HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-24, Page 7*oantree Cioueumption,COaetio, CrenX10 001,0
ieletteats Seeley allele:40ns on es9uareetee•
feee inenoni
Side, neon or (Smut telillob *Penne,
leitiiitee will ewe greet tatisfitoteseeseee cents,
kleretthebesteeniedyeerceas itatoli3Ttem
eater wed," Fier Dyispopsle, laver w4uPv
.1,0130 It excels. Rriee eeel.
ILO MPS A11111111
Henn you Ceterria ? rythleBeagedy,
Peeitively relieve and Cure you. Pelee 60 eta.
lrhis InSeetor for he eueeessful treatment 10
'furnished free, fOrnember,ShilonssIleritedieti
are '4'10,r r ettararitee to give eatisfaction,
1 .
N' arriater, soli.
itoi, of Sum:eine Court, Notene
Public, 0 onveyaucer 0 nelssioner' n
Mousy to Lott. ' °re '
, eteenceleet•arteo 4"eBleek, nxeter,
11.... .0 eleiN $ ,
881rister; 8 icitor, Con-velaacori Etc.
OFF.KM : Over O'Neire Bauk.
ianistors, Solicitors, Ilotarion
Copveyappers 860, 86o.
ormotey Titian at Lowest Rates of
e. V. minor. • FnLlnsiticK nr,LioT.
TJ F. ILINSMANyL. D. 8, D, D, S.
reclean() of. Royal College of Dontel ewe.
gems, and of the Dental Depertmeet et Toron
to University, (with honors.)
8peeialise bridge -wore, and gold and
eerce ala crowns.''
Piece Nitrous Oxide Gas and locale anathet-
ins for painless rentractiens. At Locate every
Wednesday. Office; retison,s Blook, Exeter.
1 -Noll, O. H. 'INGRAM, DHNTIST,
Lf Successor to IT. L. Billings.
inber of the Royal College of Dental
Fin germs.) Teeth inserted with or without
Plnee, us Gold or Rubber, A sate Antesthetic
vett:inn: the painlese extraction of teeth,
Fine Gold Fillings as Required.
Bier over the Peat Odic°.
t".__ • 8, Graduate Victoria Uniyen ty;
Mee and residence, Dona:nion Labe a
. xe toe
b4--arlinteFIS3rgitjy.agt, :1/211x.detarOffies, opp.,site
ELYND N, corouer, for be
DES. EoLt.iks .8,, A:Z.10S.
Separate °dices. Residence seine as former.
Amerow et- Offices: 8peekmanes
M*Itin at; Dr Rollins' seine as 'formerly, north
door: Dr. Ames' sante building, south door,
3, A. ROLLINS, IVf. D., T. A. AIVIOS, M. 13 -
Exeter, Out,
HeUlhig Xalitlre hi Winter.
This le an old subject and like many
Other eesve have thought wekaewall about it.
Men in high Authority haVe told us with
perfect assurance to haul and spread as fast
as made end no lose need be feared, as all
the Valuable elements will sink into the moil
and become part and parcel of it. During
the World's Fair many things which had
been supposed to be facts were proven to
be fancies, and cluriog the year an experi-
ment was made which, proved some new
facts along the line of applying fertilieere,
The eeperitnent did not take piece at
Ohicego but in Dearborn county,
It was made by Mr. Seth Platt, who by
the way is much of a scientist. Ile made
the experiment in the bellowing manner :
took a two-inch tube eixteee inches
in length and filled it nearly full ef dry
earth, placing on top of the earth a quan-
tity -of sale. He then poured, on water
frequently and at the end of 24, hours the
moisture had reached the bottom of the
tube, and 'with the moisture had come
enough Salt to give to the earth a salty
taste. The experiment dunes that what-
ever is soluble in water goes wherever the
water gees.f Therefore all fertilizing ele-
ments which are soluble in water, whether
they be from stable manure or cornMeenial
fertilizers, go down into the soil With the
water to whatever depth it goes. In fall
and winter much rain falls and some of the
manure at least becomee soluble cud flows
off on the surface. This less is perhaps
not very area b,still it amounts to something,
as may he seen by the color of the water we
see flowing from the fields where the man-
ure is spread.
But suppose that all that becomes soleble
goes into the soil. The experiment sboivs
that anything soluble in water goes with
the water, and if the salt will go clown the
tithe 16 inches surely the potash in the
manure will go down just as far as the
water goes. So also With the other ele-
ments of fertility; they all go with the
water in whieh they are dissolved, In the
case of coarse manure perhaps very little
of it becomes eoluble during the winter -
There will always be some loam, however,
with any manure.'
