HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 53another •and each city and
province lin yet another section.
Wednesday night the -..papers
are delivered to the post office
in the Signal -Star van so they
The machine runs con- can go out to the readers on
tinuously and requires quick Thursday morning.
reflexes .to insure that everyone. The remainder of the copies
receives his copy of the Signal. 'printed are placed on
Each time the ink roller drops newsstands around 'town.
.� _Delivery dependson
One of the major concerns of down on an address card a new
any newspaper is getting the paper has to have. been inser-
issue from the press to the ted. If one of the cards is
readers conveniently and on missed, that person will not
time. The Signal -Star is no ex- receive his issue.
ception to the rule and each Once the addressing is corn-
, week over 2,500 copies of the pleted the stuffing process is
newspaper are addressed and repeated on- Wednesday when
mailed to devout readers in the front `section., rolls off the
Goderich and Huron County, press. The second section has to
and ,.places all' over Ontario, be `inserted inside thefront, for -
Quebec, tl prairie provinces, ming a completed P paper. This'
-British Columbia, the United work is shared by Ruth and
States and England. Eunice.
As the Signal comes, off the .After each copy of the Signal
press it is moved to the rr ,iling has been stuffed and addressed
room in bulk where Eunice . it is sorted out into different,
Wilson begins stuffing' any piles depending on destination.
flyers into the centre. Ruth Oke All the l oderich papers are in
then takes the papers in- one pile, the rural routes in
dividually and' runs them
through an addressing machine.
'which prints each subscriber's.
address on the paper from their
file card
',dtr' F_fl
• Page 21S
mailing room staff
o d
ditional copies that are read ' Some 1 folks say they don't
each week. receive their Signal -Star until
A common complaint among the newspaper is more than a
delivery of.. the newspaper.
readers is often the poor week old. Needless • to say,
continued on page 22S
Thursday morning the van is
sent' around to the.. variousi.
stores and businesses that sell
the Signal -Star over the coun-
ter. This accounts for 1,500 ad -
Ad man's schedule
continued from page 1.9S
mation into a limited amou
of space.
A display ad requires an e
tra 'effort in design. The pictu
of the product being promot
must be sized to make it appe
important and' yet "n
dominating. In certain cas
the picture of the product so
is taken,by the Signal represe
tative right in the customer
store. Other illustrations a
taken from a large mat boo
that comes. to his office once
month. The book contain
thousands of pictures of every
imaginable g product on the
market today. These are cut'
out' of the book3and used in an
ad as attention competlors.
They add the punch to an ad-
vertisement that may not be.
achieved using words alone.
After the ad has been laid
out it is taken to the composing
room to be set. Here the per
forator operator sets all the
copy in the type size requested
by the advertising department.
All the copy goes into an en-
velope loosely and,is taken over
to the paste-up girl. She places
all the illustration and copy
into the ad in the sale manner
that had been 'designed
originally when it was laid
out in rough by the ad man.
When she is finished she places
the ad on the hook for the final
paste-up into the newspaper.
After each ad is sold it is
placed on a run sheet with all
the others that are going to be
displayed in the paper. The
final paste-up girl uses this to
determine how much room she
will need to devote to adver-
tising and how much to news.
Anything that is not on the run
sheet does not go ' into that
week's edition. '
Each ad is .taken out of its
envelope and placed in the
, paper as it comes up on the run
sheet. While this "process is
going on the advertising
representatives are ' generally
discussing 'their weekly success
or lack of success. Preparations
,are already under way for next
week's tissue of the Goderich
Signal -Star.
Gombihed with the effort
each ad representative puts
into the Signal is one equally as
strenuous' when the Huron
Shopping News is printed twice
recounted his efforts of one
nt week ago.
The 'June 6 issue of. the
Signal contained 188 ads for
x which his department Was
responsible. Combined with
was the special Bride's
ar edition, the .-Signal-Star
of Opening Special and the mid -
es month issue of the Huron Shop
ld ping News.
n- Some , of the advertising
flyers that, are delivered to
re Goderich households were
k possibly ptepared under the
a ,upervision of the'
w..,w.' _ Signal adver-
stlsing •department and more
than Iikely simultaneously with
one or two other publications.
To meet the, demands of ad-
vertisers in Goderich the.
Signal -Star representatives
must have a gift of creation, an
appetite, for hard work, .the
ability to work effectively un-
der pressure of deadlline, and
' still call on their customers
with a smile and 'a fresh idea
for his promotion this week.
Quality Letterpress & Offset
Commercial Printing
Signal. -Star
a month.- To portray the
tremendous amount of work
put into all Signal publicationsVit 11 (UM iihg I
the advertising mrag'er ar
(114 AV
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