HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-21, Page 1AND IflJRON & D( GAZETTE. 'HEW TO THE LINE, LEI' 'THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY VOL, XXI. NO, 25 S. FORD WOODHAM. soprommumem•oramoroitomor Stock Taking Clear Up. Yo.nMay as well rake in some of the Bargains goingP here, Don't let the 'other folks have them all, Wise buyers shop here, because they get Right Goods At Right Prices. Odd Lines in § Clothing going on Dry -Goods, Etc., § the counters every day AT CLEARING. PRICES. Higheab price paid for Produce. Irt. St 71011.1) Ct CO. HMIS careen. Rueseldale. --- Bnixes.-The night after Mrs. Brown died a set of light harneas belonging to the deceased was stolen ont,,ef the stable, also ( a pair of rubbers from a cutter iii the shed. The party who committed the theft is well FARMS SOLD. -Mr. Robe Jsrrott, has sold his 60 Kora farm, one mile north of this village to Mr, Jafrt08 Turner, of the Parr line, lor the sum of $2,350. -Mr. Jas. Junin, of Heneall, has sold his 100 acre farm adjoining this village to Mr. Jas. Love, for the sum of $5,50. Tutokeremithf ' --- 13mErs.-Miss Sam' etWatteis, of Devil's Lake, Dakotioia home: bsing callal here through the rsther serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Wetter', whom we are pleased to say is recovering. -Bey. Mr. Cunningham, of Guelph, occupied the pulpit of Turner's (shun% on Sunday last. -Mr. Thomas O'Brien's many frietide laelped him on Wedneedey list to out utterly 25 °male of wood. -Bob. and Jim. Landeborongh, of Dakota, are renewing acquaintances in fhb' township. -Mrs. Whitfield Chrleh p Mentel her liege lord with s. bouncing by, boy or girl the otner day. Blyth. --- DEATH.-After a long and painful illness Patrick Kelly, ex-werden of the county, and one of the best known politicians ot Huron, died &t )i residence in Blyth on Wednesday meriing. Few, if any, men intthis,county were more widely iince,vn, aud none contributed more to Ito growth from a rough and aliment unbroken forest to the proud position it now holds as one ° of the barest and most prosperous comities in the Dominion. Asea member for many years of the municipal council of Morris; and etterwarele reeve of Blythe, ilMr. Kelly was one of the veterans of he County Coanoil end remelt of the best legislation e of Ms time in that body was deo to his good incipment and shrewd common senile. He wits an enthuoiastio*Conservative in politics, and a strong adherent of the Boman Catholie faith, but with a liberal spirit towards those who were opposed to him woo for hina ityl _friendship of many an antagonist. Kerkton. perteTING,DBOORATINGtPIPBR HANG- ING—Frank (tarnish. late of Delphos, Ohio, has opened a shop In Kirksom, and will be plassea to give figares on Paieting, Decorating an1Paeer hanging. lbatisfaction guaranteed. Bitenes.--There was no service in the ePeeebyteriachurch last Sunday. An- niversary sertdoes at Thames: Road. - The members of the Presbyterian helm:rob, have decided to purchase a new organ for the use of the church, -We are pleased to learn that James Moore is recovering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. -The can- vassers for the repairing of the hall have been tuccessful eo Idr as heard from, and we shall expect to see the repairs gone on with shortly. -Revival services are being held on Woodham circuit. The pastor, Rev. Zr, Birks, : has the valuable assistance of the lady evangelist, Miss Williams, in conducting these meetings. On Sunday afternoon in Zion church, Mitchell road, Miss Wilhanas preached. a very effective ser- mon. -sera. McGowan J; Co., are rushing 04ings at the old stand, . they having purchaeed the stock of R. Mo. Gowan. The temperenee people In °Mewa are working hard for reduction of Linen/tee. 'SATISFACTOXX So soya Dr. Ourlett, an old and honored Practitioner, in Belleville, Ont., who jie*t Fos Wasting Diseaties and Scrofula I have, used Scott's Emulsion with the most ettishotory results. , LomortoraladieLli...011•••••••e• Sta.nley. BEnnte.-Mrs. J. Rablivrell and her sister have been visiting in Stephen the past week .