HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 16ea PAGB 16—GODERICFI SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1') 4 26. CARD OF THANK, 4r, FEI.L(')Wti •M.in\ thank, to Our family r••lattae, and friend; for gift, t1.lwer, and rrtrd. ~pet lal thank- 1, tt' wh,, honoured u,.with their t,rr.rrl • till tnade our rots We l+lrii� ' iini\eirsars t happy and tate m .r Asir „ t,r++n Fla & dy?ltirk Fell .w .1 tiPRt)['I 1 would like to thank the nerghhow , And triend, for ear+i,, flower, ,gift, ;1111 1,1r, w'hllt• 1 was a t)arit.nt rn t''utt',ri hospital 'tipet'tal think, t„ 1)t ~trait Ind 1)r L,irn- t)ert no, ,t , and ,gaff.. !vlari,in tipf,1111 --2.1 Mi )tiff ,A-,•1 h t\ t• ,Irld m\ barber swine to Mr tiandy Profit. I wr,.l! 1 ltk. '„ 'hulk all. of tho,e.'who parr„niic•,3 ,h„t, ,lariat; the pat ve;ir, Y sunilr„rni t .Jwa, Derv' mu•h tI)1>t-t r.rtt•�1. lrrhn '�n.:—)1 CHAPMA' - 1 w„nld like to think ms, Hert,l, in 1 rt•lativ,., for flower. catd- ir,.1 1•:t, whtlt 1 was ;a pat 'vitt In kle-vindra Marine ;and (;ener.il H r,arrr,tl til>t•, i;d thank; to 1)r -'t. outwit 1)t loner. 1)r t'au, hi incl the curse, .+1 2nd } ,i,• —Barb t'h'iptn.in 'l l 1( ENI' -1 w„tiT1 like to etcpre,• Inv -.n,,, th ink, rpt the ,taff of ilei .1rtr.1 N„,trrt.tl Ind' to my friend, tri thr•1;and :;rft, while I Al- .1 'rent to Ho,prtal tip( cal th ails- t,, [)r• \ ' ill i e 1)r 1.,1mht•1t 11'1 1)r• \Nat', (iladv-. Vrncer, -21 Attention -Farmers A- FOR SALE NOW AVAILABLE A prodtte t for GROt'NT) HO( ; c c )ti TRO[, tiee t)ur,t Fat m t iar i, Centre. 22 Sheet Cho' Phone -t'4'2,9 3'3 3 21-24 TWO PURE E3EREI) 'i .,r t. 1.r. • 1. hoar-, no paper, tr 111,111' 1, ,+1+1 1•,1111 I)riel Farm, art l„1„r t i 1 RI( Goderi,,'h Phone ',21 7o2..) '1 B- CUSTOM WORK C'I'tiTOM tiwn+hi n, .in•i r. dltionint; for h,i )'hone 121 709(4.-2121 Former jail ... continued from page 1 along with copies of some Of large room tui -t inside the. en- Mr Sallow's ,we,rk The them• tram c• will. contain graphic of the . presentation will be illustrations of the.future of the Huron bounty Pioneer I)av's. The room visited next would consist. of a displa\ on loan from the Pioneer 'Museum The, theme will he in keeping with the new tourist attraction and , will consist of actual artifact, that were either in common jail Some +.1 the plans call for complete rt•turni,hing of- the GoNernrr house using original t)ietes Interested resident, of Huron County have contacted some members of the tail board about the -use in that era or were used in wht re-atiouts •of some of the the Huron County u•Jail. original. furnishings. Guests would then leave this Special attention will be room• and move through the. given to Tiger. Dunlop and the huge doorway connecting • the Canada Company as these house to the jail. The ground historical stories will 'be • floor of the jail ail its original, ' portrayed in special ,rooms condition will he on di,l;lac t•. when t he restoration is corn, tourists who will gather, here plete. for possible quest ions ,for the The future of the jail will guides on dutv hopefully see the ground floor 'Admission prices for the tour of the jail left in its original .have been set by the ' Jail Board. Adult tickets will cost condition. displaying a histr'�ry �l; children” under 12 ar+'outi of