HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-2-1, Page 4biished in I877
EIX 4111,
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(Mere entity aceommodetien oopslateut 'with
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Interest !Mewed en &motto.
_Drafts issued Pantehle at any to 0 the
wereleente Bank.
OTZS DeSeertneenn, and MONZTTO LOAN
N N0wES and XeltreAGSS,
Imam -An business attimancemente
110tieee of Public meetings, entertainments
Andean salon °tee a,ppearing in there local
*columns will be (Merged for at the rete of Ave
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to pereons lonieg Open mounts. We ineure
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4OTES AIM COMM /e -111'S
It is said that after the mix", session
of the Ontario Parliament several pro-
minent supporters of,the party will re-
tire from the House to the quietude of
good fat offices.
x x x
A fight overthe school book monopoly
is now going on bole eon ll'On. G. W.
Ross and W. Gage. We hope that
yentilating it will relieve the people's
pockets from the extra expense for
school books that the Hon. G. W. Ross
has been draining from them for the past
nine years to feed his rnonop.oy with.
x x x
The Government returns show that
Sir Oliver Mowat's son, Fred, Sheriff of
Toronto, received the following salaries
for the past five years -In 1838, $1'7,-
286.39; in 1889, 118,445.02; 1890, $18,-
828.76; 1891, $17,662.83; 1892, $17,566-
10. The greater portion of this amount
is made up from big fees paie. by the
x x x
The Liberal -Conservatives throughout
shark, are once more rallying to their
ander& with their old-tima enthus-
m. They form one solid front, the
roads of reform agitations and schemes
Janiiing had n& effect. The: session opens
at Toronto early in February. It is
understood that it will be very short,
the house will dissolve and an appeal
be made to thapountrybefore the snows
x x
The Patrons ought to have in their
platform a Butter Reform Plank.
With wheat at 60 cents a bushel, and
with little prospect of higher prices
prevailing in the immediate future, the
t farmers of Ontario ought to be educat-
ed in the art of making good butter.
Improved and scientific methods 'of
butter -making adds 25 per cent. value
to the product as made on the old-time
principles. Our farmers can branch
out into this industry on a large scale.
There is little danger of over -production,
• as we have an immense field for the sale
• of good butter in the British markets.
That market is certain, and is not likely
to be disturbed by the imposition of
duties, and it will absorb all the good
'butter Ontario can make.
e Canadian Government is offering
prizes forethe preparation of papers on
the history, geography and resources of
Manitoba and the Northwest Territor-
ies, by echolars ot 15 years and under,
in the schools of the United Kingdom.
Two sets of prizes are offered for Eng-
land, one tor Scotland, one for Ireland
and one for Wales. Each Net of prizes
consists of a first prize of .25, a second
of £2 and a third prize of 41. The
papers are not to contain more than
2500 words, and must be sent in by May
1 next. A certificate must 'ea placed at
the end of each paper by the school-
master or schoolmistress, relating that
it has been composed and written by
the scholar whose name and addrees ap-
pears at top, and that he or she is under
15 years of age: Any further particu-
lars may, be obtained from the High
Commissioner for Canada, London
TuG ROU. 'Edward Wake Addresses
1Koatreal Audience.
the ON of tlee Irlsh and Vnglisli
Tionte Itufers be Obtained lion..
Atm Blake to Sail Angell for
England ca. Inebrue
geliTlenAle in, 130. -Hon. Edward
Blake, member for South Longford in the
linpeeiaI Parliament and one of the leaders
of the Irish party, addressed an audienee
of nearly 2,000 people here last night on
the Horde Rule question. Mr. Blake was
attended by a large number of distinguish-
ed Irishmen, including Hon. „john Costi-
gen, Secretary of State for Canada, Solici-
tor -General Curran, Hon. James McShane
and many others. Mr. Blake was present-
ed with an address and in response made a
long and eloquent speech, in which he re-
viewed the progression of the Home Rule
bill. He declared that the Trish party in
alliance with the English Liberal party
would keep up the struggle until Home
Rule was obtained. The Irish party, how-
ever, would maintain its independence,
and in order to do Bo they counted upon
the national support of the Irish at home
and abroad. Mr. Blake made a strong ap-
peal to all the friends of the Home Rule
cause to render assistance, as the sum of
$45, Q00 wasreguired annually for expenses.
Canada had. already nobly done its part,
and he believed that the subscriptions this
year would show a large increase. Mr.
Blake's remarks were loudly applauded.
At the close $1,400 was collected to assist
the cause. Mr. Blake left here to -day for
' A SQ ke 00 T EAC FR DSC/WNW).
