HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 7Robert Callan, left, from Rotan, Texas shakes hands with his host in''Goderich Tim Clancy. 'Robert is -staying at the Clancy home during part of a visit to Canada sponsored by the Lions Club. ,(staff photo) . ' Young Texan visits on exchange Lions In the home of a Goderich family, ,Robert Callan sat bark and I'lt a cigarette. "rim"- from Rotan", he drawled, •Rotan,, Texas is a .._ town of 2,000 in the rolling plains area - about 300" miles south-west of Dallas. Ranching• and cotton farming. are the main industries. • Robert arrived in this area, along with 15 other young • Texans, .June 5. They are par- ticipating in an exchange program Sponsored by Lions_ Clubs across the continent. - Rohert is 18 and a high • school graduate planning to at - ..tend college next autumn. He said he studied Canada in 'geography, class so he knew - Canadians didn't live in igloos. - Still, he wasn't sure what to expect. He finds the.Conadian accent strange. comparing, it to the way he would' expect English- men'to speak. But basically, he KIHIAll NEWS finds the way of life in Goderich similar to that in Rotan. Everday things such 'as 'television and radio ,are similar. In Rotan, teenagers create their own fun during leisure hours. The nearest good entertainment is 30 to 60 miles 'from the town. -Climate differs though. About this time of year in southern Texas tef'nperatures range between 90 and 105 degrees. In the winter 10 to 40 degree temperatures are com- mon..No snow fell in Rotan this past winter buusually it does, The air is much drier. there. Huron County reminds Robert of Eastern Texas where there is more humidity and . lots ' of trees. The main topic Of political conversations in Rotan is Watergate. Robert said about half the people consider it non- sense and the other half are concerned. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKen- zie flew by plane from Malton last week .to Alberta. -Jack will attend. cattle sales there and they will visit their sob Douglas at-- Red Deer. Mr.. James Bowe of _Florida visited at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald. oIr. George Moncreif flew to ,Nanaimo, British Columbia last week to attend the wedding of his nephew. , A group . of young boys in- cluding Steve Simpson, Ken- neth' Finlayson, Paul Hamilton and Brian Simpson have joined a group of hall players in Lucknow and played their first game at Chepstow last Thur- sday evening. The score was 6-5 •in favor of Chepstow. They are --being coached by Mr. Stanley of Lucknow. , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haydn of Port Albert visited with her mother, Mrs. Rhoda MacKen- zie, -Jim and Neil -on Sunday and attended ,Anni.versary church services in Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Jean West and Miss Mable MacDonald were Mr. •and Mrs. Alex Andrew of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall and family, Mr. Mrs. Lillian Simpson— , Since Robert arrived in Goderich he has stayed at the home -of M'r:. and Mrs. G.B. Clancy. He will be stayi.ng-with other families in the area during his six . week visit in Canada. and Mrs, Jim West and family. Mrs." .Jessie Johnston and Miss Sadie -Johnston of Lucknow visited in Ashfield on ' Sund,ay. Mrs. Jean Carruthers, .Julia - and Andrew of Goderich were guests on Sunday with Mr..Mand.. Mrs, Douglas Martyr, Donald and' Ainsley.' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 'rhe 126th anniversary of Ashfield Presbyterian 'Church Was, celebrated on Sunday, June 9th. ' Rev. .1.• Weir' Of Kincardine who is th! interim moderator of this church, was the minister for both services', The evening service, Rev. Weir was assisted by the student miniter Richard Sand' who is in charge of the summer services. - Special n'i(isic was »presented by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Duncan Simpson. They . sang two anthems. A trio con- sisting of Mrs, Melba Park, Mrs: Shirley Dodds and -Nancy, Anderson who sang at the mor- ning service. In the evening Robert Rutledge of Reid's Corners ren- dered two solos, The 'c.,ongregation par- ticipated in a hymn sing at the beginning.of the service.. • WATER WELL. DRILLING Latest modern equipment Domestic - Industrial - Municipal Free Estimates You and' your family deserve they best of water so don't 'hesitate to cal) ' '0) TOM LANG PHONE 524-64 "10 OR COLLECT 855-4605 2 MILES NORTH ON HIGHWAY 21, GODERICH a ROBERTSON :ROUNDUP • Here are two poems watt -en students in Miss Bon- thron'°s' Grade 5 class' THE ROBIN'S NEST. Have you seen -the robins nest? Formed and hui•lt the h every ll be y best. Where their young horn, To live, and grow and play and refit: The robin, -eggs arc' warm and blue, They look quite pretty to me and you. And when they hatch some baby birds in the They' Il learn to fly up Ir) 'reaching them to fly is hard, They might fall down into a vard. But as their older Pthey will learn, To fly wii.hout parents on guard. The birds are veru fun to see, Chirping seg very happily. Its l'un to see them learn to fly, And their parents praise them with glee. Diana Walzak •PECLE People can be funny, • People can he dumb; People can he stupid And you might be a bum. People 'might have cars, People ,might have trucks People might have pennies Or a million pucks - cY People have a .name. People have a head, People have a heart, And people might he dead. People have a friend, People have taken the blame. . People can he smart, But people aren't the .same .1ohn Alexander The senior hoes softball of: ficiallv started last week: Cum - posing of pix teams it proves to be an exciting series. The grade eight class graduation pictures were taken last week and are ,shown in this week's issue. The grade eights were asked to wear good clothes for t he occasion. This made the girls dig deep„ into• their wardrobe for dresses. -• French projects were due last •week and each studestk gave a summary of his or her work. The. projects- have been well presented up to this time. The grade eight exams were given this and last week. The exams determine the. awards to he given later this month, GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,., JUNE 13, 1974—PAOt1. 7 God�eitNch 11111 Will award proficiency pens The roll call was answered by 28 members at the -June meeting of the Goderich Branch of the W.I. Child hurt A goderich girl was .injured. as the result of aric accident Tuesday at the corner of Picton and South Streets Sherry Kotvk, 11, 114 Picton , daughter' of Mr and Mrs M. Kotvk, suffered a broken leg She was riding Deer bicycle and apparently collided with a' ar driven by Peter Burley, 34 Piston St No charges have been laid," polic•te said. Sherry was taken to Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital for treatment and was kept.overnight fir observation. Mrs. C. Crozier welcomed all and asked that Mrs. N. Clair- mont, who was delegate to the officers -conference at"Waterloo University in May, give her report. A veru full and informative report was heard. The study of the handbook was stressed. A ,bus trip to the Mennonite .Village was .interesting..- Mrs. nteresting..- Mrs. G. Morlev's report. of tt)e District Annual at Belgrave was given by Mr'•N. Clairmont in Mrs. M.orlev's absence:`. Mrs. E. Sitter 'reported on an tmptessive service for Pennies for Friendship held at the rally, • Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs. Crozier, Mrs. Clair- mont Mrs..Oke and Mrs. Ban- nister. Mrs C.. Young, program con- vener, introduced Mr. A. TASTY MEALS for hungry people LIGHT »SNACKS for not -so -hungry People , Mathers, who spoke on In- surance Liability. Much help and information was gleamed from his remarks. Mrs. A. Schram thanked Mr. Mathers, Pens fr Proficiency are to be given to Grade 8 students, with fhe highest marks. There wit11-,be no meeting in'.,_ July but the Annual Picnic,.will be held in August. FOA ALL OTHER LINES OF GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN Ltd.. LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT WEST STREET - .. GEORGE TURTON 319 HURON ROAD (HIGHWAY 8) GODERICH 524-7411 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH Sizes are limited so do not delay - buy today Every Shoe Boob if ,ry RETAIL BUY WINTER BOOTS. FORNEXTYEAI( •