HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-05-02, Page 7I .t}."1,, b TIGER DUNLOP . a WOMEN'S INSTITUTE . • The Tiger Dunlap Women's Institute April meeting was held in -the Carlow Hall, Thur- sday afternoon April 25. Mrs. • Eric Reaburn, president, opened the meeting' .and welcomed all members and Visitors. Roll call "Current Event on Health" was answered by 29 members and there were seven visitors present. The Theme of ,the meeting was "Health", and Mrs. Terence Hunter introduced' the, guest, speaker, Dr. W. Frank. who gave an informative _Millsnd educational talk on some of the workings` of the Huron County ;Health Unit' organization as they pertained •to the public• Mrs. Ralph Jewell thanked• the speaker• 'for.his talk and for familiarizing the ladies with matters of Health which are so vital to all. Some of ,the ladies of the. In- stitute and district have •been taking the course "More Ideas With Sewing 'Knits" and presented a fashion show of dresses, dresses, and jackets, skirt and jacket suits and pant skuits which_ were all very at. '`tractive. Leaders Mrs. Richhrd Buchanan was the, commen- tator and Mrs. Harm Kloeze ,played appropriate music on the accordion. Achievement Dav for 4'-H Girls '(.`f `Diger Dunlop Clubs taking course• "Taking A hook At Yourself ' will be held at the Brookside School, Lucknow district, May 25. All mothers of the girls .and Institute members are urged • to attend. - -Theletter from the Ministry of Agriculture and. Food, Home Economics Branch re Training School and Short Course found the members chdosing "Tailoring" as first choice and "Home. Crafts" as' '"second choice in the Short Courses, and "Aclzessh'ries for -your Home as first choice and "Quilts" as second choice in Training School. It was decided to have rthe' Sunshine Sister Banquet .June 6" in the CtirleW .Hall- with a'• noon pot luck luncheon :at 1 ,p.m. Next meeting will ' be Wed- nesday afternoon, May 22 with Mrs, Jane ,,,Davidson. of Brucefield as the guest speaker. As this will, be, a special meeting it was decided to invite Auburn', Dungannon • and Goder-icE;tn.. titutes to hear this specia.l;r uest speaker and mem- bers were urged to be present and bring a friend. • .Letter was received and read from Mr. Murray Gaunt, M1P:P Huron - Bruce in regard to complaint from the members regarding as to unsafe con - editions at intersection ,of Air- port Road and Highway ,24. Mr. •Gaunt has aliparently brought this to the attention of proper authorities and it is again being looked into. Members were informed of the District Annual Meeting of Huronn,West District to be held in Belgrave May 27,. ` Plans were being finalized for catering to the Masonic. quet May 4. a ean,` who has �a been custodian of the Carlow Hall for four and a half years and who has now moved to Goderich, was presented with an Institute Brooch by the President, in recognition of all the extra she has willingly done for the Institute: Several new members were • added to the roll call before all enjoyed a social time together With a delicious lunch served by the Lunch' Committee, Mrs.' Rod Bogie, Convener. UPCOMING Several ladies from the District attended Achievement Day in -Clinton Wednesday af- ternoon, Apr.i-l'24 on the course ";More • Ideas With Sewing Knits", 4-H - Girls Groups of Tiger Dunlop taking the course "Taking a Look at Yourself" have completed their meetings and are now making plans and completing their books. Achievement Day for them will be May 25 in Brookside Public School, in the Lucknow District. COLBORNE CENTRAL SCHOOL Last Thursday night Colborne entre School was a hive of activity. The teachers antkpupils presented the Can- tata The Pied Piper of Hamelin with beautiful scenery and colorful Costumes. The story of Hamelin. was ably read by the • Narrator, Betty Sowerby. Betty unfolded the old story in a very pleasing, way. The first Act was the story, acted out in dialogue and, song, of how Hamelin was over run with rats: The people were in despair andthen came a solution - the Pied.. Piper came torthe Mayor and offered to rid the town of rats for the price of 1000 gilders. The Mayor gladly promised this.Jhe Pied Piper played a tune and .the rats followed to their death in the river. The Piper. claimed his 1000 gilders but was put off by the Mayor with:50 gilders. 