Now for the other side of the question.
If the 'ground is not frozen so that the
water, instead of running off, goes into the
eon and the sell is filled with roots like
clover, it is quite likely' that most of the
fertilizing elements are taken from the
water as it passes on its downward course;
but unless the soil is filled with roots and
many of these, be long and fibrous, there
will be loss, because the water in many cases
goes to a great depth and in time reaches
the streams,
It is probable that when a- rain or 'snow
feels upon quite dry eon a large per cent, of
the fertilizing elements- is absorbed by the
dry particles' of earth, which act as a filter,
bnewhen more water falls it takes up the
particles again in solution and carries them
on down into the lower portions of the soil.
We see the process illustrated in the
leaching of athes. The ashes represent the
soil filled with potash and other elements
of fertility. We pour water upon the ashes
and the potash therein becomes part of a
solution and Passes down the depth of the
barrel or box in which they are placed,
which is in many eases 4 feet or more.
From this it appeara that about the only
place we are safe in spreading manure is
upon clover sod, We are toldtthat the roots
of clover alvsays have their mouths open
ready to feed upon and store up any fertility
that ebines to them. There is a place, how-
ever, where manure is quite safe and that
is under a good roof, provided of course
that it is frequently forked over or kept
tramped down solid to keep it from firing.
It may be cheaply stirred by the brood sows
which are kept over winter. Manure handl-
ed in this way becomes quite short and
may be put upon the ground after
plowing, and harrowed into -the soil,
when it gradually becomes available for the
ass of the growing crop. This is merely safer
then to spread in winter and take all the
chances of toss,--E0hio Farmer. et
• tieneer for the County of Huron,
,Charees moderate. Exeter P. 0.
BoSSENBERRY, Genera La -
6 =seed Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Sallsfactionguaranteed. Charges
moderato. HensallP 0, Out. . •
BNitY BILBER Lieemped Ana.
• tioneer for the COnuties of, turon
and Middlesex Bales conducted at mod.
(stone rates, .3fWee eat Pose -mime °red -
ton Out, . •
peroezis, $26,000 Private Feuds. Rest
Loaning Oompentegreprosented.
• bicicsox '
Barrister Beet ,or •
Provincial Lam]. Surveyor and Civil Ea-
Odes, Destairs.Sannvell's Block, Exeter, out
Tennent& Tennent
Gradvates of the Ontario Veterinary Oel
017ce : One door son liar flown Rall.
I sr AAR°
This co:neatly has been over Twenfv-eigh
years in successful onention in 'Welton
Ontario, arid continuos to insare against loss (Zr
damage by Fire. Buildings, Merchandise
Manufactories end all other deseriptioas of
insurable property.. Intending insurere hone
the (melee of insuring en the Free:limn Note or
Cash Sestrain
During the,past ten Yortrs this company has
iisuoc157,09i YoficieS, goitering property to the
amount of 4340,87203S; and paid in 108SOS al o ae
Assets, atee,100,00, consisting of Cash
in [lank ovornmotxt Depositeed the unassoss
red Premium Notes on hand and in force
em.weeemey M.D.. President; 0 et• Lev in a
secretary ; J. B. Ifteiges, Inspector ,
SNELL Agent for Exeter and vicinity
The Molson$ Bank
(00,1R,T)41011)433t PA fiLTAMF.N T, 1850
Raid tp 0 alias' 82,000,00o
Bse Pend ..• 1,100,0
g. WOLFERSTAN l'110 Ae -Wee •,,
Chneenet Menecture
Meter seivan cod to good eirmerson their own
oto with one or more endorsee at 7 1)61, cent.
num. .
ITI;Ket er 13ratich,
lawfal daY ,frolt 10 a, In, to 3 e•ra
TURDAYS,10 a, ma, -to p. ne,
raect of interest allowed on (-latent
0 America
qy for
IU j* low e p
omeh pe3J.n tt ax t kelt grOgrt.
Where tee lend ie well deetellen tki:a
for the trees oeu be dug met clurilig the
whiter, and this plen Will WO meele tilne
in the epriegvelien usually the time is preset-
ing, and often on this account the work ie
earelesely done. The holes should be three
feet deep et leant. This gives pleuty ci
room foe the troee end elee some looee eon
at least for the roots to ettare to grow in.
In order to dig the holes right, and, at the
wile time, preserve the place for the trees
take a board about five feet long, one Mob
thick, and about six inches wide, bora a
hole in each end and then umetture cereful-
ly and cut a notch in the edge of the boerd
in the center betweee thee two holonhave
the notch large enough to admit the stakes.
eeeke two good entices that will readily go
'through the holes in each end of the boards.
