. Y., Saturday morning, and his mother had her leg brok- en by a fall from a window. A. British force in Gatnira, West Afriort loot three officers and ten men. and had 47 wounded in an encounter with a slave raid- ing band under Chief Fodsilah. Seven members of the ltveuger family of M!,ohigan City, lnd., hare died of trichin- osis. About it mi th ago the bandy of 8 persons ate some 't,b^eased pork. At Chicago on Sa s, day Judge Brentano denied the motion a .uow trial in the case of Eugene Pendergast, the murderer of Mayor:HarrisOn, and sentenced the prison- er to be hanged on Maroh 23. "A crick in the back," &bale ander the shoulder blades, water brash, billowiness, and oonstipation, ara symptoms of disor- dered stomaoh, kidneys, -flyer and bowels. For all erenents originating in it derange- ment ethese organs, take Ayer's Pills. A _London cable announces that the Judicial Corarnittee of the Privy Connell gave judgement &serene. declaring the valid. Act respecting assignments and pteferanoes by insolvent bankrupts to be at op I azie glad in the interest of any, who 4, may be auffering from Dpepepsia, to boar at testiraony to the fact that I have been greatly benefitted by the use of K, D. C., when other medicines prescribed A3 reme- dies afforded no relief. The blue -bird is hailed as %harbinger of Spring. It is clso a reminder that a blood ruiner is needed to prepare the eyetera for the debilitating weather to come. Listen and yon will hear the birds singing: "Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in Mibrah, April, May." WINTER. FEEDING, ;5 Pi OR Ea __RVEtE8 tint" ti N AWAY 11141114, ,TuSt opened a HandsOnte Lot of Rind some Pictures from the; celebrated 'firm of W. A. Rut Co. of Bulralo, N. Y., Wholesale Picture Importers, Bealltif121 Walnut and Gilt s J Frames, 6 im wide, size 36 x 28 inches, Andrew Roger, a highly respected farmer of London township, who died a few days ago, oarne from Yorkshire, Eng.'36 years ago and first setled in Gocterich. Ire was married in 1868 and leaves a widow and four daugh- ters; A number of friends of liddand Mrs. Richard Hodgine, tSauble Line, Bid- dulph, assembled atttheir residence o Mdatday evenintt, Feb, 190, it belts 'tne 25th afihiversarY Of their Yieddin day. A most enjoyable evening w spent by all present. Over fifty pa took of the bountiful repast prepare for them by the host and hostage. fh presents were numerous and °omit among others was a beautiful silve watch and chain, presented to Kr Hedging himself. Speeches, reoitat ions, vocal and instrumental music wile the order of the proceedings and all present enjoyed themselves to the fullest. About midnight the affair was brought to a close, and many were the good wishes indulged in by their friends with regard to the future of the happy pair, and hope was Oft LiMei3 exprested that their lives might be /pared to commemorate their golden Wedding at the expiretion of another quarter of a century. ezane. Mr. Jos. 13rown has sold his resid once in St. Marys to Mr John Hooper • Blanshard. The appointment ofJ. W. Cull as enb-colleotor of outdoing at Mitchell has been gazetted.The people of Mitohell protest against a night-watchman unless the merchants pay half' the expense. When horses and cattle are kept in ,.11- stables most of the winter ssa ars Rid on 2: dry food, they are ape to get eat of eondit- "d ion wed the spring finds animals that are rt not thriving, many have notually lost der - 0 ing the winter and hare to do all their e "pie:king rep" when turned out to grass. Y All this oan be prevented and enituals r made to gain all winter long by using • ick s Blood Purifier Note the name- . Diokei not Richard's. Tinto MAIM _CAFE SUCCESSFUL. It is easier to face a sannog than to oarry aboat with you, day after day, a sick beadaOhe, wretelied billieueness, a torturing neuralgia pang. Men and women go down before these things who brave the great afflictions of life. Sntrlits Powders cure these affections, and help make life succeseful. By removing pain, they pet hope in the heart, they put brightness in the eye, and elasticity in the step. When one has a clear bead and it nomad stomeob, he is always ready, in the battle of life to give a Roland for an Oliver. Stark's Pow. dere are the floret of success, 25 cents a box. Mr. Race, of the Mitchell Recorder, is an asp trent for the Liberal nominat- ion in South Perth at the approaohing Provincial election. Mr. Thos. Northgraves of St. Maes, While walking aoroas the Ontario House oor the Other day, 1 ipped and fell breaking his right arm. The will of the late Wm. Etty, of Miech ell, has been probeted, He left $9,811 in personal and , $2,960 in real estate, with leis widow as sole execut. St. Mary'e clerk gete a salary of $30 per annum ; treasurer, *250, constable, $400 ; night watchman, $375 ; assessor, $150 audiker• s 25 elm la. Mr. W. Ef. Graham of St, Marys • • left during the past reek with a DUm. ber of oarriege horses or the old scaott: 7. He expeots to be, absent it csouple of months. He has rirrirecl Wm. Canning, sr., died at the resi., dance of his daughter's, Mitchell, on Thureday last, aged 74. He was an old resident of the Carlingford neighbor- hood for years and welt known in thus section. The daughter of Richard Lucas, of the refit Ward, St. Marya, in attempt- ing to efreet eon:es:eery cure for chil- blains, placed her feet in it sneer drift for some fifteen ininutes and when gips removed them they were frozen to badly that they may have to be amput- ated The town Al' Mitchell, Which nins the eleetric light at about $500 shortage annually, is considering the question of inoreelting the price to stlimoribere 2 dents a letup and else of ptitting in an inoandesceet plant to increatio consumption, Xo other sarsaparilla has equalled letoodti in the telief 14 givee in sevenst clime t�f dyispepela,teielt headaehri, bililotusueii, 010. BIIRDO LOOD ITTERS. Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood, headache, ness, sorofula, and all dirseitees,of the stone- aoh, liver and bowels, AN EEOE'LLENT Romzny. Gentlenten,-We have mod Iragyard's Pectoral Balsam in our homes for over throe years,and find it an excellent remedy for all forras of coughs and colds. In throati:and lung troubles it affords instant relief. John Brodie, Columbus, Ont. Excursion to California,. On amount of the Sea Francisco, Winter Fair, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company will sell ex- cursion tickets to San Franoisoo, St. Joffe, Colton, Los Angeles and San Diego., Oah, and Portland, Ore., at reduced rates, good until April 1, 1894. For perticalare +tall on any deepen tioket agent, or address A. 3. Taylor, Canadian Paris. Agent, 87 York St., Toronto, Ont. i•moiromomme.. llow wa do it I We give you a tioket on which we punch all your purchaees. When the total amounts to $30;yon can have your choice of the elegant framed Pictures described above frieN COMED SEB ASK:FOR A TWICE r. START AT ONCE. af rs e Rat hi ei the 2Gieroeowt oe:RBri .e, 9 Da r yw a-yGa o oo s , haBnodotasa aiondw Shoes, Ready-made Clothing and nice J. P. ROSek matket Depot Mr. Mowat strongly opposed the election of Mr. Mc:Naughton. n -North Bruce, but that member was independ- ent enough to overlook the Premier's peevishness and hasty ultimo and words in that noted contest and allowed himself to belintroduced to the House by two independent Libetals and after- wards took a seat upon one of the op- position benches. Mr. MoNaughton't first action in the House was to prove that he did not go there as an opponent of the Government: -Farmer's Son. x x It is said, in defence of the pry:avant system of paying registrar* and sheriffs, that the office e would not yield so large a revenue as they do now ff the fees oolleceed formed part of the public re- ceipts and the officers -were paid a fixed amount for their serviees. It is alleged that in cases where ealariee are paid.the revenue has tall= off 40 per cent since the officials ceased to have * pereonal interest in the fees paid in. This, however, can hardly be conxidered an argument against the proposition to fund sheriffs' fees. It simply, amounts totthis, that those whose fees have been funded are not acting laonetrtly by, the public and that the dishonest 'ser- vants should be removed and better men put in their places. X X X In his speech in the Ontario Legislat- ure in the debate on the LieutenantGoyernor'e a.ddrees, Mr. Meredith) the Opposition leader, aaid ;-- Now he wanted to sayea few male lon another topio. The Attorney -General, in an address to his former constituents of South Ontario, had aocueed him of rain! the 'am popery" cry, Had any man of tees rospoesible position than the Attorney. General made the acousation it would not have been so neeessary' for him te take exception to it. He has done nothing of the kind. It was most onfair to bring such a charge against him. Mamba* on his side of the House had been called relig- ious,. bigots and fanatics. They werc• neither. One of the acts for which they had been condemned in this commotion was the introduction into the Itegielatnre of a bill providing that tbe ballot should be alike for Roman Catholioa and Protestants. Now they were justified in this notion, be - cense a member of the Houma on the Government side had himself given notioe of a bill which WAR understood to give the ballots to voters at Separate school elections. He repudiated most emPhatieellY every charge of insinuation to the effeot that the members of hia side of the House' went dieposed to treat those of the Roman Catholio faith with the least degree of harshness. Far from it Egnal rights for all was the platform on which they stood. That was the policy of himself and his followers at the last election, mad that would be their policy et the impetiding elections. (Loud Oppoeition cheer*, ) Tete MODERN WAY. Commends itself to the well.formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in, the crudent manner and disagreeable as woll, To cleanee the syn. tem and break up colds, headache and fevers without unpleasant after effect, axe the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, THE GREAT SALE OF Banitrtql Siock :1 Po:i Sion, lr<IIR...a<rrC)1\1"7' Flas been a decided success, people corning for miles to get their share of the Bargains, The counters are still full of Bargain s in every line. NOW some of the Prices we are quoting this week: —Mon's Black Worsted 8uits, made to order, perfect fit guaranteed, $15, regular. price $20, -100 Gents' Fasluomtble Ties, 2 for Sc, regular price 15c each. -Children's All -wool Hose 6c per pair, regular price 15c. Lbs taking Soda for 5c, regularprice 5c per lb. —8 Lbs: Sulphur for 215e, regular price On per lb. -Salmon 10c poi' can, regular price 15c per can. We are selling 33 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for COI tiighegt price paid for Vann Produce. MeGOWAN & CO Kirktott