HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-24, Page 8A cheap lotof
School Books. ix-
oludhi the High.
School 1.1i8t re
quired for the op-
ening. Will have
enough to laf“.i to
Jan. 10th,
a half of Best
being; Sac-
rificed at the
'1 Bankl toro
This is the'biggestIpur-
chase of sugar ever put
through by one mercla.
ant in Exeter, and the
biggest values, Exeter
people ever had offered
to them is -what we „are
now doing. We are
selling sugaas for less
than they can be bought
at the Refinery,
t -TraTrrel, a
hundred poun& o
dollar's worth ?
oan save you
cent. Como an
All winter .00ds
being sacrificed..
gest Bargains on record.
• J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Rader,
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
leaders woulef,when *nahing resit purchases,
,tentIon that they saw the merch3nt'S adver-
!gement in ME IrmgEo,
utiot One
r ere ousts
Bey S. 9' Robinson of Walkerton will
preach in the Triviet Memorial church
next Sunday.-Inapeotor Tom wee in town
last week inspecting the Exeter school. -
Rev Mr Hunt of Southampton will likely
succeed Rev Mr Fatt in the reetorship of
the Trivitt Memorial. chnrch.-11re James
Delgaty and Tiliss Lizzie 33oyce of Varna
were visiting Mrs J T Westcott on Toes
day last. --Mr D. A Roae visited friends in
Woodstock over Sunday, Mr Huston led
the choir of the Mail:est church M his
absence. -Rev Me Hayhurst of Ferest
occupied the pulpit of the Makt-at Metho-
dist chureh Sunday yening -Rev Softley
of Londou again en -etched in the, Trivitt
- Memorial church on Sunday. -His Lord-
ship, the Bishop of Heron, passed south
on elonclay evening, A delegetion ot the
officers of the Trieitt Memorial church
Will wait on the Riehop in Loudon to -day
(Thureday) with regal -tie to neetiring a BOO:
entlifer fOt the late teeter, ROVE. u Fate. -
Ur John MeCellum Spent the peat two
weeks in Torontotat the death -bed of his
daughter, Bella, whe died at the resicietice
6, her enter, Friday- afternoora-Mr. and
Mem R, 11 O'Neil of lateen, ere the giteeis
el their son Mr D, S O'Neil. ---Miss Rhoda
Willis, hes returned aome After an extend-
ed visit with frtende -n the nothern part of
the Comity. -.Mr Gilbert, who has been
assieting in :the fieithing of the interior of
Megare It Pickard da gold returned
to London. yesterday. --Mites T White -of
Sarele, epeetSundeyatel Monday at her
home here, -Mr IL Jones, who has been
held we with the grip the peel tyro weeke is
able to be aroundtnetine-Mtiesna Bewtien
Red IMegett, reeve and deputy, respect -
arc attending the Count! Couneil at
iselNora 01014, Is nixdolibtedly th'e
est Ottiradian insfinnitorital artist
• in
, Ofid,
en of Perth,
ifowicir by one
Infe 0
"Stowe); IS
l se ommisoloners,
The owing Lioonse Commissioners
have be n appointed by the Ontario GOY -
South Porth -Thomas Henry Bacot
John 5, McIntyre, James Nagle.
South Ifuren-Robert Spicer, 1.?eter
Douglas, John Weir,
West Enron...Samuel, Sloan, jamas.
Htevely, Hugh McQuarrle,
North Middiesex-Laohliii 0 McIntyre,
Alexander Smith, John Gunn,
East Huron-Thorass Gibson, Ge ergo
frortimeGeorge Ilifurdie
atecougbed, Two atontns,
A very peculiar state of aZairs was
brought before the attention of the London
llospital physicians Monday. * It Was the
case of Rubt Morgau,s, young farmer living
near Watford, Out, About two months
ago, Me Morgan began to hiccough, and,
sleeping or walking, he has hiccoughed ever
sines, with slight intermittent periods of
repose. Mr Morgan had tried :the skill of
all time medical fraternity in the vicinity of
hia home, and receiying no relief, be cle,cid-
cd:to go to the hespital for examinaHon.The
constant retching has had a very weaken -
leg effeet, and at times Mn Morgan can
barely stand, The hospital staff found that
the stomach was disordered, and this evi-
dently was the cause of the. trouble.