Set the uotehes in the board against the
stake, Set whore the tree is to be set, put a
stake in each hele. After putting into the
ground sufficient to thoroughly mark the
place, pull out one stake, _move the board
around, dig the hole put the boerd back in
place and set the stt:ke 'male in the hole.
This arrangement can also he used to a good
advantage in setting the trees, putting the
board in place, pulling out the center etalto
and setting the tree in its place. Where
accurate work is dettired something of this
kind will be found very necessary, and if
the Work is done now it will save time later
Horse Talk.
Short Furrows,
Beautiful children never grow in loveless
The prettiest a,dornment eta.Lana is a
house full of lovely children.
Plenty of wellemproved household uten-
idle are first rate family peacemakers.
The gossip resembles the bee, in that she
is always busy, and carries a sting in. her
Doe't boast of a large bank account
while your wife still breaks her back over
an old-fashioned washboard. -
The mad race for wealth is about as
alluring, exciting, and disappointing as the
recent race for homesteads in the Cherokee
Rugged hedges index ragged carpets,
rusty stovese dilapidated barns, tumble-
down sheds,unsheltered farm machinery,
and other things in similar shape about a
run, down farm.
Or, Vow lend.° eft:yang, Altnerigh Ile Hail
No Gun, Got There AU the Sane.
A man can easily show his humanity in
the way he treats his horse in Winter.
Does he alwayst blanket his animal when a
a stop is made, or, on the contrary, is the
poor beast allowed no protection from severe
and cutting winds? Is the bit warmed and
the frost taken out before the cold iron is
put into the month? These are perti-
nent questions to aak any horseman this
cold winter when the mercury is hovering
about the zero point.
The farmer has really no besinese to
bother with trotting stock, -when good road -
eters and heavy draft animals are in good
demand and olfee reasonably sure oppor-
tunities, for fair profits. The stylish driver,
or the very heavy horse of good form,
weighing twelve to fourteen hundred
-pounds, is just about certain to pay the
breeder, even if horses are cheap, as is the
case at preaent.
Oats are the grain par excellence for
horses, and should form the basis of all
their retions. Farm horses may have ten
or tWelve quarts per day of a Mixture of
equal parts bran, oats, and corn. This,
with ten pounds of hay daily, should keep
the horses in good condition. Don't forget
to have a piece of rock salt in every man-
ger at all tithe,
Farm horses, as a rule, fail to make much
aequaintance with currycomb and brush,
At least they don'tThecome as intimately
acquainted with these useful articles of the
toilet as would be profitable. The brush,
IA an active hand, polishes the hair, stimu-
lates the skin to healthy action, and saves
feed, Less ()ate and more grooming are
equivalent to more oats and less mmoining.
The question is, then, Which is cheaper,
oats or grooming?
Home -Made Peed Rack.
This rack is 10 feet lone, Se feet high,
and 3 feet 4 inches wide, it is open at top
and had no bottom in. It is boarded up
20 inches from the bottom on all four sides,
marked A. All the other boards are 6x1
fencing;,All the species marked 13 arc
through hich the cattle reach to eat, the
feed being thrown inside. Hook it to'
gather with hooks and, stumble at each cor-
ner, above atel below. Vele wrought nails
and clinch on the inside. Stock fan not
run over and waste the feed such as hay,
fodder, etc.
Matin t Out tho Ground.
One of the itenaa of work thee can often
be dorm to great advantage during the win-
ter, if the wee ther Will permit, is the nittrIC
lug out of the ground for the trees that are
to be set out in the seeing. le Will add
mitterially to the appearance of the oroherd
if the treee ere cot out ie ettitight rows,
and a little care Is necessary this is done
to the best adventage.' Good (deed ebekee
shOuld be uti thee undet rerenele
kite tie des* their
"Ate' eireirtair enures-Ai:0 .IrkenlEtwA
la Well
nr"its°4117' 11 Not A1:11"4
Walker, on the inueleenth day of Deoeln1)"'
low Thee Are Tenteteve-Nraose Cloettle winittt/L'e YaZeloelflortfentlehnoiuluttst.1,Y, did kill and
"e,e, hiso 'ai tehi abfp:ewt:ui etel frequently
it:hoek:et;:te fine ehleent ha" ictirtyn el, endttsfeal ao r murder.g eBuol 1 e r d Was an aoqi301'
murder James Williseee and Blies. Will -
bank olerk passes, saye e`Koko," in the, This wan tee verdict roturued by the.
Empire, coroner's jury in the Williams murdee case
Bank clerks are a (dace by themseleee• at Cookevilie, list week. The jury were
They are an enigma to the ordinary out 1 hour and 40 minutes. Teo delay in
citizen. They live well, dress well, and their return Was due to the feet that six
of the lu,rymen were at fast opposed to
brining in iluehard as en accessory,
Coroner Reggie commenced business at
l2,30 promptly. He started off by reading
dt °optic) previouslyjury°' concgi ley t ee uttli then suggestte el:
ed that Crown Attorney McFadden acidrees
the jury. Mr. Robinette, counsel for Mac,
Wherrell, claimed he should have the same
gri said
drhoi 5b abouta,tdiiodnit.annodttheremt was withn theeh'
The village hell was packed with the,
same croted se on previous occasioue, with
William Walter 1407nQrro. and jpimi
move in e oomparetively eiroluenve circle of
society upon P. Salary that would not suffice
to pay the eirdinery citizen's tailor bill,
they are usually youug non whose parents
have &reamed considers bin money by trade
in the country towne end villages, and who
are anxious that their sons should move in
good society and lead lives of comparative
These young men acquire a the rough office
training if they do not receive large salar-
ies, 'Most bank elerke enter as -juniors at
a salary seldom exceeding $200 per annum.
They are first sent out to reeks) colleCtions
have drafts eceepted, write up cash books, the exeeptiou tha,e there were more of the
file letters and do general office work. At feet, ete present,
the end of the first year they are usually
placed at bookkeeping n the formed enter-
ing all drefts and notes inc book kept for
that purpose. In gnother year they are ad -
One of the first witnesees called was
Charles Long of Toronto. He did not re-
spond. Crowe Attorney McFaddee said he
would apply for a, beech warrant and would
vanced probably $100 in salary and placed in me teat it mete obeyed.
charge of the discounts. A year later they Before the jury watt out Crown Attorney
get another increase in wagesandareplued
McFadden informed them that in his opera -
in charge of the discounts. A year later ' ion MacWherrelland Walker were inenlieat.
ed and principals in the crime, and that
Bechewri was an accessory to the fact.
When the verdict of the jury was being
read the Prisoners did not show any agita-
toe except Bullard, who seemed to have
an idea that he would be discharged: Un-
fortiniately for hint the jury did pot take
much stook in his story. They thought it
was too fluent and that he was till keeping
something back.
LAST. Dav's sviezeres.
they get another incest -tee in wages and are
placed at a ledger in which the current
accounts of the bank's customers are kept.
if the manager thinks that the young
men are steady and trustworthy, they are
again increased in salary, say to $600, and
given charge of a teller e box, where they
receive the deposits. By constant effort
and good conduct a email percentage of
bank clerks rise above this level, and are
promoted to positions as paying tellers -
most responsible positions.' These young
men have thousands of dollars daily passing
through their hands, and require to give
heavy bonds to secure the bank against
loss in case of dishonesty or mistake, and
seldom receive more, and 'very often less,
than $800 for their setvices. Ninety-five
per cent, of all the young men who enter
banks fail in obtaining positions above the
grade of paying teller. Those who get be-
yond. this grade join the ranks ot the ac-
countants,a technical term which to bankers
means a Ovoid of men who exercise a general
supervision over the office and are next in
rank to the manager. These men receive
annually from $500 to $1,500 according to
the importance of the office in which they
are engaged. Menagerie salaries, eel): rule,
iange from $1,5C0 to $2,50Ct. There are, of
course, bankers of the standing elf ,Messrs.
George Hague, Duncan Coulson, D. R.
Wilkie, Byron D. Walker and a few others
COMMAND -FROM $15,000 TO $35,000 •
annually, but all such men may be count
ed upon the fingers of a man's hands. The
great bulk of the workers in Caaclian
banks do not earn as much money annual-
ly as do men in other walks of life em-
planing the same amount of energy, intellect
and ability.
Banlemlerles are subject to many indigni-
ties unknown to /ether bread -winners. Tor
instance, many of the banks wilrfat allow
them to get married without permission;
they must in many' instances, board in
certain houser named by their superiors;
they mut, only associate with ,a certain
class; they are watched when off duty, and
if caught in a saloon or certain other pleas-
ure resorts are warned, and if caught
eeccmd time dismissed; they may not have
creditors; they may pot attend rectse in- lie
tepee too frequently at the theatres, while
to be seen entering a pool -room would
mean instant dismissal. I remember some
ten years ago a certain general manager
supplied all his Tot -onto clerks with mem-
bership tickets for the Y. M. 0, A., and
it was urideretood among the " boYs" that
if they am notettend some of the meetings
of that association their private life would
-be more closely looked into.
