HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-11, Page 104,e iP •w 0 PAGE 10—GODERICH S,IQNAL-STAR, TI:- URSDAY, APRIL 1 , 1974 1 Asp CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Registered Halstei0,- Cattle, Farm Machinery, Feed, Miscellaneous and° Some Household Effects FOR HOWARD ORR Lot 23, Con. 12 Huron Township., 6 miles south east of Kin- cardine, 5 miles north west of Ripley. - WED."APRIL. 1 7 "At 12. Noon Cattle, to sell at 2:00 o.m. No reserve as farm is sold' Terms Cash day of sale or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. 7- per cent Sales Tax in effect Catalogues Available ~Carson's Auction Service Auctioneer: Da• vid Carson, RR 3, Listowel, O rit • 291.2049 Owner IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY' AT 8:00, B.LL AUCTiO•NS LTD. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO' ITEMS OF INTEREST Flew Leonard refrigerator with matching 30" electric stove -- (green or gold), Leonard automatic washer and dryer, elec- trophonic Morse quality component set with 8 track tape deck, 6 aoviely styles of °Morse stereos, Morse sewing machine, large ° selection "of bedroom and chesterfield suites In styles' of Spanish, Cotbnial, French Provincial. & Modern, new single and double beds, lovely table and swag lamps, 4 styles of cof- fee and end table' sets, kitchen suites in -a variety of styles end' colours,,,Lazyboys, set's. of dishes, radios, sets of silverware and gift items and many mere items# too numerous to mention: This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture' which will be - sold to the -highest bidder. NOTE: Terms of sale are,cash and our handy TKM budget plan: . There is ,plenty of parking and ,seating. A refreshment booth and washroom facilities are ,available. SALES, CONDUCTED BY: BALL AUCTIONS LTD., BRUSSELS „AUCTIONEER: 04 BALL' PHONE '887-9363 ATI-IWEL L'S AUCTION '� — •l E BUSINESS LIQUIDATIdN For Jamestown General Store,• five'miles north of Brussels on Saturday, April '10 at 1.:00 P.M; Property - consists of 1/2 acre of land upgn , which stands a large front store area, seven room living quarters, 10% down, balance -and possession in 30 days; Selling subject to reserve. Store Contents - 2 cash registers; counter; freezers;'coolers; show cases and pop cooler; giftware and groceries. Furniture and 'antiques '- "Pine flat to wall;cherry flat to wall; cranberry hall hanging tamp; Duncan Phyfe drop, leaf table,, -china cabinet; library table; rockers; mantel clock; jam; cup- board; two cherry. counters, tables; chairs; 2 wood stovers; 3 • pce. bedroom suite; crib; washstand: Roger's Majestic colored TV; dining room table and six chairs and many more item§. fierms sash. -. _"_ _. - ... No "Reserve,'. RATHWEu.'$.. AUCTION SERVICE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL AUCTIONEERS f UNTO N ; ,482-3120 15.16b ATHWELL'S BusinessLiquidation by Auction To be held for Huron ° Pipe, Ltd.;.1 /2 mile west of••Seaforth on •Hwy.,,No. 8 on Wed.,. April 17, at 11:00 A.M.°. Prbpertty - consists of two parcels of land. Parcel No. 1 - Approx. three'acreswith 10,000 sq."ft.,office and manufacturing area, possession in 12 months. Parcel' 'No. 2 - Seven acres of clear land, with Quansit building, this is subject to land severance - possession in 12 months. Both properties selling Subject to reserve ' 10% : down, balance in 30 -days: " Vehicles - 1972 Fargo 500 - 5 speed transmission, 31.8 motor (safety certif,); 1965 GMC 960 with 14 ft. flat bed (safety cer- tif.); 1963 Fargo 318 .motor (as is) .Fo lifts -.1964 Ford -200 Ind. two ton, shuttle trans,•(tike new); 1959 Case 310 Dual range shuttle trans.,, two 'ton front end _pumper ., Equipment - Rirrias Concrete Pipe Machine 6" - 12" pipe x 42" long c/w all forme; V1HY Pedershaak concrete'pipe machine = - 15" • 39", by 42" lonjwith all,forms, VIHY Universal 1001 dry mixer, VIHY Feeder band conveyor (ship bucket) Stock - 500 pce. concrete pipe and fitting9 - all sizes; quantity of steel; some bulk cement; 2500 rubber seals. Steel forms - two 600 gal. one 400, 300, 125 septic tank forms, two tapered manhole forms - ,1=quipnient =Construction Machine Co, two 1/2 yd. mixers; 14 ft. .cement .auger bn wheels; gas engine; "two septic tank "riggings for delivery trucks; one cement mixer one Hp motor. Shop Equipment • 550 arc welder; 3 Hp compressor; wire roller; 21/2 ton press; electric hoist; manual hoist; wolf In- •dustrial handgrinder; motors; ' and hand tools Office- Equipment and IBM. 