HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-14, Page 1A1ND HURON 0 TWI LINE, LET THE 011IPS VOL. XXI. NO, 24 ORB & C WO 01)11.A.M. laramas.paanoarommmpuerawm Stock Taking Clear Up. • You may as well rake in some of the Bargains 'going here. Dont let the other folks have them • 011. Wise buyers shop here because they get , RightGoods at Right Prices. Odd Lines in § Clothing going on 'Dry -Goods, Etc., § the counters every day' AT CLEARING PRICES. Highest price paid for Prothro°. E. B. FOIELD ett 00. Orediton. Farquhar. BRIEFS, --Eokatt Willienie is centmed insunezeon—The annual meeting of the --- to the house with LagriPpe.—John Ge Uaborne le Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Conipany was held in Clardiner'e Hail, Bedford is going to Pennsylvania. -1 worgeentr. on February 5th. There was a Henry Eilber left last Wednesday for I large attendance. The ,President, D. Toronto on business.—We understand Mitchell, took the ()hair and opened the that some contagious dianiee is prevail- meeting by showing the large, amount of lug among the - children attending business done during the pont year, the Crediton school: the teachers and trustees sheeld see that all children affected, be kept at home.—Last Friday night one of the severest thunder financial standing of the company on the 31st December 1893, and the small expense of management as 4oraparect with other oompaniee of similar size. He eongratn- lated the company on this state of aflame storms poised over this place that has and hoped this nealthy condition would. a ever been known by the oldest resitiente continue. The Seeretary Treitenter nd at. this time of the year; this was follow° Auditors' reports for the year ending Dec. ed on. Monday with what they call a corker of a snow storm. —The roade are badly blocked in this vicinity.—A num- ber of Foresters and their friends visit- ed the I. 0. F. concert at Dachwood last iifednesday.—The butchers are busy dratving their supply of ice,—Mr. Walter Clerk- has sold. his hodse on William S. to Christopher - Eilber.— The ohil;ten and friends of Jacob Haist ),gave him surprise party last Saturday night to ,lebrate his birthday. Mr. Heist was presented with a handsorab chair, and the good ladies brought baskets and entertained. the party. Jacob it now 15 years younger. (From another source). BA ra— Mrs Emus, with her sone Fred 3. J'ohu, of Rodney, are the guests of AI ,0 Eilben—The storm on Friday was very severe here, but no damage was done.—Ilevival services are being continu- ed in the German church under the geld - 31st 1893 were submitted, and after being freely discussed by the members, were ap- proved. From these the following steals - ties are taken; Policies taken during the year, new and renewals 732, being an in- crease of 127 over the previous year, and making the total number of policies now in force 2068, covering risks to the amount of $3.339,815.00; the amount of premium notee held by the company and liable to be assessed are 394,217.28; assessments levied daring 180B, $1,874.19; paid for lona' during the year $4,513.41. Total assets of the company including cash on hand, un- paid assessments and residue of premium notes, $86,676.95 David elitahell, Hibbert and Joun binary, Usborne, were re-elected Directors tor alarm of 8 years, with W. A, Turnbull, Auditor the ensuing year. The board as now constituted for the year 1891 is: President, john Misery, Exeter; Vice' President, J oseph Jackson, Mitollell; Directors, W. E. P • Mahe R. H. EXETER ONTARIO, THUBSD fleresell, 12T^C4431SiTItrdterrPlier1gvaeteor: feiesieel-. Oen be eonsultedarter officio Minns at the Connuereiel Hotel. J. neefle, a preetleal shoeuteker, baa opened orehonie new stook of all kinds of Boots &woes in J. Oard'a 014 ti tend north. of Coatmeroiel hone- We tviinnot be undersold. Call Andean brine your repairing and try us for a invade made slum. J, nen, le, Boars ANA $E[008--,Novr is the time to get bargains at A. I'Vepeloh's. fleeing enlarged niy prernitee to twice the size, and received a large new spring otosk, who'll we will sell cheap for cash. It will Pay YQU to Sall and see our new store andaet spore of the big bar- gains we now offer. All winter goods at cost mice. A 1QS Of German slineers at yoer own Ince of Boy, &token —The K. 0. T. M. meas. Tent here has 'gown ramatkably of late. Since the new year twenty new names have been enrolled. This is' a record breaker, and if continued, the local tent will win laurels.