The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-20, Page 8PAGE 8--GOD;ERICH SIQN4LL-STAR., THURSDAY,. -JUNE 20, 1974 ROUND AND ABOUT WITH MARTHA Last weekend was a very busy one for a great number of people I know. Saturday afternoon rain,hail and --branches puu•°ided dcrw n from a' black sky. hut u c l eta red ` in time for the suit to shine on the veru nice wedding of Iwo very nice . _ttig people at Knlix Church.Leo nd Marg Miller's son, Ran v, took Ann - daughter of Mr and :fir,. Fin- dlay Sarni to the altar. The b'ride's beautiful gown was fashioned with T CL., by Randy's grarndmltther Mrs Alfred "Staples. t' understand Grandpa Staples will need several weeks to recuperate from his night of datccig, later. 'at' the reception Another night of r dancing took place at the Maitland Country Cluh where Bob and Kathy Allin's twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary reception was held, It was lust wonderful to see their nice family so grown up It. -was so nice meeting tw. mutual friends,we had not seen in ages My son Don and Fran . came from'Windsrrr and there 'we're rfol,ks from Detroit, Mississauga,' Cambridge. Kit- chener, Exeter, Kincat,�rdine, • Listowel and Goderich area: I would like to.dance at their fiftieth anniversary believe me, if I'm ,till arim nd 1 • WILL,.-! .Have vim ever attended r' Citizenship Court"' It is toni& at 8 p.m. ThursdaN, •ltine '?t). in out County Courthouse: Third floor. a I unders1anj there are quite a number ot'nt* citizens this time and. it is a very nice ceremony. " Here is a note on citizen,hip! that I like: "Good citizenship is a personal thing. H reaches out to others with an open hand, an open mind and an .open heart. Goad citizenship calls for potion ; gets off the . sidelines and• takes part in the struggle. He uses the humble Ounces of his weight to help tip the scales for what he thinks is right. He believes in the possibilities of World peace and growing understanding and co- ,. operation between rrien. He Clings to his great. expectations. Peace. can eniv he- arhie‘,•ed THROUGH PEOPLE. .World wide peace and peace in our little worlds of home, family, offke, industry and community 'all depend On each citizen putting into action the..ART ofPEACE,_ 'This is sanity. maturity and • common sense in „human, relationships -It is open rain- dednes' It is 'warmth that reaches out and draws people together in uriderstaridirg- and ,LOVE; Come out Clti'7.en:• .June 29 ' I''e+t Dav ladies of Church U.C.W. are preparing a fine meal with - home made cakes and freshly, picked strawberries for dessert. The strawberries are by Courtesy of Shitley and John Hailitt who 'are glad to have the ladies pick the berries from their four acre patch. With' the mixed-up weather we gave been having I asked N1rs 4H'azlitt if there was any hence of the berries being frost bitten Slee assured me there was not since they have an irrigation system that turns on when the temperature. drops to 33°. This is a sprinkler• type system 'where the ice • would form on leaves and berries protecting them with a con- tinuous 4prav until the sun comes out to melt the ice. If ice were to form without the con- tinuous icing the plants would and he a ,good ° - Saturday is Berry in Benmill-er. The Ben,rniille A United just freeze. Isn't that in- teresting With four " acres of strawberries and two' acres of raspberries people }are allowed to pick any time -'a_nv dav'.ex- cept- Sunday '1 The Pendulum Players opening night is July 2 at 7:30 pm. in the old Jail Coirt Yard. Come and enjoy this group. Ad- mission_is free and they're even serving lunch opening night. Another nice teacher retires - Attend Mrs: Marion Powell's special party at Holinesville school • .Iune 21 . S, p.m. •Cotn- munity Hall. -.June 26: Ham and Strawberry Supper in Auburn Community Hall. Saturday June 22 Garden Club Spring Flower Show 'at North St. Church. - Do attend. Love Martha NOTES FROMTUE NICE Nn. Jack Clements 329-I648 The June United Church `'omen meeting was held -at the- .ahomee of Mrs. Lil ,(I'hrist ilaw. "Scripture was read by -Mrs E. Bogie, followed with prayer. Theme of the meet ing was "Stewardship Vocation". Mrs. G McDiarmid read. "Time, Talent .and Treasure". Mrs E Bogie closed this part w it h prayer. Mrs. Helena Young led the -business,-, and_ thanked Mrs. Christila.w for the use •of her home and .welcomed everyone to the meeting. Roll call was answered - by 12 members, one visitor. and one child. - Three sick visits were repor- ted.