-We are glad to hear that Miss Minerva Bates and Mrs. John Dennison, who have been very ill, are recovering -Miss A. Marshall, teacher of S. S. No, 3, Staaley, has recovered from an attack of Inflammation of the bowels, Londesboro. Hmeerse-Mr. David Jackson died on Friday night after a short illness and was buried on Monday afternoon in the Clinton oemetery. It is just two weeks ago Tuor day eines him eon Fred. was buried, making two deaths in the family in loss than two week. Detiereted was a member ,of Clinton Coort, C. 0. F.'and was buried with Forest= honors. Mrs. Jackson end family have the healtfelt eympathy of the whole neighbolhood in their earl bereave- ment. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M Sensed'. "UV iCAMEHOS SMITH, Barrieter, Sond- e • tor, Conveyancer. Office Mainest. Can be oeneulted after offiee ,hours at the Commeretal Hotel. Iteusall. el J. Zeof le, a wadiesl shoemaker, he opened neehoice new stook of all kiwis of Boots &Shoes in J. Card's Old Stand uorth of Commercial hotel. We wilt not be undersold. Call and tie°, bring your repairing and try us for a hand- made shoe. J, Zel tileidurph. ----- Buiers.-Died at Lusan on 13th int., Mr. John Hodgine in the 78th year ed his ago. Deoeased was one of the early pio- neers of Biddulph etownehip and by his Milner, gained a compitence and; retired from his farm to Lat'eari several years ago. He was buried at St. James' cemetery on the 15th inst.-A regular Manitoba bliz- zard etruok thie town on Monday 12th inst., and for about twelve hours was real, refreshing as theelriehman nays, it was the coldest of the season and left the roadi In a nary bad ntate at present. -Sarah 014W - ley, relict ,of. the late W, Clarku, formerly of this township, died in Mount Hope, London, last week, an a her remains were interred in St. Peter's cemetery. She was 73 years of age and was one of the first settlers of the townehip and formerly owned the farm now , the property and home of Mr. P". Curtin. . KILIASI) ise TORoNTO.-Misil Mary Ben- ton, aged 38, of London, formerly of Bid- dulph, was killed by a runaway horse in Youge !sheet Friday evening. A person in the employ of Mr. W. fL Stone, the un- dertaker, was driving along eYonge street aleotti 5 o'clock, when a bolt' came oat of the cutter near Gerrard !street and the shafts fell, The licirse immediately dashed down the sidewalk, leaving the rig behind. The thoroughfare was crowded with pedes - trims. Miss Banton was unable to get out of the way of the horse and was knock- ed down at Edward street. Miss Benton was picked up unconscious and carried into a oonfectionery store and shortly after ward. died. Miss Benton was born in the township of Biddulph, and was a daughter of the late John Renton. She had been for the past seven year's a resident of London, her occupation was that of a drommaker, 557 Talbot street. Miss Renton *as a devout Christian and an aotive member of Queen's Avenue Methodist Church, , 1:100,03 in Samis-Now is Van time t get bargains at A. Weeeloh's. Raving enlarged my Premises to twice the size, and received a large new w tieringstook, whioli e will sell cheap for cash. It will pay you to call and see our now store and get some of the big bar - gales wonow offer, Ail winter goods at cost prise, et. lot of Gorman slippers at your own erica, iustto clear them out, as we do not want to carry any winter goods over. Can. and got Pekes before buying elsewhere, and be convinced that we sell oheap. S lea of Big Boot. A. WESEL011, Mole WW1'S Bloolt, Following are the market quotations : • James Galbraith, * vrelleknown resident of Guelph, formerly a traveler for James Turner et Co,, Hamilton has died at Guelph, Thameoville, May 28th 1892 DICK & CO., Montreal. Gentlemen ;-I have been using sereral piteikeged of your Blood Purifier, and find it the best condition powders I ever used. Yours truly, . GEO. M. CAAWFORD. ..ImemoogIo• Orecliton Cash Store. We have beenrdnaking Wife ofslack times overhauling and clearing up our Stock and laying out LOSO1' GOODS TO BE SOLD Wheat 54 to 58 Berley 35 to 35 Oats . , . 29 to 29 Peas 60 to 60 ' Hay n , ... ,. 6.00 to 7,00 Butter : 10 to 20 Eggs .. . .. . . 15 to 16 Hoge . 