HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-18, Page 7001(.TaN'S POOR
Yee. 'S $11111e/X0lir etle ieedS
the Veer Always wfibi t'-
etneetion5 144 /Mole* as
rld If - The Spiritual lessons
ny the eituatten.
nein Jemmy 7 -It seems, appro.
° Cde Dr. Teenage° should preech this
her his personal contribution of
teed poen& of meat and two
•ves of bread to the poor who
Adding, in the cold around tgie 5 th chapter, 18th verse, Where it says:
any provide not for his own, and ea eel. -
ally for Mime of his own house, he iath
denied the faith, and is worse than an in -
6401; " or I will turn to Jeremiah, 22nd
oha,pter, 19th verse, where it says "Ie
shall be buried with the burial of an ass,
drawn end mat forth beyond the aetes of
Jerusalem." I cannot imagine any more
unfair or meaner thing than IDE 0. man to
get his eine pardoned at the last minute,
cud then go to heaven and, live in a mane
sion, and go riding about in a golden
chariot over the golden streets, while his
wife and children, whom be might have
provided for, are begging for cold vietaals
at the basement door of an earthly city.
It seems to me there ought to be a poor
house somewhere on the outskirts of hea-
ven, *have those guilty of auch improvi-
dence should be kept fer e, while on thin
soup and gristle, instead of sitting down
at the King's banquet. It is said that
the church is a Divine institution, and I
believe it. Just as certainly. are the
savings banks eand the life linter.
ance companies Divine instite none. As out
of evil good often comes, so out of the doc-
trine ot probebilities, calculated by Pro.
Lessor Eugene and Professor Pascal for
games of chance, came the calculation of
the probabilities of human life as used by
life insurance companies, and no business
on earth is more 'table or honorable, and
no mightier mercy for the human race has
been bore since Christ was born. Bored
beyond endurance for my signature to pa
pars of all sortie there is one style of paper
that I always sign with a feeling of gladness
and triumph, and that is a paper which the
life insurance company requires from the
clergymen after a decease in his congrega-
tion, in order to the payment of the pelioy
to the bereft household. I always write my
who hewn competent income' and could pros
vide eorneWhae for the future, who live up
to every dollen and when they die their
diadem), ge to the poor home or op the
Street. By the time the Wife gets the, bete.
bend buried she is in debt to the smiler. for misfortune by inopportune wittiest
taker and ereyediger for that which she Just as that lawyer was to make the plea
can never, pay, While the man lived he that would have met him among the strong
had his wine parties sue fairly stunk with men of the profession, neuralgia stuug him.
tobacco end then expired, leaving his just as that physician Was to prove bes
family upon the charitiee of the world. Skill ill an epidemic, his own poor health
leo not send for me to come end intinesenee hum Aloe as that nierohant
eenduet the obsequies and read ever must be at the store for seine deeisive and
such a °armee the beautiful lieurgy introductory bargain, he sits with a Ome-
"Blessed., are the deed who die in the rustic joint on a pillow, the room redolent
Cord," for, instead of that, rwill turn over with liniment. ,,What ad overwhelming
the ICSNOS of the Bible to First Timothy, statistio wotild be the Story of men and
woman and children inmoveriatied by sick.
nese. Then the cyclones. Then the Mem
sissippi and Ohio freshets, Then the stop-
ping of the factories. Then the oureelios
among the peach trees. Then the iaseotile
devastation of potato patches and wheat
acids, Then the epizootic among the horeee
and the hollow horn among the herds.
Then the rains that drown out everything
and the droughts that burn up half the
continent, Then the orange groves die
under the svhito teeth of the hoer frost.
Then the mai strikes and the iron strikes
and the mechaniete atriaes, whioh all strike
labour harder than they strike capital.
Then there are the nem ssities of buying
coal by the scuttle instea d of the ton, and
dour by the pound inseam" of the barrel,
and so the injustices are multiplied. In
the wake of ell those are overwhelming
illustrations of the truth of my text -
" Ye have the poor always with you."
Remember a fact that no one empha-
sizes, a fact, nevertheless, upon which I
want to put tire weight of an eternity of eseteide of divine mercy ; and. this , wide -spread eagerness to relieve the distress
iei ail etYlee ef l'usluesei e'ed 4346 t' TifF SUNDAY 80110011
Qa oue of everyibing betWeea era let 1
paid grave, and those two exceptions e _
only beemlee they have nothiug to do in naBitzuzfoNALasitm, Al 21. -
baying either of them. Others aro retained 4
GEN. 4. 3-13. GOLIWI l'EXT
-H.813. 11. 4.