*Isiah Centel/sing etesidenti or 'To -route
island Smashed by rem
TedeOliTO, Jan. 29..-eltlisit Sarah Forest,
who ooeupied the position of eoheol teaelter
on the Island, met a Sad death On Satur-
day, She, accompenied by a number of
other reeidents of the Island, was in the
cite' on that day, and on their return home
their beat was caught between ice floes
and empea to pieces. • The sides were
smashed in and the boat senk at once,
Are the Tactics of the Lawless Gang of
leaving the occupants struggling in tne ioy
water kept from pinking by hanging on to
For nearly half an hoer those in the etuillans C$411:tniszve:ren Follow
%Mom and rut Thent to
Flight -- Sixteen Are
the floating' ice. Miss Forest, who evi-
dently was the weakest oe: the lot, was the
first to let go her hold and. eink from view.
During this time people on the shore were Prresenno, Pa., Jan. 29.-A riot of
making every effort to reeoh the drowning striklue miners took place on Saturday at
persons. Beards, soantlings and poles the Federal and Woodville coal mines, on
were thrown, but none of them could be the Chaetier and Yougleeny rail-
reaehed by those in the water.' At last a road, A. number of shots were exchanged
rope was tied to a stone and thrown out, between the strikers and deputy sheriff,
The other 000nnants of the beet, Mr. Gray, • The mob to the nelmber of 700, left for
Island oonsteble, his wile, Win, Ham and Bridgeville with the avowed intention of
David Kimmel', were mimed, closing the mines there. A telephone
The body of Miss For est was Teem eyed. ineepage from Bridgeville stated that the
an hour afterwards and taken to the rioting miners divided into squads of from
Morgue, She had bee,e teacher at the 150 to 200 men each, and marched from
Island school for four years. She has a mine to mine, intimidating the miners,
sister a school teacher in the city. destroying property and engaging in other
acts of lawlessness.
A Band of Strikers Attempt to 010$e
Mines by Force.
Brtneonvrame, Pa., Jan. 29. -The rioters
, Hungarians, Slave, Poles and other for -
Defalcations Aggregating Many Thousand
eignere, who thronged this town Saturday
Dollars cause His hasty Departure,
spreading ruin and destruction in their
Bnomeats, One, Jan, 29, -The rumor is path, have all disappeared, but there is no
now current that J. F. Moore, treasurer of telling when they will return. The oitn
the township of Whitby, absconded to the
zone are still in a state of terror of armed
United States on Thursday night last, men standiog guard on the street corners
Reeve Calder and Manager Thornton that
and challenging all corners. The ruins of
day discoveeedMoorens defalcations in the the Schulte coal tipple, which was fired,
Dominion Bank at Whitby. Falsified by.
are still smoking and, a crowd of indignant
laws and notes with Calder's name forged spectators stand around discussing what is
to them enabled Moore to get in the bank to be done.
for between eight and nine thousand dol- They passed through the main streets
lars. The township 'council at a special towards the A. 3. Schulte coal mines. As
meeting on Sattutay repudiated all re- they. passed C. P. Mayor's general store
Boston, where he will speak to -morrow sponsibility for liability to the bank on they made an onslaught on his place,
evening. He will Bid' for meowed ess, account of the forged notes: Moore got smashing the front windows. The oe-
an active =amber of the Methodist Church.
DAN CAMPBELL'S DEATH. He was Grand Trunk station agent here
and held a numbei of other offices as well.
No Sensational Pacts X.euk Out In the Living beyond his means is given as under -
Evidence. lying his dishonesty. He was a blonde-
Gnonorrowee Jan. 80. -At the adjourn- whiskered big man, weighing more than
ea inquest on the death of Daniel Camp- n50 pounds.
DOLL held here yesterday, eValter Ca o..^.--.^.-1.--to
February 10th. money frone his neighbors as well He was cupants all fled from the house in terror,
thinking the purpose of the mob was to
burn them up. But all they wanted was
several cases of axe handles that stood
within. A. boisterous clamor announced
the satisfaction of the rioters as -they dis-
tributed the spoils. They went straight to
the &Malta tipple works, which extended
from the hillside out over the Panhandle
railroad tracks, There were several tipple
men present at the time, but they all fled
except Dick Layton, the weigh master.
He made a brave stand as the horde of
foreigners approached. An attempt to ad-
dress them only called forth terrible threats.
Pick handles were wildly brandished and
several weapons were levelled. at Layton.
At the demonstgation he too fled up the
hill while the rioters scrambled to the
tipple. A dozen matches were applied to
tiametructure and it was soon a mass of
flames. • In a moment the entire com-
munity was abroad at the scene of the fire.
The rioters fled over the hills. Efforts
were made to save the works, but nothing
could be done. The tipple, valued at
$5,000, was doomed.
Amid tnimennet exciting scene there oc-
curred an incident that eclipsed even the
disaster. A man's voice rang out through
the silent air. On a freight car a few
paces from the burning tipple stood 0, P.
Mayer, one of the leading citizens and
business men of Bridgeville. It was his
store which had, been invaded by the
robbers. In words trembling with fervor
and eloquent with feeling, he pleaded with
his fellow citizens to avenge the wrong
just committed in their midst, "Let us
organize a band and pursue each scounden1
until brought to justice. Patriotism de-
mands it." The sentiment was greeted
with cheers, including the voices of the
women and children. "We'll do it, we'll
do it," exclaimed voices, and -within ten
minutes a band of twenty armed men had
gathered about Mayer and were clamoring
for action. With looks of determination
on each face, the eband set out in pursuit
of the fleeing horde, which was on its way
towards the Painters' Run district.
