HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-18, Page 3Cream \ Tartar PUREST *TRONGEST BEST g 9 4 Contains no Alum, Ammonia, X.,Irna, Phosp,hates, or any enjurtent Es Ws`CELLOTTe Toronto, Ont. , isnE BEST REMEDir FOR RU1SES, CALDS, URES a, CUTS. "qack ac he the scavengers means the kid- of the system, nays are in "Delay is grouble, Dodd's dangerous, Aleg- Kidney Pills give 'acted kidney prompt relief." troubles result "75 per cent. in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver first. ca 'sed by Complaint, and disorder, Ind- the most den- neys, gerous of all, "Migl swell Blights Disease, • try to h ve a Diabetes and healthy 'city Dropsy/' without sewer- "The above age, as good diseases cannot health when the exist where kidneys are Dodds Kidne jj clogged, they are Pills are used.' 1 Sol" all dealers or sent by inailonrcceipt of ptic o cents. pet box or six. for Da L. man & Co. Twouto. Write or book ed Kidney Tallc. 4413;x. ;‘,.)k the removil_ • worms of :ill kin corn children or ade:t • irde Da. Srri-l'; OFaifylArti eseOlii nozenew.ES.Alwa: rompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring.n after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad aft amis' Prft.:94. 215 CCATItO 1,,E4V/ Rt4),k- rwarai4emmozpasexescacamems Dattgereue Shooting. Seals are' very fond of music, and the hunters who puesue them inosb successfully Often make one of some musical instrument to attract them. In "A. Seal Hunt on the Blaket Islands" a writer in Outiog do. scribes au adventure with seals, when a gun proved a dangerous weapon. - The oars eepped slowly, O'Brien's eyes were 'fixed on the caves, and the boatzneo sung in unisoh it weird, wild etong in a kind of undertone. tro the writer thie seemed a curioue accom- paniment to a seal hunt ; but he was still ihore surprised when one of the men pro duced a fiute and played on it a quaint, sympathetic air, that echeted and re-ecluied Among the castes. The musicel effects were marvellous ; but our author turned to CeBrien and atiked"What is the menhir:1g oral' this ?" "Oh, it is to attract the seals, In a few minutes you will see. theta beeleing on the water ihd on , the ledges, ohanned almost to unconecieueness by-the'musio." And so it happened ; for underneath, on "an easy ledge," we saw two seals scramble up and lie quietly listening, "Now it is owe time," EAU O'Brien, and the boatmen gently rowed tpward the fits. cinated seals, the flute -player still continu- ing eis tune. Withoub gine or epear my eriend sprang to the rooky ledge. He had with him only a bludgeoh and a long knife. Noiseleirsly advaeong upon the seals, he dealt one of them , low on the nose and then slid for- *arrl, d 'llecleir Wit le ehle ' Inetfe, Thus our fire apture was made. " 7' iy not eboot the poor brutes and so end the affair ?" I asked. O'Brien laughed, "My cleat sir," he replied, "ib is impossible. I will prove it to yoa. You have your rifle with you, Well, the next tinae we meet a seal I will alleW you to do the work with powder and • bell, and we shell aeo how you fere." • Then we went over to Cerrigcluff and en. deavored with meek to inveigle other seals. • And we wore rewar,ded, for far within ‘4the great eerie" there appeared a splendid male, intioll lament, then thoee we had before • goon -4a a consume beet, but one of the large, bearded seals. He ware toeller'- peera,nee, unconscioue of our apprettele The flute -never continued hie tune, and the °are pushed the watere as nMeelessly as possible until wo Were within a few ye,rdir of the game. "New try your gun," whispered O'Brien. I climbed out of the yawl and got chew to the teal. 1 found to got too close, lest • I should frighten him off the ledge ; so I rested against the 81inty rook and, asking careful men et a point between his should- ers, fired, The din was awful. It seemed as if the tele islane were being blotta to pieces by modern battery. I became aware, too , that my elan, heti trot killed the ani. it My e everful riaw„ no. 0,0,1, by, series of , coy ous Spine. MOVO)iterlidf bit had 1101)10/0IOSO tO ankle itt hie eme ' sf, wets toe feaenieneekon to cry Th &lug Lena. 1 never SaW pletere mule nevem heard a sol4; leet made the eve so musioal, the morning halts° lone. As 4 pioture in my monsory, a, merry song 1 As Xald it on cm etwoing when the sun wae sitikine love, And the