—A number of our citizens gave Ur Jacob Plaid a surprise at his residence on Saturday evening. A good time was spent, and all reporh having en- joyed themselves.—The storm on Monday put a damper on business.— Mr Jacob Moats is on the sick list, while Bey Soh - warts is not improving any.—The wife of Wm Siebert presented her husband with a bouncing boy leek. week.—Mr W. Clark is the posshesor of a very last driving horse, which Welter says money cannot buy.— Messrs Smith, Wentsel and Young went to London on Saturday Jest on busieess.— • Messrs Setae Billies and Chariot» Wolfe brought home five coon the other day, the result of a law hours' shooting. --Mr Wm Welsh of she 3rd eon. Stephen died on Saturday last .of general infirmity, te if/. 4 Stephen. Onnantne—It is with feelings of repot -that we record the death of one of the early pioneers of this township,in the person of Mr Wm Welsh,: sr., which took place at hie late residence on lot 12, con 3, on Sunday, the 11th inst., after a short illness, at the advanced age of 79 yams. Deceased was of a quienunassurning nature, Was open hearted, and alwtme ready to toilet those in needy circumstances. He leaves a widow, two BORS and two daugh- ters William, of McGillivray township; Thorned, who lives ali--honse; Mrs James Boyce, who resides near Fairfield,, and Mrs Win Collingwood -of Exeter. The funeral took place from his late residence on Tues., • day afternoon last to the Fairfield °erne- ry, and wenearnie- attended by his many tends aneneeighbors. tue widow and • flintily bate our sympathy in this theirhour of affliction. • l'ElearsrAoTone Betimes,' So say. Dr Curlett, an old and honored practitioner, in Belleville, Ont.., who writes : For Wasting Diseases and Scrof- ula I have used Scott's Emulsion with the most satisfacitory results. DEA old raSia e north Boundeey Us• borne, who was held in the highest regard, was buried on Monday in Aforaggart'a cemetery. We refer to Andrew Stewart, sr,, who departed this life on Feb'y 10, after a protracted illness, the result of a severe attack of the grip, contracted' over a year ago.. Deceased was born in the coun- ty of -Fermanagh. Irelanden the year 1821, and in 1846 married Margaret Glenn, daughter of Wm Glenn, Esq. The same year they emigrated to Canada, first Bette mg in. the township ofnlanvere, County of Durham, Here they remained ten years, when they removed to the township of 1,2's. borne; Huron County, and settled on the lot on which- he died. Deceased was a shrewd business man, and by watchfulness and hard work he and. his amiable partner accumulated a competency, the chief object of his life being the welfare of his family, all of who are grown up and well provid- ed for, four of the sons being tattled on fine 100 sore farms of their own, alongside the homestead, while Andrew, preferring a mereantile life, resides at present in Eas- ter.'He was a kind and loving husband and affectionate father, and leaves to mourn his demise, a widow and three daughters besides five sons. The daughters are: Mrs Andrew Hunkin, Mrs Abraham Roulton of Usborne, and Mrs John P. MaLaren of Hullett. On his death -bed he was surrounded. by the entire family,whose devotion to their parent was exemplified by the •kind attention given him. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. Hie end Was peace. Hui remains were interred in MoTaggart's cemetery, end notwithstand- ing the very sternly weather'rrere followed by a large concourse of friends, which attested, the esteem in which he was held. Hie five eons and Mr Abraham Boulton aated as pall -bearers. ease, just te dear them �,ss we do not want to carry any winter goods over. Call and get prices before buying elsewhere, and be convinced that we Veil abeam in of Big neut. A210WaBwseAn,1,011114k. Following are the market quotaliens Wheat . ° 66 to 58 Burley , . .... te . 