, (111.N1110 -t, STATEXENT.
God and the serpent had (mob made a
prophecy doneerning the consequences of
eiteine the forbidden fruit, and Adam and
live now find the ee prophecies both fulfilled,
though neither, probably, just as they had
undersitood it On the day that they ate
thereof they serely died, as Cod had field -
not, indeed, by at once "giving up the
ghost," but by being driven far out of reach
of the "tree of life,' ' whose rich fride might
have indennitely perpetuated for them the
felieities of Eden if they had been obedient.
Their eyes were opeeed, o,od they now
"knew good and evil, " -as the serpent had
said -but what agony this knowledge
brought them. 1 for all good wined to be
the other side of the cherub's flaming sword,
anettaimible forever ; while of evil they
might each hams said, what Paul said after-
ward ; "lees ever present with me." The
three aethee in this &HMS, of the fall now
turn to endure the curses. pronounced upon
them by God; but the sorrows of Adam
and Eve are lightened by the promise of
the seed which should bruise the serpent's
head • and doubtless new hopes arise as
they Lek on the face of their firstborn. De-
cades, if not cenburies, pass and descend-
ants multiply. Adam. and his sous till
the soil which had been cursed for his
sake-. outside of paradise, but not
nd meat store of Brooklyn, where
el was dietribatee without ticket,
no recommendation required except
Pe, The text tvas ; Matthew 26, ;
e heve the peer always with you."
said that e The ()Wet who never
a anything during Eel earthly stay.
(beans! His grave were borrowed,
fig Re ate was from sometime else's
Every drop of water He drank.wee
soineoue else's well. To pay Ilia per-
il tax, which was very smell, only thirty-,
eid a quarter cents, He had to perform
'tele and mak ea ish pay it, All the
te and de hs and. lengths and
ha ef poe Christ measured in His
experie , and, when He comes to
desti oe, He always speaks
ally, and what Ile said then is
; Ye have the poor always
mend years the bread question
active and absorbing q
ass e people crowding up to Joseph's
rehoese in Egypt. Witness the famine
Samaria and Jerusalem. Witness the
en thousend hungry people for whom.
riot multiplied the loaves, Witnese the
sled millions of people now living,
m, believe, have never yet had one
sal of healthful and nutritious food
11 their lives. Think of the efie great
Ines in India. Think of the twenty-five
toe people under the hoof of hunger year
re last in Russia. The failure of the
to -overflow for seven yeare in the
eth century left those regions depopu-
Plague of insects in .England.
of rata in Madras Presidency.
M of mice in Essex. Plague of locusts
hint Plagues of grasshoppers in
rice,. Devastationwrought by drought
eluge, by frost, by war, by hurricane,
earthquake, by oomete flying too near name then so they can read it I minuet
earth, by change in the management of help but so say to myself; " (stood for
tional hnances, by baleful 'muses innu
table. I proceed to give you -three or four
eons why my text is znarkedly and
ethically true in this year 1894.
ire first reason we have always the poor
un is because of the perpetual over
hug of the tariff question, or, as I shall
it, the Tariff controversy. There is a
d ior such a word and so I take the re.
nsibility of manufacturing it. There are
Iliona of people who are expecting that
present Congress of the United States
oeoneething one way, or the other to
s discussion. But it will never end.
was five yea of age I remember
my father d his neighbors' in mates death is a defalcation, an outrage, a
t diseuesiel this ver5. cll'estMll' swindle. He did nob die; he a,baconded.
h'gle toaelf or ei tariff or no tariff
hen your great grandchild -dies at There. are a hundred thousand people in
rs of age it will probably bo from America to -day a -hungered through the sin
er hon in discussing the tariff. On improvidence. "Bet," say some, "my
ne t be world is destroyed, there will income is so antalld cannot afford to pay the
premium on a life insurance." Are you sure
dm men standing on the post office about that? If you are sure, then you have
cue a high tariff man, another a low a eight to depend on the promise in Jere-
-on, and other a free trade man
oise redi the face from led
m exci mush, 49th chapter, lltn. verse: "Leave
thy fatherless children, 1. will preserve
met ma reject. Other questions -
them alive,. and let thy widows trust in
quietee,,, he Mormon question, the
me." But. If you are able to remember you
estion, Pension question, the Civil
have no right to ask God to do for your.