A. Wonsan Tries to leiseose an Infant
Lett Upon lier Hands.
An Incliatmpolis special says :-The un-
usual' spectacle of an infant being offered
for sale at a market stand was witnessed
here when Mrs. Jackman, an elderly wom-
an, who has a stand at the east market,
,offered to dispose of a2 -moth -old babe to
her customers. She said that the child was
born to a young woman who gave her name
as May Lewis and her home as Chicago,
mod who said that the name of the child's
fablierevas leathchild. The thild was born at
her house, and an elle lied brought up eleven
children of her own, she did. not care to
undertake the rearing of another. The
mother paid two weeks' toerd for theehild
and then disappeared. and Mrs. Jackman
said that she had brought the babe to the
inerket, in the hope of finding a home for it
A large crowd assembled about the stand,
and 'finally attrected the attention of the
police. When the officer approached, a
WOnlan offered to take the babe and. care
for it, and it was turned over to her, but au
hour later she returned with the babe,
saying her husband would not let her keep
it. Mrs Jackman ;still has the beby.
The Shift of the Deist Wheelie termite When
the Train. 1Vai4 at Fall S Peed*
A Drenthe, Oent., despatch aeysi -A sell-
out; accideot occurred noon here this morn.
ing. As the eatithoend passenger train on.
the B. and L. H. division of the G.T.R.,
whieli is due to arrive here at 9.42 Was
within one mile of hero one of the ehefte
which connect the tveo large drive wheele
on .the engine broke while the train vvae
under full speed. The driver at once re,,
versed. the eiigiee and applied the air brekes,
but before the train Wee beought to a stop
of 'treatment is that in a large number of
cases young men remain only in the employ
of banks until such time as they acquire a
thorough business training end, then leave,
in order to obtain more lucrative positions
in mercantile or other offices. Those who
remain are usually men who been not the
capacity for a snore active struggle in life,
or who, having lest ambition, are prepared
to spend the 'rest of their days he ;plodding
along with just enough money to keep the
wolf froln the door.
has been that they are for the most part.
men of more than ordinary ability,and who
would have made tncney at any other busi-
ness. They are essentially acute judges of
human nature. They, are daily in contact
with men who are trying by every means to
eecure the moneys of the bank 'upon worth" -
less paper. They, must be meneveho in an
instant can decide as to whether the ens
tamer ig honest or not, and are also called
upon to select from the raw material with
which they are supplied capable and erupt -
worthy clerks for promotion.
Therels practically no spirit de corps
among bank clerks. They are all auspi-
cious of their fellows: The accountant and
the local manager are looked upon much in
the same light that the ordinary citizen
views a detective.
Notwithstanding all the care exercised
by the officials in the selection of clerks,
there aro in this city bank clerks whose
salary does not exceed $000
Very little additional evidence was
brought forward.
Frederick Death of the Lake -road, two
miles from Williams', mad Benjamin Field-
house, who lives four miles from Williams'
identified the prisoner Walker as a man
who worked ,for them two yearsago and
left suddenly, after ransacking the house
and carrying off a •
Detective Davis told. of the admissions
made to him by the prisoner, MacWherrell,
after his arrest at Stiebleford's, and'after he
had been duly cautioned, These admis-
sions were published in Monday's World.
Briefly they were .; AfanWherrell said he
had met Corr, the hired mem at Fitzger-
ald's Hotel in York -street, on Dec, 13, and
asked the latter if he knew where he could
get work. Cory said he might get work
with 'Williams. MacWherrell left the city
next day at noon, arriving t Williams'
about 5. He saw Williams, is wife
in the yard and. asked for Biomes
said' he; had engaged a
Wherrell tefb-fen the city
trio cars near Miralco. He
&Moles' Hotel; while there two,,m
and wanted to sell 'him a horso,,a
He was not certain whether it 'we
or $10 that they asked. He fine*
bought the rig for $10. He described the
men, one was tall and had a mustache, the
other man was clean -shaved and wore a
corduroy cap. After buying the rig Mac.
Wherrell said he drove down King -street
and met Walker at Simcoe. He put the
'mese up at the Abnory Hotel and Walker
suggested that they go down to Buchard's
'in Little York. In answer ta an advertise.
meat, he sold the horse to a, butcher for $15.