The rioters fled like wild animals, with
the citizens close after them. For about
four miles the fight was kept up, the horde
heading toward Heidelburg, where most
of them live. Just as they entered the
town they were overtaken and sixteen of
them captured. The rest escaped. The
prisoners were taken to Mansfield, whore
they 'were placed in the lockup.
brother of deceased, and his sister Mrs. %NAG'
Nathaniel Brown gave evidence touching A Beautiful Indian Girl sold Into Bond-
Bond -
the circumstances surrounding Daniel's age by a Procuress.
death, corroborating the evidence given at". dreeemeouname:S.C.„ ea29-Whites are
the inquest last week. purchaIlifgreindian wedn'eme wholetale
Several other witnesses were examined from the Siwaish it Northern British Col -
but nothing could. bee elicited to place the nmbia. Many cases have been spoken of,
case in unusual prominence. John How- but one pecaliar incident has come prom -
son, a farmer, living near the town, stated inently before the public.
that the Campbell's had started the row Lucy Harrm an Indian girl, famous
on Christmas Eve. but he did net see throughout the Pacific Coast for her. rare
Daniel receive unusually severe handling 'beauty, has been sold into bondetge by eetee
• M- Three or four young men well known in Indian procuress, named Homestead An -
town seem to be deeply implicated in the Me. The price paid was $150 spot cash.
affair. It is reported that two witnesses The father of Lucy Harry Yeas a blonde
have been held on the charge of perjury. Saxon, and bought her mother, a full -
The town hall was well filled, the people blooded Siveash. Lucy has an olive corn-
from'the country are taking a deep inter- plesion, the carriage of a Cleopatra, and
est in the case. Walter Campbell ap- the form of a Venus, while her face of rare
peered with cuts on his face and a band- beauty is framed by a wealth of golden
age over his eye, the results of the hair. The authorities say they will not
Christmas eve set to. allow this slavery to be carried on in the
He said deceased was struck a stunning province. This case in particular will be
blow in the face, knocked down and investigated.
trampled upon by the ciowd, who then
threw them both bodily out of the bar- A Proposed Industrial Farm.
room. They rushed. up to the house of An interesting scheme was broached at
Mrs. N. Brown, sister of deceased, fol- the closing session of the Carleton County
lowed by a threatening crowd shouting, Council Saturday. A resolution was
"Take him in or we will kill him I" Win- brought forward appointing a committee
nese recognized three young men well to report upon the advisability of estab-
known in the town, and said seemed lishing an industrial ferm for the poor and
to be leaders of the mob, juvenile offenders of the county, to en
All the evidence taken goes to show that quire into a suitable site for the same and
Dan Campbell undoubtedly met with foul the cost, with instruct'ons to report there -
play. on at the June session of the Council. The
Constable Bradley was very much an- establishment of such an institution is a
toyed at the course the evidence took, and privilege which the Ontario Legislature
unless the remaining witnesses tell straight grants to all counties in the province, and
stories, other evidence will be secured. and which many have already taken advantage
something startling may be 4oleed for. of. The object is to make the institution
X x x
By-laws toeaboliuh statute lab3r were
defeated In Puslinch and Eramosa, County
oW elliegtOneeast 'week. As similar by -
Isms wore defeated in Yarmouth or South
Dorchester a year ago, the Gelt Reporter
is of the opinion that it is the impraetica.
bility of these proposals which leads to
their defeat, and that it is ateturd to imp -
poen that $10,000 or $12,000 spent annually
In the present condition of the roade in a
township will trienaclamize and make them
good, The only practical 'ewe, it says, is
to fund, 'then borrow an amount eufficient
to pet as f eW roads as Vocable in first
deo, order. In this way it could be done
Without inereating taxation, It Deka if
there is really anything more than news-
paper: tails in the dhotis/den on better
roads, why setae of its advocatee, who
have the ear of Out silo's premier, do not
osuageet to him to pass a road improvement
Act, Whisteby municipalities, eat obtain
Money for impretring roadssfroin the On-
tario GoVernment cheaply, at, is the case of
drainage in teneartinete lodging their doe-
benturee with the Government as security.
• Ayer's Crierry Pectoral be known by Its
orke. The experienett of half a deaturv
lprotes that no other preparetton the
And stopo coughing tied allays irritation of
• the throat and bronchial tubas to promptly
and ettoottlekity as Mill.
Look at the date on your label this
week.„ and see that yoltr name is mark
oil well incaaVtille16.
•gopap dieeontietted unlit a
arrant aea fatty pail ittot at the000
There seems to be great difficulty in, a place for reclaiming young criminals in -
eliciting from the witnesses any facts of stead of having them sent to the county
importance in connection with the case. jail, where they would be surrounded by
The authorities, however, will not let the immoral influences. it will also be a place
matter rest. of refuge for the poor of the county. All
the inmates will be given work to perform
and the criminals at least would be under
severe restraint during the time they re -
Measure Introduced to Abolish the Upper mained there. The scheme will be sup -
Chamber -Council members Pledged, ported by Government and county grants.