ueetion. All questions of Annest- househeld that which you can do for them
come to peaceful settlement by
exation of islands two weeks' voy. yourself, Per the benefit of those young
excuse e practical pereonalitye Be-
y and the heat of their Toles- 'Tient
ginning my life's work on the munificent
veyed through pipes under the sea
efal in warming our continent or
on of the moon, dethroning the
f Night, who is said to be dissolute,
giug the lunar populations under'
e of our free institutions ; yea, all
uestions, national or international,
nay be settled, but this Tariffic ques-
t will not only never be se ttled,but it
ver be moderately quiet for more than
ears at a time, each party getting
ewer taking one of the four years to
p, and then the next party will fix it
Our finances cannotget well because
many doctors. It is with el* nations
th sick individuals. Here is a man
ly disordered as to his body. A. dem-
eaned in, and he administers a febri-
a spoonful every hour. But recovery
tponed, and the anxious friends call
tiler doctor: and Ire says: "What this
t needs is blood-leeting ; now roll up
sleeve !" and the laneet flashes. •But
recovery is postponed, 'and a homce-
to doctor is called. in,and he administers I been alive and. well and supporting their
families. They got a, little sick, and. they
small pellets, and says: "All the
were so worried about what would become
nt wants is rest." Recovery still
of their households in case of their demise
poned, the family say that such small
that their agitations Overektne the skill of
Is cannot amount to much anyhow,
the pbysicans and they died for fear of.
an allopathic doctor is called in and he
: "What title patient wants is calm. dying. I have foe mealy years" been such
an ardent advocate of life insiiro.nce, and
id jalapei Recovery still postponed,
my sernion on "The Cruise of not Insurs
ropathio doctor is called in, and he
ing," has been so long used on both sides of
"What this patient wants is hot and
the sea by the chief life insurance
bahs, and he must have - thorn right
. Turn on the faucet and get ready companies that Some People have Rule -
hewer baths." Recovery still postmen. Posed that received monetarycorn-
,n electric doctor is called in, and he pensation for whet I have said and writ -
,rings all the schools to bear upon the poor
hundred dollars for every penny I have
;liftmen and the poor. patient, after a
What received from city life insurance company.
rave stniggle for life, expires.
What T. have said. and written on else sub -
1 ' Too many doctors. Andthat
kilhinrdathetemicmgdeeamee. jeet has resulted from the conviction that
Einem, Cleveland and eland these institutions are a benediction to the
human race, But, alas for the wide -spread
on Cierlisle and McKinley and
and improvidence Yon are now in your
eherman, as talented. and lovely
charities helping to support the families of
!endue. men as walk the earth, all men who had more income teem you now
'd doctors, but their 'treatment of our
have. You coat depend on the iniprovi- •
guishing finances is so different tbat
ther treatment has A full opportunity,
under the constant changes it is sun -
wonderful that the nation still lives.
tariff question will never be settled In-
ane of the face, vvhieli I have never heard,
imam recognise, but, neverthelese, the
ail that high tariff is best for some people
nit free trade is best for others..This
fain, oontroeoray keeps businets struck
broil& with uncertainty, and that timer
Leroy results in poverty and wretchedness
or a vett multitude of people. If the
tome gab on d this subject could have been
shioned into leaved of bread, there NT
ot be a hungry man or woman or child on
I the planet To the one of time, the
Word's of the text will be kept true by the
ran& contrtiveray Ye have the poor
wows with you."
leather cause of perpetual poverty is
muse alcoholic. The victim dem
last long. Ho then orouohee into
drunkard's grave. But what abotit hie
and children / She takers in washieg,
she can get it, or goes oet working
1 wages, because metrow and priva.
eve left her ineepeciteted to do a
womante work. The childeen are
d and gaunt alid pale and weak,
cl, cold rootes, on pitching
efireet corner, andentwohing
eared, bread 'When they can
t lon peseerieby becomes, they
O the way, Itidked (teemed
that man to have looked after his wife and
children after earthly departure. May he
have one of the best seats in heaven! Young
man ! The day before or the day after you
get married, go to a life insurance company
of established reputation and get the medi-
cal examiner to put the stethoscopeto your
lungs and his ear close to your heart, with
your vest off, and have signed, sealed and
delivered to you a document that will, in
the case of your sudden departure, make
for that lovely girl the difference between
a queen cad a pauper. 1 have known men
who have had an income of $3000, $4000,
$5000 a year who did not leaye one farthing
to the surviving household. Now that
lergYnkith, 100 'Werth treeteliver Ole Sea"
inolaTe Uls Eaeletonaltle Elects'.
