HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-14, Page 8410 ERNA08 Nfl1 CO eleo for the alga COMPAICen nousion; 1. a el INSelleAliC13 00M- SCHOLARS A cheap lot of SehoolL Books. chiding the HiEh School List re- quired for the op- ening. Will have enough] to lastj to Jan. 10th. J. GRIGG. 7111721717117.717641911 ----THE- BigP * Ban.Sim For Bargains in Sugars. Pa Innt A BARREL? Do you want A 100 LBS.? Do yoa liant A $'s WORTH? We can give y.Q11 the closest quo:lo- tions of any LIM in the west. J. A Stewart - Notice to Tunes' Readers. The publishers xvould esteem it a favor if ?salters would,when making their purcha.9es, gention that they saw the merchant's adver- isement in THE LIMES. gqtglit ung. THURSDAY.F.EBRUARY 14, 1894. LOCAL HAPP.EN014 recently resigned account of 6. 7.77 reV1 The 01094 Vti iliSett`Gzrx1114y (ming ext. 'Mere are sl loages of ditetry in 0400. Reg oarpet weeving done ptoreptlY the Exeter \Veen= Mills. The priee of evbeet has gone down tO the leweet figure on record. If yeeterneighber aelee to borrow your umbrelle, laterite hint *het ide Lent Yesterday was St, Yelentinee LP4,7,94eo the openiug of the Ontario Legieletuee. Fon Saes on RN, -Two every frenie hoOese on Sitncoe St. &Piety to Wan Geeeel, EXOter, OXIM WaliTND.-A goal girl wanted itomedietel. , Apply between J0 a. in, and 00 A bositieflii 3QtiQZ 4annething tb every pereou tiboula leave, \whether eegee busineets or egt; bal it ie aot alweys be oat:titled, either front* late of moitee or time, end in a tore large nereber of cease it le cozabination 0 both that keeps the kneveledgeeeekt r back, It eaye to be * 'fume miter, and no one but a TurR9 reader Can telte Advantage of the follewing gland offer. A.reeular Butheees atelleee Co orae, with graduatirig eaeloinatiot told tt, bauttecerne diploma, granted to suceess: ul etadente ell far ten genie per week an.l coupons! °tit from title paper Dia you )',,er get A better ()Mince? The c ouree will last 10 weelse, ip.en.• ta Mae, 4. Q, Bon% and us cOoduets 4 by one of the best mac. S. 3. Speolunen e% Co. will otioupy tbe tied book.keep: re in the eouutry, and its titers lately tor:elated by R. Batumi it Soo preiloisucy iguarenteed, end is potitively self-inetrusitive, int taming eanilred. SarnWell's Block, on Taesany Feb, 20. Mr. JanaFrayee of the and caleceseion Every pent and settaediaa eshould /lee to Uthorae, hae a ewe thetgave birth to two it 010 their children atart with No, 1, lemba on the 5th inst. Somewhat early. andeseep it up to the end, and, alai yotios fstka G. la. alynartan, bas aeoured 0, wain or woman, who bee a desire te master store, Foteat, Rua viral leave Exeter on the advantage ef the eller al a life time Bead then bring or send to thisaBoe the coupon ablation II:Taylor a Swett drY geode knowledge of book-keeping, should take 2dtb. the advertisemit in another column and WAieetto--A respectable woman as velta 10 oents, No extra Obarge for copies working honee-keeper. For baformetion, :Sent by mail. aat this Office or P. 0, Box 82, Exet- er. Reeve Bawden hi again seeoulating. He b a rStratfordrietersand "iidoel icaittloortell,eriza ttobteit8peirissotn of has recently ptirchased 20 acres of the S. J. BIache eetate in Clinton, and will tell the Coughlin, eon orT. Coughlin,•ex-ta, same in lot. P. for N Orth MIddleasx. lie is a bright young lawyer and promises to make a The sale of the stock in trade ef D. value hie acquisition to that city. Gottsehane, Zurich, ineolyent boot ie shoe Monday et dealer, will be held in that village on Mday last waa the cedest and mos tat:mat), neat atoertemyl%daasyaowfolie Qswernan, o tThehemathaebrlinowb-. in. r s d • Dr. W. A. Jones who has been praetio- ing tie perfect 1 ricane, strove the fast in at Centralia for the past year, has falling snow blizzardlike to evexy nook moved to Olandeboye, where he will con- and corner, rendering it unpleasant to be thine praotice, outside a mom