HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-24, Page 1VOL. ,tXI, NO 23, .1/1ID.PLI "HEW TO THE reINE, LET THE QmP FALL ET]E�Y A EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY 11ORNING JANUARY 24 189 1 1)() You Want . , ,, , , . . . W . , . i A N., ""3- 1 ' • . . I ton. 13neesetene The new °Dunne mob in township hall on Monday at 11 onlook. Membede were present and subscribed to declaration of c d qualification 'me took thciv lit.tinnit):, fil3.1543iiire ,;d7, Dania rear, retry inghato, Robinson and "Ullyott, ounacillors. Apelieatione for the eppointment of treasurer ems read. from Messrs, vir, Eret-it chin" Geo. Speerin and Robt. BeAtty ,• . , for collector, fora Atigustue Brethour and P. le Armstrong - for assessor, from Ed. ii(ortoady ; for . 0.arotaiter, from Thomas Piergan' ' . J H Jamieson wee re -appointed clerk • Robt Beatty, treasurer ; Ed Kennedy, aseestior ; P 13 Armstrong, colleotor ; Thee Pierson, caretaker. The council appointed W F Senderson one auditor, and the reeve appointed Capt, Campbell the other. The salaries were fixed in committee of the whole, with count Robinson in the chair, astfollows en -Clerk, $115, assessor, $65, treasurer, $70; collector, 1390, audit- ore $8 eaoh, seleeting . jurors, $6 each $ councillore, $2 per day. while attending the council xneetinp, and, $1 50 while act- ing in mtpaenty of road commissioners. Messrs Sultdotson Eeplett Br teen . • , , e r, together with reeve and clerk, were appoini ed. a Board of Health. Dr. Thompson, KirItton, Was . appeinted medical health officer, Mr. Barton Allen. appeared before the Board th reference to work per formed by him at the foot of hill near his premises in order to keep water from ileoding his land an. c,t, doing damage to his .cropa. He thought 86 would be fair compensation for his Ivork. Moved by Robinson and St. John that Mr. Allen be paid $6 for said labor.- married, Mr. Hayes was also present and wanted damages for washout. St. John and Fotheringham were appointed to view the washouts on Leaden Road complained of and also one on the 10th con., and: report at next meeting of connoil. ., , Council adjourned to meet first Monday in Februar at the hour 'of ten o'clook a - Y • m• ' * ereSedl. Ntxg, omerneent menu, Bcarimtor, gelid- •.. , ter, 00,1,..cy,,,,,,er, office me,ju.st, On ho consulted after °Moe Jaeurs at the C71030tOialHotel.Hassall. _ . tilisomootaking sale in boots and choes. During th we will sell 'all winter geode at greatly reduced prom In order to make raee'mb°r sl'Ilin6citglIfi W9eaf!toir,;V:4)°," Pria"' 48 8 8°11NYlonteeethe f eth,,,,a,co mine ,. mows rubbers rod socks for $1-50 ; boy's rubbers and socks for $1 25 ; mon's /, fox felt boots4 si 30 :. hth,t _mule, rtj, 60,o, ,, bmc,„•0 oversnoes, plain -felt, 70o.; women s ru bora, Soo ; women's 'rubbers, wool lined,45o • a lot of German slionors, men's,women's and ehildron's from 2G to 75o ; if you have sold feet call an d get a patr of electric insoles for 23e. . . , A. w,LtsEuna S itte of Big Boot. cut in Two. Priem of Ladle's Mantles, $8 rOMantlee for el 75 : -.. $4. 00 ' , $2 00 ; $5 00 . " $3'00 ; , 17 00 " $3 50 : $8 00 " Mtn et 00. We are losing SIOSOY, blit we cannot afford to keep them, over. i emu's hose worth from 14c. roisrro8' te1,10-0 claim r • 12 do z s oafs at Uo a d07' • inen'ales at 5.01),, 10e. and 2'5oPworth 20c, eifo: and - Ladies' hose worth 25o for 150••• • , . . • men's caps worth bac and, Soo • double width, . melton dress goods wor . °vet- th 2a.for 150 . coats at prices that will make others squirm, 'T).. Wntsumnait, 'loosen. iii• 1 w g are ma et quotations : ' ° 1° in e 'the rk . '*heat .. 55 i 68 ... . ... ..... _ o • Earley 6 to 35 Oats -..:::::: .. : : .. . :: .. :: 329 to 29 Peas 50 Hay 6,00 to 7,00 Butter 19 to 20 E . . ..... .. 15 to 10 . loggas...... • - • • ... : 600*to 6 25 Clover seed.. - ' • ' • • • • • ' Belem -Mr. Geo. MoEwen, reeve of Hay, is attending County Cement at Gods- rich this week -The markets are dull this .eek -1t is stated that Horton & Innis' stallion Stud -Book Chief cued s in day 0 8 • - B ago from inflammation. ---There am several families wanting to move to town but eau- not get a house. --41r. Elder, the hustline - unplement agent is doing a rushing beat- ness. tie has sold more implements than : all the agents combined. He has opened a branch in Brucefield. Mr. Ortwein has moved to Z:urich havin-g purehased the general store. business of Messrs. Appel & , there. -Mr. Weloh will enlarge Zeller, W 1 h '11' en store having leased the premises oc- oupied