There genie very nearly being,. another
sensation in New York's clerical circles the
other day. A noted clergyman, whose
gowned figlire end imposing pulpit are yen'
familiar to fashiouable people, Was compelle
04 to cut his sermon abortsaddenly,becanee
he was suffering from lack of food The
case well illustrates the keen suffering
among Gothande clergy as a reselt of the
simititutieht that prevails. Fox. these Men
have naturally been obliged te practice
what they preach by liberal alms giving.
One Pastor for instance laud ehurelt has
been aceorded the adjective, fashionable),
now finds himself praetioelly stripped of
comforts. Hie wife and children have been
living on the plainest of fare. Every pent
he could scrape together has gone to the
poor, His own spare clothes, and those of
hie wife and little ones have been liberelly
beetowed. Yet the cry for bread has not
become less Intense. Many, another minis-
ter of the Gespelfinde himself emberressed.
Thom is a great tendency to armee at the
clergy for their alleged lack of real sym-
pathy. But those who care to take the
trouble of investigating the present condi-
tion of these men will find that numerous
preachers now living in apparent luxury
haw during all the present suffering been
the most to euffer„ Ear they have been
stripping themselves,
Said One of these men upon being promis-
ed the suppression of his name:
"I run firmly convinced that there is a
prevailing. b!I:grri)aabylfe3,I zirt.eoctlsl;
tonnage, that the best way of Metering divine mercy they recogniz by the ere°.
yourself and pier, children and your tion of altars and by prayerful sacrifice,
so many classes helm turned the corner
The arbitrary chronology which we have
adopted for oonvenieuee' sake is entirely
untruetwortby, end we have no definite
knowledge of the age of Cain and Abel
when the tragedy of thie lesson was enact-
ed. Cain preeented. fruits and grain, a
portion of the produce of his toil, as an of-
fering; it was a recognition of God's gifts,
but not a recognition, and probably an im-
plied denial, of man's need of, redemption,
Abel presented as a secrifice "the firetlings
grandchildren against poverty and all
other troubles is by helping others, I am
an agent of the oldest insurance cam.
peaty that was ever established. It
is near three thousand years old. It has
the advantege of all the other plane of in-
surers:se ; Whole Life Policy, Bedew -
meat, Joint Life and Sarvivorehip Policies,
Ascending and Descending Scales of Pre-
mium, and Tontine, and it pays up while
you live and ie nave after you are dead.
Every cent you give in a Christian spirt to of his flock and the fat thereof," showing
his consciousness of sin and his faith in the
a poor man or woman every shoe you give
to a bare foot, every ;tick of wood or lump promised Redeemer. God showed his ap-
of coal you give to a fireless hearth, every proval of the sacrifice which Abel had made
drop of medicine you give to a pear invalid, and Cain's heart was filled with hate to-
ward his brother. He smites Abel and he
every star of hope you make to shine over
dies, the &at of the noble army of martyrs
unfortunate maternity, every mitten you
knit for cold fingers is a payment on the and Cain is sentenced to a, loney, embitter.
premium of that policy, hand about five ed life,though close on the heels of his curse
hundred. million policies to all who will go comes a definite protection, which' carried
within, we must believe, opportunity of
forth and aid the unfortunatS. There are
only two or three lines in this policy of Life repentance.
Insurance. Psalms 41, 1 "Blessed is be wasIMITATOEMMenD PRACTIOAT, None. needed is a little present help. Why deny
it from fear of pe.uperizing the poor. One.
that considereth the poor •, the Lord will
Verse S. In process of time. lilt"''•would suppose ft was a pleasant thing th
deliver him in time of trouble."
of hard times and are experiencing A
return to prosperity. But the very poor
have not had tens to make the turn. That
they will do so very soon I am persuaded.
Meanwhile they mese be helped. But no
sooner does charity pour in than the cry is
raised that the poor are being pauperized.
It is alleged that the tramps of all com-
munities are being drawn into New, York,
That is not so, Every,community is trying
eo help his own, and the unworthy conrse
stay where they are, Beaidere why ttheolt
the impulse to be generous? There are so
many poor people who need just a little to
set them on their feet. It is significant
that so many of the unemployed have a
promise of work at their trades when the
holiday season is well over. That is because
so mauy capitalists are preparing to in-
augurate enterprises, but at present their
plans are maturing, and they are non ready
to come into the labor market. Bo what is
the end of the week, which woe, pauperized from the'way many talk.
babbath, or at the end of the year 'Which e worthy poor dread beino pauper -
DIF LATEST LAND OF PROMISE, might point to a "feast of ingatliering,"e 'De 1. as anybody."
