HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-27, Page 131 G9DER!CH S `AL-ST44►i . THIJRODAV: JUNE 27, 1974--w ACE 18. 8. HELP WANTED 8. HELP WANTED P Class 'A' Mechanics Required by a .local manufacturer t, SHIFT WORK -.- BENEFITS„ GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS Apply Personnel. Department Dominion Roads Machinery Company Goderich, Ont. 11. TENDERS ONTARIO NOUS ING CORPORATION An Agency of the/Province of 0 „ torlo SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND UN - CRATING OF 315 ELECTRIC RANGES AND. 277 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS FOR: ATIKOKAN O.H. 2 • CARDINAL O.H. 2 COCHRANE O.H. '4 EMO 0.H, J N1ARKDAI.E O.H. 3' WINGHAM O.H. 5 P.C. 49/74 Tenders will be,,received for the above until 12:156 noon E.D.S.T. July 16, 1974 by. the Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 , Blopr Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1P8, c/o the Chief Purchasing Of- ficer, 11th floor, from whom details and specifications may be ob= tained or telephone 966-3600, ex- tension 294, quoting reference number as above. Proponepts tray" . bid on, one project, a .group of • projects, or all projects. The lowest or",any tender • ^snot necessarily accepted.- .--.• A• •r .O- 12. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auc.tiof Sale of Household Effects and Tools for Mrs.' Ben Walsh,' Blyth on Saturday, June. 29 at 1 p.m. 'McClar y propane -gas stove;' G.E. refrigerator with acrosp- top freezer; Vikinb T V ; 5 pc, bronze sot; 4 pc. bedroom suite; beds; dressers; com- mode; rabbit cage$; chest of -drawers; vanity; cedar chest; trunk; chesterfield and chair'; reclining chair; hostess chair; coffee table and 2 matching end tables; organ stool; music cabinet; small tables; hall tree; tern stand; copper boiler; 3 iron pots; snow shoes; water skis; 2 power lawn mowers; garden tiller;Webster paint sprayer; wood lathe and tools; table saw; power planer; tap. and die, set • (like new); primitive hand tools; quantity of mechanics and carpenter tools;. tool box; lawn chairs; riding' ,lawn mower (to be sold as is); etc. etc. :Terms '- Cash Property Sold Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, �.� 524,9064 ' .26 ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION An Agency ,of the Province of Ontario SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 00 183NEW COIN OPERATED WASHERS & 170. NEW COIN OPERATED DRYERS - FOR: Almonte O.H. 1 Brantford O.H. 4 Burford O.H. 1 Chatham O.H. 1 Fort Erie 0.H, 3 Goderich 0:H. 2 Hamilton 0.H. ' 10 Kitchener O.H. 2 Leaminiton O.H. 3 London O.H. 8 Preston O.H. 2 , Alexander Park (Metro) O.H. 32 Bergamont (Metro) O.H. 19 davenport Road .(Metro) O.H. 65 Ellesmere/Markham (Metro) O.H. 72 Kennedy Road (Metro) 0.H. 73 Lawrence/Susan (Metro) O.H. 81 Pelham Park (Metro) O.H. 46 Phin Park •(Metro) O.H. 86 Porter Avenue (Metro) O.H. 27 Tandridge Crescent (Metro) O.H. 54 Torbolton (Metro) O.H. 18 P.C'. 48/74 Tenders will be, received for the above until 12:00 noon E.D.S.T. July 11, 1974 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1P8, c/o the Chief Pur- chasing Officer, 11th floor, from whom details.' and specifications may, be -obtained or telephone 966-3600, exten- sion 294, quojjng reference number 'as. above,' Proponents may bid on one project, a group of projects or all projects. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. AUCTION' 12. USALE Holiday • AUCTION SALE featuring bunk -beds, chesterfield suites, cleansbeds and mattresses, vintage rocking chairs; trunks, variety of new calrpet ends in func- tional variety (several colours): walnut dinette suite; washstands, kitchen cabinet, dressers,• organ, cid chairs, parlour furniture, set single beds with clean mattresses, assorted smallwares, appliances, dishes, etc. being sold on behalf of the owners' and proprietors on Monday July, I. at 11:00 a -m. through the facilities of Estate Marketing Services Auction ,,,Centre 20 Water St. Wingham, Ont. Preview