HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-20, Page 31
Steve Arbour of Robertson Public Stool was a winner who
was overlooked at the Inter -School Track and Field Meet
held at Robertson two weeks ago. Steve tied with Stewart
Crew, far the overall Intermediate Boys Championship but
did not receive proper recognition at that time. (staff -photo)
The federal election we're facirlyg should, dispel the
rumors which say all the major Canadian political parties
are the same,
It's easy to understand how those rumors got started af-
ter the election in 1972 which was fought basically -on the
issue of whether Trudeaumania was dead or still -alive. Ob-
viously the results showed it was dead that year: -
Election 1974, however, has given the public some gutsy
issues to consider nationally. Those issues• leave a voter rn
Huron County a decision to make about how the platforms
of the major parties could affect us here if they were im-
plemented. ,
This has not' only excited voters who have three real and
different choices before them, or four if the point is stretched
to include the Creditiste party, but it has excited• the press as
well. This 'year reporters have something to write about. •
I remember covering the dull 1972 election in a minor
way. I was in my second year of journalism at Conesti�ga.
College in Kitchener. A classmate, Greg Rothwell;. and I
were assigned to do a story'about Keith Hymen, the Liberal
incumbant in Kitchener,
Mr. Hymen, who has been a capable man when solving his
constituents .problems, was a quiet backbencher with 'as
much flair and color as my Aunt Bessie who talks about
nothing except her sick friends.
At this campaign headquarters. the secretary in charge
wouldn't tell us where he lived or give"us his telephone num
ber. And absolutely nothing was happening at the headquar-
We went behiid the Secretary's back' and found the infor-
mation we needed in the !Kitchener telephone directory.
Without prior warning by telephone, we descended upo
the Hymen home during the lunch hour. A knock on t e
door brought the Liberal candidate into the open, Greg snap-
ped his picture while I madly scribbled down everything our
target said. C^
"Who • are you?"
"What do you want?" M'
Being inexperienced.' felt anything he said might be im-
• portant, 1 •
We explained our presence and .Mr. Hymen •graciousl'y told
us to enter his home Where we could discuss the.election, It
was a terrible interview. There weren't any national or local
issues worth mentioning. His answers were bad; our
questions were worse.
All three of us were more interested in the' final game of
the Canada -Russia hockey series which was blaring'rom the
television set. We also had °disturbed the candidate before he
was,able� to eat lunch, The added distraction of his noisy
stomach added to the atmosphere of uneasiness.
.. Between glances at "the hockey game he told us 'Pierre
Trudeau was a great leader, unemployment in `Kitchener
wasn't' a problem in Kitchener and he was happy Ugandan
refuges had been welcomed to Canada.
With the, interview completed, we took some pictures • of
Mr. Hymen which mad4 him look as sick as one of Aunt,
Bessie'sti friends,
The- day ended on a- happy note in an appliance store
where Greg and I watched Paul Henderson score his historic
goal which won the game and the series fol' Canada.
Writing the story the next day was a differentmatter. Mr.
Hymen failed to" say anything which really mattered, What
- could he say? The election -had no issues,.
Greg, and I resolved the problem when we wrote a story
about how hard it was to write a.story about an election
with no issues, Fortunately, our teacher liked it.
In this election, I'm riot faced with that Problem. The
Conservatives want a 9d day wage and price freeze. The
Liberals want- to give house buyers a better break. The NOP
want to establish a prices review board with teeth. The litit
of issues could keep me writing until Aunt BesSie's friends
all get well.
Fo•cuts on busaiiess
uartette on Square.
