HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-24, Page 6Digestion - Complexion are all intimately connected-, practically inseparable, Though the fact is often ignored, it is :nevertheless true that a good comp1e4on is an impossibility without good digestion, wh,lch jrt turn dePeuda on, good food. There is lan more common cause of indigestion. than lard. Let the bright housekeeper use % • .44N` COTT 1 ENE • 0 • • 0 # The New Vegetable Shortening Wr "THE Duca ORY LOVER IN LIPPINCOTT' NIA.GAZI:NE and substitute for lard, and her cheeks, with those of her family will be far more likely to be "Like a rose in thesnow." COluriDIXN is clean, delicate, Lealthful and popular. Try it, made only by N K. FAIRBANK Wellington and Ann Streets, tilainTREAL. 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RV E BEANS THE EXETER OF-AWYTIMES "".". • •'NERVE SEAN0 are a, new dis- covery that cure the worst eases 0.1. Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores tho wealecess of body or mind caused by over-worir, or the eivora °rex. ceases of youth. This Remedy ab- • Sohitely cures the most obstinate cases wbten au other TIVELTMMICTS havefailed event° relieve. Stdd hYdrtilla sista at Stpqr package, or six for 28, or sent J2Lmail on receipt of price by addressing TEE JAMES famDICINII 00., Toronto, Ont. Writefor pamphlet. Sold. in- • Sold at Browning's Drug Store, Exeter, LOST On FAILIhri MANNA • General find buns DeNlity, Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Execsees in Old or Young., Robust, Noble Mathood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped dilgans and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- failit-4,Heme Treatmett-Benefits in a day. Men testify from 50 States and Foteign Coun- tries. Wilke them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL COil, Redo, ti.1% CARTER:Si Ii4TLE 1VER PILLS. STCIt Headache and tel eve all the trete-et-ft Mel. I dent to s bilious stete O the eettetn, such as I D1'46171010, games, leroweinesneanstrese after t cantle. Pam 111 there'd°, &de 'whim:fillets most roe:linkable reteeetre has hem el:townie curing ifdahlt • se, te 1 - 1 V 1 yot Oerteatet 'metes Divert Poen y valuable itt Consetteettort entire netts thie annoying contelsieNwhile aters0ttll diserders of the stomach, toe levet mid regulate the bowele. 37, Iy mired fen to those compieint, net ci rd CHAPTER XVI, How ideal, I Whet a little hereon:el" sigha the Poen eetttatieally. "4 veritable heaven of rest be thia tom too deeedful W1&" lilere his ecstasies so fen overcome hint that he Welke into the mast comfortable ehair ene the gthe one, too, neterese the nestle tea -tables, Ificstasieri ere tseton- ishiegly usefal mem etimee. " Ahl"'- glaucino round him at Terryn prawn- " the bleseeduese of it I The root I The peace 1 The knowleclge of the great eoarso wortra-shivering -"is to far awn, from us 1 -over there, perhape," weving hie delicate hand towercls the hills than on the east bound their herizon, " behind thoes silent unbuilt walls of nature." Re glances up at those near him, with what he fondly but erroneously believes to be a pale ethe- real ensile, and whispers, taintly, "One ehould kneel in a thrum like this?" "1 quite agree with you, my dear fel. low," says M. Kitts, who, dres8ed. io. great splendor, is evidently bent on making Terryn "at home" a suocess,-Terry being the heroine of hie latest platonto attachment. "Let us all kneel ! ' he eries, enthusiastically, tilthig up the Poet'e comfortable their with an evident burst of exoitement, and se bringing the aesthetic young man to a standiog position, almost before he is aware of it. "Is metaphor unknown to you?" de- mands the latter, regarding Kitts with a mournful but at the setae time a searching eye. ("A man to be avoided," he decides. "A mere worm 1") "In this pale lifeless time it is injudicious to gig° way to the aweet aud free emettons that should, sway us. Ido not kneel in public," says Mr. Evingley, who is still perhaps sufficiently far fromthe stars to be able to •think of his tremors. "You forgetehanch, Mr. Evingley," eays Miss Bridge; with heavy remonstrance, She has by this time been bowed and smil- ed by Mr. Kitts into the Poet's vacant chair. • "Memory means slavery?" says the Poet, sadly. Be has not looked round him, he has not seen that hie their has heen im- pounded. "And poets---" ' "Never, never-never shall be slaves I" says Larry suddenly at the top ef his high, jubilant voice. The effect produced by this 01AI:oaten is hardly to be exaggerated. The Poet totere backward into the seat he has just vacated, and which he fondly believes to be vacant, right into Miss Bridget's . lap. The wild squeal which thatmaiden gives on receipt of this. unexpected burden is not to be surpassed by the shrill