b Mr. Ortwein. Mr. W. will eave the eaeryit oboe • eta a ' the t r ea . a mein en- teesars. Cow= & Barry are bus ream • " Y . y P g and shipping hay. --Tee gnat naill is ruu- mng night and day, J. E. McDonell " 4, v , • to 1 t k 11 b P4 I • " la 7714 a8 wee • e ea -r°9- ' improved in health -Mr. and Mrs W. T. Miller ha h -. • ve t a sympathy of their many friends in the death ' . of their infant ton, William Lyle, who died on Monday, of inflammation of the bowels -The els- ohani ' In • * .es stitute has added 200 neve molttmes to the Hiram winch together with the old bat makes one 'of the fined libraries in tit C. t- Th A - 1 I e tun et-- 8 griou k tilt1 Society met on Friday last and elected a Board of Directors for 1891. -Mr John Pope, our merchant tailor, left for Toronto on Monday, where he intends purchasinv . a new spring stook of tweeds, and will be prepared to supply all his old oaatomere with good oheap clothing. -Mr A. Weseloh was at Zurich last Friday on business. -Mr John Grayed of Dashwooa was visiting, his daughter, Mrs John Pope. -Miss Angelina Graybel of Dashwood and Mrs D. Dierstein igan are visiting their sister, Mrs Jet Mich r e ' - Olin Pope.-Rov Mr Softley of London• who Ilea been visiting his sou Rev E noft , • •• ley, left fot-bonie on Tuesday. -A phono• mai* concert will be given by the Lang Bros Of Acton m MeEwen's Hall on Jan.27. Adnaissien 10 and 15e. Everybody slaould 'come and hear this. -Bev J. 8, Henderson was at Stratlaroy on Sunday preaching anniversary sermons, while Rev Mr Jordan preached anniyersary sermons in Carmel ohuroh to large audiences both morning and even4ig'-Mr Win Floggarth, we.° has 'been on the sick list for some time with la grippe, is able to be around again.-Rev'S, wan,j a s • . tonernen, Jas Beverley and B. Phillipe were at Clinton on Mondayattend• • • • mg diatrict meeting, in regard to the super- annuation fund Mr John' f Buolianan o •"-.aollege; Guelph is home on a visit. -Mr D. Gotta- chalk and wife were visiting at Mr Charles Boosenberr 'e on Monde -Mr n Y Y. D. Weis- miller was at Seeforth last week, ---Mr. N. Delo:heti and wee of Zurich were at Ant W t Hodgins' (Commercial Hotel) peeking Ger- inan sausagee No doubt the boarder of • the Commercial will have fat living now,- Alias McArthur of Ailsa Craig in visiting her brother, Ur john McArthur, banker. - A meetieg of the °hutch Trustee Board - was held at the Methodist parsonage, on Tucaday evening, when it wee unanimously ed to et out la,ns ana s oifioatione deoid g p pe for the building of anew Methodist church` , i H II his is ' -El -dm"- T a Ineva in the right direction, ace new church is badly needed. , , Yn.O. will meet secvleionoinl,go erogram Jvno acre /Yfr therefor for CountyC was woiclittsist.cj.e.urumhoWni3e,hdrolorys.„00uaopdlandgiFso Andrew, Hainiota, qUaintaneee, 4hottly, bred "Chosen the (Met Thos. Remieder, Kellett. Geo. Guard, Harris,along,and every watchmen. any nights. additional and the the Dr. John vative me folk T .he hours McKerna,n structor the months He or sorry last ephone Roman • its " fliechurat hear -.,..e g a Lecture on are tteted:-The were o fSabbathS ''.. ferred incompletenosamf couraging Societies by Presbytery, be agreed Religion t ery, Martin Convenor Committee, grant Bethany.' collect oharge tern preeenting Miseion ation simnel t mend in Presbyterian the theme nominate pointraent Amenably. University, Quebec, ,visability shall of femora by when of manner serably the of most the was Hymnal that the book neocseary, molootiolta prated the added; suitable from rotes the adopted seryiaes reeeived which church report tri T,8ecile,tie,'„„enr). ''''relh'Y during 0200 boaidee Indian tory. contributed tulle 11'1'6)46111ml agreed 1)•tqbYterY . thenteen tug llilete.V.110. B., tr.-aust, -itt ieHorotit ttf Londolultei: Mg a e. John ,. Andrew 0,---- m be a musical and Itheremy entertain- under the al -Melees ot the, Stanley on RonedaY m January 'Oal, . m good bat been prepared.