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COrt184644or1haBidbiL iiness„
Iteceivee,the Aceounts of e,orehanis see
ethers ea triverebie terms .
Mgr every aceorertiodetIon err isi stout erite
e coneervetive letekin eneipies,
enterer t Allowed on deposits .
Drafts issued [seeable at ally :geese a the
Nosoliaiste Beets.
Norge DiseoneTTED, and Moo Loiter
Nos end Moseeeene.
WOTIOB-All business annonneemente
notices of public meetings, er tertainmentl
suction Bala, StS,, stopearIng 1. thee,
viten:us will be charged feet tia rttte ofive
*eats p1Waretell iesertion. /sleek heading
to oout a theee lines. Onsh wieh oreer eexe
to persons baring epee noeouut To iunire
change of edvereiseraeuts in mutant vane copy
emit be handed into office oe Tee iday,
0.16141*••••••••111101.1.1300.111.110111114111011* 4magmonnanamse.awie.
4sioTEres AND 001V1YIENTB
Edward, Blake is again appealing to
Canada for funds with which to contest
the battle for Home Rale. But even
the ex -liberal leader will meet with
small treceests until the wade of main -
men until after next election. That the joLIETTE Jan. 16. -The lawyers for the
taming two factions fighting for the electiop will come as soot* as possible defence are rejoining over the evidence
same end is atopped, and until it le after the emission is now a conclusion given on Saturday afternoon. by Miss
• made clear that the real object of both foregone, and the Government in it Stapely. Her deelaratierA that 1100Pee
' ' The greater part of Russia's enor- get proof that priaoner did not poison the
tine her dresa is a great point for the
The Crown has sent ofebeve to Ottawa to
threatened to poison a dog it Ottawa that
is merely to secure control i sf their own wisdom wishes to antagonize neither
looal affearsand not to establiah a sepe aide.
The cables announce the fact that the
war in Great Britain, over the question
of the embargo upon Canadian cattle,
still going one In Scotland an
e Toronto Glo'oe bee been= 1
'see into the wheat eituetion nQntar,
le, and fincle that, asa rola a the late
lower:Woe, large quentities of this grein
hae'e been fed to live Ate*, Ti .re -
tura te the farraer by this proem is
said to havo been a U1UQh ae ninety
(lento a bushel, about afty per eent
mere than he could have obtained
the nuirket by selling it for human food.
Experienoe in the United States is
the seine direetion, It requirea eeneid-
enable courage, no doubt, time to take
the children's, breaa and oast it before
ewine, but if the ie profit on the pro-
oss it will rapidly spread and the eifeet
will be eteedying on the market, as well
as reelenishing to the farinerte pocket.
Tho Globe's report cover only a Small
area, but they indieate aninorease of
200 per cent in the use of .wheat for
animal food and probably fairly repre-
sent the siteation in a largo section of
the province.
R is now an almost assured fact that
the Ontario election will take pleas in
Mewl)... A. Globe editorial of Saturday,
in which, it says, referring to prohibit-
ion, that the question of jurisdiction
haa been stibmitted to the Supreme
Court, atd it etates definitely that if the
grounds for not legislating were- isulB-
cleat lase aession they are infinitely
stranger now for not passing prohibitioti
until the decieion of the coint is obtain-
ed. Fearful of showing how its sym-
pathies reallvlie, the Government Will
atempb to steer an equal course be-
tween both prohibitionists and liquor
The Trial of J. R. ReOper Will IAA
One igore Week,
Stapsly's yidenee That llooper
• reatened te rola m a Dog •Olies
Ills Lawyers :Frosts Xeopee-er
Acquitted, leo wilt be
Again Unbolted,
Jesearereis, Que., Jae. 10,--Mpre Was
no sitting of the oourt yesterday
moreing. Judae Deletimier and the
crown prceeoutors went to Montreal
to spend Sundey, and the train ar-
rangements were !mole as made it impose
Vile to nisch here till noon. There were
several new witnesses here yesterday, Mr,
Joseph Hooper, father of the prisoner, has
come with Joseph. Beulah, seho is =Tried.
to a sister of Hooper. Both will be wit-
uessee for the defence.
Mr. James Webb, ca': Montreal, brotbar
of the druggist who sold 'Hooper the prus-
sic acid ar d has sine died, is also here
and will alto be wept red to sevear as to
the identity of the bottle which the de.
fence intend to prodace, There is san-
ether important witnessfor the Crown.
Dr, Lindsay, a veterinary surgeon of
Louiseville, will swear that he saw Hooper
elle his wife gobig down the bank towarda
the river, and Beat shortly afterwards he
save him come up alone, It is now esti.
Mated that the trial will close ebout Satur-
day nese.