36 to 35 Oats ...... .. .. 29 to 29 Peep ........ , 50 to 50 Hay leatter • '10 1g%;.. seed Benees.—The financial statement of Carmel churche for 1898, ShoWS that: the congregation has enjoyed another year of gratifying progress, The etress of hard times has not been felt if the congregation- al returns are any guide. The ordinary revenue of the congregation is $200 in ade vanes of the previous year, and there ie an increase of 3110 towards the schemes of the ceurch. The total revenue for the year was $2,820. Of this amount $747 was contributed to the schemes of Me church. --Mr. John Short, of the township of Hay, hs e recently purehased a fine village lot frOm Mr. T, Bar tnell, of this place, on the north side of Richmond St , and intends erecting a comfortable dwell- ing, and MOViUg into our village in, the near future.—Mr R. Reynold, formerly, of the Commercial Hotel here, hits been appointed cemetery superintendent at Clinton at a salary of 3300 per year, We are pleased to learn this,,—Te Haman Methodists contemplate ereeting a fine new ohurch in the near future, which will be e, credit to the congregation. It is very much needed, as the cause was losing ground just on this account. Nopastor, however faithful anffzealous, can hold tire floating congregation unless the church accommodation is such as to contribute towa,ed his efforts.--13usinees has been at a standstill the past few days owing to the inclementweathen—Joseph Acheson Ilud, soh, son of Mr Joseph Hudson, died in Shelley on Thursday last. The parents have the sympathy of their many frietuas in the sad bereavement. --Quite a number of our onion growers httve sold their stoats of Dutch sets for a good. price.-1VIr John Deichert of Zurich was the, eneetenne n Weismiller o Thamesville, May 28th 1892 DICK& CO., Montreal. Gentlemen have been using 'several Packages of yotir Bleed Punier, and find it the best cotaition powders I ever used. Yours truly, GIGO. AI. CRAWFORD. Crediton Cash Store. , 10 to 20 15 to 19 to Amos Townsend., The Rev. Me. .. 600 to 6 2o Galloway, of Seafortb, tied the nuptial knot. The bride was attended by Mia Mary Townsend, sister of the groom, while Mr. Jas. Crich, brother of the bride, supported the groom. After the usual congratulations had been tendered to the newly wedded couple the com- pany sat down to a sumptuous repeat, provided by the worthy hostess, which would do credit to a city cateer, The large number of handsome and costly preseate testified to the high enteern in which the bride was held by her many Mende and acquaintances. The happy couple left for Goderich the following day where they intend staying for a few days. We predict for them a, happy, prosperous and a lengthy married life. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEAR SIR,—If lb WOUla not be trespassing too much on your valuable columns, I would like you to publish these few lines. I noticed in your Elimville news of last issue a ref- erence to the recent Sunday School concert to the effect that "some of the local renditions were not quite appro- priate." Peeliiteis" your correspondent can tell us wherein the inappropriate- ness was manifest. We think We cannob be too careful as to what we bring into the house of God. As I am deeply interested in the work here, and, also as my name appeared on the pro- gramme in question I would like to know if there EX' ,GAZETTE wiTERE waltnr NING, FEB,RUA 17th.. Di:torte—Me Albert Soott has open- ed out in the undertaking aed furniture business in a portion of the store owe - pied by his brother, 'Y. W. Opposition istles life of trade, --We regret to hear that our respected citizen examen P. Kelly is at present very low with little hopes Of recovery,—On Monday 141Cies Annie Kelly returned home from the United States owing to the serious iilnees of her father.—One day last week, Mr. Snowden, cooper, had the painfel misfortune to loan a portion of three fingers on one of his hends whilst working at the trade.