Bereatil of the Poen as, partly propelled by the indignant spinster (Leary always swore afterwards that she had pinched him), parbly through sheer fright, he springs upward into the Mr. lb is all hushed up as quickly as possible; of course, though Miss Bridget is still evidently seething in her own wrath. "I'm so sorry, dear fellow," says , Mr. Kitts, who, I regret to say, is convulsed with laughter, "bub as I thought yea were really going to kneel, I gave up that comfoetable _chair to--er-one of the unfair sex. By Jove I" in a low, sympathetic tone, "she bas been unfair, you know. I hope," sweetly, "the hasn't hurb you." Dear lady I No, she has not hurt me. It was a dietress of the moment. No more no more !" pays the Poet, quite beautifully. Mr. Ritts almost admires him. "And as for women, dear friend, prey do not speak otthem en unfair. They are always fair. And they-havo their own little gifts, ,nnyore will see, if yerloinfid it, -.their pretty charm; their trioks—" "Like kittens," suggests Mr. Kitts, eagerly, as if dwelling on his thoughts and deeirous of following them. yes. You take me, I see," save the Poen poising himself on one leg and beaming on Kitts, in spite of his decision about him a few minutes ago. But adula- tion is so sweet, and so hard to get -with some people! "Kittens I Quite so. Lietle cats ! The dearest woman have some- thing of the tiger m them, you know. Not to be, trusted I Ah 1 I •have a sweet poem on that idea, -n� t as yet vul- • garized. to the paper form, but here ---here," tapping the place where he suppos,es, poor dear man, that his brains lie. ‘"Women have their own place," be continues sen- tentiously, unconscious of the fact that Kitts is longing to go for him. "They. • have their beauty. And if Nature has de- nied them intellect, poor souls, still their beauty, transient though it is, gives ns •re. ireshment as we wander through. this gloomy vale." - "Who's us?" asks Mr, . Kitte, with a • frown of perplexiby.. It is a rather danger- ous frown, •"Veer friend, surely I need not reply. Why, eve -the lords cf creation, -we, the creatures of intellect. We, who can rule the world with our thoughts, our aapirations our genius--" "Do you known' says Mr. Kitts, survey - Ing him °shiny. but straightly, "you'll yourself kicked if you go on like that?' h •."Eh ? Whtst '?" says the Poet, as if not able to believe. "Yes. Kicked.. Kicked, I assure you," says Mr. Kitts, turning on his heel. Terry is now pouring out the tea, Fanny chatting beside her. Lerry is laughing with Miss Anson over some absurd mistake of yesterday, whilst Max and Geoffrey, in their best clothes and manners, and o ith their stocking very carefully but -most unmistake ably darned, are hahdieg cakes to every. body. re Tfasis is helping Terry, his heart some. what disturbed within him. Terry is look- ing lovely, quite lovely, poor child, in epitn of the shabby old serge gown in -which she is dressed. ; a gown Scrupulously neat, but Mel, so old, and yet -the sting Iies here -so undoubtedly her hest There is something cf anger in the glance that Trefusis from time to time sends frorn her to Miss Anson. The letter ie so exquisitely frocked ; every thing is so 'exactly as it should be, every- thing so toned ; it is the very art of dress. ing 1 Trefusis feels his soul rebel against th° aantrndte Why, whY Will Terry lee no ono help her? Surely pride can go too far. It hurts him in a straege angry way that •she, the girl he has chosee oat of all the world, should be one whit ehind the very best, the world can show. It in not, aIthogether an ignoble anger ; it is an anger, indeed, for her more theit for himseln-a sort of jealousy of love. He throw e it from him. after a bit. Terry, enter alit is aleve.ye Tarry. othing emild imprave her. Nothing can perfeee perfee- tion. And Terry in her old frock is what Miss Anson, veins all Worthet genius at, her back (or on it), omelet never be. And then a ttick thought; (melee to him, and his eyes lighter]. There is no need to be impatieet. Soon, soon she will be his, arid she shall walk in each "siln attire" as few` have 'MOTO* The Peet Is tegaili holditig forth, but noW to Larry. "How pienere gee it all is 1" says he, "And how the au'ts it r "nhohl ouit any hing, says Larry, look- ing at Terry. "Yes, she's a pectores in herself," maye the Poet, leering hinhea <I (Innately cm one aide -the nide velecre ' it ehfinee his heart is. "1 ant glad ter filed 4 brother 'devotee at ari9 ,traenniefe elleble,' , "I t A 1 Iw -zi't think 'Ttt 0 "ller eyea yesterday, her lips tradey,yen perfect e,hin to -morrow" goes on the Poet, stallion _homily, "She is a perpetual feast She is a thing of beauty, as that very mueb, overrated person Celled Keete once said : pray exeuse my quoting him. She has an many charms