Who Owns the Diamond?
A $220 diamond has been found in the
crop of an Ontexia turkey by a Liverpool,
Eng„ gentleman. On Friday night, Dec,
29, 1693, he bought the turkey in St.
• John's market, It weighed Itti pounds,
for which he paid lOs 9d, thinking he
would have a nice treat with his family on
New Year's day. Hie wife being poorly
at the time, he tuadertook to pluck and
eloper° the bird himself. Curiosity
prompted him to examine the pebbles and
corn which were in the crop, when, to his
great eurpriee,he found amongst them a
stud, snob as s worn in a geetlero an's
shirt. He showed it to two friends of his
in the jewelry businees, and they both
pronounced it a diamond mounted in fine
gold and wortn at lost 5220. What Can-
adian fattened hie turkey on diamonds and
To limit Jury "Trials.
The Benchers of the Ontario Law society
will shortly discos the changes proposed
to limit the work of juries. The most im-
portant is to give the judges of the highe
courts wider powers in trying and diepos-
ing of cases without a jury. It is in fact
the intention to abolish the jury system in
civil cases to about half its present extent.
The reason for all this is that the jury
system, as at present constituted, tend to
greatly increase the cost of litigation,
juries, often giving verdicts contrary toth
the charge of the judge, as they are
to be most influenced by the sen
aspects of the case. An appe
follows a jury case and the
that the verdict is set asi
courts. The Bench°
the opinion a gree
saved to the co
litigants if -
on man
d be
y to the
wed to it
t has almost
every verdict of
ainet. The ideas of
ntetpretation ol she law
e so vastly different that
a is at least a remote hope in
riots certainty of success.
Wall° School Board minutes.
January 17th 1894. Board met in
Town Hail at 8 p: in. Absent P. Fitton,
The following are the resolutions duly
cerried after the signing of the declaration
of office by Moan. H E Hennom P Frayne
and W 3 Carling, -Pr Dr Lutz and P
Frayne, that H Li Huston be chairman. -
Pr Dr Lutz and W J Carling, that 3 Grigg
be Secretary. -Er P Frayne and W J
Carding, that E Howard be a wood com.
Pr Dr Lutz and E Howard, that the meet -
hews of the Board be held on the first
Wednesday of each month and that the
official visits to the school be made at 9.80
a in of the same day.- Pr P Frayne and
Dr Lutz, that E Howard be a fence cora.
-Pr Dr Lutz and E Howard, that the
following accounts be ,paid: W 0 Howard,
pointing, 52; S Eamon, cleaning furnaces,
50m TI Spackman, Register, 52,50; B N
Rowe, table-, $2; James Taylor, painting,
VA,3 Carling and E Howard. that
the village council be treasure, for 1894, -
Pr W J Carling and E Howard, that Dr
Lutz and. E Howard be a corn to wait on
the council in re the curfew and ap-
pointment of Truant Officer. -Pr. Dr Lutz
and E Howard, that expressions of the
Board's sense of lose and gratitude for
services rendered, be tendered Messrs W
D Weekes and W Txeble.-Pr P Frayne
• 3. GI -WOG, Secy.
T. J. Cornish of Ingersoll has a sow that
in 18 months has given birth to 09 pigs.
If you want first-class Groceries, and 30
lbs Sugar for $1, call at 3, P. Clarke's,
A lot of Boys' and Mews Felt Hats at 15
and 25c each, at 3. P. Clarke's.
The Salvation Army in Canada raised
$18,500 dining the week of self denial,
If you want choice patterns in print,
light or dark colon], at coat for cash, call at
S. P. Clarke's.
There are about. 30 automatic telephones
in operation in Seaforth. The managers
will Viet Exeter shortly.
The merchants of Mitchell are eigning
"round-robin" to throw the electric light
Out of their stores in ears it night watch is
not appointed.
Mr Hertry Hancock of Emeredo, Dak.,
has sold his farm in the 4th con. of Ile
horne, to Ur Enoch Rowcliffe of that
township for the sum of $3,400, The farm
contain70 acres Enoch disposed of his
50 acres to ids brother William tor a good
figure. • '
Me Jae H, Grieve, who formerly curled
on a successful tailoring business here,but
who has latelp been cutting for a firm in
Cobourg,intende returning to Ettetet about
let February, wed opening in Gritegni old
stand a choice new stock of tweeds and
gents'' furnishings. tie is at present
finishing a term with a New York matter.
The Mitchell Advocate says: "At a
meeting of the bard si of the two Mettle --
diet Isherehee; held on Tuesday evening
lest, a reeolution Was unartineouely passed,
extending a call to Bev Dr, Paseo° of St
Thetas to become pastor of the united
Methodist church of Mithl1. Many
years ego the Dr, was paetot of the old
Bible Obrietian church here, and he proved
hilliotl'f apotrx ler and Worthy inhabiter."
On tteintry 19th, the OthifelloWe of NO,
15 Di riot held their sufelietbiniel sheeting'
in Brit etreld. the representatives were
Broths ' Neire slid Wilsee of Genierich
Chute Otiatente Beattie of SeStforlit,
Prosek f Brtrdefiddv Blattand filatcliferd
of He 11 Med Lerrebeteokeof EXetee,feted
abetit 2 aWft".614atedath Tint Meeting Was
preeidett, FijOieffbentleDINtattit,
,,,rytfortr to,4,3o lit keie4fhal*
4,1 t
0 s ev'eatO
Esster Sunasy comes eattlY thio yesr
March 05, It Rd' not come so early again
Mr J, N. Howard has Purchased, 40
eleettio light pis et, qtad intends rushing
his electric light project.
Mr. It. S. Lan3 has taken a partner in
the implement 1, usiness in the parson of a
Mr. Johnston, a new -corner.
.1)an't forget t'le Firemen's Concert in
the »psre Tious‘ on the 20th lost, A good
proiram has been prepared.
South Huron De. E. c), L., will most for
the traneeetion of 'onshore) on Tuesday,
Feb. 0, in the Oddtellows hall, Exeter, at
10 a. na.
A couple of American horse -buyers ship-
ped from Exeter on Saturday a' oar load
oftboreet, Then were purchased at a mod.
crate Agure.
.Aniong the rs forms to be introduced by
the new legislators of Ontario, next year,
will probably be the abolition of, the im-
prisonment for debt.
I fie Moose, which was being wintered
by Mr. Juo. Dolbridge of Usborne, eyes
Lou -ad dead in the bash the other morning,
No cause is assiried.
1 hc close sea,sen-for bass and pickerel
during which fi ihing will be prohibited on
the river, is front April lS to ,Tune 30, and
not only till June 1, as stated,
It is a fraud to give short measure in
wood. A cord aontains 128 feet, and if
the seller offers less for that measure he is
liable to fine or imprisonment. •
Mr, E. H, Fit h hats hie span of reindeers
ia splendid (Living condition, and oan.
daily be Seen on the streets. After a little
memo training they will make a splendid
driving team. -
We understand that Mr. A. Bishop, M.
P. t), will move to town as soon as he can
pro titre a liouse,Mr. Morgan taking charge
of the farm in Usborne. Vacant houses of
a desirable clae I are very scarce in town.
Oh, these are the nights when young lovers
Ihemselves in it terrible state
Just a little too warm for the parlor,
And a little too cold for the gate.
Messrs. R. Rickard et Son moved into
therr new store this week. The premises
are commodlow, and among the finest in
Ontario. Memos. Speakman te Co. will
shortly occupy the store vacated by the
Messrs Pickard, '
Ihe annual meeting of the congregation
of the °even Presbyterien church was held
last week. The annual report showed the
church to be in a splendid financial condi-
tion, despite tho misfortunes encountered
dining the 'summer. •
The Canadiat Practitiener remarks that
it in "painfully evident thet there are too
many electors in the country, and that they
are being manufactured with a rapidity
gui ie disproportionate with the increase
of pope tion."
etoten Standard has changed
Bowyer, having decided to
the newepttper jet:neaten' hat-
-id good will to Mr. Win•
e V.relketteu Herald, who will
tit beithhe old lines.
eteginall boys who have been a source
sfusance not only to those who have to
'be out but, to their parents, in running
the streets at night, will hereaf ter be
compelled to seek their homes at 9 o'clock,
the hour appointed for the ringing of the
Do you want a pointer? Sugar has
teken a sharp edvance and we think prices
are up to stay, if you take our advice you
will secure youi stock far she summer.
The Big Bankrupt Store is selling sugar
for less than refinetyprices, how th elt do
it and live we d mt know.
A few of the many bargains at the Big
Bankrupt Store :-30 pounds yellow sugar,
$1; 22 lbs granclated, $1; 3 -lb box biscuits
22c; 4 the gingta• snaps,25c; 6 lbs currants,
25e; S bars Elm trio soap, 25o ; 3. papers
pins, Sc; lace certain ends, 15e ; honey
syrup, 3-.te lb; white (male soap, So bar ;
44. piece china tea eet, $3 75, 5 lbs good
Japan tea, 51.. With 1 lb baking powder,
25c, china cup end saucer free.
A tow, days ago a citizen cut into a
pound of butte's which he had purehated
at a grocery store whose proprietor does
not advertise, end found therein a smell
tin oar, which contained apiece of paper
bearing the following "I am girl 18
yeses old, good looking, and an excellent
housekeeper. Should this be found by
some unmarried Christian gentleman, will
he please write to the iollowing address,
eto." The finder,being a bachelor, decided
to unrevel the affair, and succeeded, oily
to destroy the i•oniance The girl who had
written the note had died many years ago,
leaving an "aged husband •and a grown
The annual meeting of the Exeter
Creamery Association was held in the
Town flail Exeter, on Saturday last. The
difierent reports went to show that the
result of last season's operations had been
ressonstbly sattefactory, taking into con-
sideration the difficulties with which the
factory had to ()emend and aleo the fg,at
thet teat season was unfavorable to the
suecess of Creameries throughout the
country. The farmers appeared hopeful
of '5110 future aced are determined to use
every effort to push the factory next
ser,son. The cfficere elected for the eosin
Mg year are as folio wet -President, A.
Bishop; Vice-Pree Wm, Northcutt; Di-
rectors, Messrs. P. Madge. A. Q. Bobier,
W. G. Bissett and Dr, Lutz.
In Tweeds'Sulfites and Black Worsteds
you can't get better than those shown by 3
P. Clarke,
During stock -taking, will offer all china
awl stoneware tea sets at cost price for
cash at J. P. filaceke'e,
Woodham -
Lest Wednesdae night a party Wal given at the
esidenco of Mr. Wm. Brook, the young people
amused theinsolvcs by 'yarrow games and all seem-
ed to be well elltirfled with the evening's sport —
Mrs. Levene, adaighter of Mr. tension died at her
iataegsreekleriae 00 Jan. 13, consumption claimed
aa a victim. the funeral took place Tuesday
afthcnoon at 2.30 o'clOck, when a large concourse of
so' rowing Manila and neighbors &hewed lies
mains to their las resting place, Methodist burying
groincl, Zion, It ye. Mr. Cloupland of amville,
officiating. elle haves one ebbe a bright little
girt, who no dour t will be well eared for by her
grand pareate-olio population ot our village it
steadily Meroasin a the last arrival being a young
son at the resideeee of Mr. Alonzo Mills.-Itov, Mr.
Bites is out again after being confined to the home
or eome time evite a severe attack of aa Grippe. -
Yu ltieg from the quantity of wood that is being
ott, m this neighleehood the supply for this Baton
will be greater th,. n the demand.
A t4tr4W ehO01 Alien way the wind blows.-Mhis
Nellie McPherson had a quilting bee the other day
ani a large mita sr oi yotieg folks in the evening.
,tohn Shore.% Deputy Reeve of Stephee, is
in nederich this week atinneing County Council, -
Me Win, natereon of Sylvan, visited trioxide here
ire t Saturday and tereeined until etweltea-The
trustees of notton elethodiet Church met last
etestacley evenine to arrange about the building of
crew chrikek after Wiring the matter over they
ussoluccomy Agreed to lag the Mattet ever for one
ystr, Odinrnittecii were appointed togot tho ellen&
r rand and Shed resblegled j+Arti grevelled.-
a Albert C. VitiisOn renamed to Otielpe Celle&
Atwitter,' he opeet to mewl next July. lib
ittoodermik, bark siteceeeate Im it a faithtte
-tit4sua*u4inwell'itts. ANA* Foe* Invited a,
kie eft eliteyodee people tee Thule nonee
It" gtdluin whale Olt oat a V, sr
I? t
SittUrdaY Ise 2the.
ptember lea Miss,
left her Atlier's home in Exeter
Nordtfor Manitoba, to take charge
et her brotliceli seheels during ..the
'winter season, irs order that he might
pursue his college course, Her health,
which was somewhat impaired before
leaving home, failed so rapidly that at
the end of two months she was compel:
.led to journey homeward, 'On reaching
the home of her sister in Toronto, she
Was unable to proceed farther, her sick.
floss growing, rapidly worse, and on the
morning of Saturday feat terminated in
death. When the news reached Exeter
of her serious illness and that her
father, Mr. Jno. McCallum, had been
hastily summoned to her bed sidei there
was a general feeling of anxiety and
hope for her recovery,and the announce:
Meat of her death a few days later was
received with a general feeling of gen-
uine sorrow. Miss McCallum, a former
teacher in the Exeter school, was a
person of sterling worth, possessing
good, sound and religious principles,
endowed with superior mental
Studious application had stored her
mind with useful knowledge. , There
was 1111,1ch that was endearing and lov-
able in her character, her disposition
was quiet and untiring, and she was ear-
nest in all her undertakings; her daily
Walk, conduct and conversation exem-
plified the true, earnest christian
character. Her short life was useful
and her untimely death is much to be
regretted. 'We offer our sympathy to
the afflicted family, the more especially
to Mrs. McCallum who through failing
health was unable to attendher daughter,
in her last hours.
Don't fail t o hear Miss Nora Clench;
Drew's Hall, Exeter, Feb. 2nd. Tick-
ets going fast. Plan of Hall at Mr. F.
Knight's store.
ButErs,--Mis6staAn. Bi°rY.
ovvnett and her
sietete, wiao•have been spending their
holidays at home, have returned to
God erich.-Mr,Robert Taylor, of
Stephen, visited his sister, Mrs. 3.
Enthwell recently. -Miss Jane Reid,
of Lucknow, is visiting relatives in this
neighborhood. -Mr Charles Reid
shipped a carload of Iambs to Buffalo,
-Miss Fee, of Hay township, has been
visiting at Mr. Robert Pollock's.-The
relatives and many friends or Mr
Peter Campbell, of Stanley were
shocked to learn last Saturday morn:
lug that he had passed to eternity. Mr
Campbell was a framer by calling and
was engaged taking out timber for
buildinghourpOses on the farm, of Mrs.
Johns; TuckersMith. On Friday
Wening he retired to rest at a season-
able hour in apparent good health and
spirits. He and Mr. Samuel Cooper
roomed ,together. Early Saturday
Morning Mr. Cooper thought Mr.
Campbell was dreaming or in estate of
nightmare and shook him, to awaken
him. No answer coming he arose and
procured a light. Mr. Campbell seam
ed unconaciousand others in the house
were awakened. A messenger was
dispa relied for medical aid, while Mrs.
Campbell was notified. But it eves too
late. Re was dead. -Geo. Beatty, Sr.,
of Varna, died laatiMoriday, aged 75
years, 7 months and 7 days, The late
George Beatty was a pioneer in every
sense of the term. lie was of Irish
rateentage, coining to Quebec from
1Vionoghari in 1832. After this he set-
tled on the Goshen, Stanley, and Ii ved
there for about Eve years. Re t hen
moved to Varna, where he purchased
the itioNaugh ton farm. The late Mr.
Beatty helped to hew out the first
roads in that part ot Huron andcar-
ried necessary provisions on his back
for many mules pro bably 50years ago.
He 17aS one of the first settlers and
performed many a long and hard day's
work with John Sherritt and -John
Poil ock, He .leaves a widow -daugh-
ter of the late treasurer, Robert Herd,
-and 6 sons and two daughters (one
son and one daughterbeing deceased);
Cleo. and Wm. conduct a general 'store
at Varna : Lancelot, agent, Varna ;
John, a teacher at Porter's Hill) B. J.,
a teacher near Klippen Annie with
her brothers in the store, and Rachel
at home. He had one brother in
Pennsylvania, one sister, Mre. Dame° n,
who has arriled from Pontiec,
and another sister, Mrs, W. Clarke,
sr,'of Stanley. The immediate cause
of death was heart trouble.
At a convention held at Ailsa Craig last
week by the Conservative Association of
North Middlesex John Fox of Lucan re-
ceived the nomination for the Local
House. '
Ernest Ludes, who assaulted Nellie By-
ron, aged thirteen, the datIghter of his
employer, and broke her neck in the strug-
gle, was hanged eft Joliette, III., last Fri-
L. Dollen and a party pf nine persons,
some of whom are residents of Winnipeg,
lost their lives in . a snoetelide which
occurred a few weeks ago in the Rocky
Pataiek Keleher, one of the pioneers of
'27, the yeer in which the first tree Was
cue on the site of the present city of
Guelpb, died at that place last Thersday,
aged 86,
North Middlesex Patrons met at Ailsa
Craig lait weelr. H. Taylor accepted
the .notnihmmtjon, for the Legislature, but
I. H. Alexander declined to stand for the
Saturday a hurricane swept over Oak -
cliff and South and :Haet Dalimie, Tex., de-
stroying property to the extent of V00,000,
and killing a boy and injuring several oth-
er persons,
Between 15,000,000 and 17,000,000
bushels of wheat have bort destroyed in the
wheat districts of Washieglon State,
Ileatty and contintied rains have flooded
:le granaries,
Tramps aeilied In a Wreck,
Seestreralvinrix, 0, Jan. 22, --Last night
the fourth section of freight train No. 86
eastboand on the Pittsburg, Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Lonife railroad broke in
two on the •Ferawood grade, When the
two sections Came together theta was a
fearful erash, wrecking five titre. The
bodied- of three men, supposed to be
tretente were taken out of the wreak.
'114 Branclbn(Alal Sun nip, ;-"One
of the Most heart rant ring incidents that
hue oceurreclin ilia country fol' jeans II
that reported A -r tamer
named, VVilliatiti Vivin the:vleillitY of
Whltetirater W -0,t dud iYh sthnttjr last
tci bigottt140, t the
ddlikj tttarAt . ,
S.",43(0)tVIA • (kt
Buy me Quick
Good white shirts 45
Good heavy top shirts 6061 45
Cottonade Overalls 75, 501
$1.60 Steel rod silk um-,
brellas 1.00
25o Heavy braces 2 for 25
$10 Beaver caps now 5.50
$10 Goat robes now 6.00
$8 Goat robe, 1 only 5.50
25o Wool sox 18
25o Men's mitts 2 for 25
$3.50, $4.25, S6.00, were
5.00, $6.50 and $9.00.
3.50, $4,25, „$6, $7, were
$5, $6.50, $9 and $10,
Ladies'Wool hose 25c 15
Ladies' collars and muffs
20 per cent cash dis-
14o Flannellette, now 9
E.c do ,6
Odd lines Kid Gloves 50
pair half price,
All linen towelling 5
6 Pieces skirt lining 4
GROCERIES at cest price.
BOOTS & SHOES, some of
our Spring goods, just in,
Lobby and cheap:
Opposite Hewkshaw's Hotel.