HALIFAX, N.S. Tan. 80. -In the Legis-
lative Council yesterday the Leader of the Farm Dwelling Burned.
Government, Hon. George Murray, intro- Commen, One, Jan. 27. - The farm
duced a measure to abolish the *Upper dwelling of Mr. Adam Fenner, just outside
Chamber, and which was read the first the western limit of the village, took fire
time on motion to refer it to the select yesterday morning and was completely de'
committee. stroyed. The members of the family were
Hon. Dr. Parker, Conservative, moved all up at the time. The fire started in the
in amendment that the bill be given a second storey and was not noticed until
three months hoist. This e'eas under dig. the flames had got great headway. The
mission when the House adjoeirried. en fire, however, when first observed, was in
In the House assembly the Government the region of the chimney, whioh was de -
brought in correspondence showing that fective. Mr. Fenner was burned out'about
13 of 21 members, constituting the Conn. four years ago, and the house destroyed
cil, were pledged in writing to vote for its yesterday was erected on the same site at
abolition. The majority of these are now a cost of $700. The household effects
either shirking the responsibility or violet- down stairs Were all saved. The loss is
Ing their pledges outright. " fully covered by insurance.
Vostance Official. Sentenced.
MOXIBIZAL, Jan. 29.-S. Cunningham,an
employe of the Postoffice, was arrested on
Friday by the Secret Service Agency. For
eight years Cunningham hashed the hand-
ling of newspapers and parcels. The de-
tectives found that he was selling cutlery
and other articles to second-hand dealere
at Toy low prices. Some of the articles
were recognized. Cunningham was arrest-
ed. judge Desnoyers' Government officials
made theirespositions on. Saturday. The
prisonereeso said he had been drinking,
pleaded guilty to the one charge of pilfer-
ing postoffiee parcels, He was sentenced
to thee years in the penitentiary.
Destroyed by Fire.
HAII/LTON, Jan. 30. -Yesterday the brick
house on Sanford avenue, occupied. by Rev.
Andrew Goebel, a retired German minis-
ter, was entirely destroyed by fite, to-
gether with most of its contents. • Mr.
Goebel and family escaped uninjured and
succeeded in saving a portion of their
furniture. The house was ineured for
$2,000 and furniture for $900. Loss on
house about $2,500 and on the contents
Thosi'S Ilnan, Ont., Jan. 30. -The saw
and flour mills, owned by Messrs. Moore dc
VanDuseri here, were consumed by fire on
Sunday. The property is covered by in-
surance to the amount of $2,500.
Frozen to Death in a Storm.
HALIFAX, N.S,, Jan. 30,-Cornelins and
;mime Power, two of the otew of the
Gloucester schooner Ed. P. Bython, wrille
at St. John's, Nfld., last week. got permis-
Sion to go to their home, Toad's Cove, for
a couple of days' visit. They drove 'part
of the way and then get out on foot to
cover the rest of the distance. • As they
did not roach home searching parties set
oat and found their bodies on the road,
they having been overcome in the storm
and frozen to death.
Atm. Ittisted by a Belt.
Beeteseeort, Tun. 80. -Win. Mitchell,
Who lives near Grabaroeville, had his arm
datight in the belt el an engine, dislocating
It at the elbow` arid breaking it in fotir
places. The arm was twisted twice by
the revolutions; tate amputation was not
• A 11111sitOrteSt Seri/tut tads
TorionTo, Ian, B0,A eetValit girl ein-
pitoyed by Mr. E, Perryniati, a dry goods
neerelierst of thie city, robbed her employer
of a ring valued at $100 and $276 in cash
on Sunday night, The girl made good her
escape, but wag arrested hist night,
°Malta returns *how eltnejority of
066 foe prehibitis5a fri Middleset County,
nu*chuireh,flanailton. is 60 yeas old,
•,1,11.4„ltit„b.17,,,,ttL20A9,„,,astetietteld Mem-
A. Diabolical Trani°,
TORONTO, Jan. 25. -For some team past
It leas beat known that there has been a
traffic in girls between Toronto and the
tluitedfitates cities for immoral purposes.
Yesterday a man, g'nring hie name as W.
B. Sterling, claiming to Come from Kernipt-
ville, Ont., was talent into ceetody here,
arid it is thought his arrest will teed to
emu° important discoveries. The author
lies have beet on the lookout for some
time, and will make every effort to stop
this dietetical treffic.
A Substitute for Hemp.
TOnOXIO, San. '29, -James Marshall, of
thie city, claims to have found a plant the
fibre ef which hare all the appearence of
flax, though sonitewhet coarser, A rope
has been made li the Material Which
shows superabutida ace of strength. Ex-
perimente with this plant may result in
the profitable ellithation of it ler all pun.
poses for which hemp is now need, its it is
growing wild arid may be cultiveted to any
extent Inc Canada.
ilcay Aeowned.