Focal government.. T_Ptese panied lay an adult will, pay '25 plans will be outlined for this summer's visitors to view in the cents; and :students making the spacious room. tour as part of a school .lass As the tourist, leave this trip will also pay 25 cents. Jail Board Chairman, Paul glide mini room they will enter a ex theatre -Here a -sound Carroll, expressed the e presentation featuring'the work citement of the -group when -he' of R.R. Mallows, an early spoke of the wide interest beim„ shown in the restoration. Huron 'County photographer ,.People across 'the Courily Will be shown. A production by • are being contacted daily with the Ministry of Agriculture will infOrmation'or artifacts directly be the basis of the showing related to the Huron County .Jail”. he said. "Keen interest is being shown in the restoration process with a desire to replace original furnishings 'or offer ' first hand advice to help us complete the task ' y Where once prisoners milled about in their daily exercise perjod; ar tors '. rir es will ring out' entertaining residents of Goderich and tourists visiting the town this summer. The Pendulum Players have secured the use of the large courtyard in the Huron County Jail as an open air theatre” 'during the summer month, The actors will he performing on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the courtyard during a six to seven week program that will deal with all the aspects of the theatre Sun- dae afternoons will also he in- cluded in' the schedule of product of S . for. special children's plays. The co-operative effort het - ween the theatre group and the Huron Historic Jail Board is designed to give the old jail an extra boost as a tourist attrac- tion. It is primarily a non-profit ventu-re and there will he no admission fee to people wishing to view the plays Any donations to the perfor- mers will be made in the the school. traditional 'style of passing the hat. All proceeds received in this manner will he divided evenly between the jail hoard and the actors. Some minor difficulties such as Beating for the audience and stage lighting will have to be ironed out by , the two promoters but the future is bright - for theatre lovers in Goderich this summer as thev will be enjoying amateur theatre performed with a professional attitude i,;,, traditional atmosphere. Victoria vandals vanish Classes at Victoria School were -disrupted Monday mor- ning aO the result of vandalism in the'school over the .weekend. Don O'Brien, principal of the school, said the vandalism was • mostly "nuisance damage Desks, mostly teachers' desks, were turned around and left disarrayed, glue was poured t , into an acquarium and other mint* damage was done. Damages Were discovered about 8:00 a.m. when .. custodians and the vice- principat entered the school. Goderich police investigated the break-in. They dusted for fingerprints and compiled lists for damages and possible missing articles. Mr. O'Brien said that some clasi es were disrupted for about 45 minutes. Four classes went on field trips at ,:30 a,tfi. and escaped the confusion at 1. Some recording tape might. have been starers but nothing is definite .yet. said Police Chief Pat King that almost all the classloorflA were entered. He confirmed Mr. O'Brien's description of the