HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-20, Page 15GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE .20, 1974 --PAGE 15 741 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED spray -'painter opening shop June 1st on Railway Street,'Se'aforth for finis es on cars, trucks, snowmobile ho d rand beats of wood finishes. Call on week days at 5 `i.m. or later. Warren Sher.a. Phone I. Seaforth 527- 0475.-22,23,24,25 HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned bv dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524- 8892, Goderich. • DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEl'S Goderich Phone 524.8391 UO YOU have marriage or family problems? The•M'inistry of Com- munity & Social Services offers.help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home Or in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357-3370,--8tf The members of Wingham Gideon Camp wish to.thank the people of this area for their.fine support. This has enabled the camp to exceed its financial objective of $2.700 this vear, by over 50%; R.,T. Kilpatrick, , Camp Secretary. -25 LOS`)'—Small yellow kitten lost in vicinity of Mary Street. Finder please call 524.6940.-25 gl9tf ACE E' 'RADIO $ TV phi Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of Radio 11 Television • . 60 PICTON,, ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Robert .James McMillan, retired miller, late of the Town of Goderich, in. the County of Huron, vylho--•died on or about the 12th day of March, 1974, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 29th day of June, 1974, as after that date the a' sets cif the estate will he distributed. DATED' at Goderich: Ontario, this 30th day of May, 1974. Prest and Egener, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors- for the Estate 23,24,25A/11 KITTENS, black and white, two months old, litter trained. Phone 482-3272.-25 PET STOCK to give away. Black and white Collie mix. Puppies good with children. Phone,. .524- 6329.-25,26 . MALE DOG, good with .children, suitable for the country. Phone 524- 8450 Monday to Friday after 4:30 pin., anytime Saturday and Sun- day. -25 'FREE—old rnagazines—Golf Digest, Popular Science, Wrestling Magazines, Hockey News, Tennis Magazines. Golf product file with ;over 50 manufacturers. • All free for 'the asking. Call 5,24-9106 after' 5 p.m.-24tfnc• 21. BIRTHS WATSON: 1 would like to thank all. the thoughtfucl friend~ who sent me "ards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Also thank i to Dr. Sears, Dr. .Jones, Dr. Flowers, to my nurses and ambulance drivers.—Pearl Watson. -25x , HARRISON: I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and for- mer pupils for.making the 16th of June such a pleasant day• The gips and donations were greatly aM- preciated. Special thanks to the committee and their helpers.—Lenore Harrison. -25x CALLOW: I would. like to thank friends and relatives for flowers, cards, treats and visits, while .I was a patient in University Hospital, London.—Stella Gallow.-25x a , c BOYLE—I would like to thank the nurses on second floor, .Dr. Watts,- Father atts;Father Moynahan, for the kindness ' shown while I. was a patient in Alex'a'ndra Hospital. Monica Bovle.-25 ARMSTRONG—To Mr: and Mrs. R.G. Armstrong, Goderich, at ,'Alexandra Hospital, ►n June 9, 1974, a son Bradley George. A brother for Pamela. GLOUSIdrGR: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 16, -1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glousher, Goderich, a daughter, Tonya Diana. LACKENBAUER: Peter and Heike (nee Nanz) of Kitchener are pleased to, ,announce the safe arrival of a daughter Sandra Louise, .June 12, 1974 at St. Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener. First grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Nanz, 138" Wilson Street, -Goderich. "Thanks 'to Dr. M' Austrup and the wonderful 'staff -at the hospital., -25x MCFARLANE: I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbours, friends, and relatives, for -their kin- dness to me, for their letters, cards, floral tributes and visits, and all who provided rides -for me while my husband was a patient in Clinton Public- Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. R. W. Street and all the nurses on first floor for their care and kin-' dness -to Albert, to' Pastor Alfred. Fry for all his visits, the Arthur Funeral Home, 'Regal 'Chapter Eastern Star. A•special thank you to Arthur Youngblut and many other acts of kindness to me. All is deeply appreciated. -25 A- FOR SALE 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Carman Pollock, R.R. 3 Auburn, wish to announce the for- . thcoming marriage of their eldest daughter; Jo Ann Elizabeth, to Den-, nis Earl Yule, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yule. The wedding is ton take place in .July.