600 to 625 Clover seed ITsborne. The anniversary of the Thames „Road Presbyterian church was held oa Sun- day and :Monday last, and was the most successful ever held in connection with the church. The weather being fine all meetings were well attended, and the receipts all told amounted to upwards of $200. eThe Sunday sermons were well attended, while on Monday the tea was enjoyed by the vast crowd, the body of the church during the pletform meeting being inadequate to accomodate them. The spetkers were Rev. Martin, Exeter, Rev. Cloupland, Elinaville, and Rev. Dr. McKay, Missionary from Formosa :China, each of whom gave interesting addresses, the latter dolling with missionary work as acctomplished by him on the Island. Rev.C. Fletoher occupied the chair in his usual happy manner, whilet the ladies, as mtterers fully sustained their past enviable rep- utation. IN MEHORIAM.-One by One the pioneers of the Township of Usborne in common with those of other parts of Canada are being removed by the hand of death, and the beautiful farms which the sinew' arms have cleared, the com- fortable 'homes which their foresight has provided, and the neighbors in which they have been conspicuous figures fore ears, knowt hem no more, for they have gone to their fathers. It is orr solemn duty to record itt these lines the passing away from earth of Jonath- an Cooper, sr., on the 14th day of b eb- ruary, 1894,,at the good old age of 76 years, 8 months and 12 days, Deceased was a native of England, being born in Yorkshire on the 2nd of June 1817. Early in life he married Ann Sherwood, who ,proved es noble and loving help meet during the greater' part of the journey but whose feet earlier grew weary climbing the steps of life, and passed to her reward on the 30th of November, 1880. Nine children were the offspring of this happy union, of whom three daughters, Mrs. J. Brirria- combo of Elimville, Mrs. S. Hunter of Tuckersmith, Mrs. H. Taylor, of Mon- tana ; and two sons, Robert, of the Townahip of Biddulph, and Jonathan who resides on the old homestead, sur- vive, to mouin a loving father, besides a large circle of grandchildren and ether relatives will MiSS a friend indeed. While yet a young man Mr. Cooper and his wife emigrated to Canada, settling first in the Township of Otonabee, but soon after -removed to Utsborne, aad during the past 45:years had been one of its most industrious and respected citizens.' Of him it can truly be said he had many friends and no enemies his quiet unassuming christian life being such as to -win friends and endear him to all. In politics he was a Conservative, in religion a Methodist, in life consist- eht, conscientious and honest, as a neighbor highly respected and a father beloved. • As he lived so he died, an e xemplare chriatian whose hope of a glorious immortality was ever bright. A life thus lived and ended cannot fail to impress itself for good upon those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The funeral took place on the 16th and was largely attended, the remains being interred at Elimville. Rev. T. B. Coupland condnoted the services and improved the ocsoresiont by preaching a sermon from St. John, 14, 2 ; In my Father's house aro many mansions, itc." The relatives and friende have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their bereavement. n At Cost staid, BO avg. I 9 Consisting of Men's:and Iloys' OVorcoats, ranging from $2,00 up ;I:jMeo'e 171 stars worth 011.60, now $8.00 ; Etc,, Etc. fi'SBlack Coney Sterne Ooller and Muff Worth $4, now $2.60; Black Op-, - posdea Storm Collarand Muir worth $10, now $0.75; one only Oppos- tun Cape, worth 0.2, now 48.60; a few black Coney Muffs loft at 86c. • CAPS.A.11 Fur Caps, Sealotto and Wool daps, Shawls and ellI Wool Geed. :must be sold regardless of Cost* Also Winter Dr,* GoOtleest a bargain. ",,,Last yeat'e Prints' worth 12.1, and 140 at 100. A large Ste& of Itoady.nitd0 Clothing at remarkably low prices. 6 6 tbsi VettOltite Tea 2 ' for Ribs 460 ,Crit . ; so 1 Oil )4, NING FEBRUARY 21, 1.894 Unfeelleton. 13ntere.