HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-09, Page 26PAGE 10A----GODERICH SIGNAL, STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1974 4( FROM THE MIN!$TERa STUDY BY REV. 0.1.. ROYAL g,nox Presbyterian Church With Easter safely in the past we can return to mundane things. Or, so it .seems. --.We are the propiators of a doctrine: He liyes! Thus, can • we forget the Risen Christ as we move toward Summer? The Gospel tfils us, "He is not here; but is'' Olsen." So, we are talking about a Livtng.Christ, One Who came forth from the tomb, One Who lives forevermore. This must have its effect upon us as we go about our workaday world. Many have believed in the Resurrection for untold years - yet, have never come into a' living contact with the Saviour Who Lives, Their belief has 'been doctrinal. They have counted over the various Scrip- tural references; they have con- sidered". the centuries of believing and they have felt that this rneans they believe. In an indescribable fashion they have felt a certain coldness in, the form of their faith: Why? Easily answered: the' Risen Saviour has been absent from their lives. Belief is not based -on •doctrine but rather on, ex- perience. 'One does not havto be a theologian to believe. One does `snot have to be an academic light to show forth a rich faith. No. It is rather, a case of experience. "I have met the living Lord!" Was this not the case with the • men 4oing down to Emmaeus? Were their. 'hearts not •,strangely warmed? • Up to the moment of 'their ex- perience' they had been speaking ot.; the strange hap- penings in and around Jerusalem, ;.and wondering about them. Suddenly, .they were in audience with the" One Who had overcome death - 'ex- perience' was t' ieir.watchword. The' heart was strangely war- med. • The Risen Saviour - our Con- , tinuing Easter - is with us day in -and day out. He never. leaves our side. He is a constant in life. No matter where we go He is with us: if our tracks lead us into the Highlands of Scotland and,to the Valley of Glencoe-- ' He is with: aus; if our travels ' take us into Westminster'Abbev and to St. Paul's Cathedral I -1e is with us; if our journey in life takes us 'through'the valley of. death' - • He is with us. The Proportions of the Living Christ. cannot be defined. His ability is far above the ability of man.' He carr be in Canada • and at the same time in Australia. We, you and 1. are creatures of Time and Space .- He is not. The ,ticking of a clock speeds away our time on earth: we are isolated in one spot at one time. We are temporal; Christ is eter- nal. Thus, we are very dif- ferent. When Paul and Silas were captives in the Philippian jail a •great earthquake broke upon the city. The jailer was in a panic and threatened suicide. It was an awesome moment. He asked one vital .question of, Paul and Silas, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" I won- der, what was he *thinking about? Paul said, "Believe on the Lord .Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy household.' Paul .put hitt finger on man's problem. Believing was far in advance of doctrinal discussion. And, believing is an experience. It is a gift. Paul was directing the Philippian jailer': thoughts toward the. Rise Saviour, and the one need for life., Faith would overcome all. Your continuing Easter en- tails 'an experience in the Risen Lord.' You and He must come to a meeting. It is ab- solutely necessary. Christ tells us,` "Seek, and ye 'shall find." What is needed is an honest heart in true search of the Saviour. He, is to be found for He is, all about us. He is waiting for us to open'the door of our hearts and to allow Him entry. That is today's question: have .you heard Him knock? Have you opened the door of your life? This is your day. Port Albert ACW spring cleans church The Mav meeting of Christ Church Anglican Church Women, Port 'Albert, was held at the church, Mav 1 with 10 members attending. The `first . be held on 'July. 27. hour was spent cleaning the - A contest was conducted by church, and. at 3 p.m'. the Mrs. Barb Hayden, with Mrs. meeting opened. • Viola Petrie winning the prize; Minutes and corresporidencer followed; by a prayer.. by Mrs. ,were read, •which•included two Alma Black: Mrs. Viola Petrie invitations, one from Dungan- gave a reading "The Rummage Sale". The meeting, closed with prayer;- and lunch was served by Mrs Cora Cook, ¶The treasu-er's report given. by Mrs. Cora Cook. ' Business included setting the date of the Bazaar which will was. non United Church Women for. Mav 21 at 8':30 p.,m. and the other from Goderich ACW for Mav:21 at 8.•p.in. • HAt'FNE.A'T HURONYIEW Mr. Aire Van Der Ende led the Christian Reform song ser- vice on Sunday evening with -devotions by Rev'.. Beukema. Mrs. Amsing and her daughter Coby provided special musical' numbers for .the service, singing solos and • duets. • • Mary Broadfoot and Frank Forrest assisted Norman Speir and Jerry Collins with the old tome music 'on Monday with mouth organ solos by Mrs. Mary Taylor. Two new i DID YOU,1(NOW ... If. you insure your dwelling for at least 80% of then, rebuilding cost; depreciation is not appliedinclaims on buildings. Auto Fire Life W. J.-HughesInsuranceAgency 524-8100 ry 38 EAST ST GODERICH Dan MacEwen 524=9131 residents were welcomed to the Home during the afternoon's ac- tivities, Miss, Tena ivIcNaughtori and 'y'Frank McGregor. Seven .tables of euchre and three of crokinole'were played at Wednesdays games. Volun- teers from the Opti Mrs. Club of Vanastra helped with the program. .The residents enjoyed an hour of organ melodies on Thursdayafternoon with Ed Stiles at the organ and. vocal solos.by Mrs. Rogers.' Miss', Bea Camphell of Goderich arranged a prngrarri of slides and music for "Family Night"; The pictures and com- mentary by Miss Campbell were very ititeresting and had been taken' while on tour of Australia, New Zealand and 'the Islands. Miss Elizabeth Scaman . played several favourite piano _selections during the program. Mrs. Adelaide Revel ' expressed the appreciation of the residents. RESPECT FOR LIFE WEEK MAY 5th-12th the unborn - the,handicapped L the aged Sponsored by: Goderich Pro -Life Group This week is being observed and supported by 26 Clergymen of the various denominations in Goderich and Clinton and area. —EDUCATIONAL BUS Goderich - Square - May 10 and 11 Children under 16 'must have parents' consent Slide presentation and exhibit. Special Mother's Day- Service• SUNDAY, MAY 1 2 � A ° -e. Dr. Charles Sidenspinner RENOWNED CONFERENCE SPEAKER, WiNONA LAKE, WII,L SPEAK WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP .HOUR - 2 p.m. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL, AUBURN - 8 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC ALL WELCOME EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING Rev. J. Berley Reynolds Coming Next Sunday How many of you remember being sent to the cellar to pick over the potatoes that had sprouted vigorously through the winter? It certainly wasn't the nicest job and memories of it rallied my sympathy for a lit- tle bon I .heard about the other day. This boir (his name was Lewis) was sent to the potato_„ bin to trim, what looked to him, a mountain of potatoes that had all sprouted white whiskers He was crest fallen at" the. sight. The first session he spent in calculating how many potatoes there were in the pile, and how many sprouts would have to be rubbed off, and how long the irksome task would keep 'him away from his ball -playing pals. The next afternoon he again did more worrying than work. It would take him an eternity to finish such a staggering chore. He couldn't muster any heart to tackle in earnest such a hopeless job. :When his father dropped down to see how ,the work was progressing, he saw .that halydly a start had been made. He wanted to know why. Lewis poured out his tale'of woe, ex- plainirig his calculations, and that he would never be able to finish the .job. The father wisely refrained ` from scolding. Instead he. picked up. a potato, .rubbed off the sprouts and ,quietly remarked: "Just do one potato at a time, Son,. don't 'Worry about the rest." And', he proceeded to't'rim several more as an example until quite a dent had been made in the potato mountain. - Inadvertently, the elder men- tioned' a circus was corning soon and 'spoke of the mar- velous stunts advertised. When Lewis was called t'o supper, he noticed 'hat the pile of trimmed potatoes was even larger than the pile yet to be trimmed. The mountain had been removed! It's useless to worry about the past, for the past is past. Omar Khayyam was grimly correct: 'The moving finger writes, .and, having writ, Moves on; nor all thy piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Nor al1,,thy tears •wash_ out a word of it.' A man can learn from his past and use if for a guide'to better action, but it's senseless and wrong to brood himself 'into paralysis over it. ' Worry about the future is also ,wasted effort. A wise man once said, "The biggest ztroubles you have got to ,face are those that never come." The -.future is seldom as bad as we think it will be. Worry is injurious. It's a medical fact that' he who laughs lives longest and he Who worries often brings on a stomach ulcer or a coronary. William Barclay's advice on worry is "Let a man give his best to every 'situation-. . . he cannot give more . . and let him leave the rest .to God." We, know that with God's help we somehow are able to bear the unbearable and do the un- doable and pass the breaking point without breaking. The let;son of life says worry doesn't help a bit. ' True, there may be worse sin than worry but there is no more disabling sin. 