- Mr. Sleamont bee purohesed the -6-4Y feral en• rile S-• Mt)Iry't1 road from Geo Heater Rd tow pey hag • • , . , $1,500. -Mr. Jamee Halls left Groderice on Tura:ley to attend the .1 A I d• ' Aid oe" t enact ,- .4o, les 1 e te y • formed incountiotion wtth the Meth- ee . sa. ! Trees m -Mr. Joe. Andrew, of Men„ is here renewing act He ietende returning taking with him, Some thoro - stock. --At a meeting of the Friends" on Fricley nictet last ' t 11 cl. • following officeris were ins a e ,- Councillor John' Johns • vice $ , , Pasemore ; Pastr, joshue Jellies. , Sand Pym eastntiec., Geo. Prelate Philip Hedge • Treas., r, , , rt Andrew; Andrew; WardenAlbeit• Wm. Veal ; SentrY, Israel . CONDYIN1SBD DISTRiOT KEIWS. I? , , . , manufactory i about to m waggon.smttaamat he started 11 Stratford. North Perth Agmettittirel Society will hold a onemlay. show instead of two days in future. At the Sarnia tournament last week Sk**M3rYIS def84tf3C1 ir°red Club bY la shots on the first draw. Mr T D St ail ha be leeted 7 • • 7 O' eY s en e . chairman of tee St. gary's School _ oat . an ev. le Kcho 0 a bi 'd d R D K1 f th Separate School Board of StratfOrd. The reeeeet, je s 0 u t h w a r d , s t . Marys between Garner and Clyde took plum on Thursdae, but made no ,e result, Theo Goner its change in the • therefore confirmed in seat his ' Mr. Nelson Monteith, the newly elected reeve Of Dovvnie Wes married last week at. the residence of the • , bride s parents, flarrnonY, to Miss Ida Lupton, daughter of Mr. Chen Lupton, The Orangemen of Stratford toad County of Perth have accepted an in- vitatioa to celebrate the 12th. of July In St. l'honeae. Invitations have been sent to all L. O. les in tient weat to , take nart itt the Orange deneolastratioa ' - there on the 12th. The Temperance people of Stratford asked the council on Monday to reduce by 5, the number of hoensed hotels and saidons in that plemo, the number at present being 23. The council were favorable and referred it to a nelnalittee• Mr, Jas. Carty, a farmer living near Granton wars in that village till a late hour last Tharscmy night. When he left for home he carried e bottle .of - • . liquor with him a sneall melon of P which was used. Nene day he was found dead in'a hence corner oa his farm anent 30 rods from his home. r., the following officers have been elected for the South Perth Agl, . d W d• 1 reietyt -Prem. ent, Alex t oo th at ice-pres., in Porter; 2" VD:le" pres, Wm, lianson;Secy, L. liarstoae; Wm, Box; Direotore, J. Hadley, helihan, J, Mtn Vittie, 'fhos. Steele Thos. Evans Geo. npaatm, p. s. iltrmstron, :lames Handers • Alit11 Di a el B th on, 1 OLT) , , ,. 1 0 0 $ T, O. Robson. Sam J. Elliott is behind theebars at the Stratford jail beosmee he hetire t $20 to pay for flourishing a revolese .., .,the, Crown Hotel, there•-tnte" othe r day, Elliott was once a brakeman in Stratford but has recently beanie the ' United States, . At first when he . flourished the gun it was not loadede but no wont . out and renamed with the chamber filled, li'rom newspaper . , • was clippings found in his pocket It w found that he had recently served some days in Detroit for creating a dtstur- banmein a dive in that city, and that a sixteen year old girl in Lafayette, Indiana, in October last had committed suicide "out of love for Sara," as she put it in a letter left on committing , the deed. Aimee A Mr. Tucker of Win ham had a leg amputated, he lei Buffering from gang - „one. - The Manning farm, on the base line, Hullett, for some time occupied by Mr Lawson, has - been rented to Mr. Christy Beacom. • Jackson Bros. of Clinton, have sold , their tailoring busines s in Seafortlx to James Jackson and J. Greig, both of have been atmoolated with the business for some time, As Mr. Cudnaore's men were pressing hay at D. McGill, East Wale:mash, last week the man who was feeding , the press got his foot caught and drawn into the machine; it caught him on the heel and turned his toes up to his instep. While eagaged in de -horning a bull lout week lel J C f tie01 , r. o, Cameron o con., ofSt nle , was attacked by the brute,knock-edad and had several own, a,.the broken besides being otherwise ribsI injured.The animal was shot forte - forth - with, m d n I m •t d r. John Halstea o he at Ian con Goderioh township, has rented . 'L • .. tne uurne Term on the 7th con„ d b M W' 'Dakota; owned .y r. m. Currie, at it oontains 80 acres. . , Mr. JOhn 0 KIliottghas aced the Davis farm on the - a 3 Huron road, near Holmeaville,1 to Mr. Graven, for the etun of $1,350. it cent tains 36 acmes. ' An accident occurred in Seafor th the ottier da b Which Alr. jatnea Rugill Y Y . . , _. _ narrowly, escaped with her life. it et" he had la mare In se d h' blood. Pinkey's *stable, and was standing be- hind her, when a do oame u behind / g P the animal and frightened her. She kinked, evidently .at the dog, but struck Mr. HUMID. onethe side of the head, knocking his completely sense- men . . • The annual meeting of the Stanleywas Branch , , , , _ Societyheld Agricultural wasgored last week. The report of Jest Year's lifiarrs proved eattsfaebory. dilm;folloW- tag are the officers and directors for , !