HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-30, Page 14PAGE 44--GQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR► •THURSDAY lyiAy 30,. 1974 11. TENDERS, 11. TENDERS '. TownshipofGoderich PIT RUN TENDER Tenders are being called "for the loading and delivering of ap- proximately 15,000 cubic yards pit run gravel from the township pit to road construction site between September 1 and Oc, tober 15, 1974. All tenders are to be accompanied by a certified cheque for $1,000 and to bp in the hands of the road superin- tendent by 6 p.m. June 3, 1974. • 411111111Y4, f�� r t Lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted: For further particulars contact Road Superintendent, Joe Potter, '' R.R. 3, Clinton. 21,2r2b Imre. 12. AUCTION SALE ESTATE Auction Sale of household effects, antiques and machinery for ..Mrs. Lawrence .Snyder, Saltford on SAT. JUNE 1 Gibson refrigerator (with across -top freezer); 20" Norge electric stove; dehumidifier; 7 piece chrome suite; chester- field hesterfield and chair; two studio couches; beds; dressers; chests of drawers; bureau; buf- fet; drop-leaf table; coffee table with matching • end tables; radio; office desk; violin; piano and bench; rocking chair; school bench; trunk; crock; wooden • kitchen chairs; pole lamp; quilts; oil lamps; frames; (amps, pump; pots and pans; dishes; hand tools; logging chains; tractor chains;, two - wheeled trailor;' 3 point hitch snow -blower; triple K Kongskilde cultivator; Case 155 garden .tractor with mower etc. Terms -cash- house sold - Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 r 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE AT STUD, Andy Bars Bert, AQHA, no. 474709, sire Mr Steel Bars. Call Martin Straughan 5.24-7046. —22 EXPERIENCED spray painter --- opening shop June It un 'Railway Street, Seaforth for finishes on cars, • trucks, snowmobile hood's and boats of Wood finishes. Call un week days at 5 p m or later. Warren Shera Phone Sea forth 52'- 0475.-22,23,24,25 S D• 12. AUCTION SALE CU.TOIvi CORN PLANTING. Call Mathews 'Ralph' Mathews 529.7133 —21,22 ANTIQUE 'Auction -Sale Tuesday evening, June 4 at 6:30 at the 'Trading Post Auction Room, 138 • • Main ' Street Ailsa Craig 293- :3444.-22 AUCTIONEERS and, ' LIQUIDATORS . • RRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern' auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE • BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 gtt 13.'.SERVICES AVAILABLE LADIES - Summer will soon be here, be ready for it. Have your nut- fit,i' made by panne. Phone 524- 2492.-18tfar SEPTIC tanks cleaned,- modern equipment, work guaranteed. Write or phone H.T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320.—tf IMPORTANT AUCTION ' SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:00 P.M. BALL AUCTIONS LTD. BRUSSELS ONTARIO' ITEMS OF INTEREST Electrophonic Morse quality component set with 8 track tape deck, 6- lovely -styles of Morse Stereos, Morse sewing -machine, large selection of bedroom and chesterfield suites in styles of Spanish, Colonial, French.Provincial & Modern, new single and double beds, lovely table and swag lamps, 4 styles of coffee and end table sets, kitchen suites in a variety of styles and • colours, sets of dishes, radios, sets of silverware and gift items and many more items too numerous to mention. + r+ This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture which will be sold to the highest bidder. NOTE: Terms of tale are catth.and our handy TKM budget plan. -There is plenty of parking and seating. A refreshment booth and washroom facilities are available. SALES CONDUCTED BY: BALL AUpTIONS LTD., BRUSSELS • AUCTIONEER: G:J.' BALL . • PHONE _887-9363 , DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 gl9tf HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd: APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST.. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, 'dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, 'lights, ranges 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE VACUUM CLEANERS ,SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn PIANO TUNING and REPAIR - Protect the value of your piano. Have it tuned and inspected regularly, call Bruce Puisifer SEAFORTH 527-0053 ACE RADIO & TV t l.uoHd Sales & Service ., Repairs to all makes of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 nte JOHN H. RUEGER CLEANING SERVICE la WALKER STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 482-9072 . 