'Jesus' com- mandment "Take no anxious thought for the morrow" is•the way to peace and to power and strength. 6 Bishop's. son appointed rector at Owen Sound The Right Reverend T. David B. Ragg, Bishopof the Anglican Diocese''of Huron, an- • pounced today that he has ap- pointed the Reverend Charles Robert Townshend, B.A. B.Th., of Chatham, to succeed him as Rector of St. George's Church, Owen Souod, and as Arch- deacon of Saugeen. Both ap- pointments will be effective on June 15th. The Archdeaconry of Saugeen covers the Counties of Bruce, Grey and Huron. Youngest son of Bishop and Mrs. William A. Townshend of London,- the, newly appointed Archdeacon was Ordained by his father in 1962. He is a graduate of Huron College and the University of Western On- tario, and took a post -graduate course at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, England. ,,After serving as Assistant Curate at St. George's Church, London, he became Rector of Florence, Aughrim, and Both- well. Three years, later he was given the task of,amalgamating two Church Extension parishes in Sarnia, which became the thriving parish of St. James the Apostle, Since 1971 he has been Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Chatham. • SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RED CROSS Mr. Townshend served as a Domestic Chaplain to Bishop Queen during the three years of his episcopate as Bishop of Huron. ' Mr. and Mrs. Towpshend (the former Patricia Laba of Chatham) have three child/en; Mary, 8; Todd, 6; and three- year-old Andra. 10' THESE FAHEE[1 'BRYAN JAMES, FRANCIS Bryan James Francis, 808, BatoryAve., Pickering, also RR 2 Goderich, died Sunday, April '21 at Centenary Hospital, Scar- borough. He is survived by his° wife, the former Nellie•Willey; a son Donald and a daughter, Mrs. John (Sandra) Badorr five grandchildren, Janet,Jonathon, Paul, David and. Jimmie; . 'a, brother Joseph of Toronto and brothers and sisters Harold; Robert, George, Dudley, ',May, Due, Cis and Peg, all of Eire. Cremation at Necropolis Crematorium followed the funeral ;service, the ashes, to be interred at Pihe Hills Cemetery. WILLIAM ERNEST MERRALL Sgt. William .Ernest Merrall, 529 Bank Street, North Bay, died suddenly.Sunday, April -21 in North ':Bay. He was 48. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Merrall,• he was born 'June `5, 1925, at St. Catharines. He spent most' of -his early life at Galt until he 4", ':!–o. Yea though I walk through the yallsy of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me:'. . -234 Psalm joined the Canadian'Forees a the aged of 18. He was postec overseas where he servec during the Second World War He was married to the for mer Betty Jean Fuller a Goderich in" 1948. A devoted worker for minor hockey and baseball in Nortl Bay, Sgt. Merall was the `vice president of the North Ba, Metro Hockey League and wat vice-chairman of the Golden Puck Hockey Tournament. held at Memorial Gardens in North Bay in March. - - In addition to his work in ar executive capacity, he was alsc "active in the North Zone as I coach for boys' baseball an hockey teams. Surviving besides his wife ar one son, Gary and on daughter, Linda, both at home a brother, Arthur of Stratford and 'one sister, Mrs. Georg (Helen) Hilborii, Galt, Funeral service ' was Wed nesday, April 24 from --tFE Protestant Chapel with Capt. Self officiating. Interment wat In Terrace L.awn Cemetery. The; family that prays' together....Stays together S.UNDA Y SERVICES THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. S 524-9341 SUNdAY SCHOOL - 9:45' A.M. ' FAMILY WORSHIP 7 11:00 A.M: ' EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. WEEKDAY Home League•(ladies) Wed.; 8:00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 p.m. 9FFICERS = CAPTAIN"G. HERBER - CAPTAIN M. McKENZIE. "Ali Are Cordially invited to Attend" One marvels at God's,;, patience with us when we, like Lewis, sit dejectedly looking at the mountain ahead of us, preferring to ..ettle for.: defeat instead of even 'truing to sur- mount it. 