-25nc • WHEELCHAIRS—WALKERS The _Humanitarian- Service C.P. & T. Committee of the Goderich Odd- fellOw and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-962:3 or' Fred Frit- zley, 524-7217,. Huron -Perth. TB and Respiratory. Disease Association is sponsoring a day camp at Stratford. YM. YMCA site for asthmatic children, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1974 Ttrvo qualified, leaders will be on hand and in charge. 'Other "Y"•facilities will be used. A doctor's consent' is, required. the children leave the "Y" at 8:30 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m. Please register at 121 Wellington St. or call '271-7500 on or before Fri., June 21/74. 25b 16. PERSONAL 26,, CARD, OF-- T.HANKS SPROUL: J would like to thank mV relatives and friends for the lovely cards, treats and visits, the nurses and staff „on tiecond floor and special thanks" to, Dr. Deat'he and . 'Dr. Flowers while I was a patient'in Goderich Hospital. , Howard Sproul. -25 C.EI3DY: I wish to say a sincere thank you to all my friends, neigh- • hours and relatives who retnern- • bered,me withcards, gifts and visits during my recent illness. in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Jones, Reverend Fit'ther Moynahan, and nurses and staff of second floor west Goderich Hospital, Frank Leddy,-25 HAMILTON -1 wish to thank mV relatives, friends, nurses and; staff secon ,,east Alexandra Hospital,. 9j�ec ici1' thank to i?r. J.W. Wallace also' Brian. Whitely and .Jim Stothers for getting •me assistance. All was greatly appreciated. Brian Hamilton. -25 AA. )•laving a drinking problem? ” call 04-6001. Write AA, Box 51, 16. PERSONAL Goderich.—tfnc , HEREFORD Charlais Angus Bull, a•. guaranteed breeder, Phone 523 .4220.-25'1 ONE -YEAR-OLD Pinto Stallion, quarter horse gelding, :3 years old,. and green broken. Phone 482- ,, REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls in good breeding condition:-`•• Halter broken. Sire had A.D.G, of 39 lbs. Ed Powell, RR 1, Wingham. Phone Gorrie .335-3$93.-25 BUCKWHEAT for seed; also steer suitable to kill for freezer. Phone Roy Walters, 524-7097,-25 B- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SWATHING and dit•ioning of hay, Call 7096.-24:26 con- 524 - EXPLORERS Deep blue iria, bridal wreath' and long yellovtapers made an attractive setting for the an- nual Explorer girls' graduation banquet held last week, in the Sunday schpol room of Knox United Church, A large. decorated graduation cake cen- tered the head -table.. The arrangements were in charge pf the Explorer', leaders Misses Brenda Bally and Susan Thom- pson,assisted by the girls. Pastor Alfred Fry pronoun- ced the grace and a well -laden smorgasbord dinner was provided for over 60 girls,their mothers and grandmothers who were guests for. this ocd •casion. The four graduates, Kim 'McDowell, Ellen Thomp- son ;Janice Robinson» and Doreen .Jefferson cut the cake. The Chief Explorer Debbie Jefferson presided for the program. A film. on Laurel - Hardy was shown by Mrs. Brian IJallam and enjoyed by a11. Miss Susan Thompson spoke a few words to Pastor and l ,Irs. Fry for their assistance to the Explorers and Leaders and Miss Brenda "'Ball presented them with a gift. Both pastor and Mrs. Fry thanked the girls for their gift. Ellen Thompson thanked the leaders for their guidance and work•during the past years. The leaders 'took charge of the presentation of stars and the following were presented: Red stars, .Janice Daer, Kathy Machan, "Joanne 'Slater, Carol Seers, Shelley Powell, Marilyn Archambault and Wendy Powell. Blue stars were presented to Nancy Verbeek, Tracy Machan, Vickie Powell, Anita Hallam, Linda Cunningham,. Debbie Cunningham and Patti McDowell. ` Yellow stars and framed cer- tificates were presented- to' Kim McDotvel1, Ellen Thompson, Janice Robinson and Debbie Jefferson. White Bibles ,were presented for perfect attendance to Kim McDowell, Nancy Verbeek, ..Kathy Machan, Marilyn Ar- chambault, Patti McDowell, Carol Seers,., Janice Daec .Janice Robinson, Ellen Thomp- son, Doreen Jefferson, AnitaHallam, . Linda'Cun•nin,gham and • Debbie Cunningham. The evening' wa&'brought to a; close with the 'Explorers singing their hymr'i, This is my Father's World. ACW' The . June meeting of the Anglican Church Worhen of St. Mark's Church was held in the church with a good attendance. Mrs. Donald. Cartwright was in charge of -the meeting. Prayers were led by Mrs.' Cartwright. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Robert Slater. Mrs. John Daer gave the missionary theme ., on a Chri'sti'an Rummage Sale and an Easter Offering. Mrs. Thomas Lawlor gave a reading on Friendship Douse., For the topic, Mrs. Eck Davies gave the highlights of the church which they had atten- ded in Kisti.mmee, Florida..: MrS. llbpal(1 Cartwright John Millian, son of Mr. and thanked all who had taken Mrs. Barry Millian. part. Mrs. Celia Taylor, the' The service of dedication was president, took charge of the. held for a pair of gold candle- stick holders, a gift from Mrs. business. The minutes were ac-. . Vivian Pentland of North Bay cepted as read bv the secretary, *tn memory o her parents," f h t. , r M . Mrs. John Deer. The and Mrs. Charles Straughan treasurer's report was 'also ac= and her brother George cepted as given, : Straughan who was killed • in An invitation 'from the action in Holland. • U.C.W. of Knox United Church Pastor Fry spoke on, the to go on the bus trip to Five theme, A Father's Love arid' -a` . Oaks was given. Mrs. Taylor group df five young people from gave an interesting report of London led the choir during, the A.C:'W• meeting held recen- tlythe communion service in at Hanover. spiritual numbers. It was .announced that the Auburn St Mr k' h h vouId be closed for thesc monurcth of July. The 'ladies will take care pf the cleaning that • month. It was decided to send , another clothing bale north this fall. The roll call was an- swered by naming a queen mentioned in the Bible. The travelling apron received a penny for each letter in "Queen Elizabeth". The, meeting was closed with prayer given , by the Rector, Rev. Fred Carson. . WMS The Auburn, Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark. The Tres'ident, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson was in charge and gave the call to worship before welcoming the guests and mem- bers. • The President was in charge of the devotional, period and. the scripture lesson. Following the meditation and prayer the roll call was answered by a Bible `'verse containing. the , word, Witness. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. Miss Lila Youngblut invited the' W.M.S. to " hold ,,, their July meeting at her home. Business and coming meetings a were discussed as was a poem by Bliss Carmen, When Spring Really Comes. The offering was received by Mrs. Frances Clarkand dedicated with prayer by the President. Mrs. Frank Raithby lave— ia.per..' on - the Sudan Inter -Mission, "Do Wu know any other girl like Evelyn?" an account •of.a nurse working with everyone in .that African country. . A Bible quiz on Memories was 'giver' by' Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Lunch •was served by Mrs. Clark assisted by Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock.' . COMMUNION The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion'was observed last* Sum. day on the Auburn Charge with good congregations and many visitors present. Pastor Alfred Fry was in charge and Mrs. Norman Wightman was the organist. The Sacrament'of Dedication and Infant baptism was bestdwed on- Bryan Gordon Gross, son of Mr• and Mrs. Gor- don Gro ; Ian Williarh An- dress, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Andrews; and Regan PASTOR LEAVING Pastor and ',Mrs. Alfred Fry will be leaving the Auburn Charge of the United Church at the end of .June and will retire to the town: of Goderich. . Before being called to the „Auburn Charge in 1969, they had served Charges at River- sdale-Zinn, Tobermory, Cargill, Eden Grove and Pinkerton besides serving in the Baptist denominat ion. While stationed in Dublin, Ireland with the British Army, Mr. Fry attended the, Rath - mines School of Commerce. He later took special studies in Trinity College. He came to Canada with his parents and other members of his family. He, was, married acrd the couple have a family of . thiree sons' and two daughters."' At a recent London Con- ference, Pastor and Mrs. Fry along with others were guests ."at a banquet for retiring ministers and received a cer- tificate of retirement as a • minister of the United Church. of Canada and an engraved pen and pencil set. - Rev. Garnet Potter of Por- cupine, Ontario will succeed Pastor Fry on the Auburn Charge of Auburn and Don- nybrook. He will he inducted on .July 7r'at 8 p.m. in Knox Church. • - COMMUNITY °NEWS Congratulations to Maitland Allen on his receiving his '50 year Past Master Jewel at Carlow n last week at tile Masonic Lodge meeting. MT.. and Mrs. Ronald Liver- more and family of 'Fordwich visited last- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines. M'r. and Mrs. . Fred. Youngblut of Woodstock visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Peter Brownof Windsor visited last week with Mr. andMrs. Maitland Allen. - Over 40 choir members and senior members of the Sunday shoo) along with the group. from London .held'a church ser- vice and had breakfast at Seers cottage on the Maitland River. They all attended church when their service was over. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Allen and Wayne Allen 'of Clinton 'and Miss Margaret Shobbrook of L.ondesboro visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mgrs. Maitland A Ari IVIr. and Mrs., Bill Idson of va visited last Sunday with' her grandfather, Mr. William J. Craig uncle and aunt, Mr. and rs. Maitland Allen. Plans are well under way fol' the harry and strawberry supper in the Community •.Memorial hall on June 26. Visitors '• with Major Youngblut over the weekend were Mx, and Mrs. Allan Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bellefeuille and Trent of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Warren of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Youngblut and Shevonne of Blyth, and • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and Heather of Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. Sitter ,of Blackhorse, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson of Creelman, Sask., Mrs. Norman Thompson of • Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. J. .Jutzi of Kitchener visited with wee Mr. kenandd. Mrs. Ted Mills on the IN FUN -IN -THE -SUN CASUAL WEAR Frjm Our Cool Selection Of SHORTS KN,.IT SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS - SACKS 1�- - SWIM •SUITS ETC. . �.:. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE • FOR SUMMER FUN CLOTHING The Store For Men KINCARDINE " GODERICH CLINTON THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET .LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH' OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA MEN'S- BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS'„and BABY'S WEAR,, YARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRESSES -PAINT SEWINGQMACHINES-SMALL APPLIAN ' . S -LAMPS SWEATERS CROSS BRED GiLTS close to farrowing also Hampshire boars R.O.P. tested and con>'merc•ial. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton. Phone :145- ')317.-25 • 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A Solid Investment in Your Future There's never been a better time to invest• in a home and your Halliday Homes Dealer can show you why. He has a selection of more than 100 quality engineered, beautifully "crafted homes priced to meet your family and budget requirements. SEE him today. He'll show you why - investing In a Halliday Home NOW IS A WISE IN- VESTMENT. Halliday Homes Ltd. you simply can't do any better. DON SAGER CONSTRUCTION 210 Mill Street Goderich Phone: 519.524-9530 • 10b BOYS' SHORTS SIZE 12-14 -16& 18 REG. NOW 97c.. 2.57 COLOR - BLUE ONLY BOYS SHORTS' SIZE 8 - 18 $ 297 TO .$561 ASSORTED.. COLORS PATTERNED 'PLAIN CHECKED & DENIM SIZE 7 - 18 there's It .is illegal to deposit stones, logs and other foreign objects on the road allowance. Offenders are.jlable to a fine of up to $300. BY OJRDeR ASHFIELD TWP. COUNCIL Lucky No. 7 for Goderich United is Brian Allen. This Goderich boy is a noted enthusiastic player for the United Team. Brian is 22 years old and works1or Dominion Roads' as an N --C operator. He attenddd school here in town, and continued on at, Conestoga 'College, for a year before deciding to seek greener►pastures back on home territory., Brian is occupied with sports year round. Heil an avid skigr, a lively hockey player and a skilful golfer! He is also, one terrific dancer! (In fact, Brian is 'per- petaotion! ! 1 Brian is one member of the team who genuinely gives his heart and soul t& each game and is a loyal teammate. Everyone loves Brian', especially for his unique "chuckle"!!! BOYS BATHING SUITS SIZE 3 to 97c �° '39/ FREE DRAW $327 TO S'97 Nothing to Buy - Just come itr and fill Out an en, try form 1st PRIZE - EIectrohome Air Conditioner 2nd PAIne Swivel Recker 3i`d PAVE -•ElectrIefIren SAVE UP TO s 1 2 500 We sell -- Univalve! by White Morris, Bernina and other popular makes. of" sewing machines - and servloe .all makes. Ono year guarantee oh all our service.