thee one hardly knows how to take them all in at mule, She is dear, -- very dear I" bu't ott ouuYdPhr eiclec 86, a T'3' jeorurirehotouldhinnlorlie% her be. Not now, you 'know; tide is a Ilba iper,13$s:g9.fY her wh°eruwbbreye, , ' uo tio nmh e53r tf a ouantity takeu,' you know, and you like cluantity, ovidently.d "1 fail to understand you," says the Poet, shaleirig his head., " Well, Pk explain, I like quality," says Larry, noddiug at him with a beaming mile. Ua elide to his iniquity by going off immediately to where Terry is (standing behind the tea -table. The day is waning. Evening is eoming on. Trefusis la still helping Terry with the tea, Mr, Gabbett and his sister having happened to drop in rather late. Terry alter a minute or two has moved away. Mr. Kitts is helping the bops to eat- the lint cakes. • It is quite astonishing how he does it, seeing, that be never stern telkirte all the time, Trefusis has stooped to whisper some little pleasantry into Terry's earn -some little trifling thing apropos of something going on over there where Mini Bridget is sitting,- and Terry lute lifted her flower- like face to his in answer. Almost for tlae &est time her eyes look oehnly, steadily friendly -wise into hie. She smiles at him- Trefusis's heart, gives a bound. Never has she seemed so near to him ea now, in this hour, in this her own home. • Larry, unfertunately (hie eyes are never very far fom Terry), seas that glance ot his, and Terry's answering strtile. Ho turns abruptly away, and grows almost boisterous in his attentions to Geraldine Anson. He is evidently telling her a story, vivisecting one of the near neighbors with a view of bringing a laugh to her lips, -in reality to let Terry see that his heart is void of even one touch of pain. "What is it, Larry?" asks Mrs. Adare, who knows all her brother's moods and is now very sorry for him. Perhaps she too has seen that little growing • towards Tre- fuels in Terry's air, and has understood. "JIs, nothing. Onlv that old story about the ducbess. You remember it? About the night she was playing backgam- mon at the Xackenziest, you knew." He laughs lightly, but falsely, as his sis- ter knows. "If you don't, Terry will," says he, looking straightat Terry. It seems te him now as if he must bring her atten- tion back to himself andaway from Trefusis, if only for a moment. "Yes, t remember," says Terry, smiling sweetly at him over her teapot. "r don't believe it," says Miss Amon. " What 1 That she doesn't remember?" "Oh, no, no, no. --Mise O'More, isn't he silly? Of course she remembers ; -women always remember -afterwards 1" She says this with a strange swift glance at Inn fusis, that .seems t'et warn him of trouble in the future connected with Larry. "I mean that 1 dozen believe • that story of yours, -Your brother," turning to Mrs. Adare, "says that the thresher's was 'Once playing backgammon with Sir Darby Mackenzie, and that she swallowedthe dice!" "One of them. Oact of them,"esasys Laurence. "She was ee,then she is always nc.t10gniit 6t O'ne sorb or an- othenensend, the rigor of the game growing too much for her, and finding that Sir Darby was winning, she conclucledthat one of the dice Was a filbert, and swallowed it." " What a remarkable story !" says Miss Anson. "And -what happened ?" "They had to get, a seomach.putnp, believe, and----" " Laurence I" says Mr. Kitts, fixing him with his eye -glens," did you ever bear that a thing may go too far n' "Rather 1" says Larry, celmly. "'One of those dice went too far, anyway. It wart never heard of again." "He's Incorrigible 1" says Mrs. Adele throwing up her hands. "And it wasn't one of the dice, Larry. It was her false "Anyway, she frightened old Sir Darby tooth." out of his settees." •' "You've ruined your tale" gays Mrs. Adore, "o one will believe in it now. We all know • that for the last twenty years of his. life he had. no 880805 to be frightened out of." "11 was wonderful how straighe he could keep at times, though, when it suited lam." "'When his wife had her eye on him, you imam." Here Mr. Kitts gives way to mirth. "Do you remember that last time we saw him.? -when the English -fellow came round on a, temperance crusede? He didn't know anything about Sir Darby's propensities of course, . and, thinking, the title would sound well on thp notices, asked him to take the °hair ea the meeting in the village. And he came, you -know," -to Miss Anson, who is perhaps the only person present who doesn't 'know the sorry tale,-" a little -just a little-d.'ye see? and when she got on his legs to start the show, he --ha 1 ha 1 -never got beyond the opening, sentence. And what was that, d'ye think? Wies gem.; men, I'm so full of the subjeck--' Ha I hal ha! he got no farther. He was so full of the subject," roars Mr. ICibts, "that