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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-16, Page 24
PAGE 8A—DODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAI( 16, 1974 ROUND AND LBOUT VIITH MARTHA lt Well, 'we surely have had more than we - need in the RAIN department. Do you think if we all get tokether we might WISH some of it sent to the Everglades and other spots in Florida that really NEED it? If Spring doesn't epring pretty soon our high cost of eating will change to a higher cost of just living. Could a few groups get together and do a spectacular SUN dance? `Something has to change, somewhere! That's the gripe, department. Enough ia\ enough. Just paint on a SMIi E. Did you read Jest week's EDITORIAL? You should ALWAYS read the Editorial, a lot of hard work and fast . thinking has to go' into it and this is for the sole reason of making YOU think. On looking back, I happened to read some bits and. pieces of the 1966 issues of the Signal Star -and suddenly found I had finished the year in just a few minutes. This surprised me but on checking back I found 'The Rag' as some choose to call it, consisted of anywhere from 8 to 1g pages each week. Compare this to last week's 28. One, story in the Jan. 6 '66 issue took my eye since just a couple of weeks age Ihad men. tioned the many changes that had taken place - most of them in 1973. This item spoke of the Goderich 'Face Lifting' that had taken 'place dpring '65. The. Bedford Hotel installed their first' cocktail lounge The . Duke of Bedford Room,. and had made other°changes'to the hotel. On poor old Hamilton St., ' Frosted Foods and Regent T.V. had made` a couple of bright spots. The ,Signal Star had changed over from George Ellis . to gob Shrier - and things began to shake in THAT depar- tment. • Sky Harbour, then flourishing, had just completed a $40,000 paving job on one of its three runways. ' Pete Graf and Bruce Harris in their Fina Station had acquired the American Motors franchise. $75,000 was spent on . the British American Service Station opened at Victoria and Kingston Streets in March '65 and on the opposite corner. $65,000 was spent to replace the old Supertest Station. At Pizza Patio on Bayfield Road $75,000 was a starter for• what is now called The Can- dlelight Inn. Bert Squires spent plenty using the top of the, old band- , shell, which for many -years had been part of our Courthouse Park, in creating his attractive l Squires Gift Shop: I'm not sure of the year for this shop. /4- , , On Bennett St. opposite G.D.C.I. - a fine Nursing Home costing.$30,000 'or more, was built. On The Square at East St`. the new `Bank of Montreal building was to be"completed in '66. Bluewater Truck Centre, on Bayfield Road, began expan- ding using $10,000 for a new service pay , ,an.d a ifine showroom. At this time.funds were being` raised for the big addition - or should I aay the new Alexandra Marine and General Hospital since the old building was razed in later years. This year of 1966 the people of Gdderich really worked for a beautiful Goderich for our Cen- tennial year '67 I was proud to have seen so many nice things happen. This Thursday - now May 16, 1974 today - this morning 10 a.m., the. I.O. I.E. ° have a big Spring. Sale at MacKay Hall. Sat., May 18 the Sailing Club have a Trash' n Treasures sale starting in the morning thro' til 5:30 p.m. It. is to be held at the Shell Service Station out on Huron Rd. A large variety of goodies for your pleasure and rr purse. AND proceeds are for the KIDS SAILING. May '25 the Auction of many things on the St. Georm Rec- tory Lawn on North` Street: Should., say lets'pray for nicer weather? May 29 the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, Penny Fair and Tea. Knox ' Church 2:30 Canadian Foresters Group have.listed their dance dates at Saltford Hall - June 1, August 3 and Nov. 2. Mark them. Here is a late item - difficulty is being experienced re: recep- tions; etc. at Saltford Valley, Hall. Passes are needed for .some of the parties -and Mrs. Andrew Moore has passes for , the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Morton '(nee 'Linda Moore) phone Marj at 4-8840, for this Friday May 17. Love Martha Nome gardening cuts food costs this summer With public concern cen- tering an environmental issues and food prices, it •is not sur- prising that interest in home - vegetable gardening is in- . creasing rapidly. "You don't have to live in the ..country. ,to grow vegetable's,:' says John Hughes, horticulturist with, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "Even in townhouses or apartments, •vegetable gardens 'can be planted in hanging baskets and patio pots." Dig up your garden ',`plot", and work the ground to a fine seedbed. The soil used in hanging baskets and patio pots should co.itain a high propor- • tion of humus or well -rotted manure for adequate drainage. Packages of seed are ;- available at most 'garden cen- ters, or you' could makie used of the variety of transplants to be found' at roadside' markgts. Tomatoes, peppers, melons, cabbages and onions are only a few of the:numero'us vegetables available. "When preparing your gar den, it is a good J idea to have several sowings or transixlan- tings of a similar product." Hughes advises. "This way you have vegetables© becoming mature over a ,longer period 'of the summer." While insects can 'be a problem even in small gardens, chemical pesticides should be used 'only when necessary.. Always follow the