—Oae day last week our townsman Ur. Robert How- ard purehaeed the Littlefeir property, north of the village for a reasonable figure. Tuokeretnith; A large gathering at the residence of Mr. Geo. Crich witnessed a very, pretty event on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, it being the marriage of their daughter Table, We have been making use of slack time overhauling and clearing up our Stock and laying out Lairs or GOODS TO BE SOLD At Cost and Belo*,i Consisting of Mon's and Boys` Overcoats, ranging from $2.00 tip ; Men's 1111. starsworth $11.50, now 48,00 ; Etc., Etc. Black coney Storm Collar and Muff worth $4, now $2.50; Black Op- ' posues Storm Caller and IVItifferorbh $10, now $0,75; one only Oppoe- um Cape, worth 012, now $8,50; a few black Coney Muffs left at 85e. OAA D.Q All Ftir Caps, Sealette and Wool Caps, Shawls and all Wool Good v- must be sold regardless of Cost Also 'Whiter Dress Goods at a bargain, :Last year's Printer worth 124 and 14e at 10o. A large Stock Of Ready-made Clothing at remarkably low prices, TEA 0 5 Lbs Uneolored japart Tea for $1 ; 5 Om e5c :Gutpowder Tea for $1..e5, n snap; 7 bars best resettle Soap for e6c; 4 gellons Ciotti Oil toe 000t «fs tolesti, 10c per box, All other Goode in peopoetiop, see. He claims he has now the fastest mare in town. --Miss 5. Meyers, Boston, was visiting her brothers, Charles mut Fred,—Educational sermons were preached in the Methodist church het Sabbath; in the morning by Rev. F. Swan, and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Walken—Rey Mr Shaw of Egmondville preached in Carmel church last Sunday, while Rev:. S. Henderson preached the anniversary sermons at Egmondyille.—Mr A. Weseloh was at Zurich last Thursday. —Mr Jae Clark has been on the sick list, —Mr John Elgie cut his right foot on Monday while cutting wood in James Mc. Arthur's busb, Dr Thomson sewed up the wound, and he is now doing as well as can be expected, I3ruoefield. %ann.—Gem Simpson mover into Mo- Intosh's store in a few days.—Our worthy hotelkettper, Mr. Dixon is about to dispose of hie botel.--Miss Nellie Dixon was mar- ried the other day to Mr. Thos. Snell, formerly of the G T B here. Theknot was tied in Sarnia.—The death last week of Mrs. Mcnrieen was a shock to many. She had been ill but a weak, of pleurisy, Her husband died some years ago, and she leave a grown up family. • e Olaiselhurs t. leentre.—The many friends of Mks, Donald McDonald will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent severe illness.—Mr.' Joseph Fisher has rented Mr. Robbn term foe one year, pay- ing a rental of 8150. The farm contains 70 acres. Mr. Robb retains the use of the house.—Mr. Donald Maleinnon, of the 10th concession, was away for a two weeks' visit to his mother, sister and other friends who reside in the vicinity of Teesveater. Mr. MoInunon's mother has now reached the great age of 97 years, and she is still bale and hearty and more active than many a matron of forty. She resided in Tucker - smith until about four years ago. Mr. McKinnon enjoyed his trip very much. Bruevs--Misa B Fraser and Miss Lizzie Marshall, of Detroit, are home one their holidays.— Owing to the increase of ousn ilea Mr, Brownley has secured the services of Mr W kovicker of Crediton.—Miss M McPherson left last Monday to take a eit- nation in one of the best millinery whole. sales in Torontce—We am Sorry to hear of the sadness and gloom °est over the household of Rey, Mr. Carey. 1VIrrl, Carey received iatelligence of the sudden death of her father, He wee in his usual health until 8 medley last when he Was attacked with a stroke of paralysis and dud .0 Tueriday.—Mt, 3ohn. MoNaughton made Wednesday, January 81, the red letter day of his life, when he led to the altar erne Flora Unlearnt:am The happy donpla were ueitee it the holy bonne of matrimony at the tasidetice of the bride's father, Me McFarlane of Fest Williams, by the Boy; Mr. Elliott. They come TO BT4140.—Perlispe yea live too well. We all live better now than aid our forefathers. • The food is highly spiced. We take too midi of it. Nature lino us for excess, "Oh, that Waken: foolhig whiolt mane the drone:at neeteel taste like dead see fruit Sterket Powders were tnacle for your relief. They thruat the bile out of (1000, mekinsall fair ana sweet, eta remteating the w in beauty, as far ati_j_ear alserasie Ii is coo coreed. kielletuseass oersteds, headeobe and newt t, rre- es alight in throwing jokes at the church management; but we would like to see them seasonee with le little ' eh•ristian charity and consideration. Yours, L. Beateezers Elimville, Feb. 13th. Dasshwood. _es Bentre—Again the call of death has come to the house of Mr. and. Mrs. Henry lacelkentaking away their adopt- ed daughter, Lizzie. Deceased was a sufferer for about three months of spinal disease to which she succumbed = on Friday morning, after suffering intense pain. Miss Vcelker was a •most exern- plarly yeung lady and bore her suffer- ings with ohristian endurance and her early demise will long be regretted by her friends and acquaintances. She was also a member of the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church here and the funeral was attended. by the members in a body. The funeral on Monday was largely attended.. Rev. Mr. Umbach, P. E. of New Hamburg conduced the funeral services et the house, Rev. Mr. Breland of Zurich preached in German, and Rev. Mr. Krupp, The pastor, presched in English.—Mr. Henry Cal!. Las who has been Flick for some time is improving.—Mr. Henry Willett laid in a small supply of ice last week.—A heavy storm of rain. accompanied by rain and lightning passed over this section on Friday evening. Something• quite unusual for this time of the year. 4, :094 ooNDEvsnD rasTRIcT. N131V7Fl. nuaerl Mr, John Corbett, of Hay Ip., is a cousin of James Corbett the World's Champion pugilist, Green bard wood leold in Weather/a the past week for $1.50 per cord; dry wood from. $1.75 to $2,00. Mr. Win. McAllister of Stanley, recently refused $1,000 for his herd of pigs and good will of the business. Clinton pays ate assessor, $70 ; teeas- twer, $1.00 ; clerk, $225 ; weigh qelerk, $275 constable, $4,35 ; cemetery erintendent, $300. Mrs. Walter Hill disposed of her 100 acre farm on the 2nd con, Stephen, on Saturday last to Mr. Robt. Walker, realizing a handsome sum. Rev. W. We Leeeit of Varna, former. ly of Woodhain, has been requested to return to the paatorato oiVarna church for another conference year. My, Christopher Dale, jr., of Hullo tt is the possessor of a pair of lambs, which were born on January 18th, This is considered extremely early. Messrs.` James Worry and Rarry Ingram, of Clinton, have bought ceat the planing mill business pf Messrs. Ashbury& Co.,Blyth, and at once take possession. Clinton business men ere endeavor- ing to arrange with the fa, T. le. to run Saturday excursions to Clinton at re- duced rates. The company have not as yet replied be the petition. The Sparks farm in Tuck ersmith, put up by auction in Clinton on eseur- day, was not sold, the highest bid being leas than $1600. ills a 50 aore farm and the upset price was not $2,200. Mr.NorininBawbier,formerly deputy postmaster of Godericet, bee atumeeded in passing the examination for dentat Surgery in the University of Maryland, Baltimore, taking his place at the head of the list. Centralia. IE BRBE.--A very successful tea -meet' mug was held at the Fraser.Road chinch on Tuesday evening last.—Ber. Robt. Walker bought Mrs. Rill's farm Fair- field, for which he paid $5,600. The farm contains 100 acres and is one of the best in the neighborhood. --Rev. W. R. Butt is billed to addreas the County S. S Convention at Clinton on , Wednesday evening next.—A. large number of strangers attended our Sun- day evening servite. The query is Whether °tn. gifted preacher or excell- ent choir or handtereme girls are the attraction I Perhaps altogether.