- rex., . Yoe- 1894 P il McNaughton; irNv Prot"' J. Beaenna• see* 11* VV.• 41-1.r.tali treas., J. Mnegen; Directors, J, Jonn- elan, R.:Penhale, ,T. Sparrow, J . W114, We E liott J. Parke, R. wd, n, L. 1: SOO O 4 ' Swans, W, Townsend. „0,2,1,1 , '. " Th " " that tt hIS jab will be e. le expected taidertaken this year by the flultott • . i 0 601111011r that will be of I: aoulable benefit to 6 number of farms along the 3ed and 4th eonenssions. Starting dOirta near Constance farmers through .% bowl Wh050 PidiniA811 the riser rate have greatly troubled by their land being ' ' ' ' ' ' flooded rendering 'it at tunes almost * - / ' is ' 0 msed.to elean out k5 t 100 . It lar .1 *6 ')• 7 ilet 01 the MVO' And also pat -t ., . 4 Mit Ur, perhaps, 0. ' • 0. .:...„' l',c t, ,,. , nt."Mr.V100, MoKeivele, hes opeoed I pork paeiting establishment to bi known as, the Winglann Porlcpsoltin; Helm. Engnmon bat tow his farm 1.01. ig, 004, In, Mel:ninon, to Thon3e menemen, hie unighbot, for $4,,50c The lot contains 90 sores and has oi .• . a good hank barn, thotigh the heUiv is only fair. . t'Wh* le Mr.Robert Pringle' of °ilk 1 ' i — ago, was in Seaforth last week, he he, occasioa to telegraph his brother a • ,, , . the Boarcl of lrade at nemago. di mseetime watt cent from Merin at 2.1 3.27e.'31010611V4'enr.a, ta ral:rnoed:olnhYtol.he G maTliidaigategile:le' ,,,,i7: oi break° r '''' --- i, hi, _,, ,. .0 10, f.„,_, x.x,. ete come to en All'C'X'-' yhere you find th.ere of the , BUS l'QVALITY it EATEST VARIETY - —AND---- Cnosest Cat Prices . ro meet hard times; • Highesemeehmriee:peid for farm Produce. ' It. lloGOWAN Oeneral MerchannKirk ........0.111101111•10.M.welMel• -ememene One night recently a well know medical man in the county, was mile out smelts distance into the countr} He had been keptpretty busy for sem time, and had lost considerable sleet so after attending to his patient h atartecl for home, aad befere he wit aware of le, had falimi :asleep in h mg 'fhe horsedidnot know the wa ' home and made seeera1 turret at col , es eut nevertheless kei ee8lnee lin $ 'jagging when the cacti awoke he was surprised to find that e . - was in a section of the country that 1 . did not know, anti he had to inquit • I his way home, the time occupied I - getting there being several hours. tannzasszi The yillageiof Liman is offering, $5C rewArcl for the detection of firebug , Municipal COUncilte. STEWIEN. The Township Council of 8tepherf . epeeist meeting on Friday to [teenage by-law and receive tenders, rioting. All members' of the moment. Minutes of previous meeting ad. approved, After finally pestling ,e -lam, tenders for . printing from :bolter papers were received, viz: ate $12,25; Times, $34.00. Moven licks seconded by $. , Swoitzer that La mmate oEfer be aocepted.---0arried. held pass a for board read the the Advo- by le. the S18% at and declare- eat for accounts wee and Latta, atrees, meeting held at for to feet rook and 5 and 6 to be on the till Kyle's I P. in. per- and were were Assessor, ; Care- - Health, Thos. ' Arm- Peter to pur- were ulerx By-law 1, Hay The to interest, for his to to on Jan mambtm of MeEwen, reeve, Wm Batt- The naiades $85; Auditors, R9, -- - ye- D. Audi. let to Timm at to ask Feby 15, ft of 1894.- • the en- Wildfond the number ad: erd at * Litman. ' — BRIEFs.-- Our village is patrolle d. night byeight or more special It will not be safe for wrongdoers to be abroad these -MM. Sproat es having an story added to her house netting it re paired generally after • 0 fire --The public School board, at ir first meetieg for 1894 re -appointed Clarke, high school trustee. -Mr. Fox the nominee of the Oonser: Association of North Middlesex et. no 1 House gave lus young ' ' .,e ca' 3 a swell • party the other night. - music was kept up after the early of toe nmorning - Mr. Wm. - e ' has the appointment of in: • for one of the Indian schools in Northwest, and will leave in two to take charge of the mune. has been a good dtizen and a vig: out 0 mic i nma er. e shallchant 1 • 1 k W be to loose lam -Mr E 0 Dontry ' * * K.* „: week. married our genial young tei girl, Miss Dempseyt-The Catholic Church has Just closed. • - • 1 • anesion eernem w itch lasted a week. was packed Sunday night to the 1M 1 ' a g the congret to m lop. e age . tionneteir egeocl advice. ' It , h osene--. Centralia. Bittern -Miss E, Boice of Varna, visiting Mrs. Delgaty.