HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-18, Page 8141410T, INiron
Toronio_i alio thopicicaliza
BitleCete 001T.1414'2'. ot Iiondottl
L1-1ANCell elitilteteleCle 00M -
Just in Time 1
cheap lot of
School' Books, in-
oluding' th,e
Scb,00l Lit re-
quired for the op.
ening. Will bel,VG
enough to last to
•Jan. 10th.
Stock Is taking
Of the Season
now OD eat the
BIE Bankrupt Sion
Biggest Bargains ever
heard_of in Exeter.
Our present low
Prices- on Sugar
cannot be guaran-
teed for
of time, owing to
the sharp advance
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to TunesReaders.
The puelishere 2vould estsent it a favor if
!ea4ers would,when making their purchases,
gentian that they saw the merchant's aciver-
leement in ME Trams.
Bev. Mr. • SoftIey, of London,
preached quite acceptably in the • Trivitt
Memorial chureh here on Sunday.—Mrs
J. Fisher of Toronto is visiting at Mr.
Isaac Bawdenne —The Measrs Domes, who
• have been visiting at Mr. Thee Fitton's
the past week, took part in the singiny
exercises in the James St, church on Sun-
day and added greatly ecs the musical parts
with selection:, from the ort and trom-
bone.—Mr and Mrs T W. Hatekslaew
spent Sunday in Lucetn, nests of Mrs.
Hawks/tames parents. --Mr. Samuel, lately
of the Molson'a Beek here, has been
transferred to the Ridgetown Branch. He
hacl lately beett in Clinton relieving some
oi the sick dares lb the branch there.—
Miss M. V. Whits, weo has been yisiting
friends in Windsor, returiied home on
, Tuesday.—Mr John White of Tent Timm+
ad, his good lady have been confined to
A ir rooms the past week with a severe
we k of influenze.--bers E. A. Folliek,
Onto as been visiting her friends in Tor -
ewe e. turned home cet Therecthy last. —
serious in t exceedinGly to announee the
a Toronto of Mise Bella,
eedaellogieh.term0rias m ohis McCallum of Exeter
tchnni. in manitnba anima had been teaching
wite her, ahe left f Felletoel:selid°thaadggueetinage
far as her sister's i ..otontos when the
nW:tleatehlsoeplao sv
lalinaa at lest reports
ory.—nr and Miss Nisrether foehaelni4ZeMifiC°Vit
Murray of Hensel' vitiate' f erreeethe tOwn
-this week.—Mr Ewing via ed Mende up
north the past week.-- . Harrison, son
of Ur. — Harrison of tea' orne, is etarlyieg
law with L. II, Dick- .—Mr and Mrs
WM- Davis of Mathel are guests of Mrs.
I) la' mother, gra. ' Izeher,
Mr Jas Jas Butt o/ Cypress River, rilan.,spen
Sutaley andsedondity here viaiting rola-
tivet.,--Mr, Wealey Lyne of Viotorie, 11,
C., formetly /Of Exeter, is hero visiting A
rtletivell. —Mr Henry 'Hancock of Fagot,
pekota,la renewing I eqtaittatosee irk tom).
—Ildr. Luther Istarning of Clearwater,
Mete, is visiting hie imeents, Mr end Mrs
Richard Mantling.--14s5r5 JeT, Weeteott,
T. H. IVIcOellarti, aecl Mies M. A. Down
were appoitited delegatea to Attend the
District Meeting of It. T. a T. at Seeferth
oil MoncleOr, 29th inae—le. Y, McLean of
Seeferth Wee le Owe on Saterday. —Mr .