'FLOORS . WALLS • WINDOWS 20-23b SHORT NOTICE Clearing Aucti�n Sale of CAMPING AND SPORTING GOODS AND NEW FURNITURE THURSDAY, .MAY 30a 8:00 P.M. - BALL AUCTIONS - BRUSSELS Partial Listing: • NeW tents, Coleman stove, heater, lantern, sleeping bags, coolers, life jackets, thermoses, lawn chairs, lounges, air mat- tresses,.camp stools, travel potty, camping table, canteens, pots, hunting knives, hatchets, Coleman fuel, collapsible tum- blers, picnic tablg4;41ibachi, barbecue, toast stand, baseball bats, balls, gloves, swing set, tennis'recquet end•balls, badman - ton set, basketball nets and ball,, golf clubs and golf balls, fishing poles, reels, lures, nets, gaff, tackle box, floats, Books, swim' fi , snorkel, swim,mask, ski belt, water skis, ski rope , rooftop artier, flashlights, Morse Electrophonic quality corn--' ponent sets with 8 track tape deck, six lovely --'styles Morse sterols, Morse completely automatic sewing machine, Targe selection of bedroom and chesterfield suites in styles of French Pr(vinCial, Spanish, Colonial and Modern, new single, double and queen size beds, decorative table and swag lamps, lovely coffee and And table sets, kitchen suites in. a variety of styles and colours, sets of dishes, sets of silverware and Many more items too numerous le mention. NOW Terms of sale are cosh or our handy TKM Budget Plan. °There is loth of seating and parking and a refreshryien`i booth and WashtoOrn facilities are available. Sato conducted by BALL AUCTIONS LTD., Brussels Auctlonier—G. J. BALL Phone 087.9363 P ▪ , -a BY APPOINTMENT ONLY" GROOMING CLl PPING•BATFIING-, STYLING Hamilton St. Goderich • If your -dog needs grooming or clip- ping ..'lark up the right tree. CaII 12. AUCTION SALE The Pet Shop 12. AUCTION 'SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SCREENED TOPSOIL Lyle Montgomery Clinton 482-7644 r Experienced Brick and Block layers free estimates Phone 482-7901 -or 482-7304 after 6 p.m. HURON PINES'. CLINTON • tin° 9 Sid Bruinsma FOR ALL •YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS ' . BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES - Goderich 524-8668 Clearing AUCTION SALE. of Machinery and Feed will be held for Jack MacLennan Lot 34, )con. Lake Range Ashfield Twp. 3 miles south of Am- berley and 3 north of Kint ail on. Highway 2t Saturday, June 1 AT 12:3.0 P.M. LIVESTOCK A herd dispersal of high quality grade Holstein cows and heifers. They are sired by Unit sires such as Perseus, Edgeware Wayne Achilles and Edgeware Pietje Boy 1974 butter fat test of 3.8%. The herd consist, of 13 Holstein cows, soma fresh, balance' due from eerly--July on breeding dates announ- ced day of sale. Seven Holstein heifers due in December, bred Shorthorn, Two Holstein open heifers, rising two years 'old, Four Holstein heifers, 1 year old sired by' Wayne Achilles, Four Holstein heifers'S months old, sired by Wayne Achilles, Ton Holstein steers,, approx. 500 lbs,; An entirely home bred herd, sired by unit sires. ,All' cows bred over sixty days will be pregnancy tested,, • ' DAIRY EQUIPMENT New Idea milker and extra paha for same,11 can spray type cooler, 6 can milk cooler, 30 milk cans, 710 John Deere tractor with 1400 hrs. 510 John Deere tractor with loader, recently overhauled, 3 furrow John Deere plow with 12 in. bottoms, 8 ' foot Massey Ferguson disc with 3 point hitch, 8 foot John Deere cultivet$r; 4 section of diamond harrows and harrow pole and* two extra sections, 11 run M,H, feed drill, Model R John Deere manure spreader, 7 foot John Deere mower, power take off, John Deere rake with 3 point hutch, 38 ft. Little Giant elevator -with grain hood and P.T.O. shaft, Spread master manure spreader, 16 ft. 4 in. grain auger and extension, 16 ft, 4 in. graffi auger, 16 ft. 18 In. blower pipe and other pipes for culverts, Viking hammer mill with, 1, H.P. electrlc motor. . W., FEED Approx. 2500 bales of hey and 500 bales of straw. Appr•ox. 20 tons of mixed grain Othei Items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH - FARM SOLD • Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents or in, juries on property day ,of sale. 8 PROPRIETOR: ' Aut...oneer: GRANT McDONALD, Ripley JACK MlecLENNAN _ Phone 3955353 lominamommusimammulasuis 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 21. BIRTHS SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales -7 -Service Repairs to ,all makes 36 Britannia ' Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 -.-17tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHER SERVICE, Phone 482-7901 'or 482-7304 after 6 p.m. HURAN PINES CLINTON tfn CHIMNEYS And CARPENTER JOBS For new or pointing up old chimneys or small carpentry jobs. VERNON GLENN AUBURN. 1-526-7238 / LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION Crushed' Road gravel; crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel; Pit Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work, Screened Top Soil. CLINTON - 482-7644 Phone evenings or before 7 a.m. tfn HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING o CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL • Refinishing, . TABLES • CHAIRS • CHESTS OF DRAWERS • END FABLES • WASH STANDS, ETC. To your satisfaction , PHONE 524,8184 524-8 1 67 BETWEEN 5 & 7 P.M. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDRBWS: On May 14, 1974, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Andrews, Auburn, a son, Ian William. - r --y. McCI,ENAGHAN:' On May •10, 1974 to Mr. and Mrs. 