Monday morning only beginning at 900 a.m. Estate Auction Sale of Household Effects for the late Charles Pounder, 196 Wid- der St. on Mdnday,, July 1 at 1 p,m, 8 pc. dining room .suite; 2 Pc. chesterfield suite; 4 burner gats stove; . refrigerator; 21" T V ; Kenmore automatic washer (like new); automatic clothes dryer; 5 pc. chrome setj wooden .fable;;• kitchen cup- board; utility table; 2 oc- casional ' chairs; chrome rocking chair; 4 wooden" kit- chen chairs; coffee table; small tables; library table; beds; dressers; commodep vacuum cleaner; drape's; curtains; mirrors; pictures; mate; chaise lounge with pad; wheel barrow; power lawn mower; step lad= der; ' 2 wheel garden 'tractor with attachments; quantity -of hand tools; '50 - 5 gal. dans of Scarfs'House Paint; etc. etc. Terms - Cash House Sold Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524-9064. 26 13.'SERVICES AVAILABLE. FOR ALL your Fuller Br sh needs please contact Mrs. Bruce ::ttle4'at 482-7549.-24,25,26x VACUUM CLEANERS' SALES & SERVICE. ALL MAKES BOB -PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn ., HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ELECTRIC• Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, ' dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges - RENOVATIONS TO THE J.A.D. McCURDY PUBLIC SCHOOL Huron Park, Ontario Sealed tenders properly identified es to contents, for the general contract and addressed to Huron County Board 'of Education will be received at the office of the architects: Kylese Kyles, ,iaarratt, 165 Huron Street, Stratford. until 3 p.m,, local' time, July 9, 1974 The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond of 100% of contract price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. General building Contractors may obtain drawings and spe ifications at the office of the architect. . R r,A Huron County Board of Education - Clinton, Ontario 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE HOME REMODELING, kitchens.` bathrooms, rec rooms, ceramic' tiling, etc Ca,Ii Lou Robich ltl.-23, 24, 25,26 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equipment, work guaranteed. Write or phone H.T: Dale., Clinton Phone 482-3:320,--tf LADIES - Summer will soon be here, be ready for it. Have your out- fits made by Dianne. Phone. '524- 2492.-.-18tfar SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis -Moffat -Beatty " Sales ---Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. .524-7871 -17tf CHIMNEYS .And CARPENTER JOBS • For new or pointing up old chimneys or small carpentry jobs. VERNON GLENN AUBURN 1-526-7238 Sid Bruinsma FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC •TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 BULLi?OZING EXCAVATING` TRENCHE'R SERVICE Phone 482-7901 or 482-7304 .after 6 p.rn. HURON. PINES CLINTON -fl tfn YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPET* A... DESERVE THE BEST!. Have Carpet Care Clean them with e Stearn Call 524-2440 SHORT NOTICE CLEARING AUCTION SALE �- of Camping and,Sporting Goods and New Furniture Friday; :June 28 goo BALL AUCTIONS LIMITED BRUSSELS ONTARIO Partial Listing: New tents, coleman sto'..., !water, lantern, sleeping bags, coolers, life jackets, thermoses, lawn chairs, lounges, air mat= tresses, camp stools, camping table, canteens, pots, hunting- knives, untingknives, hatchets, coleman fuel, hibachi, baseball bats, balls, , gloves, swing set, tc :-:s racket and balls, badminton set, basketball nets and balls, golf clubs and golf balls, fishing poles, reels, lures, nets,'tackle box, floats, hooks, swim fins, ski belt, water skis, ski rope, flashlights, Morse electrophonic quality component sets with°8 track tape deck, 6 lovely styles Morse stereos, Morse completely automatic sewing machine, large selection of bedrooms and chesterfield suites in styles of • French Provincial, Spanish, Colonial anti!, Modern, new single, double and queen sire beds, decorative table and swagnips, lovely coffee and end table