end Mrs E. JOXIOS attended the illneral of
Mr, /ones' brother ei Claudeboye on Teee-
dee, Who died on Satarday of pneemonia,
—The eltotho Teethe he rotereeci from
Goderloh st000mpanied by their ooesire
Mies AlitayArmetrong,--Mt,n, Bron and
r gibe of Lonoten, ere gateete et
g,Ezeto noUeL oe A IT Xtertang
Who ae been here Or /several weeli0 has
let greed lienneft-e eegansou correspoede
ent vivito. that NW Celle a Exeter le
Yisitiog het* brother, Dr Case of thee piece,
oeideesra W T S Dyett,q Kieless, and
WM tdno o zoos Lashio
Leughrey ofLotethe and Mr auti MN Joa
White of lieusall, atteuded the /entre] ot
the late Sewell:se Popleatene on Tuesdey.--
Mies leleelonuell of Loedon, ie the guest of
the Mims Hollend, Exeteree-eit, Agitilla
Suell lute completed his apprentioethip et
tho Big 13ankrupt ;store, and will go to
Torouto to tehee poidtioe in a store there,
—Mese Ada_ Pascoe daughter of Reas Dr
Pathe of St Themes, Ds visiting frienda
towa, fihe lactated in the James St
atuteh au Tuesday eveeing, and le cm-
deavorieg to organize a Young Ledies'
Miasma Circle here,
The County Coenoil meeta in Goderich
cat Tuesday next,
At the end of 1894, the <Imlay of Bruce
will leave wiped off its bonded indebted -
• NoTeog—Woad wanted in exchmige fo
overcoats, fur caps and robes. G. Ga.
Saturday was a busy day the meetbseof
the Fertnerei Institute here haying helped
it sornewhet,
Mr. R, Renamer of Wineheleea, had a
wheel taken off his buggy athidentelly on
Saturday while in town.
The roads throughout the country are
in a very muddy atate, and butiness as a
oonsequence is dull.
It has been decided to cell the Ontario
Legialature to meet for dispatch a busi-
ness on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
A couple of horse buyers from the U. S.
were in town on Wednesday and bought
several fine, specimen of horses.
The nietthers of the new toenail were
sworn in on Monday. Although all sow
men but one, they aeemea quite at home.
The new plate glthe front was plead in
the Oddfellow's block on Saturday. It
greatly improves the appearance of the
Miss Tapp, whose • leg was amputated
laat week, is in a low state. and the doc-
tors have no hope for her recovery. be
is simply wasting away.
Two young lads had a fiatiouff encounter
On Main St, on Monday niglot, with the
result that both bore marks a a bitter
contest. They were separated by peace-
maker Gillespie.
W. H. Henry, of Prospect Hill, who
has conducted an hotel there for the past
eighteen or twenty years and who • wax
wellesnown to many Timms readers, died, on
Wednesday last after a protracted illness.
R. Pickard & Son are moving list° their
new store this week. It is the handsomest
store in Western Ontario, aid finished in
the most modern style. It is a credit
alike to Exeter and its owners, and eject-
timoniee for our mechanics'
The Ladies' Aid Society of JameseSeeet
church held a very succeaefuleeek
parsonage last evening '
large attendance art,
spent under _tease: tffetlie
worthy„Patt or,
• county of Et sn 92, had 33,-
366 farm horses, 36,862 hogs, 109,200 head
of cattle, 11.1,303 sheep, 344,328 head of
poultry of all kinds. And during the
same year there were sold here 4,43e
horses, 311804 cattle, 35,3..75 sheep, and
44,126 hogs.
The sale of the estate of the late Isaac
Handford took place on Saturday last.
The only parcel sold was the • dwelling
hours; which was 'knocked down to Mr.
Thos Fitton for $900,, who, we learn, sub-
sequently sold it to Mr SEd. Treble at an
adyanoe of $10. The shop was bought in,
the highest outside bid being $940. The
upset price is some 91,20(e
The safe at the G. T. R. dation was
•blown open on Monday night. The would-
be burglars effected an entrance by way of
a window, aim placed suoh a • charge of
powder into the leek that it blew tha door
off and. intopiecee. The explosion Was so
loud, no doubt, that they were scered to
return, for the booty, and the • contents of
the safe were unmolested.
The Firemen will give a concert in the
Opera Howie on Friday evening, Jany,26th.
They haye prooured the best home talent
and a first class -peogremme is assured.
Other years they have been in the habit of
paying dearly for foreigutalent to whieh
the public objeotecl; they have overcome
that complaint Ibis year by engaging purely
local talent,
An item appeared in some of the news-
papers a, few weeks ago to the effect that
Rev, W. S. Peecoe of St. Thorne's, had ac -
dented an 'invitation to become the pastor
of the congreeation of the United Metho-
dist churches in Mitchell_ Roy. Pasooe
writes us stating that while be would. not
object going back to an old home, he had
not, however, accepted:any invitation, none
having been extended.