.M.ore Free Farms For Americans Ex-
cept in Canada.
a sort of thanksgiving day. Cain. Thee _
lust -born of the fallen pair became .te eieehem-EBN LIKE! THIS
murderer of his brother. (I) How soon . aide,
does the seed of sin grow up to its harvest 1 ' ,
Fruit of the ground. He was a farmer Alyo sem-
• •
or gardener, and presented an oblation of ea „ - es,
A. Drive With_ literses *Vein Chicago to the fruits which he had raised, An offer- --- el. the
DetreIre -"veva-41m t he €auadthn ing. This word in the original is generally from a crypt in
used of an obemenewemeen.. einethorgst. lelemyle • •- m - ne n 4
Prairies te the FHTEDOE'S ill. the states. The most beautiful ;Demme'
The Canadian exodus is entice, Thelidaw ientiellertiee translated "meet effering," Wa8 "CentlY iltrE3""-- 41.1"4‘ 'an"
crypt of St Fides's °Minh in Schletes
is turned amine flaring tend, from the Re- where more correctly it would be "meal Alsatia, which had been closed up and, le
public' to the Dominion, That is the basic offering:" le simply represented thanks, fact, forgotten for a hundred years or more.
fact upon which Mr. L. 0. Armstrong, without prayer for pardon or confession or
Sr. Fides's Church was built by members
manager of the C.P.R. Colonization Office, sin. It is at least creditable to Cain that he
of the Hohenstaufen dynasty in the eleventh
builds a castle of romance. And the recognized the need of worship; that he
romance is real. It is actually coming. to ignored the "bloody sacrifice" shows that century-. The crypt was originally in-
tended. se a burial place for the princes of
pass in our time. Mr. Armstrong has test he lacked true • faith in the need and effic.
that house. At the beginning of the
returned from a missionary tour of West- ahy of the atonement.
ern Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. 4. Abel. The name means "Breath,"- twelfth century the black plague visited
the town and the vaults were :walled up,
With a pair of horses he crossed these "Transitory," and is perhaps that by:
At the beginning of -this century the
states with many a detour from Chicago to. which he was spoken of afterhis earlydeath,
stone and mortar were partly removed and
Detroit. Everywhere among the farmers Wirstlings. The firstborn. Of his flock. a small opening made just big enough to
and artisans he preached a promised laud. He was a shepherd, yet there was'a deeper
allow a man to crawl through, but the in -
He told of the unrivalled pasture lands of reason than that fact for snob an offering, vestigation led to no discovery.
the great North-Weet of Canada. And The blood of the sacrifice represented the
principle of atoriernene, and. testified his The recent investigations were more there
• T.,r4;••• • •",.: . _ „
tor iinfants and Childrerip
n Omit orlais some, eel...meal to children thee
recoememad Ode importer to enerPreeerfeeeed
known Some." IT. A. .41:cittli,
111 Oxford St, Breeklyza, N. T.
"The use of 'Costoria ' so universal and
its merits so weleanowe teat it gee= a work
of supererogetionto endorse it. Few arethe
intelligent families who do not keep Casteria
within easy moat."
Cemem Menne, D.D.,
Now York City.
Late raster Dloomingdele Reformed March,
Cloetories email Oelki, Constipation, •
flour Stotaach, Plarrhcea, Zrnotation,
Fills Worms, gwea sleep, eme peoreinee ee
Wiehout injure:les medication)
For several years have reemerge
your Oastoria, ' Andes:al always, eonteme to
do so as it ams invarestny produced beuefielal
moults.' .
Beensten Peranes, X. W.,
"The Winthrop," iOtla Street and 7th Ave.,
, New York Cier.
Tars CENTAUR Couture, 7•7 Mourraz See.reeer, New
need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing
babies or they are apt to suffer from Emaciation,
S;4'Catt745 Emulsion
amtammimmanamity ,aamstaremailasswzmascazr
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and
soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and
makes their babies fat, and chubby. POsicians, the
world over, endorse it. •
are never healthy' when thin,. They ought to be
Babies cry for SCOTT'S EMULSION. It is palatak
and. easy to assimilate.
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Belleville, All Druggists, 50 cents and St s
Sever Papa. In Shel-lilliCied* 2 Years
Cared by The DAV:Menthol Plaster.