—r. W. °elven' has a large 111 amount of baled hay ready for shipment but the in - created freight rates have seriously effeeted the business. Sodom.DIE3ATE. —The Debate announced for last week °ante off Tuesday'. Then &airmen were Samuel Sanders Sr.. Fred, Green and Abe Dearing. The Affirmative contended. that Style was the Oatootrie of Pride and Pride Was condeteneci in Scripture, That the failures of private individuals as well as buaineas men was largely deist to Style, 'rho Negative oentended that the reason whyTeavnte not condemned in Scripture Was trona tim fact that Tea Was known as a beverage tuitil after the Scripture Was vrritten, bait that Tea was a greater finatioial• physical, mental, end Soripttite Evil than Style, but the chairmen de- cided that Style Was the greater evil, Some singing was done by Meetirs, S. Sanders, 3, Ford eed S. Stenlake, The next subject will be discussed Weduesday 21st leen and wile- in elle- solved that esentite has had in- AtseneS1 tbstg nn, Tile teed e S. The call that was extended by the Presbyterian church, Wingham, to the Rev. Mr. Perrin, of ()hastily, has been accepted and the reverend gentleman will be placed there on the 15th of this month. The Patrons of Industry for this county will hold conVentIcins as fol- lows :--East Huron at Brussels, Feb., 23r4 ; South Huron at Henson, March 7th; West *Huron at Dungannon, March let. Geo. Cox i h to Canada 14 1854, and resided, for short apOiQ rino Iry eiri 0 ,edState, YortSatey,eaarsego nctoo moved late Grey township then wilderness, on, eroness, and took up „land on the 14 Tuesday morning, Emily, wife of John 11111, 10th con. Grey, passed quietly and peacefully stray to enjoy the rota Bee had so often spoken of. Mrs, Hill was the :second daughter of the late James Ward, a former well known resident of this locality, who removed to Stonewall, Manitoba, about 20 years ago. She was born in Engleed and oame to Canada with her parents when a lew years old, 'l'bey made their home in Toronto for a time, then at Bolton village, Albion town- ship, and afterwards became residents of Fullerton township, Perth county aueneeenx Robert McChean'a stables at Lucile were bustled Wednesday night. The fine horses inside wereBayed. ,e_ , Mount Brydges poetoirese WAS rooD. ed on Tuesday morning. Some $70 in stamps and a $1,000 note were stolen. The London Township Agricultural Society's spring Show will be held at liderton, on Friday, April 27th. Mr. Patriok Ryder, of 'Whelan, was united in the happy bonds; of matri- mony on Wedneadey,31st ult., te Miss Lizzie Heiman, of Iltdoulp h. The East Middlesex County L. 0. L. will celebrate the Battle of the Boy no on the lithof July, 1894,inthe city of St. Thomas, After this date the celebration will take place int London. Mrs, Storey, who (was injured some menthe ago by being thrown out other, buggy on the Nivea and ,Euplternia townline, owing, it is alleged, to the road being out of repair, has instructed Mr. 1VIoNieli, her solicitor, to enter a suit against the two municipalities, claiming $3,000 damage., The Newry cheese factory Last year made 138,517 pounds of cheese realiz- ing $13,974.48, averaging 16.08o aa wholesale price. Quantity of milk re- beived, 1,458,459 pounds; average pounds of milk to pound of cheese, 10.52; average coat of manufa,cturuag, 1.33 without hauling milk; average per cent. of butter fat for season, 3.59. The annual meeting of the McGilliv- ray Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held on Monday in the town hall. The report showed the society to be in St goon healthy condition. The com- pany has been in. operation 12 years lad has never made an assesentent and as met every claim, and ,the coet of surance has never exceeded two liars for each thousand at risk, nentet teekeenet IC le! TIES GIVEN WM on PERTH. e igt worse than it is henee en - • . . . 1 Cyrus Alleteen ins Reels year; died and that's bad,eisough." in Mitchell last week; ° A horse buyer in this county was " Mr, 9.. Roulston of St. Marys, had crW wo 40 it We give yon..a ticket on which we punch all your purchases. When the total amounts to $80 you can have your choice of the element framed Pictures described above free, COME AND SEE THEM ASK FOR A swEEr„ START AT °NOE. Rettesseert, Dry-Geocle, Boots and Shoes, Readyentede Clothing and nice fresh Groceries always on bend as lova as the lowest. J. P. ROSS, Maeleet heard to remark the other day, that times are different now; "Why I took valtP‘Ple driving 1m°r",.."1-4tkg°41 a load of horses to Dakota, a couple of years ago, and just doubled my money on them; at that time you, oouldn't ship horses enough there, as everybody wanted them." One