HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-21, Page 5Cltiforcl ,Blaclentetn A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved -Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sarsaparilla-Riood Poi- soned by Canker. Bead the following from a grateful mother: -my little boy had Scarlet Fever when A years old, and it left lent 'My weak and 'with blood poitemed 'with canker, Ills eyes became so Maumee, that his Pufferhigs were intense, and for sevaAweeks lie • Couk„,°f., Hot Open , His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failedtodo him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla and It soon cured him. I. have never doabted that it saved Ida eight, oven Z t net his very life. You may use this tes- timoulal in tiny way you choose. I am always ready to sound the praise of " Hood's" Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful good it did my son."' nem F. Bomarreiner, 2888 Washington. fit, Boston, Mass. Get HOOD'S. H000's Puma are hand made, and are pea feet in composition, proportion and appearance. NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Important Events in a Few Words for Duey Readers. Jaognes Leonard Mallet, the well-known Primal sculptor, is dead. There is again talk in Montreal of estab- lishing a wheat pit on 'Change. " Lord Burton, the well-known English brewer, has joined the Unionists. The steamer Millard has been lost off the Nicaraguan coast with 60 men on board. Fourteen life insurance companies have been started in Japan during tRepast year: .The Byng Roller Mills, Dunnville, were burnt down on Saturday night: Loss, 812,- 000. Some of the American sailors • at Rio Janeiro have been attacked. by yellow. fever. The new High Settoof at Prescott was formally opened on Thursday. It cost $15,000. • Lord. and Lady Aberdeen visited the Ontario Ag4eoltural College, Guelph, on Friday. . The funeral of Lieut-Govetnor Carvell took place at Charlottetown, P. E. I., on Friday. " Thirty-four of the Mansfield Valley riot- ers have been found guilty, and twenty- four guilty. Ware0 police claim to have discovered an extensive conspiracy to secure the free- dom of Poland. Several pereons were killed and 100 ren- dered homeless by a fire in Degow, Porn- merania, on Friday. Ainsley Cook, a well-known English baritone singer, died at Liverpool on Fri- day from bronchitis. - Latest advices from Brazil show that the insurgents lost 270 and the government 600 in the storming of Nietheroy. Herbert Dunn, the Toronto ex -convict, has been sent to the penitentiary for five years for theft at Kingston. The State Non -teat School building at Oneonta, N. was destroyed by fire on Thursday. Loss, 8160,000. The Reichstag, by a large majority, has adopted a proposal to introduce in 'Ger- many the Australian method of polling. Judge Brentano, who is presiding in the - Prendergast case at Chicago, has received an anonymoas letter threatening his life. Dunn & Co. report fifty, -five business failures in Canada the past week, againab thirty-six the corresponding, week last year. M. Fogerty, a well-known farmer of ' Dereham township, aged 75 years, dropped dead the other morning just after getting out of bed. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. • THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT. lTodrtl,rld 05. A, owner. 'IV only Scientifio and Practical Electric Bolt nade kr general use, producing EGenuino Current et Electricity for the care of Disease, that.can be readily felt end eegulated both in Quantity and, power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be worn at any time during working hours or sleep, and will postitivem cure Rheumatism, a clot -tea ' ligrfalr General 'Debility Lumbago, . t a a MTa." a, 31 or it Ou Diseases e Der ape/ad At • Varicoect e Sexpgi.Wehanese Xnrpeteney, Kidney Dtseases, Lame Beek, Urinary Diseases Electricity properly applied is fast taking the place of drags for all Nervous, Rheumatic. laid- ney twit Urinal Troubles, aed, will effect cures In geetningiy hopeless eases where every other knowe means has failed. Any sluggish, weak et diseasea organ may by this means be roused to healthy activity before it is too late. Leading medical men use And. recommend the ()wee Belt in their eractice. 01511 ILLIISTItATED CATALOGUE Contains fell est Information regarding the cure of aeute, ironic nervoue diseases, prices, how in Order, etc., mailed. esealed) 'FREE to any addrese. The Owen Meet* Belt & Appliance Co. 49 KING ST, W., TORONTO, One. 201 to ill State St., Chicago, JED IlannTiorr ems Renate Isr e me--- 7- He Was ehe AifroereS Or IPA 9Wn rOSSe*, *loos, Atilt the Law latteata Him. TiaooMnica, Na2'.., Feb. 29.gatolue Y. MoKaue has boon sentetteed to six You's in Sing Slag pritiom MeEttele, who was Supervisor of Graves- end, L. I., was praetioally monarch of the place, and owing tos his poesessions at Coney Island and elsewhere carried tt tre- mendous political infleenoe, which he swung to one or other of the great parties as hie iutereets directed. hien. That infio- enee became euch a terror that et the hatt elections, after displaying a more than usual temerity, BacKane was proceetled against and indicted for frauds in oonnec- tion with the voting Lista There were also charges of intimidation, but the prosecur tore pushed the former charges alone, Alla afeer much obstructions and ingenious delays succeeded in secariag a convietion. NeEmie was the Pooh Bali of Coney Island, being magistrate, chief of police, license commissioner, etc., and as all the 1 dive owners were hie tenants they enjoyed a rare immunity from punishment. No - Kane was also 'a regular church attendant, being rarely absent from claps and prayer meetings, and was in fact the strong pillar t of the Gravesend Methodist congregation, He was a most indefatigable superinteuda ent of the Sunday school, and none ex- pounded an3ible story withebetter effect. 1V4cKane's lawyers will make a strong effort to keep him from. going to Si; g I Sing, but arilees they get a stayor time to I prepare exceptions on which to base a motion for a stay, he will have to go te I Sing S'ing in a few days. His lawyers , said they would apply some time today to a Supreme court judge for delay. ' It has been decided to allow MaKene to remain in Raymond street jail until enact Monday, pending the efforts of ha:counsel to secure a stay of the execution of his sentence. Unless they are successful in this effort by Monday he *ill be taken ter' Sing Sing. ,HON. PETER MITCHELL'S LETTER, He Denies Authorizing the Publication of Xlis correspondence With Mr. Gault. /donna -Am Feb. 20. -Hon. Peter Mit- chell, having been accused by the Star of bad faith in publishing the corresPoredence between himself and A. F. Gault of this city, in which he attacked the late Sir John Macdonald, telegraphs from New. Castle: "The letter was written dolely for my personal vindication to such' gentlemen as Mr. Gault and others of his class, who be- lieve thatI was to blame for the differences that existed between the late gentleman and myself and not for publication by me, Although I gave Mr. Gault permission to do what he liked with it, It is true that it has been read in private circulation by - over 500 persons since it was written, com- prising cabinet ministers, bankers, judges, lawyers, editors, , merchants, brokers, members of iarlianient and other leading men of our commercial centres. I have repeatedly refused permiseion to have it published. and have always exacted a promise from those to whom I gave it for perusal that they would neither copy it nor publish it. The only person who had permission to publish it was Mr. Gault himself and I know that he was too averse to its publication. Some one therefore who obtained its perusal must have broken faith.and I again state that it Was not published with my consent nor connivance In any way." SOUTH LANARK ELECTION. Clark, the Liberal Candidate, Elected by Eighteen Majority. OrrAwA, Feb. 17. -The bye -election for the Provincial Parliament to elect' a rep- resentative for the south riding of Lanark, took place yesterday. - There were four candidates in the field -Burrows and Lees, Conservatives; Clark, Liberal, and Ferguson, Patron. The fight was keenly contested. Mr. J, M. Clark, the Liberal candidate, was elected by a small majority. The follow- ing are the full returns: Smith's Falls -Burrows, 20;. Lees, 130; Clark, 332; Ferguson. 