HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-06-06, Page 26PAGE 10A--GOUERICH- SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 6,0974 SUGAR 'N' SPICE sy 811.1 SMILEY Well, were ,you alert enough to fill your gas tank and pick up half a dozen five -gallon jkrrycans of the stuff before the price soared? Were you smart enough to have your furnace -oil tank filled before the stuff turned to black „gold? That's funny. Neither was I. In fact, my wife informed me, the day after gasoline prices headed for the moon, that we were riding, on a pint and a prayer. - "Dummy!," I stated. "Dummy yourself," she retor- ted. "Why didn't you tell me the price was going up?" "Twice -dummy," .I respon- ded coolly. "Why don't you read the ruddy newspapers?" "Thrice -dummy," was 'her unoriginal answer. "Because_ you're always hogging thefh, and you never talk to me, and I'm alone all day and'never see anyone, and you come home and bury.your big fat nose, in 'the newspapers, and I'm sick and tired, of it." "Bull-onev!",, I snorted, and we • were off on one of those half-hour deals so popular with married couples. and from which I always emerge looking like Archie Bunker. And There wasn't a bit of truth in iter tirade. I don't hog the papers. I- let her 'have the classified ads section and the sports section, when I'v,el finished with it. She's not home alone all day. She has the cats. She sees people—the postman and the garbage men—when they're not on strike. And I don't have. a big, fat nose. It's just big. I'm digressing. But I often do that when I get talking about my helpmeet, my other half, my chicadee, my lambie, the Joan • to my Darby, that broad who is driving me.squirrely with talk about spring cleaning. What 'I really began to discuss was my native ability, born knack, or sheer genius, at missing chances to save money. There aren't many'such chan- ces, in these parlous times, but every time there. is one, i "seem to' be out to, lunch. • • Show me a hydro bill, and I'll show you that it's four days CLAY - - Silo Unloaders - Feeders Cleaners • Stabling - Leg Elevators - Liquid Manure Equipment • Hog Equipment 'FARMATIC - - Mills - Augers, etc. ACORN - - Cleaners Heated Waterers ZERO_--.. Bulk Tanks Pipeline & Parlour Equipment WEStEEL-ROSCO-Granori•s B' & L - Hog Panelling Bulk Tank & Pipeline cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, etc Eovadine Dyne losgn Uddersan Foamcheck Kleeneasy LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS R.R. 1, Kincardine, Ontario !hone 395-5286' p' st the deadline for the discount. By the way, that's one sweet racket. Hydro sends you a bill, with a certain "discount" if 4 is paid within a certain date. That means that Hydro can get along quite nicely if everyone pays on time. Right? Therefore, the "discount" is no such thing. It's a penalty. Robbers. Show eine an income tax return and I'll show you that I should have been paying, and have not been, quarterly, in ad- vance. So I'm penalized. Show .,me a full-page adver- tisement featuring a big sale; 50 per cent off everything, and I'll show you that the paper i"s' ten days old, and the sale ended last Saturday. Show me a big jump in the price of beef or lettuce, and I'll show you a 'craving for red meat and salad. And my wife is just the same. Show Her sixbooks of wall- paper samples—all good, sturdy, durable, colorful stuff, and she will unerringly pick the one that's twice the price of all .the others. • My swim suit invariably the August sales begin. My win- ter boots spring the same thing in .January, before the sales begin. `If I'plunge for five shares of a sure -thing stock, a war starts, or Nixon says something stupid again,, and there's a stock market slump. I don't consider this to be a malignant thing. I don't really 4. believe, though it has crossed, my mind, that ,God. has it in .for me. Maybe it's Ol'd Debbil. At .any rate, it happens - too often to be a coincidence, and I'm ,get- ting sick of it, by gum. A typical was the first Olym- pic Sweepstake..I forgot to get a ticket: You'd think a guy's friends would remind, him. But oh, nog ,Not them. Too greedy. And I've a sneaking notion hd have Avon the million bucks. Boy, would I show my so-called friends, if I. won that. They wouldn't see me for gold -dust. But there is one little area in which my wife and I are in- fallible, when it comes to • saving money. Every year, we pay our house .taxes in Ja'nua'ry. I think we save about eight dollars. That will show them. springs a ,leak in July, before we' tell. each other solemnl`. GDCI chemistry class uncovers antacid rip off If inflation is unsettling your , , stom,ach acid. Thus 'by stomach then you will be In - calculation it costs the con. .teirested in the results of the sumer $5.20 worth of,. Rolaids Grade 13 'GDC•I' Chemistry to neutralize the equivalent students' tests on the cost of settling it. -weight of stomach acid.