Sy wife was afflicted 'for two yea.rs with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to the
r usirg many remedies without relief,. she trier! a ''D.esL."-Menthel Plaster, it did Its work.
• -r s cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by tree here, giving equal satisfaction,.
j. FL, SUTHERLAND Druggist, eiverjoen, lade
•ild Everywhere* 25C. each •
salary ot $800 a year and a parsonage, and the picture, he drew was a pleasant one for
when the eall was pleoed in my bands, I did the tax -burdened farmers of these states to
not know Mow in she world I would ever see. These farmers protest that they are
be able td spend that amount of money, and overgoverned and overburdened thereby.
I temember indulging in a devout wish "And now," said Mr. Armstrong, "they
that I rnightnot be led into worldliness and realize t' -hat the time is past when their
prodigality -by Buchan overpius a resources sons can find places in the cities and towns.
and at a time when articles of food and I have met scores of young men who ho.ve,ree
clothing were, higher than they are now, turned from the city to the farm, having
I felt it a reigious duty to get nay life hour- discovered that there is no room for them
ed, and. presented myself at an office of in memo
one of the greet companies, and I stood Neither is there room for them in the
pale and nervous lest the medical examiner country of the American west, nor the east,
might have to say that I had consumption nor the north, nor the south. The tragic
and heart disease and a ,half d.ozett. mortal rush of 300,000 men and women to get, pos.
ailments, but when I got the docarnent session of some 17,000 farms, in the Clliero-
which I have yet in full force, I felt a sense free strip was a striking illustration of the
of manliness and confidence and quietude land -hunger seizing . the people . of the
and reinforcement, which is a good thing Republic. Then the collapse of the silver
for any young man to have. For the lank boom, through the -repeal of the Sherman
of that feeling there are thousands of men Bill, has brought disaster to the irrigating
to -day in Greenwood and Laurel Hill and farmors-on the arid lands of Colorado. .
Mount Auburn, who might as well have "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm "-the refrain of the glad old Bougie
no longer true The time has come, Mr.
Armstrong says, for Canada's claims to be
heard. And heard they were respectfully
in a hundred school houses and town halls
of the west. "We might learn a lesson in
their schoolhouses yet. Their interiors are
decorated with a view to seethed° effect,
andWhe cultivation of the higher tastes of
the children, and there is a flag on every
school, a point we should' also note."
These schoolhouse lectures were listened
to with eernest attention and courtesy. Mr.
Armstrong began with stating that in 183e
he met the late General Sherman at a ban-
quet in Winnipeg, and heard him then pre-
dict that Canada. and the United States
would be made one by the overflow .of
American oitieens to the prairies of Canada.
This would be done without sending out e,
Soldier or firing a shot.
And now the New York Sun sone report-
ers to Mr. Armstrong's lectures, reelizing
that the Anieriean exodus had begun. iiknd
editorially it declared ets willingness to
dence of many for the truth of my text in support snob a movement to the mid that
all times and in all places : "Ye have the Canada might be made one with the great
pose. always with you." , union,
Another feet that you may depend upon Bar Mr. Armstrong never lowered the
for perpetual poverty is the incapKeity of Canadian flag. delusions were one
Many to aellieve a livelihood; You can go thing and the practical proeperity offered by
through any community and find good the C.P.R, was another. This railroad
people with more than usual mental culture, now offers to carry two delegates from every
who have never been able -to oupport them- county in the States,through which 1V4r.
selves and their houeeholde. They are a Armstrong had passes', to the Canadian
Mystery to us and we say, '1 do not know- Nortli-West. Every one of the delegates
what is the matter with them, but therein; a sent out from the Eastern'States had re -
screw .loose somewhere," Some of these ported favorebly to intending emigrants,
persons hese mere brain than thousadcla They said that the gratis lands of the Sas-
who make a, spenclid success. Some are katchewaneend Peace River valleys a& as
too stingeiee of temperament, ancl they gee rich as those of Kentucky, with a crop of
bargains where there are none. A common °ate thrown in. All thia Mr. Armstrong
minnow is to them a gold fish, and a quail ..old the schoolhouse audiences, giving
a flamingo, and a blind mule on a tow -path geographical reason why Canada was thus
a nueeplialus, They buy when things are fawned. The isothermal hum followed
highest and sell when things are lowest, these fertile prairie belts. Wild pea's and
Some oho tells them of city lets out west, votehesliourished, and the little spring
where the foundation of the first house has crocus bloomed on. the fifteeeth day of
not yet been bed, They thy, "What an April, the same day as it first appeared in
oppoetimity I" and they put down hard Minnesota cue Northern Iowa. Therefore
cosh for an ornamented deed for tee Iola we had the rioltest natural meoelome in the
tinier water. They hear of a, new silver world; and hay and pasture lande were
mine opened hi Nevada, and they say, what the farmers of the future wanted. The
" Whaies. elismee 1" and they take the little beet wheat lig& Of Minnie Were being con.