damage. Police are continuing an in- vestigation to find the culprits "We suspect , they were children," the chief said. t ''',gntrance was probably gailned thrnpgh a fire escape, he, added, Ott t --ti Harriston -r1 _ , `,'e Rc leo winners -were presented with trophies from tab Jcal Kinsmen Club at Swat ) `'a ley Hall Monday night They are (from left, front rbw) Scut 1,' .tKinson Grade 3 and Kevin Harris Grade 3 and 4; Ralph. Cook; Grade 1 and 2 •Grant�rarrow, Grade 1 and 2 t_ sa r' )rri5 Grade 1 and 2: (back row) Const. Tom Jarczak, pol,ce safety officer;' Debbie point winner who earned trophy for -her school, indi, Baal category winner and winner f comblnatton bicycle radio. light and horn; Jeff Sower:+',, senior winner; Greg n Fe,',s ;e,.),,,inner, ,inner. and Bob Picard of the Kinsmen. Lisa Harris. Scott Wilkinson, Debbie 1 Shad ':s and G'eg Ferris will enter advanced competitions in Harriston Dwaine Cooke, a Grade 4 and. 5 winner was absent when the picture was taken (staff -photo) Kinsmen , News Eiev.en.to Niagara Falls On \'i�'tl,rta' Dav weekend 11 person, 1t;1;In the Kinsmen Club of -Goderich Travelled, to. Niagara Falls tort he District l Convention - ('hose ,,attending were' Mr and Mrs • Stan Con- nelly. Mr. and Mrs. -John Shad click, Mr and Mrs ”. Harold Wilkinson, , Mr and Mrs. Bob Mt'Ia+1.uga11 Mr. and Ars.. Dan -heardow n and Bill Kirkv. The h'�hlight r)t the weekend was the ('y,t is F throsis Lun- hetrit on Sunday at which time all the Kinsmen and 'Kinette Clubs in the I)istrii•t presentee their donations toward C.F. resew ri•h. iThe project was started three sear; ago with the goal of $12,5'))) each near. The total. amount- reached so far in three `,wears is $191,194.56. • Donations 'from the Clinton and Gi)cder k h Kinsmen and Kinette .Clubs total- $1,260.30 this year, including ' $325.:31) which was raised by a. C.F Telethon which was held On Channel 12 in May The local clubs expressed their thanks to all principals. teachers, and pupils of area schools who took time lrom their busy schedule to, raise money for this worth- while prole, 1 Another Tel et hon • i, being scheduled tothe tall anal hopefully it -will become an an- nual event >t. BECOMEA' RED CROSS' VOIUNTEER r.• Kin of thegear Harold Wilkinson, centre, won the Goderich Kinsmen of the'Year Award at the service clubs regular Monday night meeting. Present at the award presentation were Bill Kirkey, left, second vice-president and chairman of the Kinsmen of the Year committee and Ross Wilkie, district deputy -governor, from Harriston. (staff -photo) Council wants 401, su.niers," pointed out Ccntn- c•i,llor Eileen Palmer, "I'm not convinced this recommendation is riot •being slightly arbitrary." continued from page 1 and said she felt this flexibility was desirable Shore .told .,her that the legislation was 'aimed at Targe, stores and said small stores such as those described by Mrs Haydon would nest come under the._ proposed regulations but would be protected. by them. He also said the proposed legislation would not affect resort c'o,mmunities'in the mon- ths of June., July, August and September, He added, however, that Goderich isn't considered a resort 'community in the same taay as Grand Bend.. - "Grand . Bend's population changes every two weeks in the