Yarounorn, bT,S., San. 20, -On. Friday
evening three boys brolte throeght the ice
in Third pen& at Hebron, and one, named
•drowned, The other two were restated
Gfoorge Strickland, aged 18 Yeats, W9.9
with much- difneulty.
• riradstrett's repOrted 48 business fail-
irres in Canada last week. • The infinher
was the same the Weelt be40t0r and tato in
-thi31,0410.0.814.01.k.a,...i.*Idk,..,,,..41,6 6
• UNTIL FEBRUARY 1st, 194, we will
at greatly reduced prices FOR Can, any and everything carried in his Mammoth
Steck of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tinware, Stoves,Furnaces,Lamps, Limp Goods,
Washing Machines,Wringers Churn.s,a.nd, everything kept in a first-class Hardw awe store.
This is no chaff, as we will positively sell for FROM 15 TO 40 PER CENT BELOW PRESENT PRICES. Call
end be convinced.
N. B. -All 13ooktekacounts"raust be settled on or before the lob day of February. After that date all.• Eurs.smeitot1Ded.
The farm in Exeter, conteining1130 aeree more or less, also the livery barn on .John-st., Exeter, will be sold at a
bargain. Full particulars on application to J. E. tie A. 3, leloDONELL, Hensel' and Exeter.
Accounts will be placed into othee hands for colleotion.
Ig4117%.4.451.26.3/CIC 11215.19(11101...11.
The Important Events to a Few NVords
for Busy Readers,
Dr. Boulter, ex-M.P.P. for North Hast-
ings, died last Thursday:
Mr. Arthur McQtnecle, ex -KP. for South
Victoria, died at Ornemee Sunday evening,
The Russian Government, it is said, will
shortly extend the circuit in which Jews
are free to settle.
Saturday, January 27, has been definitely
selected as the opening day of San, Fran-
cisco's midwinter exposition.
An earthquake which devastated 9,000
square miles occurred in the Tibetan dis-
trict of Kada, China, on Aug. 29.
Sir Thomas IVIcIlwraith, thrice Premier
of Queensland, is now on Canadian soil,
having reached Vancouver last week.
West Middlesex Conservatives have
nominated John A. Leitch of Glencoe as
their candidate for the Legislature,
Lennox Reformers met Saturday and
selected Mr. Thos. Symington of Napanee
as their candidate for the Legislature.
Emperor William has invited the Duke
of York to visit Berlin to attend the an-
nual banquet of the Knights of the Black
It is alleged that Premier Orispi of Italy,
In view of the recent revolt, will demand.
that plenary power be bestowed upon him
for a year.
The press of Berlin generally censures
the police for their violence towards the
crowd of unemployed which gathered last
Thursday. e
The business portion of Catawba Island,
in Late Erie, off Sandusky, Ohio, was de-
stroyed by fire on Sunday. Loss $20,000;
no insurance.
The condition of Grand Duke George,
second son of the Czar, has become critic-
al. He suffers from consumption and. is
22 years old.
At the annual meeting of the North Grey
Reform Association on Saturday Mr. Jas.
Cleland, 14. PP., was renominated. for the
Canada's monster cheese is lying at a rail-
way station in London. About 12 inches
of the top is said to be bad, but the bal-
ance is sound.
The Prussian Budget, presented last
week, estimates the revenue for the coming
year at 1,870,449,391 marks, an increase
4,936,131 marks.
Nineteen Guernsey cows which were in-
fected with tuberculosis were killed. at
Rhinebeck, In, Y., Thursday. They were
valued at $7,000.
Argument on the motion to quash the
McGreevy -Connolly conviction was con-
cluded Saturday at Osgoode Hall, and
judgment reserved.
Harry Je Woolley, the engineer who was
charged with manslaughter in connection
with the Battle Creek horror, hae been dis-
missed from custody.
The Patrons of Middlesex held a meet-
ing in London last week and confirmed the
nominations previously made in, the var-
ious ridings of the county.
Officers Elected for the Current Year -
Their Political Platform.
HAMILTON, Jan, 26. -The P.P.A. con-
vention continued its proceedings in secret
session all clay yesterday. The election of
officers resulted as already predicted. The
following are officers for the ensuing year;
Grand President, Rev. J. C. Madill,
belwood; Grand, Vice -President, Joseph
Kinersley, Toronto ; Grand Secretary,
Jackson Little, Toronto; Grand Treasure;
E. J. Roberts, London; Grand. Chaplain,
Rev. F. R. Ghent, Walkerville; Grand
Secretary of State, James F. Harper, Ham-
ilton; Grend Gupris, R, Noxon, Brandon,
Man., J. Graham, Havelock, and W.