mt. Mr. Wm. Wood of Elimville, has a henThdi- ere ed at the residence of Mr. which, en the 25th of January, hetched Patrick Glavin, Stephen, tee other day, out a brood of ten chicks. They are do. Mrs. John Barrie, in the 78th year of her ing nicely. age. She we.s well-keowa to her man Carling Bros. intend to remodel the in- friends and reletione by t le name of the tetior of their stores by °letting a large airoh Queen, and wee aunt to NI. T' Ooughlin' in the partition between the Grooery and ex-fel.r.,of Stephen Townehip.' Dry Goods departments. The sale of the stook in trade of Robert Farmers' Institute meetings 'will be held McGowan. of Kit kton, valued at 05494 34 in Dashwood and Hainan at an early date, took place at London, Monday. It was Oonsult tile advertising columns of Tau composed of drygoods, boets, ahoes.1 hat7 s Thole for full particulars. caps, readyntaee clothiug, drugs, patent Trying to do business without adeertie. rnedieines,hatt.ware,groeeree,erockery and ing is like winking at a pretty girl through stationery, and was bought by Mr. Gill - a pair of green goggles, you may know alien, of Liman, at 66 cents on the dollar. what you are doing but nobody else does. There will be several chaegee of pastor The holidays of the year will occur on ate in the Lon ion Methoeist Conference the following date; Good , Friday, Maroh next June. The Centred church people, 23; Queen's birthday, on Thnrsday; St Thoma, want Bey. r. .0. Scott, of Dominion Day, on Sunday; Christmas, on Dutton, while B.idgetown Methodism, is T uesday. unanimous for Rev. Jos. Philp of Loedon. Rev Win. Mt Donagh of Yxeter will likely Mr. Riohard Seldom formerly of Exeter, has been chosen Munteipal Clerk of nlorth go to laingayille, where one of the hand- somest end bet equipped edifices in the Oxford in lace of Mr. .A. Hillsdon, who failing conference has just:, been opened. Rev. on health. vited to Exeter, and RSV, Wm. Buchanan, H. W. Locke of Alvinston has been in - Don't forget that E. 3. Speakman & Co Of istorwood. Bay of Quint e Conference, to will open out on Tuesday Feb. 20th, in the Essex Centre, Rev. E. B. Lauceley of store Lately fvacated by B. Pickard St Sou Ridgetown, has been asked to go to Brus- Se,mwell'a Block, with a big stook of new eel, in the Gueiph Ounference and Rev. ' goods. Dr. Pascoe is wanted by Mitchell Metho- Remember the anniversary services a.nd diets tea in conxtection with the Thames Road Dr. Talmage is in no danger of starving, Preabyteds,n church next Sunday and for his earning capacity is larger than that Monday. Full partioulars have already of any other American clergyman. At one been wablished in Tent TIMES. time his income, includiug his salary of On Friday evening of this week, Thad. $12,000, was in the neiAbborhood of $50, W. H. Leavitt will give a lecture in Drew's 000 a year: He has i eceiyed no satire Opera ball in the interests of the P. P. A . from the Tabernacle for two or three Society. The lecturer recently returned years, but his sermons, conerolled by two from a trip around the worldsyndicates, heve brought him in between A Brimfield Correspondentsays... $8,000 and. $10,000 a year, his editorial "Recently Miss Nellie Dixou of BrucelieT work from $5,000 to 46,000, and his was joined in the bonds of wedlock with lectures about 015,000. Even Beecher 11r. Thos. Snell, formerly of Brucefield, did not earn is much money as that, al - now of Exeter. They were married at though Beeches awning capacity was never steadied by regale', systematic and Sarnla." - business like methods such as characterize Hamilton aldermen haye passe a a re- Personaze , Rev. W. McDonagh preached in Paris last Sunday and will next Sunday preach Missionary Sermons in the Methodist church, St. Marys. --tar. John Muir, jr., was appointed a delegate to attettd the Grand Commit of Royal Temple -re of Tem. perance, which will be held at:Toronto, on the 20th inst., by Advance Council No_ 207, on Monday evening last.