Last winter one block of'The
Square became almost void of ,
active business, The section
bordered by East and Kingston
Streets became empty after
Gerrard's moved to their new
location, Jewell's Appliances
went out of business and the
.Esquire Grill wag; closed for
could possibly happen to -the
store fronts. Due to the fact
that his new building is the
largest on his block Eric has ac-
cepted responsibility to se:e, than'
permission .'and., payment is
received from the proprietress of
the buildings being painted this
The problem of parking and
traffic flow on The Squareshas
tof a surprise
renovatic�'i, come as somewha to Eric. •
Now, the block is alive again to. the
with four new businesses: ''Until I moved tip
ss Eric Carman has expanded Square I did not realize there
• his interest from the front room was `a• partking problem," he
old .' said, "However I do believe
f h • h u• to the
04 0 se
Gerrard's location.,on the cor- t
• ner of Kingston and The= t
Square. ' For Eric it is the
cu The most recent ,arrivals ci' encouragement of your We are grateful for interest
work in the field of s g Si tial -Star. And I know .you
Eric is- not a member of the the Goderich- Business 'cli - editorial page article is. indeed' g
photography. He has beendeeply appreciated by the mem-' and contribution of • any kind and •all your staff remain You
workingat his Toreinto Street Goderich
Businessmen'se ;unity are the Templetons, and we like to hear new ideas to pursue your aim• of
Association at the present time" trio ,Margaret and Jim Jr. The hers of the Huron Historic- •Jail
m -
location since May of 1971. Board, and suggestions, Perhaps some bitious even better paper in the
Eric's first interest in but planswitt the other firms100 pern where
;timed worked
E,tobicoke, of you have knowledge of past years ahead
photography struck him when' cent with other in where :Jim worked sur a Mobile the hl hail 13eoarlinclud ng tthe events and situations which
Throughout •
my own
he was l2 years old, 'He began ,town. He' is in full support of Catering firm, to Goderich: on [ l could be used for enriching our,
newspaper career, I remained
the proposed shopping mal'! but choose. r Governors house) in ac•cor- projects. Others may have fur -
developing film in the dance with a• lease agreement mystified by The mechanical
bathroom of his father's house feels that The Square will sur- "We were considering .Kin niture or other items they may printing equi met involved,
dive and will do better business cardiae or Goderich when we wit}} the County, the owners of P g �p In
for a few pennies each and was wish to lend us fair displays• However, Mr.meet Shrier, I doff ed
than the .mall .after it is tom- ,said
.to open the business, the property. It' up to us
0. hand coloring film for the same lo create and carry out all the hat to you and to your wife for
p.said Jim "and the o o.rtunityMoney contributions
price, The whole project. was e sharing
pp ro eels in the Jail tom lex. At the marked courage you have
aimed at the purchase of an old ' Wayne and Michelle Cook for this location appealed. to, bel same time we are respon- (however 'small) should be
mailed to Mr. E. Oddlshoul fson,' displayed in providing The
box camera, are sharing the responsibility of us•" Signal -Star with the most up=
operating a business and to The Templetons have friends Bible for the upkeep and all ex Treasurer, Box 190, Bayfield,
Over a quarter of a century senses, In other words - we are to -date mechanical equipment
date have been successful The in erar,°geville that lived ill } Ontario; cheques to be made at such considerable ,expense.
later. Eric is opening a new entirely on our own, a
store that is entirely Separate young- couple bought Huck's Goderich '?'? weary ago and are p" to the Huron Historic Jail You deserve your spectacular
p Sporting Goods on Hamilton ~till hey weg about the town, preaching the- challenge with out o• Or if more convenient,
from his home and is owned. ' p' g enthusiasm as well as realistic success in this, regard.
r Street after that business "'Thev were living here quite any other member can be .a p- Alongthe same line, I recall
and operated by him. Eric feelsworking dans. soothed and will bepleased to
ceased operation; Thev some time while the father p remarking to Robert W.
that the move' to the Square The Board is in the process forward your donation,
operated on Hamilton Street worked in one' of the local Southam, publisher of The Ot-
will mean a great improvement of beingincorporated and g get-
his hilliness. for one month before moving to businesses and they are still p g When the Jail was built 130 taws Citizen, when recently
in " -'' raven About the town," said ting a .t�ha:rter as a non profit Years ago as a "suitable gaol
> expect a big, impr(rvcr enc g organization, meaning that that paper opened the most
Wayne, a former Sifto em- Jim. 'pt was. that publicity that and courthouse necessary for
in business when I move u - � ) g modern multi-million dollar
p 1 donations for the Jail projects Huron to become a separate daily newspaper plant • id the