shadows and, the sunlight and the mild -eyed, welting kine, With the pasture sloping greenie to the eses ragged line, And a meitlenab her nsilking and the Sky that awned above Wrought a rural peporame in it paradise of love, While the streams of milk went laughing ia meregmotiotene, Singleg plainly : "Good it is not for it man to live attract" Anda melody or moraing eranglea tn a vesper rhyme Thee sweet Dollien voice was crooning at the ha ppymailleing time ; Pam' Dome et her melting when our souls Wer0 all a -rhyme„ To the svveethess and oompleteness of the merry milking time, From the fence along the woodlend rose the breien, quail's (weber:cc call And ' good night" sang the robin as the dews bonito to fall, Widle from the gloomy thieket, faintly fading o'or the hill, Oanase11tlyev4oe sorrow in the ory of,41aotte leut no sone of heel or insect coulkl on melody prenail 'With two streams of milk a felling through her brovnt hands in the pail; With two streems of milk a falling and the song she murmured low Of two happy lovers meeting, at the suneet long ago, 01 I never SAW a picture end I never heard a; song Thatmade the eve es musicale the morniug, hail so long, As that old picture painted on love's tapestry ot ehyme, 01 the raerry country maiden at the dente old milking time; As that song and soul remembers, and repeats in every Mime, Of stveee love enchanted at the happy milking time. The Dairy—Some New Year Resolutions. As custom makes the New Year the time for "turning over new leaves" and reeking • good restitutions, we suggest that those who are in the dairy business for profit, can to advantage resolve something like this: resolve— That I will work on business prin- ciples. That I will not let the skim mils go to waste. That I will use only a pod brand of dairy salt. That the cowshell have pure water to drink and plenty of it. That I willseethat the cows are waren inwititer and have shade ia sununer. That I will sell my good butter and my poor cowe, for it is profitable to do so. That I will temper the cream with a thermometer instead of with my finger. That I will not let another drought (Abell me without something to tide it over with. That I will carefully weigh an dre- cord each churning and keep an account with my cows. e Thee I will use harmless t trtificial coloring when the cows fail to color the batter, That I will not make butter as my grandmother did, but as progreesive dairy- men do now. • That I will tell my representative in the legislature to support pure food bills and pleasures aimed at the illegal sale of oleomargarine. That Twill use parolunent paper, to wrap my butter or cover it in the tub, instead of using muslin or old rags. That before planting time comes I will investigate theembject of cow peas, scarlet clover, ensilage and. various roots. That I will net be oajoled into thinking that there is any better place to make but- ter than on the feign: That I _will look into the subject of ilrl• provedportable creameries and see if they are not, handier and more economical than pans or crocks. That I will investigate the matter of box stalls, adjustable stalls and pateet tiee and eee if there is not something more humane than the old stanchions. That I wil no be penny-wise by be- grudging the cows plenty to eat, or prac- tice false economy by using old-faehiorted appliances when new ones can be had at reasonable prices. That I and my neighbors will give a deaf eat to any smooth-tongued "creamery sheik " that comes into our neighborhood a,ncl wishes • to put up a $2,000.00 publio creamery for $4,500.00., That 1 will champion the cause of pro. gressive anil intelligent dairying as the best most profitable, Raid mese pleasant factor in a system, of diversified farming. Successful Butter -Maker - When I first knew Walter B., five. years ago, he was a melaool teacher, earning $30 a month, ir a country distket, for eight months in the year. lao was oontemplat. ing the study of law, when his attentioh was turned to the not leas honorable pur- suit of buttermadring. His circumstances demanded the immediete earning of money, while if he entered the legal profession, poor, untried, aria unknown, some yetere must elapse before he coald work up it pro. &able practice. Besides coneributing to- ward, the support of hie aged parents, he hacl been enabled to save a limited amearit