14e then put his pipe to his lips and piped a -merry tune dnd the children all followed" him to the *mountain where a door'' opened and all went in. The people were destitute and alarmed; Where were their children? A messenger was.., sent after the Piper" with the, money. A happy , ending! The children were returned to .their fathers, home this week. v e Kevin Dykstra as the Mayor and the Councilmen Cathy Milburne, Shelly Baer, Mar- jorie Shoemaker was' a very pleasing catchy song. The song `Terrible Terrible Rats" was a chorus by men and women of Hatnelin with chorus. r,. "The Pied. Piper" with Glenn Lipner as the Piper in a color- ful costume sang "Ye Rats and Mice" -•bringing his proposition to the Mayon, "The Rats are Gone" was sung by the men and women with chorus. .. The Piper then sang "They have defied mei' and he takes the children. This was followed by the men and women with chorus mournfully singing "Where are our Children" and the first Act ended with a sad note. Act II was a Mountain dance by the children and Act II'I; the return of the children and the final chorus had good singirt'g and Jots of color. ' The teachers and pupils are to be congratulated for a very fine performance and the singing spoke well of ,the Music Instructor. They were all ably assisted by the mothers making costumes which were very colorful. This•was truly a wor- thwhile effort and ,.Colborne Central School should•be com- mended for such aline ..perfor- mance. ' SOCIAL NEWS . Mr. and Mrs. Teu�nis Kolk- man are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this Friday afternoon and evening, , May 3 in Sanford. Open House will be 2 -, 5.p.m.: and dancing will -begin at 9 p.m. Friends and neighbours are' cordially welcome. Mr-. and Mrs. Terence Hun- ter accompanied by Mr. Irvine Hunter and M'i:ss Grace Hunter of Goderich visited Mr. Irine Hunter's daughter, Mrs: Jean Barkley in Londhn over- the weekend. Mr. and .Mrs. Delbert Geiger of Zurich visited the latter's sister, Mrs. • .Gordon Kaitting and •Mr. Kaitting on Sunday. Earl Sherwood is a patient in University Hospital, London,, >4n4 his many friends and.. neighbors., wish him a speedy • • recovery. • North Harbour Road. Mrs': Maitland Montgomery has been a patient in Victoria "-----"Damage to the parked Hospital, London and is im- vehicle,. owned by Glen Adair, • improving• nicely and expects to, be Stratford, was $200 and to the Schmidt car, $400,. police estimate. c.c, Also on April 27, cars driven PROTEIN ECONOMY by David Thompson, Bradford and Arnold Doak, RR 2, 1. Septic task mets eipl.ined to coiuicil by Frank Mills By SHIRLEY 'J. FELLER Dr. Frank Mills, Huron's Medical Officer of Health, took time oat Thursday morning to outline to county council the new regulations with regard to septic tank installation here. Private sewage disposal. systems, regulated through,th& Environment Protection Act of 1971, were ,taken out of the, hands of the Ministry of Health and placed'under the authority of the Ministry 'of the Environ.: rpent effective April 15, 1974. According .to Dr. Mills, this date may have •been somewhat 'premature in relation to En- vironment's readiness to assume responsibility. "There is an awful lot of con- fusion,"' said Dr. 