HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-11, Page 130., vro,axr...,,. a .
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G aderi..ch,. 6ax' ca
til .IyL.
Part of the 'nutrition workshop program concentrated on, cop -
sumer dec,lSions. Teachers wereissuedlabels and told to
decide which product they would buy on the. basiS of
a ca i n
P k g' 3 Nutrition often is revealed by ingredients listed by
manufacturers on their product containers. Three Goderich
public school teachers, Donalda MacDdnald of Victoria
School, left, Sandy Braid, and Janice Bonthron, both of Rober-
tson Memorial School, examine tuna pan labels.'(staff photo)
Better eating habits the goal
Shari Wong smiled as she;ex-
plained what she was doing at
St. James school, Seafnrth, on a • .
rainy evening. Thunder rum-
-bled. Lightning illuminated the
windovNs •at the front' of the
gymnasium. Separated and -
public school teachers .drifted.
"into the room, •
• Shari -was conducting a
nutrition workshop, April 3,
,sponsored • by the Huron -Perth
- Separate School Board,
Teacher; from both the
separate school board and the, ..,
public. school system were in
vited. Thirty-seven came for
the second night Of the seminar.
A. nutrition consultant wi:@•h,
the Ontario Milk„ Marketing
Board; Shari began w.orkshops
along with three other
nutritionists in January, '1.972.
• Since initiation in. January,
1972,• OMMB nutritionists
have had workshops for. about
6,000 elementary teachers
across`' the provance.7 Their
target -is :3,000 per year.
The workshop has two parts,
•one for teachers of classes:frorr
kindergarten to Grade 3 and
the other for Grades 4 to 6. The
• April 3 workshop was for the
latter group of teacher~. Six
were :from, Goderich, three
separate school and •three
public school teachers.'
• The OMMB initiated the
4 t!
Teachers were not the'only ones ,who attended the workshop. v Mary -Ellen Cunningham,, Helen West, Shari Wong, the
Four Huron 'County public nurses also"came. Shari Wong ex- nutritionist,Sister Marlon:SI. olumban School, and Mrs. G.K.
plains a nutrition chart to them. They are June Martene, left', Thind, nursing supervisor, (staff photo)
program becauseit felt the
province lacked nutrition
education. A 1979 §urvev of
Toronto grade ;-_ .classes
•revealed" that 75 p,er cent of
teachers thought putrition was
important,. but thbv didn't
know how to teach it.
Although the milk marketing
hoard sponsors workshops, `em-
phasis is placed on four major ."
food groups, not just milk.,
.If workshops Inst centered on
milk, doors "Would he closed,
Shari explained.
When milk is*•.stacked up.
against other fonds it looks
pretty good nutritionally, she
"Wriat we want to do is effect
a orange in eating habits," •
Shari said, noting the purpose•
of the workshops,.
As there, are only four people
working out. of Toronto, the
-OMMB workshops ,cannot
•reach,all classrooms in Ontario;
directdy. , Indi'rectly, teachers
can learn methods of teaching
nutrition. Thev can take ideas
back to students.
OMMB studies i show • that
about -70 per cent of teachers
apply in classrooms what they
learned at workshops.—
The result? Changes in
eating habits, including greater
• consumption of milk. It is, a
J .•
- long range program aimed 'at
- the milk drinking , increase.
More ,important,...it is aimed at
making 'people h,ealt,hier
through proper, eating. harts.
Most of the teachers had
arrived. They sat attables-,set---
in rows in.. front oaf • a�movi-e
screen. Lights were turned off.
A projector was -start.
The teachers viewed 'a film
made •bv the California Dairy.'
The film showed four basic
food groups, milk, meat, fruits'
and vegetables, and bread .and
The film makers didv an ex-
cellent job. Thev expla;..ned the Ar
..need •for proper riutr;' ion with
balance_among- t,h "four food
groups. It. starred a :voung`•hoy.
Narration was simple. A 'film
suited for viewing by elemen,
tare students, --
After the film, Shari sfarted
rhe workshop in 'earnest. She
spoke of 'food selection,
!processing, labelling, : adver-
"„t.ising. She had teachers look at
their own eating. habits. Shari
was the 'teacher. The teachers
were students.
Shari explained that she was
showing teachers how' classes
about nutrition could he• con-
, „
ducted, She, asked , questions,
getting, teachers involved in
Teachers worked ,in small
• slutritiorl depends, obviously, on what people eat. Teachers at-
tending the worksTlop were asked to list their regular eating
habit,. Late Shari Wong, who Conducted the program, asked
teachers to list foods they Could do Without. Thee teachers
from Goderich's St. Mary's School, Sigler Gloria Jean, left,
Mrs. John Doherty and Sister Maureen Sharon, fill out forms
'indicating their daily diets. (staff photo)
J �l
s A n
groups, analysing labels, .
making consumer decisions.
At the end of the workshop, a -
teacher from each school
represented picked up a box
crammed with teaching aids.
Included were eitperiments
,students ,could 'do to diticover
for themselves 4nOur.ishment
contained in certain foods.
Tea(iie.rti .were not the only
persons. attending . the
workshop. Four Huron -County
public nurses attended. Mrs. G.
l{. Thind, supervisor of girunty
public health nursing explained
why they were there. .
The nurses intend' to take in -
'formation from thy, workshop
10 teachers who -could not at-''
, . Mrs. Thind described the
''OMMB program as "a very
good workshop.' N;')t •on Iv good
ideas on nutrition but good
resources on where to find
nutrition information were
presented. That included a ccon-
citie list' of audiotvisua,l
teaching aids.
The workshop ended' about
10:00 p.m. Most comments
from teachers ..held nothing hitt
praise :for Shari and her
Photo story bg 'Ri1iDi.ffli.c.k
• Shari Wong, a .nutritionist with. the Ontario Milk Marketing •
.Board, plays teacher to 39 elementary school teachers at a
nutrition workshop in $eaforth, April 3:(staff photo)
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Two rcdhea
and Karen
form iiewskating partnership
Rusty Ormandv has a new
skating partner:
Pain of Mr. and 'Mrs. Trey.
Ormandv, well know,n in the
,Goderich and surrounding
districts, Rusty skated many
years with the Goderich Figure
Skating Club.
I p as Bruce'Brad ✓;.*instr,uc-
%or, who rst introduced ,-Rusty
• to dancing s o skates,
In .197'2 Rustyd his part-
• net, Pam Graven plac first in
the Sta'mfotd Internat` al
Competitions and in early
received a silver medal in the
same competitions.
Decembher (4'7:3 with part-
ne'r• Shirley Mi•Fadden they
plated second in tj-te Sectional
Competitions hold in Windsor.
in January- of 1974 they
placed a close fourth in 4he
Canadian- Central' Division
Championships held in
The Western Ontario Section
then invited Rusty to accom-
pany the team to Moncton,
New Brunswick to attend the
Canadian Championship Com-
petitions. Here he attended all
practice sessions . and ' corn-
' petitions for the eight days
where he observed and listened
to Novice, 'Junior and Senior.
Competitors and learned what
is expected . of competitors at
this level♦.
n after thi:s. his riartner
Shirley, `• cided to discontinue
the competi ,s
School rn the toe year course
and one of their cheer leaders.
. Karen is prest•titly working
on her fifth figures and has
completed her Silver Free
She is also an accomplished
,ballet dancer with ten years of
instruction and 'an accom-
plished gvmnist having won the
right last summer to compete ih
the All -Ontario finals,, in 'gvm-
nast 1('s.
A skating pupil of Dave
,Mathieson of Chatham she is
now changing to Donald Cum-
ming of St. 'rhonias who is also
Rusty's professional teacher.
His new skatirik, .)artner, is Rusty and Karen are present -
Karen Oshprne of tliam tiv attending ,Spring Skating,
Figure Skating Club. She is 5 *Sc•hcml in Ilder'ton. In May they
years old, a grade 10 student at will bt3 attending skating school
John McGregor Secondary 1n q don. In June they expect
to skate In Chatham, later
going on to Si. Thomas, for two
months where thev will take ins
struction, six dans a' week from
Mr. trimming.
In August the Stamford In-
ternational Competitions will
ire held -Tt Niagara Falls.' Neil.
Carpenter of Hamilton will 'be
bringing his Canadian and
World Competitors to this
session. Rusty and Karen are
wonting veru hard preparing
their first competition together:
A veru attractive young
couple - Karen with beautiful
long hair the same color as
Rushes - is very petite,and
feminine in contrast with his
tall masculine appearance
Gr►deHeh extends• their best
wishes to this voung couple.