When. arrested MacWherrell trembled and'
his mouth quivered. The pea -jacket worn
by'MacWherrell was found in his room at
Stableford's, MacWherrell denied ever
wearing a Persian lamb or imitation cap.
The department has tried to find the two
Men but without success.
W. J. Oluff, manager &holes' Hotel,
positively contradicted the story of Mac-
Wherrell. fie saw MacWherrell at the
hotel about Dec. 7. Was positive Mac-
Wherrell was not in the hotel on the
evenings of the 14th or 15th. Never heard
of a horse transaction taking place there.
that would eat up at least $3,000 Of the
ordinary citizen's money. The poolsromeis
get daily from $200 to $600 from bank clerks
in thie city. The clerks know too much to
go to the .pool -rooms themselves, but they
place them money through, eriends, Lees
than three years agei the public obtained
dome light upon the subject of bank clerks'
opportunities to steal, when in the criminal
courts the story of the downfall of two of
them was made known. The singulea thing
to me is that so inany of them are holiest,
considering the ridiculously small galaxies
they get aed the reponsibilities they have
imposed upon the
Irxnw-oro A CASE
where a batik clerk at Windsor, on a gantry
of $800, foetid himself alone in the bank one
night with the vault open and over $38,000
in notes end ,gold in the etoth box. If he
had taken the money and etossed the river
to Detroit nothing could have been done.
It would have been a breach of trest, aed
he could not have been extradieted. Iii
telling me afterwards about, it he said that
the temptation had been strong, and that
in his opinion it Wes etiminal for banks to
place such responsibilities upon boys who
received such small aIleries, Bank elerks
in cities SO011 find their level, mid are rgel-
doni trotibled with swelled hendi but in
emintry toeitee and villages, where they are
lionized by the ladies, b-eettuee of the scar -
. 9 ,'Aff
professor ),s. of philology litttb,eeert:tig tivl ye itui toctlep,
tion in the langillige of the Sutthcell. He
bad pot been the city. long before ire
was etezed with the epidenne desire to Write
a book. He wrote it, ;sad published it
with the avowed purpoem of Letting his
people et home know what greet thinge
be lied, sego sloop leaving them- Hie pre,
lessor trenelated the book into German.
Amur prefaces his week with the story
tell eh at laizf ling things lie ow4owe e °el ids iriseo ve;alyt to
Germany audio tile German cepitel. Aden,
Sues, Naples, and Lisbon, aS which his
ship touehed, did not imprees him deeply
with their importereee, "probably," say
the commentator, "because much
novelty at once was beyond his metupre-
liension." His experience at Amsterdam,
however, struck terror to his 'heart. " I
went into the city," writes Amur, " and
saw how women took men by the arm and
talked with them, and 1 thought, 'This
city is surely ch e dwelling place of the evil
spirits ; this is the end of the world, and 1,
.Amur, will be lost forever.' So I went
back to the ship and lay down on nay bed,"
Although 25 years old, and a tried war-
rior on his native coast, Atnur Went from
fright to fright after reacitting Berlin, "One
day my teacher took me to the land of the
beasts," he writes of visit to the Berlin
Zoological Garden. " It Was garden, and
I saw in it, lions and gazelles, and leopards,
and the wild horse thippepotemes), and the
elephant, and giraffes and zebras, and all
the beasts of thliland and water, from the
big ones to the little ones from rets.to
snakes, from the little fishes to the great
ones. And as I saw them, I was amazed.
There were hens and all other birds, and.
every beast was in ite own house, and every
house was as the bone Of Said All, a batiste
of wonders (palace of the Sultan Of Zanzi-
bar). Then I said to myself ; "Is this
paradise or thie world ?" But I did not
speak. 1 kept quite still. My friend ask-
ed : 'Is there aeything like, this in Zanzi-
bar?' Answered. '0, yes, eve have
things like this,' but in my heart I was
afraid. I would not tell my friend lest he
should say I was afraid of the beasts, fox'
such beasts I had not seen in my. life."
Of the Urania astronomical theatre,
Amur says: "I saw there how the sun
set and was afraid. i wondered. if it was
all real, and 1 asked. my friend : 'Are we
in Berlin or are we on the sea?' 'We are
in Berlin,' he anewered; iWhy do you ask,
Amur ? I told him that I only wished to
know, but in my heart I was afreed, only I
did not wish him to know of my fear.
Finally we went away, and I went home
and lay awake until morning, for I could
not sleep."