-Thoe, Russell of the Riverside Stock Farm, Usborne, attended the meeting of the Shorthorn Breeders in Toronto last week, and was elated one of the Directors. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bossenberry, and Mr., and Mrs. Chris, Either of Zurich, spent Sunday guests at Mr. Ea Maguere's, Exeter North. -Miss Mary Onclmore of Kippen, is visiting friends in town this week. -Mr. Jas. Parkinson of Trout Creek, is viaiting his lamily. ie in the mercantile lewdness and domg a large tracia-A large crowd attend:. d the 6. S. Convention in Centralia, yesterday, (Wed. xesedity).-Mr, Reba Delve left for Lon- don Monday to attend his son, William who was injured by a railway accident. - Me. Robson a student of Huron Collette London, occupied the pulpit in the Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday last 'Rev, Mr. Hunt the newly appointed incumbent will take his new charge Sunday next, his furnitnre having arrived le town Monday, -Mr 0-. .A. K. McLeod, who hat been ill, is conyeleseing.-- Mrs Greenwood and daughter Grace, are visiting Mrs John lareeern, Williant etreet.---Inrs Templeton hi very ill at Watford. -Rev. Mr. Etat- dere of Ilderten occupied the Main street church pulpit on Sunday last,-liev. Mr. Stewart of Clinton will preach :medal sermons in the Preebyterian church next Suuday.-Mies Susie Weekes, Milliner of Pembroke, is home spendirig aer vacation. --Mims Elea Sheron, of St Thomas, is the guest of Mies. laugh SpacItman.-Mrs. Morrison, of Spokane Palls, Wash' . who has been viaiting her father, Mr, David Wilier, for scene months, 101 t for home yesterday -11r. W. Page of the Metro- politan ie confined to his bed through ill - nesse -Mr. aid Mrs. John OreOlter visited friends in Wingbarn last week. Punite SobLootglitoard alinuteS, Dr. Talmage, who would have made a solution favoring the taxing of atI church business man after Russell Sage's own property, and other cities will be asked to heart, had he chosen a mercantile life. jontin a petition to the Ontario Govern-Correnondents are requeeted for the ment to have the Assessment Act amend- , ee ed. steenth time to write on but one aide of the paper. In heading their correspond. - .A grand Nodal and. entertainment will ence they should also imitate the style M be given by the Young People's Society which the matter is printod, omitting every a James-st church on Tuesday 1.71Vg , Feb'y 27th. A !eve committee have been appoint- unnecessary agure and letter, and writing lines somewhat widely apart so as -to leave ea' and a° Paine will be 'Tared te make room for corrections if needed. Our hearty this the beat of the season. Look out for thanks are given to our host of diligent further particulars, correspondents, and we would Bke,to see .A lady died the other day and in has' them approaeh perfection as closely as will it was found that she had.,bequesthed possible. Will they also ayoid uncomely the whole of her fortune, amounting 'to' a.bbreviationa in their writing, as for ex - over £2,000 to the editor of a newspaper, ample "Wed" tor Na ednesday, "Coll. the perusal of which had. given hes many Inst." ior Collegiate Inetitete, etec. ? A pleasant hours. The excellent example paper would look hoirei that carried such should be universally followed -abbreviations into print. It should he the Tha meeting of the ratepayers called by aim of every writer for the press to make the Reeve for friday tight last wee well his eopy such that every letter, doe and attended considerieg the stormy weather. point when re -produced will make a con: Several addresaes, for and against electric cise, complete; correctly punctuated and lighting for Exeter were given, but a vote as near as possible unblemished artiele, of thote present indicated a strong faelipg .0. good story is told ole farmer living in tavor of electric light, aud it is noW near Elmira, though the