HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-18, Page 20.i� PAGE 8A,-GODERIGH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY., APRIL 18, 1974 Hanauer Atom B tourney sees focal boys put up good fight (Intended for last week). , March 20 through ;23 lin Atom "B team played in the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Association Annual Atom Tournament. This year's tour nev was in Hanover and 24 teams partici3ated. The first game for the Goderich team was against the Kincardine entry. In a' closely fought battle that saw only two penalties (both to Goderich) ,the boys skated to an S-3 vic- tory. Goals came from Robert Jeffery with a hat -trick, Steven Dobie and Steven Sager with two each and Marty Middel with one. The second" game matched. the . .**u•ngsters with Ower' Sound whom they shut -out 5-O. Paul' Bellinger played a strong game in goal for Goderich con- stantl`v stopping the Owen Sound shooters cold. Goderich goals came from Del Bedard; Mike Wedlock, 'Kent Figert. Steve Sager and -Jim Mathers. In the third game Paul Bellinger continued ' his .,hot streak shutting out Walkerton 6-0. Robert .Jeffery scored another hat -trick with Mike Wedlock, Steve Dobie and Jim Mathers rounding out the scoring. The first. semi-final game, was against Walkerton. and it _ • proved to be a thriller. Att the end .of ,regulation. time the teams were dead -locked at two a side. Robert .Jeffery and Steven Sager found the mark for the two •Goderich goals in 'the third period, to bring about the. tie. • Tournament rules gall for a series .of, penalty shots t.o be taken by each team to•settle the tie., In 'the first series of'shots Kent. Tih.•ert scored for Goderich but Robert Bester replied with a Walkerton goal to 'ti'e up the game again. „If at •the end of the three shots ,.rhe game is still. tied two '..,,players take n penalty shots • for each team but ' again the goaltenders held them at bay. One "°player each is chosen for the third series of shots which proved pointless. In. the eyent that one player does not score the rules call for a two player penalty shot requiring the goalie t( stop a two on none break. Walkerton found the mark in this v'iituatibm and won the game 4- Walkerton went' on .to the finals against St. Marys and were defeated by them... Both. Guderich• criaches agree the Riddel Hydie boys displayed excellent spirit and team play despite the fact' they only pla' ed together for three weeks prior to the tour- nament, The two men, Len Boyce and Bill Dobie are proud to have been a part of.the,team and feel that the town of Goderich can be proud of. their effort. Thev wish to,offer a special thanks to the parents Who helped. with the'tourriarrient, without whom 4i it would not have " been possible. The• boys who made ,up thed fine .team are • Del,. Bedard, ,Steven Sager, Lou Dewinter, Greg kirkconnell, Marty Mid-, del, 'Dean .Bowra, Steve Rux.- 'Williams, Dennis Kerr, •Jeff .SowerbY, John Little, Paul Bellinger, Steve Dobie, Kent Tigert, Mike Wedlock, St er?hen Boyue and Robert Jeffervc 1 critical because using farmland -Jack Riddell, Liberal Mem*-• her for Huron, has expressed concern about strong rumors .. that Ontario Hydro intends to locate a nuclear poWer plant South otv. the town of Goderich in his Riding. „ "The proposed nuclear station, *together with the yower corridors congpcting it to the ,grid system wilt utilize good agricultural land, n and the waste products from the power plant, will adversely affect cfop production in i'he drea", said Mr. Riddell. "We cannot afford to -cart-onlylea-d-• to -- more serious • food shortages, and we cannot'afford to ignore the possible threat oto 'the yironment inherent in these, nuclear 'power plants", he said.' "Ontario "Hydro 'officials have announced. a nuclear ex- pansion programme,• but are reluctant to reveal to the public the Potential dangers of • nuclear energy as ,a source of residential dangers of nuclear energY as a source of power Kn• industrial' and residential pur- poses", Riddell noted. " A correlation- has been 1.01111ER INTEREST RATES, . 