Amur was not the least amazed by the
splendor of the 'Berlin behr saloons. "I
thought in my. heart," he writes of one
'saloon, "if the aaloon looks like this, what
must, the house that the owner lives in ! A
house like this, I told my friend, I lead
never seen. It is es fine as the Sultan's;
yea, finer. And I said, 'Praise to God, the
ord of the worlds.'"
' the Tempelhof parade ground Amur
leiers whoseliumber he estimated as
te hied a not less eXaggerated
timber of spectators, which
enema that he was Lionville -
left the city. "Yet
,the city," he writes,
t, it, and I shook
we it came."
em at the
the flying, shaft was playing heeod, with the eity Of young men, they fall into the bad
aft1/, and:10 sonic teysteriene wat the del . liabit,.of thinking theteiselttee .some pimp
named' West, . was s'firtiek and kno0 'Mite,. Afttase they era.itele.e.' Stliedlee fin+
thelli the WindeVe eillie pa ,feifiklat ' ereevAliefeeg lee the mot' ere, riterio„
hodlinanoo t.littt the' net De. .PeethenSt .,*ettee 1 e ,
eme 44* .4,1,4,.tka; : illn,tilitiatIOn, fOntta.,,illtIllt. One
fipOti is feat) 600041504 1161001. ' ' t
11,1 Inste the.,fleartne le rt-teel'et 'thtiee010' ill**Oette,t4idtree
Michael Donohue and, his son, Joseph
Donohue, who reside in Scarboro tovsn,
ship, six miles east ot Toronto, positively
id.entified Walker as a man they, saw with
a companion, whom they thought was Mac.
'Wherrell, at 3 o'clock on Friday, Dec. 15,
in front of their place. They had the Will-
iams' horse and rig, which they offered to
sell to him. They knew Walker, as he had
Wowked for them two years previously.
Both witnesses swore positively that it was
not Thursday, Dec. 14, or Saturday, Dec.
16, that they saw the two men, but Friday,
the elo5rtghe. Death
was put in the box and
identified efacWherrell as thdenan who en-
quired his weer to the Williams' house on
Thursday afternoon, 'Dec. 14.
George l3ttehard, the Little York milk-
man, who is held as an accessory to the
murder, made a statement without being
sworn after being warued that anything he
said might be used against him. Re
identified MeeWberrell and Walker as the
two men who had. brought the Williams
horse and cutter to his place on Saturday,
Dec. Ie. He gave as a reason for telling
Lowry that he had been using the horse for
two weeks that Walker asked him do so.
"it was
my heat mat
The captive billoene
parade, Amur desein
climbed into the air."
Am ur saw BismerclehAtet,
with the Chancellor at the S
station he tells this story :
'He came in a covered. wagon,
men cheered. hirmand he stuck out his le
through the window, and answered the
cheers. When I pushed to the front
and greeted him he thanked me, took a
flower from his hand and said 'Take that.
black man.' And I took the rose. Itle is
all white, even his eyebrows. I was full of
joy, and took the flower home with me and
smelt of it, and kept it marty`days until I
threw it away." t
Atnur's tropical opinion of the Berlin on,
mate agrees with that of most civilized
persona who have lived. in the German capi-
tal :
"In Berlin it is very cold. It.is cold six
months and warm six. And as far, at the
heat is concerned, the cold is much better,
But when you feel very warm it is best not
to throw away. Your clothes, for them you
will take cold in your chest and, will be eick.
In winter things are like this The
water is as hard as a stone, and when rain
falls it is like little stones ; another kind of
rain is like chips from the inside of a cocoa-
It is the perfection. of the well
matured plant properly cured
by expert growers. Mild
flavored, 'bright and of xnatelie
less quality; Mastiff Ping Cut
plea,ses the most faVadious,
nal T. B. PACE Tonenoo Co,, ichnionel
Va., and Montreal, Canada.
171110-clea allths 'logged' avenue% of the
Bowels, N.1.45Itter£ and Liver, carry.
ing off gradually veithout weakening the
system, all the' impurities and foul
humore of the seoretioniewe at the same
time Correcting' Aniclity a the
Stomach, curing Eili.oueness, .
pepsia, Headaches, Dizzietestie
Heartburn, Coneapati,on Dryness
of the akin, prepeY, 3)17111e/38 Of
Vision; jaundice, Salt Wrenn,
Erysipelas, Screala, Muttering 011
the aeart, Ife,rvorspinese, and, Gene
eral Debility; all theee and patiatei
other similar Complaints yield to rh
happy influence of BUILD
T s =wine= (Is feltsa Wenristert.. Tomato;
-Ntrero-71g4f,..ellet'now 0)e all kinds of
aenteen no nurtfue drums.. A
fel Compound. Moat° take.