accident :morn - Mit for the Commit to perfect arrange- penying it is to be' regretted. The termer aunts. has an amiable daughter, to whom a oertaie It is not poverty as maoh as pretense Plana man h" been PaYma his attention that harasees 9, ruined men -the struggle in the face of the most eigilant and un - between a proad man and an empty purse yielding parental opposition. In order to -the keeping ap of a hollow show which overcome the difficulties whica thus Pre- . soon must come to an end. If men would vented the two young 1 earts beating as have the courage to appear as they are 0110 in the ordinary way, they were obliged when it brings on real diegrace, they to hold clandestine meeting', and the would encounter leas misery and be happy pleary yoUng lady aniseed her lover into in. diaarming poverty of a sting that exists the house through an neat:Au wit:idea by only in the mind. 1110aDS of a rope. When pater families smelled the sat he got at the end of the One of the old and esteemed residents of rope himself one evetang, and vette stecend- Stephen in the person of Mr, Win. Welsh Ins very satiefactonly ,until leis face was of the 314. con, , died on Sunday. at the nearly up to thee window, Jusit then his advanced, age of 79 years. Berrien Eng-. daughter let go of the rope, and he fell to land, he came to ()tined% at an tiarly daee the ground end broke hie leg. and, settled -in the town:ship of Stephen in Wm. Delvean old Exeter boy, employe the prime,tive days; He leaves a -weddow. as a teamster at Cameron'a coal yards, and grown up family of eons and staugh- London, was engaged with other men ters, alt were provided for. IVIonday in unloading coal from G. T. Re At the assizes held in London best fall, care near Pottersteurg. Delve was driving MisirOrange, of Simase, was awarded. $5,- across the tracks at tide point juet zus the eoes damages be injuriee eusemema by a Stratford atoommodatioa Cattle along, and. road accident in the township of Eaphe- before he could drive ant of the way the oda. The jury heti that the toatnoia rear end of the evegon was struck and corporetilin had been negligent, and as knooked ineo the alio, taking the horse tossed them accordingly. Thursday, at along with it. Delve was thrown out, Toronto, the defendants endeavored to and alighted Some dissance away upon have the verdict set aside, but the 'notion his betide and 'teem As quickly as pots - was dismissed with coats, the °owe bold. sible he was pecked op and taken to ing that there was evidence of negligence Barnes' hotel, ,Later he Waft taken to the which could not have been vvithdrawn from floepital, vvhere his injuries were failed to the jury, and that it would Serve rid good consitst of a broken knee cap, it 'bane cut porpoise to grant a new trial on the ground faoe and other braisee, It is a wonder that of excursive datneges, the injured man WAS not killea, as the Spring importations. 2000 Worth New Spring Goods $800 Worth Xew Drti iass Cooe. We -only quote this week one Special Line Silk Finished lienrietta, well worth. 75e, in all the New Clolorings, for 500 per yard. Black Cashmere Stock Coraplete A STARTLING 4NNOUNCEMEN'T : 100 Pieces Spina. Prints, 32 ineh, 14e Prints, good terns, for the low price of 10c. A. Fast Colored Line at - 50 A Good 12ic Line at - 9c (But note carefully, we cannot guarantee these after the first lot is sold.) A Nice Line Ladies' Vests • 50 Good Lace Curtains, bound edges, worth 500 (50c pair)*for 30e Feb. 71h'; Meeting held in town hall at Sp. m. All present, !The following lite the items duly ,cartied :-e Pr. Dr. Lutz, minutes ,of previous meeting ; pr Dr, Lutz and P. Frayno, the tender of Jas. flowe.rd for cedar dosts to be Accepted, delivory to be inade on or 'before the let of 2.14r, price 8e. --Pr rittou And P. Vrayiie that the following toots, be paid D. Atli. ntion, book. case, &Q., $10.70 ; Mrin. Itowoy, labor And negate', $13.40. --Pr 1)r. Lutz and E. tic/ward, that Secretary leak() enquiry A tO the legality and oporttion of the by lavr.