The caee for the Crown has dosed. Five
of the jurors are said to be indisposed,
The Defence is Ropeful.
erste nation hostile to Great Britain. • • X x• defence.
ateellip ng tts secure for
Canada a removal &elle right of free
entry, while ireEngland'efeually deter -
teemed efforts are being r'st foeth to
'maintain the present policy of'execulsion.
• Thbre is too much reason to faar the
latter element will prevail, •ande that
the embargo will be made permanent.
x x
Of home made :spirits:a-made in the
years 1892-3 took for oontumption 2,-
731,896 gallons, a decrease of 196,914
gallons from four years' average. • The
malt used amounted to 50,082,751
poutds, being 2,600,000 pCIttral3
thapetheaverege for some
the other h
cigar '
a pasb
number of
mptien increased
om ,311,802 to 113,6e8,809and the
number of pounds of tobacoo used from
7,849,019 to 10,128,647. These figures
make it look as if Canadiats were
drinking less and smoking more which theUnited States only on condition
mous army is massed upon her weatern
frontier in readiness for an immediate
attack • upon Germany and, Austria.
The Same power has, et soon will have,
a 13.eet on the Blank Sea, against which
Constantinople, standing alone, would
be linable to defend itself._ A combined.
French and Russian squadron has been
assembled in the Mediterranean,whicie,
in the opinion of experte. is stro;ag
enough to destroy British vessels in
those waters, And French agents ere
dog referred to by Mee Stapely. •The fao
that not oae of the dectors were able to
positively swear whal, caused deceased's
death is alio a matter of great Moment for
the defence.
• The ease is being most earnestly fought
on both sides, If the Crown should lose
the present ease, they nave decided to take
him to Loniseville End try him for at-
temptine to murder his wife by throwing
her off :bridge into the river.
Many piominent laryers and priests are
daily ttending the trial and take a keen
interest in the case.
stirring up a revolt in Sicily with tine
avowed object of weakening the power
of Rale either for offence or defense:
If all these signs do tot point to war in
the sprig-eatiek ..-es[sain, Austria,
• ein'ye end Italy on the one side, and
ncrance, Russia and. possibly Spain on
thether-it ie impossible to say what
they do mean.
x x
The New YorkBoard. of. Trade has
declared, on tlae advice of Erastus Wim -
an, that Canada should enjoy the privi-
lege bfefree entry of her raw materials
is in the way of improvement.
Capitalists in England, according to
•the cablea consider an annual subsidy of
threeequartters of a million &Mara an
insuffioiett inducement to warrant the
eetablishment of a fleet A.t. antio service
between Canada arid the Mother Count-
ry, This opinion we believe, is based
more upon the expectation that the
Dominion will offer a higher bid than
upon e. eareful estimate of the amount
• Government assistance required to
e the -rine pay. The service should
ite remunerative even withonb a
nue, became it would afford the
quickest means of reaching London, not
only from Canada but from Chicago and
the West, and China and Japan as
x x
Lathe middle of the hisb century,
'France and Britain each elaimed large
reas of ill defined territoxy in Araerica,
oeferprising officers on one Aide
• continually wandering into the
of inffuence" claimed . by the
e result wee a continual suc-
tty conilicte, ending at
at crash, and the praotioeI
of the French flag from
To -day Africa is the
ens for the enterprising
y there has been one
[items under French
hand. end natives
re on tle other. It
cattion whether
the teble lands
d the speotacle
of Abrahamon
to have
that Americair manufectured goods are
admitted duty free into this country.
Reciprocity on this basis will never be
accepted either by the Canadian Par-
liament or the Canadian people. It
would make of Canadians hewers of
wood and drawers of water to Ameri-
cans, Under Buell a system we would
spend one dollar in employing labor to
mine the ore and our neighbors would
profit to the extent of five dollars in
fashioning it into steel before retuening
it to us. Bub while the Dominion is
not prepared to accept Mr. Wirean's
offer, ibis ready to meet the Americans
half war in scaling down the double
tariff wall which now prevents trade
from fievring freely across the border.
If •our neighbors make coal free we will
do the same, and the miners or Pennsyl-
vania, as well Lts those of Nova Scotia
and Beitish Columbia will profit by the
chenge. If the U. 5, lax on apioultural
implements is removed, the Canadiau
taxwill also be abolished, and as a
consegnence the farmers on both sides
of the line will profits If they remove
the restrictions that hamper the sale of
our fruit in Buffalo, Detroit and
Cleveland, we will brush aside thoze
that cheek the export of New York fruit
to Toronto, Hamilton. and Montreal. In
sIlbrt Canada is prepared to trade with
the United States, but our people are
not ready to endorse a system, under
which the Araericans would secure four-
fiftha of the profit ot preparing for our
use, finished products, the raw material
of which is found in Canada. -News.