--Ou Wednesday of lad week Miss Bose M, Schwartz was married at Ler bather's madames to a young man of Oren. We wish them a boa g and hoppy life. - Quarterly meeting was held in the Evan. gelical °emelt on Sunday last. -Quite a munber of our young folks attended. the L 0, F. concert in Dashwood laseweek atid relearned well pleased. -Mr. Sic/ Davie of Exeter was the guest of Mr. Geo. Mantle cm Sunday Atoheeen of Exetet was back visiting his sister ou Sunday. - Mrs. August Sweitzer ofDeleware, formerly of this place, is at present visiting her parents and friends. -Messrs. John wed George Bieber are ouopping wood for Mr, Guentier at Dasawood. -Wood, Wood, notiOng but wood; is imams as if every farmer has wood to sell,-Measre. Trent. hlek it Walker have got in then eupply of ice aucl it is a very good sample. -We understand that twine of (air boys SOW is griadstone froin one of our eitizeus. It's too bad, we sant find out who they are and make an example ot thein. Tua I. 0. F. --Among the many Societies that are competieg for public favor there is pinbably not oue that enjoys the ohn- liclence of the publics to a greatee degree than tbe INDRPraNDEINW ORDER or F011Ess2- ItitS. From information tnat We have re.. ceived from Mr. J. G. Young the Court Deputy for the local Court, we learn thee the membership of the wleolee Order hi 54,000, the net increase for the year that caned on the 31et December, Was 10,500, of this large meniberehip 22,000 are in On- eirio. Tee friends of the Oeder claim thee it leads all other Orders in our great Pre- vinee, The number ot Subordinate Courts, in Oaten°, id 550. 01 ofthose were in- stituted during tne year just closed. Dan ing the 19 years of its operatioas it has paid to widowe and orphaus and to dietress- ed brethren about two million enehuudred thousand dollars, end has, at present, a mesh sur pine, for the benefit of tee polioy holders, of S858,857.89. A gain io the eurplue for one year cf S278,000. The death rate has only reached the remark- ably low average ot 5,29 in the 1000. Tue Orderlies enooantered •a good deal of ad- verse criticism, its ratesmave been pointed out as being too low, but its friends have demonstrated again and agaiu their ability to pay all claims and at the same time to accumulate a handsome neer vo. They (deem that the teaohtng of experience proved that their rate.* are Ample, and certainly the record the Order has made would teem to bear out thie contention. In the press, and on the platform, the ad- vantages of the Order have been set forth with marked ability and moderation by the Supreme Chief Beugsr, Dr. Oronoliyatekha tho Higla °leaflet -tiger of Ontario, the Bev A. sinegfilivray, and by many other pro- neinent officers and, members of the Order. The Fraternal feeturee of the Order are carefully cultivated, and many aeknowledge gratefully the kindness received at the hands co their brethren. We have pleasure in giving thee facts, knowing that they will Le read with itatereet not only by our roaderre who are members of the Order, but by others who will be pleased to learn ot the continued prompecity and growth of this Fraternal Society. Winchelsea. Brtmes.-We are ttorry to report the death of the infant son of Mr, Andrew Hodgert who died on Tuesda,y.--Mies Libbie Wheatley of Clinton itt visiting at her grandfather's, Mr. I. Hall. She is accompanied by Miss Ettie Powell, daughter of Albert Powell, formerly of Exeter. -Mr. Frank Waehburn, who hae been running a store in. Biddulph, hat sold the store and stock to Mr. W. J. Smith, arid has purchased A fureiture and undertaking business -Mr Robt. Coward has been very ill of is grippe, end erysipelas in . the head. -Mr, Corn- ish will offer his farm, near Elimville for sale on March 1st. , A couple of weeks ago Jutta Biggs, the 10 year old daughter of t high school teacher at Parkhill, disappeared, and althoughdetectives have been placed on her track and imarch made high and low, she has not yet been found. She loft one, Sarnia train, but did not buy her ticket it the 'station, Sho Was herd to slik the conduttnt for trdkOt to Diet oitn4. 