—Pr T. Fitton And II Ati Out Setay make Application ct olass oats. fhe Boaild pat - Prices All Winter Goods Down On the counters at cost price, and in some cases 20 PER CENT. LEES TO CLEAR We cannot afford to carry them over. Don't fair to see these Bar- gains as we must reduce our Stock $5,000. G. G. JOHNSTON. Opposite Ilawkshaw's Hotel. country roads were impassible neXt day, as only wheeled vehicles could be used, aid. theasnow had been piled across the roads in driits five and six feet high. aimed Of ThatakS. -- On behalf of myself and family we wish to tender our sincerest thanks to the kind The Wingharn Advance says of the friends who so kindly assisted us during Make Bros' Comedy 0o. to play here all the illness find death of our son Samuel, nexe week: They gave the beat week's for tlaeir kind assistance and charity. be- performancere last week ever seen in Wing- stowed upon us during our very sad barn. Six evening perfoimances and a affliction. ' - matinee, with crowaed houses every tittle JAMESAND MARY At Geumo is a record they should be proud of Ev- nem Famwea. ery member of the company does his or her work well. Mr Tom H. Marks prob- ably excels in Irish comedy, such as Mulcahy, in "laluldonn's Picnic." He has wonderfully improved since the last time be played here. Mr Jimmie Field, his wife and iweadaughters are all eapable of doing clever things. a'he singing of Miss Enema Gertrate and her serpentine dance act made her a favorite. A. IL Butler, as a clog dancer, is hard to excel, A A. Marks is rapidly coming forvvard. Per- THE MODERN' INVALID. haps not a little of the success of the Her tastes medicinally, in keeping_ with company is due to the excellent made of otber luxuries. A remedy must be aceeptable in form, purely. wheleeome in composition. truly beneficial in effect end entirely free from every objeotionable equality. 1e:really ill he consults a physic - ism ; if constipated be uses the gentle work in the Presbyterian Chttroh at 8p. family lexatgo, Syrup of PT. m. Dr. 1VIcKay is one of the most suc- cessful missioneries of modern times, and is accoinpamied by one of hie.Ohin- ese Students. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make yen sick and then leave you con- stipated, Carter's Little Liyer Ftlls regu- late the bowels and make you well, Dose, One pill, Woid has been received of the death in Victoria, B. 0„ of Henry George Morgan, eldest son of P. J. Morgan, of the Seine tray of State Department. Demised was not 20 yeara of age. , Hugh Gillespie, dry goods merchant of Alvinston, has assigned to Henry Berber. Liabilities, 09,000 ; assets, eI2,000. Mrs Ella Mark% the musical director of the company. Oh Tuesday, 201b inst, Rey. G. L. McKay, D. D., Missionary from For- mosa; China, will give art account of his train was going at it good rate of speed. A vivid flaah of light precipitated itself The blinding enour sterni prevental hie over Exeter about 7.45 o'olook Friday bearing the train approach. evening. To thee° who were abroad it° "The memory of the °Idea inhabitent" sudden brightness had a very startling hat to etretch away back before it finds 51. asset, a fact filet Was none the less true in flee cage of those within doora who Saw pure:lel to Moodayts weather. It was a blizzard, a 0Yoleses, a cold cnaP and a ones,' the fleet:from behind deaavu blinds as it :storm combined. It seerne as if old Jupi- aPPeared in the elarkneers of the night, A ter Pluyine wee making up for log time general mystery was caused that did, not . witn a vengeance, bald WO determined to ' hOWAVer, require much lepers of ::tirae to get even with the individuals who Witt: eolve, The loW remble as of ' dastant thunder followed and although the oceort growling about the mild weathet, The wind lateee faster than an expreise train, renes of a thunderstorm fa Februare storm that quiekly spread oyer the Viten wow In the facers of everybody left oo rooni for doubt. The lightning hu.diag th' eent, wee mit to the epecial disoomfort of wee Of the variety known as "rimet" light- the that arath1 wataterra al even crept nieg, toid dating the hall hour that the down than:sake of those with big coat storm continned, the very frequent dash. collars, an,i many of there lied to be turned light' f-llte theaclar wae 318c' PArt'iel"r17 araotheritiz And theii they were Chary a,aa seemed to delight in piling up hap amounts almost. to a phenomenon, the arms loot thoy .werenst w4nted) and in so P°S4641164 11'3 brigh6ria's clear 114°°11 doWn to prevent their oveacre from ehlecoawIt*tir re.df taWir ited"°11°0,ftlir ai4::011 by otbrrot: be10)10,44f boftevrviainigxittiihdeoiro v,rt.nithie!locrxefreticorn,i, of t • seraaiteted..4 •5,,„P teeftletl4e 451 1 tele itarricatie :and Weald , tr t'01 ,:11011' KlnktOn. Belem -We are pleased to learn that MisaSophia 0. Steele, who has been an invalid foe some vveeks, from an attack of sciatica is now conva1eacent.-51r. W. R. Carr, veterinary surgeon is now entitled to be called "papa," Mrs Oehaving present: ed. him on 'Sunday laet with it baby boy. - Mr. Sameel Doupe, the well known breed- "The er of Shropshire eheep,bas a ewe that gave JL"riii 8. ti AND .SON Are opening:out', IOW oulstvoryllay birth, to a pear of fine healthy lambs on 7 the 80th of last month. -We congratulate We have just received a on being the happy father of it bouncing Jorge consignment of Crom- Mr. David Kemp, of the 41h line Ellanshar boy weighing at its birth ten pounds. -Mr. John itobineon, sr., 411i con. Blanahard, had the 'Misfortune one day last week, to be kicked and trampled upon by 0110 of hie hontee while in the etabie.-At be's best Prints. We have been very careful in our sel- ection of Patterns and are meeting of the directors of the Blanshard showing a lovely. range. agricultural :society bad on Friday laat at The have already -begun to Geo. Beatty and Amos Doupe were chosen move fast. as delegates to attend the convention of hibitione to be bad in Toronto. -The . Corsets the Canadian association. of fairs and ex - Mr. Robt Beatty's residence, Messrs. Y opecial services that were held in the vveekshztve come to a dozes. Twenty or Have you seen the perfect Methodiet church during the last few more have eigniaed their intentions of fitting D. ez A. Corset ? It leading a better life. -Mr. James Moore not call and see it. Wu are porchased a thoro'bred cow and calf at R. and T. MoCulloch's sale hult week. Price sole agents for the tOW11. It paid was $L'22 -Frank Oornieta weare the best fitting Corset ifl as house and sign painter. the market. informed, will :shortly hang out his shinglel Sowooe Rapala. -;The following is the ' report of Ridden echool for the Month of Januar. The report is -bailed on recitat- ion, cotiduot, atter:damn and punctuality. The names of the firet three in each oleas are given ; V eines -linglt girls, Norman Tufts, alageie Davis ; IV jr„-John Barr, Nellie Switzer, John Hazelweal ; IV jr„-- BelliCHazelveood, Harriet Barr, Norman Fletcber ;III er„-e-Fted Marshall, Edna Marahall, Norman Wieetnan ; 1/1 Roy Shier, -Violet jail:team, Alex. jr,,-H. Leigb. The average attenaance for the month was 70. - WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK A4t., CARLIATG BROS The Wilkinson Plough Company offer to comproraise at 75 mite on the Jonathan Cooper, pioneer resident of Usborne, died at leis residence near Ethel - villa yeeterday, at the age of 76 years. If there ever Wks a spec:sac for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specie° for sick headacbe, and every woman should know tide. Only one pill a dose. Try them. A oompany is offering to supply Windeor evi_eh natural. gas from Leamington by October 31, the 00f3i to consumer's not to exceed 900 per 1,000 feei, with adequate reductions for large consumers. Wm. Bugg, treasurer of the Toronto Gun Club, was on Friday made defendant iu a suit at the instance of his wife for ali- mony. They were married nearly 30 years ago Mrs. Bugg asks .015 per week. . D. 0, Pills tone and regulate the liver. Keep Minard's Liniretentin the hause. Hosiery. We are at present making a specialty of. the Hosiery Trade. See our imported Good.s at 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c. They are the best value in Cashmere Goods in the trade. Somme Rue:Dia.