money they have in thcisavinga bank and pay vetted into pastures and meadows. The
it out for as beautiful a certificate of min, fall in the price of wheat had :lone it. The
frig stock as ever was printed, and the femora of the Middle and 'Western states
only thing they will ever get °Oaf the would go to Canada to reiee Wool, 'mutton,
investment is the aforesaid illuminated beef, pock and poultry, and to make butter
and Choose. Pot mixed. fttrining it was the
lend of promiee.
oodor evemendoed, for which lithograph. They are always on the verge
of milliotiaiteclem, and ere Sometimes
Ond"P• lterattl°040,,neabyteixiti6,614,0440turatil: worried as to whom they shall bequeath
their excess of fortune. They invest in
:41010c or p5intinTr
aerial machines, or new inventions in per-
atu!.+1000-atitri • -0-44-.114-... - t 1,41,1:Eak,initiotittriloottn, tuutpcoenedibilue, thialet
' •
fbitec.e, ilreyido oeivthlmis
.11einaettLthe direle
Curious Tads from the (iatender.
New Yemen day of 1893 fell upon Sunday
Jeneary 1 will happen on Sunday bat once
more deting.the'count I that will be in
1)9. In en
the next ct try it will occur t II
. ...,....t ., 4.,:tv.....,4e4 , AMA._
ough. Electric) lights were introduced,and
faith in the coming Saviour. Hence in
Heb. 11. 4 his offering is said to have been excavations were made under the direction
made "by faith." (2) God's claim on limn of notedarchteologiste. It was then that
is highest and first. Had respect. In a mummy, mor,e beautiful than any now in
some way, but how we know not, God testi- the possession of -the great museums and
fled his approval of the one offering, and collections, waif discovered. It lay in a
his disapproval of the other, perhaps it grave, which had once been filled by a
was by fire from heaven, as its several in- wooden sarcophagus, and its outlines had
stances of Scripture history. Here we see, bveen perfectly preserved by „ a coating of
in one family, broughtup with
training, two sons, onerighteous the other
the same ''InTehis led to the belief that the corpse wee
wicked. (3) Each individual Chooses for that of a woman who died during the time
himself his own character, of the black plague, for it was customary
5. Unto Cain , . . he had not res with the people of the period to cover the
pect, There was a difference not only in bodies of all victims of the terrible disease
the efferings, but in the character of th who in life belonged to the nobility with.
worshipers,' and God saw in Cain's heart the oxide of calcium.
lack of sincerity. Wroth. Instead of be- Only the forepart of the head and breast"
ing humbled before God in penitence, he of the mummy could be removed in their
showed resentment against bie brother, entirety, the rest broke into many 'Ames
"The fine sinner had. the first sulky and has not yet been restored. The Stuns.
brow."---Rambach. (4) Those who ought burg sculptor, Prof, Stienni, from a model
to hate themselves, for their sins -often reconstructed.the bast of the corpse as found
hate others for their goodness. show -lug the texture of the death robes and f
6, 7, The Lord said unto Orin. God deals
with Cain in mercy, and does not surrender
him at once to sin. Shalt thou not be ac-
cepted ? Literally, "there shall be a lift-
ing up "-that is, of the countenance -in
the consciousness of acceptance before God.
Sin lieth et the door. "Croueleeth." Sin is
repdesented sea wild beast watching for his
prey (1 Peter 6. 8). (5) Would that men
might remember the invisible foes that lurk
for them ! Unto thee . . his deeire. A
sentence which had been spoken befere,
though in a different application (ehay...3.
16), and probably was here given as a sort
of proverb. Of, its various nterpretations,
the best seems to be, "Just like a „wild
beast, sin weeds for its prey; its desire is
,for thee ; .yet if thou wilt thou mayest keep
it in subsection." (6) Evary man is the
master of temptation who resists it boldly.
3. Cain talked. This may refer either
to A quarrelsoine, apeaceeble'or a treacher-
ous manner of speech; the latter, to ll
any possible suspicion in Abel's mind. In
the field. In a solitary place. Slew hint.
The root of his crime was hate of his broth-
er, because he was better than himself.