_ � .-Iia..,,., always enjoyed conics prompted us fr, tnntt into this •
will be�'tax deductible. district it was said that "the
west • of the. city, with a • com-
e ui �ment. He saw his oppor- The fish and chip business people -urn uter and other mechanical
widely kruewn such as picture. q .. J holiday weekend (exact times' p
iestciring and framing will be in lonly when Hock's went out' of
arid the name of their store public memorial to their own ``Mr. Southam; I am
business and took advantage. of to be announced) the .Jail, in- determination."Qui deter,-
g mean a great deal ro Margaret as mystified. and -as impressed
the store window and anyone • eluding the Gcwernor's house, deter ion, with your held, and =
walking by, will dee them and tht„ situation. Templeton. Originally e native by the bewildering moderninity
g will'he open to'the public all interest, can make it into
know I do them.' Wayne and Michelle enjoy of Scotland she worked in a of your new Citizenn-plant as I
working on The Square parking
el fish and .chip: outlet in her summer seven days a week, for something useful for our times. was'- some years ago, when I
Eric feels The Square is *an guided tours. Sincerely,
excellent dace to do business., there is definitely a homeland. She k from Robert tried write intelligent ai-
1 In the summer the Pendulum • Elsa Haddon, Secretary
d f a central business problem. Thev agree that the Burris country and is a great titles for man -on -the -street
Plovers will again entertain H '' Historic Jail Board
` area but are especially oyes t he River Doon which is ►ri
hat if the store owners and
heir Staff had parking facilities
off the Square made available
to them the roblem would be
culmination of many- years of p
give him enough'time to make
a judgement
Jim is a member of the
nr -
ooIaERICH SIGNAI -STAR, ",^HURSDAr,`X•. JUNE 20, i97�PM E 3 r
',people representing most The Signal -Star and The Clin-
regions of the County: ton News -Record, to be a
Paul' Carroll, Chairman; positively great piece of public
Dorothy' Wallace, Vice- relations. The supplement per -
Chairman; Ed Oddleifson, sonalizes your o,peratioris in an
Treasurer;;.s,jEIS• . a Haydon, altogethesplendid r>lianner
Secretary. The other members which should enable both
are: Warden Bill Elston; H. papers to, 'serve their readers
Wild and D. McNeil who were even snore successfullyrn the
appointed by the County; Joan future than in the past.
Van Den Broeck, George I reiterate my firm opinion,
Robertson, Kase Vandkn which I have expressed to you•
• Heuvel, H. Lobb, W. McBride. publicly in earlier years, and to
the late George L. Ellis, that
We are very, fortunate to Goderich and area readers
Goderich 13usinessrflen's (continued from page, 2)'
Association and feet's.that for,
make' the ,presentation per -
the town to he financially sue-. •
cessful you have to stand sonaliy, but -please accept- my
behind its businesses, He co- warmest- thankia for your most
operates 100 per c•enr with tbte valued co-operation.*
tiler firms is, town and where • Yours very truly,
possible makes all his purl
R. G. Smellie
chases in town. Dominion President
"-'Goderich has to grow," ac-
c .cording to Jim Seid, "and•
businesses in town must grow Support J(iiit•
with it. 1 think the mall will be ,
very good for both business in Dear Editor:
Goderich and, the residents,.
The mall should bring more
competition and. perk up
business activity in towri:"
t in half
Your reporter's handling of have much help and advice of•a should realize, perhaps more
the Jail development has been number of creative people of than; some of them may do, the
thorough eveand the support and many talents who give freely of °high standard as a weekly
their tune and resources h ved b� The
nev�+spaper ac ie .
own , ne Baru.
` . ,.a, ...,,,•' and -wanted to sell. sporting tires:" •
f mw talents that are not Starting with the July 1 l of Huron had -their first
inc idea o
area appeals to him but he has plans for the trees and planters ,fail of the Scottish poet,. uron is oils consumption on the complex
will enhance thebeauty of the "Brig'O'Doon" means Bridge and delight audiences in the
very. futuristic ideas concerning large courtyard, with perfor-
operation of the Atomic Energy
s improvement. green �•� ,a
"I. concerned about the lack of the heart of the land she loves mantes on Tuesday and Thur- -�
I would .very much like to Boa l
X111(14'.(1 at Chalk River, up the Ottawa
see all the en a buildings removed parking - and
for store so dearly:
plays on Sunday afternoons
and very modern and advanced owners and customers. b y During their two' months in Toronto-based Theatre Passe • Dear.•Editor, , nment plant, for producing
d d by B near
Commission heavy water plant
sday evenings and Children's
• - - River, and the Canadian gover
The Cooks are not memberspsatellites at Shirley's ay,
buildings take their place. town the Templet ons have. , Muraille, also known to many Conceived andro uce
There could he freedom to of the Goderichs,Businessmen's worked almost -continuously people in the Huron County, is local youth, the book WINDS Ottawa."