'M'ills, "but we're trying to sort through it." Fraud artist is conning merchants cs Goderich police advise storekeepers •to "watch for & fraud artist who recently stole two cartons of cigarettes from a local shop. The 'person is described as ,male, about 20 years old .with 'dark hair. He says he is getting the cigarettes for an official with the Department of High- ways. • The name he'' uses is fic- ticious. Persons encountering this person should alert police at once. Police estimate damage at $1500 resulting from an ac- .cident involving two cars and a light standard, April 26. Cars driven by. Charles Crawford, RR 3, Goderich and Clifford Rahm, Clinton were in collision•on Huron Road near Oxford Street. Damage to the Crawford car was $60G to t(ie Rahn;, 'car $200 and to the lightsta'ndarc1` $700, police say. , On 'A p.ril • a ,ca,ir drivep1ibvt FrankiSchmidt, RR 2, ClinFton,:', struck a vehicle parked oni .and mothers. • ,The Cantata opened with 'a chorus - Hamelin, Our Hamelin by the Townspeople. The Town Until April 29, ratepayers in Huron who sought a septic tank installation permit, found !themselves "in limbo" since Huron's officials could not, issue permits, and the London office was not prepared to do so either.. Now, however, the Health Unit in Huron does have a limited supply of forms - and thelocal MOH has been given!, temporary authority to' sign permits for -residents.. Dr:. Mills said an agreement between Environment -and the local -health unit 'has been signed by Huron officials and `ratified bv,the 'Environment. He' said some countivs have chosen not to sign the agreement with Environment, but he said he believed -Harron did well to sign the agreement and retain the local inspec- tions. "The Health Unit staff . will, make every effort to make this transition smoothly, so the public does not suffer, promised the MOH. There. are 10 steps to be followed from the time permit application is trade until the system is approved for use. "As long as the applicant is a good reader, he should have no problem," said [)r. Milts who Praised the application, forms and their intent: Septic, tank permits - necessary to install, repair or change in anv fashion - will cost $15. Lot approval in cer- tain instances wilt cost, $10. Penalties for, violation call •for• fines of up to $1,000. CODERICH. S'IONAL-STAR,: THURSDAY, 'M Y 2►. 1,74-410074, 7 "The aim is to make it as thorough as possible," said Dr: Mills who estimated .it' would take about one month for his department\to "fumble our way" throughrthis new system. He also promised �. an' assessment. of costs to the Health Unit for this new ser- vice, after three months. Reeve Ed Oddleifson, Bayfield, asked how long this temporary authority would last for Dr. Mills to act as local director for Environment. Dr. Mills replied that as long as permits are issued by the Health., Unit according to the guidelines set down by En- , vironment, the present system could "stay indefipitely". But Environment does reserve the right to make changes at any, time. Dr. Mills added. The .MOH also 'suggested that an office of the Environ- ment should be set up in the county. I,-ieadduarters.for Lam- bton and Huron is Sarnia.vThe next closest office is Owen Sound. Reeve Everett Mcllwain, Goderich Township,•said that if the county asks for an office in Huron, "don't let's complain about the increase of'•civil ser- vants in the province." Or. Mills said in his. view, a Huron office would entail split- ting the present staffin Sarnia between, the two offices. Reeve Mcllwain said that wasn't the way it usually ended : up however, •and felt a Huron of- fice would necessitate substan-. tially more employees. Excavating -Dashwood 236-4230 TRUCKING BACKHOE - & DOZER SERVICE GODERICH NICK .DOWHANIUK 5 2 4-6 2 40 THE EASY WAY I0 BUY BETTER CONCRETE STEPS U Y/T STEP No waiting for concrete to cure. Over 100 sizes in stock. -- FrankIiIIng Enhance the beauty arid. value of your home with,precast steel • � reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly: Phoney 527.1320 — Ssaforth Ltd. Crier, Linda Kaminska gave a Ground beef labelled "lean" Goderich, were in collision on pleasing song,. "I'm a Very Im or "extra lean" may not be the Si.Christoph.er'sBeach Road. portant Man" followed by a . best buy nutritionally, reports Damages were $200 to the pleasant, trio' of a village 'love Con miners' Associat+crrr- f Thompson car and $25 to the affair, presented by Katrina, Canada. The additional price Doak vehicle, police estimate.. Connie Baer; Gretchen, Renee consumers pay is often so high In other duties, police_laid 10 Lorti; Hans, •Darrell Kloeze , that regular ground beef ac- .charges' under . the ,,Criminal and >'eter, Joe Moore. tually prbvtdes• more .:lean, Code, 18 under'the Highway "Here we come" was a therefore more protein, for your- A- Traffic Act, five under the delightful song sung by the money. CAC National Office is . Liquor Control Act and.fivecun- childre•n of Hamelin and located at 251 Laurier Ave. der local bylaws. ` "Dance of the Rats" was by the West, Room 801, Ottawa. pupils of O r a d e s • 1, 2, '3,4, and 5 , which was very well. done. "Singing Comedy" by Mut- ter, Sandra ' Rowe, and • the "Whippoorwill Song" by Jacob,' Bobby Proctor, were also very well` done: "Lullaby" by Freida, Darlene Jewell. , was en•jhyed. and "I am the Mayor" by NEW STYLES! NEW SHADES! NEW CONCEPTS! mIART SUITS FROM '„ 9$� y UAL CO-ORDINATES ZERS-SLACKS GOOD SELECTION OF Blit, PRICED • GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET - HOMEMADE„ HamburgPaMes FAST -FRY Minute Steaks FRESH - SLICED Side Pork OR MAY WE SUGGEST Miniature' Flowering Cactus Regular Cactus Specimen Cactus Leaf and head lettuce,, cucumbers, TO - beans, O.,beans, yellow• beans, cern, peas, beets, , • *r PLEASE dutch sets, multipliers. CIS. FERTILIZER. , WEDDING? BOX PLANTS..A°rriving i c,rmat clothes for men FOR All YOUR GARDENING AND LA ART'S LNDSCA. NURSERY St GARDEN when Limited OPEN 7 DAYS l �� BENNETT ST., GODERICH Monday thru S Fir Men A WEEK Saturday 12 to tICH KINCARDINE 10 LB.' BOX L.B. La 89c '1.45 LB 75c *EV DELUX E $ Mc�AIN'S - 1 LB, 6 OZ.•89-AIN ' if PIZZASPL .1.1'9 AYLMER - TOMAT6 CATSUP 11 OZ. BOTTLE 29c BRIM FULL - COOKED IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 ot. SPAGHET1I• 2R TINS ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS SHINE • n OZ. vO RISE'N' 31/1:K: �/1KG. 4R691 SUPREME APPLE BLOSSOM Biscuits AssRTED VARIETIES 7- 89c r This' baby needs help Your silence is killing him YOUR SUPPORT COULD SAVE HELPLESS HUMAN IEINGS As you read this, you literally hold the power of life, and death; in your hands. if you put this paper aside without taking action, you will 'be giving indirect assistance to those who would exterminate countless unborn children. During -1173 in our accredited Canadian hospitals over 40,000 -I hocent; defenseless unborn beings met a Violent, and inhuman death, MORE IN 74. 'This destruc- tion of human life- is not only an immoral atrocity but a, social injustice. When you have become hardened to the phrase . of Pregnancy; the next step will be euthenasia - perhaps yours - if you are an incon- venience to someone .else. ONE„,THING LEADS TO ANOTHER. .Citizens who favor liberalized abortion laws say the mother -of this child has rights over her own body. We •-emphatioally agree! But do her rights include dealing out a death sentence to another .human, being. who is coinpletely defenseless? • Many contend that the unborn child has no rights. •They,. say he isn't a child at all. Look at the picture again. Two' weeks, after this child was conb,ived, he was almostin constar'8 motion and responded to movements of stress. Six weeks later, he sucked his thumb. If he had been removed from the womb three months after conception, he would have