HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-24, Page 5"kt ,.N5$41Y:'40 • Mr, M'ary 2. °Taloa of Piqua, O., says the Phy- sicians aro Astonished, and look at her like one Raisd from the Dead Long and Terrible illness from Blood Potponing Mr3. .1rar7 r. Fallon, a very intelfigeat tidy of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while as- sisting phyitelans at an autopsy 6 years ago, and. soon terrlitie itivers broke out On her f , and permanently curing constipation. heed, arms, tnagas and throat, Tier hair all witnessed by a concourse o people un - came out. See weighed hilt 78 lbs., and saw usually large for the quiet nook in whieh It has given satisfaction to millions and tie proepeet of help. At last she began to Neisse's hotel is execonced. met with the approval of the medical take It ood's Sarsaparilla atid at once un - Proved; could soon get out of bed and. walk. SW: say • : " hoonme perfectly cured by -Sarsaparilla „„:„.1 rra ,m a nasil worsens, I weigh 128 lbs., eat wrdl an I do the weV.: for a large family, Till case seams a .weadcrful recovery and paysildans Imar at *toe in astonishment, as Almost flings c,t;c f 0131 1:41.0 4.044d.” H crY..r.y;,, ei.s seeeia be in eret:y fancily medicine &host. tMeo tuod, always preferred. Comeetele4 Saved fey Iloodes 'apar ilfd. • t111)111 StICIDET The Body of An Unknovn 3Ittu Poulul. Near Toronto, A GASH IN HIS FOREHEAD. The Corpse Has the Appearance of Being in the Water Several Days -A Miss, ing Uxbridge Mau Said, to Correspond to the De- ' scription, TonONTO, Jan. U. -The good people who reside in the neighborhood of the mouth of the Iluraber river, a mile or two west of the city limits, are much exercised as to ho vr a young man, whose body was washed, ashore in that vicinity yesterday, eame to his death, Two boy ii on their way home ftom Sun- day school wore strolling along the windy beach south of High park, when by chance they espied a strange object floating in the water a few feet from shore. On closer observation the lads found the dark mass to be a corpse. Frightened at the ghastly spectacle they ran as fast as then. legs could carry them to Nurse's hotel, a few hundred yards dis- tant and infermed the inmates of their find. The whole neighborhood had. been aroused and the landing of the corpse was eel?' . KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and teOde to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet, - ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world% best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health .of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form meet acceptable and pleat. sub to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properdes of a perfect lax- ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers THE VERY LATEST NEWS The mercury marks 30° below Nero at Edmonton. X. D. C. Pill e tone and regulate the live!, . RODins hare been seen during the last week in some of the public yards at Ham- ilton. John Graves, of Elzevir, was on Friday flue& $20 andeposte at Made° for shooting deer in the close season. ' Fifteen:pave ago Saturday George Lord Haddo, Oldest son and heir of the Earl of Aberdeen was born. Lord Haddo left on Saturday fur Harrow to resume laie studies. One benevolent citizen of Hamilton, who doeseuot ellow his ame to appear, has juet sent 50 bags flour to the city relief department for istribution among the poor. , "Like the dewton the mountain, Liko,the foam on the Riyer, Lite the bubble on the Fountain Thou art gone :forever." How beautifully. these lines of Scott's express the a - entaneous flight of Sick Headache Pow s which effect a promin- ent aud im te cure of all oases of Neuralgia a illionenees, and are sold - everywhere at 25c per box. Mr. Alex, iRunasey, :Imperial Bank, Welland, sae it allailleelfw her: seuxaceerl lfernotmanhde recommendsaaao ethem to Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment teased by enaction of the liver, Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will be a pleasant surprise. They give positive relief. Have no equal SS a prompt and positive cure for isiok headache, biliousness, con- stipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles, Carter's Little Liver Pills, Try them. A man's wife should always be the same, especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pine, she cannot be, for they make her feel like a different person, so they all say, and their husbands say so too! IPS It is probably not the coldest weather . you ever know in your life; but that is how you feel just now, because past sufferings are Boon forgotten, and because your blood needs the enriching, invigorating influence of Ayerni Sarsaparilla -'the Superior Medi. eine. rAll who are troubled with Constipation will find a safe, sure, and speedy relief in Ayernt Pills. Unlike most other cathartics theme mils etrengthen the stomach, liver, and bewails, and restore the organs to normal and regular action, James Jordon, a laborer who lived at Belleville, was struck and instantly ;killed by a train while walking On the Grand Trunk track near Sidney crossing Friday night. The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a widow, „ Rev. Dr. T. Dewitt Talmage announces that this coming spring, on his 25th anniv- ersary as pastor, he will resign the Brook- lyn oh ch. heKid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in '75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California, Fig Syrup Co. 'only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A few minutes later Dr Cotton drove up profession, because t acts on t to the hotel, accompanied by Mr. Nurse. A careful examination of the corpse and of his clothing elicited no information what- ever of his identity and very little as to the manner in which death overtook him. The coroner found the corpse to be that of a man 30 to 85 years of age. The dead man stood 5 feet 8 inches in hie stocking feet, wan of good physique, had a well- developed chest and splendid arm and leg muscles, and was to all appearances well fed. The face, as far as could be seen in its bruised condition, was that of an Eng- lishman. inrammed i OreauenTientet Peo milted the importance of ertnanantly beeeticial, offectsdend were satisfied with transient action ; but now that it Is generally known that Syrup of Figs, will permanently mire habitual con- stipation, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, whisk act for a time, but finally injure the ayelem. teeeeweeneasieseeesenteeteeteeseeeeeeteesieseemeeeareeere FOR MEN AND WOMEN. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT tTrade triarkl Da. A. owns, , The only Scientific and Practical Electric Belt made for general use, procluctag a Genuine Current of Electricity for the cure of Disease, that can be readily foll, and regulated both in quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be WOrD at tusy time daring Working hears or sloop, and well positively cure Sciatica, / Gen era]. Debility 'et Lumbago, ee Nervous Discuses Dyspepsia, eineneoeele, Sexual Wireakeedri Inipoteneyy Ikkintiv Diseases, tame iirtolt, Dliseasea Met taking the ' 3 tinatie, effect caresi Other The clothing was carefully with the hope of finding some name or mark that might serve as a clue to the man's identity, but without avail. The only lettering or mark of any kind what- soever to be found was the Word "Lorne," efrinted on the hanging strap of the over- coat. The body had evidently been in the water, several days, for the rigor mortis stage, which comes oh about 24 hours after death and generally lasts from 24 to 86 hours, had come and gone, as was in- dicated by the purple appearance of the abdomen of the corpse.' An ugly indentation on the dead man's forehead, and. the fact that there appeared no froth at the mouth or nose, and that the body, though evidently so long in the water, was not at all bloated, led Coroner Cotton' to think it advisable to hold legal enquiry as to the cause of death. After due consultation with County Crown At- torney Dewart by telephone, he issued a warrant for an inquest to be held this afternoon. Fred Bacon, an Uxbridge young man, left there on December 27 to work for Farmer Gibson, near Agincourt, and has not since been heard of. It is said that the description of the body found cone, spends to the appearance of the missing Man. QUEEN LIL'S CANADIANS. The Government Making Inquiries Into the Report from "Victoria, B.C. CHICAGO, Jan, 12,-A special to the Herald from Victoria, B.C., says:-" The Militia Department at Ottawa having heard through the press of the proposed expedi- tion to Honolulu, organized under royalist auspices and directed on this' side from Winnipeg and Vancouver, Major-General' Herbert has caused inquiries to be made by Colonel Peters, deputy adjutant -general for this district. It is doubtful, however, whether the Canadian Government can in- terfere in any way, as the men who have it in contemplation to serve as the Queen's own guard do not intend to go armed or by any overt acts putting themselves in conflict with thgenentralty laws, and they claim the right to go to the Hawaiian Islands or anywhere else where employ- ment of any kind may offer. It is expected that the fear of diet:10111We with the Dominion authorities has caused a few to say that they desire to have no more to-do with the project, but the great majority have fully made up their minds o embark, if possible, in the adventure, and, they are all impatiently awaiting, an answer to tha itecent message to Theo- philus Davies, Tie is expected that march- ing orders will ig'eine by retuen mail, and, the party will pieabably secure one of the many swift sailing vessels available on" this coasOand neeke via United States soil for an unfrequeieted part of the coast of the Island OrehreA within easy distance of Honolulu. dt.i„e landed on this island any determined ba,tly- of men Could advance without difficulty ao the city. Though the orgetnization of this expedi- tion was kept a Profound secret for many weeks, now. that ie has come mit the lead- ers have no hesitation in discussing the part they intend to take, They do not take at all kindly tit the term of "the fili- busters," which has been applied toethem, s claiming that they have no intention or thonght of plundering laarlessly in any form. DROWNING ACCIDENT. MIMIIIIMINOMMOM11011.11111•11MAMINI•••••%•11104M,11111 Hardships of Genius. Homer was a beggar. Spenser died in want. Cervantes died of hunger. Dryden lived in poverty and distress. Terrance, the dramatist, was a slave. Sir Walter Raleigh died on the scaffold. Bacon lived a life of meauess and distress. ' Plautus, the Roman comic poet, turned a mill. Butler lived a life of penury, and died rege. - A t the eseelar melng of the Buseeldele commit of C. V, the foilowieg ofdeers were instelled for 1804 ; J. Harris, chief ebeecallor ; A. Wiley, Yice-eotinoillor ; IL C. Fiteet, recorder john cola, treasurer ; D. Rey, Prelate ; W. J, Palk, rearshell ; J. Newitt, warden; J. -Gartner, euard Winnioott; sentry ; Oliver Hands, tepretentative to Grand dounele -Mrs- Brown of the Idueeeldele hotel dieil last week of inflaternetion of the howelc-There is a great deal. of sickness at present ie. this locality. --David Hackney Thames road, is inlay drewirig material for big new barn, Dunese McLean has the con tree I. A BOOMING BUSINESS, REOORTO Ireteia Direntinner Pewee f3Afette S110IY1NCk Bee AND GitAtin REsio,Ts BZ Doon'ti SABrLta tau En BY TIIS MANCIA0- poor. t Paul Borghese had fourteen trades, yet starved to death withal. Tasso the Italian poet, was often distressed for five shillings. Steele, the isumorist, lived a life of perfect warfare with bailiffs. ' Otway, the English dramatist, died prexna- timely, and throngh hunger: Bentivoglio was refused admittance into a hospital he h2id erected himself. The death of Collins was through neglect, first causingmental derangement. Chatterton, the child of genius and misfor- tune, destroyed hinaself at 18. Savage died in a prison at Bristol, where he was confined for a debt of $40. Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield" was sold for a trifle to save him from the grip of the law. Fielding lies in the burying ground of the English factory at Lisbon, withoutot stone to mark the spot Milton sold his copyright of "Paradise Lost" for $75, at three payments, and finished his life in obscurity. ' Cements, tie celebrated. writer of the "Lusted," the great Portuguese epic, ended his life, it is said, in an almshouse; and, at any rate, was supported by a faithful black servant, who begged iu the streets oaLondon for him -Queries Magazine. Teacup Lore. Here are a few old women's signs which may be read from a cup of tea: If anybody happens to have two spoons in their cup, it is a sign that they will figure prominently at a wedding before the year is out.-- It milk or cream is put in your cup bef ore the sugar, it will "cross your love." A tea stalk floating %atop of the tea is called. a "stranger." When elais happens to unmarried ladies they should stir the tea around briskly, and then place the spoon in the center of the cup, holding it qui to still. If the "stranger" in itel gyrations is attracted to the spoon, the "stranger" will come that evening; should it, however, cling to the sides, he will not come at all. We may observe that it really de- pends on the stage of the atmosphere as to whether the stalk goes to the middle or not. It is a sign of fair weather if the clusters of small air bubbles, which usually rise after the sugar has been put in, collect themselves and remain in the center of the cup. If. OD the contrary, they struggle to the sides it Is a sign that it , will certainly rain in a few boars. Tnis cluster of, babbles is also called a "kiss," and protends that the owner will be thus sainted during the course of the day A cluster of tea'leaves with a few stragglers at the front at the bottom of the cup, signi- fies a hearse or a Square', while the couple of leaves at the bottom, if close together, signify a wedding -and so on to the end of the chapter. Toronto'Jan. 15,-J, A. MacDonald, a druggist at Whitewood, N. W. T, writes ; "Dedd'is Kidney Pills are meeting with universal euccemes in thie part of the Dom- inion, My gales of this article are daily increasing, and it is well nigh impossible for me to keep them in dodo" ....Frank Brown, deuggiet, of Shelburne, Ont., writes •, 'Please ship me another five gross of Dodd's kidney Pills- Sold 18 boxes this adternoon. They are giving grand satisfaction.' These pilla are manufactured by Dr, L. A. Smith te Co, 'Toronto, and are sold by alltdealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price ;'fifty cents per box or six boxeu for le2 50. n/00 Last year the Hamilton Cit y% Council exceeded their estimated expenditure by $44,459, besides a quantity of unpaid ac- counts. The new council has a floating debt of $34,000 to face in the outset. Self-atade men. Christopher Columbue„ was the son of a • a d I r himself -Glands Three Young Ladies Go Through a Hole Lorraine was bred It pastry ;cook. Cervant- in the leo-One is Drowned. es was irtominon soldier. Herber was the DtrwiThs, Out., Jan. 22,-A most dietress- son of a farmer. Domosteenes was the son jug drowning accident occurred on the of a cutler. Oliver Cromwell was the son canal here Saturday through which one of a brewer. Howard was an apprentice young lady lost her life and two others to a grocer. Franklin :Was a journeyman had a very closet ball. The recent rains' printer and eon of a tallow -chandler and lead flooded over the ice and covered all soap -boiler. Daniel,Defoe Was a hosier and rough spots, making it like a sheet of sou of a butcher, Cardinal Woleey was the glass and crowds were enjoying a skate. son of a butcher. Dueled was the son of a No bad spots in the ice were noticed ex- mithea of statuary. Virgil was the so ti of a cent one near the second inlet where a porter. Horace was the son of a shopkeeper. hole was plainly visible; and all avoided Shakespeare was the son of a wool -stapler. it by keeping to the opposite side of the Milton was the son of a money -scrivener. canal except three young ladies, Miss Pope was the she of a merchant. Robert Clarke, Miss McKay and Miss Ross, Who Burng was the son of a ploughman in Ay -e while going down the canal, did not notice shire. -New York World. the hole and skated into it, , C. C. hi -MAIMS & Co. My son George has aufferod, with neural- gia round the heart since 1882, but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him since. JAS. MoKaa. Linwood, Out. 240,01:40,0 0.1114 .. 0 Boo our NEW MEAL DiTA101014 DRILLS, ;:ritt;u0,4 aapbt' neeneelicetanonee .seet----e-e--vereeeibieeteed" RIIEIIMATIS711 Conan IN A DAY. -South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remark- able and myeterious. It removes at once the cause snd the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents, Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818 Itch on human and horses and all animale cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion This neyer fails. Sold by (./. LUTZ. A young man named Wyatt saw the ac- cident, mid, securing a plank, hurried to the spot and Succeeded, in rescuing Miss McKay and Miss Clark, Miss Reiss was keeping herself up by having her hatide'en Miss Clark's shoelders, but to allow Miss Clark to get out with the aid of the plank she removed her hands and missed catch- ing the edge of the ice and. went under it, Her body was recovered about an hour and a half afterWards. Deceased and her sister 'lived with their ueole, Mr. Joseph Sweet, conductor on the IL abed' D, railway, their parents being deed. Rowdier, at NeWinarket. NZWMA.Ritkr, Jan, tB,----On Sunday eVere ing a bus containing some hilariove per' sons, said to be telephone inen &ming from the north, drove fttriously up Male street Imre, They were on the wrong nile Of the -errilloliillektd with A 1)ftEgt", it badly. A warren% onars at. to be Served on thrie “lhey ght qui bastilly &eve . to uroret. -, '-'-C'S.'.,...00.04 *44".{ AIV44.14,11 • Musical "Mirage." - • Attention has 'recently been called to the visual images which are seen in the;air, by an English lady, when certain in- struments „are played, The seined of the oboe causes her to see a white obelisk, which is Immo acute the higher the piteh of the note.' Somotimo, if the notes are of Italie e tense and yearning elearaoteeg the figure movee rapidly towercl her, point first, as if It would strike- her, • 'alio, eound of the vioe 'micelle, the high not of the basseoh, trumpet ancletrombone,, and the low notes of the clarinet and viola, make her see a fiat Undulatiog ribbon of strong white: fibreel, and when theViolate of MI orchestra Strike ,up after- the • ivied inStruinents have beer, proinibeet,,she scenothees seedshoweifi gireteideg white duse. Times Phantoms are Wendt' setei floating fit the air ieriltwity bee HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Sortp wraPpers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look or sooner than a man"). to Lever Brosadotd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is She best in the market, and it will only omit lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the goads open, Write your addrees carefully. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELTh-TRIED REMEDY.— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. It soothes the child, Softens the guras,allays the pain, cures the °olio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable,Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup and take no other kind. .,, •..c, ,,,,,,.„,,, , IA/ \' l' n\, ',N) v,,kk\•,, .\ ,, 0N, ,,,,,.\\ ,,t ,,, ,;.„ , %,„\s',,, .,' ...\ \•:\\ ,0\ ,,,\\ \\‘,.::.\x, ,s..\.,,, .;\\'. ;•.,\''.. , , \,\\\\ v \\\,\‘\ \•\,\,\Nvs4A \,*.•-•,,,,k, \ , s,\., • ‘,„ „„,,,,,,,,s, \ \ ,, v•,*'\'''''' k*';', \v, . Being ‘freeYfi\:O6'ma'll '\‘combines,\k-vf now offer the best in every line. In Binder, the Maxwell as a three- canvas machine never yet excelled. "Walter A. Wood",made by Frost & Wocel,single apron, open back BindET, denounced ' by all rivals (you know why), and MeCormick Bericllochine, Mowers -Frost & Wood, Maxwell, and MeCorencle, . Rakes of every. description. Cultivators -Hamilton's New Elastic, Giant, Champion . makes, Scuftlers, Cutting Boxes, Crushers, Tread Mills Wind Mills, Hay Fork'Bell,end others. Plott4 of all the leading Forks, either round rod or angle steel ;,.Wagons, Sleighs, Etc., Etc, We ask all interested to call at ou;Rooms and prove the correctness of our claims and remistateinents Of unprincipled rivals. . de , ELDER, LBNSALIAND o eueenzen. f:30RE THROAT CURED. Dear Sirs. -I had a very sore throat for over a week and tried seyeral medicines without relief until I herd of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I tried with great success. I think it a fine medicine for sore throat, pain in the Ghost, asthma, bronithitis, and throat and lung troubles. Maria Middleton, Bolmaygeon, Ont. English Spayin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- tees from horses, Blood Spain, Carina Splints, Rine Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish/ Cure ever known: Sold by C. Lutz, Drug,' 1st. 8ep 18,'93 BELIEF IN SIX Houns.-Distressing Rid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in Biz hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians I: ac- count of its exceeding proneptneg, in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneenaback and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost limed- ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUT ALL MEN. ------- Young, olci or middle aged, who find them- seives.nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in inane of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old age, less of vitality, loss of memory, bad dramas, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, leak of entrey,pain in the kidneys, headaches, Dimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, quiets before the eyes' twitching of the muscles, eyelids and, else. ‚where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep , constipation dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desite for solitude, excitability of temper. sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles, oily looking skin, etc„ are all symptoms of nervous debll- ity that lead to insanity uniese cured. The spring or vital course having lost its tension, every function wanes in Consequence. Those who through abuse committed an ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on diseases poeuliar to mato sent free, soiled. Address M. V. LIMON, 24 Meadow:loll Ave., Toren to Ont. ,Canada NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the aanuel meet- ing of thernembere of the 'Osborne and Ilibbert tvbetut I Fire Insurance Company will be held in Gardiner'e Hall, Farquhar, on Monday the 5th day of February, 1854, at ono o'clock p.m. for the receiving of the Directors', Secretary's and Treasurer's annual reperts t.,elociion of Directors [bad Auditors, and Oth or business for the good and welfare of the Company. All membereetre requested to attend. DAVID MIT01-1E.LL, President TIIOS: CAMERON SeoretarY. ANTED. Atginteto sell our °hole° 'and hardy nursery etee either op Sals,ry or • Commission. We (deo give ourenen the privilege of selling our new and ehoice varieties of seed potatoo 5, Somme the agency at Once, whieh will hand - :it:: ide digYroeorrsi ifore spring, Na. M8nAPoYlwaChoit sie g ':•11A N tune u rt e sr ey11- mon endTropagatore of Choice Seed Potatoes, Booltostes, N.Y. A. JONES, M. A, 04 MAI VY s F. T. C.; M. 0, P. a. O. Physician, Surgeon and °couchette'. Centralia, - Ontario, , Oillec Near Station, . AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST CLINTON. „ Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the ixecond Thursday of each month and at Hodginve betel Ileassfl totety Mortd114. The - Ezeter - Foundry And Machine Wqr s. Repairin en Short Doti.' ,t(W,Ifeettniiiter ri.oxew,,:,,,,eita,111,tyi•tiesricio.lanr,he lady, Is tier. ,vir6 ,,4/100ifi.. , • r , ,„ e # „,..e ,".4. -1"--"------ ' ' VVIMINT ... , 4 11. [' ''t D, th4 hauwebeld. reinek for elate. .4) IA Mtnard's Liniment is the beet 'Beds, Tables Chairs - 5 Shakespeare. °se "ge rieneeereagee -at uL/14/2/4(.4,, ed44c,-4 THOROUGH EQUIPMENT, , PRACTICAL COURSE, LIVE TEACHERS, 'THOROUGH WORK Under the guiding hand of the Principal of THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS and, SHORTHAND GOLLEGB - of London, who has had special preparation for his chosen profession, assures sue cess to every student. It pays to attend a school that has a standing among busi- ness men. College re -opens after vacation on Tuesday, January 2,'94, Good Board $2.50 per week. Catalogue Free. J.. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principal. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in.!general:that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknewled:te be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. S id by competent judges to last from Iiirty''siX to-fortr.,mar,04-any aselkIEL 777ILMIE3 The quotation above indicates that the Bard of Avon in his universal wis- dom was not above considering the con- veniences of the world. Neither should you be -in the same line. Especially when you can get PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lbunges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line, We would ask you to call and see our immense stock and get prices. 21. tLOWE. IMPORTANT I -IL TO „FAR IVIERS Anct House -keepers. Flour &Peed, In large or small qUantities 1RaGI-3ECT Bran, Flour, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, Rolltdd"Wheat, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, C. W. SaliZITI-X. \ CENTRALIA. DO -YOU' Want a Bicycle? THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC TI.1';fist TIRE MIL Every owner or Wanted ht oo rskenoorrc o itl.otntcso , keep his animal in good health while in the stable on dry fodder. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is now recognized as the best Condition Powders, it gives a good appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the rood is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingmore than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. Sound Horses are al- . this season when they Sound ways in demand arida are so liable to slips and strains DICK'S BLIS- TER will be found a stable necessity; it will I 1 orses remove a curb, spavin, splint or thoroughpin or any swelling. Dick's Lint. ment miles a strain or lamenessandremoves infiam- mation from cuts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug- gists, Dick's Blood Purifier 50 c. Dick's Blister 50c. Dick's Liniment 25c, Dick's Ointment 25c. Send a Fat Cattle P°st61 card for full par- ' titulars, & a book of valuable household and, farm recipes will be sent free, DICK & CO., le 0, Box 482, MONTREAL. hnorali1t Up CENTRAL SHAVING PARLORS, A. HASTINGS, Agent for the Brantford' Steam Laundry. FANSONS BLOCK. - Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery. ' a Although others may mutate our IN THE PRICES OF goods, it is only for 5T day. We keep continually changing and getting the prices down. We lead, others follow, but we have led the most of them too far. We are now in the very depths of low prices and our companions are few and far be- / tween. time to get good cheap We will not be undersold in Parlor footwear at Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dining Bonn Suites, Halls Racks, 'Center Tables, GE 0. MANSON'S, Lounges, Fancy Chairs, Book Cases, The People's Shoe Store. -Seqt'etanes)131.°tull3 Frames, C'si°6 Next Door to Post Office. rouiensherEtqvkeiryngtliininagliinitsFburrannicthurees: . . Boots and Shoes must be sold this Month. Now is the chance of a life 3 I S. GIDLEY. S ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. Three Points! 0 NOTE WELL. E -I ..1•10.1.... T 0 '‘41 x n eteet. Experience We ,ihave had 4;tha expenerme the.. at. tention to lawineaa, close Nina, and proper fits, aro the main factor' in our business. PromptitudeWith this ever bre imprinted deeply l'orneoduredtmtitottof,"irt'll have won the patronage of the *any whom despise those too -of tanlettottad to tactics of tailors esneoielly, natriely putting oft until next treat whaellifinuld have been done thia, , ,. • g...'" ' A • ., i