day last week Mr. Walter Coats of Clinton, met with an ugly accident. He was in the cellar piling up wood while a men was unloading it through a window, when a stick struck him on the right forehead, knocking him senseless, in which condition he 'was found by his wife. A little deviatioe of the blow would have killed him. • The death is mint:mooed of one of the oldest and most respected residents of Winghs.m in the person of Kr. John Ritchie in the 57th year of his age. Mr. Ritchie had been suffer- ing from an internal disease for some years, The deceatted leaves a wife and two small children and seven grown up children—three sons and four daughters, all of whom are residents in the United States, except two. The death is reoorded of infra, John McNamara of Harpurhey, who left there for Hamilton, a few months ago, with the hope of herself and family, that the change would prove beneficial to her, which it finally did, but unfor- tunately she met With a painful acci- dent about three weeks ago, by falling and breaking her hip bone, from the eel:leas of which ehe never rallied. Mr. Thomas Livingstone, of Bullett, near Almi, having read about the heavy hogs produced fromflibbert and Tuokerismith, determined to keep Rullett in the foreground, and con-- sequently sends the particulars of a monster hog which he fed and sold. On Saturday lent he sold a hog ;which weighed 557 pounds. It was a York- shire white, and measured eight feet and half an inch from tip to tip. A terriblyesudden death occurred at the house of W. H. Clokey, 7th con, Morris, on Saturday morning last. A young man named Geo. MoArtbur, son of WM. McArthur, 7th line, got op trout a seat, walked a few steps and fell down and expired. He wee a stout, hearty young man, and was as well as usual and was at Mr. ClOkey's wood bee on, Friday afternoon. De- ceased was aged 26 years, 3 menthe end 11 days. Mr. Thoinat Ward,Of Varna, informs us that he is not to blame in the mat- ter of the hall dant:1114, particulars of which appeared in TETE LAMB two Weeks ago, as will be dearly shown should the 0440 come before the courts, The action he took Was only for the protection of his Own peoperty, and he is willing now, and sieve bas been willing, to give the variceati seciet. inteeested the use of the building bin they give Insimply a nom. Mai rent so ae 10 acknowledge hut ownership, as the hall is Bituatecl on his land. May 11eatley, the aged partner of Santee Oliver, 14th con, Grey, was eseled to bettershome on Wednesday of last week. She wee 88 years of age and for the pee (two psalm 'sad been a prisoner to the use through Await -A- geism and drape Mrs. Oliveret birth pia00 was Ito Scotland where elle Was er the halter in the stable. Mr. Miles Brown, Fullerton, has purchased Mr:John Ingeam's 50 acre farm, Huron road east, for the sum of $2,200. The town council of Listowel, has deoided to raise the hotel licenses to 300 Th an increase Of $70 over . s last year. ' Just opened a Handsome Lot of some Piotures from the celebrated e of W. A, Barb da Co. of Beffelo, lee Wholeaele Pieture Iniporte,rs, Beautiful Walnut and Gilt Frames, 6 in. wide, size 36x 28 inches. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hardy, old and re- spected residents of Anderson, tire re- tiring from the farin and purpose re - ming into St. Marys in a short time. k tratford council tat decided that the number of hotel licenses in that city be reduced from 21 to 16, and shops to 2, and that hotel licenses be raised to $275 and shops to $300. There was an oak log taken off the farm of John Dufton, Downie, last week, which measured five feet in diameter at the butt, and Which measured 7e cords of wood. It 'Will be used for barrel staves. Stratford has become weary of wait- ing for the County to move in the matter of &Poor House melbas decided to build one • independent of the country. Already $3,000 has been bequeathed by citizens. In the police court, Stratford, Mon- day morning, Chain McCormick, alias John Bowes, Was sentenced to five years in Kingston penitentiary for stealing frona the person of Ted Mur- ray, of rinkorri, an open faced silver watch, valued