HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-18, Page 16....................y I i i i i ELMHA'VEN' t MOTOR HOTEL Now Playing "NORTH" THURSDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS - 50c COVER ' CHARGE Coming The µa* Next' Old , Sailor Show i i i i • i Ra PAOB' 4441.,- QT ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRI IC carman photograp. . • PASSPORTS !'i24-Tl�+1 ( �. '... "95 Toronto St. loris WEDDI.w•. N S �+ . *Mail family *P'ORTR,AITS- chlldr aLM►rhl a•CO M'M E RCI A L.. inslustrlal Colour — P O' S-!' C RDS"' breChurea d1 —*.:FRAMING— Needlework PHOTODRAWiNG ENLARGEMENTS 4► Festival 74 MAY 2, 3; 4 A"CURTSY TO YOUR FANCIES & DREAMS ABOW TO YOUR GALLANT EXPECTATIONS We Invite you to shrfre our musical treasures of song, dance & remembering OPENING NIGHT MAY 2 TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM LIONS CLUB MEMBERS Admission-. ADULTS $2.50 CHILDREN 12 & UNDER - $1 KIN'CARDi.NE'S .LEISURE CLUB: is NOW OPEN Cor"ne `in and have relaxing MASSAGE. by one of our, attractive attendants. RELAX IN THE VICTORIAN LOUNGE FREE REFRESHMENTS 935 QUEEN ST., KINCARDINE 396-3124 OPEN 12 NOON TIL 1 A.M. DON'T MISS G . . .1.'s Annual AT-HOME DANCE Friday, April. 26. MUSiC BY The Downs. Group Five DANCING 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION 57, PER COUPLE $, 1.974° PONT ALBELT 'The April meeting of Christ Church Ladies `Guild, Port Albert, was held at the home of Mrs. Agues foste'r. The scriptatre, St. Luke, Chapter 24, Verses 36-4$ was read by Mrs. Yvonne Dougherty,., and the mediation was given by Mrs. Barb Hayden: Mrs. Elmer Black of- fered prayer. The roll call was',answered with an Easter verse by eight ,members and four visitors, Correspondence was read and business was conducted, which included a letter from the group's foster child in India, and' an invitation from Lucknow A.C.W to, attend their Thankoffering Meeting on April 16r Business included sending their foster atria) a $10 gift cer- tificate, and Mrs. Clara Draper getting the Easter flower'srr fors; the altar. The ladies also decided to change'the meeting day from the second ,,Tuesday ° in each - month to -the ,first Wednesday.. Complimentary material packages from Simpsons and Eatons were opened; this material is to ,be made up into articles for our annual' bazaar. A reading was given by Cora Cook: A contest conducted by Mrs. Elora Black was Won by Mrs: Irene Hayden.' Mrs. Black introduced Mrs. Garwood Russell from Goderich, who spoke for a few minutes of the advantages of belonging., to the' Anglican -Chit t`'t" Woten_ "A r� �u nan i r�io-ti s decision ,was made to change. the . group name to Christ Church A.C.W. - Remarks were given by, the.. ladies attending the Crusade luncheon held in Goderich recently. The discussion "Christian• Initjatiora" which deals with Baptism and Confirmation being put into one service, raised, a lot of criticism. BANKING PACKAGES New service package schemes being, 'promoted' by. several hanks are not necessarily a • bargain for every consumer,• reports Consumers',' Association 44, Canada. Only the consumer wha,,wri•tes numerous cheques and makes frequent use of the whole panoply of tanking ser vices—monev orders, 'travellers' cheques.,,.safety deposit boxes loans—is likely •;'to profit by ioining'one of.these plans. Fier the average con- sumer the' old banking deal is still the hest. CAC National Of- fice is located at '251 Laurier Ave. West; Roorrt 801 , Ottawa. a • tudent summer enterprises aided by interest-free loans • (Intended for last week) Enterprising students who would like the opportunity to work, for themselves this sum- mer may gets their chance, thanks to, "Venture Capital," part Of the Ontario 'Govern- ment's "Experience '74 sgm- mer employment program. Students 'who qualify will receive financial assistance in setting up their own small businesses for the summer months. It comes in the forrn'of interest-free loans, up