-The following isFlannelettes. correct report of the pupile of 8, S. leo. 2 Stephen for tee month of January. The neteee are in order of merit and good con- Po you want tb buy 12ic allot ; -class V -W Setter ; IV -L Law'. son, A. Resler, J Flanagati, G Seltet ; ir. 1II-0- Laweots, A, 8penser, T Ed warde ; end III -L Law:sole 14 town. TJ Eseery, Salter, W Elirtzel, B Sinee, la Clark; jr. Esserv, Litneport, K Flanagan, L Sims, J Sims, Lanapoit, Lampert, R Lampert ; 11-11 Esimery, SIM; (-1 port, P Flanegan, M Lawsots ; pt. II -0 Lawson, o Sime, L Flanagan, W.-Law:son ; cr. Pt. EttaerY, L Sims nod W Sans% equal ; jr, pt. I-5 Iiirtzel, tdwards, To the of the _Exeter 7.'imes. Dealt Sra,-Let nee though the columns of your paper infernt your Dashwood Correspondent that he has been a little too hasty ni his decision as to who corresponds foe the Adyocate at present. in an indirect manner ha refers' to myself as labiog the mate bot ie 'sadly mistaken es he woula lee if the scales were removed from his oyen. Now Mr. Oorteepoinlent if ever did you arse ihiatitiae td .Oletten $rett, tO, &Mee to ad Goods for 1„Oc.? We have themin a 'Variety of Pat- terns. We are selling Flan- nelette from 60 per ytird up- wards. Shirtings Cottonades Tick- ings, Grey Cottons, Etc. CATARRH IN TEIE HEAD. IS andeabledly a disease of the blood, and as such only a reliable blood purifier can-effeot a perfect and permanent care. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purl- aer, and it has cured many very severe oases of catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leadot coneumption, Take' Hoare Sar- eaparille before 'tie too late, Hood's Till. are purely vegetable. Much of life's misery is due to indigestion for who oan be happy viith &' pain In bbs stomach? As a oorrective and strengthener of the ailmentara organs, Ayer's Pills are invaluable, their naeleeing always attended with marked benefit. Mothers will find the Pain Killer inveln- able in thernursery, and it should always be kept near at hand iu case of ea:admit. For paiu in the breast take a little Pain Killer in aweetated milk and water, bath- ing the breasts in it clear at the same time. If the milk passages are clogged, from void or other causes, bathing ill the Pen Killer will give immediate relief. Ask 'for the New Bottle. We have just made an immense purchase at Mill Prices) no middlemen's pro- fits. By pu.rchasiug your spring supply from us, we can save you, 20 per cent. Come and examine tho emir J_ . IL, OIL, Olt THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. 'have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best Canadlin Oil, Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White COME 0Nt, COME ALL. 12c. 17c. 20o. THE BOBIER PRODUCE CD. IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391. " Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side steel0 to break, hurt or rust. TRY A P:AIR. All First-elass Dry Goods Houses Sell Them. WONDERFIJI. CHANCE 10 CENTS A WEEK, FOR TEN WEEKS. fi BLISIlleSS E11116atiOildl course. THAT WILL FIT YOU FOR ANY POSITION IN BUSINESS LIFE. POSITIVE SE1FINSTRUC-TjJ ONAS. & mkelgiA,A. BOOK-KEEPING. A complete business education -with examinations and graduating Class,and at the end of the course a Diploma issued to all who pass` examination qualifying for a business position. 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