The Ontarto Creameries Convention met
in Belleville last week. After Prof James
and Mr Pearce of, London had gtven velu.
alga addrethes, officers were elected as
follows: •Pres., D. Derbyshire ; 1st vie,
A. Wenger; 2nd vice, J. 5 Pearoe ; direc-
tors, J. (iron, A, Campbell, T. 3 Miller,
John Sprague, Robt Phillip, W. 3 Palmer,
Chas Suedeker, QV. G Walton Johe
aannah, Wm. Halliday, .1. Brown,Z.Wark.
Rev. Mr. Steevea of Kingsville is a Bap.
tist pastor with a record. He says that
during the past six months he has taught
fifty-one Sabbath school leasoes, prettehed
102 sermons conducted 196 prayer meet-
ings, made he cello, driven outside the
village at lectat 1,031 mile, demi:lagged the
duties of corresponding seoretary for a
Voting peoples convention involving a
considerable correspondence, and visited
the World's emir.
It ia said that an offielel notice was sent
aloeg the line of the Grand Trunk Railway
6.4Saturday intirattibi that beginning with
elondey last a reduction of 10 per cent.
would be made in thci wages of trackman.
The traokrnen, or section hands, are now
paid 110 pet day and the 10 per cent. re -
dation will make their witeda 90 cento,
The section foremen will, it is said hate -
after reoetye 91.35 thatead of $1.50 per
day. • The reduction in wages is said to
Mien with it a lesonsing of the hours: of
hoe from 10 hoare to 9. This is tot core
dared, however, a boon by eailway men,
actual working clay being now onhf
oet nine heart,. Fuothee reduotions In
ther eepartrnette are also :laid to be eon-
The issue of the Delineator fot March is
he great ',Spring Aunounooment Nam-
ara' and. in its artiottio cliapley of uetv
les and gait:eel attractiveneam it :el nu -
tor le ante former number of thos
lar rea,gaznie, The Hotieekeepor is
usliy cow:Herod in Setae Dtinty Cook.
Haas to floissewisees, exile the petiole
tulehold Renotration whith tteats of
irittg aod polishing of the wood.
tithittie * while the mother of
'hie leughtere will fitd leod fot
ought la ties couoludiue oileptet
Lite. Novel an intereating
bneetts that rtee agreeeble
' Weed. ke1
ollowing legatees relatieg to the fall
ef thee' Oa rale in 1892, ale from the
Bunsen ot losittettiee report, and, will be of
inteEeSt. The moaeuremeeite ete only
teken at three phooth in the thunty ;
eitelioa of etteluet of
mow dare rein flees
....10 65 70 27
Sneeleine..., $6 38 62
Zurich... ....28 70 73 47
.— e
Agrileataal Sootety greetiug.
The &urinal meetieg of the Stephen &
lelaboree Agrioulturtl Sooiety was held at
the Town J:lail Teeredtty last. The
A44'13°111' report ethmitted ehovved the
receire, to be 01459.4e, expenditure $1438.
66, leaving a balance of 011,77 on' hend.
The riootety lotve mots anmenting to
62311,77 and liabilities of 01890,25.
Samuel Sanderia of the Townahip of
Stephee was eleoted president, and
Donald Mointtle Vice-Preeideut. The
follesving Directors wen eleated: ja03011
Ballentino, Jame/abridge Henry Either,
R., Lang, W. Elliot, Ed: Chriatie, W.
11,040:taw, A. Q. Bobier, H. Jemes. Sep-
llogarth and M. Eamett were re•cleeted
Farm et:aline:es.
The following fieures relating to Huron
are taken from the Bureau of Industrie
report for 1892, juot issued : No ot acres
occupied, 798,685. No cleared, 076,639 ;
acres s :vamp or marsh, 90,420. ,Acres in
fall wheat, 61,867, yield 1,385,821 bueltels,
or 22,1 heshela per acre. Acreage in spring
wheat 19,344, yield 288,226,or 14.9 bushels
per sore. Aorea in barley, 17,139, yield
467,895, bushela par acre 27.8. Oats 88,-
421 sores, 3,519,156 buthels,or 68,8 bushels
per aere. Peas, 42,562 acres, 914,868
bushels, or 21.5 per acre. Hay end clover
113160, acres, 211,609 tons, or L$7 tons
per sore. Potatoen, 4,713 acres, 471,300
bushels, or 100 buohels per acre. Man-
gold wertzele, 1,873 aores, 527 bushels per
acre. Cana% 292 aerate .384 buahels per
acre.' Turnips, 8,053, 20tea, 473 bushels
per acre, Huron had in 1892, 8,92e acres
in orchards, an amount exceeded only by
Kean Middlesex, Lineuln and Went-
A Raadsorne G11.1110.1.