-Miss gramma of Crystal City, Man., is metier ' friends bere,-Rev.Mrt Butt's gram ' was replenished a short time ago I Mr. R. Neil and other frienctm-R vmal meeting, :Mill continue with me cess, -A ble' t M' . ' and app.epria e issiona sermons were preached on Sancta last by the Rev. John Scott, M. A., , St, Marys. -Our generous grain me headed the list with a $50 an paa Or reports scrintion and the tif t . ' t 6 - ,m . contributions o e contingent iy d f last at. Mr Chaa Smi, a vance aye .-.7. . has comnaenced running his choppie mill. -The Orange- Lodge will me next Saturday night. --„,-. TOOREILSMITIL The council elect for 1891 Dixonn hotel, on Monday, ,Jan. 15th, raving made and subscribed the ;ions of quelification and of office, ousiness. A number of „small mire passed for payment,- and $20 voted to assist the needy: Wm Elliott Filch. Bee were re-appointad Auditore. limb lifoG 1o,D. McIntosh and John with the ve and clerk, were appointed local boa of health. The first of the new bard of health will be i Kyles' hotel, on Feb. 7111, et 10 o'clock, organization. The clerk was instructed get tenders for the supply of 8000 elm plank 4 thick and 19 feet long, 6000 feet cedar, equal parts of 4, inches thick, delivered' ; tenders opene t next meeting. Action resigu ton of -the clerk was deferred next tine, whichwill be held at hotel, n Wednesday, Feb, tic at • S. &mete Clerk. , rp OD 11 4 Hibbert. ---- The now council mot on the 15th, made and snbsoribed their declaration offico and qualifitetion. The clerk, mem and caretaker of Town Hall appointed. There were several applicants for tee office a asseesor and I'. G. bertea former assessor, got the appoint- ment.' James Gillespie and Trench:1 Hatuilton. were appointed auditora. Miner, Jainee Atkinson, John Carmichael were mapointed members of the local m beam , i ,an r. mime I on d D le ' Imedical °matt. The f elk wing payments ordered lobe made: Mrs G -olden, digent, $15; Mrs Speer, e10; Mrs e7. 50; F McAleer, fixing culvert, 50e; Afoore, fixing culvert, 75o; the dark fray expenses of the election, $50; Hammond, remission of percentage taxes $6.50. The council then adjourned to meet again on the tenth atm of February next at one o'clock p, m. • Cenneee Clerk. -------- and to trees- were re- Hurl- L, J anle5 board health vvere an in- Hughes, Ge0 to de- Mr on . reeve; 5 Geo. Ab- took and B n ree f , as- : Wel- W. are $125 , , W J . . roll I $2 of the ; et. A and paid s to t b 9 e cent • . meet Feb., i• section, had it For but good as produce e . ..eZialnCli.• -- 1 ne Z 1 * Benms.-Measra. Appe e lerha. disposed of their mercantile busine to Mr Ortvrein who has very late • -,, been running a store in Hensalle at possession him been given. -711 P Black, of North Dakota, has . been tl guest of Ina uncle, H. Well. -11 , . _ _ t BeT. daughter of Ur. Peter Geiger, cm b . . . lin, is here visiting relatives at • friends.--Reve D. H,Braund.has begt revival meetings in the Evangelic church here,-.1ohn Trumner left f his home in Kilmanagh, :Mich., a fe days ago. -Mr. Gordon and wife a themuests of his mother-in-law,p1 It T. Schettler. Their hone is Cleveland, Ohio, - •At Presbyterenog auxot--- - - -- The Presbytery et Heron met in the - - '• • ' Rodin of Willis oeurch Clinton, n ' it • mieaday, the 16th Inst. The no ownig • • g the principal teem of beam/ere trans- records of 'seiretal: sessions examined and attested. The report the e oo wee e- ti 1 Committeed until next meeting, owing to the the returns. A very on- report upon nbristian Endeavor within the bounds was presented Dr. McDonald; and bounds, by the. with instruotionst that it should sent down to congregations, It was • • to hold a conferenee on the State of at the Mara"' meeting of Present. rAcheson, of Kipple to lead. Mr I/1 ' presented correepouderiee with the of the Assembly's Home Mission r0/3.00tilig the withdrawal of from the charge of Bayfield and IA committee was appointed to and arrange facts concerning this and the past action of the Presby- in relation thereto, with a view of its ,olaima before the Home Committee. Atter due consider- of the remit irom the General As- t' the ofcollegeswhom y respee ing a relations the churches,1 asagreed to rewire- 0 e i w that in the appointment of professors the Presbyteriaa Halifax; the " college, '-o college Montreal. Knox , , - . . Toronto, and Manitoba college, re:weeny° boards of management of colleges and the Presbyteries shall such professors, and that the ep. shall be made by the General That the boards of Queen's Kingston and Month college, be requeated to consider the ad - of procuring such legislation as give the General Aseembly the