` The classes, conducted tests The Drug Trading Company on several commercial antacid and Philips Milk of Magnesia tablets on the market today to have • approximately the same compare their ability to, neutralizing capabilities that neutralize stortrach acid and Rolaids do but to -use Rolaids costs the consumer more than their cost to the consumer. •10 times as much. Several different antacid Simple comparisons as this - tablets were purchased, from a class have done will, no doubt, local drugstore some of them in suggest to them ways in which-. large q-uantit%' con'tainers . the`,, as consumers, could look .priced. and weighed. A model with a more critical eve at'what stomach was prepared and the they are in fact paying for when tablets were crushed, weighed • they buy something to "settle' and allo"wed to dissolve and the old stomach". react with the "stomach acid". From this the actual %olume of stomach acid neutralized by - each tablet could be 'deter- mined. Each brand was tested -several times for the. average value and tests were• done to show the cost per unit of acid neutralized as well as the num- ber 'of times its own weight each tablet could handle. The class prepared a brief on Rolaids,one of the brands used. •Rolaids claim to be able to con- sume 47 times its own weight in stomach acid. This is unlikely to be t.rue.accor.d.ing.to.fin.dings_.. reported by the students. Ad- vertising the company uses suggests that one tablet can consume 47 times• its own weight in 'excess' stomach acid and the class cannot ascertain what 'excess' stomach acid, is. The students assumed •the amount of. acid in an unsettled stomach would,rbe at ph of 1.0 since the normal' is ph 3.0. On this basis the tests on Rolaids and the other products were conducted and their values asc•ntai ned. Each Rolaid ,,tablet :Weighs 1.4 grains costs the consumer 1.3c and is '' capable of neutralizing .0025" units of Much mower. • Big -rob power. • 5 forward speeds & reverse. •' With proper attac'iments Snapper solves many yard care problems. • Free demon- strati<n on your own lawn, fiffitNigi5 .-\II `sno.1fppet' mower, meet A N 51 ,.afety'pt'tefu.wa,n,. ARGYLE MARINE HU1`CHINS WELDING & SMALL IiNGGINES Hwy.N0.21 Goderich, Ontario 524.9201 Senmiller, Ontario. 524.1038 D 5 Ecology interest As a finale to three weeks of ecology study at Victoria School, the students fi4Ied their gym- nasium with Impressive displays. Ran Stoddart, left, 4,nd Tina Johnston, from room 9, exhibit the junk they and their classrtYates found on the school grounds one morning last week. v Con.serva tion' Authority will enlarge scope The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority voted unanimously recently in Exeter to enlarge its scope to include the Lake Huron shoreline from Goderich Town- ship to its existing southerly limit in Bo .anquet Township. The resolution calls for the authority to take in the water- sheds of all streams 'entering Lake Huron from"°a point about 10 mil'ttis ''north of Bayfield; Stanley. Hay, Ste1pn and Bos .nquet townships.. A report of the vote"now goes to the provincial government to await an order -in -council making the action law. The action makes the Ausable-Bayfield. authority 'the first aloe, Lake Huron to 'in- clude the shoreline in its. scope. Siifiilar action has been, taken only clang Lakeintario in the Toronto -Hamilton area. 'When approved. the authority will have jurisdiction which will allow it to under- take -shoreline projects. MAYFAG • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS,- . • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT:I.N DISHWASHER' • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability. People at: HUiCHINSON APPI.IAN( E.S TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524.7831 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rondad L. McDonald CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario 'DIESEL Pumps and Injectors : Repaired F rIi Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. • 482-7911 CHISHOLM FUELS Distrilmitors For PRODU(sTS HOME, FARM, • INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing *- Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524-76-81 OR 529,45'24* R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST OPTOMETRIST The Square The Square 524-76524-76 61 Cards For •ATI Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies • Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33~ EAST St. Goderich FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich Harbor Ne'w,s__ E�TR,lC!CTi DD. NL IS by, 'AT W , (/SE, FROM F/NEST WIRE' TQ ELECTR�KAL FUSE'2 May 16, Abe government boat the Limnos, for supplies; May 17, the Agawa Canyon came in light from Sarnia for salt; May 18, the Canadian Coast Guard Cutter, the Rapid; .May 19, the Westdale with a load of grain; May 20, the Labradoc with a load of grain; May 21, the Roy A. J9drey, from Bay City came' in light for salt and the Sar- niadoc brought , in a load of grain; May 23, the E.B. Barber came in light from Sarnia for salt; May 27, the Algoway arrived light .from. Kingsville for, salt; May 28, the tugboat Sac' Manitoba; May 29, the George Hindman, ex Cover- dale, made its first trip to'. Goderich from Buffalo for a load of salt. BUDD KUEHL at HURON. PINTS ELECTRIC °' 88 KIng.. St. . Clinton Phos• ..412-711B1 Did youtknow you can buy a policy that not only gives you life insurance protection but is linked to investment in common stocks We call our plan the ManuLife lnvestbr—a variable insurance policy • backed up by our Canadian 'common stock fund,.real potential growth with guaranteed minimum valures. Remember the name: ManuLife Investor. And call 'us today for a look at the future. • W. E. "Ted's Williams Bus: 524-7102 Res: 524.7665 ManuLife The Kmufdcturers Life Insurance Company 1 '.1.14 1 Is Important That These Restrictions Be Adhered To: PLEASE SAVE THIS SCHEDULE FOR REFERENCE WATERING RESTRICTIONS JUNE —JULY— AUGUST —SEPTEMBER IN ,AREA NO. 1 Watering May Be Done On TUES., THURS., SAT: Between 6 p,m. and 9 p.m. INAREA:NO.2 Watering May Be „Done On MON., WED., ' FRI. Between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., The Whole Town May Use Hose Service Sunday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. YOUR CO-OPERATION IN ADHERING TO THESE TIMES WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED GODERICH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION