HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-11, Page 19Marney Patterson doesn't care who you are. . A n Invitation to Live was ex- tended to the. residents of Goderich last week and large numbers of people responded. The Reverend Matney, Patter- son and his"team of evangelists were here conducting a Crusade directed at people who • felt a need to return to 'God. The team arrived in Goderich !forth 29 to kick off a . week-long' series of sermons, luncheons and speaking engagements. The members come together from across the =country to ,participate in the crusades of which there are about seven a year. The main concern—of the. crusade is not to °conve'rt people to any particular church but to win men and women for Jesus t tirist, The •inter- denon inational theme is "designed to seek people who do not know -God and to -Challenge those who are indifferent to religion and God. Mr, Patterson ' always em- barks on a crusade with 'the hopes that attendance will be good and that .the largest possible number of people can be reached. He said he found the THE KiNG ,. NOBODY WANTED ` Many men stood at the foot of the cross where ,hung the body of a Galilean carpenter above whose 'head was nailed a placard, `King of,he •Jews'... "King of the Jews? Indeed not!" they -scoffed. They believed that God, the Master and Maker of their history, would send -a Messiah inclouds of glory .who would restore national sovereignty un-, der a Davidic king. But this Man, ..hanging, above them now, had not come in a cataclysmic opening of the heavens. His followers had fled and left him tb die alone. And further, had he not been a friend of sinners and a breaker of 'the words of the ,law? Had he not also ,mocked their ancient hope, of a Messiah .bv allowing himself to be called"the Christ'? Him the Messiah? 'Im- possible! At least the meaning of the words, 'King of the -Jews' was unquestionably clear and -challenging to' those standing on the slopes cif that windswept hill. By comparison, the issues of Easter are often foreign to contemporary man.• The words over the head of, the Man on. the cross may bring no cries of denunciation but:• neither *do they bring-accoladels of affir- mation. Man's reaction, for the most part, is one of indifference, and unconcern. In spite of their short sightedness, the people who witnessed the :crucifixion Of Jesus were closer to 'a genuine affirmation of faith than many modern men. At least, they believed, with no doubts,"that God was active in the' history of their nation.' - Modern society, with its: scientific view of reality, leaves little room for the view of a God who acts in history. In the past we may have given lip ser- vice to God but we believed we could• carve out our own 'salvation with the help of education, and improve society through ,progressively better government. We believed the evils of life could be cured by reforming human institutions and bettering environmental conditions.' • - • We believed, further, that with technological development man rose to greater heights and would ultimately become perfect. G o„ - GOD4RICH SIGNAL•STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL ,11, 11974-41,04 11A. -r. invites people to live response in Goderich• very that he'is not a •religious man belief in God without really similar to that of the whole because he. does not attend being aware of it, Mr. Patterson region, of Southern Ontario. chur'ch'ir`'church functions: thinks: He could -go for a long There was no lack of numbers Whatever . the reason a man period of time thinking that he ,although' the manner in which malt'have for attending is not, is successful in life, and subcon-, those in attendance reacted to the concern of Mr.