right. - • • appointment of the Theological pro- • m those colleges, upon nomination the Board and the Presbyteriem that • nominations to a vacant chair in any theme colleges has been made in the herein recommended, and the As r disapproves of mush eonainatiens, Assembly ehall than adopt such mode making the appointment as it may deem suitable,. Respecting the remit upon report of the Hymnal Committee it agreed to reoommeed that the present should be revised and enlarged; ' the committee be instructed to include entire Psalter in the proposed new of praise, that the Psalms should, if be with new versions; that from the Paraphrases be inner- , with the. ;Hymns; that some of d enema Preemt IlYallall 6'3 dr°141° and time a sufficient ntanber of hymns for the young, including selections and additions to those in the Child' Emma, should be incorporated . in revised hymnal, so that it ahould be the for Salibent &hoot as well as o r A yery eatisfactory report WAS from the Preebytetial W, ALF,S., was in session in another part of the building during the day, Front this it appeared that the amount cam, uto t 0 a rexteri e b dthrough he fourt e W ' eii .,thil. "131,4' '11 ft":.1 Iqo' Foreign ryil."191118' *no year 1,L,.., was e140e, . about move than during the pie oiling el', " . • year, ant o clothing and other aapplies 4 i Mi8401`14 IS tile North Wert Torten 'This's ta'e of a 4, 1 ese. :ay o the enamel 'by emigregations and nadivId- 1 ' ' i I to the norenot Miaolea Puna o the church in °ankle' Xt tvle to hold the nod vernier . Meeting of ill tit/ahlth$ an March 1311' **41.''--'"--"*." ,---ese— The council elect met oil the 15th, talent to statute, and made and subscribed the required declaranione ofanalification office. Minutea of previous meeting read and signed. The following offiers appointed ;-Treas., John Reid ; John Lough-; Clerk, G. J. Stewart taker, Wilson Cook ; lloard of John Manson, John Johnston and Fraser; Medical Health Officer, Dr. strong ; Auditors, Geo. Baird and. • Campbell, The clerk wee instructed ask for tenders for township printing poses. The following gravel stemmata Snowdon, ordered to be paid :-Robli. Snowden $27 68 ; Riede Penhale, 09 60. The was inetruoted to draft by-law concerning Appointment of township officers. No. 7 relating to U. P. S. S. No. and Stanley, was read and passed. reeve and deputy reeve were authorized give an order to the treasurer for en borreeed money, also an order salary. The corn:mil then ' adjourned meet again on Feb, 17th at 1 p. m. G. J. Sae -mauve Clerk. Biddulph Council -- The new Council met on January 15th. Present, C. C. Hodgins, a. K. fiodgins, deputy reeve Westmen, Jas. Toohey and John bott, councillors. Each member the statutary deelaration of office took his seat . The council annoitted Mr P, , et- , • an the reeve Mr 'themes H. Creamy, - - • Auditors for the present year. Mr, W. :J. Smyth was appointed smiler, and G. W, Hodgins collector, for 1894.. The Board of Health are as follows Messrs. Delieenan, Chas- Foater, liugton Hodgins, C.C. Hodgins and D. Stanley. Dr.' H. Lang, Medical Health officer. The salary of the different officers as follows : W. D. Stanley, clerk JOhn Fox, treasurem $55 ; Smyth assessor $55 and copying ' . 7 4 - $5 00 5 auditors, $12 each ; members of the council and Board of Health, Per day while at work"' W. H Roden thelLuaan Record the contract .of township printing for 1894 at $55 W. flodgins, collector, $60 i ' Election expeines5 printing posting notices and all other services re -plebiscite was ordered to be amount' g t $60 .t in o , other accoun amounting to $37 23 were ordered be :paid. The ; t- f 894 appropria ions or 1 the same as in 1893, less 10 per on the total amount. The council adjourned to again on Monday the 5th day of at 10 t*, no. Farquhar. ___ _ B 'era Mr Jo e C mpbell R , .- . ;rep a home from tee Noztla Weet to, ape] th ' I" M Ed B e winter, a so . r. . euce spending the winter with frien around here. --Mr. James . Fulton visiting friends in McKillop at prose -Mr. Wm. Britnacombe has realm from Michigan, looking hale al hearty. -There is considerable pr arations for building next summit 1:fri' . . r. Geo. Stewart intends retsina 1 b - arn and John Stewart is putting 1 •'. addItion to leis barn. -Mr. Hugh lt1 Dougal is.building a new house. WI will be the Lucky one?-elesars. Pa: _ more and Poien have 'intellect threabil , having done a big seasoe's work, Bell Brothers re busy tt' * d a ma ine woo the neighborhood, several of t: f - d • farmers have had wood bees uru past week. e A .....