HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-09, Page 25c 1 r t Vbr valuable .. to local police What looks like a slightly modified electric'typewriter in the corner of the com- munications office of the ry Goderich Ontario Provincial Police station is a potent weapon for use against iminals. cr f he has stopped. In the case 'of a car with an American license plate, the operation takes slightly. longer. CPIC' is hooked into a crime computor in Washington that relays' information back to Canada. )>,+ The ,machine was installed Police. officers have to wait June 25, 1973. There are about' about 90 seconds fee the infor- L60 like it in police stations, oration. both provincial and municipal, Once a ca' is reported stolen, across Ontario. The machine is a police department im- a Sending and receiving unit mediately sends a description connected with a giant crime to the Ottawa compu•t-et. Only computer system in Ottawa. • that department can have the The system is the Canadian ,car removed from the stolen car Police Information Centre file. (CPIC). It is removed' from the file Civilian Brian McDonald is upon confirmation of the, car§ recovery. This routine prevents one of five operators who man the CPIC,jnachine continually., He say's the machine can trace a car, license number'in less than 20 seconds,. To demonstrate, he asks . for the number' of a car parked outside. He quickly types the request for information. Scant seconds later the answer comes back. No file on record. The speed of the machine is nothing short of • ,incredible, The information travelled to Ottawa and 'back in less than 10 seconds.• Ari officer can use his radio to contact the station for infor- oration in •minutes about a car Benmiiler UCW pla n tha'nkofferifl g the owner from being stopped by police after he claims his car. Although the local OPP use CPIC for tracing cars about 66 per cent of the time during an average day, the machine Is used to trace, persons too. The central ctomputer has °files about persons ern probation and parole. It also keeps track of Warrants still outstanding. Sgt, Tom Redpath, from the local OPP detachment, cites an example.• • A warrant of committal for a person who failed to appear in court is, listed with CPIC. . ''The person may owe only ,a $50 fine. Althc ugh the OPP would probably not extradite a person for this offence, they . could find the address where the warrantshould be sent. •Any police department in na could find out about this warrant if the person's - name name was sent to the central file. - The•May meeting of the Ben- The ' CP,IC central file also miller, UCW ' was held in the lists missing persons. Church with 12•° members ,This file, along with other in - present. formation, is available to several area.potice departments President Mrs. Hazel through the CPIC terminal at McMichael opened the meeting. the Goderich OPP detachment. Unit 2 was in charge of the.• The. Goderich, Clinton, Kin - Devotional period. '.cardine, Wingham, Exeter and Treasurer Mrs. H. Straughan Winghani police have access to 'reported a fair •balance.' The it. The CPIC terminal. is also Units reported their activities. used by the Exeter and Kincar- The Thank -Offering is to be dine , IDEP detachments. ° at Menes"e't`i ng Camp on June 5 • ' The municipal and provin- at 2:3Q--p.rn '- r. clal forces use itm•about 75 to Mrs. Leonard Warr in-' 1.00 times per day, troduced the guest, speaker, The computer .. system is Rev. W. Robinson of Goderich. closely watched at' all times by He gave •a splendid talk on police to prevent unauthorized ""World -Citi enship" which the persons from feeding a name Members enjoyed. Mrs. Mar- into the central file. jorie Treble thanked Mr. These precautions help keep -Robinson. CPIC efficient and reliable. Lunch was served by , Mrs. However, like all computers, it Bessie 'Moore and, Mrs. Edna • is ."only as good as the infor- Moore: There will be "no mation it• recei'ves," says Sgt. meeting until September. • ' Redpath, r,0 CAN•ADIANA QUALITY HOMES . ONLY $500 Downs Erected on your foundation in .one day, finish'e'd• in o week. ALL , HOMES complete with , plumbing, heating, wiring, af' broadloom etc. Write for tIlu- 0 strafed catalogue (enclose $1.00 'for postage--- and hon- ' dling). Huron County Representative P.S. MacEwan - 524-9531 Goderich.., a. �',CANADI ANP: MODULAR 'HOMES LIMITED i 1I 10 Main Street South, P.O. Box 650 ,. Woterdown, Ont. Tel (416) 689.6687 NAME ADDRESS PHONE' I