HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-04-11, Page 9G' iGODERICI•I SI•GNAL.STAR, TRURSP.AY,APRIL U, 19x4 ' 4. REAL ESTATE •FOR,SALE 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED THE MAN ,TO SE• E IS 52 West Street Goderlch 524.6991 COAST'1O COAST • REAM ESTATE SERVICE , D OVER 14 ACRES With approximately 10 Acres of prime cedar bush, and a small, cool streain,,..:,bttbblinq, its way through. The remainder is partly clear and guite,hilly. You get Tots of sun and no winds. SUMMER IS COMING And the living is easy - in this = two bedroom home in Meneset Park. The living room is spacious, and the kitchen perfect ' and large enough to eat in. Four appliances are included. Do see this.• .-�- A- GRACIOUS HOME - SHAPES THE FAMILY Comfort and- liveability are com- bined -in this,one floor eight room home in the country. More than - half..»aa-..,acre—of-_wel1 andspap0d. garden surrounds .this immaculate house - living room with beautiful !eat log burning . fireplace, separate dining room, (large kit- chen, 4 bedrooms with ample storage and a s den plus_ full basement, recreation room ands - over -Sized attached garage. SMALL -acreage: Suitable fol, or with cabin, require water, trees, privacy. Apply I3ox 90, Signal - Star Publishing, i.td.-9,10,11,12,tf WANTED to buy:• Old brick buildings, splitstone barn,, foun- dations,• original settlers' log cabins, and old barns,;for demolition and salvage purpci&e .. Write ROs i Lt,lmlev;11.135 Murphy Road, Sarnia, or telephone 1-542-4088 evenings. -15,16 MODERN single -storey brick home, 6: ACCOMMODATIONot0RENT 7. WANTED TO RENT m nr - ONE bedrooapartment, $125 monthly. available May' 1. All, utilities paid. Phone .5-'24- 2476.-14,15. -BED—SITTING room, with fireplace. One block from square. Modern kitchen. 3 piece bath,4walk in closet. Heat and .Hydro paid. Apply ,box 58 Sigliat=Star Publishing.=-6tf STORAGE .space ',for"' rent. ,Snowmobiles, boats and trailers. Phone482-7221.-15 16 -Tl; • under 10 years c►1d, in Goderich:• Cash. Replies confidential. No '� • agents please. Apply Box 92, ONE BEDROOM-apartmentabove { , ,WANTED 'TO RENT Store or floor space on the square in Goderich. AP - proximately 300 or 400 sq. ft..for Retail Outlet. 'Call 524-8431 V t Or Strathroy 245-0150 collect. • 8. HELP WANTtD N Signal -Star.— l ltf. store on.Square. $95.00 per,month. Phone 524-7924.-15 • A ,BUY AT 515,000.00 A good frai'ne home on an ex- cellent" lot, on Widder St. This home could ' be your castle if 3 bedrooms, a generous living room, large kitchen and utility room are what you wart.. 5A.° ROOM & BOARD7 THIRD floor Bachelor Apartment. In quiet , residential" area. Two Blocks from Square, Furnished, BOARDING house required' for broatiloomed, private entrance, handicapper) adult. Phone 524- •Suitablefor 1 or 2. Phone 524-9640 7676.-10tf nc after 5:30 p,m.-15,16 ROOM and Board, We bave two ogen-ings available. ,Lunc;hes packed. Gooc ,-heals. Exceptional accommodation. Evenings 524 '6684. -2tf LEASE THE LAND - OWN`'TNE HOME Looking for a home to rent? Let 'us show you how you cars; own your horhe for as little as $125 per, month., Phone 524-6384 or 52443059 Huron Haven Homes RR 6, Goderich, Ont. --46 -4. REALESTATEFOR E_...._zm MAKE AN OFFER Then complete the remodelling yourself. Partly finished '1 1/2 - storey frame house in the country. An excellent place to spend the summer months. Fresh air and Sunshine is yours for 'as• little as ' "EXTRA LARGE Solid red -brick, full 2 storeys, 4 big bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, no -draft hot-water heat. An excellent buy so see us today. INVESTMENT COM• MERCIAL $7,000.00 down will buy this 11,1300 sq. ft. 2 -storey -building - with a high potential for a store or light manufacturing.. Could be (eased to more than one tenant= A real money-maker for the right person. Large store in Goderich in' A-1 condition with good parking and storage. Apartment above needs some fixing but is spacious and pleasant WHY PAY HIGH RENT • Start your married' life right by putting your rent monevinta a home of your own instead of giving it to someone els'e. Weve "just the right place for you. To find out ,how, come on in and ask us about ' the house on Warren St: EXCELLENT • TO RENT OUT' Four bedroom house close to ' school, downtown, hospital - close to everything. New roofs good'for- ced-air gas furnace. The taxes are quite low,' as is the asking price. HOMES WITH A FUTURE Three bedrooms, step -saving kit- chen, ,dining area; Targe living room, 4 -piece bath; these homes have lots of cupboards, lots of closets.,, They also have hook-ups reserved for your washer, and dryer combinations. Make an ap- pointment to see 'them to -days. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE , AT $9,000.00 Winterized cottage- 9 years old. Electric heat. Needs;.some fixing. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Beautiful country store close to Lucknow, includes 4 bedroom living quarters, plus store and 60 acres. This land has, an ever flowing spring on it, and some bush. ; See it to -day . - GOOD CASH CROP LAND 30 Acres close to Goderich, good fertile soil, 'all cleared and plowed - ready to Work, excellent for corn .or beans. SUPPORT THE GODERICH RECREATION COMMITTEE Call Collect TERRY BAUER, 526-7709, Auburn MRS. ENID BELL 56 St. Patrick' 5200191, Goderich WARREN ZiNN 044350, LuckrtOw Wilfr Mclntee of Wilfred Mcin= tee & Co. limited is pleased to an- nounce the appointment of Mr Paul S: Warr to' his ' Goderich branch office sales staff; Paul is a graduate of Goderich. ..District CollegiateInstitute and Fanshaw College's real estate sales course': He has lived in Goderich for eight years with his parents Rev. and Mrs. ' L. Warr" and his three. brothers Hudson, David, and John. 1 am sure Paul is most capable and that he would be very pleased to help you in any aspect of your real estate needs. 'Phone - .Bus 524-6991 Res. 524-9314 -NOW. RENTING BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS 1 & 2- bedroom apartments also .t aclielor. suites APRIL 1ST POSSESSION WATCH FDR OUR OPEN HOUSE MODEL SUITE visit our office W.J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. 38 EAST STREET I524-8100 524-9131. 1. WANTED TO RENT THREE 'car fourbedroom house, mutt have one mon'th's notice. Phone colle.ct'p-Stratford 273- 0917.-14,15 WANTED to rerit a farm house up. • Hwy, -No. '21 north or, south of - Goderich. Phone 524-90f14.-13tf• • 4. REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE —Appraisals Property Management —Investments 26 THE SQUARE REAL ESTATE BROKER - -Residential —Farms ,-Business , .Resort Properties GODERICH • ,WE WORK' AT IT FULL TIME If you're considering •selling any type of business, no matter how large or small it is, we wouldappreciate the opportunity of meeting and talking with you. For example; Pwe have jut listed a 22 unit Motor inn complete with residence plus extra income from restaurant, priced to sell, less ,ban $8,500 a unit.'Or; if you like the food business; see this,well established, fully equipped Snack.Bar and Takeout service. FIRE SALE 111 don't sell this choice west -end residential building lot this week, I'II be fired. You need only 1/3 down to purchase this 66 - foot lot. (P.S. I got a one week extension. What is your offer?) - HAVE A GOOD DAY See this' real comfort two bedroom bungalow in -a' nice lobation. Modern kitchen, dining room' and laundry room, all newly decorated. Ideal for , two. • REWARDING INCOME • -' - is .the best reason for buying thfls west -end attractive; semi- detached, self'contained two unit apartment. You need only $4,500 down as it is listed ,to selJ at $29,900. COUNT THEM Over twenty three thousand pine trees are on this wonderful hunting and retreat property, Oil rights and gravel alone is worth the purchase price. This 50 acres is located on a good County Road, 23 miles north of Goderich. Spring creek makes it ideal for developing a trout pond. VACATION PROPERTIES Treed ravine "Bluehaven Beach" lakefront lot. Easy access, no erosion, wide sandy beach. At this price, you can't go wrong. $12,500 with $4,200 down. "It's a Honey', for the money four choice Second row lots at Green Awes call now be purchased" for $5,500 each. "Cool . Bargain" 197 feet of the choicest lakefront property can be yours for $60 per foot. Vodden Beach. SUNSET BEACH All year round home which has everytlljng. Large living room, compact kitchen, master be;droGm and double closets, sewing • room or second bedroom, fUl basement,•Located on a double lot. Priced to sell, 6% mortgage. MR. EXECUTIVE , if you're Woking for a quality built better home, let us show • you our fine selection.' JUST LISTED - 3 BEDROOM HOME IN BAYFIELD REALISTICALLY PRICED $16,900 OFFICE Jotk-Cunirings, Bill Clifford 5249624 524..00 5249097 COOK Experienced and used cto Working independently, for noon'• and early evening Shift:— Please hift:"Please apply in person or by phone at The Mill in Benmilter. 524-7040 or 524-2191. a . HELP M . .WANTED rommommitt „, WATKINS need help, part time or. full tithe. No investment required. Contact Mr, G. Beatty, RR 2, Lakeside, Ontario. Phone 349- ' 2469.--14,15,16 EXPERIENCED truck driver, ap- plv to Box 10, Clinton News -Record, stating' experience and referen- cesa1'4,15ar EXPERIENCED transport trailer driver required.. Reply to. Box 94, Signal -Star, stating expel -046, age, and accident report. All replies will bereat'ed strictly confiden- ' tial. --11 tf :.FULL and PART TIME help wan- • -ted.. For July and August. Senior students and/or -adult, married ' couple interested in light work in healthy environment at Pine .bake campi RR 1 Bayfield. Duties qualified Life GuardA Cleaning, Clerking, grounds work etc. Good wages for the right pimple. Write to Robert M. Elliott RR :3 Clinton or phone 482-9287 evenings for an•in- terview.-1 St.f Top Wages Paid b 1 CLASS, A LICENSED . MECHANIC T - THIR D' OR F=OURTH YEAR CLASS A APPRENTICE. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY For Repairs to all maks of cats APPLY IN PERSON TO MOTORS mato u 184 EAST ST. GODER(CH 524-7212 :a t9 8. HELP WANTED ts PART-TIME janitor. Apply. to Household Finance .Corporation,. 35A West Street, Goderich.--14ar A-1, TECHNICIAN do Huron County. Age 20-25 wears. Contact United Breeders' Incorporated 482- 3442 between 8 and 10 a.m.-15x WANTED. - Waitresses - Short Order Cook Apply CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN BAYFIELD' RD., GODERICH "WANTED" • LICENSED BODY MAN OR PERSON IN AT LEAST 3rd YEAR OF • APPREN- TICESHIP. - a • LICENSED CLASS A MECHANIC OR • PER$O9N'r AT LEAST,3rd YEAR OF AP- PRENTICESHIP. ° w TOP HOURLY WAGES - CLEAN, BRIGHT, MODERN SHOP APPLY IN ,PERSON TO: • : Sthckmd TOYOTAV•. 71111111111111111r' 334 Huron Road - Strickland Motors Ltd. 524-9381 • 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PETER S. MacEWAN GENERAL .INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 ST. DAVID ST. GeODERICH 524-9531 " YOU-•MUT SEE' THIS. ° To appreciate t he c ornforh run!%enienre and 1ut'at ion of this t Meet Bedroom home, an exceptionally Large -kitchen with modern cup- hocirds, adjoining utility rocim, this home k situated on a 62' x 1'35' lot with corribint4d garage and •workshop 28 x 14. Asking $18,40(1 DON'T PAY HIGH 'RENT When you can'pt;lri•hase this instil brick horrre situated on a lot 65 x 132 for only $16,500, -While the home does,need some work it situated near •the lake in. a fine residential area., $14,000,00 This, is all they ask for this three bedroom cement hicx-k'home, :3 Pc. 'hat h. oil furnace, situated) on I acre of land,' taxies only $90 per vear located near Lut'•know, Ontario' • • •. TWENTY'ACRES • A retreat' property, approximately 15 acres Of woodland, trout pclnd; a Strong spring, situated on this property is a 12 x (34 r'nohile home. with a large addition '.c•ont;titling a partially finished rec room with fireplace. This is a good buv at $;32,000, •t, 00 YOU ENJOY WILDLIFE?. Just listed 15 aures surrounded•hv thousand;;•:if aeres,of wirdiife in conservation area. Situated'on the said land J.s a three hedre•►t►m instil brick home, oil furnace, plumbing, pressure system. Good 41 eel implement 'shed.' included in the purchase price k 000 far - mal tractor and set of discs Only asking $24,500. • SECLUSION AND PEACE OF MIND All. for $5,000 This lot is 66' x 142' '!cleated half mile from Bavfield Ontario ' Ideal for your cottage or permanent home, WE HAVE VERY PROFITABLE BUSINESSES FOR SALE C'►mmercia,l properties and residential lots. Drop in and discuss your requirements with us. We are here to serve vou. • We Need Your Listings - - For Action Pietist, Phoria Bruce Ryan $. 5244762 , John Schneiker Res. 524-6055 Audray TlmbrNI• RH. 52402303 if . Buying or Salting 8.R.. Robinson Res. 524-0905 Maurice Gardiner Rot. 5241302 `WANTED CLASS A MECHANICS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT ., 'MECHANICS For underground shift work. At- tractive rates of pay and benefits. Domtar 'Chemicals, Sig° Salt- Mine, -Goderich, 524- 8351. 10. EMPLOYMENT/ WANTED 12, AUCTION SALE I•IIGH school student with con- siderable babysitting experience desires this type of work from June 14 'to September 1., Mondays through Fridays. Phone 524-5914 after, p.m. -14,1% s, 11. TENDERS • • TENDERS will be receiiied by the, under- signed unfit 6 p.m. Monday April 15. 1974 for collecting garbage from summer cottages : in the Township of Ashfield. • Garbage to be picked up each Monday during the period June 15 to September 15, and deposited in the Waste Disposal Sites. Particulars May be 'obtained from the Clerk. • Lowest or any • tender not necessarily accepted. Signed Donald M. Simpson Clerk' Township of Ashfield RR 3, Goderich, Ontario. Thi Goderich POST OFFICE REQUIRES CLERK TYPIST " n $3.04 to $3.34 per . hour. Must have typing .an book-keeping experience. Open to residents of the area served by Goderich Post Office. Apply to Canada Manpower Centre,' 35 .East Street, Goderich. LOOKING FOR AN 'INTERESTING" CAREER Enjoy meeting people? We have positions open, for full. time and part-time waiters or waitresses and a „short order cook. Excellent working con- ditions in one. of Hiiron County's' finest restaurants and taverns. Apply to the. Can- dlelight, Bayfield Roa t, Goderich. - • HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Secretary„ An opening exists in our Ad- ministrative Centre for an ex ' perienced Senior Secretary. Good typing and shorthand skills would be prerequisites for the successful candidate. Applications stating experience and references should be for- warded to this office by April .19, 1974.- Address to: Mr..R.B. Dunlop'; Superintendent bf Business Affairs. HURON COUNTY BOARD QF EDUCATION 103 ALBERT ST: CLINTON, ONT. ( 9. WANTED (General). Tender for Roofin4 Of • St. Paul's Anglican ,Church` Clinton, Ontario. 4, Specification: To • remove old asphalt and cedar shingles and install ° new • 3 in. 1 .' asphalt shingles, 210 lbs./sq., seal - down, plain green, on main sec,-,, tion of church and front en- trance. New flashing to be in- - stalled • around chimney, steeple, and front entrance: Old shingl etc. to be removed • from m . Tendust be' receiprevedlbsby April- 30ers, m 1974 Lowest or any "tender not necessarily accepted. For fur- ther information please phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn.. . Board of Management St.Paul'S Anglican Church • 14,15,16,17 12. AUCTION SALE CLEARING LAIJOTION SALE of ,. Household effects and sorrte an- tiques and bees. Will be held "for Lloyd • Machan. Part - of 1' McDonald Survey Goderich St' Auburn on "Saturday, April 13, 12:30 p. m. ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- 2 brown• chesterfield suites, 2°sets end tables and coffee tables, floor tv lamp, 2 occasional chairs, 2 chairs µhigh back, 30" continental bed, 1 set 30" bunk beds, 2 dressers, 2 chest of , drawers, bedroom, suite 54". 