Sure death to poi. '
Be Sure you get STABKB.
PitikgED eY R. STARK, 0.0.P., Cuellar
Things Worth Knowing.
China had suspension bridges B.C.
Cologne has a 300 -year-old rose tree.
Gibbon, the great historien, had a vested
ioterest in Swansea, Wales, copper works.
A French authority estimates the wealth
of the United, Xingdorn at $150,000,000,-
Oliver Cromwell was one of a company
deeply interested in making iron with "pit
A cat with "eight well formed legs" is
owned by Edivard• Franklin, of Athens,
Georgia. •
Cicero was a notable punster. A coffee -
time, not now extant, of his puns was made
by auntie (loser.
Salt sprinkled oie a stove will counteract
bad odors arising from spilling or boiling
over on its surface,
Sterne end Churchill were aloeiye in a
quarrel. with some reviewer of elude works.
Both hated. critics.
One tree recently cut down in Tulare
County, Celifornia, wait thirty-three feet in
diameter at the base.
Monteaqhfen Was so much affected by the
criticism( of his works that the annoyance
hastened his death.
Redwood trees have remarkable vitality,
In the forest that has been out over tho
yoiing trees start by inillione.
Vireil devoted eleven years to his enlieid
and then deemed it ea imperfect at hie death
he ordered it to be burned.
Cereechile hated to correct Ms oWn poems
lie Said that the erasure of a line WaS like
cutting away one's own floolu
.Aboat W omen -
"It is estimated that in the whole of
Europe over 000,000 women hold public
Buffalo newspapers always refer to Miss
Jane Meade Welch as "Our famous towns-
woman." Miss Welch will give a series of
lectures in New York this winter. .
Mme. Aurel of the theatre Francaise has
become a social celebrity by her singing of
old French songs. Her husband ransacked
the libraries for two years in order to give
her a good repertoire.
The latest thing in women's societies is a
darning club organized in a Western town.
The members decided that darning is too
dull work to be done alone, so, they organ-
ized a olub, which meets every Wednesday
morning. One woman reeele aloud'while
the others repair the family hosiery.'
The Princess of Wales always gives a
delicate hint to those who wish to present
her With bouquets. She seeds word as to
the size and weight of a bunch upon wbich
she would look with favor.. The rose is
said to be her favourite flower.
Miss Frances E. Willard suggests a
Christian theatre, one conducted, as 8116
says, in such a way that religious papers
could advertise and recommendit, to which
a young girl might be taken without fear of
anything on the stage that Would bring a
blush to her cheek. -
Marie Antoinette tools delight in weav-
ing a small Mesh rosebud into the eornere
of bee keechief, Mme. Roland loved to
have green leaves on the frames of hot
pictures. Her motive was a rather super-
etitiorts one, for she said : "I Wait eternal
green about all my portraits; it means
neverelyieg freshness.
Queen Victotia is said to be very particto
lar about people being called by their cor-
rect nemen She smartly snubbed a eertein
lady who spoke DO her of the late Duke of
Clarence as "Prince Eddie." "I cannot
underatand," said her irate elejeety, "why
the Prince and Prineess of Walee give their
children nicknames. In my presence I
prefer not to have thorn used. The Duke's
name was Prince Albert Victon"
2,5 a box. Sold ter all larnagists
(1'13 t/ nativolz:ImesT Cor.rsortrol
The elate woman to become a eitieen of
the State of Colorado under the recent equal
suffrage decision WaS Mrs. John L. Boat,
wife of ex -Gov, Rosette dim gave her oc.
oupation as " housewife." Among the
women who wept to register Wive one who
gave her memo, is Well-Isnetten wee, and .0.a.
dress, but when the rodeetien of ego men,
teeethed ne Need to gienitits ated 14'4614 eh
e Ntteitp1 Bee
Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting,
Electric Motors and Generators.
Nrlillt010631011T wring toommi.oar..
70 WELL! sT
The pueeet quality of Cream Tart
finest re-cr3stalizeclI31-Carbenate bfSod
only are used in this preparation.
It has stood Al With housekeepers 'for the
past 80 wears, mid is now. (ifneenible)bettet
than over, .
C X a rt
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XVICIAT "r1 3E 3E4.0,,
v., sale .tverywhere.
The Finest Pure Cround
Coffee In the World, SOW in
TinS artist, If yea oarinot gots it at
your nearest grocer, cella postal car4
direct to Acme Mills, Montreal, who will
mail immediately free Vrial sample to
the address given. '