°Minutes of the last -meeting were read by Mrs. Millie John st,;n. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. E. Feagan. A• motion made by Mrs. B.. Dicksonl4iand seconded by Mrs. "W.. Girvin that the bazaar be Police report held on August proved. Lunch' was served by ,Mrs. Chrtstilaw and Mrs, McClenaghan. The ladies are also planning a, community showttr for Jo Ann Pollock Ori June 26 in the church at 8:30 p.m. COMMUNITY NEWS, . 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. John- , Ston, Larry and Gary, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanderhurgh of Goderich all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston in Siratfttrd on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Willie,,Koski of Sodbury and Mrs. Dorothy Greeley of Huntsville visited with Mr. and ,Mrs. John Clements and ,fan}ilies last `week. They also visited .with relatives in Goderich, • Mrs. Robt. Madsen is in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. 21 was ap- On ane 5, 'at 12;30-a,m.. a tar driven by William J. Blaney,. 126 Glouster Terrace hit a parked vehicle on Nelson Street,police report.•- Damage to the Blaney car was .$250 and to the parked vehicle. owned by Margaret H. Stoddart, 4126 Nelson St., was. ?t',�llt,_.police estimated, In other duties last week, police laid two charges under the Criminal Code, 21 under the Highway Traffic Act. 16 un- der the Liquor Control Act and one charge for a bylaw violation. The all Ontario Trust C'oitlpa»t' begun in 1889 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 14* RIA and GREY.' 7°' IR S;T COMPANY SINCE 1889 MANAGER ID. (DAVE) CROSS . - 100 KINGSTON ST..GODERICH 52443$1 WL, t, ti 4, ANNQUNCE CHURCH WEDDING—The wedding is announ- ced of Pixie Wilson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Norman Wilson, R.R. 6, Goderich, and Peter Colman. son of•Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colman, St. Thomas The wedding will take place in Central United .Church, St. Thomas, on Friday. July 12, 1974. (photo. by Scott Studio) le NDP candWate begins campaign The Canadian people should consider the Nevi Democratic Party as an alternative gov'ern- ment which w11 take action on rising prices,, Shirley Weary told a ralW in Goderich •June 17 Mrs. Wear', NDP candidate for Huron-Middleg'ex, launched her campaign at local party headquarters with an address that called ..for more govern- ment -restrictions on cor- porations which she said con- tlrol the modern market. "We are determined to challenge the power bf the -cor- porate sector, to intervene in the marketplace wherever necessary to protect Canadians. from international price pressures wherever possible, she said. The corporations are •con- tributitigto the rising cost of living, she said. The NDP offers two' "basic' elements" for -combating those costs, more money for the (;on - sumer and a direct attack cin rising .prices. The first element wouldcon- tain a cut in personal income taxes, increased pensions, and minimum income for the • working poor, Mrs,.Weary said. The second element would •maintain prices of goods produced ,in Canada at levels which would. insure fair profits and fair prices, she explained. "If the people, of Canada want their government to do something about the cost of living, then we must step°on the toes of the corporate giants," she said. She attacked the Liberal ' budget presented May 6 saying ^ it did not help people cope with HURON -MIDDLESEX FEDERAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC. FUND .RAISING DINNER PINERIDGE CHALET TUESDAY, LUNE 25 6:30 FOR, 7 Guest Speaker: Sean O'Sullivan NI,,P. FOR HAMILTON- WENT'\'C'RTFI RIDING - YOUNGEST MEMBER IN THE. HOUSE OF COMMONS -. 