be slipped, and was carried out by the tem- perance man." Olnnents ?" says Miss Anso,n. She, looks perplexed. " Andwhat we,stlie sub- ject?' asks she, curiously. She is certainly terribly Eaglish. At this Mrs Kitts turns away eadly and reproschitilly, leaving Lerry,to explani. Whiskey," says that young man, in a cheer( el tone. • " Providentially at this mornent rionnithing occurs to change. the caret/it el their thoughts. It is the afternoon post; it con - sista of one letter for Terry, whit, letters Meg very rate with her, seites 'upon it, and; ofter n Mae glance at Fanny as if to ask permission, tears open the envelope, CHAPTER. XVIL • She ist11I reading it, when Na, swoop. ing down -upon her from behind, snatches it out of her hand; " Now," eriee he, darting away with it, "you told me yuterday you had no ocrete from any one, so reed this out load." He holds up tire letter tosingly, the if ahoot to begin, " Max!",cries Terry. There is something so sharp, ea agonized. in her tone, that Tres fuii atarts, and looks at lien Her face 1 What it lace ! Crimson when first he seo it, and now abselately colorless, as white as n'Incrs and with eon -tenting in tine oyes thet surely fear. "Meet, gine me batik my letter," seys the tryiog to cteutrol her -velem bet feilitig, do yea hear ?" She is aothelly trembling! It isfear,theti that is stirring her; Trefeste feels auddenly at if 5rbhitzg Inn sheers way beneath hirm Only a mon= o,toid his path had tesrrt ad II eneere the earth s 4le itYraa bever 6'1 ,T1ch , .11 " tor, Terry?" he athie There 1$ 04110 'the quOatitm,..,--a sore ef Mud letegingehe dig 4 little dart into Trefitsia's eoOle Rad ho thought hie idle,retsehievolie words tiroOld Mamie Terry the `very 'faunae!) anuoyareee,it is only fear to hite to trey 'Oust thlem. elwould have died rether than Otter Terey turns bee lerge eyes on his, a t' Get it, gee it for me says she. Leery takes a coniok step forsater4, treizes Alex by ofthebishand.neck, and adroibly pelle the letter ont " Here it is," says he, holding it out to Terry, whose fingers close over it with a most unroistekable haste. Trefueis moves abruptly away. Whatever tide letter means, and it oeonre to him thet itmeans nothing, so far as either he or O'Mara is eoncerped, stiU ie was to Older° she had turned fer help ; not to bion, the man she has promised eo marry, • It is another little fillip to the already too nreat'anner that ie burning in his bosom. The letter -it was not from him or from O'More; certainly it was then front a third. How mauy lovers has she? And who in this last one, of 'whom ne word has been uttered, u.p to this? • With an impatienee that scorches him, but that he hides so completely beneeth the selncontrol that nothing eau ruffle'he welts until the last of Terry's guests lerove driven away from her door, and then turns to her. "I want to speak to you," says he, abruptly. To (meek to me ?" The girl eteree at him, lost in wonder. What does the cold anger in his face mean? She, ono the letter was retuned to her, hadthought nothing more about it, had not understood that it might be a subjeat of thought to °there. She bad been taken up with her guests, and had scarcely had time, even if she had knowledge of it, to talee notice of Trefuais's coldnese. " You wish to speak to me 7" " Yes," says he, strong displeasure in lila tone.. 'Well, speak.' "Not here, where we may be interrupted; in the garden:" "Come, then." Shetakes the initiative; going, indeed, quickly before him, not speaking another word until the sweet Pre. oinets of the garden are gained. Here she stops. • "It has always been so peaceful here," says she, "1 have had nothing hateful said to me here to make it sad to me." "Here or there," 'says he, remorselessly, "I shall speak to mon." Come, then,'" says she. She passes through the pretty hedges, and then stands atil. tion had a letter this. afternoon." • His air is rather too like the counsel on the other aide: Terry looked at him with great surprise. "2 es, you know that," says she. His continued gaze hovrever, mingled with the remembrance of what that letter contained, brings a bright and beeutiful, flush to, her factienlecky blush I It inflamehis ire. As if driven to frenzy by it, 'he turns upon "1 may -as well sayat once what is in my mind," says he, in the slow hold-baok sort of way that always incensestier, "it will be better, fairer.. I havsa.sked you to marry nee, and you havesitid 'Yes.' You" -look- ing at her for the first time -"you have said, yes?" " Why ask me ?" she replies. "Thera is nothing to contradict. But what has M1 this got to do. witln--the letter ?" "Something surely." 