149. Perth -Burrows, 2; Lees, 293; Clark, 156; Ferguson, 38. North Ehneley-Burrows, 4; Lees, 66; Clark, 88; Ferguson, 46. South Sherbrooke -Burrows, 0; Lees, 78; Clark, 16; Ferguson, 24. Beckwith -Burrows, 11; Lees, 58; Clark, • 58; Ferguson, 93, North Burgess -Burrows, 4; Lees, 15; Clark, 92; Ferguson, 14. . Mentagn-Burrowar 7; Lees, 20; Clark, 66; Ferguson, 266. Drummond -Burrows, 5; Inees,93; Clark, 60; Ferguson, 146. Bathurst -Burrows, 8; Lees, 196; Clark, 144; Ferguson, 28. Totals -Burrows, 61; Lees, 944; Clark, 962; Ferguson, 804. Majority for Clark, Liberal, 18. „. DEATH OF LO BEN: The Eat Chief of the Matabelea Ras Thrown 'His Last Assegai. OAPETOWN, Feb. 17. special from Buluwayo confirms the repore that King Lobengula, ' head of the Matabele tribe, had. diad in Iheabusli. While fleeing from 'the British forces he was attacked by gout. Later he was- stricken with smallpox, which was the cause of his death. suicided in the Credit. Bneenegyer, Feb.16. -A well-to-do farmer named William/Burns, of Claurchville, com- plained of being unwell and, went outside. He did not return and his wife tracked him through the snow to the Credit river. There she found his body in the water. Dr. Heggle declined to hold an inquest, as It was doubtless a ease of suicide. Crushed by an Elevator. rel. 19. -A boy named John Harper, employeil in the 'Hamilton cotton was looking down the elevator shaft on Saturday when the elevator came up and tatighteatis head, jamming if, between the ceiling and elevator bar with such foroe that the elevator was stopped. His face and head are fearfully out and bruis- ed, but he will likely xecover. Scarlet Fever IA lktontreal. MONTREAL, Feb, 20. -The scarlet fever epidemic is spreddittg , in litiontetial. The mortality was greater last week than ever before, there being twenty-seven &tithe among the ,Catholie population alone. he highest record horn both*cemeteiOes in any previous Week was tweenty-five. The pro- vincial authoritieetrwill take precentions against the disease spreading beyond Montreal, Gilbert S. Rosenbaum, said to be the 'wealthiest Hobree, in America, died in New York on Saturday. Ills fortune is ea- tiroatea at $30,000,000. Sister Alvina One of the /mines at the Chicago Smallpox Hospital, died Tuesday night, She contracted the disease while ettehig for the patients. Popo Leo XIII, celebrated the last mast of the jubilee year in St. Peter's, Rome, on Sunday, in the pebeteace of over 100,000 'anemia, The historic Elm cottage at Fordhana, N. Y., in Which ladgar Allan Poe lived when he wrote t•' The Raven," is eitoetly to be tore down. •' ephee.thy., charged. witn ieetint trait 6 KliONVLEDGE Briny comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bete ter than oth ere and enjoy life more, with lees expenditere, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the valtm to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excelleece is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptalf e and pleas- ant to the test e, the ecia Belling and truly beneficad tperties of a perfect lax- ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and pormaneutly curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug. gists in 75c, bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. , 1'or Sale at c. Lutz's Drug Store THE VERY LATEST NEWS. Winnipeg's Industrial Exhibition is to be held from July 23 to 28. The Caneud Council of the Ontario Royal Templets of Temperance will meet in To- ronto on Tuesday and, Wednesday. More cases ut sick headache, biliousness, constipation, can be oured in less time, with lees medicine, and for les/ money, by tiling Carter's Little Liver Pills, Bean by any other means. A petition signed. by 2,000 women of Manitoba has been presented to the Win. nipeg Legislature praying that the fran- chise be granted to women. Do not suffer from skit headache e. mo- ment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little Pill. Small price. Small dose. Smell pill. Thursday afternoon while the G. T. R. truck team were waiting for a load from the freight Rheas at Sarnia they backed in to the river and,were drowned, The team belonged, to the street, railway company, and were valued at $300, That the blood should perform its -vital functions, it is absolutely necessary it should be rich in life giving elem- ents. These remelts are best effected by the use of that well known standard blood puelfier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. At the eighth annual meeting of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Association, held on Friday in Toronto Mr, John I. Hobson preeented a valuable timepiece to Hon. John Dryden, in recognition of his services to the society. Not one in twenty