'Timer Clock Note - Huron Pipe Ltd is going out of business, no reserve, this is only a partial listing due toumber of items RATHWELL.'s AUCTION SERVICE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL AUCTIONEERS CLINTON - '482.3120 15b 12. AUCTION SALE' CLEARING Auction Sale of Antiques and Household Ef- fects for Arthur Clark of Hullett Township at the Auction' Rooms, Hwy. 21 one mile South of Goderiali on. Saturday Aprit 20 at 10:30 a.m. ' Complete listing in next week's Paper Terms'•cash Farm sold Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 H. Mitchell Clerk ,482-7584 15 �t- MOVING TO GERMANY .,CLEARING AuctionSaIe• of Household Effects for Helga Koehler, 235 Hihks°St: Goderich on Saturday, April 13 at 1 p.m. Two doer„ Coldspot refrigerator, -frost.-fel e).; - Kenreate:. • electric : tove; three piece bedroom suite , with King-size' bed, chesterfield sand chair, Silver tone portable TV; two single continental beds; • dresser„ chest of"drawers; mOderri office desk (like new); office chair; Brother electric typewriter;' Smith Corona electric adding machine; small tables; wooden kitchen table; bronze chairs; four wooden chairs; six children's' Wooden chairs; child's rocking chair; guitar; lamps drapes; bookshelves; cabinet radio, vacuum cleaner; electric heater; picnic -•-tab : ; swimming_ pool; child's bicycle; electric lawn mower; dishes; large quantity of stainless steel pots and pans; etc. etc. Terms - Cash House`'sold Mike' .Cummings Auct ioneer • 524-9064 H. Mitchell Clerk 482-7584 •• 1 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE WOMAN ,desires work eli:'aning ,lf fist's. Phone 521-9386--45 HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners (call Superior Maintenance, phone 121 8892, Goderich— SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equrpment,, wurlu,u ranteed. Witte. or pht> to t -1.T ,Utile, i"linton. Phone t" 482.3320;--tf FURNITURE --- REFI NISH1NC. Pr•umptservice reasonable 'rah' (';Ill Ernie Niblock, 52(i-7272 after• p rn -,4 >tf,20W DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 gI9tf' VACUUM CLEANERS - SALES & SERVICE f ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA ,262-5748 gctfn RFU - ST T R OE _._ Let Ili do a"comptlete job on that new, or late model car: Well worth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC HOFFM-EYER Plumbing'°,& Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES '55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC,,., In lis , Washers,. dryers, refrigerators, • dishw'ashers.' ranges . • GAS - Ranges; barbecues, tights,, ranges 12. AUCTION SALE ATHWELL'S 1 Eo FARM M ' INERY AUCTION 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST' INDUSTRIAL,• RESID•Ei-IAL- FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KIIEHL ,Home Remodelling • Kitchen and Bathroom • Cupboards; Rec, Room Residential or Commercial General Home Repairs Call: - tau Roblcllaud 5 24=692 1 .HOME REPAIR. SERVICE Painting, roofing, eavestroughs cleaned and repaired, chimneys repaired or removed. • FREE ESTIMATES' Paul Lassaline 5244158 Ken Duncan 524-60654= Ladies • Spring , &Summer will soon be here, be ready for it. Have your outfits"made by Dianne 524-2,4,92 .To be held for Dennis' Overholt at Lot 23 on Ftwy.,,(a1,o "miles north of Grand bend on Tuesdayl"Aprii 1.6 at•1:1'$ p.m. Combine - 5P Case 1060 with 12 it header, Innis pick-up, straw 'chopper, and bean attachments -- Tractor's Tractors - Gase 870 c'w cab, 1400 hrs., radio and 18-4-34 dual n wheels to be sold separately. - Case 836 C•'w cab; Nuffield w4 c'w Freeman loader; CA Allis Chalmers with 4 row scuffler and bean puller. * , Eauioment - Case 4 furrow 16" trip bottom, semi mounted plow; 12 ft" Glencoe shank cultivator;13 ft__. Kongskilde cultivator with leveling harrows; 8 ft:'' ail disc; Drenham 13 ft, cultapacker; Alli^ed_36 ft. 6" auger wheels; Cardinal 36 ft • PTO bale elevator; New Idea -7 ft. TO mower; New Idea 275 bu. manure spreader; Brady manure spreader; 8 and 10 ton wagon with Turnco "210'gravity boxes; 5 ton wagon; Continental 250 gal field' sprayer; 44 ft. booms; two 45 gal tank and 12 ft. boom; Ont 15,run grain and fertilizer drill; 3 drum land roller; Massey Harris 4 bar side rake Durham 3 PTH scraper blade; 220• Case baler; McKee 6 ft. ,auger type snow blower Miscellaneous - 6 gal. N. 30 oil: 20 gal No• 16 oil; 4 cartons _ grease; 2 - 16' steel gates; 100 steel posts; 40 rod page wire (newt): -80 rod back wire; 1500 Ib. scales: Auctioneers Note - This is an ourstanding sale• of well main- tained and recently new machinery: (No small items) RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE INDUST rAL AND COMMERCIAL' . A ICTIONEERS LINYON - 482-3120 t5b ELECTROLUX (CANADA) LTD Sales & Service •AUTHORIZED DEALER Alvin ;Riley 13; SERVICES AVAILABLE SKELTON APPLIANCES•, Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service Repairs to all makes , 36 Britannia Rd; W, t Ph. 524-7871 -17tf ACE RADIO &'TV Sales & Service Reouit"s to all • makes of Radio •$ Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCO°( -524.7771 Sid Bruinsma BACKHOE SE��IICE SEPTIC TANKS -.FILTER BEDS FREE ESTIMATES 1 0DERICH 524-8668 JACK'S WOOD TURNERY am now able to take ,in fur- niture for repairing again, as I've a large stock of craft work on'.'hand for my summer sales. • - John Plumtree (Rear) 84 Albert St. Clinton 14b 153 LIGHTHOUSE ST. p GODERICH PHONE 524-6514 YOUR FURNITURE -- AND CARPETS— DESERVE 11HE BEST! Have Carpet Care 'Clean them. with Steam Cali 524-2440 12. AUCTION SALE T n • .1 Consignment Auction Sale! SECOND S TUR'DAY OF EACH MONTH Farm Tractors & Machinety-located at ,Lakeview Sales and Service -11/4 Miles North 11/2 Miles East of Ca"rlow or Miles4orth'fast of Goderich Ontario. SATI*bAY APRIL 1 3 AT 11:O�AM. There will be pver 200 pieces of machinery ;Ind 50 tractors, including tractors from 10 to 100 horsepower, all makes and Sizes. General farm equipment ill - eluding combines, swathers, bailers, disc's, cultivatofs, ploughs, etc. To place bonsignmients call Lakeview, Sales and Service, 524-6451 • More `Consignments Welcome -Lunch Booth on°°Grounds Terms Cash-BRINDLEY ALICTION SERVICE IN CHARGE. ra. . CHIMNEYS And C-ARPENTR :LOBS: For, new or pointing up old;' chimney.e or small carpentry jobs. 'r �"• VERNON-GLENN AUBURN • 1-526-7238 15. PUBLIC NOTICE Auction Sale - Antiques, Books, China, etc. Perfect time to stock the cottage. Saturday May 25th, 1 P.M. StGeorge's Rectory Lawn. Mike ummings Auctioneer - Watch for further ttetatia. a WH.RELCHAIRS--WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Commit- 1eEt'Hnf the Goderich Odclfellow and Rebekah "Lodges have equipment fat' loan.,. Contact Amos Osliiildeston, 524•-9(323 or °Fred Frit- zlev, Nearly new sale, Friday April 26, 6:3Q p.m. St. George's ParishlHall, Spring Bargains Galore! 16. PERSONAL I WILL no longer be responsible for -Ing; debts incurred by my Wife, Jessie Relaneiv Es. after. this date, Ap3•i1 11, 1974. Fred Ren neivies.-15,16, i 7x HIRE, t 'Streaker Service, We've taken off our clothes and will .streak at Weddings,Church .Events, Academy Awards and other social happenings. For cypher information contact rt Mike's reena ger in Love - yrrvi� ter• i)isccfunts 0 fnr� charitable o' anizations.-15 1L.MISCELLANEOUS MORTGAGE for Sale -' Eir'st mor- tgage for $18,500 at 10 per cent an- nual interest on Commercial Property. Amount of mortgage ° represents only 45 per cent of property value. Call H.W. Shore Real Estate Broker, 524- 7272.-12tfar MORTGAGE wanted Cirerix. ° requires $25,000 first mortgage on Commercial Property, valued at $40,000. Will pay 10 per cent an- nual interest. Call H.W. Shore Real Estate Broker, 524-7272.