The vote in favor of the plebiscite in
Huron county wag the second largest in
the Province: Oxford eminty alone exceed-
ed it, and only by a email number,
M. Neil A.' Teylor, farmer, eon. 9,
South Dorchester, died 'Wednesday after -
en in the 34th year of hit age, from the
te of inflammation, leave a wife
Garda the Canadian •eottop
ad of Gault Bros., hes leers
0 to the Venteeo,
aevoted eic the helloing of
foe the Church of England le
• COS.S..9f i",atiot Stealing Coming
1. --tinder the New Criminal Code.
OTTAWA, Jan. 16.--e.braham Latimer, a
shoemakee at Hintonburg, has laid a
serious co nplaint ageenst S. S. Waggoner,
an employe of the Customs Department.
Theleasie of the complaint is that the de-
fendant did on the day of the election
place one of the ballots east for a candi-
date for councillor into his pocket, and
that the complainant Latinier saw the.
occurrence. On the day of the election he
acted as scrutineer at the Ilintonburg poll,
Under the new criminal code any one
founa guilty of the offence of etealing
ballots, according to the technical wording
of the nit, is liable to ane at the discre-
tion of the court and to seven years' im-
Ve a youthful appearance as
sibleat is maispensible diet the
retain lie natters,' miler and. full
eerie preparation so dIStitiVe SS• ,
eTiget, ett provente baldtess,
the scalp recite, cool, and
to the mice of the Sepreme
eattire for Ontario, the three .
he high court have been 0021
ereeftee the ten judgee will
Mae liseand all of there will be
both jary non -jury
heving an assize and
at esteth county town,
ry eletiege and a eon -
'eh, except tbat in the
etessien imeh as Nap -
OSSO d adieg tbe etrithei
minnow -Who Adjouvuutent.
Xeleaele, dem the:flottee of 00111 -
molls Sir Ellis Aelamead Bartlett esked the
Government if Base% had orderea the con-
strnetioa of three 'new battle ahipte their
building to begin, this year, time bringing
the number of Reesia'e battle his, built
and buildiug, te eeveateen.
Sir IL ye-Sleattleivortli, 'Parliamen-
Seoretary of the Admirelty, replied, that
it wile not desirable that any dada state-
ment be niede until the j3ritish estimates
for the emning year are eotepleted,
Sir Ellie Ashmead-Bartlett then asked if
it was a foot that in the °eerie of 1894
leineee and Russia wceild build sixteen new
battle ships, while England would build
wily the three that bad jest been com-
menced, The Secretary replied. that he
must ask the House to await the annoance-
=exit of the Admiralty's programme.
Replying to Mr. Thomas Sexton, the
Bight Hon. John Morley, Chief Secretary
for Ireland, said, that he [Ionia not state in
exact terms the %lope of the encluiry of the
committee to be appointed at the net ses-
sion to inquire eato the working of the
Irish Land Purollase ..siot. To speak gene-
rally', the oommittee would inquire into
the operation of the fair rent clauses of
the Aot and into the purehase of land on
advariees made by the public treasury.
Geadstane moved that the Home ad-
journ tti February 12, ••
The report stage of the Parish. Counoils
bill was finished at midnight, and Ileery
yowler, president of the Local Govern,-
ment, who has had the hill in charge,
moved at once the third reading.
Mr. Goschen, • Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer in tb.e last Salisbury Cabinet, said
for the Iltionists that only the jaded state
of the House ceased the Opposition to re-
frain from. debating this reading, Be pre-
dicted that the Lords would scrutinize the
bill elosely befoxe allowing it to become a
•The bili was passed amid loud Liberal
cheers and the House • adjourned until
• February 12,
loose iDinting -tv.'th a t000rnotlye.
&emu nu Lome juienrion, Que., Jan. 16.
-A wing plow special on the Temiscouati
RR yesterday sighted and ran down two
beautiful moose half a mile north of Ed-
monton, N.B. Engineer King oa engine
No. 8 relates a most exciting hunt. They
came on the track about 100 yards ahead
of his engine. The track being an old one
and with fairly high banks of snow on
either side, they took the track and he
gave chane at full. *peed, and only after
an exeitirg chase of half a Inns did he
overtake them. The first one he struck
received a broken log arid was thrown
from the track and escaped to the woods
on three legs. The other was not so for-
tunate. It was badly injured, but Ball
had vitality enough eo run, but was cap-
tured. by Boadreaster MoEvren and. 'brought
to Edmonton station.
A slippery crook.
NT.A.GeliA Feeas, Ont., Jan, 16. -The
Ontario roliee force 1.ere are on the track
of Careacm, the supposed. diamond thief of
Hamilton, who escaped from the jail here
a few days ago. The last seen Of hird was
In the neighborhood of La Salle on the
American side. There "is no doubt but
Cannon is a very clever crook from the
manner in which he has evaded tb.e police
on both sides of the river since his escape,
and the means which he adopted to raake
his escape, proves him to be Bitch.
