HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-02, Page 9;.Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Riegling on the birth of their son Jason Andrew in the Wingharn and District General Hospital. on Monday, April , 22. A very pretty wedding took place in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church at Kingsbridge on Saturday afternoon, April 27 when Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. united in marriage Miss Rosemary: Hogan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan and Stanley Holloway, son of Mr,' and Mrs. Stanley Holloway of London. Congratulations. Following their marriage the dinner and reception was held in the Legion Hall at Lucknow. Music for dancing was supplied by Carruthers Orchestra, • FIRST COMMUNION St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Kingsbridge, was filled to capacity on Sunday morning, April 28 when 1,5 Grade 2' children received Hoy Communion in a group for the first time under the guidance of their teacher Mrs. Paul'-Eedy and Principal Cler.i- Steffler. Certificates and rosaries were presented to the children • t by Church Life Conveners: of H the Catholic Women's. League, S Mrs. Ancone VanOsch for M Kingsbridge and Mrs. Gus Red- M mond for St. Augustine. p Readings were done by Mr. ti Jim Martin and Mr. Jean p Lalonde. The organist was W Miss Nancy Anderson. The following is a. list of the _ children who made their First .. Holy • Communion with the " father's name in brackets: G From Kingsbridge, Michael J Austin (Eldon); Shawn .h Doherty (Frank); Shannon a Durnin (Mrs. Michael Dalton); th Shawn Durnin (Ron); Casey G Hendri'ks (Martin); John ch Lalonde (Jean) Paul ,and d Christine 'Martin (Jim); Perry P Van Osch (Joe). fo From St. Augustine, Ronnie Se Delbergue (Roti); ° Betty. Jane ne Foran (John); Steven Hickey vi ('Joe); Brian Leddy'(Kenny). ch From St. Mary's .Lucknow, th Donna Thompson, (Bruce).. St. Peter's Goderich, Joan Sa Hendriks (Heins). • ef the Mass a fig lunch was served in .the, Parish Hall by the Kingsbridge" Catholic Women's League to' the children, Father Dentinger teachers Mrs. Paul Eedy, Clem Steelier, ' their „parents, God- parents and immediate mem- bers of their, families. HISTORICAL,, BUILDINGS The April meeting of the Huron County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario 'was held in St. Joseph's 'Parish `Hall at Kingsbridge on Wednesday • evening, April 24. The meeting. was chaired by the President Mrs. Joan Van den Broeck. ,Slides of "Our Heritage Q' and "Former Schools in Huron `County" were shown by Mrs. J: W. Wallace. Commentary on the oldest buildings in, Colborne Township was given by George Robinson as the slides that were to be shown were not available due to the urrent mail strike. Floyd Courtney gave a prepared speech on "The Huron County Jail at ',,G, derich". Lunch was served and a social hour followed. Floyd also gave his speech at he monthly` meeting of the uron County Historical which was held in the cKay Hall • in Goderich on onday evening, April 22. This • rogram was unci r the direct ' on of Mrs. •Morley, Past resident of the Goderich omen's Institute. ht of the late James D. Little in the village of Dungannon qn Saturday afternoon, April 27. Bidding was brisk under lovely sunny sky with 70 degree tem- perature. The property,con- sisting of a six room stucco home with three piece`bath''t is 'offered for sale and was pur- chased by Gary Courtney, R.R. No 1, Dungannon and Douwe Wilts,. R.R. No. 1 Lohdesboro. Brian Rantoul was the auc- tioneer. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmore on the dead -turf her sister, Mrs. - Mary Moir of Ilderton in the Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, April 19., Funeral Mass . was . said at St. Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church in London. Burial was in St. Peter's Cemetery. Several from this area atteri- ded the twenty-second Annu ll ©"At Home" at -the Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Friday evening, April 26. Congratulations to' Joanne Walters • who was crowned Queen At this dance on Friday evening.- Her mother was the former Winnifred Fairish- of this area. Harry VanDiepan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo VanDiepan was admitted to the Kincardine and District General Hospital on ' Saturday evening where an emergency appendicitis operation. was • performed. We hope Harry won't' be very long in the hospital as he had just .commenced employment with the Hendrackson Steel Com - °pang in Stratford... Allan Drennan, son of , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan and Paul O'Donnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond O'Donnell have recently been employed by the Dominjon Roads Machinery . Company Limited in Goderich. Mrs. Elvira Parehti from Oakland, California is spending, a month vacation at the home bf her daughter arid son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Hebert. and family. Miss Fay Hogan of Owen Sound and friend . John Cusolite of jsondon spent the weekend at the home of, 'her p rents aind Ater ded... the ; wed-: ding and reception or Stan Holloway and Rosemary • Hogan. Miss Irene Hogan of London, "'' •Mr. and Mrs. Art Norris of Georgetown, Mr. ; and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and family from Toronto 'and Ronald Hogan spent the weekend.. with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan and were guests at:.t„he, Holloway - • SOCIAL NEWS The date for the Operett Cinderella's Slipper'' b rades 5,6,7, and 8 ' of St oseph's School in Kingsbridge as been changed from May 1 nd 2 to May 2 ae_ t 'and 3 du o e fact • the children from rades 1 to *Grade 5 ' were osen to put on a gymnastic emonstration as part of a hysical Education workshop r teachers in St.• Aloysius hool in Stratford on Wed- sday, May 1. Parents are in= ted to • accompany their ildren. A bus -will be leaving e' school at 5:30 p.p.a'ri A successful cle•ng Auction le of property and household ffects was held -for the estate v • • lasting A gift! INDOOR GARDENING A useful, decorative gift. Many arrangements with a variety of live plants. FROM $ 3.95 SPECIAL 1O% OFF 'TILL MOTHER'S DAY OR MAY WE SUGGEST Miniature Flowering Cactus Regular Cactus Specimen Cactus FROM 'SPECIAL 1 O% OFF TILL MOTHER'S. -,DAY ° GOOD SELECTION OF BULK SEEDS Leaf and heats lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, green beans, yellow beans, corn,' eas, beets, carrots, squash, dutch sets, multipliers. CIL FERTILIZER BOX PLANTS—Arriving Next Week FOR ALL YOUR GARDENINGAND LANDSCAPING NEEDS ART'S .LA_HDSC piNG NURSERY & GARDEN.CENTRE SENNETT ST., CIODERICH • 524-9126 OPEN 7 DAYS " `t. Monday thru Saturday till dark A WEEK Saturday 12 to 6 Hogan wedding. '• Mr. and Mrs Con Hogan visited ,last week with their son Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hogan and family in Glencoe, and with his brother Bill, a patient in the, versity Hospital in London, r. and Mrs. Pete Murray of Royal Oak, Michiganis visiting with her sister Mrs. Genevieve • Kinahan. John O'Connor of Lucknow visited with his sisters on Sunday. ' Reverend Father Thomas Moylan, S. J. of Toronto visited during the week with his sister Mrs. Mary F'rayne. Mrs. Theo VanDiepan and Miss Betty Hendrik' attended ,the, Leadership Training Course for Girl Guides held at Hanover on Saturday, April 27. Mrs. Mary Frayne was ad- ' mitted" to the, Victoria Hospita,14. in London on Friday, April 26. Brian Leddy, son of *Mr. and ° Mrs.x)Kenny Leddy was taken back to the Sick Children's Hospital in London on Sunday afternoon, April 28. - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffer- • nan and family of Newmarket visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Heffernan on the weekend. The Lucknow Intermediate Hockey Team were defea-ted' in the best three out of five games against the Harriston Inter- mediates: This is the last of the hockey reports for this season. Several from this area atten- ded the wedding reception at the Sallford Valley Hall in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbert, newlyweds. Re'dCross nets $2,700 Mrs. -.John Stringer of the Maple Leaf IODE which .organized this year's Red Cross campaign -in Goderich, reports a a most successful 'drive for funds. According to Mrs. Stringer,. total proceeds -amount to nearly $2700 an increase over Fast year. She_ expressed her' gratitude to all the people who canvassed for • the Red Cross or who. helped in any way. Special thanks go out, of course, to the generous citizens.' of "Goderi.ch. and area who supported the drive. • • n, OODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; MAY 2, i974-- 'AQE'9 Huron County Playhouse will stir in Grand .Bend and Kincurdine Huron Country Playhouse- Bend; and from Exeter, Mrs., Mel Geiser and., Mr. Tuckey. Donald Southcott has been appointed, to head the 1.974 Season Ticket Drive which will open on May 18. Bill Heinsohn has been re- appointed to head up the 2nd annual Huron Country Fair which ' will .-be held on the Playhouse grounds on. Sunday, June 2. Mr. Tuckey also announced that the Playhouse has accep- ted an invitation from the newly fd'rmed Kincardine ‘theatre Guild to bring its 4974 season there. This new arrangement will mean"°that' has acquired four new members to its Hoard of Trustees. Benson Tuckey, Chairman announced recently the ad- ` dition of Don Southcott, Mrs., Albert Voaler, of Grand Bend; Ed Procunier, London; and Mrs. Jack 'Boyd, Forest. Continuing members of the Playhouse Board are Bill Cochrane, Betty Etue and Bruce `Sully, of Goderich; S.P.' Englert of Kitchener; Howard Flemming, Mrs. Peter Ivey, Bill Heinsohn, df London; James Love, Mrs. Bill Waters of Parkhill; E. Beecher Menzies of Clinton• Mrs. Bill Schlegel, Mrs. Griffin Thomas of Grand -' (Intended for, last week) • Mrs.' Finlay MacDonald has been visiting in London this week with her son - and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald and Julia. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simpson were in Delhi this.weekend and attended a relative shower arranged, in honor of their daughter Margaret, bride-to-be of the season. ' Friends of Robert MacGregor are sorry to hear that he ,has been a patient in Kincardine hospital. ' A family gathering was• held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus. Dalton folld-wing the Christening of their son Raymond Patrick. Miss Maureen Bradley has been home for two weeks vacation from nursing school in Stratford where she is studying for her R.H. She finished her first year's ' work prior to coming home and started her second year on Monday. 'The Missionary Society • has decided to have evening meetings during the busy sum - ;.months. , .. The Sunday school is at 10 o'clock and the 'BRUCE MACDONALD ELECTRIC' Domestic-Clmmercial-Industrial 133 Britannia Rd. Phone Evenings •5 ?4,8146' church service at 11 a.m. North Ashfield school is preparing for a school festival to. by held on May 7. It is an all day affair with the ad- judicator- being Mr.1' Lance ManDowell of London. London group will host conference 'Environmental groups and interested individuals from the Southwestern.' Ontario region will meet', in London, Ontario on Saturday, May 11, at a con- ference hosted by Pollution' Probe London. This will be the first, time such groups, have assembled in this region. Delegates are expected,•to at- tend the all day sessions: from across the. region, including Windsor, Owen, Sound and Kit- chener -Waterloo. They will discuss recycling, energy, noise pollution; land use problems and . other topics. Registration starts at 9:30 -a.m. at 414 Dufferin Avenue in London. Anyone'interestedin further information on the conference should •contact David "Ferrence, Conference^Chairman, 'at 672.- 5617 or Pollution Probe -"Loh- , don at 679-2319. the Company •w$ll, perform at the Playhouse in Grand Bend on Wednesday through Satur- day nights, and will move its Sunday night performance to Kincardine Town Hall. Board Approval was, given for the "1974 Operation. The Summer season is due to get . underway on, June 26,` and details will be announced shor- fly by James Murphy, Playhouse Managing Director, . but the opening play of the season is definitely.I DQ, I DO; the Broadway musical, which starred' Mary Martin and. Robert Preston will be the Playhouse opgner,1 74 KiNGSTO?V ST. JIM HATTER SPECIAL. 524.7314 1968 DODGE MONACO 500 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power. brakes, -radio, two-tone paint., Lic. No. _'f OHM -655 Yi JIM HAYTER CHEV.-OLDS. 07,9 a INSURANCE' COMPANY - Establi1 HEAD OFFICE �Sshedea1 tt : or876 t,Ontario y, Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Trees: Phone McKILLOP MUTUAL- FIRE 52?-04Qi) ir ;:': LI 9 Little To Be Safe Fire, Extended Coverage, Wind- storm, Theft, Property Damage, Liability, Etc. ° Directors and Adjusters: Wm. Alexander, Seaforth Robt. Archibald, R.R. 4,,Seaforth Ken Carnochan, R.R.4, Seaforth Ross Leonhardt, R, ft,1, Bornholm John McEwing• R•R,1, Blyth Stanley Mcllwain, R,R.2, Goderich John Moylan, R.R.2; Dublin Wm. Pepper, Brucefield J. N. Trewartha, Box 661, Clinton Agents: R James Keys, R• R. l,. Seafo: Wm. Leiper, Londesboro s 1 A11 Phone.527-0831 527-1817 527-1545 34,5-2234 , 523-9390 A .524-70-51'6 .,, 345-2639 482-7534 482=7593 K. J. Etue, Seaforth st&•v&• •1: Mttrr1;‘,,-11t,!R 5. - afr,rth Hester Dougan's Back *GIFTS at the -ipit1IESTDR-WIpNERS •WIENERROAST Free *BIBLE STORIES Mefliodist Church (Porkfheet at Victoria) • Right After School MONDAY TO FRIDAY -MAY 6 TO 10th. PARENTS Adult Services- Week Hiights 8 p.m. Monday, May 6th. -6:15 Pot Luck Dinperr ° Sunday 10 a.m. S.S. 11 a.m. Worship Evening Service Tp.m. PASTOR R. NICHOLLS-PHONE 524 9903 Perhaps never again will an 'opportunity like this arise. This exclusive auto has been 'driven just 7,000 miles. Here.'s the equipment list. 1974 Buick RIvierateS sports,radiai tires, special wheel covers, custom bucket seat interior, console, vinyl top, sport stripes, power. windows, bumperet•tes, side mouldings, automatic air conditioning, full tinted glass, AM -FM stereo radio, 4 speakers, tilt. ;steering wheel, mats, dual remote mirrors, outside thermometer, speed alert and trip opometer, power deck lid, electric rear defogger, door warning, Courtesy lamps, power door" locks, Plus! Ziebart rustproofing and Envirogard. (Value. $209.50) $7500Lic. No. DHH899 ' SALE Valued at over. $9000.00 new. PRICE HAMILTON -ST. GODERICH 5'24.8391