4' 4thing certainly." Do you say that? Will you tell me that nhere was nothing in that, letteryon did not wish me to see? Me? The man who is to be your husband ?" There is passion in Ins time now. Terry's 'definite face flushes. She beeita,tes; What does iu all. mean? What can she say? tete- ---" begins she, faintly. She stops.' The stop is fatal,• , • "Don't be unhappy ebout ib," says he, eoldly. "You need nob answer nie. Your lace, "with it contemtuous smile, "is answer enough. And your agitation when your brother seized that letter, -your fear lest he should betray its contents-----" "Well,' says Terry, interrupting hina hur- riedly, "it was my own letter. Even suppos- ing all you say to be trueethat I did not wish you co see in-stM it was my own letter,my own affair. It had nothing to, do with you, or any one."• - ' 'Nothing to do with mei" His face is as white a.s death iaow, his tone quite steady however. "You think I take things like thatn-so easily? Have I no rights, then? - not even the right TO wonder at the emotion you showed on receiving a letter from some one who -Not even the right to demand to see that letter ?" " You mean--?" - • "1 men," steadily, " Unit you ought to show it to me." " You mean that!" Her voice is almoet it whisper. " You insist?" says she, faintly. Fier manner, that has something of shame in it, maddens him. Shame! Shame in that proud little face! "Yo. I insist," he declarers coldly., brutally, though his Oery heart is .tore within hun. . , Slowly, very slowly, the girl draws the letter from hoe pocket, slowly too with- draws it from its envelope, and, still hold- ing it tightly in her trembling fingers, os though her Very life depends upon the keep - bag of it, looks at him. ."You do insist?" ehe oaks, miserably. It is as though she is craving piey fcera him. It is plain to him that she would rather die than give up thor letter, • Half beside himself with rage and bitter disappointment, he can only see one side of the questions -her evident reluctance to give him the letter. What he' cannot see is that she is giving him it last chance to keep and. holdeher forever. „ "I do I" he decides, with icy, determina- tion. . "You suspect me, then, of something?" Elmo to herself, so hurried hies all this been, she can hardly place the miseries of this most miserable hour, Of what does he sue- pect her ? "How oan I help it?" His eyes meet here with a hard glance. Ite holds otet his "The letter," says he. If; ie a command. Terry lays it on his open palm. To his everlasting dishonor, as -Ise ovens to Iiimsef afterwards, he Opens it,arid reads. And as he teade, the very pains of death seem to get hold. of 'hire. There in so little to read, but here much it moan to her 1 To have shamed her thin 1 -and such a earl little euiltlerat thame,--stioh it betrayal of all she would have hidden 1 Hie face (helms todark red, then whitens. He feels as if he owlet lift his eyes from the page before him, es if he dare het meet her eyes. If she had Wished for revenge, surely she has it noW 1 His putiehment is evert greater than hie crime, " He oetunplos the letter convuleively in Isis hand. But not all the crumpling in the world oan shut out hem his eight the words that he within it They are burned. indel- ibly upon his brain. To one black ekirt re -dyed. . , 6 a." You neigh bh•tra toltiree,"ee.ys he, Insanely. There is ne answer, A very storm of hatred nmeinst him le elinking the girl's troul. For a While site keep ilonoe,,scarcely dariag to lei; hereelf apeek. Slit le trembl- ing violently, there pethepef (Peel epee Muld en 4iu wtitterleto4;I:t,tiethl",,y15 th:twhetireo,. iyyntoM:, t t eel het lao has hteiviaa, thaa froth th9,, oelled him by hie Chrietient nem " but yo,u,111:srvrey groi toofen at bale "Don't touele am," saye the gide With eo sharer a betonatiou, so horrifierd a drawing back frorn him, thee eoreethinn of the truth is borne hi upon him. "1 oaly went to say it fewweeds -to tell yeti then I ellen never forgive you Li; hastion read that letter. I" -lilting BOW leer burniug eyes to his -"I was ashamed of it 1 1"»,--mith peseionate honestne-"ain athemed of it I I don't oare what people say about there heir% nothing to be ashamed. of in poverty; it re the rich apzpirkleewaltrfres, airy than. d am poor, and I am "Bat not -of me?" "Of you, meet of all poeple 1" she declares bitterly. "I desired you, leant of • all peo- ple to koow how poor I wen" If he lied dwelt upon it, this might have given him eometlittle hope; but his mind is beyond control. "You cannot think that that letter 09.11 matter to me," ho cries, distractedly, curs. ing taimmelf at heart for hie hideout) cruel- ty. "I am, not thinking of you," she answers, coldly, "To me -to me, it matters 1" And then suddenly, without word of warning, she bursts out crying; no loudly, or ve- hemently, or aggressively, but witfaa most terrible grief. She is mortified, hurt, crushed to her very '4he 'or"t's Goel(l°'s1::ke, Terry, don't ge °alike that," says Trefasis, choking. "On my knees I ask your pardon. You will -you must grant it." •, "No." The word is not loudly epolten, but there is finality in it. She checks her sobs by B. violent effort, aid almost before he has Mtn° to reoover from the Shook her manner has given him, she is gone. * * ' * In the prime), of her own room, the tells herself again that, no metter what it may cost het, she will brae& withleim. It will, ben ordeal, but it shall be gone through. Fanny will be angry., and Aunt Bridget furioos, but nothing, nothing shall *alter her decision. She feel; as ithe paoes up and down her large .gaunt, ill-furniehed old, bed -room, in spite of all the difficulties she will tome to undergo, a great uplifting of the spirit, a joy immeasurable, in the thought of flinging leaok hia money in his face-ofletting him see that poverty dire and stern as hero is -and surely he has had proof of it this evening -is preferable to life wiNthohsimhe. • was mad -when she thought she could sell herself for dross, mere dross I 'When he calls next morning, sending up a second time an:urgent massage to let him see her, if ouly for two minutes, she treill persists in her refuset to go down -stairs, alleging a convenient headache as Iner reason. - As a fact, a sleepless night has left her overstrung, and. she wishes to be at her beat apd coldest when giving him his dis- missal. She will put it; off till to -morrow. When to -morrow comes, however, she is sorry for thin For toonorrow brings ter- rible news, that alters the whole tenor of her life. And it would have been better - fairer to herself -if she had spoken to him first. To -morrow brings the news of Miss Bridgetts death. * * * * * * * On Friday she had. taken tea with Terry and all the others in Terry's garden.' On the following Sunday she was found dead in her bed. It had been a death net wholly void ondirsagreeabhadetails, bat these Moe Adare keep) from Terry for a long time. The poor woman had evidently had a strug- gle for her breath at the last, and was found lying half in and half out of the bed, one hana clutchieg the carpet. Her will, read a little tater on, showed that she had left every penny and every acre she possessed in the world. to Terry. • (TO BE CONTINITPD. 1 • TORONTO'S •POPULATION Th.c New City }Directory Shows an fncrease of Over 3,090. The force -Ito city directory for 1891 hes made its appearanee, and must be setisfen- tory to the people ot the Queen city, Some of the statistics whith the new di- rectory contains are quite interesting. In the preface the compilers state their belief that the popalation of the city is steadily bacreasing, and as a proof of this they bring forward the fact that the number of names on the direetoryfor the present year shows an increase of 3,003 over that of last year. There are at least three times as many people in the city as the number of names in the directory. Thia would therefor() in- nicato an increase in 9,000 in the popula- lotion of the city during the past year. The directory for 1894 coataine 75,051 names, which Inertia indicate 219,153 of a. population. The compilers then go on to comment on the above statiabios as f01.10WS ; • The World says ;--"While we are aware that; this is a very much higher estimate than is made by either the assentors or the police we are satisfied it is very much near- er correct, and we should here take the liberty of stating the.; in our (million, any- , thing like an accurate estimate of the pope- lation can never be obtained front the City Hall, even though they should have slips at all the places and collece them as wall, as there are so many of the opinion that fall •returns would .ineea an merettee of water ratee or taxes." The toted length of main pipe in the city waterworke at the commence:neat of the year 1893 was 210 onion the nomber of hydrants in the sereet2708 awl the nurnher of house services in use 39,411. The amount of buildente permite lotted during the pest year woe $8,361,850. LARGE BRYLOYEB3 OP LIBOR. ft London Databl L'eInsat, Where le,oee • People Woos, The London firm of Dent, Alloro ft, and Co. glove manufacturers, the largest firm. itt that trane itt Great Britain, employe a little over 15,000 hands la their establish- ments in London and the country. The London firm of Rylands e.ad Sons, naenn- facturers and warehousemen, employs 12, 000 hands at their. Warehomes in London and Manchester, and at their rains in Bon ton, Wigan, and Crewe. The London nein of Shoolbred and none, linen and Woollen clrapers,silk inercere,cabinet-makers,uphol- starers, cerpot war eh oueemen, paiaterndec, orators, carpenters, venetiatitendnuo-blind ancl bedding reenufactueere, (sun furnish- ing ironmongers arid grocery and provision merchants, employe over 0,500 henna in the Slack screams and about 8,000 at busy times. The lusede employed by the LoTiCiOn andSt.Katherine Doak Company vary from 4,000 to between 7,000 and 8,000, Whiteley, the LoorlenUrtiverealrroviderseneploye over 5,000 hands, while the South Metropolitan Go.s Oompaely,empleyover 3,000. If a angle departineot of the Government were takeit as is firm, then the LoOdoo Post Offiee «Would beat all the foregoing; the Pothiae, ternneneeal, mecording to the letese reports employing within the Mettropolifem district 33,401 pemone-men, women, and boys - every year ehowing an incretsee do the numbee employed. 'The Metropolitan. Polies Commissioner employs 15, 033 Man iu oonnotion with tho \rename depertmente Of polio duty of Greeter' Landoll, The neteeteat tea mad provisiou merchant (Mr. Lipton.) .bat now made London hit tisatt, ,tartorilot empliryi a Yee •jogs humbst itaid,oth oseeees. Woes .-esseetes RERE ND THBRE.- Fads And ledenece Condensed tor IUsy Readers. Reptilea and Wild hoots teunuelly kill 25- 000 people tn. ladle. The thread of a silk worm le ono one-theta- eandth Of aa inch in diameter. Worth recently made for a Parisiau belle a gown whieh oost the wearer P0,000, entotnologiet eetiartatee that there aro 240,000 varieties of inseotS 10810 world. Eb ie saki the,t the hineerugh is 'often oared by swallowing a teaspoonftel of baking soda, dry. ' The largest library In the world is the 13i4b10,0bli 1°b1104qvuellaetsi7ttal)°1 114118. It "Iltains 1,0 IVfoss grows thickeet on the uorth side of litnba andit otz-hd stsiuetxpooisec.dtree has its largest nthe Ninety-one per cent, of the farmers 10 own their femme. The Alaskans often have eating matclies, at which great members of the -villagers compete. The one who eats the mot ia considered the biggest mean Children who are dreseed in' white clothes, medical men declare,are snore surteepttble to colds andinfectious diseases thatt those clad he dark, warm colors. A man from Salina, Kan' sas is a bustler, He peddles groceries ois week days, and on Sundey, preeches in trio pulpits -one in Roxie, end the other in Hille City. A tall tower is being erected in Wentbly Park, near Harrow, England. Its height; is to be 1,150 feet, and its base is ou o, hill 165 feet above the surrounding plain. An ingenious little machine, Attached to a typewriter, counts and records the words as fast as they are printed. A.V.Gearleart, of Richland Center, Win, is the inventor. ocgol'snEsotaamaibnetsGeirn r2ei,000,000 cubic feet of gas. It is 180 feet high and 800 feet in diameter. and t ecell' wEoncal.11C1'Whabsentblargest gesitt $300,000. 'By the me of in electric door mat, just invented, a storekeeper or housekeeper can leave the door open -with safety. When a visitor steps upon the mat, an eleetrie bell rings. , 'Teachers itt Baden, and other parts of Germany, a hundred years ago, were so poorly paid that they used, to go about sing- ing in front of the houses in the evening, to earn a few extra pennies. A dainty feast VMS spread, not long ante by a tribe of Sitio. Indians, tn entertain some visitors from other tribes, The rare dish of the feast consisted of last season's wild strawberries preserved in seal oil. The bee is an • artistic upholsterer. It lines its nest with the leaves of flowers, always choosing such as have bright colors. They are invariably cut in circles so exact that no compress would make thorn more tr ue e. - v. Simon Roundtree, Ra colored Baptist preacher, of Lincoln, iSeboalthough ninety- nine years old, thinks matrbnony is far front a failure, He was recently married for the eighth time. The latest Mrs.Round- tree is forty-four years his junior. There is a wide difference in the ages of the' two sons of Thompson Chandler of Lyon:3.1'1,nm; N. J. One son is sixty years old and the•other eight •The first son has a son forty years old, and the latter has a son of sixteen, who is twice the age of his grand. smote. Two years ago James Tobin, Ladoga,Ind., an athlete, „weighing 240 peunds, had a severe attahk of dyspepsia, and ib was thought he would die. He suddenly fan. elect ice-cream, and this has been his only diet ever since'as nothing else `would stay on his stomach. He is the chief foot -ball player of the Ladoga tearn, and recently played in a game. Theatres in Spain hair() no prograeranes. A bill in the lobley sometimes gives the cast, but most of the actors remain unknown by name. The curtain, as elsewhere in Europe, is devoted to advertisements, and in &lad - rid theatres advertising cards are affixed with the numbers on the back of eaoh seat Scarcely 'a stream- issues from the lower slopes of the Andes, either to the Amezon oxi the eas b or to the Pacific on the west, the sands of whittle are not auriferous. The amount of gold in the country must be all most fabulous. • • . •• • The Spanish peasant works every day and dances half the night, and yet eats only his black bread, onion, and water melon. The Smyrna porter eats only a little fruit and sorne olives, yet he carries with ease his load of 200 pounds. The Sultan of Turkeynearly always dines alone., Tables, plates, knives, and forks, are eshewed. He uses only a spoon and his fingers, thus fishing out the food from little settee -pans placed on the floor. • When Mauritius was ceded to Great Britain in 1810 there was a gigantic turtle en a court of. the artillery, barracks at Port Louis which is still there, although almost blind. It weighs 330 pounds, aria stands two feet high when ',walking. • Its shell is 8 feet 6 inches long, and it cam carry two men on its back with ease. It is believed to be at least 200 years old, A little five -year -MA boy, who had been taught to repeat "Love One Another," as a text to speak on- his first e.ppeenrince at a antiurban - Sondem eallool, made even the minister laugh when, on his name being called, he shrilly shouted "Love little girle." e . The Pope's will has been made for many years. The document is in Latin, and be- gins with a tremble' coafession of Inman weakness, and appeals to the morns of Our. Lord and all the silents. In it L66 XIII. digit -034 disclaims allepersonal inclination in the matter of the choice of his eacoessor. The Queen has a fine collection of carica- tures from all the comic papers ot the lion half -century, having always caused thebest things to be sent to her wiehout regard to Tartlets The oollection has been the cause of min% merriment at times, eepecially when, the drawings have cohcerned rather digne fied and unapproachable clerics. The ' epectaele of convicts occasionally , , appearing lathe dock on criminal charges an area in the priebn uniform ha a mow beeome preeticallY a thing df the past. By dirge - tions of the British Home Moe, irotruc- tions have been given to governors of prisonl that when a °envie t under sentence of penes remeitude is brought before it Court of ,Just ice to be tried on another charge ild 18 to be alleged the •option Of Wearing ordinary clothes. The German Eraperoe is the posseseet of a wite collar oontaining preeimet . beemds from. all putts of the globe. Each brand has its separate inclosure shut in by iron railings, with a tablet affixed giving name, age, price, and number Of bottles, tie fluke or decanters are ever placed on the Imperial table, but the wine is poured out by the foetrnan from the original bottlee. . , , ,, - A manufacturing ooneern in Birmingham driVeg something of a trade io, ctowne. They aro reel ones, of solid gold, with oap of crimson velvet, inornstations of garnet, topaz, and other kinds of cheap but showy stonee, and are supplied to the kings of Afriese of wholn there Stril several hundred, at it highlyitbifactOy return of ivory and otbef nieraimudise. e Mewl as 3f0110 ly when a aneleirb to l'11,4`,. 1 Writ* agiers, Ottilieed te leek. tfiNxitilig ktliopito Kt/ 4.100, . , BY SKCIAL RO APPOINTMENT There's :A1:01NO:: • Like • LI IT DpEs AWAY WITH CHUNG t HARD RU INC CKACtiES SORE HANDS LET ' OilrAC)SIV'M 11 DAY GO RV • WITHOUT TRYING llllhght REFUSE 0.-aE.4.le, IMITATIOIS CENTRAI, • Drug Store FANSON'S BLOCK. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, °ousta tly on • hand, Wf • Conditi • Pow& the hest in the mark- et and alw s • iesh. Famil qfp. es carefully prep _ d at Central Drug Store Exebe 15:ET This wonderful discovery isthe bestl.nown remedy foV Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Tnottblea, sun ig as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indgestion,: • Impure Blood, etc. Tbeso :Loenges are pleas:te• n - sed harmless, and though powerful to promote 1. t=ithy action of the boweit, do net wreakers likeeilln rif your tongue is coated you need elhern. AT ALL DREG STORES. till Sicknes-s Comeii beforeStityingalgditle of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN.KLLE1 • 'You may gieed it tollight -MAik HEVER rAILS SATItilareffe FOS? SALM leV eel eereteeellee PU$ET, sTRiOhloEGT, Ittellay /0_111010 any' Otte/lay. Poi making Eores &gtenteg water, BisinCoettn g, and a hundred otlee uses, A can equaitilitipettpds ear Code. 84,7a. by A11,451reeere and lornsente. v47., 4e4t3r_tx.svm7ai, laammememseTsoansemestair,rosisoressOmesspsrotontoosstaust • The Arab's Rich Drosi, A rich mati among the Arabs (Ives richly. Rio ehirt is line linen. His 5181 Volt is buttened, the outeide 000 we loose. A long paletot biter( tidos th of the latter. Itis cut pert way the nook and the loose aterili arms to be hold in or oti trousers are bound al each scarf, Over 'loose tonics otti- ehoet ohne The awe