-............-. 316.T. Centime -Hay Council met pursuant statute in the roma Rail, Zurich, 15th at 11 a in. The following were present and made declaration office and qualification: ' G-eo Reeve Robt Turnbull, let deputy Moses Geiger, 2nd depute reeve, ler and Robt AMMordie, Councillors.- following were dealared to be the for 1894: Clerk, $110; Treasurer, Collector,- $60; Asseasor, $60; e6; Caretaker, $20; 13oaed of Health ch sitting; all the old officers were with,eiteeexpeptireettheeneer„ 'rquharrofilensall, was appointed ik o .-9.'he contract of printing was John White & Son of Exeter $44.75. -The clerk was instructed for tendert, to be reeeived Up to for 10,000 ft of beech and 15,000 cedar for use of the township for Teat:lea was instructed to notify &leer to inspect the Hartman &nob and letthe job of completing Name according to the award. A of accounts were paid and. the council jounced to meet again on March 10 al no, at which meeting the paihnuieiete will he Appointed, ' ' Sem J: LATTA Oink t roe 13rucefiend, Bmants, -A meeting of tlae Domi ion Reform Association of Sou Huron was held nere Monday f election 'of officers and general organ . ation The, following officers we • -2 :-John Hannah, President ; elected. _ I. *mat Vice President T r Snail) 7e ' - 7 Breceneld, Secretary • Geo. Walk( , Tuokersmith Treasurer , John Al ' ' for the riding, who w Millan, H. P. -- present, delivered an address. T * usual resolutions o. canfictence we passed . -A M W loot brother pante .- . r, a , , Hr. Louis Walper, of the 2nd con, -, .• btauley, had a most startling al dangerous experience of some u known nature last Monday. He sa driving, in the d • a of Milton , tootle the London Road Arris'ng here ! ,, intent oil potting. up his hon but vvas unable to do ao, fle eta . b and talked as though et we not just hiMsolf. Traces of bleed 1 dicated something Serietie and Dr.Ari strong WO seMnatmed, and tonna tl scalp 0 Air. a poki fterne e rue 1 ' head ' 1 torn oe out oft The rieriOrti Woui was dressed and the scalp sewed on I a ctozen or so of stitches. Mr. Walp, anted about a fall n tee and et tI g e a' if his horse got away. This it: all e heat time of going t ref have learned i p lilt except meet nu 000 890 ,eo ;Know o tree boiling oh the Loh on Read i g i h. Monday. Mr. Walper e emit mu have ran away and the driver MarteM to regain nnattni of ti1.6 alliMal./ Or may have been.. h ease Of attempts . . ... ' . . . i b n oared for 1 e t raneh's hob -6 -el g a 'VIM p rtionlars I , Wal, talee , , e /I eat Mt a doy or t., - . „. . ,...' mgr..; . ,..,, 01.0k :,,,o, 4,-441.4-41 Uredlton, Bruars.-Reeves, Ratz, Either and Sbertitt, left Tuesday for Goderleh to at- tend the County Council; They are each well armed toad will make a vigarenet fight agains't the poor house. -II. Rotate a Dashwood,pltid his Crednon friencla I, visit on Monday. --4r. A ron Brown h h , k , WO MII been visiting his fattier the peat few weeks, returned to • his home in Bletheinli or; Tuesday. -Mr. Chan Wolfe and Miss Viraerth were at Elkton Mich, lost week, attending the funeral oi the la4 /Ir. Ochs a second 001113in.--MIOS tfoltsilmin will. hambeen ill for some thee ia improving under the treetment ef Dr. Hyxidman.-- Quite a large delegation from this section attended the Patron Courention at Hon Ball yesterday. The farmers' hereabout seem to be enthrtilastin and are milt° in . . °. * (Inman* at the manner or Which the tete • Reform Convention was peeked to satisfy the selfish mule of *few niorthornere, They have then hum in the Liberal Nominee._ mt.:1.131.06 hag paramecia the popular. pacer ',Whistle ,reeketro imileg threfor a good itlgere. You will hoer More r ;hot biro0 next autatner At witig, mak% 14/r. w s ' oiatke brio gold his fie,o00 on itiog 'win: ittin Street /Or a good norm to Mr. Christ- ophor Either, who intends relfring from farming. -Mr. Samuel Martyn of the 11th ceneessfee, WM teletteed from his suffinings on Sunday last. 'Ele Was aged 22 eekrA had been a long suffer * fl'i . ' were interrea io itairts Or a .I e cent tory on Tuescley. . Wel), &ragman, Clerk.. it.; A number of farmers in ,......e inatead of selling their wheat, have ground up and fed to cattle and hogs. the former they claim it is good feed, . .. for pork they do not think it as ether grt,in, bonne, it does not the firmness of flesh desirable. Keep Minard's Lira:maim the bowie. si . , , herewith anno , We heron announce fo the future we have deoi Business,' The advantage ' ' WO. 1 be readily seen by the diference r Goods thus saving you / OIL TO Vet c Ft E , , to the public at large d 'd t ' d "n " 11 e o o pri cipa, y a VO II. you will have to ,, that t h C h as pay 01.Th Wilt Cash be LI Die avow; istanaing ao 6 . ,. i ill be that oying , .. '0 tly cheaper, and thus / rng the double benefit ' - - "--' Li hail 00.1'0, %LA Ovine 'the are bject te - .6 f", • In Mita pre tint aitaoka b y the blond pure and lox AcK4' ' 'ad hieh dangles tiro diSeaffth ''''''' on. Hoodte Sarsaparill enutatiere tate eneem, — . 