HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-23, Page 12° FAGS 12--GOOERIC B SIGNAL -STAR, THURSPA1 ► MAY 23, 1974 8. HELP*WANTED, FLOOR COVERING INSTALLER Experience in Sheet Vinyls and /or Carpet Fulltime Job All Company ,Benefits Apply in Person„ to BETTERIDGE, FLOOR. -,.. COVERINGS LTD. 154 Downie St. STRATFORD 27Y-9830 20,21b 9. WANTED (General) PIECES of- Royal Albert ':Dainty -Blue” bone china. Call Sharon at 524-7875.-20,21 nc -ACCORDION wanted. Phone 524- 6321.-21,22 rJc, ° SET of Lawn howls 4 :34— Phone 524-6468 after 6"..-10 1.1. TENDERS TENDER .The Huron County Board of education will receive plainly marked sealed tenders on the following up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 3, 1974. Audio Visual Equipment. Draperies, and Classroom & Library Fur- nishings. . Specifications 'and tender forms may be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any , tender . not necessarily accepted. E. C. Hill, Chairman. D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education. •TOWNSHIP QF COLBORNE TENDER FOR GRAVEL SINGLE snowmobile trailer .Call Sealed tenders, plainly marked, 524.6879.-21,22 "Tenders for Gravel" will be CEMENT mixer. also treadle received by the undersigned until sewing machine bottom Phone 524- ` '5.p.m. • 6404 -19,20,21 June 3, '1974 for approx. 2500 cu. yd. of gravel COMPLETE household effects or loaded and spread on Dunlop road small lot, wanted. Call .C' and E from Township pit. Approximately Furniture, 5244 -72:31.7 --of _ 900 to 1000 cu,.yd. per day, Contract to be completed by June 15, 1974: All tenders must be accompanied by a certifiedcheque for 10% of tender. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily cepted,' RABBITS FOR MEAT Contact Ray Hanna RR 2, Auburni 11. TENDERS 11. TENDERS Mel Good,' Road" Supt.,-`, RR 5, 'Goderich, Ont:' N7A 3Y2 Township of Goderich PIT RUN-TNDER Tenders are being called for the loading and delivering of ap- proximately.15,000 cubic yards pit run gravel from the township pit to .road construction site between September. 1 and Oc- tober 15,'1974. All tenders are to be accompanied by�,rtified Cheque for $1,000 and. to -be' in the hands of the roafuperin- tendenf by 6 p.m. June 3, 1974. Lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. For further particulars contact "! b. Road Superi,ntetident, Joe', Potter, R.R. 3, Clinton. 21,22b The Corporation of the Town of Goderich TENDERS FOR THE SOUTH TRUNK STORM SEWER .OUTLET Sealed tenders clearly marked as to content!, will be received until 12:00 NOON, D.S.T. on Friday, May 31st, 1974 by Mr. J. Harold Walls, Town Administrator, Clerk -Treasurer, Town of Goderich, 57 West Street, Goderich, -Ontario, for the construction of the South'Trunk Storm Sewer Outlet. The work consists of constructing 4,421 lineal feet of Armco Smooth -Flo corrugated steel pipe, ranging 'in size from 66 inches in diameter to 48 inches in.. diameter, together with 116 lineal feet of ditch diversion, the construction of manholes and catch basins, the replacement of, an outfall structure; the extension of two existing trunk lines, and the necessary lateral 'connections t,o the work. Plans, specifications, tender forms, etc., may be obtained either at the office of the undersigned or at the office of Mr. J. Harold Walls, Town Ad- ministrator, on deposit of $25.00 per set, made payable to TodghaM and Case Limited, which is refundable only to those submitting bids, on the return of plans and specifications in good con- dition, not Tater than June 21st, 1974. '°• Each tender must be accompanied by a cer- tified cheque madepayable to the Corporation of the Town of Goderich, for 10% of the amount of the tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Todgham and Case Limited Consulting Civil Engineers 151 Thames Street Post OHIce Box 386, Chatham, Ontario NM 5K5 SEALED TENDERS on forms and in envelopes available from the of fico of the undersigned will be received until 4:30 p.m. on: Wednesday, June 12, 1974 • for 3 - DUMP TRUCKS Three used County trucks will be traded in. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J.W. Britnell, P, Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court. House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120. ` - ,,ttt 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE, Saturday, May 25. 1974. St. George's Rectory lawn. 1 p.m. Tent, TV ' aerial, radio - record console, mirrors, bath tub. good china, tricycles, beds, banto, 'child's swing set, kitchen cabinet; hooks, white pine baking board, fur muff, brass handles, chairs, tables, manv More items. Mike Cummings AuctioneerY' Terms - cash.721 1x3. SERVICES AVAILABLE LADIES -,,, Summer will soon he here, be ready for it. Have your Out fits made by Dianne.