OWN A LOT YES ❑ NO ❑ Please• send information on your fully serviced subdivision and .model homes at Mitchell, Ontario; (Neer Stretford) YES ❑ NO ❑ ' GSS 9/5 Q.. Civilian CPiC operatorBrian MCDonald types a request for '; information on the machine's keyboard as Sgt. Tom Red Oath, with the Ontario Provincial Police, Goderich detach- ment, watches for the answer to appear. (staff photo) Says news reports give false picture of vegetable profits "News .reports- from the - an- nual • meeting of the Canadian Food Processors Association are misleading consumers when they falsely infer that. most of the 30 per cent increase in the retail prices of processed' vegetables will go to farmers" says Gtwdon Hill, president, Onntario Federation._ ,of ' Agriculture:. "It is true that growers will 'get more for their raw vegetables this crop year.' However, the farm price has a minimal effect .cin the retail shelves, Increased prices to far- mers will amount to about :,3 per cent at the retail level," he said. • Hill points out that farmers got 3.5c for the peas in the 14 - ounce .can retailing 'in mid- April for 26c, ,Under the new contract, farmers will get 6c. Growers now get lc for the carrots in a 14 -ounce 'can selling for .17c. From the new crop, grower's will get Loc. For the 'green beans in a 14 - ounce can retailing for 27c,'far- mers now get 2.7c. The new crop will give them 3.8c. "The 'increased price to far- mers averages out to lc per 14 - ounce can over the full range of canned vegetables. When processors accuse • farmers of forcing up the retail price by 30 per cent -- they are hiding behind the good image of far- mers. Processors .are now growing a large• amount of vegetables on their own land. Snapper cleans up. • Optionnl 6 -bushel grass catcher va+;uunis your lawn.as you mow. • (]alas .archer lti mc)UntCJ hchiiid the im vets for tot.,dl maneuverability. • With proper i1tt11Chmcnts, Snapper can solve many yard care problems \\ ith ease. •.1-ree,delll(lnstriltl611 on ,.your own limn. All `in.trr'I nn nitt•r, n^rt AN'', 1 ',lit •I,c, ifs, .irt �,•. • ARGYLE MARINE & SMALL ENGINES Hwy.No.21 Goderich, Ontario 524-9201 HUTCHINS WELDING Benmiller; Ontario 524-7038 e.. GODERICH SIGNAL $TAR, THURSDAY, MAX 9, 1974 ---PAGE 9* Ontari� Hydro files. new rate application Ontario Hydro has submitted its application to the Ontario minister of energy for an in, - crease in wholesale power rates for 1975. The application Will be reviewed by the Ontario Energy Board in-p-O'l"i.c hearings beginning June 10. The new rates would mean. increases of about leper cent for 1975 to municipal utilities, who buy in bulk from Ontario Hydro and in turn supply the majority of Ontario's 2.5 million users. Annual, in-. creases of 10 to 15 per cent are anticipated to be necessary through the -1975-79 five year period. • . - . For large industrial_ users served directly by., Ontario Hydro, an -increase of about 16 .,Per c.ent is proposed for 1975• This rate also provides for recovery, over a five year period, of deficits outstanding w against . the direct industrial customers at the end of 1973. The rates for some 680,000 rural .customers, -who receive power directly from Ontario Hydro, will be announced later. In its February 28th written submission related to -the Energy Board's review of Hydro's' financial policies and objectives, Hydro- presented three alternative financial programs, but later indicated its preference for continuation of the 1974 financial program. The three plans presented'to the Board illustrated Hydro's concernwith the balance het -- ween . what is, being paid by customers and what is being borrowed. ' Hydro is recommending t.he., 'continuation of the system ex- pansion charge in the cost of power at the 1974 rate. It recognized in its :submission that with heavy capit`;hi coin- -1. On these vegetables, the ~ processorwill pocket the en- tire increase. Canning Food Prices Review Board chairman Beryl Plumptre into supporting their statement undermines producers' confidence i'n' t -he in- leprity it1f the review hoard. "When it costs 4c to 6c for the can, and 1.4c for the carrots in a. 14=ounce can, who is rip - .ping' who off?" Hill asked. ' BE 86A 00D DONOR 1 W. L-0enomme FLOWER. SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY OR. NIGHT 0 tr' 0 A wo Agent for 24,7m 'FILM' DEVELOPING DO YOU, NEED A WATER WEL DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED' OFFERS YOU "r • - - 73 years of successful