The Shoat Billed 31er. .
TORONTo, Jan. 16. -Mrs. 3/Pardooli, relict
of the late A. W. Murdoch, died at the
residence of her sou .in Parkdalti,en Friday
last, Tory soddenly. On Stinday evening
Mrs. joint Strachae„, a daughter of lefra.
Murdoch and wife of Mr. John Strachan,
Of the Erie Railway, took sleet suddenly at
her residence, Hazelton .avenue, and died
from the shock, whoa' the sad Dews were
imparted 'of her mother's death. Mrs.
Strachan was down tovvii on Saturday ased
resjoyed good. health titan.
An Editor's Contempt of Court.
ST. 301E1Si Nfld., Jan. 16.-P. H. Bowers,
editor of Tribune, hes incurred diepleastire
of the Supreme Court by publishing an
aetiele v:olently assailing the parties filieg
petitions against the return of membeee of
the Whitewey Goternment, the catieg
being now submitted. The article eel's
the itsterators of the pet,itions Piggots and
conspire:tors. The tatteter was brought be.
'fore the aid justiee, Who eaid he vrould
order an attaelimotit for contempt of court
on applieetion of coneasel.
Radios 19 ecoltored.
HALIVAX, Jeer. 10, -The bodies of
Engineer Pudeey and Fireman Smith, who
• were killed, on the airiedsor &e,Annapolis
railway Sunday, were eeeovered yesteeday
and ati inquest held. A verdict of acei.
dental death' was returned by the jarY;
The. Desalt of the Coroner's Inquest on
the Williams Tragedy.
CoolrsviLLE, Jan. 11. --- The climax
of the inquest in the Williams murder
case was reached yesterday. The ver
diet of the coroner's jury in the Williems
murder ease was as follows: "That James
and. Eliza Williams were foully murdered,
and that William MaoWlierrell and John
Walker are guilty ref the murder and
George Butcher is aecessory after the feet."
Cory was honorably discharged.
The proceedings begam sharp on time.
The small room was filled. to its utmost
etepaeLenegi'eing evidence that the villagers
have got tired- ofe evolving theories, and.
now are confining themselves entirely to
fads_ The coroner in addressing the jury
went over the evidence given at previous
sittings, and toolc occasion to severely
critieize the press for their reproof of his
dilatoriness at the last sitting.
Frederica. Death, a farmer who lies on
the Lake Shore road, two miles from the
Williams' house, identified Walker as a
man who had. worked for him. for two
'weeks two years ago last fall. The wit-
ness said. that Walker ransaeked his house
and stole a double-barrelled gun and some
money. The Crown regarded.this evi-
dence as important, as it went to show
that Walker had probably known the mbr-
dered couple and it was he, perhaps, in.
stead of Jahn Cory who gave the mur-
derer the information about old. man
Williams and his wife.
Benjamin Field testified that Walker
had worked on his farm near elimieo for a
week two years ago, When he left a pair
of new boots disappeared_
Botcher niale a statement without being
sworn. Ile told practically the same story
he told the Toronto detectives.
The prisoners were up before the magis-
trate Thursday in Brampton end were re -
Mended for a week. •
' .
levee or °emcees Assige.
Meemeene, N., Be Jan. 10.--aleLeaa
Fettles, gtocere and reetaurant keepers,
assigned yesterday to David Grant, bat-
eisten Theit liabilities are placed et about
I 1)11111S
UNTIL FEBRUARY ist, 1894, we will
Sell at greatly reduced prices FOR CASE, any and everything carried in his Maintuoth
Stook of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tinware, Stoves,Furnaces,Lamps, L trnp Goods,
Washing Maohines,Wringers Churns,and everything lopt in a first-class Hardware store,
Tiris is rio chaff, as we will positively sell for FROM 15 TO 40 PER OENT BELOW PRESENT PRICES. •Cali
nd be convinced.
T. E. MoD01\TEI_IL, HensalL
e3, -A11 Book Aceountemuet be settled on or before the let day of February. After that date all unsettled
Accountswill be pieced into other hands forcollection. J.
The farm in Exeter, containing 130 acres more or less, also the livery barn on john -s€., Exeter, will be sold at a
bargain. Full particulars on application to J. E. & J, MaDONELL, aensall and Exeter.
The Napattee Suspect Gives e Statement
of 1808 5/oven:tents.