- Phone 524- 2492,.-18tfar HAVE ''our rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone' 524- 8892, iGoderich. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equipment, work guaranteed, Write ,or phone H.T. Dale, 1int.on. Phone 482-:3;320.-tf 1 ROOFING done at reasonable rates. Also trim painting and win• down cleaning. Phone 524- 90451-18,19,20,21 CHIMNEYS. And CARPENTER JOBS • For new or pointing up old chimneys or small ' carpentry jobs. . VERNON GLENN AUBURN,. ' 1-526-7238 Cleariflg. AUCTION of Machinery and Feed will be held flit Jack MacLennan Lot 34, Con. Lake Range Ashfield Twp. 3 miles south of Ar- berley and 3 north of Kintail on Highway 21. Saturday, June 1 AT 1 2:30 ,P.M. UVEST.00K • . A herd dispersal of high quality "grade Holstein cows and heifers. They are sired 'by Unit sires such as . Perseus, Edgeware Wayne Achilles and Edgeware Pietje Boy 1974 butter fat test of 3.8%. The herd consists of 13 Holstein cows, some fresh, balance due from early July on breeding dates announ- ced day of sale. Seven Holstein heifers due in December,bred Shorthorn, TWO' Holstein open heifers, rising two years old, Four Holstein heifers, 1 year old sired by Wayne Achilles, Four, Holstein heifers 5 months old, sired by Wayne Achilles, Ten Holstein steers, approx. 500 lbs. An entirely home bred herd, sired by unit sires. All cows bred over sixty days will be pregnancy tested. DAIRY EQUIPMENT New, Idea milker and extra parts for same, 8 can spray type cooler, 6 can milk cooler, 30 milk cans, 710 John Deere tractor with 1400 hrs. 510 John Deere tractor with loader, recently overhauled, 3' furrow John Deere plow with 12 in. bottoms, 8 foot Massey Ferguson disc with 3 point hitch, 8 foot John.Deere cultivator;'4 section of diamond harrows and harrow pole and two extra sections, 11 run M.H. seed -drill, Model R John Deere • manure spreader, 7, foot, John Deere mower, power take off, John Deere rake with 13 point hitch, 38 ft. Little Giant elevator with grain' hood and P.T.O. shaft, Spread master manure spreader, 16 ft. 4 in. grain auger and extension, 16 ft. 4 in. grain' auger, 16 ft. 18 in. blower pipe and other pipes for culverts, - Viking hammer milt with 1 H.P. electric motor. FEED Approx. 2500 bales -of hay ,and 500, bales of straw. Approx. 20 tons of mixed grain Other items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH - FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents or in- juries on property day of sale. • PROPRIETOR: Auctioneer: GRANT McDONALD, Ripley JACK MacLENNAN Phone 395-5353 13. -SERVICES AVAILABLE 1.3. SERVICES AVAILABLE .CAI,!, NOW "to have your garden CUSTOM CORN PLANTING. Call tilled .Norman Leddv, phone 524- Ralph Mathews, 529..7133.--21,22 69 7 '3 —2 1 - 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION t TLE ATHWEL.L.'S 411 AUCTION SALE bf Clinton and Brussels area- consignment to be held at \t) Knapps Auction Centre on Friday evening, May 24 at 7:15 p.m: - Furniture and' Antiques - 5 pc wrought iron lawn furniture; 2 boston rockers; 2 pine lanket boxes; washstand; brass bed; brass and iron bads; 2 hanging hall lamps (one cranberry); oak drop front writing desk; china cabinet; hall tree; captain's chair; 2 sets of eight matching chairs; Duncan Ptljfe drop leaf table; piano bench; baby buggy; 2 lawn mowers; cast iron ket- tle; cast iron; crocks; carnival punch bowl, cups; mustache cup; shaving mug; and many many more items. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 482-3120 - Brucefield 21b ESTATE AUCTION SALE , To be held for the Estate of Ethel H. Fowlie in the Village of Bayfield (Main St.) on Saturday, May 25 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting „of Furniture .and Antiques - 3 pc. bedroom suite; 5 pc matching settee suite; Maison & Reisch upright piano (oak case); Writing desk; Fleetwood 19" portable TV; 2 sets - 6 press back chairs small oval table; hall tree; cherry• drop leaf; sideboard; pine jam cupboard; beds; dressers; washstands;: 6 and 8 pc toilet set; buffet; large extension table; captains chair; boston rocker; oak cane bottom rocker; other rockers; oil lamps; steeple clock; New Haven weighted clock; Treadle sewing machine; 10 matching chairs; oxford box wood stove with oven; Black 'Smith desk; small itchen .:appliances; refrigerator; glass and china; caster set; 2 coleman heaters, 'new; picture frames; copper boiler; cast iron; tobacco cutter; ,crocks; 2 jewellery, reflectors; many more items.' RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD. 