1%,.71n,f4rot, ' ' L irlie.nloaran Ma:- oentta. V444,4,- a 5 0 'JOON 'WM gis„ 40 0 Watch this $ ace week. J. P, ROSS, Mariet Depot Exeter Municipal Council. The council met pursuant to ment at the town hall, 19th J.% present. Militates of previo read and approved A circular regarding single tax wee read and laid over for future consider- ation. , Applications for the °Meta of Assessor were read from Jas. Bier, Jno, Et, Hynd. man, Alfred Sheere, Jno. T. Wiestcott and Geo. Fe Biasett ; for the office of Read Commissioner from Thos. Hertnoll. Jno. Popplestone, E. R. Iliesett end James Creech ; for night watch Irene Et R. Bin - sett and, John Barnes, anti for weigh master and bell ringer, Geo. Kemp. edr. Jan Howard applied for the Fran- chise of the streets to erect poles clic, for electric lighting for five years* Caning - Bonier -that the franchise of the streets be granted to Mr. Howard for 5 yea's on condition of the poles being erected within six months. Taylor -Bissett, in amendment,- that action in the • matter be deferred until some future meeting. The motion was declared carried. Dr. Lutz and Mr.E. Howard addressed the council on the advisability of appoint- ing the caretaker of the school house, truant officer and amp:maul-tended the ring- ing of the curfew bell at 9 ;o'clock p. Action deferred tor the present • CailffigenBellikeetelee - Sees' be a e sessor for 1994. 5B Taylor -Bissett, in amendmenn-t ly Geomat Bissett be assessor. The reeve declared in favor of Geo, H. Bissett. Carling -Bissett -that Jas. Creech be r. Road Commissioner. 10 Bissett -Taylor, in arneedment,--that E. R. Bissett be road commissioner, The rt reeve declared in favor of Mr. Bissett, Xci Bissett- Taylor- that Joseph Peart, n Jas. Miller, Alfred E. Tennent with the at Reeve and Clerk be a Board of Health for ✓ 1894. -Carried. tv Carling-13issett-that Dr. Amos be re Medical Health Offiser.-Carried. r. Bissett--Carling-Ahat Setn1 Sanders be in treasurer -- Carried. Carling -Taylor -that AL, Emmett be clerk. -Carried. By laws No. 2 and 3 to appoint an 1!.seas, son anol Board of Health were dull read and passed, on motion of Carlinm--Boblert is The duties of Road Commissioner 'were defined as folIewe ;„ oversee and work on streets, light tempts, collect all rat is taxemsanitary Inspector, caretaker of hale:almoner of public charities, coastal) to be on the etreets until 10 o'clock p. m., nt and ring Curfew bell at 9 o'clock p. tn. d W. G. Biseett-that the treasurer's gel- d ary, in view tleinoreased responsibility in e- handling School Board moneys, be $35 per r, annum Not seconded, T. B. Oarling--that salary bo $50. Not seconded. c- Bobier-Temlor--that the treasurer's salary be $40 per annum. -Carried. Biesett-Tayler-that the clerk's salary g . be e85, ng Carling -Bonier, in amendment, -that the aidery be $100 as formerly. The mot in ion was declared carried. e Bissett-Bobier-thet the salary of the g road coin, be $365 per year. Carling -Taylor, in arnandment,-that the salary be 4350 a year. The motion 14114 declared carried. .6rH. it Bissett declined to acopt the amount fixed as salary of Road Carnal n. 'loner, $365. Mr. Creech was appo' th to the position at the salary fixed, $8 or Carling -Bissett -that the ti return of roll be extended ten rt one iz- this date. -Carried. re The Clerk to order one copy of the Municipal World. Biatett--Taylermetbitt teneers for print - lug be reoieved 'to Monday the 29th et inst., at 7.30 p,(11.. Clerk to furnish items as to the pritaterm-Carried, e Mr. Clreecleto measure ;distance from Ire Grigg'vistore to Dr. Ityridinan's 1 office, or and foot Hawkehaw's hotel to Dr Rollins' of office with a view to paving water table, Carling -Taylor -that Mr. B. Eollibk be truant officer for 1804, and that he be pada 410 per auninn.-Carried. as Oarliug-Taylor-athe council adjourn ad on mite Monday the 29th that., at 7 30 p. tn. e -Carried. Mt Eenateren Clerk. e, g. me ri- a at ODHAM, od by Stook -Taking Clear tip 11.S.FORD &Co., :Now that Stook, of, a time is here, xSter lug our lltOTO ct few weeks -10 l. abf