sets, kitchen suites in a variety of colours,'sets of dishes, sets of silverware and many more items WO numerous to mention. NOTE; Terms of sale are Cash or our handy TKM budget plan. There is lots of seating and parking and a refreshment booth and washroom facilities are available. Sale Condudtod by: BALL AUCTIONS LIMITED Phone: 887.936 c, ' Attention: Approximately 1080 -.yards of brand, name carpets. Y 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE DA ICY 'CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Go3eric•h Phone '524-8391 gl9tf Experienced Brick and Block layers` free estimates Phone 482-7901 or 482-7304 after 6 p.m. HURON PINES CLINTON 4 tfn LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION Crushed Road gravel, crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel, Pit Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work, Screened' Top Soil CLINTON - 482-7644 Phone evenings or before 7 a,m. tfn, ACE RADIO & TV Sales & Service ' Repairs to all makes -of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 AIM �art=oLi's landscaping f -& Garden Centre *Ornamental Trees •Evergreen -Shrubs •Box Plants •---a- Are Still 'Available ; BLDG.' 1 6• VA'NASTRA ONTARIO 482-9565' tf ri 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 21. BIRTHS SCREENED TOPSOIL Lyle Montgomery' Clinton 4 8 2.7 644 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against 'the" Estate of EDWARD GRAHAM 'WILLIAMS, Retired, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or• about the )Rh day of' May, 1974, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 20th day. of .July, 1974, as after that date the assets of the estate will, be distributed. • DATED at Qoderich, Ontario, this 21st day of June, 1974. PREST AND EGENER, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario • Solicitors for Brenda and Bill Vanderland (nee , Stirling) of WilloHidale, Ontario, are happy to announce the birth of a son, John William; born .June 20, 1974, at Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston, Ontario.-."26nc 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. John Halley, of Kit- chener, are pleased to announce the forthcoming rerirriage of their daughter, 1iinda Marv, to Mr. Desmond John Courtney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney, Goderich. The wedding is 'to take. place on Saturday, .July 13, 1974, at four o'clock' in St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Kingsbridge. -26 The engagement is 'announced of Karen Elizabeth Grant, daughter of Mrs. Shirley Grant and the late Mr. Grant of Teeswater, to Lieut. Philip' Dale Wardley, son of Mr: and Mrs William McGowan Wardlev of Goderich, the marriage to take place on Saturday, .July 20, at four o'clock in Knox "Presbyterian Church, Teeswater.•-26x the Estate 25. IN'MEMORIAM 16. PERSONAL FULLER In loving memory of ka '''dear son and brother Earl R. Fuller AA. Having a drinking problem? ' who passed away June i3Oth 1952. Call 524-6001. Write AA, Box „51, Each hour a leaf may wither G"o►derich.-rich.Each day the sun may set But the ones who loved and lost you Lp .you to LONELY? • Let us help Are the ones that never forget. 'Change your life. For information SadIV missed by'Mother and sister write P.U. Box 227 Stn. j., Toronto, Olive. -26 Ontario. M4J' 4Y1. -26,27,28x I)0 YOU have Carriage or ,family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help 'in the form of marriage and family counselling either. in your. home or in the Wingham • Office; 199 ' Josephine Street, For appointment, phone 357-3370.-8tf .17. LOST AND FOUND - BOY'S Caravelle Bulova watch lost, Reward. Phone 524-2488.--26 ,,: FU4>N?. .budgie, -June. '.18;• 524-8849.-26x • 20. TO GIVE AWAY PET STOCK to give away. Black and white Collie Mix. Puppies good with • children. Phone' 524- 6329.-25,26 FREE -old magazines -Golf . Digest, Popular Science, Wrestling , 1VJagazines, Hockey News, Tennis Magazines Golf product file:_+ith, o'er 50 mancifaic'turers All free for-* - thcctikltl,r CAll 5214)106 after 5 p m.