482-31 20 21,b a. IMPORTANT AUCTI e N SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:00 P.M. -BALL AUCTIONS LTD. -, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO ITEMS OF INTEREST • New Leonard refrigerator with matching 30" electric stovem • (green. or gold), Leonard autoatic washer and dryer,. elec- trophonic Morse quality component set with 8 track tape deck, • 6 lovely styles of Morse stereos, Morse sewing machine, large selection of bedroom and , chesterfield suites in styles of Spanish, Colonial, French Provincial & Modern, new single and double beds, lovely table and swag lamps, 4 stylea,,,of cof- fee and end table sets, kitchen dunes In a variety of styles and colours, Lazyboys, Sets of dishes, radios, sets of silverware and gift items and many more items too numerous to mention. This is a:,large sale consisting bf quality furniture which will be sold to thehighest bidder. NOTE: Terms of sale are cash and our handy TKM budget plan. There is plenty of parking and seating. A refreshment booth and, washroom facilities are available. SALES CONDUCTED BY: BALL AUCTIONS LTD., BRUSSELS AUCTIONEER: G.J. BALL -- PHONE 887-9363 SHORT NOTICE - Clearing Auction Sale of• Complete Line of Power Tools Hardware Goods and New Furniture ,8. HELP WANTED 8. HELP'WANTED THURSDAY, MAY 23 Do you... ENJOY READING?' Do Yost... - READ ACCURATELY?° ' DO You ... REQUIRE 'EMPLOYMENT? » ' DROP I SOON For a personal interview, - we require a PROOF READER Apply in per n 10 Lloyd 'Lounsbury' GODE'RICH SIGNAL STAR• 5.P 7:30 P.M., BALL AUCTIONS BRUSSELS Partial Listing r---{ • Black & Decker jig saw, circular saw, router, electric 'lawn- mower, electric drills, sanders, drill press, table saw, hedge trimmer, grass trimmer, grinder, chain saw, tool boxes, ham- mers, saWs, wrenches, screwdrivers, socket sets, vice grips, trouble lights, levels, step ladder,propane torch, paint rollers, turpentine, paint brushes, drill sets, shop vacuum, drill boxes, garden tools, hose stand, car vacuum, power mower, Morse Electrophonic quality component set with 8 track tape deck, 6 lovely styles of Morse Skereos, Morse completely automatic° sewing machine, large se action of bedroom arid chesterfield suittps,,df, styles of French Provincial, Spanish, Colonial and Modern, new single, double and queen size beds, decorative table and swag lamps, lovely coffee and end table sets, kitchen suites in `a variety of colours, sets of dishes, sets of silverware / and many more items too numerous to mention. NOTE:Terms of sales are ,Cash or our handy TKM budget plan. There is lots of .f seating and' parking and , a refreshment bdoth and washroom facilities are available. Sale Conducted by: BALL AUCTIONS LTD. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 gl9tf VACUUM—CLEANERS SALE, S & SERVICE . _ ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 26? -5748 gctfn CUSTOM' SPRAY PAINTING BARNS and INDUSTRY FREE ESTIMATES Phone 482—.9202. JIM BOLGER R.R. 2 CLINTON • CEMENT WORK of all kinds I.. free estimates Phone 8 2 4.-9 8 39 Mr. Tom Lawrence R.R. .6, Goderich 21,22b LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION kiromirookrooftworamitrisooka Crushed Road gravel, crushed ,, stone (for drainage work)" Clean Cement Gravel, Pit=,Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work, Screened. Top Soil CLINTQN .- 402-7¢44 Phone evenings or before 1 a.m. , tfn YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEM Have Carpet Care Clean them with Steam 524-2440 -SEAL TREAT YOUR DRIVEWAYS NOW FREE ESTIMATES ON ,. ASPHALT 'DRIVEWAYS 524-9048 131 SERVICES AVAILABLE HOFFMEYER Plumbing o Heating Ltd: APPLIANCES a5 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis . washers, - dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges ACE' RADIO & TV Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of • Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WTh OX -524-77.7,1 PIANO TUNING and REPAIR Protect the value of your _piano:` • Have it tuned and inspected regularly.. . call Bruce Pulsifer SEAFORTH 527-0053 SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty' Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 —1711 SCREENED -. TOP. SOL Lyle Montgomery Clinton 4.82-7644 .. C0fld'C(1,)tFlt/ & garden, entre * DESIGN * MAINTENANCE * CONSTRUCTION • I BLDG. 16 ° VANASTRA . ONTARIO 482-9565 4 JOHN H. RUEGER CLEANING SERVICE 18 WALKER STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 482-9072 • FLOORS • WALLS' WINDOWS ' 20-23b 1 r BY APPOINTMENT ONLY GROOMING Cll PPI NG•BATHINo• STYLING If your dog needs grooming or clip- ping ... bark up the right tree. Call The Pet Shop •