'ft bore teal *iktii BIanshard Council - The municipal council met at the tome ship hall, Monday, 6th intik). Mre. McCormick, the supposed widow of the late Paul Sutherby, and a temporary resident of the C. S. road, and. who eppeal- edema year to the council for relief, again addressed the board. She said as long as she could get work she refrained from com- ing to the eounoil for essistance, but as some of her family wore too -Foram co earn a living for themselves and as she wee their solo support, and being unable at this hint) of the year to get employment, she appealed to the board to consider the destitute eirourestenoes in which she and • tier two small children are island, and pleaded strongly for aid. On motion of 36. John and Pothering - ham she was grauted e5,00. The Auditors submitted their report to the Board which was referred to the k immix) Committee. The Committee re- ported that they had examined the auditors' report and compared the various iteins with the ()beetle book and fouud it correct. We find the total expenditure up to December 31st to be V0154,34. and the total receipts to be 025980.77, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of 55826.43; We further report • that we find the Kira of e55789 uneolleoted on the Roll of 1893. We also find total Assets to be e7187.76, and the total amount of liabilities to be $5722.02, leaving a balance of aililetzi over of $1465.74. Moved by Robinson and St. John that the report be adopted. R. T. Hayea again addressed the council in reference to the late svashout and wanted to know if the council had made up their mind. as to what amount of damages they ?fere going to allow. • The Deputy Reeve stated he and counoillor Fotheringhatu bacl, examined the washoat at Hayes', but that the amount of damages asked tor by tlayes and the amount which they had made up their minds to grant, were so far apart tett he thought the wlsole Board should inspect the wathout before panting any damages to Mr. Hayes. 1Vloved by Fotheringeam and Ullyot, that the Hayes wetter be left over till next meettee in older thee the commit as a body may limpet the earne.-Carried, ' Mr. George Morph), presented a largely signed joint petition from ratepayers of Urs. borne and 13Ianshard, praying the couneil to grant Mr. Morphy theprivilege et drawing out el S, 5, No. 3, and annexing himself to imam S. S. No, 13, Blaesherd and Ds- borIne; ,Vcled by St. John and Fotheringlism that the matter be loft to erbitretion tad that W. F, Sanderson be appointed Albite Hetes foe Bleerhard township, Itloved in amendment by Robinson and Tillyott, that the matter be referred to avbitration, bet that ItOert 'Beatty, Treas- urer of the munieipality, be appointed Arbitratel. Tbelle, voiles for the motion, dealer oa it carried. • Adjotented to Meet first Monday in Mime. at ten &dock, 1..treenWtity. Rantes.-1.1r. john Ned of Centralia, Paid ohr village it flying visit last Wed- eesday..-nr. Ernest Carts returned home frem Sait Lake:City, Utah, last week. --ft is our sad duty to record another death, in Mr. Henry Luther'e family, his eon, David, aleoutj *9 years old, died last Thursday night from diphtheria. Ihis cruel &seats° has spread to Mr. Lorne Luther's, J, Bell- ingla andMr. Geo. Bloomfield'rr.-Misa Sareh Shank and her sister Mary, re- turned home from Detroit last Satur- ciay.-iVIr. A, 'VI° Wilson returned from CONDV1NSED NEWS, zunioa. Fulton's klotel, three miles north of Saatorth, was totally' destroyed by fire early Thursday evemog. The lire was ofteseci by a detective chimney, and had, before being notioed, gained too lfluoh headvvey to be brought under control. The house arid °Wants were insured for $900, Total loss not known, ' ;...A.tthe annual meeting of the Brus- sels Driving Park Aseociatiort the following ofliners wereelooted for 1894: Thorndale lest Fririay -Mr Johnson ' P. Scott, Preahlent; Dr. Warrick, et Michigan, a well known frieud of Mr. eherritt'a, conauotect the services in the Methodist Ceuroh last Sebbathi the address Wile intereating and full of life -A superior aigh Maas concert by Eclison's Newly Improved Phono- graph, the &instrument that sings, talks, laughs and coughs, will be given tlae Boston Methodist Church Friday evening March 2nd. •8.t. Marys. -- Bemes,-Rev. McDonagh of Exeter, preached missionary sermons here on Sunday to a large oongregation,i in tbe Methodist Ohurch.