-'24tfnc 21. BIRTHS R ARMST'RONG:, At Alexandra Hospital;• Goderic'h, on June 20, 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arm- strong, Auburn, a daughter,,,.Donna 'Lunn -26 YOUR AUTHORIZED non -'-n DEALER FOR ,HURON'COUNTY.. HAROLD WISE LTD. PLUMBING - ELECTRICAL - HEATING CONTRACTOR BAYFIELD ROAD CLINTON 482-7062 HURON PINES "Con"struction Service Centre" 482-7901 , • CLINTON Electrical Wiring . 0 ,Concrete and Brick Work General Contracting' Excavating and Dozer Service Back Hoe Service Trencher ' Service 26.'CARD.OF'THANKS Mi•f3OWECL: Many thanks to our family, relatives and friends for gifts, flowers and 'cards. Special thanks to all who honoured us with their presence and made our 40th Weddj Anniversary a happy and' memura le' occasion. Vi and Norrn • McDowell. -26 KU HAN: 1 would' like to thank my r'elatives and friends for,,cards, gifts and visits while 1 was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. -Mary Kinahan -26 MacM1LLAN: The family •of the late Jim McMillan, 40 Cambria Road wish to express .our sincere thank to • our many relatives, friends and neighbours for their help and sympathy at.a.tirne when greatly appreciated. We also wish to thank the ladies of Victoria, Street United Churchf for preparing anis serving the luncheon. Dorothy rind Donna. -26 r Attention Farmers B- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM , SWATHING and con- ditioning of hay, Call 524- 7096,-25,26 TB Association awaits replies :from ,hospitals The Huron Perth TB and. Respiratory Disease Ass,ociation heard routine reports-' from Mrs. M. Kinder,. 'Seaforth; Mrs. E. Fil h/V2"tity chell; A,,, Densmore; G. Prest and R. Butler, all of Stratford, at ,its recent ' regular meeting. Rev. ' Garbutt Smith, Association President, was in charge. Mrs. Kunder said , that the Pulmonary Function Indicator had been offered to halpitals"in the district and that recommen- dations regarding the use, of _, vital capacity tests would be :forthcoming from the Canadian ThoracicSociety's Annual Meeting in Ottawa. Mrs.'Fisher reported that no "official" responses had coupe from the hospitals and councils aancerning requests from th,rti consideration of the 'non- smoker' but that CJCS 'Open Line' and the newspapers had evoked many personal respon- ses. Mr. Dunmore in his Social Services report indicated that a '5 Day `Day Camp" oppor- tunity would be offered to asth- matic children in the two county area at the 'Y' Camp with the use of their facilities. ' Mr, Butler` reported that volunteers anal staff are already deep in preparation for the 1974 Christmas Seal Cam-, paign;• and •once again • ex- pressed ' deep appreciation for the many volunteers who work year round in all phases of the Association's work, Special tribute was paid to Mrs., W. Muise, Respiratory Technologist- from University Hospital, who supervises equip- ment in Huron and Perth SHARE YOUR GOOD HEA'LTII! County homes in ' her spare time. , , At the annual, meeting of the Ontario T., B- • Respiratory 1 isease Association •field' in 0t=' tawa, -..,Rev. Barbutt Smit, 0 Str"atfnrd; wps' elected to the Management Committee of that organization. Mrs. M. Fisher, Mitchell, • Mrs-.- Frank Dodds, Stratford and Mrs. Beryl Davidson atten- d the OTRDA Annual, a Nurses Sect,ion Annual which were all -held in' Ottawa, an subsequent days'. ` . N'EW-__ HUMMEL FIGURIN ES' Here's your opportunity to have one of the famous Hummel Figurines at a saving of 20%. These intricate hand painted figurines are a delight to display and treasure. We have an extensive selection' so you're sure to find one that you will want, They make an ex- cellent gift too, so now is the time to buy that gift while you can save 20%. SQ!JIRE GIFTS Open late 7 days a week Highway 21 S., Goderich, AFTER HOURS SALES INFORMATION -- CALL ME PERSONALLY AT 524-9412 TEN American • v." Motors and Jeep John "Qrtif ° Gerd Munro' 266 BsyflSld Road Godoricb. 524-8411 or 5248841. 1 c