The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-18, Page 15When WeWert Young
These students•are.killing two birds with one stone. They are
discussing problems of the day while preparin.g the stuffing for,
a 15 foot jack-in-the-box. TTie"girls are helping out with the
decorations for this years spring prqm at GDOI; .The theme of
the prom is 'phen We Were Young" (staff photo)
Ontario Hydro looks
$ntario Hydro has served a,
notice of application' for ap-
proval to expropriate land from
seven properties in Bruce and
Huron counties.
The properties are on the
proposed route of a power
corridor from Bradley Junc-
tion, 16'rniles east of the Bruce
• ntclear,power develcipmeut, toa
Wing,ham. ,The amount of land
required, varies from 126 to 490
A hearing into the right of
Hydro, to' expropriate property
along,,,.' route was held in
W in-gham Feb. 26-27. Inquiry
officer Mac Craig, an OW -en
Sound lawyer, has 'not vet
made hitt recommendations on
the route to the ministry of the
Mr. Craig's secretary in
Convent new
home for GL T
Goderich Little Theatre held
the first meeting of its new
executive April 10 at the Con-
The Convent will likely be
the new home of GoderichLittle
Theatre. At -piing The points
decided at •the meeting were to
• print a nionthly,pees letter, and
invite a critic to write up each
The thirdplay for the 1973-
` .1974 season will be "Oh Mania,
No -Papa" directed by Kathy
Jenkins and produced May 23,
2.4, and 25, at McKay' Hall.
ad _
Oven Sound said Monday the
lawyer was on vacation until
this week.' She :said he -would
complete his report when he
The 490 -foot -wide right-of-
way is required on five proper-
ties in Greenock and Culross
townships in Bruce County,
and in Turnberry Township in
Huron County. -
Gordon .Lashchinger, of
Hvdro's pro.perty .divis,io.n in
Toronto, said the commission
already has purchased,
agreements on two Of the
properties, but is, prepared to
expropriate the other three.'
The two other 'properties
volved are - in Morris and
McKillop townships in Huron
County, Mr. Lashchinger said
a 120 -foot -wide right-of-way
wa,r, required through each and
two • hydro towers would be
built", 'He said Hydro plans call
for this portion of4he line to be
operative bv,•June, '1975,
The notice of applicat.iork for
approval to expropriate was
advertised April 3 in local
newspapers. If landownet!s ob-
ject, they must notify the
ministry of the environment
•and .-Ontario Hydro. within 30
days., r•Th•en an Ontario
.Municipal Board hearing will
be- held:
'Application to, expropriate
could be nullified if Mr. Craig's
.report to the ministry recom:.
mends 'an alternative 'route or
if he is unsatisfied'that Hydro
has' proven the need for the
Marin of the 'area residents
who tti,fied at the hearing
suggested alternate routes to
Hydro. At the end 'of the two-
day hearing, Hydro . officials
said they would consider
another route,only if forte to
by the government.
soe or Phone -
• 46 WEST ST. t 524.9442. -
Carousel and all
While the,girls are upstairs making stuffing the boys are cut-
ting out a horse, The horse is going on°a carousel that will be
in the middle of the dance floor at the •sp'ring'prom at GDCI'.
The .carousel is going to span 55 feet and wit rotate just' like
the real thing. (staff photo)
Taxes are complicated. Why
brRA vp 9 stormy Take your
return to H & "R BLOCK.
Th-ey've developed the magic
formula• Fust service,.double
checked fo,r accuracy by
trained tax preparers You'll'
•:agree -it's just 'what., the
"doctor" ordered.
promotes education
(Intended for last week) cruised to the point where:it is
Since man invented the our main thrust". Fre said,
wheel,• he .has rolled over then With information and
world in; and . on• -„a variety of knowled•ge 'about- roads racing
vehicles, Hew has trave,sed ahead faster than a kid with a
terrain 90 rix carts arid newsports car on ti%
automobiles. Although some of edu�', ation is a priority. The
these • transportation_ modes association recognizes this,
were rugged enouf to . • Mr.” Britnell emphasized
challenge even the most forbid- OGRA's initiation of ,a three -
ding, geography, most needed ' year diploma course in
roads, good roads, municipal roads and tiervices as
•The Romans realized, this; an option of the civil •
.'when they built the Apian wav technology program at
almost 2,000 years ado• Concer- Georgian College, Barrie. .The
ned people in Ontario.realized Association holds . three-day
this wheb they formed the 'On- courses each *ear „,at the
tario G iod Roads Association University of Guelph for
in 1874. municipal road supervisors. It
F OG^R.A's main purpose 'is to sponsors seminars for puhlic•ly
promote legislation which 'will employed engineers to upgrade
best serve transportation needs their educations" •
sof the province's people" No The course at Georgian
longer doers the association con-
sider only roads, but railroads,
airports, cornniunication links
as well. It also studies* effects
transportation • and com-
munication have. on the en-
This • 'has' prompted, a new
-direction- for the OGRA,' .Jim
Britnell said during a recent in-
terview. He is chairman of the'
association and Httron County
I can see • the educational
aspects of the association in -
.college began in 1971- Its aim
was to produce qualified per-
sons with practical training for
positions- with newly formed
regional governments.