48" bed: 2.39" beds, "vanity stool, mirrors, 4 odd ` chairs, odd mirror. • 42" chrome wet and 8 chairs extends to 80",400den table and 4 chairs, •buffet, utility table, portable tv. Westinghouse, tv tables, deck drapes, child's sewing set, G.S.W. Fridge,- 2-20" propane stoves, Mc -Clary dryer, Simplicity super , twin washer? encyclopedia britan- nica c lock,'staifrless steel cannister set, some dishes, crockery jugs,- old planes. tractor umbrella, 1'2 H.P. electric motor (like new), 2-1/4 H.P. • electric motors, garden took, single snowmobile trailer; tricycle, square.' wood heater, 2 truck flare lights,, 'other items too numerous to men- i �n. ZEES - .50 hives -and .all equipment. Reversible •2" frame extractor; manual 2 frame extractor; 2 year 'old; electric uncapping tray, table and holding box; 500 Ib. tank, storage -tank; 150 Ib. ,tank; electric' uncapping 3snife, a:hot water knives, 2 supers „for each hive, quantity of- , new pails, 50.hives packed last fall in douhle,hrood chambers in strong , eonditiun and gall frames full of . feed these 'were tn4pected gate • last- • year. 25 of these hives had new tops, . • inner covers, bottom boards. and hive stands last vear. Approx. 200 • • frames' wf new comb 'fast vear, "B/►xes are all painted white and in ;.veru good condition. 10 frames to box. Extra full 'boxes 1'2 supers and coinh honey boxes with comb; 9 frames/to a box.:"' Other items per- taining to bee keeling hives -may be inspected by anointment'' phane 526-7717 , Terms ° cash -house "sold; Prop:_ moving into furnished house trailer; Owner or 'Auctioneer not respit,n- sihlcj for accidents or injuries in anv, 4 wail connected `withe sale. Prop.- LLi,yd Machan. Autiuneer Grant McDonald, 'Ri1ijev;' 'F ne 395-5353. COMPLETE househtii'd effects or - small lots wanted. Call C and E Furniture, 524=7231.---gtf. . WANTED -To buy. 4 Wheel 'right hand drive Jeep. Apply Lloyd Hun- ter, Lucknow. 528-3949,---15,1,6 ° RABBITS FOR MEAT Contact Ray itann3 RR 2, Auburn WANTED CAST IRON a° SCRAP WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES CALL HOPPER FOUNDRY LTD S73-2641 MICTION.. SALE - Household ef- fects; antiques and reek state will be "''held. for the• estate of the late •, Mrs;. Alex Moreland,- 757 Victoria St„ Kincardine on Saturday, April 20 at 12:30 noon. Real'Estate to be ,old at approximately 3 p:m TERMS - on household effects CASH' -'nn Real Estate, 15 percent down day of sale,: balance. in 6f1, days. Executor; Cecil Mgreland. --._ Aucliuneers Wallace Ballagh, •, Teeswater ;392-6170,.'' Grant McDonald, Ripley :395 x353.-15AR .AU, TIONEERS • and : LIQUIDATORS ,BRUCEFIELD, O•NT. Offer the most modern •auction "methods. LICENSED. and BONDED_ • ' ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 • ,,'Rif ATHWELL'S AU 'NNW ="i!fiF01-4111 ,ANTIQUE AUCTION. To, be held for Russel Coleman in'Knapp's Auction Room St. Seaforth on Thursday.evening• April 11 at 7:30 P.M. Furniture & Antiques - pine flat to wall; cherry high boy; 2 large -- 'side boards; 2 pine flour bins; small cherry table; fainting couch; pump organ and stool; spool wash stand; commode; 0 - wicker wicker parto& 'table; fern stands; presOback rocker; 6 pressbackJ chairs; odd chairs;.. oak hall seat; brass and iron beds; dressers, chest of 'drawers; oil hanging lamp (brass);' Aladdins lamp (brass) 4 oil (amps; cast iron kettle and pots;' cream cans; pottery;' brass umbrella stand; quantity .of glass and china. Proprietor -Russel .Coleman • RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE w Auctioneers and 'Appraisers 482-3120 - 'Brucef ield 1. TENDERS 15b 11 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH 'Tenders for Gravel for ti%refathing and ififiii'1ing of 'approximately 12,000 cu,. °yds. of 5/8" gravel and must be capable of 1000 cu. yds. a day. Work to be done tothe sati'sfaction of the • Road Superintendent and completed by June 15, 1974. Tenders are to be in the hand's of the Road Superin- tendent by 6 p.m. April 15, 1974,and accompanied by a certified cheque kit 610.00. Lowest or any tender nod' necessarily accepted. f For further particulars Contact , Joe hotter, RR 3, Clinton Road Superintendent