struggled.for life as long as two or,three hours. THESE ARE FACTS Can you say in your heart that the unborn child isn't entitled to a natural development- of the -life. God ,bias given him? Does anything justify the unprovoked snat- ching, of human life? 7 You can speak for this child and others like him who have no;voice. Write your govemmental representative now and cast your vote AGAINST liberalized abortion laws. It will cost you only eight cents in postage. Don't leave this fight to the next person. It is your, voice that is important. Unless you pick up your pen now, thousands (upon thousands of children will die and end up in the incinrators of our hospitals. Itis your choice now...for all, time. 3, , CLIP & MAIL . ; PETOION Watch Neict Week's Ad for our Appreciation Sore' wow Imo tam W 11111111111111101101.161111111111111.01. ,COMMITTEE OF ,ONE MILLION- ALLIANCE FOR LIFE . - (Local Group, Goderich Pro Life) Parliament's most basic 'duty is to protect in- nocent human life.u•Thascientific evidence now puts it beyond reasonable doubt that a new human life begins at conch'ption,,yet.>bur laws permit the 'widespread practice of abortion in Canada. _ NAME. CLIP & MAIL Therefore, we, the undersigned, call upon Parliament to enact legislation providing for the child conceived but `iiibt yet born - the same protection provided 'for any other person. We also urge Parliament to show leadership in fostering a life-sustaining •Society. 1 • ADDRESS _ --- __ TOWN RIDING , — AGE (IF, UNDER 18) Is This Life Worth 8c? MAIL BEFORE JUNE,30-TOS GODERICH PITO LIFE, BOX 133, 0ODERICH NIA 8‘15 ea” swore -.M. .... rcLi jec`'1.....•..11b,. pi.01 „„„ziroia ........_, 401 _ ______ ---„,,,,,,, -iromagro5tt _ wer,-i. IDA diriari—cip ' ismi ` v • v ■ --/!'1s . -1�� Se -F0 -F• .,...... r: v.j_.;\frrICr:::#44;;;Nw ,. SINIIP. frjP1/7\*-- . CAM....KRS Available' at Your Credit'Union • TYPICAL REPAYMENT SCHEDULE . ' 'Monthly Amount payments borrowed. Tai 12 18 24 36 $1000 "' '1500 2000 2509 88.81. 13324 177.6.5 222.08 60.95 • 91.45 121.93 152.42 47.04 70.58 94.10 -117.64. 33.18 , 49.79 66.39 •- ' 83.00' Interest on above examplbs at 12% Per Annum . Our rates are lower! And there is'no charge •for. Loan protection insurance. GoAerich Community • • • 0. CREDIT UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. G O DERICH 524-7931 Crier, Linda Kaminska gave a Ground beef labelled "lean" Goderich, were in collision on pleasing song,. "I'm a Very Im or "extra lean" may not be the Si.Christoph.er'sBeach Road. portant Man" followed by a . best buy nutritionally, reports Damages were $200 to the pleasant, trio' of a village 'love Con miners' Associat+crrr- f Thompson car and $25 to the affair, presented by Katrina, Canada. The additional price Doak vehicle, police estimate.. Connie Baer; Gretchen, Renee consumers pay is often so high In other duties, police_laid 10 Lorti; Hans, •Darrell Kloeze , that regular ground beef ac- .charges' under . the ,,Criminal and >'eter, Joe Moore. tually prbvtdes• more .:lean, Code, 18 under'the Highway "Here we come" was a therefore more protein, for your- A- Traffic Act, five under the delightful song sung by the money. CAC National Office is . Liquor Control Act and.fivecun- childre•n of Hamelin and located at 251 Laurier Ave. der local bylaws. ` "Dance of the Rats" was by the West, Room 801, Ottawa. pupils of O r a d e s • 1, 2, '3,4, and 5 , which was very well. done. "Singing Comedy" by Mut- ter, Sandra ' Rowe, and • the "Whippoorwill Song" by Jacob,' Bobby Proctor, were also very well` done: "Lullaby" by Freida, Darlene Jewell. , was en•jhyed. and "I am the Mayor" by NEW STYLES! NEW SHADES! NEW CONCEPTS! mIART SUITS FROM '„ 9$� y UAL CO-ORDINATES ZERS-SLACKS GOOD SELECTION OF Blit, PRICED • GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET - HOMEMADE„ HamburgPaMes FAST -FRY Minute Steaks FRESH - SLICED Side Pork OR MAY WE SUGGEST Miniature' Flowering Cactus Regular Cactus Specimen Cactus Leaf and head lettuce,, cucumbers, TO - beans, O.,beans, yellow• beans, cern, peas, beets, , • *r PLEASE dutch sets, multipliers. CIS. FERTILIZER. , WEDDING? BOX PLANTS..A°rriving i c,rmat clothes for men FOR All YOUR GARDENING AND LA ART'S LNDSCA. NURSERY St GARDEN when Limited OPEN 7 DAYS l �� BENNETT ST., GODERICH Monday thru S Fir Men A WEEK Saturday 12 to tICH KINCARDINE 10 LB.' BOX L.B. La 89c '1.45 LB 75c *EV DELUX E $ Mc�AIN'S - 1 LB, 6 OZ.•89-AIN ' if PIZZASPL .1.1'9 AYLMER - TOMAT6 CATSUP 11 OZ. BOTTLE 29c BRIM FULL - COOKED IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 ot. SPAGHET1I• 2R TINS ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS SHINE • n OZ. vO RISE'N' 31/1:K: �/1KG. 4R691 SUPREME APPLE BLOSSOM Biscuits AssRTED VARIETIES 7- 89c r This' baby needs help Your silence is killing him YOUR SUPPORT COULD SAVE HELPLESS HUMAN IEINGS As you read this, you literally hold the power of life, and death; in your hands. if you put this paper aside without taking action, you will 'be giving indirect assistance to those who would exterminate countless unborn children. During -1173 in our accredited Canadian hospitals over 40,000 -I hocent; defenseless unborn beings met a Violent, and inhuman death, MORE IN 74. 'This destruc- tion of human life- is not only an immoral atrocity but a, social injustice. When you have become hardened to the phrase . of Pregnancy; the next step will be euthenasia - perhaps yours - if you are an incon- venience to someone .else. ONE„,THING LEADS TO ANOTHER. .Citizens who favor liberalized abortion laws say the mother -of this child has rights over her own body. We •-emphatioally agree! But do her rights include dealing out a death sentence to another .human, being. who is coinpletely defenseless? • Many contend that the unborn child has no rights. •They,. say he isn't a child at all. Look at the picture again. Two' weeks, after this child was conb,ived, he was almostin constar'8 motion and responded to movements of stress. Six weeks later, he sucked his thumb. If he had been removed from the womb three months after conception, he would have struggled.for life as long as two or,three hours. THESE ARE FACTS Can you say in your heart that the unborn child isn't entitled to a natural development- of the -life. God ,bias given him? Does anything justify the unprovoked snat- ching, of human life? 7 You can speak for this child and others like him who have no;voice. Write your govemmental representative now and cast your vote AGAINST liberalized abortion laws. It will cost you only eight cents in postage. Don't leave this fight to the next person. It is your, voice that is important. Unless you pick up your pen now, thousands (upon thousands of children will die and end up in the incinrators of our hospitals. Itis your choice now...for all, time. 3, , CLIP & MAIL . ; PETOION Watch Neict Week's Ad for our Appreciation Sore' wow Imo tam W 11111111111111101101.161111111111111.01. ,COMMITTEE OF ,ONE MILLION- ALLIANCE FOR LIFE . - (Local Group, Goderich Pro Life) Parliament's most basic 'duty is to protect in- nocent human life.u•Thascientific evidence now puts it beyond reasonable doubt that a new human life begins at conch'ption,,yet.>bur laws permit the 'widespread practice of abortion in Canada. _ NAME. CLIP & MAIL Therefore, we, the undersigned, call upon Parliament to enact legislation providing for the child conceived but `iiibt yet born - the same protection provided 'for any other person. We also urge Parliament to show leadership in fostering a life-sustaining •Society. 1 • ADDRESS _ --- __ TOWN RIDING , — AGE (IF, UNDER 18) Is This Life Worth 8c? MAIL BEFORE JUNE,30-TOS GODERICH PITO LIFE, BOX 133, 0ODERICH NIA 8‘15 ea” swore