9. The Lord said. (7) Ea who has stilted
his brother's voice 'finds that he cannot etill
the lips of his brother's God. 'Ve here is
Abel thy brother? God's purpose was to
lead Cain to penitence alai voluntary con-
fession of his crime. Am I my brother's
keeper? Instead of repentance Cain shows
a hardened heart, remorseless of crime,
selfish in feeling, and scornful of God, (8)
So swift do the steps of sin tend, downward
in "the way of Cain" (Jude 11). (0) The
spirit of Cain te seen wherever man forgets
his brotherhood to his fellowman, and his
measure of responsibility for him,
10 The voice of thy brother's blood.
As if every drop of Abele; blood had his
own tongue to demand vengeance upon his
murderer, (10) Thus every wrong to man
ia seen by God's eye, and speaks to God's
ear. (11) No subsequent morelity can
!silence the cry of one act of sit. Ouly
Chris* blood, whieli speaks mercy, atone.
ment;pardon. 12. 24), can hush ite
thunder tones.
11, id. °deed free.' the meth. Perhaps
meaning, "Thou art cursed away from the
land of lemma habitation." Opened her
moittle Thenaeth, which drinks in what*
ever is poured ispon it. When thee I Meet
As a special math c f divine wrath, his toil
in his vocation ehoeld afford hint but little
recompense. A fugitive And a vagabond.
Compelled to live afar from the rest of
Adam's descendants, who, by this time,
may have numbered Ueveral thouseatris.
(12) Notioe ins Scripture history the special
penalty, IINUI for the first crime of a
rct e(43r... Citrin,
the position of the left arm, which was
pressed against the breast.
The face is that of mm. woman of about
thirty .five years, beautiful and noble in out-
line. The hair was coiled on the baok of
the head. The corpse was originally cloth.
ed, according to the revelations of the
quicklime, in a long linen shirt, of
wonderfully fine texture, a knitted jac-
ket,- and over this linen petticoats.
Around her shoulders had been a mantle
draped in heavy folds. Those who saw the
body when it was firstbrought to light Said
it looked like an image from another world.
The body is thought to be that of Princess
Hildegard, daughter of Duchess Adallieid oi
Schwaben, the.greatgrandrnother of Kaiser
Barbaroesa, of whom the legend reports
that he is asleep in the 4y£Erilieser Moun-
tain. Hildegard died at Sehlettstedt at the
beginning of the twelth century; after
having nursed, her mother through the
The Cyplireites Does Down Atter rilttiniii
the 011 Tank Steamer La h'iandre.
A St. John's Nada special says :e -About
noon to -day a large steamer entered thie
harbor with a gaping cavity in her port
quarter, and every appearance of collision.
She proved to be La Flamer°'a Dutch oil
tank steamer, bound from Antwerp for New
York, in ballast, and seventeen days out.
Yesterday morning about 7 o'clook on
the east edge of the (emend Banks, some 200
miles off, she come into collision with the
steamship Cyphrenes, for Liverpool from
Savannah, laden with cotton. 'Very few
facts can be got from the crew. The COliie-
ion Seorriq to be the result of negligent
keeping of watches.
It was just at daybreak and somewhat
hazy. The Cyphrenes had been stopped
three hours durum the night, owing to fog.
The two ehipe met, the Cyphrenes crashing
into La Vlandre's side, toleseoping her own
bow as far as the anchor winch, The for-
ward bulk of the Cyphrones Was stetted,
and on the pimps being merited ten feet of
water was found in ties hold. An Mello°.
teal attempt was made to toyer the aper-
ture with oanvas. Then the bate were
lowered, and her mew, twenty-seven souls,
pulled aboard La Vlandre, which was lying
to in me she might be needed,
On boarding the two Captains consulted,
and e volute -her crew was eolieited, They
returned to the Cyphrenes and made a
more complete overhaul of the ship, bat
Lotted th engine room bulkhead burst open
nd the ship „,settibig down. They were
died toloeve uickly. Her poise mei-
led, an to crept her e zing
nir dew ' eee 'dee
1 ZiErz0=.......
iamon W. A. SINIeIELD.
weesteesememenee seems, egaeseeenee
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Thomas ainohin says: "I -was reduced to
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ousness, weakness, specks .before the eyes,
diray, poor memory, palriitatien of the
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A friend recommended Drs. Kentedy
Keegan. I began their Neer Method Tree
moat and in a few -weeks was a new man
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not Say too much for those scientific doc-
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e I e
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