PUKE -In Exeter, on the 20th inst., the wife
of Mr. Albert Fake, of a son.
MoIKENZIE-WOB,DEN-At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 10th inst., by the
Rev. N. S. Burwath , Mr. Wm. Alexander
McKenzie, to Miss Elsie Jane Warden, an of
STONEMAN...In Bibb ere -on the 13th inst.,
James Stoneman, aged 70 years, and 3 days,
BEER. -In Stratford, on the 1211, inst., Mrs.
Chas, Beer. aged 62 peers.
BUTLER -In Hibbert, on the ret Inst., Eliza-
beth Butler. aged 40 years:
BEATTY-In Varna, on the 22nd inst., George
13 catty, aged. 75 years 7 months and 7 days,
CAMPBELL -In Tuckeramith, on the 20 inst.,
Beter Campbell, aged tOyeart and 6 mos.
MARTYN in Stephen, on the 21st inst.,
sant uei Mart ye, aged 22 yearg,„7 months and
• 16 days.
MILLER -In Beneath on the 22nd inst.,
William Lyle; infant sop of W."4: Miller,
aged 3 month, and 2 days.
LEVY -In Fullerton, on the 17th inst., Sarah,
belored wtfe of Geo. Lary, aged .40 years, 2
months and 9 days.
BALFOUR.-In Fullerton, on the 17th inst.,
beloved wife of Henry Balfour, aged 72 years
8 months and 1 day.
POMEROY-In Fullerton, On the 18th inst.,
Emanuel Pomeroy, aged 68 years, 11 months
and 8 days'.
BROWN -In Fullerton, on the 17th inst.,
Mary, relict of John Brown, tate :hotel -
keeper, Russeldele, aged 36 rears.
Kold Kure has proved infallible for
the past three years in cases ot Grip.
Try it.
We are now
in our New
Store and ready
to receive our
many. Custom-
THE 13OBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail Oil at
Wholesale Prices
Best Canadian- Oil, -
Best Canadian: Water White
Best 'American Water White
-The Plebiscite in Middlesex.
Mr. Thos. E. Robson, the County Clerk
of Middlesex, has compiled the official re-
turns of the township elerks on the voting
on the plebiscit, which show as follows: -
Mon. Women, Men. Women:
Townships, Yes. Yes. No. No.
delaide 302 7 176 1
Biddulph...... 187 etejie 3 138 0
(Santee° 453 14 282 1
Delawere..-- 230 te,.0 42 125 10
Dorchester-- 540 16 Re 2
Ek fed ..... 871 12 167 2
London .... ....... 903 54 451 4
Lobo• to is 190 3
Metcalfe 206 pall 22 96 1
290 2 88 o
McGillivray- 298 9 73 o
West Nissonm 455 ` 8 91 1
Westminster,. no 87 211 7
East NV Miams219 4 57 0
W est Williams174 5 88 2
Towns and villages-
Strathroy... .-351 67 147 3:
London 1Yes.t159 29 121 7 4
Parkhill.. .... 16 66 32
Ailsa Circle .... 91 16 22 3
Liman 69 14 109 9
Glencoe... . .. 135 15 52 " 1
Newbury 468 26 1
Wardsville 40 7 5 0
6790 400 3,006 60
Graud total for.plebiscit
'Grand total against plebisoi t... ... ..
Dear Sire. -Two years ago I had a bad
attack of biliousness and took Cue bottle of
Burdock Blood Bitters, and can truly re-
commend it to eny suffering from this
complaint.' Mrs, Charles Brown, Toronto,
Elect no Light.
To the Editor of the Exe,ter Times.