'Percy McClenaghan (nee Sharon Court - St. Mar's Hospital, Kit- chener, twin boys, Scott' and Michael, brothers for Gavin. -22 MILLIAN—At Alexandra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.. Barry Millian,'I.R. • 5 Goderich, on May 24, 1974, a baby boy, Regan John, a brother for Steve and Lori, and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me+rrii1-»and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Pfrimmer.-22 DIdKSON --At Alexandra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dickson, R.R. 3 Goderich, a baby girl on May 26, A974,41,honda Irene.--22nc RODQES3 Della and .John, Boder ch wish to announce the birth of their daughter Lisa Marv, born May '19, 1974 at St Josephs .Hospital London. -22 15. PUBLIC NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against , the Estate of Caroline Claire Reynolds, Spinster, late of the Town of Goderich, in .the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of January, 1974, ,are required to file the same - with full particulars with the under- signed by the 22nd day of June, • 1974, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. • Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 22nd day of. May, 1974. • Prest and Egener, 'Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate: —22,23,24R YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet Care Clean them with Steam CaII 524-2440 -Lai, (he apill( ( 7' (L)1(1 ( '/1 iI'(' * DESIGN * MAINTENANCL * CONSTRUCTION BLDG. 1 6 VANASTRA ° ONTARIO 4829565 11 . 21. BIRTHS. PARK: Bill, Marie and family are ,happy to announce the arrival of Bradley Gordon, cin Monday, May 27th, 1974 at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontao.-022'nc McWHINNEY—At Alexandra Hospital •to Mr. and Mrs. William McWhinney, R.R. 6 Goderich, a baby girl on May 22, 1974.-22nc POTTER—At Alexandra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs: Gary Potter, R.R. 3 Clinton, a baby girl on May 22, 1974, Merry Nicole.:--22nc 23. ENGAGEMENTS A if Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beattie, • Goderich, Ontario are pleased to annopnce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Judith Marie, to Mr. William Charles Sinclair, son 4of Mr. and Mrs, Claude Sinclair, R.R. 2, Clinton. The wedding 'will take place 'on Saturday, June 22, 1974, at three o'clock, in St. Peter's Roman" Catholic Church, Gide rich. -22 15. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF 'Victor Frank Harrison. All persons having claim"; against the Estate of. Victor • Frank Harrison late of Kilbarchan Nursing Home, 46 Church Street, • Seaforth deceased, who died on or about the 16 day of March, 1974, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Represen- tative of the said deceased on or before the .8th day of June, 1974, full particulars of their, claims. Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will ' di►itribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated at Goderich this 6th day o'f, May, 1974, Victoria and Grey Trust Company 1 Ontario Street, Stratford, ,Ontario (Executor) By Prest and Egener„ 33 Montreal St. Goderich. Their Solici€ors herein. 20, 21,22AIR 16. PERSONAL AA. Having a drinking problem? Call 524-6001, Write AA, Box 51, Goderich.—tfnc -D0 YOU have marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling' either in your home or in the Wiri'gham Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357-3370.--$tf 17. LOST AND FOUND NOTICE PUBLIC FETING Proposed Amendment No. 5 To The -Official Plan •-.of ,the Town of Goderich Planning Area •n n Pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act, an Official Plan Amendment has been drafted, by the Town of • Goderich Plan- ning Board; The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate certain parcels of land as delineated on Schedule "A" and "B", in order that the future development will be compatible with the existing land use and also in order that the wishes'of the residents will be reflected in the Official Plan. A public meeting will be held to present the Amendment and obtain the views•of all persons interested in the future development of the Plan- ning Area. • This meeting is to be held at Council Chambers, Town Hall TUESDAY, LUNE 4, 1974 ]:1 5 P.m. LOST,oat Point Farms campground on May 20, Tabby caearing pink collar. Answers to Nipper, reward. Call collect 519.271-6931 after 5 p.m. -22 SIAMF,,Sg cat lost in Picton Street West "-Ivrea. Please phone 524- 9062,-22 LADY'S brown wallet lost on Hamilton Street. If found please reply to Box 117, Signal -Star. Reward offered. --22 20. TO GIVE AWAY ORANGE, gray and white female kitten, part S'ratnese, 6 weeks old, weaned, litter trained. Phone 524- , 7575.-22nc ' • ' PUP three months old barn German Shepherd part collie. Preferably to a rural area. Phone 524-8023.----22 is FISCAL YEAR-END CLEARANCE all serious offers considered make us an offer now and SAVE make us an offer on anything on the lot - special savings on stock over 90 days RAF'S Arwt�irican Motors and Jeep 268 Bayfield Road Godarleh FINA 'SERVICE John Graf Gord Munrod 524-8411 or 524.8841.