from his schoonteaohitig wages, With this he attended it dairy school, confining his studies to the ere of fine buttemmak- In the *ring he got a job as " eecond man" in a creamery, at $20. per month eta board, which was „better than the $30 pe,r month without board, that he haceformerly earned at school teaching, The next swoon he obteined a position as butteemeker in a name I co-operative oreitniety thet had just started, Ile did. all of the work, and vean given 8,50 per month for nine menthe, iste diseharged his ditties so completely that he was obtained be, the management at $60 per month, axe as the patronege oe the factory lied increased he WAS given a helper also. met him and his wife to whom be, had been recently inerried, riding out ie a car, riage one warm evening last summer, and be cordially invited me eo "00016 over and Free his factory," an opportuniby of whites I availed myself it fOW dame litter. 1 novo., saw a yeeng man more happily situated than he was. }Ifs dairies, though steady, were not arduous, and earnieg fair Weges, Iso wee reaping the reward of hie skill. The feetory was newly built, and the ap. pitrettie being nese, end also of the most approved pattern, cooteibrited inuole to the suecese of the maker. Dividends wore ap- portioned aecording 10 the Babcock test. This method gevo eminent eaeriefection to both tho pitmans arid the maker, Friend, II, said thee the two of the test had resulted in it gtea gbh/Mille to better dairy methods in that neighborhood. " regret-, tho.1 cia sltd&b stud I tt ileted to the size of wise owls, why not Wash ils,then ? Under Wee betide it would reeeien etteh treatment at that point. If it was right to advocate the weighing et salt down to a leaf ounce, both it and the butter Wendt], be weighed by the einalleet 00t04 Alt the soale, before they were incors ?grated togeblier, Seine of hie better•making eeeocietee !Ailed hien "orenky" on the einbjeee ef strict observanoe of detail, 019,111'14T thet no such hobbiee wore ridden in preeittee. "So nmeh the wore for the peaotice, then," gelid B. , It -was thts tionecientious principle to learn, and pat into daily practice all that he diet learn, that made him quickly u sum eeeeful butterwrieken The same general oberacter ane skill, besides beneeting himself, put extranlollars into the pockets of every dairyman who patronized the factory in whieh he was employed, and raised the standerd of that plant to a reputetion of " host grade.' Without a doubt Air. le. will be able to commartil end demand an increase in his salary before tee year is out, There is room in the proleseion for other bubterenakers like biter, but no room for thomeavlai become inclifeerent te the appli. cetitin of nteuy etreentiale in the deily routine of werk, , In the matter of butter - making, be sure that your neglect will find you out—I Geo. E. Newelhin Ohio Farmer, Fruit Notes. Bamboo is put to more uses than ' any other plant. A superfluous branoh is a needless drain upon the resources of a tree. Very few orchards are whet they might have been with proper pruning. In pruning the grape allow five canes or vines to each post, outting back every year. Burn all of the wood cut out of black and raspberries so as to destroy tire eggs of inseots. Put up a number of small berme in the trees,in the orchard especially for the mar tine and wrens. The trees most frequently struck by lightning are oak and elm. Beeches are rarely, „if ever, ertrucle. , All apples keep best in a temperature wsetty near freezing, and particularly in en even temperature. In all pruning it is safer to err on tbe side of pruning too little rather than to run the risk of pruning to much. A garden can hardly be to rich, es- pecially if proper care is taken in planning the work so as to keep the ground occo- pied, All Acme fruite, such as the cherry and plum, should be grafted before the •sap leaves, otherwise success is more than doubtful. The long growth of.raspberries and black- berries thoold be shortened one-third or more if the growth was unchecked during the summer. It is claimed thpe. with the:peach a eolith - ern slope will yieleesserlier, richer and bet: ter flavoredefruit, but there is en increased riek of loss frons late frosts. Side grafting is most applicable to sticks less than one ince isa diameter, while cleft grafting may be performed on sticks from one moh up to two mohes in diameter. In transplanting evergreens the 'recite should be wrapped with demp straw °they as soon as they are taken out of the ground, and proteoted in this • way until set ' out again. Keep this in mind for next spring: One tomato plant properlysen staked, manured and pruned is worth a dozen cultivated in the ordinary manner. The proof of this is easy ---test it for yourself. When trees are -to be set out in the i • spring,, n many oases well be a good plan to tetark out the ground and set stakes where the trees a,re to be planted, This will save trme in the spring. Killikinick, orkinikinick, which the In- diana are in the habit of mixing with to- bacco, is rapiely becoming extinct. Sev- eral pleats have 'received this name, but they have no right to it. The true herb is the inside bark of a young willow. There is much to be said in the favor of a wider cleveloptnent of horticulthre among our farmers. The progress and development of a given region Call be closely estimated by watehing the progress of its horticul- ture. The happiness and stability and beet intermits ole community are a.dvanced by the liberal -practice of this industry. Fruits and flowere ere great civilizers, and we can not have too many of them. Mysteries ole Lump of Coal. For years no one had supposed that e lump of soft coal, dug fremits mine or bed in the earth, possessed any other purpose than that of fuel. It was next found that it would afford a gas which was oombusti bis. Chemical analysis proved it to be made of hyclroger. n process of time mechani- cal ed chetnicel ingennity devieed a mode of rnanufectaring tide gee, aed applying it to the lightipg of buildings and °there on a large ece,le, in doing this, other products of distillations were developed until, step by step, the following Ingredients are extracted from it : An excellent oil to supply lighthonses, egnal to the beet sperm oil at lower coet. Benzole—a light sort of ethereel fluid, Which evaporates easily, and, combined with vapor or moist air is used for the pur. pose of portable ges lampsso eallech Naphtha—a heavy fluid, useful to diseolve gottapercha and ladle rubber, An excel- lent oil for Inericitting pommies, Asphal. turn; which is 8, black, solid eubsts,nce,used in making varnishes, covering roofs, and coveting vaults. Paraftine—a white °rye. talline substanomereserabling white wax, Which can be Mettle into bearttiful vvitx candiee ; it melts et a temperature of orm hundred and ten degrees, and effeeds an excellent light All thee° soft !substances are neW made ham eat coal. Romance of a London Rossitel • A very exereordinary story hag come to liglit in London, The wife of a wealthy Geri -nen gentleman died in the University College hospital,and the husband,in pitying his last vieit to her body in the hospital mortuary, plume ou the fingers of the corpeo nine costly ringn The body was zoldered down in n leeden shell, which was pieced in an oak coffin ; but certain drown. etanees he,vittg oome to the knowledge of the oridertalter,his sespielOns were aroused, and on prormeding to the hospital mortuary he found thet the oaken octeen had been inn sorewed end the leaden ooffin, cut hate Strange to atty he allowed the oorpse to Inr buried at 13rampton Oornotary, but nicietiug the himband there he tom 'him, wriNt haa haponed,whotontion the husband eloained an order for exhumation from the Ilome Seeretary, and found thee fete 'of the nine • ewes bed )ioltttai Won't- n'a hand, tidal iS FROM MTH In lees than $OO yearGreat 'Britian alone bee spent 41,359,000,000 in Warv The largest locomotive Was built four yeare itgo for the Northern Pacific, 225,000 pourele in weights. The biakest natural bridge is at Rook. bridge, Va„ O0 feet from the water to the bottom of the arch. A bauk official,vvito "speaks by the card," eaye that tee Meet meetly metal is didynium, worth $4,500 per pound. A certain Chinese sect tea.chee tbat wornee who become vegetarians will be transformed into men ba the great here- after, , The Japanese have 100 tutturel banks, with an aggregate camitel of $35,000,000, Of these 69 peid, irk 1.890, dividends of 10 to gO per cent. The Britisn ironclad Vulcan must be a monster if its rudderbe taken ae the cri- terion. Their useful adjunct weighe twenty- two tons. • In 1821 Greet Britain heti 8,572,000 houses!, whose rental value was R20,000,- 000 ; now there are 7,100,000 houses; rental value, £134,700,000. In 1660 the land of Greab Britain con- stibuted 57 per cent. of the eountry's wealth, and was valued at 250,000,000. Land was then worth $5 an acre. Ther e IS a steady _decrease in the value of oed English menroone, Oakley hall, in Fastex, a fine property of 000 acres, valued forty yeare ago et $140;000, lase laeen sold for $40,000. The new Hungarian marriage law pre- scribes that betrothel shell give no right te compel the performance of a marriage, although ib may justify e laim for com- pensation, The moon is not so email after ale Its surfece area is fully as great as that of Afriba and Ausbralia, combined, whieh would make it only about lee times smaller than OUr earth. There are over e00 mountains on the North American continent that are over 10,000 feet in height. In Alaska, alone there are scores of them, elle not less then five in thet boreal region exceed 15,000 feet. A millionaire of Vieena lute leftprovision in his will for the constant illumination of the vault wherein he now lies. An.eleetrie light is to be kept burning for a year, and even the coffin is to be Iigh ted in the interior by eleotricitY. In 1881 English, ships brought to the hone factories of England. 80,000 skeletonof Turkish and Russian soldierwho had per- ished in the Crimean war. They were to be utilizing material, after lasing ground to powder en the Mills. The first aerial voyage was mede Septette. ber 13, 178,3, by a sheep, a cock and a duck' to a height of 1,500 fest. The first human traveleet through the air was el. Francois Pilatre de Reeler who mounted. the follow- ing month in a gee balloon. • All the wars of Napoleon Bonaparte ()est his country Z255,0U0,000, while the wars of Louis Napoleon coot France £442,000,000e The former made the enemy pay most of the expense ; the expense of the wars waged by the, latter was borne by France. , The soldier is the best fed individual of hie clime in Europe. The British soldier receives for his daily ration 16 ounces of bread, -12,o1 meat, 2 of rice, 8 of dried vege- tables, 16 of potatoes, and once a week he receives 2 ounces of salt, 4 of coffee and 9 of sugar. • Electricity le on the point of obtaining a remarkable success in Saxony. According to various papers negotiations for carrying out the protect to supply electric power in a single centre for the entire extent of the kingdom have resulted in a concession to that effect, Old recorde say thee, the law ence took a hand in reduoing the size of womaner sleeves in Venice. • That was in 1303, and its effect was soon seen in eles extravagant trains that women added tdeheie gowee. As soon as the puzzled law makers realized what was the niatter, they curtailed the skirt by a second edict, to be again circum- vented. by the great magnificence of both skifets and eleaves, which were blazoned with embroideriee of gold, and 001 with precious stones. These, too, were enacted out of fashion, bub only while the women were getting breath for a freeli con- test, and a sleeve that_ exceeded in cost anything that had gone before; 'for they were both wide and long, reaching ev-en the hem of the dress. These were the arm cover- ings phat called forth the 19,st flat from the Venetian Senate. RYENAS or TILE DANUBE. Men Who Reap a ioreadraIllervest frosn the Corvette in that Stream.. A painful sensation has been created in Vienna by an article in one of the Vienna daily /ampere, entitled "The Hyenas of the Danube," in which a gruesomely realistic descripton is given of the annual appearance ofihundreds of c orpees floating down the rivet. between. Vienna, arid Hungary, which are regularly plundered by the people on tho banks and then cynically thrown back into the swift current of the strearn never to be heard of again. The writer eonsiders thie hoerible state of things mainly in a judicial light, !says the correspoodent of the London Telegraph, and complains of tfie serious losses teas inflicted upon the living in con- sequence of the abeence of all clue to the tate of their unfortunate relatives. " Year after year," he affirmshue. deeds of lifeless bodies—the morbid remains of suicides, victims of crime and victims of accidents—riso to thesurfaceef the Danube, are swept along with the current and vvash. ed up on the land op one bank or the othee. limp they are disconered by the cc Hymeas," who rifle the corpses, 8,nd then, as it rule, kick them, honk into the waves, after which leo lumen being worries about thein. Thousands of people vanish from the scene in this manner, no one evet lemming whet fete befell them. Blood. corelling crimes remeinundieeovered, and the uncertainty whether e man it dead or will return agaih to his family and friends is often fraught with heavy lessee to Leo latter, No mound marks the sr ot where these unforturiate people rest ; they are seruck out of the roll ce1l of hanianity ; clo trace eaveals the eourse of their last long journey ; they have eimply venished from the World like the lose wanderer in the (leered who is buried beneath enormous earal 'Waves, oe like the femithed ttave11nsn the wilderness whose beett isevereee the fowl of ltirde ni prey. Ana yet eve are living la Baronet e The writer then pcs on to show that a reward offered for the diseevery of dead bodies in the Danube would amply suffice to remedy the ovil as is shewn by the ex- ample of the city of Pressburg,,whieh pays 3s, dd. for every !melt oorpee pomted .out to the authorities, ''lt is chiefly a Mat above and it little Wow Preselm • that the omit. s baIntiy Tbet sloes not pay oub1de of Pressburg, I where the two Aslilerus rews44 is ofihred. "Above and below that city, once they have plundered the deed body, they thrust it hack into tho water. That is so much simpler, and saves thorn the trouble and worry of having to deal with the nais- Irabe, and as for the rest—well, the Danube may do with it as it wall. There are many speculative heads among these Hyenas, vim) when, the and is made at *modern dietance from Pressburg, tie a rope to the body, and haNfug attached it to the boat, smuggle ib into the purlieus of the city in order to qualify themeelnee IQ reoeive the two geld ens, One day a welleknown merchant of Pressburg dieeppeared without leavieg a erects, His wife end family left nothing undone to discover wbat heel become of then' breadwinner, hub their efforts were one Months passed in the torturing anxiety of ulmertainey. At last, in the town Of Raub, it wedding ring was offered for sale, witli the name of the missing mer- chant engraved on it. The goldsrintn, as it hitemened, had read the story of his die. appearance, and belied the seller of the ring arrested. When questioned, this peasant answered geite uncoaceroedly that he had taken the ring, and many other things be. sides, from a corpse that he found m the river, Fortenetely he W48 humane enough not to gest it beck again, but to cover it with a, little sand on the bank of the stream. Ile remembered the epee, atid the corpse was found. Tbie is but one out of a hun- dred of similar 04008 and the city of Vienna, suppliee Macrae ft0 per cent. of these unreeognized corpses. It is high time to put an end to this European scandal" PEASONAIJ- Movements or Well E.110WII. weenie. The new D,ulte of Saxe-Cobourg is eitt. toms& William Black, the novelist, has been laid up at his house at Brighton, &island, With a somewhat sevete illness. • Florence Nightingale, the lamella nurse, is 78 years old. She takes her baptismal IMMO from the Italian city isa whieh she was .Paderewski is the only solo player engag- ed for the forthcoming North. Ithenisla Musical Eestival, •which will take place this, year at Aix-laOliapelle. Rosa Bonheur is still painting in her quaint szudy near Fountainbles,u. She in now an old woman, small, ounburned, e.nd wrinkled as a omelet Thegrey hair is cat short, and is still thick. The Emperor of Germany draws heavily on the exchequer when he travels. His trip to Italy and Austria soon after he ascended the throne cost $200,000.- In Germany the Emperor pays his own fare. Miss 'Ea te Sanborn says of the programmes at women's clubs a—" The papers are usually too long-winded and too laboured. They are mat ustive, usually going back ‘, to the begime of the world to -explain the present sub ," At the Opera lionseein Ottawa recently the Countess of Aberdeen wore.onereee of royal purple velvet e the skirt was plain and full; a Bolero jacket of velvet was worn over a cream sille bodice; and an Elizabethan frill of cream lace ornamented the neck. A jewelled star adorned the hair. • Hon. Mra. Ivor Herbert, the wife of the. reaeral, purposee having a dancing ()lass 7 ‘1'ring the winter ii at Earuseliffe. The Gen - occupies the resicitsnce of the Its : John Macdobald during the absence of ' e Baroness in Europe, and here the lead- ., e of Ottawa soeiety are to study the country dance during the present season. , William E. Gladstone got into the year of great babies, 1809, only by a, scratch. If he had been bora three days later he would be a child of a year which was not so memorable for its births. Among the great personages who were born iu 1809 were Darwin, Tennyson; Elizabeth Barrett • Browning, Edgar A. Poe, the historian Kbaglake, Mendelesohn, Jules Favre, Lincoln, Hamlin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and ex -Speaker and ex-Senatore Robert C. Winthrop. Lord Aberdeen has on his Hadde estate a cottage especially for the children,. called "Holiday Cottage." The place is fitted up with all the goods and chattels of a humble home, except that there is no sleeping accommodation in it. In the garden Lord Haddo, the Hon, Dudley, aud Archie Gordon grow potatoes, cabbages, and strawberries. Thts three brothers dig ansi delve, fetch water froto. a pump in the neighbouring field, mend fences, polish door -knockers, chop wood, or, make them- selves otherwise useful. In the kitchen Lady Ms.rjorie practices all the details of housekeeping. le the floor is dirty she scrubs it ; when the grate is cold, elm kneela in front of it and cleans it, and lays the fire. , Prof. Alm Tyndall's father was a shoe- maker in an Irieet village and lived in very humble style, occupying rooms in the rear of his small shop. Bat like many old-timer cobblers, he had Mord than a share of learn- ittg and was wibty ananarca,stio in argument. Hie soo was sent to the local grammar school and one of his old churns there was • M. 0. Hennessey, tow a Rochester shoe manufacturer. He says that young Tyn- dall was an effeminate boy, who gene little promise of living to be 73 years of age. Andrew J. Davis, a letely deceased Mon- tana man of great wealth, was scot noted for his liberaliby as a rule, but to a friend who was in financial straits he once sent a check for $100,000 with the message Pay me if you can ; if you canuot never xnesa- tionili.• Queen Victoria, will be settled . in Florence before ela,eter. At the close of the following month she will be found, in Coburg, mad the next (May) vvill eta her 74 years old. Row to Get a 'Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappere (the large wrapper) to Lever Brom, • Ltd., 43 Seott Se Toronto, and you will reeeive by post a, pretty picture, free from advertising and Well Worth framing. This ni an easy way to decorete your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lc postage to send ill the wrappers, if you leave the midis open. Write your addreea carefully. Wbee leallY wno Stet, we nosedime Clastotte. When she was 4 child, she creectfee Coterie. When she became Miss, she 'clung to castorta. When sho had Cgalldren,sliegavdtherneesterik • Time to Intrude. Mot1ser-5' Is Mr. Kissein in the yet sl" Little lion—" Yes. Whatare they doing 2 " They der Y4eiayota.t!Ak Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of Canada's ablest thinkers end states- men, a man so highly esteem.ed by the people of his district that he was honoresi with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inasmuch as it is . one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Truax says : "1 have been for abuotten years very much troublea with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent --niedicines,,, and have been treated by a number or'ithysicians and found no benefit from them. 1Val-reoorn- menaed to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic: I obtained a bottle, and I mast sayI founa very great relief, ansi have since taken two more bottles, arta now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly recommend all raY fellow -sufferers from the disease to give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will ouro you. 'REUBEN E. TRUAX, ' "Walkerton, Ont."L • It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, Control and supply the stomach with the neces- sary nerve force to properly digest the food. When these Nerve Cen- tres are in any way derangedtti supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as it result the food taken into the • stomach is only,. partially digested, and Chrotho Insi gestion and Dyspepsia soon. makS their appearance. • South AnaericitniAev, red prepared that it ,,,kts directlyon the nerves. It witrabsolutely cure eve4, ease of Twargestion and Dyspepsia, and is 01 absolute specific for alt nervous diseases and. ailments. It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme: It cures the old, the young, and the raiddle-aged. It is a great friend to • wme3. and infirm. Do not neglect eclens boon; if you do, tb" rern-ay to use t you may neg..e4 which will restore yoi. South Ameriean Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasent to' the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this great cure, because it will put the bloona of freshness and beauty upon your lips and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses. Dr. W. Washburn, tif New Richmond, Indiana, writes "I have • used South American Nervine in my fatally and prescribed, it in my practice. It is a, most excellen4 remedy:" 0. LUTZ 'Sole WhOlesale s,n.d Retail Agent for Exeter, MoDArrtnrn. Agent, Reuss:11. „ U1100LHATii. Professing Beggars and- Their Earnings. The professional beggar to not a modern innovation, by any means. Readers of the Speetator will recall "Scarecrow," the famous London beggar who, having dis- abled himself in his right leg, "asked alms all day in order to got a warm supper at night. According to John Timbs, the "Heelers," to whom we often find mention in the litera,ture of the seventeenth century, evere troops of idle vagrants who infeeted Lincoln's Inn Fields. They asourried the characters of maimed soldiers who had suffered in the greab rebellion, and found a ready prey in the people of fashion mad quality who drove by. Indeed, it is made clear by contemporary allusion an comedies that this square was the regular haunt of bogus cripples who lived by mendicancy, whioh they carried on the most barefaced and even intimidating nuinr en It is re- lated that George IV, when Prinoe of Wales, once attended a beggars' carnival isa London, incognito. ao hed not been there long when the chairman, addressing the oompany and pointing to the Prioce, said, "I call upon that ere gerrtmen with a shirt for a trona." The Prince, as well as he could, got excused upon a friend, who amens/retried him promising to sing instead, which the latter did amisi greet applause. The health of the Prince end his friend having been drank, and duly responded to, 'they deputed in order to afford the Som. pany an opportunity to fix their differeue routem for the onsuieg day's busioess ;for at thee, time the profeeeiorme baggers 01 1101 don used to have a geeerel meeting times during the year at whieh they videtehe tmeempanies, eaeli efeeme its partiorilar Welk, .1p those days begs varied much, smite itettirig five thellings ci day, Moat of bit eionel beggars in London today— name ie legion --emanate from t nommen `lodging -houses, The to loos of these, svhieh is known Dispensary," supports an individt as a cceeriveme who entire ca livie facturing the pathetie signboard share cripples and the bogus carrY reined their nooks, In 1? well known, the professional h regultzr titeokly tatotingd alt routes to bo eollowed by the the goild eDo Auppoll out b committae. Tbtly hmve an or own, called thd J'aurnal dos virbLib appwri twiao eWOG Cent issae the followieg on moot is taken t "Vette arippis for a OOLI,Padq 01100Wana $tmail dOlttptit Itow She %einem-sod Two nebbere. In these days when reilway traitor and express meesengers are at the tnerey of armed bandits a woman's eourege w"hett she is confropted with masked robbers is in- spiring. A desperate attempt to rob it sole in the banking departmenb oe the Norther Indiana Normal College was reeen thwarted by a remarkable display of 4 ness on the part of a young teaeher. , Where the office was entered it eupied by two 13, einmn, one tl Ti,s, 3/4 h and the other :-cher Lenin was in the raiddl of te afte the buildings were filled With at , "Keep quiet or yomi will be ethe two masked meia an they the room, . One of them put it, revolv er's face, end levelled tenet tare-, The other strode -a Where he expected to fin dolla,re. * • The echoonteache steasi of meekly 00 eXpreee messerigere done under similar ribplotg wenkfnootoorkaerdcl, 4b bl intruder's hetnit in, his other h 1.1.1a00i