-The wife of Mr. John Gray, who formerly worked for A, Beattie & Co., in town, dted at Sarnia on Monday afternoora-Mr. Geo Graham, son of Mr, W. H. G'rahaut, left on Monday for Orangeville, where he has accepted a position in a 'earths ware store -Revti Mark Turnbull, formerly of Kirkton, had the remain - of his son who died during his resid- ence at Listowel, transferred to the eitioderich cemetery. -A new piano has beea introduced into the Methodist Sunclay.School. -Two itinerant premsh- era, who said they had walked from acidrassecl a large gatheriug on the market square on Sunday even- ing after cleared time. Being entirely destitute of funds and friends they ac- cepted %night's lodging in the tramps' refuge in the basement of the town hall, Ask Yore; Felten*. Who have tekon flosel's Sereapatille vrhet they think of it, and the replies will he positive bn its 'haeor, situp's, what Hoerre Sereaferille does)that toile the 'story o Be Me Ono 01s blahs ootted of Vitt 41) 0^ it Granton. BRISFS.-Mrs. Moran of Seaforth, is at present visiting her daughter Airs. W, Jones. -The infant child of Mr. and Mra. David Tyrernan after buttering from convulsions for upwards of tvvo weeka, passed peacefully away Wednesday ,morning last. Its remains were taken to Seaforth for interment. -The C. 0. F. ot this place purpose to have an "At Horne" in the near fut- pre.-The mail contract from Granton totLondoa has .been let to a raan from London. The gentlemea in question was in town looking up a house which he securer'. There is a scarcity of houses to rent, here, the demand being greater than the supply, -Cook Bros., held their concert Friday evening leen heving postponed it owing to the inclemenoy of the' weather. It gassed off, all appearing eatisfied with the evening's proceedings. Mr. Money's rendition of slings was appreciated.. - Miss Verde Levitt of Berlin, formerly ot this place, assisted the Church of England Choir on Suaday evening last, by playing the acoompaniment on the violin. -There is some talk of Granton having a grist mill shortlyaif rumor be true it veal indeed add towards improv- ing business of all kinds. Centralia. treasurer; F, D, Scott, secretary. July 2nd and 3,01 is fixed for dates of their rages. They are advertising three stake reees, entries to close March 20111; 3 -minute trot, 2.50 pawkand.2.30 trot, purses $400 ertoli. Wednesday while &nen Gauley, demean.° in the employ of Mrs. Elijah Martin, Clodermde, was cleaning a lamp she went too near the stove, and through some cause the oil in the lamp was spilled over her dress, end took fire. In a moment her clothes were a mass ot flames. The poor girl ran tato the next room boSiris, Mantua, and nearly, Mrs, Stevenson, had presencti ot mind to throw a garment around her. She sat, down in ea easy chair exhausted. She Was frightfully burn- ed, and inhaled write of the fire. She died same evenmg. Oa Tuesday last, a gentlemen of town who had a natural desire to see how a reilroad slow plow storks when m actual operation, got rather more ia the shape of an object Leesou than he had anticipated. A eleort dietanoe east of the Standard Blevetor was a drift of considerable proportions. The gentleman, thinking; he was at perfectly safe distance, was seated en a fence directly opposite the drift, but as tais snow -plow buried itself in the solid mass, the man on the lance was also buried ia an avalanche of snow, and for a few monaents he was almost suffocated. as admits that he had,ell the experience and observation he cares for,--ClInton New Eire Mrs Catharine F„ relict of the late Donald Fraaer, tor many yeare Depety- Registrar of 111(uron, passed away at Godericb reoently, aged (30 years and 7 naontias. Deceased was born in Mon- treal, and -was a daughter of the late Alex. Drysdale, for many yearn awalte known figure le )1ami1ton. She wa- married. in 1854 and removed to the Huron Tract in 1856 in company with her husband, who had recently been appointed Deputy -Registrar ander the late John Galt. Mit Fraser died m 1885, and Mrs. Fraser continued to re- side in Goderich with her sons Roder- ick and George and her dauglaters Minnie,Elize and Meggie. Her eldea t son S. John has for years been a prac- tising phySician tri Detroit. -net , e` . BarEes Mr F. Smith o f Brantford, tt is visiting his brother Mr. C. W. Smith. Mr. Smith's health is poor and ho needs different atmosphe re. -Miss Oke of Exeter, is yaaibiu g Miss Grace Oke. -Me. Wm. Colwill Was sent as a dele- gate by the Centralia. S. S. to the County 3.8. Convention in Clinton. - Mr. Those fiendford had a twood-beelast Saturday, He had ahout 20 cords drawn to the station ground, It was drawn from the farm formerly owned by Mr. Robert Walken-A. number of loads of Henap have been ohippedfrom hare. If Centralia keeps on growing like the last tvvo weeks, it will not be long before Centralia will be the city of Huron County. -A. laaby kboy is the joy of Mr. J. Diehman's repidenoe here.. Where do all the young people (tomes from Then is the question the people ask each other Sunday even- ings and every other day, Tbe reply is generally from Exeter, Cland,eboye, Grediton and Lrioan. Let them come and they shall be walsomecl.-The S. S. Convention of the Exeter district was held inst Wednesday in the Cen. trail% Methodist Church. There being three sessions the (March vvits pecked in the attercoon enci evening nieetings. Very interesting and eloquent address- es vrere delivered by the different minister" and laymen of the district. - At the Quarterly Official meeting on Monday evening lest, the ReV. W. H. Butt was unanimously invited to return to the pastorete, of the Methodist Chitral' here for another yeer. In accepting the invitation Mr. Butt thanked the Board for their cordiality and hearty co-operation. -Wednesday evening Cook Bros, gas a coneert in the hall. The hall vvats little ewe than helf lilted, the eoncert itself Was not of much coniequence. OESITIrICAT131 OF ANAINA16. Laboratory of Dr R. Bryce-Gemunel, Consulting and Analyticel Chemist, 228 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass, hereby certify that / here carefully examined the esaisple of K. D. d. sub- mitted by the E. D. Oa Ltd., Feb. 10, 1893 aua have been tineble to deteet Any ob- jectionable os injurious Ingredient:* therein, It is it oempoond prepared beet, pine drugs, and it is my opinion that, it properly ha. nimistered it will giV6 ready relief 16 ettiler- ere froth the differeot forms of the diseese Lan weigh it is lett:acted. It is a peOtiotly ontfe remedy, Iieipeott JOHN 1WHIVet * WOO Parettehere and iteelev*IleNe • GIVEN AWAY PiCTURES :5 • to ho Jeet opened a Handsome Lot of Hand. some Pictures from the,:celebrated firm. of W. A. 'dart &Co. of Buffalo, N. Wholesale Picture Importers, Beautiful Walnut and Gilt Frames, 6 in; wide, SiZO 36 X 28 inchee,. vre do it I • We give you a tieket on which we punch all your purchases. When the total amounts to $30:you can have your choice .of the elegant framed Pictures described above • free. COME AND SEE:i.THEM. ASK FOR A TICKET. START AT ONCE. Reuenetii, Dry --Goode, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing and nice fresh Groceries always on hand as low. as the lowest. J. P. ROSS. Ma.ricet Depot The Stratford Public. Sehool teachers have organized themselvea into 40 9.3- Booiation for mutual improreraens, to be known ea the Stratford Publio Sohool Teachers' Readiag ,Eddie McGuire, a 12 -year-old boy, in the enapioy of Mr. John Brown, Stratford, caused his parents ranch anxiety en Monday by koing to St. Mary's as his starting point for a tour into the unknown world beyond. He was brought back. The County Orange Lodge held its annual meeting in Mitcsheli an4,Wed. nesday afternoon of last week, and elected,' the following offioers : A. Dunsmore, Prospect Hill, W. M.; T. G. Watson, 6tra ttorol, D ; G. Money, Xerkton, Rtio-Seo.; J..A. ,,Robinson, Kirktoo,,F. S.; J.).). Lowrie,St.e/larys, Treafe; R. Switzer, :Anderson, Chap- llaelontUrlier.. Gray' director of vv ceremonies; J. L. MoDoell,StrattOrd, The resistants of Chntontand vieinity were startled last Friday morning on teeming ot the sudden death of Mr. Samuel Cooper. For some time his home had been 10 Brucefield. Oa Thursday afternoon he borrowed a gun from his old neighbor, Me. Alex. Ross, stating that ho intended shooting coons or squirrels. Ha proceeded to the bush but never returned alive. Last Thuraday night or early Friday morning a search party was formed and the,decteased was found dead, the body leaning against a tree. A squirrel he had shot wars also found near the dead man. Medical aid was at once summoned. The hat and a portion of the top of the head were found some feetitrom the body. The case was onetot accidental shootiag or suicide. His, age was 44 years and several months. A loving wife and five bright children are left. The remains were interred in Turner's cemetery on Saturday. No good reason ia advanoect why the, case should be opts of suicide, The accident theory acorns to be the most