There has been considerable talk about
getting an electric light plant in the
village. Since the proposition was ntade
in the Council chamber on Friday even-
ing last by, one of our valued citizens
Mr J N Howard, who, the writer is in-
formed, offered to put in the plant and
furnish lights for 15 cents each per night if
the council would grant him a franchise
of the town for five yeats, and would
bind himself to erect the same and fur-
nieh the necessary light for the village,
as a ratepayer, ,Iwould suggest that as Mr
aovvtird would be at a great deal of et-
pense in fitting up the old grist mill prop-
erty with all the necessary ornachinery
and equipinent to run the eltetric light,
that the council grant him ten or mere
years franchise. Why not procure the
same at as early a date as possible? About
one dozett lights would do the village to
start with, and if found satisfactory more
could be added in the near future. Hop-
ing our village Fathers will take advantage
of this opportunity and keep in pace
with the other small villages in the County
which' have this lighting tsyetetn, and
trusting that I haere not ietruded too much
on your valuable apace, I ate yours,
Facts and Fancies.
To time Editor of time Exeter Times,
To Citizen II et few words to say,
Oottipiajn net of the editor I nran
For he is not in fault or blame at all,
If you have any grievance give too a ball
For I ant the nom n the burden will bear,
Let the editor of The TrnES go clear,
For sueh baimationd n e ver ehould no,
If you want to pounce, pouts° right onto me.
Mink, my frietul, you lieve made a mistake,
You talk like Amen that is but half awake,
Or like a man that has woke from a dream,
For whiskey and boodle seems your ohoiceet
theme. •
Guess You are ores ot a singulat rate,'
lieu give to whiskey a eoueoiciumui Pikeet
That olmese,goose,hoodle and whiskey keit NOS.
Were the chief feetere in Winning the date
You matt be a men that'ilumest and true •
13tit it's Itbsutd to take stroll a 'View'
To thiels that there are men livi to 0,40"
That creep into aloe in such a bate, wee,
The dose is too big, I can't take if in,
blight, do for tt man hen, woke (tom a drettni,
Fiero all molt proceedings thankkIetra free,
Of any otich deinge Inolo' da Oder
thetk you fot Your eate '
TO 001 Ilati net. el t
Aed I want You rohl
Thati ani. act Sot lett
rattitilf t 6
I regard the old council as honorable mon
On their character I dropped not a stain,
Good citizens lain proud for to sal',
And I hope they MAY prosper. many a dee'
And now my friends
1 tender my mimed%
T9 say no other men
Sure that would lmmi
te about to end,
'horse gentImere
tempetent as the
OJe the town away
Point Charles,
Moors. DICE & CO., Montreal :
Dear Sirs ;---Elave used several p
ages of your celebrated Condition Po
with unexpected results y horses h
been working on the ea t all winter,
become min down. En ttlain the
month I have had the /in town
used your Powders, which have bro
theta to a first chew state of health,
I consider them to be worth their
value now.
Tours truly,
JAS. MAY131.111Y, Master Oa
On Main street, Dec. 27th, the fo
ingletter. Owner may have i
application 'to Temes Office,
paying cost of this advertisemo
My Owniest Own, -
Since your cruel repulse from in
at the hand -or, rather, the foot -o
I have mused long and fondly
darling, on your daring prophs
that I should fly with you end'
rest. I know it's; naughty, and
heart and my conscience reprove
but I'm ready to fly with yout.da
to the utmost parts of the earth.
If I remember aright, thein'etruot
were : Carriage corner street, rnidni
then away to a land wherq,othe sco
is not. Terms to be made at lei
with infuriated papa. PkIteet b
made, we are tojeturn to Bieber,
ceive his blessing, settle dOwecand
happily ever afterwards,juptlike Ar
and Angelina, the couple in "For
and Fortune; or LoVe Will ;Find a W
You know the book, love --sI do 80 hope nothing will -Itappe
prevent our escape. If pa should c
cweeioliwfor:hrset ,ywoeu.garloo.vien,arrrmmarried-oh! preparedo h/Oft
think the
I shudder to ink of the consequon
And no,' r -lie, my one
and much -abused darling, adieu till
meet at the witching hour Of taidni I
at the corner of the street.
Yours till death,
it 4
P.S.--Perhape you had better &
cottage furnished, so that we ithall h
a home to come to after We ttre'treeon
ed to pa, Atkinson (Opposite the g
mill) has a fine stock and he sellsisChe,
See hint about the furniture at once.,
A FuliSc6iii: