HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-13, Page 3411 015, ar sta#fe waiting to gree y See you at the Open H�vse this weekend Q • 441, GODERICH SIGNAL-ST4R THURSDAY, ,TUN Iia, 974 Press room„ left to right., Tim O'Dwyer, Tom Vanderburgh, Brian Rumig, George Vanderburgh, 'John Buchanan and Pau( .Steep - Composing room: frontrow, left to right, Debbie Sherrit, Sue Seddon, Lloyd Louns4Ctrj Shirley Straughan, Ruth Leonard; RY M. Back row, left to right, Betty Helesic, Bea Aberhart, Gene Ellis, Ila Pollock, Judy Austin, Millie 'Johnston. Front office left to right, Phyllis Steep,Marie LeBlanc, Tom Flynn., Kim Smith, Pat M'atier• o English farm girl at Auburn A young English bank Clerk has been. at the home of Margaret °Ei'anken of Auburn for the past week•as part.of an exchange program. Sandra Jordon, 20 is a far- mer's daughter and a member of the National Federation .of Young Farmers' Clubs. of tngland and Wale's.' She has been travelling throughout On- tarrlf�) for the past nine weeks visiting families and getting to "know their lifestyle. :'Canada is. a veru pretty country and I find the people herd . very friendly and outgoing" she said. "The size of the country is in- credible", she added. "You SEAR EDUOR. (continued from page 2) • the Donors who, attended, the Clinic`"'on May 15th at the High School, Mrs. Jean Papernick and the Kinsmen Club of Goderich who, assisted at the Clinic 'are to be congratulated for the excellent work they did to make the could fit Great .Britain inside' O itario." Horne for Sandra is a 9:3 -acre. 'farm in Buckinghamshire, England which .is just. -5t) miles. from, London. Her father works the County Council Small - Holding which maintains 22 ac' credited cows, 140 ewe lambs and 22 acres of winter wheat. Sandra is treasurer of her, club and •was one of 10 mem- hers chosen to make the'trip to Ontario. The exchange program..., was worked out the Junior Farmers' Association of On- tario.which sent some of their members to England, • H.County scenery . urn•n pleases Sandra although it is much flatter thanthe English cciuntrvside. "You have 'to travel a great distance to.no.tice a change in .countryside", she said. , "Goderich is a very pretty place'.", she said, "1 have had a great deal .. of fun since 1 arrived." • The cities ,and towns of On- tario are very small. according to Miss Jordan. Goderich would be not more than a large. village '13y English standards and'Toronto does not appear to he a city to the young visitor.y "You can't compare the history and character of -a city like Loridon to the modern planning of 'I'o)ronto •, she said. "But the population difference is very noticeable Sandra and the other young farmers from Britain will end their 12=week program wit h a three week free time period. During this tinge, the group hope,4 to rent a car and travel to the west coast The Calgary Stampede will he Visited en route to. Vancouver Island where they hope t,o ret before :tartcng back. -;indt'a is planrlitlt to come . hack to Canada' ih 197ti.,with a charter flight of club members, attending the. Olympic in Mon- t4`eal. "1'm already Iociking ( forward Oi1V'daystl) (katt.en- or' she admitted. d. .„ Clinic so successful 278 six .., de o schools. t e sepurui A special thanks to th&st•aff•< and students of Goderich District High School for their help and hospitality to the Red Cross Staff. " Yours sincerely, A l ma Wallace. -Co-ordinator Blood Donor Service London Area Readers are cordially invited to express ,their opinions of local, provin- cial and federal issues through the Letters to the Editor column, of The Goderich Signal -Star., All letters must be signed to be published, although pen names are permissible providing it is understood that' U • request from another reader, the letter, writer's true name ° wiil be revealed. While there is no limit to the length of a letter which can be offered for publication, the editor does reserve the right:to delete portions of any' copy submitted for in- clusion icy this newspaper'. Take an active interest in your hometown newspaper. Write a letter to the Editor today. '.Moller upset ' The Huron -Perth -County Roman Catholic 'separate school- hoard appe'ovea six professional days only for the 1975-76 school, term instead of the proposed nine days., The ministry of education allows - nine days, The dates for the six days ap- Dear Editor-, proved, discussed -in committe I read inthe paper that the of the whole, are tri he worked pool was going to be Dien from' out_with the administration 12-8p. m. Three' of my older .and staffs of the schools• • • children went swimmingon'and following resignations