to $1,000 per venture. "Venture Capital" is ad- ministered by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities with the assistance of the Ontario Chambers of Commerce and the Royal 'Bank of Canada. . •-• Interested stir -dents select a venture and -'prepare an analysis of its business potenK,a. tial with ,the help of members of the local Chamber of Com- merce.. These analyses are for- warded to' a provincial panel for approval Suc•�, sfuE app-Itca.nts then receive interest-free loanto cover .tta;tartinj cos.ts•of their operation. The loans are free of interest for the d"oration of, the project. All monies made by the students, after expenses are paid„ remain their own. • Projects that might qualify for "V'entu're -Capital" assistance are limited only by the imagination of the students and current market conditions in the locality. Preference_will be...g en.'t.u. th.ose,proj.ec.ts t.hat_, do not compete directly with 'businesses already established in a'•given community. Exam - U pies range from, cutting firewood to taking `baby rit•. tures and might include tand- seaping, house painting, pet care or even vegetable farming. The main- thrust ,of "Venture Capital" is to give community college and university students a chance to gain valuable business experiene and, hopefully, to earn money at the same time. '''The amount of remuneration gained will hinge directly on the amou'ht of plan- ning and effort students put '. into their businessses.— To ensure that -venture~ are operated ih .a business -like fashion, students will utilize a standard record system and •prepare periodic progress ,reports. In addition, ;a local group of businessmen will make themselves available to students as consultants. "Venture Capital" is only ,one of many pro•1ects that together make up,, the Ontario Go`vernment's "Experience '74" summer employment program. Designed to provide over 7,000 experience -oriented summer , jobs to Ontario students, "Experience '74"...ts co=ordinated by, th Ontario Youth Secretariat with in: dividual projects administered, by the various Ministries of the Excavating -Dashwood 236-4230 TRUCKING - BACKHOE - b DQZER SERVICE .. "REASONABLE ;RATES" FOR MORE INFORMATION GOCALL RICH -NICK DOWHANIUK 524:6240 DE Ontario Government. Students wishing more infor- mation or application forms for - "Venture Capital" should write to Venture Capital Pro ram, Personnel Branch,''- Miitry Colleges and .-LJniversities, 9th Floor, Mowat Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. FESTIVAL '74 IS COMING a ar')'f 1P1 - insurance guarantees your production - so you can cover your costs Application deadline is May 1st GEORGE TURTON �' 4_19 HURON ROAD (HIGHWAY 8r GODERICH 0, 524-7411 , , q Residential Lighting Display Electric Heq1Jng "INDUSTRIAL — COMMERCIAL" RESIDENTIAL WIRING CUSTOM TRENCHING GRAHAM ELECTRIC 62 CAMBRIA RD. N GODERICH ' ' 524-8670 one and save. two and save even If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which Wa y to turn, call the Om, SUPER DRY ANTI-PERSPIRANT & DEODORANT _,Super DrY ^Z. BALSAM. CONDITIONING SHAMPOO. WITH PROTEIN 12 FL..OZ. 2/$1.70 ADULT MULTIPLE VITAMINS PLUS IRON 100's 21$4.76 HOT LEMON FOR GOLDS p1.M.4+Aul:lWo. LT(1 hostess at.482-9623 You'll be glad you did. 2/$1.97 rei,EXCL USI VE OFFER #_vt4 POLAROID' COLOUR v....ye-PORTRAIT CAMERA -Awls& � R VITAMIN C�_ (ASCORBIC' ACID) TABLETS 100 MGM. 100% 2/ 85 -- ALL DAY/ ALL NIGHT DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULE'S 10's .2/$1.60 eP.Iacesithe;odgriaI 16 SALE - 4 REXPRIN' •PAIN RELIEVER 5 gr. TABLETS.. 100's vsi .13 Yotdcan depend on any product' • that bears the name save APr.18 t�2Tht ng t all MULTf.VITAMIN$WITH MLNERALS 9 WHILE STOCK }LASTSEck LIMITED SUPPLY PHARMACY Larry Rieck, PHM.t3. Archie Barber, PHM.B. 04 SQUARE ,Q GODERICH GI Rexall makes a penny do mote for you. RiECKPHARMA.y LTD. 1 4 SQUARE, GODERICH .o 1-1(eviljj Larry Rieck;HM.B. Archie Furber, PIHICB.