NATANEE, Jan, 1, -The solicitors of
Barney King, charged here with the mur-
der of AnguenicLeod on September 14
last, lieve given out a etatement made by
King as to his movements at the time of
Itt hie statement King say. Ile is of
French descent Hj
e is a oureeynian
tailoe, and. in August worked in Prescott. •
Be left tb at place on September 6 feud beat
his way to Kingston, where he procured
work, Not liking the work he left there
the next day for Napanee, and catching a
freight train went to Belleville the same
eveningGetting no work there he event
next morning to Port Hope, and. failing to
get work went on to Toronto. He says he
slept that night in a York streetlodging
house. He saw an advertisement next
morning, the 9132, of a situation in a vil-
lage near Toronea, the name of which he
aid not reraemb p and proceeded there.
At this place he fell iu with another
tailor and togeteer the two set out onafon-
day, the ilth, to walk to London, arriving
there on the 12132. Next morning they
went to on,
then to Petrolea, back
again to Wyoming and from there by foot
to Port Huron. Dewing this city they
proceeded to Detroit, going through the St.
()lair tunnel. On the morning of Septem-
ber 14, the day on wideb the murder was
committed, they woke up in the freight
yard at Detriot station, and spent the day
in the city looking for work.
On the leth King says he went to Pont-
ine Mich.., where he secured work with
James McKenna.
Mug claims that a large number of peo-
ple in Pontiac will corroborate his state-
ment as to being there, and expresses him-
self perfectly certain of proving his entire
innocence of the crime with which he is
A. Deputation From the Association
Waits 'Upon the Tariff Committee.
The Vote On the Bill Will 33e Taken on
the 20511 Instant.
'WASIIINDT014-, Jan. 13. -The tariff bill
was debated in the House yesterdey, a
number of speakers taking either side of
the question.
• Dirseussing the Wilson bin, Representa-
tive Herman (Rep.) said :---" The fanner is
especially antagonized by this bill. The
Wilson bill is entitled. 'A bill to reauce
• taxation, to provide revenue' and for other
purposes.' It should. be entitled 'A bill
to 'reduce the revetue and to destroy
A.merican industry.'"
Mr. Brookshire asked of Mr. Herman
from *what countries the inapottation of
farm procluets were likely to come.
"From Scotland, Denmark and Sweden,
but espeeially from Canada," replied Mr.
Mr. Brookshire said the statistics of the
A.grioultural Department showed the.t in
1891- the American farmers sold to Can-
adians more farm produce than the Can-
adian farmers sold to America, -
• Dr. Herman said he had. later Statistics
than those quoted by Mr. • Brookehire,
which showed thee the reverse was now
• true, and he stated that last, year over 100,-
000 tons of hay were imported into this
country, even though, it had to nay a tariff
tax of $4 a ton'
Mr. Reed. (Rep., Maine) will close the
tariff debate for the Republicans on the
afternoou of Saturday, Jan, 27, Mr.
Wilson (Dem., W. erre) the cheirroan of
the Ways and Means Cominittee, will per-
form a similar service fax the Democratie
The vote on the bill •will be taken on
• Monday, the 29132 Wahine
,,E43 P ORTS,
• .exeter, january,17, 1894.
Fall wheat per bush$ S 58
SP ring wheat per hush. • 56 58
Barley per bus 35 36
oats per busts. • ... , ..... 29 SO
Peas per bush-. .. .. 60 60
Flour per bbl... • • 4 00 4,20
APPlee Per bag ee
Potatoes per bag .. . 60 50
Elay ner ton... ...... 6 00 7 00
Wood per cord ......... 3 00 3 50
W ood per cord eofb , 00 2 25
Butter per lb, 18 20
Eggs par ........ l 5 13
Turkeys per lb ...... • 7 8
Pork perhundred... . . 6 GO 6 oe
Hogs. live weight- 4 60 4 50
Geese 5 6
DuoIrs... .. . . .... ... 6 7
Chicks . . • „, 5 15
London, an,i7, 1894:
Wheat orbit°, fal1,100 lbs....3 95 to $1 01
Wheat, red, fall..per 100 lbs 96;to 97
Wheat, spring, per 100 . . .. 95=to 1 00
Oats. per 100 95 to 95
Peas, per 100 87 te 90
Corn, per 100 92 to 95
Barley. per 10C 60 to 90
Rye, per 100 lbs . , ... 90 to 90
Buokwheat, per 1.0090-eto 90
Beets, per bus.... • 1 00 to 110
Eggs, fresh, single dos . 22 to 24
Eggs, fresh, basket, pex dos........17 to 20
Egga, fresh, store lots, per dos 16 to 17
Butter, singlexolls, Per lb., 22 to 24
Butter, perlb,1 lb rolls,basiets 22 to 24
B Utter, per lb. large rolls or
. . . 18 10 20
Butter,per lb, tub or firkins 18 to 18
Lard, per .......... .. . 11 te 32
Ohiekens, per pair ' t 75
Ducks.. 70 to 80
Turlieye, 8 to 90 perein eaeh 60 to 1 73
OTTAWA, Tan. 12. -The committee ap-
pointed by the Woolen_ Manufaeturers'
Association waited on the tariff committee
yesterday and presented a mass of figures
and statistics aleowing the • growth of the
business in Canada and how it is affected
by the present tariff. The manufacturers'
committee, after they left the Ministers,
said that they had. not the slightest idea
what the Government intended doing in
regard to their partioular industry. Mr.
H. W. Heneker, president of the Paton
Woolen Mills Co. of Sherbrooke, and son-
in-law of the late Sir John Abbott, -who is
a member of the committee before referred.
to, was asked. if the woolen manufacturers
-could get along with less taeiff protection .
than tkiernow enjoyed. He said. :• "'No,
the outlook for the woolen trade of Can-
ada is very gloomy as it is. Our company
has not paid. a dividend for three years,
though we have meaaaged to keep the mills
going, and have not reduced the wages of
our employes. Our market is limited to
Canada, and as wool is free now the Gov-
ernment cannot help us by abolishing the
duties on raw materials. In view of the
reductions in the cost of English and
German woolen clothes, we could not
stand a reduction of the tariff, and the
closing.of our ming would be a sad thing
for Sherbrooke and the eastern town-
ships," '
Snow rionen and Engine 0o Over a Bridge
Billing Engineer and Vitoria:pa.
atemaex, N.S. Jas. 15.-A sad acci-
clent occurred oe 'the Windsor ee Annapolis
railway yeiaterday. 'While a snowplough
With engine attached Wen out clearing the
road, it left the reile 0,,bout five litaidred
feet wet of Gibbons' bridge, 'between
maaioton and -wihnot 'ft 2512 On the
eleepers until 11 got nearly across the
bridge, when it went off thebridge, teking
the engine and bridge with it. Engineer
0. Pitclsey and virdinati prank Smith are
both killed Tbe engine lieEt et the boteora
with the teneer standing on. end nearly on
top of the engine, The engineer arid lire.
are jaunted between them. The bod.
lee cannot be got , out until the tender is
taken oft. Tine fs the worst AOCId011t ever
known 00 this roe .
he Eynon rag Unnerved Ilion
W11g ;OSTER, 6,, Jan. 15.-A. remark-
able si olds: vvelg, oilinilitttietrcl neer beefs Fri.
do baebelor
Returned by the Grand Jury in the An-
drews' Abortion Case.
TOronTo, Jan. 11. --The case against
Ransome T. Andrews ("Doc."), Alice An -
draws and. Cassie Andrews, charged with
the murder of Lucy Denning, came up in
the Assize Cant here yesterday. The
Grand Jury returned a true bill.
W. R. Meredith, Q.C.'appeared in sup-
port of the application to have the ease re-
manded until next aSSiZeS, on the grounds
that the evidence of Nellie Lafontaine,
Mary Jane O'Connell and May Denning
was not allowed to be furnished to the de-
fence until Tuesday, giving their lawyers
little time to prepare. The judge, how-
ever, would not grant the demand, but in
order to give the defence -some time to pre-
pare, he allowed. the ease to go over until
Toronto, Jan. 12. -The Grand Jury
found e true bill against Dell Andrews
yesterday as aceessoey after the fact on the
grounds that Dell Andrews, knowing that
R. I. Andrews, Alice Andrews and. Cassie
Andrews had performed an. unlawful
operation on Lucy Denning, had unlaw-
fully harbored the criminals and assiated
them to escape.
The Crawn waa not ready to go on with
the ease so it was decided to leave it over
until the March SOSSiOrl, His bail Wag re-
Toronto, jan.17 *1894
Wheat, white, per $ 58 to $ 58
Wheat, spring, per 59 to 69
Wheat, red winter,'Per 58 to 68
Wheat, goose, per bus s4. to , 64
Barley, per bus ..... ....„43 to 44
Oats, per bus ... „ . ........ SO to 31.
Pea. . 52 to 52
Hay $ 00 to 900
Eggs per dozen 00 to 25
Butter, 15 to 22
Dressed hogs 6 30 to 6 59
Potateele per bag-. ...... 50 to 00
British Grain Trade.
New Advertisement s.
Busy Moviee-11. Pickard es Son.
Stook -taking Sale -T. A Stewart,
Buy-ine-Quiek Bargains -G.0 Johnston.
Now Birm-Brown .e Praetor,
Notice to Creditors -L. 11 Diokson,
Notioe to Oreditore-Jos Snell.
Neese to Greditors-.) as Clarke.
Cut in Twe-D, Weianailler,
Out in Prices -.A, Weseloh,
• In the matter of the °stet° of Alex-.
Steplien, in the County of Huron Yee-
manadne,rDOelaeorlacs,late of the townshiped.of
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter
110 of the Reviskti Statutes of Ontario,1887,'
that all personelitreing claims against the
Estate of the said late Alexander Clark, who
died on the.21aViday of June, 1894, are requested
to deliver or send by post prepaid to the under
signed Tames Clark, Exeoetor of the last will
anUestament o±.thoidiDeeesed, ou or b efo res
the 15th 0,,,y0 Februery 1894, a statentent jit
writing oontanaingtheit names and addresses
and full partieulars of their claims duly yeti-
fied by Statutory Declaration and the nature of
the security (if any) held by them, and that
after the said last mentioned date the said
Executor will protieed to distribute the asseta
of the said Estate among the parties entitled
thereto b,tving regard only Vs claims of which
notice shall have been received as above re-
quired. and the said Ezeoater will not be
liable for the Said assets, or any part thereof
se distributed, to any person or imams of
whose claims notice shalt not have been receiv-
ed at the time of suoh distribution.
1,onden.3nn, 15,..The Mark Lane Exp rasa,
in its weekly review of the British. grain trade
gals : The sales gf English wheat have been
limited, the farmers not being willing to accept
29s 4d, the quotati on. holding it to be too low
and rodueing their deliveries to tho smallest
figure Foreign wheats aro quiet. California.
eargoes are quoted at 29s .9i aer quarter.
Toreigu ROWS are deplorably low. Wtretnote ;
Minnesota patent, 23s ; Minnesota bakers'
grade, 11.13 6a.; extra fancy American, 19s 6d.
Oate and barley firm. Corn is weak. At to-
day's tnarkets English wheats were •a shade
firmer at from Qs to 28s Foreign were slow,
Oats dropped from 3d to 65. Corn was down
3d. Priooa of ilyar were in buyers favor.
Barley was fir-.
The Body of an Cnkusityat Man round
Suspende71 Front. a Tree,
HAxitAstsi, Jan. 18. -Me 0, E, Morgan,
ticket agent, received a letter yesterday
item Heusi* FalleeN.Y., enquiring if he
knew arlything as to the idettity of a man
Wilb was found dead hanging to a tree in
thi woods near there on January 10. The
body had evidently been hanging for two
In one of the pockets wits friend Mr.
Morgan'a railway tieketa envelope and A
sum of money, The man was about 60
years of eee, and wee attired tri a 'Week
72St, tt0I1SEWS, bleak coat,
black .felt het and Wel steel rimmed epee -
11 is about
two or an has no
McbfAHOi7.-IxiHay en the 10th inst., the
wife John McMahon ere of a son,
WARD.--MITRUY.--At the residence of the
bride's parents, on the 3r4 inst, by Rev .
Grant, B. A., Onarles Ward, to Kate, daugh-
ter of Alex Murray, Esq. all of- St. Marys,
WOOLFE--BAILET-In Stilt tford, on the srd
inet„ M.T, John Woolf.), of SI, MSYYS$ to MISS
BAinanntsehar. Bailey, dau, ghter of Mr. Ohae. Batley,
MOUGAN-BISHOP.-At the reeidence of the
bride's parents, on the 27132 ult., by Rev. 0.
Pletehereelr. John T. Morgan, of Usborne,
!?formerly of Douglas, Man, to Raehoefourth
daughter of A. Bishop, M. P.P., Usborne.
DEWAR-STERLING.. At Bayfield, on the
• llth inst., at the residence ef the bride's
tils,.elr. Robt. Dewar of thoklatible
Stanley,to Mies Mary , daugla ter of Mr. Arch.
KADING-33Dell-At the residense af the
bride's uncle, Hay, on the 3rd inst., by Rev.
F. Swann, Mr, Henry Kadittg, of Inuesktp ,
to Miss Lydia Bush, Of GreenWaYi
FITZGERALD-RNAPTON.-On the 4132 ins to
• ter ofjho late Itia3or Re apt° it,Iliao.litthiP"O'rfagailLisogpnlin-:
PI• dOlAtoRw))4-1l
t the eesidenee of
the bride's father,13th eon. Goderich Town-
ship* on. th e 10th ins t , by thet Rev. E,
Rear, Mr. Wm. Rickard, of Rolmosville, to
Miss Minnie A., daughter of XT. Eby Bum -
ball. -
Exeoutor, Orediton P. 0
Dated 141h Tarty 1893.
In the* matter of the Estate of Mary
Oke,late of the Township of Usborne,
widow, Deceased.
Notioe is hereby givea pursuant te the Re-
vhied Statutes of Ontario, 1887, o titer 110,
sec. 36, that all creditors and at persons
haying claims against the eatate of say 101re,
late of the Township of (reborn%'dears
ased, who died.on or about thei th day of
December, 189e. are, on or before 4 elst day of
March, A. Do 1891, required to deliver to the
undersigned Solicitor fox the Exeoutor, Walter
John Oke, a statement in writing, containing
their names and addresses, descriptions and
full particulars of their &aims, and the nature
of the securities (if any) held by them, and the
said Exeriutor will nroceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased among th rties
titl d theroto, baring regard onl to the
claims of which he shall then have n is, and
will not be liable for the assets so di ablat&
or anypart thereof, to any persons :ef 4.4hoso
claim( ihe shall not then have ar 'Ve The
said °lakes must be duly read legar 'rifled by
auoy (Patera .
Solieitor for MC Executor*
Dated abExeter this 1652, t Exeter, Ont.
day of January, 1891. 5
In the matter of the Estate of the late
Henry Yager, late of the Township of
Hay, in the County of Huron, saw-
- miller, Deceased. .•
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. St 0
Chan 110,that all persons having olaime against
the bstate of Henry Yager, the above named
deceased, who died at ,the seid Township of
Hay onthe eighth day of October, A. 1),, 1893,
585 on or before the First day of fdaroh, A. D.,
1804, to send by post, prepaid, to the undersign-
ed Administrator of the estate of the said de-
ceased, their names,addreeses and deioriptions,e
with full particulars anknroot of their claims*
and a statement : of their account, and the
nature of their securities (if any) held by them.
Atm notice is further given that after the lest
named date the A.dminiatrator proested to
distribute the assets of the said estate among
the partioe entitled thereto, having regard mill,
to tee °taints of which notice shall have been '
given as above required,and the Adminietrator
shall not be liable f et the assets,. or any part „
thereof to any 'person or persons ofwhore
notice shallnot have been received by him as
HENRY....At Prospect Hill. on the 10132 inst.
W. H. Henry, aged 76 rears.
BOTEIWIar... In Blansitard on Coo 1Ith inst.
Harry Bothwell, aged 80 years.
DITNNAN-In Elacisherd, on thp 28th ult.,
Margaret Burman, aged. 88 Years.
JONES. -At his late residence, Olandeboye , on
the 14th huts Francis emcee, aged 07 Years*
Tuokersmith, on the 10511 inst.,
Francis Layton, aged 44, years and 6 months.
SWEIrzER.--In Illanshard on the lath inst• .
Richard, son of Mara Sweitzer, aged 21
years. •
ifeene,--en St. Marine on the 7th inst., James
Burt, sem of Weslek Hoyt, aged 8 yeare, 10
months, and 27 daYa.
POPPLESTONE.-In 'Exeter en the 14th
• Sampson Poppleatotte, aged*75 rears and 9
PASSMORE.-In Exeter, on the 13132 inst.,
May, wife of William Passmore, aged 17
MAItTIST-In Tnekersmith, en the 15132 inst,
Mrs James Martin, aged 67 'titti a. ,
yyre-fu thrbovne, on tee lete inst. john
Erre, aged 76 yeara, 11 months,
LEV/NE- tet Us borne. at tho residenoo of rt
Dennison, on tee 14te jest, Airs Levine, aeed
23 Years, 3naos.
atilININOtilt5M.-Trt 8e Marys, on the 41h
lett, IVIre. Elizabeth Ctunitighetra, reltot of
the late Hugh Oneninglota, aged 81 yrs.
months, and10 days.
A convention is tohe held in Toronto en
the Oth of February, eonveoed from all
pots of tile Province to eonsidenthe wet-
ter Of rotul reform and devise new methotle
of road improvement other than by statute
A eerieue are eccurred itegina, V. W.
T., Wel'attlegill, ctvuggist 1ost %every -
thin Tim stoake of A. MoCerthe and' W,
re vil throWn tteetd,
Dated at Dashwood this t
161h day of JaneA,D,1494
Penegoeret Ciente,
Sens. -I hays been greatly tumbled with
headache ane`oad blood for ten or twelve
years. I started to take Burdock Blood.
Bitters in July, 1893, mid note (January,
1894), I am pertectly cured,
Heigh .Drain, NorwOod, Out,
Look at he date. on your label this
week, and seeseliateyeurnaMe is irk-
ed well in advance.
No paper is discontinued until all
arrears are fully paid, except at tha option
of the publis,her.
The date -When the subacription expires
is on the eddress hind of each paper, the
change of which to a subisequent date be.
oomes a eeceiptior rernittenae. Subscribers
will please examine their label before and
aftet making aremittanoe,
Don't Ili::thi Qffor
Winter is passing, Var
Goods n.ot selling as we
could wish, will offer the bal.
ance to cash buyers only at
cost price, in Alen's We
the following Peksian Lan
1 Caps
Imitation P