summer," reasoned' Shore. "Goderich's doesn't." Councillor Leroy Harrison said - that in�` lb`s; opinion, the resolution made no allowances for 'winter resort areas. • "No consideration is given to the wants and neelt' of the con - lazy Bedard. in tourney . Izzv Bedard of Goderich, current club champion at Maitland has been invited to 'compete in- the 1974 Ontario Champion of Champions Golf Tournament for the Beefeater, t rophv. Mr. Bedard will represent . the Goderich Club in the On- taric) classic played at the Scar koro Golf & Country Club on June 21. It is Open to a'll' On- tario Ghlf Club Champions. This is the fourth year ,that Beefeater has sponsored the tournament in co-operation with the Ontario Golf Associat ion. sir A PG Ae P 4414.*°FULLY COOKED PRIDE Of CANADA BONELESS " $ 39 it at SSHOULDER LB. WIENERS. Le. c FRESH GRADE A LEGS ' BREAB,.. ...0 CHICKEN,STS L SUPER VALUE - BACON �a 89c BUTTCHQPS .89c BY THE PIECE - . BOLOGNA LB C POLISH no. SAUSAGE X8:7 7 JOLLY MILLER ORANGE FLAVOUR PKG. OF4._ 31 2 OZ. PKGS. 'HOSTESS 8 O PKG POTATO--(HIPS59C GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE , 7/� SALMON "3"TINOZ. . c DELSEY 'BATHROOM 'TISSUE 4 ROLL FOR C t 24 FL. OZ. LIQUID LUX GOLD SEAL RED SOCKEYE SALMON rv$109 E.D. 'SMITH GARDEN 28 FL.. OZ 36.c COCKTAIL- u WHITE SWAN b ROLLS��� PAPER TOWELS FOR O ' HEREFORD ; 12 OZ. CORNED BEEF TIN � 11. 29 GREEN GIANT r.. 12. FL. 3'89c NIBLET -CORN ' OZ. tz THIS WEEK'S Winners CLUB NO. 1 Bill Ha-nly CLUB NO. 2 Mrs. Joyce Marshall Will you. be next? .a N. T. ORMANDY'- DIAMO,ND SPECIALIST' GODERICH . AVON 'WHOLE F 1 9 FL POTATOES•OZ. 389c MONARCH 40 OZ. 69 TEA RISK PKG, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE - ' NEW 10BAG LB. 1.69 POTATOES CALIFORNIA CHOICE ORANGES Do= 5 9c PRODUCT OF U.S.A. PINK OR WHITE • R :GRAPEFRUIT 8°S"V° PRODUCT OF 'CANADA NO. 2 GRADE HOT LB. ' 59cTOATOES • HOUSE ' o LB 39c:GOLDENRIPE BANANAS 2 69c M�.� w LEMONADE -F.LAVOUR 73'4 OZ. RED ROSE. 608 O93c P�E'KOE TEA. -BAGS 24 FIS. O -Z. 'CRISCO,• OIL 99c MAXWELL HOUSE 6 OZ. JAR INSTANT •� 4.9 COFFEE PRE -PRICED ERIN WITH PECTIN 24 FL. OZ. 69c cSTRAWBERRY yc OR - JRASPBERRY AM 69c BLUE. "~"BONNET MARGARINE 1 3 LB. PKG.' ► TOMATO ,JUICE • 1 BONNIE 15 OZ. TIN F ' •- PKG: OF 4 CRYSTALS' 3 OZ. PKGS. • 69c KRAFT MARSH -- MALLOWS 11 OZ. PKG. F 269c DEL MONTE 48 FL. OZ.'• . 79c $ a9 DOG FOOD. bYYC �. LIBBYS WITH 19 FL. OZ. BEANS PORK LAURA SECORD ASSORTED + KG. OF 4 6 PUDDINGS -..5 OZ. TINS LIBBYS 14 FL. OZ. F F89cLSPAGHETTI_41°° AMBROSIA CRtAMED' PUDD1NGS' 15 FL TENS Z. 1 3,,,F:$1oo 9c .111.11100 PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS 13 OZ. TIN 89c McLARENS 12 FL. OZ. JAR ASSORTED ° RELISHES 'FROZEN FOODS - WHOLE COUNTRY HADDOCK FISH 'N CHIPS =<°= 99c SUNSHINE 'FROZEN PINK OR 12ztWHITE LEMONADE.1,789( . 2*79c E. D. SMITH'S 19 FL. OZ. APPLE PIE FILLER TENDER VITTLES - - .6 OZ. PKG. cAT FooD 3i)1c4 PURINA 1 LB. 3 OZ. PKG. CAT cHOW-b9c FARMHOUSE 12 OZ. , (REAM'PIES.R a, 89t. FBI 48 .APPLE NECTAR �� 289c OF; 4 Z. PKG. WAFER COOKIES TTFOODMASTER 9' 1 VICTORIA STREET GODERICH OPEN NITELY TILL 1.0 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECTt4NE 10TH TILL,,1STH 1974 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 5.91 WE NOW CARRY A'FINE SUPPLY OF EEDY'S BAKING NEW NEW NEW TRUgREW BEER MAKIN KITS car