Rev. jaspee Wilsou, formerly oee, the
Mart 54. Methodith Churoh, Exeter, „bait
been doing some splendid,' work in Kings,-
ville, where he is now stationed. Lett
week he opened s, very handsome church
in that small village, which ia not ' only a
credit to the town and the congregation,
but a etanding memorial to the energy and
enterprise of the reverend gentleinan. The
chum]. coat $15,000, of this amount neatly
89,000 WAS provided for before thejauildiug
was commenced, -which with over $7,000
raised at the opening leaves the ehurefileide
from debt. Besides 'this they peielftesed
a new pipe organ coating etdeetle, end al-
together Eingsville has 'eleitelt edit/ea
among the fineee le Oestareo; 'ems church
is of •Roma:smite style of eitatitecture,
tseilt foteuesencebriek. , The size of the
44aio. auditorium 14 57:1472. feet, The tower
'which:the mo.i eutra,nce leads is 16x16
.90 feet high. In this is a circular
ate se ii:eilellm• 8180vd Iskidefirta`ilie
ellery. The walls of the main • building
are 27 feet high hem the grade line. From
side entrances to 'he rear the vestry and
ehoir gallery is retched. 'The choir gallery
is 16z18 feet and is right behind the pul-
pit at an elevatioe of four feet from the
pulpisplatform. On the opposite side is a
class room 12x16, connected with auditor'
inta and Sunday sehool room, The Sunday
school meek is 96x60; walls same height
as the church proper. The main entrance
is astower 10x10, 60 feet high; general
class room 36x45; two class rooms 12x18
and 1.2x10, library, 13x6. The building is
heated and lighted by natural gas. Tho
seating, is in amphitheatre form and two
main males and two side aisles run down
-.t� the altar rail. The regular seating
capacity is 800. The contract prices were:
—general contract, $11,000; seating, e1e200;
organ, $1,200. rsOn each side are ehree
handsome stained memorial windows cost-
ing in all $226.
Death's Doings,
Death's harvest has been ale:Enda-et in
Exeter the past week. and in rapid suc-
cession the older settlers are being remov-
eci across the bourne from vrheiloe no trey-
eller ere returns.
On Saturday eveoing, Mary, beloved
wife of Mr 'Wm. Pasernore, died after a
short illness. Some time ago, she was
stricken with paralysis, from width she
did not fully recover, although confitted to
her bed but a short time. Deceased was
of Eeglish birth, and came to this country
many years ago, and with her husband
settled on the Thames Road, Usborne, in
the early pioneer • 'days. Having hewed
out a oomfortoble home and got everything
ID splendid shepe, with • plenty of this
world's goods, Mr. and Mrs Past:Imre
moved to Exeter some 12 years ago. She
was in her 78th year, until lately quite
robed, and leaves to survive her, a hues
band, who is lying very ill, three sons,
Henry, Thomas and Sagami, of Usborne
and five daeghters, Mrs John kleInuis,
Exeter; Mrs Donald McInnis and Mrs
Andrew Campbell, Thames Road, Usborne;
Mrs (Rev.) Sparse), and Miss Mary; who
resides at home. Deceased was a member
of the Jatnes.st charch and was held in
the highest esteein by all who knew her.
Death also re:noved frorn our midet on
Sunday a popular and familier figure in
the person of Mr. Sampson Popplestone, at
the age of 75 yeera, 9 menthe Deceased
-had been ill for tome time, and his death
was not unexpeoted. he was taken ill
some weeks age with the prevailing com-
plaint, is grippe,whieh, affecting his heart,
was mon thaa his constitution could
stand, sad he gradually sank until the
end came, De:eased had been a reeident
of Exeter for tie past 16 years, having
moved here from the tovoeship of Ushorne
where he was one of the pioneers, having
settled on the SOrd Concession away back in
the forties 1Ie was univereally respected,
Was a member of the James st church, and
leaves to mourn the Jon of an affeotionete
husband, and kinci father, a, widow and two
children, S. A., of Exeter. and Mrs Wesley
Welala of Usborne, -who have the want -
thy of the (seesaw:nay in their loss. The
faneral took piece ;on Tussocky, and was
very largely attended.