at $18 or $20. The past week has witnessed a num- ber of changes in the business firms of St. Marys. D. Meteannell has meld out Ins grocery buoinese to Archie Baird, Win. eloyes bas rented Ma carriage shop to Mr. Efill of Thedford, and Jas. Harrison. and Jos. Brown have given up store -keeping for the pres- ent. RobertSmith, of tbee2tia oon.,EInaa, 'gave his '5 year old daughter a little Whiekey for s cold a few days ago. The child afterwards got the bottle and PeDet drank a large quantity of the liquor? becoming unconscious from its effect*. It took a doctor four hours to restore mitten tosthe heart and lungs, bet the little one. did not regain consciousness for 8 hours afterwreeds. The death 4 announced of Mrs. Matthew, we of Daniel Matthew, at the family, residence, Matthew Hotel, Stratford. She came to Canada from England With her parents, wee settled in Woodstook, where she was married some 48 years emcee- The family re- moved toStratford eighteen years ago, and Mr. Matthew htts had oherge of his present hotel ever since. All, W. Je Cleland, of Stratford, was charged in the police coart there With assault preferred bye Cora Cornell, a girl °tin years, whe has for some time been in his employ as a domestic. The alleged assault coexisted in search . ing the girl, who was suspected of taking some money.. lithe affirmed her innocence on oath and the ease was dismissed. John Branden, of North Eaatliope, has issued a writ against Mrs. Turn- bull, of Stratford, claiming $1,600 for alleged breach of promise of marriage. On Friday Mrs. Turnbull obtained at Oegooda Hall an injunction restraining Brendan from publishing certain let- ters he had received from her. Before her marriage she was Miss Annie Forest, of North Easthope, and she, Brandauenlegee, was engaged to marry a hime but instead of doing Ito, married ) Robb. Turnbull. Daring the alleged engagement Brandau received many Is, tere front Miss Forret, and those, she no'vi ai.egtet ateentes „nnen nbowin to 'some ot his relatives. Branditii p thlthe h tletters as he chose, that he intended to sue for damages for breach of promise of marriage, and his use of the letters in that aotion should not be mterfered with, and the (mart restrained him only from publishing the letters other than in his action against the plaintiff. Woodham. Briers.—Our enterprising merchant R S Ford, is always ready to give his customers a bargain. Well what is it? If youpurehase $30 worth of geode, You. will receive a very handsome pic- ture 23 inches by 36 inches all beautte fully framed.—Lewis Walker ha* sup. 'e plied the school with wood for nother year.—While Farmer Steven, was cutting wood with Harry Rodd last week be had the misfortune of cutting off three of his toes. They were re- placed and are at preeent doing nicely. —A number of young people gathered at the residence of Mr. Harry Squires on Thursday evening last where a vary enjoyable time was spent.—On Wed- nesday last vrhile Mr. Robt. Edwards was assisting the menin his mill to put on a load of 16in planks he had the misfortune to let one of the planks fall, across his foot. It will be some weeks before he is able to resume his place in the m111.—We are very eeny to hear that Mr. WM. Lambrook, Base Line, is dangelbualy ill with an attack ot ins flammation on the lungs.—Miss Annie Stewart who has been visiting friends in Exeter returned home on Sunday last. ,••••••........••••......eauaelnommaemearomft. Ilse E. D. C. for all stomach troriblea. Orillia sports will offer $30,C00 for the Corbett -Jackson fight. Sour tempers sweetened by the use of R. D. Cl. C. E. 13iglowe, a Hamilton teak dealer, pleaded guilty to the charge of forging the names of Peter Ray and Jannis Ctane to moreittesory note for 3000. RE*OPENE J. H. GRIEVE has Re-operied with a New Stok of all the IN ew 'Things in —Fancy and Black Worsteds, —Scotch and Irish Sages, • —Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, —And inPatiting we have some of the finest in the trade We make them up in A 1 Style, and give you a good Fib or no Sale. We pay special attention to Cutting and Making Jackets and Wraps of all kinds. .61 IPPOACi4r'