manfac- tures"s directions on the label for the proper dosage .and' timing of application. Why not try growing your own vegetables this summer? Even if you don't have a back yard. ,_ ... Grad ingsbrjdge CWL"r Present gift memberships On May 6, about,29 members of the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League met in the - Parish Hall. ° Mrs. John Howard, President, called the meeting to. order and Rev. E. Dentinger led in prayer. , Mrs. Howard welcomed all and Mrs. Antone Van Osch, Spiritual Convener, a gave the reading and led in prayer for vocations:: Mrs. Tom -Hogan read the minutes and the treasurer's report was given by .Mrs. Howard in the absence of Mrs. Cyril Austin. Correspon- dence was read by Mrs. Jim Martin. After 'Mrs. Howard officially welcomed the new members to the meeting, Mrs. Eugene Frayne presented gift member- ships ti? Mrs. Ann Lalonde, Mrs. Helen Riegling, Mrs.° Ren - nae McKenzie, Mrs. Arlene Gibbons, Mrs. Winnie Desjar- diins, and Mrs, ,Clem Steffler. The roll call was-. done by Mrs. Frayne and' allmembers were urged to renew their mem- berships quickly. Mrs. Mark Dalton talked about the Action Life Committee of One Million, and stressed that all members should sign this- petition. Mrs: Fred Crawford - ,discussed the vehicle check .that the league carried, out that af- ternoon. They had three dif- t'er:ent locations to look after from 2-6 Mrs. Joe 'drobrtney reported ,, on the following items of in- terest in the "Church, School . and the :Community: Cancer "'"-Campaign, First Holy Com- munion, Confirmation, the Gymnastics Demonstration and, Medal presented to Donna, 'Drennan as outstanding student..in this, Kindergarten Registration, presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan on moving to Goderich, birthday visits by league members .to Mrs. Dwyer and Mr. Frank Austin, Gxade Eight graduation happening soon, and the Poster Contest .in which the local school did very well. Mrs. Courtney also read William Coiling, RR 3 Clirlon, has graduated trorii Ridgetown College,' of Agricultural "" Technology with a diploma in .Agricultural Production and Management. He -is the son of Mr.''andti'Mrs. Ray Foster, RR 3 Clinton. (photo by Mike Martin) FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-442 the bicycle resolution that , the League •will be presenting at the Convention soon.' , " Mrs. Frank Riegling is sen-,1ing out -cards for the League now "so contact her about anyone from. this.community in the hospital. Any volunteers to help conveners should contact Mrs. Howard. The agenda for the convent, tion was read by the president. The group has been invited by the' Dungannon. U.C.W. to attend their meeting' on Tuesday, May 21. The a raffle and an occasion for this was discussed and a date will be set srion. A vote on the price of the ticket was taken. v . Fr. Dentinger thanked the catering committee for the lunch at .the First Communion Celebration. He commented on 'the wonderful First Friday Mass put on by the Kindergar- ten Class; - --- - A Mother's. Day Luncheon - was put on on Sunday by the -Youth Club. Rev. Barry Whittaker had an article in the London Free Press stressing the good that the Catholic Schools do for the community. Father 'stressed that there is a real need for prayer and spiritual devotion in, the home and that children need some encouragement here. The ladies discussed 'the method of voting for the winner of the Citizenship Award that the three Leagues give each year. It was"' decided that the school is 'doing well in their `own method. It was suggested that there should be a General Proficiency Award and the details for this will be decided on soon. a ' ' The Installation of Officers will take, place at the First Friday Mass next month. The meeting was moved and adjourned by Mrs. Clarence Doherty, and closed with prayer. During lunch the mystery gift . was drawn by Mrs. Arlene G#, bons and won by Mrs. Joe 0' Keefe. DO YOU NEED, . A WATER WELL!!!.- DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU-. .. - 73 years of successful water development . • The most modern, fast equipment available -Highly trained personnel ,. - #ast service and free estimates - 'Guaranteed wells at lowest cost_„ -- PUT, .EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE BOX 486, WINGHAM - OR PHONE 357-1960 SOVIE'S FISHERIES Perch, Pickerel, Salmon Whitefish All in Season WHOLESALE St RETAIL ICE -CUBES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Phone 524-921-1 Attention Lot' Owners i G.N.C. Modular Housing' Units built on your lot and foundation. $500,00 down - 15 models to choose, from: ULA°MHC and Conventional 'mortgages arranged. NAME, ADDRESS PHONE ,For information and a free brochure Call BOB HEXTER' '243-27.80 Or Write COUNTY CONTRACTING P.O. Box'#519 WHEATLEY, ONT. Pi •r 1. Make sure the grass hag is moulted berwtv the handles, :so it trim, close on both sides.'You can mow anywhere, with no hang up's. 2. Check'to'see if .it has a large,; capacity grass bag that needs emptying less often. 1 CF 4. Look. fora tough, 4 -speed o ' 3. Ask if it` has vacuum action. A powerful suction that cleans your lawn as you mow. transmission. For extra power and easy handling. n 5.,.1\Io, if it has everything we've mentioned so far, ' huy it. •fit's a Snapper.' Ali Snapper mowers meet A.N.S.I. safety "specifiaitions. ARGYLE .MARINE & SMALL ENGINES •Hwy.No,21 Goderich, ()Mario . 524-9201 aarrrwwr.M+� . �. -- .. HUTCHINS WELDING owy,nuler, Ontario 5244038