The death of Mr John Pyle of Lumley,
in troborne townthip, is abto annotiuced at
the age of 76 years, Mr Eye) had boon
111 but '4 short thee, but hit old age could
not withstand the attack, and hos died on
Monday. He wee an old 'resident bf thet
locality,having in the earlier days °parsing
a woollen factory in Lumley. Of late years
he had been engatose in fanning pereuits,
arid had aucceeded beyond colonial in the
ateumulatiou of this vvorld'a goods. Ile
wee a member ef the Thames leoad Pres-
btieriati chtuoli, was well kiloton and
hi/hly respeeted by all. Ile leaves a wife
one ton and one dasurliter, • The funeral
eterdity Was iavgely attended.
lerthee go Down,
The Exeter Packing Home are now
moiling fresh pork sausage, 3 les for 25e, ;
5 the eettiega, e5c. ; 3 IN tender loin 250 ;
apart, ribs, 2 as per ; heeds, fe, t, and
o Welke at low pricet, ,
r• xt Covtoil,
net meeting of the Ceuneil lot Exeter
fee 1,801.
Mr. W, Beielen, reeve, eleot Ur. We
G. iliasett, depely.reeve, eleot ; anal
Mesers, T. B, Carling, A, Q. 13obier aid
3130. W. Taylor Courielliothe elect, took
and zahacribed their several deolarations
Of qualification and office in preeence of
the clerk. The reevo assumed the chair,
Ou motion of T 3 Carling, seoonded by
Q Bother, Mr L. Hardy waa appointed
Aeditor. The reeve appointed Mr Iseao
Qatling jr,, the other Auditor.
CerIing•-•Teylor—thet by -low No, 1, te
Despoil: auditors baying been read a firet
time, be read a sesond and third •time and
enelly passed. Carried.
13issett—Bobler--thet the coueoll meet
the trustee board. at their eext meeting
with a view to arrange otheerning surplus
feeds offlie Ware. Carried,
Meagre Spackman and Fake applied on.
behalf of the:Oddfellowsefor perrniaeion to
replace a wooden building at the rear of
their eiriek building facing on lNiain, st.
witb another wooden bqildiog. Bahia—
Taylor, that pornehaion be granted the
Oddfellows , to replace the present
building at the rear of the present build-
ing facing on Main at. Carried,
Carling—Taylor—the council Adjourned.
until Friday the 19th inst. a4730 p 03,,
for appointment of officers and other Nisi -
M. EstoeteT, Clerk.
Musical Treat. Mies Nora Cleneh is
coaling Feb. 2ad. See programmes.
The South Huron Liberals will hold
their annual meeting at Bruoefield, on
Monday afternoon, Jan, 22,
1VIr. James Halle was elease deputy
reeve of 1.1aborrie et the meeting of the
council on Monday.
South Huron"County Orange Lodge
will mad in Exeter on Taesday, Feb-
ruary 6th, at 11 o'clock a. m.
Mr. A. Walters has started a shoe
shop in connection with the Devon hotel,
and has else been appointed deputy-
IVIr. John Moore of Exeter, was ap-
pointed County Constable by His
Honor Judge Toms this week, and will
be sworn in at came.
Very successiul Farmers' meetings
were held last week in Brocefield and
Buy me Quick
Good white shirts 45
Good heavy top shirts 60o 46
Cottonade Overalls 750, 50
$1.50 Steel rod silk um-
brellas 1.00
25o Heavy braoes 2 for 25
$10 Beaver caps now 6,60
$10 Goat robes now • 6,00
$8 Goat robe, 1 only 5.50
25O Wool sox • 18
25o 'Men's mitts 2 for 25
$3.50, S4.25, $6.‘00, were
S5.00, $6.50 and $9.00,
$3,50, $4,25, $6, $7, were
• $5, $6.50, $9 and $10.
Ladies'4Woo1 hose 25c, 15
Ladies' collars and. muffs
20 per cent cash dis-
14c Flannellette, now 9
do . • 6
Odd lines Kid Gloves 50
pair half price.
All linen, towelling 5
6 Pieces skirt lining. 4
GROCERIES at cost price.
BOOTS & SHOES, some of
Exeter, The attendanceat each meet- our spring goods, just.
ing was large and discussion animated. nobby and cheap,
• The boys at the Big Bankrupt store
sa,y they are so busy with their :gook
taking sale that they have no time -to
write locals this week, They are telling
the truth, for the crowds are certainly
great. Go and eee them.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Huron 1VIedica1 Association was held in
the Mechanics' Institute, Seaforth, on
Tuesday 9th inat Dr. Bruce Smith, of
Seaforthsepnesertted--a-ogretedegapes on
typhoid fever, which elicitea interdies''
mg discussion. Dr. Campbell presented
some excellent cases in practice. The
annual election of officere resulted in
De. Turnbull, Clinton being elected
President; Dr. Smith, ,Mitchell, Vale -
President; Dr. Shaw, Clinton, Secretary
Treasurer. Dr. Bruce Smith, of Sea -
forth, was chosen as the candidate for
Huron and Perth District for a position
on the Ontario Council.
Mr. James Singular, who lived a the
village of Nairn, in the Comity of
Middlesex, died on Tuesday the 9th of
January. He had suffered -.from La
Grippe, 'that recovered, after which he
took a relapse which soon ended in his
death. Deceased was 75 years old, and
was born in England. He at one time
lived in the vicinity of Exetee, but some
ten years ago moved to hes home where
he died. His remains were interred in
the Nairn cemetery on Thursday amid
a crowd of sorrowine relatives and ac-
quaintances. He leav,es behind him, to
mourn his loss the aged partaer, three
daughters andsix sons.
A meeting of the S: 0. E. Society
took plaoe on Monday evening. when
Bro. District Deputy Jackson of Clinton
was present for the inetallation of
officers for the ensuing year. The
following officers were elected: Pres.
Bro. Senior, ' (accl); Vice -Pres. Bro.
Hertnoll; Chap. Bro, Rowe; Sec. Bro.
Kemp, (amp; Trees, Bro. Mareland, the
rest of the officers being re-eleeted.
After the installationPro. Jackson gave
one of his stireine addresses, foltovved
by speeches from the elected dame.
After the closo of business a social time
took place at the Central hotel and a
very enjoyable evening was spenb.
Seephen Council
Crediton, 15th Jan„ 1894.
The new council all present, usual papers
duly signed. Minuteof last meeting
read and signed. 'The changes made in
the officials were: Joseph Geonan lot
assessor; and Louis Weeper, auditote
D. R O'a to each receive 06 in oonees
pence of extra work in additional ballot
papers, and for each plath for holding the
voting, 93.
The following orders vveve granted, viz :
Municipal World, 91; C. Prouty, eleatioti
expenses to be paid to the D. 11.0's $75 50;
Mrs Poulton, help, 1.5.; 3. Handford, rep
8, It) $2; H. Doyle, work 12tla con, 011
Hawker, lumber, 96 30; ters Ransom, 95,
W. Eagleson, $8; 0, El Wilaon, refund El,
L, 02; Vahner & Elanapp, rep bridge
Exeter8 R, 971; B, Armstrong, graverg
22n4 con, 85; W. Sanders, -work and
gravel, 93; 1) Gilbert, rep bridge erd S 13,
93 50; j Pieltiony, part for ditching eon'
tract, 920; 0. Hodgins, eating and. piling
wood, el 30; 0. Solmer, bialikemithing,
91-00; Adavothte printing, 959 04; J Barry,
97 71; A Brown, $4 60; W England, oul,
91 50; e, leeothe ditch acrose E S, 02;
Brown & Co, 35e; Mi Disherdeau, dog
tax refunded, 02; 1 Smith, len, $1 40.
Tenders for printing will be opened, on
Friclays Jan 19, that.
Coaled will likely meet again first
Mendes, in rebruary, at 2 pi 1114
O. Pnoterr, Clerk.
The lith manual report of the Proviecial
Board. of Health is before us, conetining
reporto from the Leese I3oard of Health
ftont the variouo portions of the Provinoe.
We ObSerl/O thee Goderioh township,
Seaforth, Martinet), Turnberty„ and East
Wevarsnoth are the only nimmeipalities in
Herne making any report to its pages, mid
these ell xeputt as being fres from infeet,
ioue Moe:tees, Would it not be well if all
Loeal Boards bf Health made some cut of
maned report, 40 5 better idea <meld then
be formed of the general lieelthinetieif
Point Charles, P. Q.
ldcast. 00 M0041941
Dear Sirn ,i—atf,vo Wed evcritl peeks
of 'it Ste)-sb±atoitOo.'t'on PI dere
LP -Mt
Opposite Hawjailiaw's Hotel.
'33nnens. —Mr. Dishman mov e d into
hi o new dwelling last week .—Mrs. F.
Grigg of London, is visiting friends
here. --Mrs. AeBowslaiigh is suffering
afecenalaogeippe. —Mr, J. Marshall who
has been ill letnilarly- stswo months is
slowly recovering, —Mr. j. Delgaty-has.
just,purchased a new seeof harness, We
advise him to put it in a safe place.
s Caere= NOTES.—Revival services
-are being held in the church where
much good has been accomplished, the
congregations have been large and the
services profitable. Revds. McDonagh
and Jackson of Exeter, have been help-
ing the pastor hi the meetings.—Rev.
John Scott of St. Marys ex -president
of the Guelph Conference will preach
Missionary serononenext Sunday in the
Methodist church.—Mr. L. Bartlett
preaehed on Mr. Butt's circuit last Sun-
day.— The girls of Miss M. Hill's claes
in the Sunday School presented her
with a beautiful set of glassware. On
the sane day the girls of Mrs. J. Del-
gaty's class ptesented her with a hand-
some napkin ring.
Wo Ara Now Basy
Moving our Stock
to our New Store,
- We will open out
in our now prem -
Wed,, (Ian. 24th Inst.
Wheia the public
generally is invited
to call and see 'us.
To my Parlor said" the Spide
to the Fly,
Is very appropriaelto some oftlae advertisementsNe
We may tell you straight adjust here that
If we wanted to lie, we. would tell you that we
aro selling Goods at half price, or 50 per cont, off
for cash. Occasionally this is done in a special
article as a job lot of samples or remnants, but
generally'when you see such statements you eau -
set it down as a straining of the conscience, or
juggling with the truth. We don't wonder at the
Patioas of Industry boycotting storelceepers when
reading such trash. Yon may depend • hen a
meto make it up on something else, They ,it not
lit bund
rchant sells Goods at or below cost,he i
there to'clo business for nothing, OtirlOw Fie
are like'.athe sun, an'every day affair, and for eve
• body. The sun and wind had a controvertly sa
the old fable, and the sun proved' a victor.
think -sunshine will win in its strife'against windy
words'. 'Wishing our many oustomors and friends
a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year.
Turkeys, 9c,; Geese, 6ic.; Ducks, 7c.; Chicken 5eper 1
D. Apples, 6c,; G. Apples, 500 to 75eqper bag; Butter,20
Lard, 13c.; Eggs, 160.; Tallow, 6o.
CA/Mil/40 33110
• THE BOBIER PRODUCTll CO. have decided to 'Retail Oil at
Wholesale Prices .
' Best:Canadian' Oil, 12c.
Best ,Canadian!Water White 17c.
Best American Water White 20c.
COME ONE, coiviv ALL.
-MMES.—The coming 124h July will
likely be celebrated in Seaforth.—
Frank Upshall left Monday for Peru,
Ind., where he will reside with his
father. --James .A. Mude, a forma resi-
dent of Clinton, died in Detroit. The
remains passed through Clinton Tees -
'day to Arthur, where the burial took
place Weduesday. 1The•deceased was a
alason and a good number of the
Clinton Brethren were tit the station
Tuesday morning to pay their last 're-
spects to the departed. -141r. Milne,. of
Grey is in the field for Warden of
Heroin —Mi. G. .1, Stewart, town, was
re-elected Clerk of the Township of
Stanley for 1894. elle Stewart is one
of the very best and most painstaking
Clerks ie. the Province.
16 World's Pair Photoe for One
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway has made an arrangement with
a first-class publishing house to furnish
a series of beautiful World's Pair pic-
tures'et large size, at the nominal
cod to the purchaser of only ten cents
for a portfolio of sixteen illuatratiops.
Nothing so handsome in reference to the
World's k air has before bee e publiahed.
The series would be worth $12 if the
pictures were not published in such
large quantities, and we are therefore
able to furnish these works of art for
only ten cents.
Remit your money to George H.
Heafford, General Passenger Agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-
way, at Chicago, Ill., and the pictures
will be sent promptly to any specified
address. They will make a handsome
holiday' gift.
Oun oseemeo terns
The Times and Toronto Globe, wkly, 91 70
The Tomes and Toroeto E melte, wkly, 1 75
The Timis and London Advertiser,
weekly, , .. , 1 75
The Tomes and London Free Press,
weekly, ..-, 1 75
The Trouts and Weekly Mail and
Vann amd Fireside. 1 75
The Tones and Montreal Herald, wkly, 1 60
The Touts and Montreal Witness.
weekly, „ ., . 1 60
The DIMS and Toronto ...... World, 2 60
The Tomes and Mentreal Family
Nereid end Star, weekly and
premiums, .0 , 1 75
The Tomea and the Ladies' Journal,
. monthly, Toratto,.... 1 25
The TiEIES and. Coamopolitan
exam, monthly, New Yorke . 2 25
The Tomos- and the Live Stock
Joernal and Housthold Compan-
ion, monthly, .... . : • • • • • 1 76
The Maus and Partners' Advocate,
bvweekly, • , 1 90
The Times and the Cultivator Rue
Country Gentleman, weekly,2 76
Reduoed rates with all other paper e not
mentioned ia theinve list.
Address, Truas Onion,
ilbtater, Ont.
Any Ally Person
Who would like to hero their usual
Christmas Peastiegs, would do well
*to call at 11. A.. Forgeok's, where
you oan levee 0, good ch'
oiee as we
have a large Steck Inc the Ohristrnas
Trade, oompeleing
A. greet vg,rioty, ?rico frorn 100,
per lb, upWards, Aloe good var-
, isobar of
Taffy, %theta,. Foieherte,
Peanutal Oecominits, Orangea,
ons, Balmtnat, Grape0, Date
Ors, S
The Counott of the Cer tion of this Chs
02 Huron Town of eivollerll re11!,04orilT hoosga7.rilUal e
Jaen:try, at 3o clock p. m.
W. L
Dated January 8411, 1884,
Notices is horelw given tl the aen
hut of themembers of the. borne and 11
Mutual Fire II:Isar:moo 0 orwiIl b
in Gardiner's Rail, Vareith r, on Ho
Rh day ofFebruary, 1894, at one o'cl
for the receiving of the Directors.;
and Treasurer's annum re0ortslie1
Directors and Auditors, mid oth or busi
thegood and welfare ot the Conieen
membertiare requested ttl attend.
On Main street, Dec. 27th, the
hig letter. Owner may hay
application to Toms Offic
paying cost of this itdeertise
My Ownest Own,—
Since yoer crud repulse from
at the hand—or, rather, the foot
I have mused long and fond
darling, on your daring prop
that I should fly with you rind
rest. 1 know it's naughty, an
heart and my conscience repro
hub I'm ready to fly with yous d
to the utmost parts of the earth.
If I remember aright, the inatr
were: Carriage corner street, mi
then away to a land where the s
is not. I'erins to be made at 1
with infuriated papa. Peace
mad.e, we aro to return to Exete
ceive his blessing, settle dowel., an
happily ever afterwards,just like
and Angelina, the couple in "Fa
and Fortune; or Love will Fin€a
You knoav the. book, love,
I do so hope nothing will hap
prevent our escape. If pa should
us before we are matried--oh ! C
Ithsel7wclocir ear6 to think of the nsequ
But with you, love, ,eir: 0 e are
ccolimurecs.h, and I shall kno
to be ready :when the
And now, Charlie, my own bel
and much -abused -darling, adieu t*
meet alt the leaching hour of nmel
at the corner of the street
•Yount till de:stall
4 4,,
P,S.—Perhans you had better
cottage furnished, so that we shall
a home to cora:. to after we are reo
ed to pa. Atkinson (opposite the
mill) has a fine stock andhe dells o
See him abetit the furniture at on
•• .F1.14:Stoo
t um)
13 a jkiSffila-11 6SYtati°11