'ICI^' ETS; $15 EACH . REFRESHMENTS Tickets available fiom Municipality Chairman 9 ! /11 exal Huge Savings : For You FINAL 3DAYS - JUNE DRUG SALE .CREST TOOTHxP-ASTE •lQQr .Peq,ala• qr 1r1 •,t, jmCSt' Crest ONE SIZE PANTY HOSE_ ,1,•,t ,,eeige. panty Shee• ,AL] ra,,,fa, .01 toe hep oeve 4r4 taupe COMPARi PRICE! r Ufr IMP MM i • Mi -3l SOLUTION DISINFECTANT ANTISEPTIC SPRAY SPECIAL /. SPECIAL 20 OZ 99 14 OZ990 Iain a Safari Custom Tent Trailer by cnnnvaNevaLBAR [;] P,C* up All ENTRY BLANK .AT V000 CLOSEST 'MALL. 4TONi L, �., , .. +:+ped v(i .l G. owrlpr'r a ,C@ ,or the active OUl- ;r- •,r _• .,. ;�,' rc,!�my o Ud' for sir people and haS.eS a!!' +"' w>ury features as 2 -burner stove, Sink n I, , ^ I" zr r hgtraulir brakes privacy curtarna ^inter,' Enter nlr,,e, 'Tu 4 • f• •rr •-r k'. rED ENTRANT MUST NAVE OtUPLIED WITH ALL CONTEST Nu,f, Eee ' FRG _+-. r ANBWEn A SKILL TESTINU OUE4TIONA ,111;4,;aIVT:ViiiM Once Only HERBAL:SHAMPOO SUPER DRY ANTI WITH PROTEIN , PERSPIRANT SPRAY 36 Tablets For Only "WINDS OF ' HE here. Original poetry, -prbse and music by local youths. SUPPORT OUR YOUTH. RIECK PIIARMACY Archie Barber, PHM A Letry Rieck, PHM g 14 The Square Goderich the cost of living, it only helped corporations. The NI?P would offer a taxation credit system which would increase the take-home pay of individuals r It wruld start with a $400 credit for a family ct1f four with an income cif $4,000 or 'fess The credits would diminish on a sliding scare based on income so a family earning $25,000 a near would not receive the henefit:4.' Heavier .taxation on cor- porations would pay -for the tax c•u's to individuals; Mrs. Weary maintained. "In short, we propose fair- ness for the consumer in the Marketplace and fairness,., for the individual taxpayer," she said earlier.. The NDP slogan is "People Matter More." Party workers began cam-, paignin'g .at the end of her. speech. with distribution of IDP literature to about 1,000 homes, in Goderich and Clin- ton, Workers- were "reminded of the David Lewis rally. at Cen- ,tennial Hall, London, June 24 at 8;30 pm A bus will leave local party headquarters, 216 Wellington St. S., for, the rally at6:4r5p.m. 1 9 7 2. PONTIAC GRAND VILLE '.Two door hardtop, fully equipped, radio, rear defogger, clock, radial tires, vinyl roof, finished 'In gold with neutral cloth interior. Only 34000 S miles. Lic. No. DHC 225 e 000 some plain talk. T, -1E CHALLENGE is " facdd with a world wide problem of rising costs --- paused by an inadequate supply in the face of overwhelming de -p mand. THE LIBERAL ANSWER •. .. -To take de- tailed specific action on a broad front to reduce the . im- pa0 of inflation on consumers, . increase the supply Of manufactured_ goods and foodstuffs, , ..reduce the - impact of ;energy cost increases, . . . cutting taxes and increasing pensions for those on low or fixed incomes.. THE 'RESULTS . . Real growth of 7.1% in 1973,greater 'than virtually every 'other nation in the world . with _a lower -rate of inflation' than almost) every other nation in the world. WAGE AND 'PRICE RICE CONTROLS? .. . Theo• opposition proposes to freeze your wages and ,prices,a proposal which has not worked in any other country . . in the United States real gross national piroduct'declined by 1.5% under controls and consurner prices rose 40% in one month after controls were lifted. ON JULY 8 . . Keep the: government which is prepared to, make hard decisions ih the best..interests of allpeople; and will lead. us forward as a -united na- tion.. ° Elect LYNDON Lt IN HURON -MIDDLESEX HAVE BREAKFAST A WITH 1 THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE. TUES. MORNING - JUNE 25- 8:00 a:m. to 9:30 =.m. tom JOHN LYNDON LIBERAL CANDIDATE HURON" MIDDLESEX AT CLINTON ARENA:�' BACON -ON -A -BUN JUICE & COFFEE NO CHARGE - 'EVERYONE WELCOME HON. EUC9ENEWHELAN MINISTER 6r AGRICULTURE SPONSORED BY -HURON MIDDLESEX LIBERAL ASSOC. E..