are free from gime little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will bee pleasant surprise. They give positive relief. • Toronto finds it has a white elephant on its hands in the shape of Sir. D. A. Macphereon'e gift of tropical plants. The aldermen think the $5,000 a year that it •will cost to care for the collection could be better spent, and it is proposed - to return them with thanks. • • The entering wedge of a fatal complaint is often a slight cold which II dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might have -cured at the commencement. Therefore, it is advisable to have this prompt and sureta frgy.reenIncedy always at hand to meet an c The anrw on the north aide of Ottawa River is reported to be from four to Ave feet deep this season. The effect of this will be a reduction of from 15 to 20 per cent. Lithe output. For stomach troublea use E. D. C. IL D. C. Pills aot in conjunction with K. D, C. where a laxative is re- quired. Hattie Martin, of Goderieri• committed suicide with morphine in a dis- orderly house at Buffalo, Monday. Mira nil's Liniment cures burns, "Only the Scars Remain," • Says HENRY HUDSON, of the ,Tames Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi- fies aS follows: "Among ' the many testimoni- als which I see in regard to cer- tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress mo more than any own case. Twenty years ago, at the ago of18 years, I had. swellings come eitt any logs, which broke and became run- ning Sores. Our family phy- sician could do Inc no good, and it was feared that the hones would bo affected. At lest, my good. old Motho'r Urged We to•arY Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I tooktbree 'bottles, the Soros healed, and I havo not leen troubled since. Only the sears eremain, and the Memory et the mast, to remind me of the good Ayer'a Sarsaparilla has clone I now Weigh two bundred and. twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have "been on time road for the past tliclve years, have noticed Ayer's Sat- eepatilla advertised in ali 'Atte of the Volta Sitatcii tent always take pleas' ein t tot ATV TT NiP kteEneasoa, wog am wire eerie goettaleellarrmer Ottani) 4i VOlisttr. Attest kir Doin'a KlulaY Pitts, Taineel Pixii� mares rues Any eonAmacr, Toronto, Feb. 19 --Neil lileKeolnele, tetputer bathe, of this city, has beep sufferer flout eh Quirt contnipation for 1ears, lie meld Doad's Kidney Pills rot not only obtained immediate r5144 bt earraaeent care, his %ife sod mether.iii law, were siraiterly alilimned, and me k lieu) pills with the same good nowt -.talt•ele. cethertioe gave only tempo, to lief and leave the patient worse lb ehe-t` delve. Own. While Dodcl'e Kim I'll* 4re not emit Brian, their ,t , 1 tire portneeeem; mimic:tie, 'I pills are n.la riu (An ed by Dr. L. arnith & Co , Tot eetta and are sold by I t alere, or will be mailed on re, - J) mmmi tit), ,1'1,1 4 hog, or it - Kt, p Iltiim ti „ v, ill be ournaderee in • The Central Matinaliet Charon people' Sernia loree invitea Bev, John Learoyd remain for a third term. "With a smile on her lip And a tear in her eye." The tear in her eye because she me suffering with a terrible headache, bit the mile on her lip indicated that eh had been reading of Stark's headeoli, powders and the testimonials from people, aaturedaher that she could get instant ye lief and in a pleasant form, for there pow dere are easy to take and quick an' permanent in, their effects. Mr. Maynard, Woodstock, Ont„ says they are really wonderful. 25 cents " In Eynny Cean. In every case of dyspepseag where it hat been fairly tried, Burdock Blood Bitters has performedd, a complete cure. B. 13. B. cures where other remedie .$1. ISISORTANT To.IVOR ICAHN. Artixane, mechanics and +t 'teen men liable to susiden accidents tin 7ijnries, as well as painful cords, stiff joi ;and lame - nese. To all thus troubled we would re- commend Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain ours, for outward and in- ternal use. EXCETA ALL OTHERS. Dear Sirs. -Your Bache* Blood Bitters excels all other medicinethat t ever used. I took it for bilioutmese and it has cured me altogether. Win. Wright, Wallaceburg, Ont, 033fiTINATE COTIOE CUBED. Plentlemen.