water- development - The most modern, fast equipment available Highly trained personnel , - Fast service and free .estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest ,cost' PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE 'BOX 486, WINGHAM - OR,PHONE 357-1960 mitments for the future such a charge might" reasonably have been increased. However, it was felt by- Hydro that the adoption of a higher level of charges would result in an unacceptably high rate in- crease. Escalation of salaries and wages, interest rates and prices for fuel, materials, equipment and prpperty, along with the need to expand the system to serve Ontario are the main fac- tors underlying the proposed increases. With 40 per cent of Hydro's generating capacirty, dependent on coal, oil or natural gas, the utility has been hit hard by in- creasing prices of theae fuels. - Coal, which is used to fuel the majority of Hydro's thermal stations', will increase an estin1'ated 34 per cent this and 'a further 17 per cent in 1975, while natural gas and oil prices are expected to increase. by even greater percentages over the same two years. The effect of these 'increases will be magnified during the balance of the 1975-79 five year period, since over 60 per cent'of the new generating units required in the period are coal or oil fired. The growth in demand for electricity is expected to con- tinue at about seven per cent,a year, To meet this need On- tario Hydrois committed to bringing into service by 1979 an additional eight million kilowatts of capacity. In' in- flated 'dollars this will mean the spending of $9 billion. In real terms the allocation of resources to electric power ex- pansion swill be much more moderate. Ontario—, -Hydro anticipates that the Canadian -economy during the five year period will • Over 250 Monuments an Sale WITH A VARIETY OF COLORS, STYLES AND SHAPES TO CHOOSE FROM ---- MANY NEW THIS YEAR. Whether It's a. • MONUMENT • MARKER' • 'INSCRIPTION You are remembering a lovedone. r,. Let T. PRYDE S014 LTD. Help you decide on your menlorial requirements - in Goderich see Don Denomme 77 Hamilton St. 524-8761 or Frank Mcllwain 524-9465 experience a high level of growth, but owidglip part to the unprecedented rate of inflation will call; fora heavy demand T for capital funds. To preserve- Ontario 1Hydro'sostrong finan- cial positiorY, it is essential that it effect rate' adjustments that will;- maintain a sensible - balance in financing its expan- sion program oi}t of current revenues and debt borrowing. ,The Ontario • Energy Board has already reviewed Hydro's future construction program and its financial policies and objectives. By the end of ' August -the Board will be making recom- mendations on Ontario Hydro's rate application to the•proviri- cial •government.,. government -c;',( ucrop ) insurance guarantees your production - so you can cover your costs Application deadline is May lst GEORGE TURTON` 3.19: HURON ROAD (HIGHWAY` -8) 1 GODERICH - - 524-7411` -Residential Lighting Display Electric 'Heating "INDUSTRIAL = COMMERCIAL" RESIDENTIAL -- "'WIRING CUSTOM TRENCHING GRAHAM ELECTRIC. 62 CAMBRIA RD. N G,ODERICH 524-8670 • For Professional: -Fertilizing i Aerial- Weed Control CALL SPRAYCO THE MOST EXPERIENCED PEOPLE IN THIS FIELD 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE --DON'T HESITATE - TO CALL AND LEAVE YOUR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER IDB loans in �here_ �ada We can tend to Marty every t e l enemenutaciurartenoeeata e n d .Hol trade t d McMahon• . Conetiucn .gncutture ... transport' and slava.. you 1eed hnanc assistance to star•, remind,t modetnue a business .nWrtet..n Canada, ere invite 1o diSCUSS r-0' ,equuHnente w0h Ye• Ask tot this, tomer, . from our representative, ' - Norris Peever who will be at: The Bedford Hotel, 92 The Square, Goderich, on Monday; May 13th, 1974 from 1-4 p.m.. Tel: 524-7337 idb. If you require financing to start, modernize, or expand your business, and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps /DB can help you. IUIJ INDIIST1IIAI IJEVELIIPMENTHANK 197 York St., London, Ont. N6A 1B2 SCHAEFER'S INTERIORS are now DISTRIBUTORS FOR G.P.H. CERAMICS •BUD VASES •PATIO LANTERNS •STEINS •ASH TRAYS *BON BON DISH 0. •LAMPS •WALL PLAQUES *TABLE CENTRES *NOVELTY BANKS • •1 • •CHRISTMAS TREES SOUVENIR ITEMS Excluding ,official "POrt of Goderich" Items INDUSTRIAL THERAPY DEPARTMENT GODERiCH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL •Y