probable cause of the sad death. Mitchell has now three gold cure graduates undergoing treatment et Oak, Hie. - Mr. Henry Jamea, of Mitchell, pur- chased a splendid standard -bred trott- ing stallion last week at Bloomington, 111. The lioenae granted to the Russeldale hotel bas been transferred to Mr. P. Pauli, of Sebringvillo. Mr: Pauli took possession of the Russeldale hotel this week. The St. Marys public school board has been at Sixes for IMMO time over the selection of a representative to the taiga school board. Up to last week the members were still divided, when some one suggested Dr. Irving as a compromise and the auggestion vvas at once accepted and the doctor unani- mouisly appointed. etnermEssx. John C. Hodgins, a gentlemen well- knovvn in Biddulph e one of the lrat eettlers of the township, was buried the other Laity. -A-man named Gardner, who works for a farmer on the second concession of London townsinp, fell from a load of lumber that he was drawing the ()Wei day. Elie leg was broken. Wm. Goodyer, of the 11 th line, East Zorra,ths looking for a man by the name of Isaac Powlis, who had been working for him. He decamped the other night, taking $18 and other things belonging to his employer. ets-Mr. Neil Matheson purchased some time ago the woollen mills of Parkhill from Ms, John Griffith, and arranged to takepossession in March. Mr.Gritlith haa since entered into partnership with him, and the business will be :serried on under the nameof Griffith & Matheson. • The other evening the barn belong-, ing to John Mo Vicar, of Poplar Hill, Lobo, was struok by lightning, and be- fore aid had reached it, was so far gone tbat it was utterly impossible to try to extinguish the flames. 1101 ssid that the insurance will about cover the toss. INN The Delineator for April is the meoond of the "Great Spring Numberse' Prominence ie given to Bicycling in an illustrated article which describer; How to Ride and what to wear, and ale° in a fuil page of figures in Bicycling Costume and an orig- inal piece of Music entitled The tOyelists' March. Mothers of families will Ms glad of the aid of the very suggestive paper 'on Fitting Out the Family for Spring and Summer, and both Mothers and Daughters will be interested In the opening chapter of a series treating of the relationship be- tween the two. Tho paper on How to Live Wisely opens a subject that should commerid itself to all housekeepers, and tee chapter On The Etiquette of the Dinner Table treats of the moat refined obser- vances at the festive board. Around the Te Table furnishes both instruction end entertainment, and further entertainment is provided in An Easter Party and Liter- ary Charades, The latest literature is disoussed in Among the Newest Books, and Flower Caltnre fax the Month tells what work should be done in preparing the Garden for the Spring and Summer. The illustrated articles on Netting, Tat- ting, Knitting, Croehetting: etc., are as fasoinating as usual to the lover a faney work. Tbo :subscription price of the Dei. ineator is $1,00 a year. Single Copies, 15 Centre Addrets ordera to the Delineator Publishing Co, (Ltd.), 33 Richmond Street West, Toronto, 9n1. There 10 again talk in Montreal of es- ablishing a wheat pit on 'Change. Money, Money, Money FOR EVERYONE SIXTIIOUSAND DOLLARS Dry Good.s, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery and liardviare Te be turned info money in, the next 00 davs, at Post' Office Store EIRIXTON Having purchased tho stook of U. McGowan at a Jew rate on the dollar, we have decided to sell FOR TUE Ntrir 00 DAYS for below Wholesale Prices. Thiis 8alo will discount anything over before heard of in this community. This Goods are all new, and will be soh] at prices thee must put notions of hard antes 1 oat of people's minds. Notts a few of the prices ; , 150 pairs' Ohildre Wooltee hese, ineuter pease iSe, sate Wee' SOP Sidle Dr.leg mice, lee, sale price tee Yet& double fold aleiroel Creetnts-e, r144-8 sob 206. 25 Yeah/enable Diets Taingths, rtilt‘PniCer thstoodoLsrate4 r tet asikaltroe# go below &met, #1,600 worth of Dente ited teleeee fronit tee 'netier, Shim; meet Of those haves jut enteeed beto ettYek, We ft ix0giettlittlietiadeteivit6 olleito.14, 060,1 elao YOU- One dome beta:slime tuedro $11 A',A$ 4