The graduates would he able
to fill posts, after • a few years
experience, created by regional
government. Some men who
were quite competent as town-
. shill'. road.. supervisors would
not he able to cope with respon-
sibilities amalgamation would
lrirng, Mr. Britnell 'explained.
The graduates -would be able
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to deal with people and their of students, lectures are about
pr0hlems. . practical topics theThen can use
The course is:suc•cessful. The on the, job.,
first class graduated, this wear, Almost as 'important as the
"They were all placed before classes themselves, the course.
you could blink", he said with bring together about 400 men .
"satisfaction. • • pe.r year who can have infcirmal
To make the - course more -hu"ll sessions • when formal
successful the ORGA board of lessons end. They learn from.
directors a'ppr'oved; this year, each other
three scholarships. for students In Huron County about .10
with the highest marks, •In first men have graduated froth the
year the award is $100, second courses:- -Al-though' he did not
Year, $200; and "third year, have 'any exact figures; Mr.
$300, The association will also;-, Britnell estimated almost 1,500
'award bursaries of up 'to $900 met+ havb rcce ved certificates.
per year to ,financially needy • The cc3'urse has granted .cer-
students. tificates since 1967. It started
For men already on the job in 1'959 on a slightly, smaller
as road supervisors, OGRA scale when -fewer men enrolled.
sponsors three- ay courses at, Now, 400 openings every year
Guelph every year ato help are rapidly • filled on a first
people become better at their f•c►me first served basis, Mr.
7johs, ,Britnell said. ,
"Unfortunately the course "There -is remarkable att.en-
has no standing in the trade", dance and' great' enthusiasm",
•Mr. Britnell said. . • he added.
"We're trying to pt`bve that , To assure .municipalities that
someone who completes this they are getting vali..i•e for their
course is', a -wiser•, man",
he money ,in sending a matt to the
rnaintairied. road school, •the OGRA sends
The course tackles a wide . marks'back 'to clerk treasurers,
range" -of suhj-ects- lncl-uding •reeves -and the men_ themselves.
machinery selection and The OGRA. does, not ignore.
housing, ' preventa-tine main- professional civic and ef>unty
tenance, dust control, 'engineers. It conducts seminars
pavement maintenance, winter every' year to. help them
control, accounting and road- 'upgrade their understanding of
side planting. new developments.
A man • must attend the - "A '-basic course, in new
course, called the T.3. Mahone trends, •', as—
Mr. Brittrell
Road' 'School,• for two con- describes, the' seminars. '
secutive wears - .to receive a , New trends in fields such as
graduation certificate., He must traffic engineering are presen-
also pass exams. • While most ted at the three or . four-dav
students'pass their exams there seminars ,held in quief resort -
are some failures. type areas . There the men can
After attending this course, concentrate on . their work.
these. road's scholars may at- Professionals ,and ✓,specialists
tend the • C.S. Anderson Road 'are called in to lecture them,
School, an advanced course in- -The association is looking
cluding surveying, equipment toward the future when good
maintenance, management, men will he needed to supervise
soils and human relations. "better roads; Within a few
Cost is only $70 1 `e'r—than,-- "-years, the OGRA hopes' to
complete with room and hoard, prompt" a university post -
hooks and lecture papers. Mr. graduate course in roads
•I3ritnell said that such courses • engineering. °
provided by ,ivate sectors Mr, . Britnell said that mi
would cost about $300. such' course exists inCanada
'Why so cheap? All lecturers now. Students have to travel to
are volunteers. Most are c'tntnty the United States.
engineers, although private in "We're constantly thinking
dustry provides. some men as to improve the knowledge of
lecturers.transportation", he said.
'i'here are problems with the ' Noting° that Ontario is looked
c parses though as lecturers upon as "a frontrunner in tran-
have to teach men aged 21 to 'sportatinn", Mr. Britnell said
61, with educations varying he was pleased that OGRA had
from Grade 6 to university' done its small part' in building
To overcome the wide range this reputation.
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