'Some of us go so far as to build the' mountains our- selves... mountains of worry; worry about a myriad of things Jesus clearly' said would be taken care of if we would only- let nlvTet God be the dominating power in our lives. He pointed out in Matthew 6: 25-34 that worry is needless. Yet, many of us continue to do it to, the point we may even become sick. In effect.. Jesus said, "Learn to live one.day at a -time." YES WE CAN $2 ,000–$50,000 2na & 3rd mtges We arse now making loans, on all' types of properties in your area. Call direct collect an4 lets discuss it. Prompt Inv,, tment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto, 366- 9586 evgs. 231-8146, Low cost, any purpose, Ontario wide ser- vice. THE WORLD IS: YOUkS.../p YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE:.. Wherever you move the Welcome Wagon hostess is the right person to help you find a .place in your new community, Cali ,482-9623 ,A0 LUTHERAN SERVICES Robertson Memorial School (BLAKE ANDILDON STREETS, GODERICH) SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M. Pastor: Bruce Bjorkquist 333 Eldon Street, 524-6081 '1'hr.rcrforn we cHrnrlticlr' 1-11ui usntrut is jUslificcl by faith wi1huul lhr creeds of 'the Low. 1?ornure, 3:211 • FIRST BAPTIST- CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near' The Square REV: W.H. McWHINNIE Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ALL ARE WELCOME The FreMethodist Church Park ,St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross, Nicholls .0. 10:00 a.m. Be part of a growing Sunday School 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 pm.— Guest Speaker Miss Hester Dougan From Faith Missions, Toronto Crusade May 5 - May 12 Anyone needing bus transportation phone 524-9903 Everyone Welcome CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL " REV. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor , 10:00 a.m. BIBLL SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES A Special Gift for all Mothers Today For free bus transportation please call 52479497 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP HOUR SERMON: "GOD BLESS OUR MOTHERS" 6:30 Y.P. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Wed. 8 P.M. -- PRAYER MEETING Welcorno to the Friendly Church Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV, G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B:A. Minister THE REV -RONALD C- McCALLUM, Assistant `WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise " ! SUNDAY, 'MAY 12," 1b74 <0-- 10:00. a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermon': "THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN" (Nursery & Junior Congregation) * *.SACRAMENT OF. BAPTISM * * ..:(Christian Family Sunday - Mother's Day") Enter to Worship Depart to Serve ST. GEORGCHURCH + . SUNDAY, MAY\ 2, 1974 EASTER IV Holy Communion at 8:3' a.m. Morning Prayer, and Sermon : t .11 a.m. Nursery and Sunday School at 1 a.m. Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D. Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Her. ' an Come to a Growing Sunday School If you need a ride, we have a Bus. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated. with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN and WATERLOO STS. REV." PETER G..ST DON, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1974 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 1.1:00 a.m.--SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE 7:00 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE' Tues. 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STiJDY AND PRAYER Friday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Service a " "The Mother's heart is the Child's schoolroom" For further information about church services can 524-8506 A Victoria. Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP ., REV. LEONARD WARR 10 A.M.—Bible School For `All Grades 11:1D A.M.—Worship Service Sermon: "BUILDING CHRISTIAN HOMES" ° BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 10 A.M. 'Worship Service and Bible School W---E-L—C--O--M—E Mrs. J. Snider Mrs Leonard Wal Victoria St. Organist„ . Senmiller Pianist & Choir Director ifs Choirs' Directo n North Street United Church�.- REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1974 9:45 a.m. - 10 year olds and• over. 11:00 a.m. - Babies to nine year olds 11:00 a.m. - Mornin6 Worship Family Day Service --W--E--Lr--C---O—M--�-E�--.. Lorne H. Donator - Director of Music Milli Clare McGowan - Assistant Visitor (.a