StaiThthe'BprainrtcliePal portion of yesterday's ses-
sion was taken up by the report of the
legislative committee. They reported. on
the platform to be adopted by the assoon
onion ire the forthcoming Provincial and
Dominion elections. The committee in
their report were in favor of the adoption
of a platform similar to that of the Pat-
rons of Industry. They also reported in
favor of making a strong fight against
ilanarate schools, against the giving of
government grants to private hospital/
and in favor of government inspectors or
all private schools and seminaries. The
committee's report was adopted with
minor amendments,
Hammon, Jan, 27. -The P. P, A. non
volition did not adjotire until 1.30 yester-
day morning and. the Executive Committee
was in session for two hours after that
time. It became manifest that if the
work of the convention was to be got
through at all rodtine work would have to
be relegated to 'special committees, and
this 'was done. Delegates watched with
great vigilance all proceedings of the eon-
vettion and no resolution could be carried
Which had for its object the endorsation
or condemnation in any way of the pre-
sent Dominion or Provincial Governinente,
Mush time was time taken up in argument
and the business of the convention was
Trent bank statement issted
actattOattaa7a for'December shows that the
average bank eirculation for Canada. in
1893 wee the greeteet it the history of
A bill has again been introduced in the
New York State Assembly to exalt from
all foreign corperations in that state a fee
of ono -eighth of one per cent. on the (seen.
tel of the esenparne.
E. Ingram, formerly Reeved' the Town-
ship of Enniskillen, was on Friday ap-
pointed Treasurer of the Comity of Lamb -
ton, which poeition eeee vat:shed, Vice
lemerie A, 'Vidal, resigned on Miebtiet of
ill health. •
ga of the A, 0, U. 'Wn' eat
Metitiesie PrOVilleSS
An influential deputation of newspaper
men of Ontario waited. on the Attorney -
General last week and asked for changes
in the libel law of the Province.
The United State e House of Representa-
tives has decided that the free wool clause
of the Wilsen tariff bill shall take effect
immediately after the passage of the bill.
Ibis stated in London that the naval
programme to be submitted to the British
Parliament at next session will involve an
expenditure n7,000,000 greater than usual.
Exeter, Januar.v,2 1894,
Fall wheat perbush,...43 56 $ 58
Spring wheat per bueb........ 56 56
Barley per bush.. ,,... 35 86
Oats Per • .“. 29 30
Peas per hush
PAoptpaltoose Ps opre rb abga ,, . 4 0751 4525O0
Flour per bbl
Hay per ton 6 00
Wood pot cord hard.,.... 8 00
'Weed per cord soft.. , ,. 2 00
Butter per lb.. 16
ETIglgrks opyest. dposereint) ... ......... • •••• 15
Pork per hundred
Hogs, live weight.. • 6 CO
Da ; ...... •
. . 5
Lire is Mislay.
To many people who have the taint of
scrofula in their blood. Tho agoeiee
caused by the dye edful running nor as and
other manifestations of this disease are
beyond description. There is no other
remedy equal to Hood's Stamp twine. for
scrofula, rah rheum 2nd every fosne of
blood. disease. It is reasonably sure to
benefit all who give it a fair trial.
• Hood's Pills cure all liver Ole.
1, • e 1, 4
P. nneenemas Curse,
Sins. -I have been greatly troubled with
headache and bad blood for ten or twelve
years. I started to take Burclook Blood.
Bitters in July, 1893, and now d"(January,
1894), I am perfectly (lured,
Hugh Drain, Norwood, Ont.
Woodstock, Ont., Jan. 27, -The Count
Council in Sir Oliver Mowatni constitneno
have gone beak on the Premier to the ex
toot of indorsing the plank of the platform
of the Patrons of Indmetre, Petitioning the
Legislature to pass an enactment em po wet -
beg the County 'Connoils to appoint the
county officials paid by the county.
The Eastern Townships Bank, Montreal,
is instituting criminal proceedings against
Andrew Soratartille, private banker, of
Bontingt on, who recently failed for $160,-
000. Owing to Somervillees feeler° the
firm of Boyd .& Co., foundere end imple-
ment matrafacturere bevel abandoned their
NATIMAL G.&1 ui HAMMT0141.--- lqatUra
gas has been found in Hamilton as yet only
in pockets, h le tem but Ain it must be
there and if found in quantity it will make
lianaNconis good xnanufecturing centre and
relieve the finanoial &premien; ae it is,
Ham flea has been too extravagant and
ambitious. So it is with the humennystem
when overtaxed, eiek end nervous heed,
aches!, notralgia and billeueneme moue, bet
use Stokes Powders, a never failing cure,
prompt arid pleasant.
..... .