0. Now Available On Anywhere in ORtario RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES •• • Development For Representatives In ,Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONULTANTS LIMITED (5I9) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber' St. E. Kitchener, Ont. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash— established between the in- cidents of such diseases as ,leukernia, cancer, etc. and the_ level of natural radio -active niateriils to which people are. exposed. Ionizing radiation has peen, described as the most serious agent of pollution of the environment and then greatest threat to man's survival on earth." In Mr. Riddell's opinion, "Hydro Officials must be aWare'f of these facts and they certainly knoW•that every reactor station .must dispose of large quantities of radio.active Waste every year, which will remain radid- active• for- literally' hundreds -of - It's true that the plutonium waste froin nuclear reactors in Ontario•js contained in facilities designed to .protect the environment a 'inuch -as possible, but.the radio -activity of dr plutoniurn, debris „will. Donnybrook [KW has Easter theme outlive these special storage Kingsbridge Kuties The fourth meeting of the Kingsbridge Jiuties 'was held April n'/- Pt the, home of Mrs. 'Betty Fra,yrie.. Roll call was answered and Lucille Frayne read the minutes, of the last, meeting. . . committee was'elected to Achievement Day.. • • The 'meeting Yva;% handed -over to ...the' leaders, They discus'sed "Good Bedroom Storage". The 'leaders then. heliied the girls with their. record, boOks. t Top individual awards .Tbis year's aWard winners in 'men's bowlifig were announced 'George Vander burg bowled a 420 singlq* the best of the yeaf; • at their banquet last week. Dennis Shaw, On the left bowIP)4 a :and Jim McWhinney had the highest average with a 246,.. (staff 400 single, the second best; Joe Daer bowlect a 940 high trip.:.e, photo) The Invitation .To Live Crusade Team visited the Home on Friday afternoon and held a service in the ti frod aced tlie-TetiTh'41=tich•Tif: eluded Rev. Marney Patterson, theme speaker: Mrs. Marshall, • "soloist, Mrs'. Mills, pianist:`and ;,-de'votional leader, 'for frthe ser- vice Three new. reSidents, Vincent, Mr,s. Bernard Mrs. Hoggart were welComed,to• the Horne And those -having Birthdays during the week were honoured at •MOnday's • activities. Marie Flynn, Nor - toed Church 'assisting „with: • The McQuaid Farnirly of - • Seaforth entertained on Family Mrs • • Nignt with step dancing, vocal and and' instrumental numbers. An interesting evening Is Planned'tor ,,thoie who attegiMe ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL DINNE,R,,MEETING of the HURON PERTH TB AND RD ASSOCIATION to be held. in the" WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1974, 6:30 P.M. The speaker Will be. Mr. Jac Hughes, Past,. President of the Ontario TB and Respiratory Disease Association. A Youth Group will be featured' with several musical nuniliiers under the direction of -Mrs. Don Gaffoey of Mitchell. , PleasaAry_to-attend. Tickets are -$3.00 and may be obtained at 121 Wellington Street, Stra,tford, 271-7500,, or your area IAN TALK Donnybrook' United Church Women met at the home of "Mrs. E. Snowden Tuesday af-. ternoOn, April 9. - 'Mrs. R. -Jefferson opened the,' meeting with ap Easter theme Mrs, S. Chamney read the scripture taken froin John and Mrs. R. Jefferson led in prayer. Mrs. R. Jefferson gave a• reading. Mrs. J. Leddy gave the topic on different customs. of Easter and the Easter story with the Life of Jesug. ryle,- SnoVvden took over the business. .Reports were heard from Mrs. M. -Johnston on the suPPlies and the report of the secretary. Mrs,. R. -Jefferson read a poem and closed with prayer. with, Mrs. M. Johnston and Mrs. S. Chamney helping the hostess, Mrs. E. 8nowdqn. • • Barry W. Grace, •son of John Grace, RR 2, Goderich, 'has -been named as the winner of., •one of 1,000 Ontario Graduate' Scholarships aW4rcled by the,' - Ministry Of.L. Colleges and --"aUnivers„ities. Mr. Grace attends' Laurentian University at- Sud, - bury' and is studying bililogy. These sch,olarThips offer studeOts $800 per term plus the -secutiVe terms. 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