- Patterson sciously attributing it to God his ,message, was different tilan_but the thoughts and ideas that and hitt relationship with Him. that of the people in the larger- same man may have when hg But the man can get 'caught population centres in the area. " leaves the sermon is the most up in ,society and become.. -in - This difference Mr. Patterson ', important facet of the whole volved with things he knows attributes to the two lifestyles. operation. Y are wrong. He may rationalize The. pace of life' in the smaller , 'The crusade mernbers and and say it comes with the job or town's and rural areas is vastly the Goderich Ministerial that everyone else is 'doing it. differe.n.t to that of cities and '' Assoc•i'ation are both very Mr. Patterson feels that God ' this is evident in a person's at- hopeful that their efforts in has subtle ways of pulling a titude, thinking 'and opinions. Goderich will have a lasting of mar*Aup short. • ..it' could be To., the members of the fact. • During each' sermon, illness, poor business or crusade team it is immaterial •cards are passed out to the alcoholism,_ that make. him why a person attends a seripon. audience that people can use to aware. The. man may seek The fact that they come is im- indicate how they 'wish to professional' help through his portant. reassert themselves in the pastor or .priest, unaware that Mr. Patterson indicated that church. The card allows a per- the clergyman can usually wherever he preaches people ' ' scan choices as to which route relate the problems to the attend for their own personal - he cares to take in his in - man s• spiritual life. rea.Gons.That should 'pot be volveme.nt. The Bards are given There are all kinds- of judged by anyone. A man or • Co Kr. Patterson and he init ffm -positive factors• that .could, be` woman riiay attend because he forwards them to the mi'n'ister or sti;e feels there is something or priest of the .home church. lacking in life. They may at-- From this point on the •tribute' the emptiness to follow-up -� rog"ra'm is the 'straying from God. responsibility of this man. Another may come because he There are funds budgeted for is curious, another because it is ' Bible study clasfies and anyone, the going thing, and he does not wishing to get involved with want his neighbours .to think their church can participate in - them. • recongnize the shortcomings in his spiritual life you have to get him to think clearly about his own life, Mr. Patterson believes. To allow clear - "thinking, a man has to be -in control of his emotions. To be in' control of one's,:. ?t otions requires a low-key state of mind. This' state of mind is ob- viously ,nor in evidence in' a crowd that is baring itself' spiritually in°public. People are'by nature aware of their activities in public. The average human being is .cooter--ned with what other - people will think when thev-are doing something in public. It is by far easier ifor Mr. Patterson to accept a,role reversal and car -v the emotion for these people. If there is singing and a .general feeling of warmth, love -` an -happiness in e au ience then it is a fair assumption that the people are going to be receptive to the word of' God. The most --Popular theory for a non practicing Christian' is W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524=8132 DAY OR NIGHT O MA , W Agent for 244x. FILM DEVELpi'ING 4# i HoYever; regardless of the immensity of our scientific gains and technology advan- cement we need only read the morning paper with its stories of revolts, demonstrations, prejudices, greediness'and mur- derous crimes to real.ize,'that humanism has failed. The greatest commandment Jesus gave was 'to love one another as I have loved you'. Yet, two 'thousand years later the . desperate cry for love is; heard from every corner of the humans sphere„,• Love is needed in our foreign policies, our political arenas, in the wheeling and dealing of the business world, in working out the probletns of the Indian, the poor, the mentally sick. Yes, it's even needed in -some of our churches. „ Surely it's evident we need a greater power than our own' to work out the woes. of our world and society. This power; yet un- tapped, bis love and the focal point of this power is .Jesus Christ. The men who stood by on the hill of ° Golgotha failed to recognize the new ethic of love. that redeems nian to God°and., .establishes friendships between men. They were -also denied the vision ofthe empty tomb and the glory of the resurret:tion. ' Many still fail to recognize the great truth. On)v as the events of Easter "call us to seek God who acts in history,,and only as we realize He shows his divine love for us in the giving. of His son, to, bring us strength, hope and joy through the resurrection can we look at the Man -on the cross and say,; "This is indeed King of the -Jews and of 'nkind.” the All The Goderich crusade has not. been, drastically different from any previous one Mr. Pat- . audience such as in the movie terson has; been on,, except for "Elmer Gantry".. the unusual response from the • This isnot the case in most area-sohoots --There• were far; •public services:.- Mr -Patterson - More than -the average amount "knows that when 'a man. of `.Operl Door . type of publ'icry responds to the sermon engagements at 'the County and ' it is a very big step for. that 'in Town .schools.. • The team. was dividual. • 'He clues not 'expect in Blyth and •Goderich speaking the people iti • his audience 'to to students at all' levels which react in this fashion. He feels has not.. happeried• to such. a . that if he -explains to the people great` extent 'in previous exi•ur-*„.•what 'his, purpose is and,attern- s.ions, pts to help them get rid of their • • used to remedy the man's problems but without. the help of God it is impossible. The phrase most iii'ten used by Mr. Patterson to describes* this situation is "God has allot of ways to knock people' down to make them look u -p". When most people think of an evangelist they think of the wailing. and amens. coming from an over -emotional • Music„ playsanimportant role psychological hang-ups, then he in the delivery of any of the ser- can get his massage across with mons given by Mr.' Patterson.•, greater. meaning. He feed:; that music carries a To allowa certain integral part of; his message. The message of his sermons is one of love and since . the music has' an- emotional n`"emotional - effect it blends in •'with the whole approa-ch to dovetail into a cornrnon'result. A person's relationship. with God "iti a highly personal thing but a man could Stray from his. CAR peop1?pehepug person is to. E,xtavating-Dashwood 236-4230. TRUCKNG - BACKHOE - & DO,ZER SERVICE "REASONABLE RATES" FOR MORE INFORMATION %T.-EFucH NICK DOWHANIUK 5 24�, 6240 i DID YOU KNOW If you are convicted with impaired driving, your Automobile Insurance Company will surcharge- your premium by 100%0. Auto Fire _ Life W. JHu hes Insurance Agency 38 EAST ST GOERICH Don MacEwan 524-8100 524-9131 SUNDAY:.APRIL 14 COME EARLY TO 4,r A GOOD SEAT REV. RON CURL Will speak at 2 p.m. at Westfietjd one who disobeys the obvious :doctrine and does not attend church, Mr. Patterson feels." These two requisites are not the only ones that have to be 'considered •-when you are' referring to people who lack direction to God. Mr. Patterson feels that a large number of people lack love in their lives. Not only a love of God but a love of their brothers. A mall can live for quite a long period of -time taking the good things in his: life for 'granted. There may come •a,point in his life when he realizes this and wants to take steps to rel redy the situation.' There is no .one solution .for the, many problems that face man in 'this society today Mr. Patterson feels that if he only helps a handfulwith his crusade then it is successful.- --4oe sn-'-t of w n tube -a -le— to solve people's .individual problems. But he'does hope to be a-ble to .help theme discover some answers for themselves. That's firs Invitation to Live. 1 1 An Invitation is extended to the'people ofloderich and .District for Sunday, April. 21st. at Bpm. when the Rt: Rev.VIII Flagg, Bishop of Huron will .re -dedicate St. George's Anglican'Church which has been re -decorated recently. 4 - A coffee and fellowship hour will be held in the Parish Hall af- ter the service.. Rector ---Canon G. Q. Ru*sell,• .Church Wardens ---E. A, Eliot Petery Sturdy flJc.Arihzr . 8 RA .cekt GODERICH & OWEN SOUND Floor Coverings - Paints'- Wallpapers Draperitttvklith Century Furniture Refinisher IN GODtRICH PHONE 524-8532: MANAGER - CLAYTON .MI4EN SUNDAY SERVICES. '. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 0COMPANY INSURANCE,�L4Established 1876 u,�, HEAD OFFICE: Seaford), Ontario Mrs. Margaret sharp; Sec. isreas; Phone 527-0400 t: I.t. Only Costs A Little To Be Safe Fire, Extended° Coverage, Wind- storm,' Theft, Property Damage, Liability, Etc. Directors' and Adjusters: A11 Wm, Alexander, Seaforth phone 527-0831 Robt.`'Archibald•, R.R. 4, Seaforth 527-1817 - Ken Carnochan, R.R.4, Seaforth 527-1545 'Ross-Leonharsit, R.R.1, Bornholm 345-2234 John McEwing, R.R.1, Blyth 523-9390- Stanley MoIlwain,- R.R.2,• Goderich 524-705J John Moylan, 'R.R,2, Dublin 345-2639 ., wrn. pepper, Brucefield 482-7534 �' J. N. "Trewart+ha, Box 6131,' C linton 482-7593 Agents: - JameS Keys, _.R.R.1,-Seforth K. J.. Etue; Seaforth.. Wm. Leiper, Londesboro .' •Steve .1. Murray, 1-0-t. 5,.Seaforth. 2 The family that prays .together....Stays together LUTHERAN SERVICES Robertson Memorial 'S:chool (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODERICH), SUNDAY SCHOOL -..9t30 A.M. • WORSHIP SERVICE 7 11 A.M. Pastor: Bruce Bjorkquist 333 Eldon. Street, 524-6081 Therefore wcr•i:nn'elucic 111(11 11 rutin iti justrjir.ct hy'(urth without the th.recls ttl the lcrw;' 3:28 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and *Quebec) - MONTREAL STREET hear The Square REV. W.H. McWHINNIE . "It is EASTER MORN" Organist: Mr.. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.ni. Morning, Worship "What does the Risen CHRIST mean to you" COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ALL ARE WELCOME • The free Methodist Church Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls 10:00 aim. Be part of a growing Sunday School 11 a.m. He is Risen Anyone reeding bus transportation_- phone _ 524-9903 Everyone Welcomer CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET . EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R.'8RUBACHER, Pastor 10:00 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL""" For fee bias transportation please call 524,-9497 11:00 A.M. EASTER SERVICE SPECIAL MUSIC 6:30 WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7;30 P.M. SEE THE FILM "THIEF IN THE NIGHT" �. FRIDAY APRIL'12th 8 P'.M, - "GOOD FRIDA SERVICE" Welcome to the Friendly Church Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV, G. LOCKHART ROYALS B.A. Minister THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant • WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 14;1974 <., 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 aril: Divine Worship Sermon: "ONE EASTER TOO MANY" (Nursery & Junior Congregation) HOLY COMMUNION 7:00 p.m. Communion in the Chapel . Good Friday, April 12 11:00 a.nt.— Service of Worship Enter to Worship Depart to Serve P THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOOsST. S SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP — 11:00 .A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE —.7:00 `P.M.. Home League (Ladies), Wed., 8:00 p.rn. WEEKDAYYprayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 p,m. OFFICER$ - CAPTAIN G. HERBER - CAPTAIN M. McKENZIE "All Are Cordially invited to Attend" 524 -9341- ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1974 EASTER DAY Holy Communion at 8:30. a.m. and 9:30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON"AT 11 A.M. NURSERY and SUNDAY SCHOOL at 11. a.m. MAUNDY THURS., APRIL 11 AT 7 P.M. GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 12 AT 11 A.M. Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A.. B.D. Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman COMET TO" A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL Q IF YOU NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A: BUS Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle- • Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada ' CORNER -OF ELGIN. and WATERLOO STS. REV. PETER G. ST DON, Pastor ry SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1974- 'i0i00 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—EASTER SERVICE 740 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE Tues. 8.00-p. rn..,BIBLE „STUDY_ ANA1PRAYER. ,, riday 7:30 p.m. -Youth Service • "Nothing WillJmake us so -charitable and tender to the faults of others as to thoroughly examine ourselves." For further information about church services call 524-8506 Victoria Street United. Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10 A.M:--Bible School For All Grades - n 11:15 A.M.—Worship Service Sermon: /'A LOOK AT, THt RESURRECTION (Sacramepts of a Baptism & Lord's Supper - Reception of new members) BENMILLER ,UNITED CHURCH 10 A.M. Communion Service & Bible School• 'VrV•.--E—L--C--O�--M—E North Street UnitedChurch REV. ROBERT ,L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, APRIL .14,• 19174 r 9:45 a.m. ; No Church School '11:00 a.m. - Nursery" 11:00 e.m, - Morning Worship "EASTER SUNDAY" SERMON; "BACK IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING" April 12th - GoOd Friday Service at 1,1;O0-, atm. • Lorre H. Dotterer - Director of Muslc Miss Clare McGowan - Assistant Visitor � pl