-I had a very bad cough which I could not get rid of. but by using Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam I was. owed in two or three dap. It is the best and sur- est cough medicine 1 know of. Joseph Garrick, Goderich, Ont. Tim Plan FORESTS. The pine forests yield up their healing virtues for the our of coughs, colds, asth- ma, bronchitis and. sore throat in the pleasant preparation known as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 25 and 50 cents at drUggists. THE BEST Tomo. Milburn's Quinine Wine is the best tonic for weakness, debility and lack of etrength It is an appetizing tonic of the highest merit. 0. O. RICHARDS & CO. 3/1), son George naa suffered with neural- gia round the heart since 1882, but by the application of M1NABD'S LINIMENT an 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him since. XAS. MOICEE. Linwood,_Ont. RHEUMATISM Onann an A DAL-BOtrth American Rheumatic Otte, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remark- able and myeteriotie. It removes 'at once ethe cause awl the disease immediately dis- appears. The lira dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818 • _ .41 Itch on human and horses and all animate cured in 30 minutes by. Wolforci's Sataitary Lotion, This neyer, fails. Sold by C. LUTE, HOW TO GET A ',SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Sottp wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older Sooner shun a man") th Lever Breton Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picipre, free from advertising tad well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The wapiti the beet in .the market o and it will only cost lo postage -To send in the wrappers-, if you leave the ends open, Write your calms carefully. 1:011, OVER PIOT/. YEARS. Arc Oen AND WELL -TRIED REmEDY.- Dare. WitislOW's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by minions of mother e for their children white teeetting.with porfeot success, it swollen the child, settees the guins,allays the pain, cures the colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold by i druggists n every part of the world, 25 acute &bottle. Its yalue is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's aoothing 8erue and take no other kind. ALL MEN. Toting1 old or middle atted, who tad „them - detach nerve:ale, weak and exhausted, Who are Woken down from excuse or ore Pwork, result- ing in many of the following ernicrterni Mental deprespen, premature`old dires obi of Joss metuory,hadArticons, dimness, of-sight,Painitation of the heart, enussiOn, lack of enereYdiain in the kidneya, headaches, pimples on the ' flee and body, ,itohileg or peoulizit'lenSation of the'ergalut; , *Pacts befete the'Sratt' twitching of the muscles, eyelids and take where. beside/Meat, depoeite itt the urine, lost. of Will newer, tenderneis Of the scalp and sPine) week and flabby, Muscles, desire to Wale tenure to tie rested int elect), conetipation dant:tees of hearing: loss of void°, desire for eolitede, excitability of . temper, sunken eyes, Surrounded With leaden eitelee, oily looking 'skim etc., &roan avraptooia of nervous debitity that lead to Maloney maw, tiered. The epang or vicia °oared h aviDS leit 115 ,tensioe. eyery iflitotion wanei in coieseetteitee. Those who' through abuise eeminitted liatOtante; may be perManently Cured. Send Mir Ad- dress for book on dime* Intaultet to auto,, cent free, seated. Andreae LIC1Boll, Atedonnell Aye,,Toroute Ont,h(liniadi A$T,4i). istits to tell one diroide ilia henlefeeutiete titi tle 6 Meet o a.it ° 0 4 . W. 4 /30 (110,o6al I aod ZeCixo ,o LT 0 !NT M'F'G'.-CT5-- -."hale• l et, ...... .„, Being free froth all combines, we now oiler fee:mere toe t mitt- trat nee. an Binders, the Maxwell as is three - canvas machine never yet excelled. "Walter A.. Wood",made by Frost 45. Wood,single apron, open back Binder, denounced. by all rivals (you know why), and McCormick Bendlochine, Mowers -Frost & Wood,116xwell, and McCormick. Rakes of every description, Criltivatcas -Hamilton's New Elastic, Giant, Champion'Bell, and others. Ploughs of all the leading makes, Scufllers, Cutting Boxes, Crushers, Tread Mills, Wind Mills, Ray Forks, either round rod or angle stool Wagons, Sleighs, Etc., Etc, We ask all Interested to call at our Booingand prove the correctness of our claims and.e tmietatements of unprincipled rivals. WM, ELDER, HaNSATA ANT) Butroinqsr,n. English 'Sporn Liniment rremovea a hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blena hies from horses, Blood Spavin, Curb a Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Tiaroat, Coughs, eto, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the mast weoderful 'Remise Cure ever known: ''StilerbTO, Lute, tikuge 1st. Sep 18,'93 Enmity IN SIT SOURS.-Distresswd Kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid - nay Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physioiarte on ao- comit of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidney:aback and every part of the urinary' passages in male and. female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed- ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ. I THOROUGH EQUIPMENT, PRACTICAL COURSE, LIVE TEACHERS, TIIOROUGH Under the guiding band' biathn.Frincipal of TEE FOREST CITY BUSINESS and SHORMV,TD 'COLLEGE of London, who has had special preparation for his chosen profession, assures sue aces to every student. Itpays to attend a school that has a standing among busi- ness men. College re -opens after vacation on Tuesday, January 2,'94. Good Board $2.50 per. week. Catalogue Free. 3. W. WESTERVELT, Principal - EXETER L UM ER YARD ARTISTIC FURNITURE The undersigned wishes to inform the -public ire?generaleon- that he keeps stantly in. Stock 'all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSEDIANDFUNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, 33. O. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowlerto be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty: for Shingles. Said b competent judges to last from thirty six to'forty years in any -climate. JAS. WILLIS See that horse? Furniture that is not only useful, but a pleasure to the eye, costs no more than the other kind. It is only necessary to go to the right piece to get it. We can show you the prettiest and. daintiest de- signs imaginable. The house beautiful, the home comfortable is made by the furniture in it. Do you know how easily and cheaply this can be accom- .plished I A walk through our store will show you. Here you will find PA.RLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. 11. N It0V7E. IzotorPackinzilal:o NOTICE. We have on hand, a select Stock of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolls and Salt Meat, which we are selling cheap for cash. Crocks, pails and tubs filled with Pure Lard at lowest cash price ; as we eell for cash only, we allow no one to under sell us, and we 'guarantee all Goods sold at Packing Rouse. Cuttings, Sausage, Tender Loin, and all cuts of Fresh Pork on hand. BOGS WANTED-Dnnssrm on .A.Livn,, SNET.IL BROS. "Y'0"-CY Want a Bicycle? THE & J. PNEUMATIC nee 4.,,oe TIRE gt ns00, . He has a smooth Bind glossy coat and feels in good 'enough condition to win the ,TiERBY" ' sa; aud so 'would r horse if Lt : owner used DICKS BLOOD PURI..SIER. it renews the syetem, enriches tin blood land gives nature a fair chance, is also at unfailing eradicator for hots and worms. It 1, just as good for cattle as for horses. Try a 5do pack- age if your horses or cattle are not thriving. Fors, spavin, curb, ringbone or splint, use Dick's Blister 500. -Disk's Liniment for spraius,,swellings, bruises, etc 25e.-Dicik's Ointment for sorateliesoldeores, saddle galls, etc. 25a. mailed on receipt of price. DICK it CO, P.O. BoX 482 MonituAt, RenerAl Smash tip IN THE PRICES OF Boots and Shoes must be sold this month. Now is thechanceof a life time to get good. cheap footWear at GEO. HANSON'S, The People's Shoo Store Next Door to Post Office. CENTRAL SHAVING pAaLon.s. A HASTINGS, Agent for the Brantford Stearn Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK. A MAN Can always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor. We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from ---tNatty Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, made up in any style, Med fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Oar customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, IN rishionalic Stylo:(DV41 RLCBOAA3 .37 I The Tailor, e"aahe It the only 'tire unitg:v'ettgaiatic.n tti year v, IA ra,c, Beet Oreed Olothing pretlneeain Bider M e we Have Succeeded, in raising oar business from the smallest to the largest, not only in the County. of Huron, but equal to many in the city of Toronto. A. largo Stook WoIl Bought Well Selooted Reasonsola °heap ISCM at a Profit. tiara Work Square Doll 4. simmo cv4 tto not ofto ot etutomen, and thillatitaliehat.relitb „dr -1