cif • Saturday. The youngest one teaching 'staff were accepted in wanted to but _there was, no committee of the whole: Mrs. water in the little pool, Sheila Jankowski, Precious There"c•ame•a shower of rain Blood School of Exeter; Mrs. in mid-afternoon and the --life Elaine VanDenHengel, St. guards decided they should Joseph's School of Clinton; c•lo'se the pool. Many 'disaphi)in• Sister Florence Dauphanais of '- ted%children had .to go home St Michael's School, Stratford, (even -"though the sun was and from the same school, Miss shining again before they Evelyn F3eaupre; Rav Contois 'reached the lights at the -corner of St. Ambrose School, Sfrat •of the swimming pool). ford; Miss Mary Sills, Mrs. This left'the life `guards to Dora Hartman and Mrs, lav in the sun and swim to their Cecilia Mittelholtz, all of St..' leisfire at the expense of the Boniface School, Zurich; Mrs. children. Shame. Marlene Deith, St. Patric•k's The money should he retur- ned School, Kinkora; Sister Gloria to the children if they are Jean Baku',, S't .Mary's School, not allowed to stay the alloted Goderich; Mrs. Margaret time and besides, we are paving Barkley. St. -Joseph's School, life -guards to suliervise swim' -Stratford: Mrs; Anne Murray. ming. mit to loaf in the time. St, Patrick's School, Dublin; I would like to know how Miss Nancy Adams and other 'parents feel about this• Richard F'7trrital—both of St. A disgusted mother Aloysius School, Stratford; EXTRA LEAN Ground Chuck SAVE 20c LB. FRESH OVEN-READY 99c LB. Dressed Roast Pork 89C -La. MEATY - NO BACKS Fresh Chicken Legs 9c LB: 7 REPEAT SPECIAL Top Round Steak. $ 1 4 9 LB. Sister St. Augustin Hennessy and Dister Diane Naud both of Holy 'Name of Mary ` 11,441,St. Mares; Shirley Dodds, St. -Joseph's ' i'hool, Kingsbri fge": and Ptfrick Monaghan, St. Michael's School, Stratford. ' The resignations of twO con- sultants were accepted: Frances,' Conway, religious education consultant in the Stratford area..,and Edward. Rooney- of 'Stratford, . special ' education ccinsultant. o Sam Lariecia, itinerant French• teacher at St .. Mary's School, "Goderich;',,St. -Joseph's School; Clinton; St. -Joseph's School, Kingsbridge; and Sacred ' Heart School, Wingham, has resigned.. ' . Mrs. Tru,dv Smith. xemed i a l teacher at Ecole Ste Marie, RR 2, Zurich. has resigned, also the,. itinerant music and principals' relief. Mrs. Lucy M -\itchinson (Power) at. Irrima,•tllate COn- ception School. Stratford and St. Ambrose: and Mrs. Judy Pontsi.oen at St. Alov ,ius. Stratford, . Three teachers will retire at' the end • of •June."Mrs -Julia Lennon, St. At"t'.4itlti School, Stratford, with :31 years; Miss Eileen O'Brien, ..St Mary's School, Goder1(h. with :39 Years; and Mrs M,irie Meladv, St. Columhan School. with :34 years. Teacher.; hired tor S(:pternher are. -Jim Dade, to St ('olumhan School; Mrs Doreen Nogalo, St. Pafric'k's, 1)uhlin: Mrs Carol McDonnell.Precious Blood, Exeter. til -'ter Loretta Hagen and Mi-- Eli,theth Er- . hest. both to So- Mary ` School, Goderich; 'Thomas Ji,ecler, St. James, Sea fort h. 5i t 'r Mary Regier'and Edward (•,t.p('lli t() Holy Name of Mary school, St. Marys: Sister M.ir\' Winifred, Mks Katherine Dick and Gary Prince, both t,, St J3"niface, Zurich; Per. i iwacrt, St Michael's 4, hoed. Stratford; Mrs Jeann('t tc' " Eeherl;en, St Aic)vsitts Sch"ole'-'Stratford; and .Mrs Loretta [load to tit Am- hrose School. Stratford Itinerant Fren,h teacher. hd_ MRita Lait ,alit tci St ire;Marsrv' Ht„son; St Patric `s' Kink.ir,t. ,tit Patric' s, Dublin and St Columban Itinerant Music tea(•her hired Mrs Sit<;)n Kraf • tt•h(�ck - Freezer Special Fresh Sausage10 Fay 59c 611 LB White Bread 3 FOR 89c ti Li AinsIie ar e 106 Sandra Jordan, left and Mar'iaaret Fran developed ram between StinC anada and tBr•ita n.t.The heir pwo ar- ttcipation in the Junior Farmers exchange program lived together at Margaret's Aubutn home for a week as part of the educational exchange program. Sandra is fr,pm .Buckinghamshire, England. Graham Electric. 5th Anniversary Door Prize Draw ... a r with am trid Above, Mayor Harry Worsen dren s first aAlso Mayoroor prize NHarery Worsen dhaws seond owner Ben Graham holding the y box Bance Manager Chuck Jewell, holding the and third door prize winners with Appliance entry box. Winners Prizes Above hat Wilkins Aresents our three ,happy winners their prizes and thanks everyone for helping Make Graham Electric's 5th An- niversary such a success. ty s rile MRS. REMINGTON, Wins an Iron • • 2nd PRIZE MR. R. G. SHRIER Wins a Flashlight ' 3rd PRIZE MRS. MAC DONALD Wins 'a set of Patio Lights Grahum Electric 524-9'670 62 CAMBRIA RD. GODERICH 9a 3