Association, but are definitely scheduled to perform for a I betaine chief. political
move from store to store behind the newspapers in their OF THE MIND has been on
Ag g outtiide enttire ' co-operating with, the other store window~ They have not week later in the summer. sae for a o , reporter on
store fronts. made of sliding •
oin- 1 month now. However The London Adver-
businesses in town. • ,•since we are still $250 in debt, •
i.,er, 1924-28, and then joined
"If a customer came in here yet seen all the plans for The In the Governor's house �_�
lass panels that "could be Square but believe, any project there will he displays relating I'd like to urge everyone. to get 'The Ottawa Citizen reportorial
g p looking .for a particular item
opened in the Summer, un c oiild not help but benefit the to our long-term .objectives fcir a copy and tune -in to the {;toff to serve more than 3
\derground parking beneath the e that we did not have in -stock or already beautiful site. Not creative vibes of the under 20' years •in The Parliamentary
did not sell I would recommend the Jail, as well as drawings,
courthouse find rooftop tea gar= haying opened their doors to slides and films group in the region. Press Gallery here, prior to my '
de whereh old another store that I knew had the public vet the Templetons photography, Earle Birnev one of automatic retirement at fry as
relax." a h ht might sell it,"l the • variou pec
Canada's greatest poets and .of Oct. 1 1965. I take
ns shoppers co
1 of Huron County as •well as thepride in
said. Michelle. writers, sent me a'card recently
Realistically Eric knows that ..c,,, any, parking problems. that are Town of GFiderirh, my status er one of about six
The Square will not • he Jim Seid terms the
prevalent on the Square. expressing his delight in .the life members of The ,,Press
replacedremoved and. restaurant business a family 1 q It is our aim to preserve the . p• g
Jima Templeton does not historic and unique architec hook which I wish to pass on Gallery here to achieve which
comments, . that the ria.,...,..,, tradition and feels that is why' belong to., the (xoderic'h' lure of the Jail and to bring to here, as he wrote it: status requires a minimum of
project is the best thling that he got into it. His. grandfather Businessmen's Association vet. the attention of the public the Dear Stephen Rieck 25 years' serviceas a iGallerY
was, a restaurant owner and rind dog not know if he will history of the settlement of member to qualify•
now he is. Former proprietor of join. Huron County, also providing a - Pardon my references to my
a Chinese feeted outlet in Bivth, dear ate hen rieck' own news a er. `career, but I
Mr. Seid moved• to-Goderich in "I have no idea yet how cultural centre for the ex p mention they chief dates in -
pression and,advan'cement of many thanks for your letter
February, when he opened The many hours a week. I will have & WINDS OF THE MIND-- ivolved by way of qualifying
Esquire Grill ,,cin the Square. #1() spend here in the store and I the fin arica,performing arts' in
myself in the mind of your
havent much time to read this
Two- different sales, were in; • wouldn't want to 'offer my ser -
summer County. We hope to n- Summer but on a quick run readers to proffer this
Mr. Seid's takeover vices or time to any one elude, a gallery showing t'e th,ru, apart from your own very congratulatory ietter to you
mo)yed in p
Of •the business. The building organization without knowing works of Huron artists, with unusual work (esp. "Utopia'') %i and to all concerned- at,..The
was pureiness d f rbrn the .hcaw much. effort sl will be able displays of local .crafts. „
MacLean family, and all of the tit, put forward," he said. A few of thc�things we can do
ga louiefe pine" & Signal -Star.
right away, others take more drawings by louise' c. & rails e. As ..the Scots have a saving, •
restaurant equipment had to he The family is, however, co- a & by CF (Cindy Fisher) & SD's Mt, Shrier, I extend my best.'
bought from the former owner:' The
with a•ll the rest of time at"id money. We know it "Falls'°', "Happiness" &•Cheryl
pp wishes to'vou and, The Signal -
Jim describes business on the the businesses in town., They will involve much work and Elliott's The Sprung has Star, ,in the form, "Lang may
Square as good and improving. have purchased all their that even with our dedication Springed" & naturally Mr., your lum reek!" In ease your
H „etllc�v; working its the core materials used in their to the task we can reallyain t is Small.wood's "Upon readers care unilingual, tran-
of the town but feels That.some °renovations from local retailers �eed only if our and g Request"...no doubt i'd',•name slated colloquially that means
improvements could be made. `and 'if they can not Belgic a dish • accepted by the public• glac-Y spirit (if sharing. As a sin the rojeCtmiire if I'd taken more time but Long may your chimney
Parking is much in demand to a customer they will
and low„ in supply:
"I think that there Should he
More public .park,ing made
available to customers and
some' private parking. for each
owner," he said. '
. He did not comment •on t he
planters planned for the cor-
ners saving that his most recent
arrival to The Saua.re does not
or t oug g felt they could not conirrient on
- Mrs. Kathleen Beck passed
away in Montreal Hospital in
Ottawa 'on -•Julie 15, 1974, She
wase (il,
Mrs. Beck' was horn the for-
mer Kathleen Huller, in
Holmesville.• She was a
daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Huller
and the late .John Huller Of
Holmesville. She was a member'
of Rot United Church in
Ottawa. r •
Besides her mother, she is
survived by three sisters, Mrs.