-12tf God Iovs us, not for r• what we are, but because of what He Is. 20. TO GIVE AWAY A MALE mixed breed 'collie and shepherd, eighteen months old. House broken. Immunized: - Castrated. Healthy, loving and. •playful. For further informafion call 5.24-951( or 524.8323 ext. 33.-15,1,6 HOMES wanted for persian kittens. :Phone 521:79,28.-15 ' TO GIVE Away to•'Good Home, AA, Having a drinking problem? honer ,collie,.; good with children. Call 524 -1300i -r ,Write AA, Box 51, Phone -•182.3141,-15 Goderich.—tf"nc • DO YOU have marriage or family problems? . • The .Ministry 'of Corn- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home (ir in the Win,gharn Office, 199. Josephine Street. For appointment,1 phi>ne 357-3370.-8tf 15. PUBLIC" NOTICE~ ' 21. BIRTHS PETERSON': At Victoria 'Hospital, -London, Ontario, on April 5, 1974. 10' Mr, and Mrs. Carl Peter- son, Goderich. Ontario,, a song Pt Charles Mrc•hael, A brother for • Eddy and Brad. -15 15. PUBLIC NOTICE Kip:�der�a�ten Registeration FOR CHILDREN BORN IN 1969 St. Mary's School. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1-7 LAST•NAME BEGINS A TOL 9:15 to 11:151 LAST NAME BEGINS M TO , Z 1:15 to 3:15- oL1he only min teed to give you more a run for yourmoney d -577 car With Matador, the following parts and services are guaranteed • against factory delecta and replacement due to wea0Tor 12.months 0r 12.000 miles ENGINE/DRIVETRAIN SPARK PLUGS POINTS & coanENSER BRAKE LININGS AND PADS., CLUTCH LINING WIPER BLADES ',HOSES & BELTS WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING ALIGN HEADLIGHTS ' ADJUST CARBURETOR ADJUST DISTRIBUTOR ADJUST BRAKES ADJUST CLUTC ADJUST tZ TIGHTEN BELTS TIGHTEN NUTS 8 BOLTS FREE LOANER qA5, TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTION o., Q 4 YES YES YES YIS. YES YES u> gd �g YES NO NO NO NO NO YES Ygs YES Nb' YES NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO •NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 o' -o, zz -J Q da 0.0 aW.. 41 M YES YES NO NO NO N A N0 NO NO NO / NO NO NO NO 1 NO NO NO NO 1 Op NO NO NO NO „NA NO NO NO NO NO NO I NO YES NO/ NO 1.NO , NO A simple strong guarantee to lacl the only guarantee that experts every part 10 last for I2 months or 12 000 mites or we'll fix it free The above comparison os hosed on mlormatrnn ay44abie 41 ..� bon! 01 pubic ehon rel, 1 74 from Sour7o4 rons,dered to be rebs., You've decided to save some money and gs t into a' mid-size car Now. you must decide which mid-size will save you that money. Take a look at,the chart. A close look. •. How much will it cost if your carburetor or brakes need adjusting, or the wheel's need re -aligning? How about the annoying little things like'repiaeing, a windshieldrwiper or tightening a fanbelt? NSthing—if you choose .Matador• with the Buyer Protection Plan, It could be plenty, if you choose something else. There's even mote to Matador's economy than the Buyer Protection Plan, , Matador allows you to plan economy right into your car.You have a choice of two fuel -saving six cylinder engiaes or four V -8's• Matador has the only all•new mid-size coupe in 1974. Which means you'll still be proud of your car years from now. See your American' Motors Dealer. He will tell you all about the new Matador and give you full partieulars on the Buyer Protection Pla See him ,today. Ht' will help,you drive a real'bargain. , , Mataddr Brougham Coupe • • ,''E Arn$rican Motors '1/nnrrlor rue•r+.Pe) rsroorl,•rr,,'7rrn,pnrnnnn, Hari' , In rn, r and pot Prorlerfe700/ ! r olMr, nor nr, Wird r morn Wm, tllv,,, ,d,rrrwernlnr.wn,+r•+r .Pnr,1-rirhfh4 re-Ar,j, •, non. novo, We back them betftcr because we build them better. ti{ you want more comparisons, check all leading automotive road testing magazines and 'see how the Matador stacks up. •I(DIkI-% SERVICE American Motors JMtd - Jssp 28 Wield Road Godorlpb John Graf (lord, Munroe 8244411 'FEATURE USED' CAR VALUE Very Scarcb Model 1672 Hornet Sportat3out Statiorr Wagon. 12,000 original miles, big 6, automatic, power steering, "radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, woodgrain, under- coated since new, showroom condition. • " °2995