HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-21, Page 8Tee
A cheap lo
School ooks. in-
oludill; the . High
School ollCltlre-
re -tared for the op,
e11r1 WWill Piave
enough to last t9
,Tan„ 10th.
g ankrap Sore
The Spot for Bargains
s Ponnd'Bor`3 oda Bisealt3. is
4.1'ounds Ginger snaps. 25
S Pounds SodaY - a
Bost Matches 1
BeileePoy,Tavan.'1 ea
will for a short time longer give
ranulatd S f
e tiger or ,Trial
y fraena,
keneen �'la, :: Allaly to Wen
e, weekett:Sloe., havo Suet erected
aai, at in tat eeery cif the late Jennie
lie, coating 6500,
New databliiads"ooze, xlele on beet rel,
Lem, for 46a, Good' Well Vesper fatly doe,
per xoil,'at Sig Bankrupt Store,
The.,reeent steady eeld''alien has inade,
good ice, Ana as a eoueegdence there who
use it leave stowed away agood, lapply,
At a ineeti,ng of the Be T. of T. cm
Monday' night ee less these feet. old topers
ivete; smelted in the het Of -the faithful.
Sailor Bay miselered •japan Tea, 260,1
prime Japan Tea, 13 paunde for $1, Batt
vitiate in Oeneds, Big Benkrepk St s„
Failure to explain the eceeetileitiese of
this winter's weather bee had a..mem de_
preesieg effect upon oldest inhebita,tts'
than rfieumetics.
Oeut'rs 620 fax • casts fete lea, SO ;; g
oboe, '
r or half
Pelee ; fee- callers :end, muff*
half pee ; eerCette retest, half price, Big
Bankrupt Store,
For the plot Taut days we been enjoyed
bracing wiretwe weather, less the sleighing
accompvzrie n The 'wheeling Juts been
.gbod, beet 4Y,er�.
Fen ��r;
�k Th tl1-I�
w tghted, °°mmol.
foists and well appointed stare, recently
eaunpied by E. J. Spaokmai tic. Co. Apply
te,Gco, Samwell, Exeter,
i Arne James Moore, et Exeter North,
',Whilst going to church, on Sunday slipped.
on the icy surface, and. f1,1 breaking near•
left erne It was Bet. at =lei amt. she, is
doing nicely.
Mr. R. I. i. Bowe has exteede 3. his
furniture Wasexoon sixteen feet, by re-
moving a:.briek, wall at the, sear.White
it atl'orebt more town, it also, Oda to the
appeeeanee oe the department.
Will an persons please, notice that
nothing goats into these columna if the
writer'&name is not„given to the editor,
.A. remembeauce et this rule will save a
from,.lot of copy from,. the waste basket every
The saju of the stock 'in trade of D..
Gottscheelk, inaolvent boot: & a�! 41e--dea"f r,
Zuripb000k place: in Z,ori•eu ole Monday..
Thin retook valr d'at $2073.61 was par -
.24 poen • p1 3 oitssa y by g, Weseloh, Renard', far 71
4 pounds of our eller Boy, or 5. f cents in the dollar.
of onr prize Ja en Lle�✓�or otlxei Chad W. Leavitt lectured in the opera
dollar. A. great snap, try it. hall cn.Friday last to a fair !deed audience..
We think that wea the best His, theme was in the interest of the P. i ..
&a s, He is afine speaker and seasons his
assortment and mos.- ttlrtplato Stock of 'lecture with incidents naleulated to make
Wall Papers and„ ,n4 in town. We it interesting.
would like to ILnot what yon, think of Mr, Gilhllee et Lean, who purchased
our Stock, come and See: it. A real the stock of R, McGowan, Kirkton, has
oe, �i?a1[ a�erfor.8 .a pier roll, and resold the eaten to A. McGowan & Go.,
s nee sorely things in I$ado Window who are disposing of the stock on the
Biirids, mounted :on best rollers, . cont- ; premises. Sea advertisement on front
putts, for 45a, Ohe.ap, ain't it /me ! la58e•
teied good, A ahuffieef tattering footsteps. a dull
thud,e a f--- forcible expressions, and
Abe yen going tel ta1re;, i erre advice another citizen is filled with regrets that
and buy barred of Sine rightesev y? he did not take to the middle of the street
Look out fora big jurtip price before in the first place. This is how it was on
-10 days. You willleeet left: if you don't Sunday.
buy. We are renin,, Sugars below re- • lir. R. N. Rowe has diapeeed of his
finery prices,, residence ` on Huron &treat,: somewhat
reeently occupied by Mr. T. Prier, to Mr.