Edna Cox of Clinton, Miss,
Doris Batkin of Holmesville
and Mts. .lean Cook of
• .The funeral service was held
from the Ball Funeral Home'in•
Clinton on Jute 17 with Rev.
,›John Oest reicher officiating.
Interment was in Clinton
Gem ete•ry
Pallbearers were Raymond
Cook, .Jim Cole, Frank Thomp-
son, Charlie Durst, Elmer Pot-
ter, and Rick Henry."
Flowerhearers.e.�Y •Ja•nev
'Be'ck, Linda Col& Shirley
Henry and, Peggy Cook.
Top. Round Steak
ROASTS $1.59 LB.) $'� • p , dui LB'
Pork Chops
Ground ChucJ
Back Bacon
Freezer Special
Sides.ofPork 59c
king i'n the cor
tHEE pH1
send them to a restaurant that t is essentially theirs and in -
offers the item. viteS their good -will and a
degree of participation.
• Apart .from the value, ,of
historic preservation, we
visualize the results of our
work as becoming a tourist at-
traction from which the com-
munity will benefit in many,,
ways. We have excellent • cci-
operation from the County hs
well as the Town, with special
thanks to the Development Of-
fice and the Tourist Committee, -
The (tires; love their new
home and hope to he residing
here for a long time. ,
„et"Businis' fort hcom.ing and
we certainly' hope to he per-
manent residents in Goderj$ch,"
said Margaret.
Hili Melick, owner of South End Auto Body, •inepect4
damage the Goderich Police Force's new cruiser received
ase result df an accident June 10. Damages are estimated
at about $200 (staff -photo)
1t serves n4) purpose to
pretend that there has been no
controversy or difficulty in the
past, but it would he even more
useless to dwell on it. It is our
atm to convince everybody that
we mean to work to a
businesslike manner cin a
project which will he to the
credit and benefit of Huron
County and the Town of
I would
point that
want to stress the
we are a group of
private people, not an agency of
any lemel of government. We do
not • have funds other than
donations -plus whatever in-
come some of our projects
Our Board consists "if' these
in any case congratulations on Smoke'"
producing such a visually lively
anthology including 'far-out Cordially and admiringly
centrefold. i hope Goderich folk
will support you for an annual
WINDS at least •
• sincerely Earle Birney
I'c'hofie that our book is •ap
preeiated in the regi`7in, to make
future hooks of a similar nature
, possible; • believe ,me, WINDS
OF THE'4- MIND holds
something of interest for
Y ou r poet ica l i v,
J. Alex. Hume,
P:S, On Apra 22, I had an in-
teresting Parliamentary
Restaurant dinner and evening
when Ron Shaw, formerly of
The Signal -Star, and his wife,
Peggy, were my guests enroute
to his new adventurous work
for the Canada Hunger Foun-
dation in Niger,. Central Africa.
JAH t'
• (,00.'! edition
Dear'Mr. Shrier,
May I extend to you, and all
the loyal staff concerned, my
warmest congratulations on
Our most modern Goderich
Signal-fitar,newSpaper plant on
Bav°field Road for which you
held open house on *June 14.15. ,
Your .June 1:3 supplement,
giving the story of the earlier
Huron - Signal and Goderich
Star, and the ratter year
Signal -Star, !'found fascinating
because I began my 42 -year
career as a newspaper man in
1921.24 under the expert direc-
tion of Athol McQuarrie and
W. -H. Robertson' on The
Signal In that period I served.
also as Goderich correspondent
of The London Advertiser and
'The Toronto Globe. - -
I consider your supplement,
giving interesting biographies
of the tcarlier careers of vour-
10f, your wife, ,Mrs. Jo A.
Shrier, and several other chief
officers and employees of both
Readers are cordially
Invited to express their
opinions of local, pr"ovin-
clal and federal issues
through the Letters to
the Editor column of The
Goderich Signal -Star.
All letters must be
signed to be published,
although pen names are
permissible providing it
Is understood that upon
request from another
reader, the letter writer's
true name will • be
revealed. •
While there is no limit
to the length of a ,letter
which can be offered' for
publication, the editor
does reserve the right to
delete portions of any
copy submitted for in-
clusion in this
Take an-aCtlye' interest
In your hometown
newspaper. Write a letter
to the 'Editor today.