Chicks... ......„
7 01)
3 50
2 25
0 e0
Londozni Jan, 31, 1891:
Wheat, white, fall ,100113s... -91 00 to $1 02
Wheat, red., fall, per 100 lbs... 97 to
Wheat, spring, per 100 lbs 95
Oats, per 08
Peas, per 100 lbs.., .. 87
Corn, per 100 lbs..................92
Barley, per 10C lbs CO
Rye, per 100 lbs 90
Buckwheat, per 100 90
Beets, per bus.............I CO
hggs, fresh, single doz... .... • 18
Eggs, fresh, basket, per dos— 14
Eggs, fresh, store lots, per dos 10
Butter, single rolle, per 22
Butt er, perlb,11b rolls,baskets 22
utter, p er lb. large_ rolls or
crooks .. 16
Butter,per'lb, tuber firkins 18
Lard, per lb 11
Chickens, per pair..... ..... 50
Ducks.... ........... ... - . 70
Turkeys, 8 to Sc Der lb': each 50
Okertort,-Iirrivere of any Man le/10
offer! You an 1014101bn article, 06 Mailer
whet it is, tba say it is 'just As good at the
genuine,' they sell all hind's of ishrim re.
re edieie in this way upon the repteetiou of
the Vain gine and gettlie gen,
Pine Mid° by Perry Dario' Largo hottlai,
popular pride.
to 1 00
to 99
to 90
to 95
to 90
to 90
to 90
to 110
to 20
to 16
to 12
to 24
to 24
+0 20
to 18
to 12
to 75
to •80
to 1 75
Every clay brings Fresh
Grists to our
Men's Rubber Coats,
regular price $3.26, for
$2.50, to clear, good
value. Men's Heavy
Ulsters and Overcoats,
excellent -values,will sell
at cost price, for Cash.
Come and examine the
NOTICE -Produce, Eggs, Butter
Poultry,Etc. will be taken in Exchange
for regular &ode.
Wheat, white, pebus.....
Wheat, spring, per bus,.. . .. .. ... 69 to 59
Wheat, re a winter, per .... 6.8to 54 ............
Wheat, goose, per bus 4 o
Barley. per bus • • - ...... ...... 43 to' 44
Oats, per bus . .. ......... 30 to 31
that billiousness removed from they,
Women who can't:take pills can hays
systems by Eaeljay's Liyer Lox ages. e5o.
leas... .. . - 52 o 2
6 30 t o 6 50
Eggs per dozen
al•nr..*w.fewsownamscreamr......• k ,
BORN. 50 to 00
10 50 tt oo 22 25
8 09 to 9 00
In Lumley, where a good business can be
peewee= eieweenieemnelealdiant;ymy. IN.
at druggists.
SKINNER -In Usborne, on the 23rd. tette the
wife of Sorel Skinner of a son49 to
SWwARTS-In Wingham, on the 15th ult,, the
ife of Mr. John Swans, of a daughter.
Potatoes, per lien
MUM ede wELS -M G otiorieh , on the
22nd uli., by Rev Jas. A. Anderson, 13.A, ldr.
Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given th.st
Neil id urray to Miss Rose Welsh, both of
the estate ofJohn Glavin,laro of the Township
In pursuance of Sex. 36, Chap. 110, ovised
VEG Ro eTryi
n Brantford, on ;the 29th ult., W.
of Bidduleh, in the County of Middlesex, far.
all creditors and others having claims against
11. Vents, aged 64 years.
HARRIS -In 'Osborne, on tho 29th Sohn
Harris, aged 76 years, 1 month.
ELDON-At Kirkton, on the 18th ult., Robert
Elden, aged 73 years and 11 months.
CAMERON -In Blowhard, on tho' 21st ult.,
Catherine Cameron, aged 71 years and 6 mos,
PYN'E-At North Branoh,Mieh., on the lath
ult.. David Pyne, for many years a resident
of St, Marys, aged 73 years.
GUEST -At Virden, Mon., on the 23rd ult..
Thomas F. (mueSt, M. D,. eldest son of the
late T. B. Guest. Eel.. St Marys,a gad 41 y ears.
Kold kUre has proved i
infallble for
the past three years in cases ot Grip.
Try I.
"Don't talk to rue about your political
i ems," said a facetious old valetudinarian,
"I tell you there is no ism on earth so bad
as rhenniatiem," The venerable sufferer
was right. St. Lawrence's gridiron or
Quatimosdn's pallet of fire was not more
emphatically a bed of torment than the
couch of the martyr to rheumatism, It is
generally considered by the faculty one of
the most obstinate as well as one of the
most painful of maladies, and it certainly
does resist all ordinary remedies with ex-
traordiniery pertinacity. Skill and science,
however, iiethis age of progress, seem to
master all opposition; and oven this painful
disease, entrenched among the muscles,
and interknit, as it were, with the sinews
and tendons of our trames, is -compelled to
yield to the curatives they have provided.