3 Gents', Free . Coats, and 4 Goat Wes. Snell, and has purchased the Ed-
Robes left, D6 you want a big Bar- worthy property,juet south of the Mansion
gain ?, A, Gent's Good. Fur Coat for house. ale intends huilding in the spring..
$11.50. IVow's:year :chance for a bar- Mr,, R. Cook. of ,south River in renew -
gain, Fur Coaterest go. Goat Robes , ng his subscription tolen Teems writes,
go.for half price. Qhick is the word.,, among other things, that snow is,, on an
average three to four feet deep, making
6Bars Sweet Home Soai 25 ,it difficult for -saw -logging. Tee weather
6 BareDingman's erlect:io - ?fi ,
S Bars White Castile - - - r, ;has kept continually cold, the thermometer.
10e3ars Our Own Soap - $i having gone down As low as thirty de-
' greet below zero 'several times.
citewart On Sunday night while returning home
e s i]►.
from church- Mr. Harrison of the 2nd
Biddulph, met with an accident which
Notice to Times' Readers. might hi:we•restated seriously. The front
axle of tete double carriage, broke, throw -
Tie publishers mu/ f actseaBt tea faller gf ing the occupants out, and •eausiag i3,e
'toilers wortld,avhen minting their purchases, horses, to run away The animals ma a
seater; that they sato, the mcrchaa'if's adver- eemeelerable distance and' co,ltded with
lament in Tens l riga&, several vehicles before being ,acraught.
:The buggy was badly broken but no .one
in iisred. •
Somelittle exoitemsnt was treated on
Main street yesterday„ by several horses
running away. Mr. Harness had. Been
delivering meats when his horse starteii air
Main at. at a lively rate, Soon. Cobble-.
dick at Folland's horse joined in the race,
only to be aroompanied farther on by Mr.
Snell's (express), horse. .All three made
thingslively for time in turning over
other Vehicles • along the route.. No ;;one
was injured, none of the animals hurt,
butf several rigs were next or leas damaged.
The scene. was really an exciting one, yet
The marriage of Mr. Fred. McDonel
of Heiman, and Miss Mattie ' lawkshaw,
dangh*er ei hir. John .aawkshaw, of
Exeter', took place at the rersideuce of. the
"P.HURSDAY, FEBle GARY 21, 1804.
Mr Goo, Heaman intends moving to
British. Coeurabla in the spring, He has
not enjpyed the best health the past few
years and the change is mede in the hope
Of recuperation in het,lth, We hope, with
his many friends,that the change meg have
the desired effect. -B iv. Mr. Stewart of
Clinton preached Ir. the Presbyterian
eiterch on. Sunday lett. The Main et.
church pulpit Was oecepiei by,Rev. Geo.
Jackson in tbe morning and Bove Mr•
Bimini of Herneall, in the evening ; Rev.
Mr. McDonagh being- Absent in, St. Mays.
-Jas. Parkiegop, left yesterday for Trout
Creek, after havnatt visited hie, family here
the past two -weekt.-G. A, Hyridman
leevai thiseWeek•fcre Forest to take the
adeepted eetently as noted in
spent tide past week visiting lila father,
Me. Wain Baker of Stephen, who has been
aOlously.ill the past low weeks, -Mr. G.
A. K, MoLeod is imeroving in health. -
Mr. H, IL Eolliek is very ill at present.,
-Mitts Maeld Welsh has gone to flew
don, while Miss Lillian. went to Toeonto
rib take eituations,-Mr. &Kellum of
f(filtratford, repent 'the torepart of, this week
/ilia town. -334r. Aquila Snell, james St.
- and Mr, Thomas Dew, Hurou St., are
es nee ror r one.
Haying dirleosal of the butchering
bureineas to Mr. Snell, all accounts Owing
theArm met be reveled on or before the,
levet week in Marcie after which they will
be Placed ether heeds for colleetion,
TO bare choke Eh °trio eoap for 26o, I.
6 bane choice Yellow soap for 26c ; 6 hoes
Sweet Home flop 26e ; 6 bars white
Ceestile or Oatmeal Asap 25o. Big Bank-
rupt Store. '
The Young People of the ,lemee Stt
Churtili will give a toeial and entertain,
Merit in the (Meech on Tneaday evening,
February 27th. Tea sawed from 6.86 p.
tn. The Entertelemeet to begie at 8
o'cleele. A dtaission for ail, 15 tits, W.
reeeona, Pres, Meer Sec,
The anditore" reeve et the affeire of the
Western Dreirymen'e Assooletioe for the
cm hand 41623 66, Aseets, 6695 66 ;
Rites, 11668 67 . meets over
end it Alex. Tait,
A Mender
Lien of the
ate aohet
0 nth
',Pieta en elle
G;,tut the toe za la. 16th,
All pret,eut, itiliuutirs cQ previous
eetimgread rene. eonfirteed,
Tayloreelleh%ori-tliwt flange lienip'z
alder for Lein einger et l$40 per auemin be
arc opted.
(?ening•-_Battier•fust Capt. .gemh's
eller 44610 per tine um for 'stage smite be
rceeletpct,--Cereied,--Weaghitig .to be ate
tended to prenerly.
lliseett--T417;or-that idr. Tellowee
tender tor leaving stone P.,%5 per eorel be
aeeepted,---Careisd< '
‘'oeanaeuieetlens respecting electeic lista
eon front neere of Ileelth laid over fee le
winters meeting,
Qarling---ocher---the counciludjoucued
to meet at call ei the eeeye.
hl, Eschars, Clerk,
Recd M.tesrs Carling Bros. spring adver-
tisement in anaaher column,
Hold yraursetves free for Rosa D'Erium
Concert, k .
B d
dui a
B at li 7th.
Cue; day fent week while chapping wp:+rxi
in flies brother's bush in Stephen, youth;
Air. Qookpoaxhad two of hie toes cat. ell;
one of his feet.
a he council at ite Last meeting,, toolelcd
to adapt the trig system of dog teen, instead
of collecting the meal 61,00 fee,, and all
dogs not veering tags will be. conftevated,
The :Ladies' Aid Society of Cave,xz
Presbyterian f hureh intend giving a par-
ler concert at the residetaee of Dr. Amps
early. la March.
Coating, Rosa D'Erina, a first class
company, Wednesday, Marolz 7th, 1864,•'.
under auspices of SUua of England, B.
S..Plynouth Lodge, Exeter,
The new luear bentof thia pariah! Rev.
Mr- Hunt and 1 i fancily were given ,a
rect ption at the.reotory on Thursdt y ;18st;
by the die the Triyitt .lwfe•iioriale
church: d. very pleasant time was [spent,
Tho minutes of the Exetertiouraeil
cetera $+
pro;eedings of which our cetera
weld written in a brief fertnby nurselvee
at the ,Cennoil' meeting, and as they were
Pa re -written autil Wednesday, amidst
the bustle of getting ready for press,
were entirely "forgotten, as in gettingup
a paper like Tux Ants we have no time
to think about these small fry.,
Rev. Dr. McKay, mission ,ry of eh;e-<
Presbyterian Church from )'ormgk{sa,
China, addressed a, large oongregatiortlon
Tuesday evening in Caven Church. The.
lecture was full of interest and many
thrilling tales were told. Dr.. ltLeRay
has done good work among the eh Mese.
It twenty years eine Dr. Maio' y be-
gan to work in North Formosa. The
remelt is that in that part of the island
there are at dais day 2,605 baptized
Christians, fifty native preachers, two
ordaineei peewee. and many other worts
ers, besides eceres of nice libtle meeting
The Marks e3roa.' 'Comedy Co. under
the able mana,tement . of Mr. R. W.
Marks, are ,giving . concerts. every
eveningeethis week in, Drew's Opera
House. They are giving a, first class
show each evening. !Vlr. Tom Marks
Canada's great Comedian, also, Jimmie
Field in his eo.sentric Comedy • Craze,
Cousin Joe, brings' forth lots of laugh-
ter,elliss Emma Gertrude, Mrs. Bessie
Field and. Kate Ebert, ant their parts
admirably in the different acts and
characters. They are giving the beat
sat:sfaotion of any troupe that has been
here for some time,.
BUSIIICSS Et1116dtiOrlal 60EIFSC.
div ayes a MwoNsisS.
A complete business education with, examinations andggraduatixag
�rtd aissued. to who a�
,, t tile. end ;oi the course a 1Di�lAi~12o. esus p
exa,mmation qualifying for a business position.
It makes no difference whether you are a farmer, mechanic' or any walk in life, if you can
siinpl�read and write :