We have it on unquestionable authority
-the testimony of patients themselves -
that rheuenatinin'hovrever deeply seated,
may be cured by the regular and persistent
application of Holloway's Ointment. This,
we feel assured, will be welcome intilligeuem
to thousands; of sufferers, bed -ridden by the
dieeaee, or limping with stiffened joints
along the pathway to the tomb. In a
climate where the quicksilver sometimes
makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down,
the complaint is of course a prevalent one,
and in our new settlements at the West,
along the alluvial borders of our great
rivers, in the hemloolt swamps of the South
and in all low and damp looations, few
persons reach the age of forty years with-
out a rhoupeatio visitation. It is clear,
therefore, that a preparation whittle will
afford, immediate relief, and effect event-
ually a thorough onto of the complaint,
must be at special value to the people of
all countries. We cannot reasonably
don et, in view of the well -attested sesta-
nieete which have been laid before us,
dustained as they are by eirourestatees
within our ownknOwledge' that the (lini-
ment referred to will effectthat object; and
among all the bonefite which the dismovere
les of that oeletteted pnysinian aridmatieropiet have sainferred upon mankind,
this is certainly not thaleaet importeett.
Many an industrious tiller of the soil,
whose sorvieee aro needed in the field, is
at this moment langtiehieg on a bed of
sickness; the hands that should guide the
plough or grasp the spade rendered power -
leer. by rheumatism. Marty a toiler in
every branch of productive labor is similar-
ly satiated; and we oat imagine with whet
joy these oufferare would hail the means
of immediate cure. TO all such we feel
juitified ins recommending the behead°
remedy, the application (+whistle With the
aid of te few doses of Holloway's Pills to
reguistiesthe.ititetnel organrawoulds welfeel
assured, **store them tosiasalth sted tteeful-
Zoete-Daily Argea,
bated Ma X.Tagyard'il
PbOtoral .13/41/11101 incur houte for over 3
years, and find it at exeellent remedyfor
allforms of coughs and, old* In throat
gier, deceased, who died on or about the 28th
day of November, 3895, are required to send 1/7
post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned
Exeoutors of th,e esteto of the said &weaned,
on or before the 3rd day of Marola,1894, a state-
ment of their names and addresses, and full
particulars of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them, and that
after the said last mentioned date the said
Execetors wilt proceed to distribute the mime
of the said deceased among the parties entitled.
thereto, regatd being had only to the elaims
of which notice shall have been received, and
the said Exeoutors will not be liable for the
assets, or any part thereof, to any person of
whose claim notice shall not hero been receiv-
ed, at the time of suds distribution.
Centralia P. O.
T. W. MACDIARMIP, Solicitor.
Centralia, Tater Slit, 1894.-4in. •
In the matter of the estate of Alex-
ander Clark, • late of the township of
Stephen, in the County of Huron, Yeo-
man, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given rarsuant to Chapter
110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,11387,
that all persons having claims against the
Estate of the said late Alexander (Mark, who
died on the.21stiday of June, 1594, are requested
to deliver or send by post prepaid to the under
signed James Clark, Executor of the last will
and.tootament otthoosid:Decoasod, on (Willer.
the 1511 day of February 1894, a statement in
Writing containing their names and addresses
and full particulars of their claims duly vett-
fiod by Statutory Declaration and the nature of
the security (if any) hold by them, and that
after the said last mentioned date tho said
Biteoutor will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said Estaie among the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to claims of whioh
notice shall have been received as above re.
quired, and the said Executor will net be
liable for the said assets, or ant' pert thereof
so distributed, to any person or persons of
whose claims notice shall not have bona,' Div..
ad at the time of such distribution,
esegh Executor, Crediten
Dated ilthanany 'Bien
Xii the matter of the Estate of Mary
Oke,late of the Township of Usborne,
widow, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given Pursuant to the Re-
vised Statutes Of ,Ontario, 1887, chapter 110.
see. 36, that • all creditors and other merlons
haying claims against the estate of Mary Oke.
Into of the Township of lUsborae widovr deco.
axed, who died on ot about the llith 'doe of
December, 1803, are,on or before the lot day of
Menne A. D„ 1894,required to deliver to the
undersigned. Senator fox the Exoeutor,Walier
John 0 ko, a statement in writing, containieg
their limner and addresses, description" and
full particulars of their claims, and the nature
of the mouri ties (if any) held by !hem'mid thee
said Executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased orating the parties
entitled thereto, baying regard wily to Ow
claims onwhich he ehaliihen have notice, and
will not be liable It the assets so distributed
or any part thereof, to ,any persons of whose
claim the !Mall not then here noble,. The
said claims must be dule and legally Tabled by'
Statutory decleration
Solleitor for the Beeeutork
Dated at Exeter this 15th / Exeter, Oat.
day of January, 1854. 5
In the matter of the Estate of the late
Henry Yager, late Jai the TOW111thip of
Ray, m the County of Iluron,
Wee& thM,Ifter the lnik
Chet 110 ,that all persona havine claims eishist
the eeitattelf Hemet Yester, the aboye melted
doomed, the died at the said Township of
Bay On the eighth day of Ootobet, A. D., 1898,
ate. Chet before the Vita day of eelerah, A. D.,
leee, to send UV best, pteloiid, to WI eaderiditn.
Ott nerelpistrator of the estate of the staid die,
ceased, their imemediddemolee inittdpridriptitinie
With fell Detticultets end letooe Of their antigen
and a Statement Of their imeeunt, and the
nature of theitilee (if,0157/1101dtboyo:617: