HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-1-18, Page 2not ei; little
E$ tO COOke
ea do, as Well
nitbt gont to do. Thos
we have learned to. leSe
e most, pure and per -
r4 popular cook -
materia l for all frying,
and shorteningporposes,
the /lateral OtitColne
Of the ageand it teaellee
lee nol tries'ela.rd, but rath-
er the new shortening,
which is far cleaner, and ca
more digestible than. any 11
lard Can be. 3, e
The eueeesse Of Cotthe g g
Rtle haSeElted sent WOrtle-
L less ilniaatione nude a
A simil,o—t names. T100k Olet
frt?,r thee! 'Ask your
up earoeer for COnet0-1,N, eite
0 andbeStirethaty011.getit. 0
leads only by iSt
g ft. FAIRBANK, & CO., 0 0
Wellington end An ate., t
orroroctill 0 leo=
oreotsula Tr°
Ispublistied every TIvarsday /meting, at
Oen:a-streets:wetly oPposite Fittmes eivelory
atore,Exetergenteleyeeplat White et doeut.ertn
newels or Anyzaxtsrga
een• ts,
'Bach subseeneatinsertion teerlinee ne dents,
To lasers nesse does advertisetned4 should
• ventin notiaterthat V7edttesday moraine
• OurJGB PRINTIetee DEIPeliTtlgteTT IS one
lettise largeat and. heeteenippea im the si °Imlay
btseuronnell work entrustea v� us Wince sate4
norprompt attention:
•rheC8iOns Regarding NeWlee
essaypers on veleo taket a paperregu11iseer311
thepost-oflice, whether direeted in lais name et -
another's, onserhother he hots senseribed or ne5
leeceponsible for payment
• it as pore= orders W.s taper discontinued
no Must pay an aerears ot the pnblisher mity
°attune to send itittitlIthe pkytnent -is mode.,
ladt then. collect the whole amount, whether
paper is takenfrom the office or net,
3 In snits fee anbectiptions, the sale may leo
netitueed in tho place where the papee is pub
ishad,' although tea subscriber may reside
hundreds of miles teetays
4 The oarts have deoided Meat refusing te
aknewspapers orperiodioals from the posb.
efie, et -removing Nati leaving then.tuneellen
scon:nro. facto evidence of me-.
, file
alsget 33408 aro annotr'dee
cede the woreboores ot
ous Debit:ay, Lost, vigoi. and
VeAhood; restores the
weakness of bode or need teemed
by over -work, or. the errors or ex-.
comes ef eouth. This. Remedy ab-
solutely cures Rio most obstinate cases- when 511 other
wonatatiorra havefalled mato relieve. Sold bydrus.
gists eeper eactsee, &relit for 41b, or sent by_mail on
receipt of ptice nes tradreasent THE JAME% iammorten
COe aerobia Ora, Writ,eforaaranblet sold in—
Sold at Browning's Drug Store, Exeter
Permanently Restorettol
, Debility;
ly errors or
work, sick-
rtion of
Wttll ;Kiss*
To 0. le. lava,
tetbers, so weary, t58QU?I.
Nitern mit with the toils of t Is 4
Toe oaten grow oroes and irepetione,
Cempli4n ot the noise aea the pier ;
For•the day lerimgee R40,41040- vOlcat+),°48
lilefe Me•
era, whatever may vex YellA
So mT ,hillErs going umise,
Send t e cblearen to bed with e lean.
Teta clear little feet wavier eaten
Tbe dese Met lianas Anti neve Mtselnet
verhaps the pathway ot 1,ignt;
Ta ara Yon eora morning till night;
Bee thane et tee deeolate neothere
W'ho'd give all the world for your bliss,
And, ea thanks for eesur in finite islesehiSe,
Send the atildren to le ea with a kiss.
For sorne clay the noise will uot vex Toe,
The silence will hurt you tar more,
-retell long for the eweet ehildesh vetoes,
For it eweet, childish lace at the door
Ane, to press a child% eace to your bospin,
You'd give ell tee worla Just roe thee
For the comfort,twill bring luyoursorrow;
Send the ehildrou to be with a kiss.
L.0671,0013 in Costume-
drese worn on all 000esions oat never
give the wearer that fresh and tidy look
which all womeo of taete desire to ttave.
Costly materiel is not half the baths.
hay ° ea= women who wore haradsome
clothes, yet whose real lees was not oretemY
bat dirty, wheste skirts were rumpled,whorie
collate were dog-eared, whoge ribbons curl-
ed or ravelled at the edges, and who had ha
consequenefs a dowdy look ; while some
freeli liege gown of cheap muslin, or some
twenty-five cent deleting, with the amiessor-
ies of white linen, crisp taffies., ;spotless
bows ot delimit° tiat, all carefully put on,
had a stylish and elegatt effect.
A good znany inexpeeheeve dresses are per-
haps better than a very few costly ones, for'
the poesessor has tizne to repair er to have
repaired those rent e and wrinkles that wear
will give,ana oan take off the dress were+ in
the rain or in the heat oak change It for
another at any time.
Of course wealthy wonaen (Ando this and.
still have each garment expensive, bet the
person of moderate instate, must take her
choice, and sine is very foolish if she chooses
one velvet dress instead qf three of pretty
goods that will become her quite as welt
After the first few days she will never again
have the feeling of being freshly dreseed in
a walking costume worn alike for ordinary
and. extraordinary occasions.
• -Moreover, et. home in her own house, a
good deal of change is very slice, and leery
refreshing to the household generally. Few
women will go so far as to keep tin 'ea
wrapper"• all day, but many Trill brittoe
themselves into a bleak dress of some keit;
and wear it from breakfast time until thee
go to bed. It taw be tidy but it coompt
look fresh ; and freehness is the most at-
tractive thing about a woman's dress,
The Charm.of Courtesy.
If woman could ever learn thab It le
quite possible to combine affability with
dignity in commonplace, daily intercourse
with their fellow oreacures, this would be
a far brighter and more agreeable world.
Nine -tenths of the gentlewomen one knows
would no more address an unintrocluced
female than bite off a bit of their own
tongues. Not °nee in a blue monde they
dare converse • with their ;servants. ilia
clerk behinciathe isempter, the °hence cone-
panionamale eiilavayjillaey or even the
•learreeho has dropped in to call on a mutual
f '
Awkwardness and timidity, with a sense
of alleged well keel reserve, Beal their lips
to every form of coinnatmleation. In their
shyness and. stupid fear of furnishing an
opportunity of -undue familiarity they go
through life like oysters, as far as those
outaide their narrow circle are ooncerned.
But, thank heaven, there is a woman, and
her tribe i$ increasing, who realizes all of
the beautiful opportunities and. rights the
gift of speech gives. her. She can
afford to talk to her domestics about
any and everything and cement their
•affectionate reepeotwith everyword uttered.
tier kindly recognition of the shop girl
and fragment of pleasant gossip across the
yardstick is a wholesome break in clerk's
dell day. To sit beside a respectable fe-
male for at hour's train travel and not ex-
ohange greetings as two human beings
touohing in their lourney of life, would con-
found her kindly nature. She is sure of
her dignity, and strong in its integrity,
affords to do -what pea/ably a leaf; fizaegrain-
ed naturgsb rinks to essay. Her friendly, well
chosen words are as removed from volu-
bility as her cordial manners e,re from gugh-
Recognizing the power of speech as the
most potent of spells for removing dull, un-
lovely discoutent, embarrassment and lone-
liness, she is free with worthy thoughts
graciously expressed. It is noticea.ble that
such svornezi never leave drawing room,
kitchen,. shop or coach that every other
creature of her kind preeent does not ac-
knowledge to hereelf the supreme excellence
of courtesy above all otherfeminine charms.
The size of the tablecloth must, of course,
be determined in a general way by that of
the table. Where an extension is need,
there should be one cloth large enough for
the table when all of the leaves are in
place ; but such a spread would be entirely
• out of place when half of the surfaces had
been taken away and sznaller cloths should
be provided; of proper size for the ordinary
use., White any approved pattern may be
purphased, it is generally a mistake to
•eelee.t faney colored linens. The white is
always standard, always eppropriate, 'looks
web, and will be in fashion ; but as much
cannot be field for the colors, which may
be popular one season and entirely .under
the ban within a year. Iteedee, when th e
cloth has become So worn that it is not
available ter further use on the table, its
utility is very much greater if white than
if colored. In the former case it may be
r and aceeptably used in a multi,
bought either Woven
at by the yard. For
tat, infrequently for
er as,ter. Untirely satis-
tt b decidedly more
ends may be secured be
tehed in any approved
try pleasiog effeets may
honeekeeper ekilled la
ng a little ;mare time
indispensable at all
though it was nob to
Was looked upoti an a
opted otly bo4' etuelt-
ldren, It is hietorioally
et abnost ea far beak
eta to he &end, M. -
come dowo to Us in
tittle prier to the din.
printing, children were
sir itionle arid reetthe
but 11 docia nob eppear
iseppoted tis use
• collet thau the
ury. At that time
althy—and no.
ere loog enough
o the labor, and
utig over the edge
•eire for *Mob
•I tOelatla
cold Water and stir it into the het water ;
then add the whites of two eggs heeben to
4 OW frath, Set the pail into a kettle of
boiling water end cook for ten, minutes,
stirring oftees Flavor. Wet four cups ha
POld water,. pour Ow caate,ra into them,
SO Sot Where it Will get as oeld as postale.
Whea wanted for the table turn eut Into
enucere end pour a euets.rel incede as to2.lows
over it ; Take the yolks of tho two eggs ;
tvnathirde of a cup of snarl &mall lump
of butter ; beat thoroughly Weelt tam -thirds
of a ant) of milk. Sot is boiling water until
it thicheue. Flavor,
Stale Oeleo Oboes of dry'
cake 43, a Wellebuteered pudding dish and
our over them it boiled ousterdavhieh need
not be quite al thick as when mule to eat
alone, Set &nide and let stand for three
hours. Spread jelly over the top, or if
preferred, use only yolks of eggs for the
custard aud save the whitee for a merringue.
Serve cold.
Hot Slaw.--Shasse the eabbeste very fine,
place it in a stew pan or spider with a little
butter and selt and just enough water to
keep it frorn istickiztg. Covet oloeely and
cook until the cabbage ie very tender. Then
add a little vinegar and when it conies to a
boil, stir in eerefully a few tablespoonfuls
cream. Continue the stirring until the
oream is hot when remove from fire. '
Boiled. or Creamed Onions„—White °Mane
are tbe sweetest, but yellow end even end
ones are nice if the first 'Water is poured off
end they are 000ked very soft in. slightly
salted vSater. Drain this off aud add some
milk and cream, -salt and pepper to taste,
and a very little thieltening.
Stick of Peppermint. —An excellent
imitation of a stick of peppermint candy is
very easily made. Get a retinal wooden
stick 32 inches long and a little less than
inch in diameter. Wind it with a layer of
-wadding perfumed with eatchet powder.
Cover the ends with white sathathen begin
with a strip of white satin ribbon la inehes
wide and, wind it diagonally round the
stick, Lay narrow Cherry ribbon under the
edge and. follow it with the same narrow
'ribbon SO as to fOrin a double row of the
red at the edge of the white.
Mince Mesa—Three pounds of lean beef
cooked very tender and cooled in its own
liquid, then chopped fine; 1 lb. beef suet,
cleared of strings and also finely chopped;
6 lbs. chopped. apples ; 2 lbs. seeded raisins,
not the seedless '• 2 lbs. currents, a lb. nit -
ion sliced fine, lnutmeg grated, 2 oz, eagh
of candied orange and lemon peel ; 2 tea-
spoonfuls each of chives, allspice and alt,S
1 teaspoonful ma3a 1. tabiespoonfuI china-
Mon,3 lbs brownsugar, 2 qts. boiled cider
and sonie grape or other fruit juice, or a
bowl of jelly. Mix these ingredients well;
then place them iz o double boiler or a pre.
servina kettle and cook slowly until the
apple is tender. Then the part not wanted
for immediate use can be canned in quart
or 2 quart bottles or placed in jars and
sealed.--li on using, you find that more
juice is needed, add a little =lame or
eider or both.
Mince Flea. --Make a nice crust and line
pie tine or plates, fill with the meat as given
above,'cover with a crust gashed for ele—
escape of steam s.nd bake in a nr?...ate
oven to a delicate yellow. Ie. _beee 'served
rul7"1.1111ING WOMEN.
Women tend elevators in Boston.
There are female tramps in California.
A third. of England's telegraph operators
are women.
• Nearly 2,500 womed practice medicine in
this country;
Six women in England are engineers of
Lown drainage.
• In all there are about 700 women 'doctors
ID Rilege; and many of these occupy im..
portant positions. •
A woman well known in English society
for her lovely neck and. arms polishee them,
go it is said, for half an hotir each night
with chanaois leather.
• A widow in Vienna, having asked whe-
ther she would be allowed to preserve the
ashes of her husband in an urn inher apart.
ment has been told by the Government that
this could not be permitted. The Minister
responsible says the custom, if it became
general, "might lead to strange eccentricity
and superstitions."
' Chinese AbauCa.
Vast and populous as Chita is, the
experience of the present century shows
that she is weak for aggressive purposes.
She has not the hold on territory adjacent
to her borders which she could claim a
hundred years ago. European nations are
pressing on her, both on the south and on
the north. She has been forced to cede a
portion of her territory to England, and
she 'has been compelled to avail herself of
the help of Englishmen, both for civil ad-
ministration and. for military command.
All these things show that an expansion
of the Chinese race does' not necesserily
involve an extension of , Chinese dominion.
On the eontraey, they tend to prove that it
is the order introduced by European ad-
minstration which leads to the ;multiplica-
tion of, these industrious people ; and there
is, therefore at least Os inuoh ground for
saying thae/though 13orneo, Sumatra, and.
New-Gainea, and the great ielands of the
Eastern Archipelago, may be ultimately
peopled by yellow races,. they will he gov-
.erned by the white races, ae for believing
that a new Chiriese Empire is in procese of
formation ; a Chinese India may, iil other
words, be developed in these greae and
fertile island• s.
Story of a Postage Stamp.
The unique Sunday postage stamp issued
in Belgium reminds one Of the equally sing-
ular postages' stamps which were issued,
prior tie Confederation, by the Pos tams ter-
(4eneral of New Brunswick. This worthy
functionary' the Hon. Charles Connell,
coeceiVed the ides of displaying the Qoeen
from her position on the postage otamps of
the proviuce, and actually corrie,1 out his
iatentions, 1s ordered in the • United
Statee a Series of stamps bearing his own
head in place of the Queen's, and spent
some thousands of dollars of ruble) money
in the investment, The nevi% of his rather
startling achievement rereshed the ears ef
the pablic and his eolleatsues at the eame
time, and public indignation over Mr.Oon-
n ell in vasi on of th e r °yea peer ogetive compell-
ed the members of the Provineial Goverment
to turn him out of their ranks. The issues
were caecelled and the eteirms destroyed,
The Council stamp is to- d ey etiesI the rarest
mid most oestly of all the restage stamps
in exietence,
She teeight er Doorshell.
Agent --e" 13eg pardon, nuaann but I have
beeu remmet,ed by a number of persona tc
cell bete and ebony you Our new patent
Eleotrio Wakeehodead Door.bell. It's vary
hard ort halide to beve to Ittioek, zrathert,
alid eaerybody says .the only reason why
you haVeir't a bell is bemove, you never
thought of
Houeekeeper--"Thetes very true. 1 really
had forgotten that there WM no bell. Pot
Agent (half tit Imizelater)—"Itee all done,
zileaata. Hereas the hill, Thank you. Pll
Ail path%
see r,
eeellt Sold rind en the Coelgardie Ea0'
• ton ittAaetralias
Ass gnagetet lenhestowit Country Thrownaleeett
510.,:cetttoitIners aoetitialt:ig:ltetoleto;:s. rah' u°
Otte or the nest %timely repulated
0 a sap!red! ieal reaioa
eenot ee
la t i&t;i r otfo AbusEletrnti'lof 4t1111110tOr tik0411°:Ply.
populated p5rts of the country. Thekreede
are bleak with men and teams headed diet
way. Now the region i$ inhabited only by
aboriginols, Away oaok ha the remote poet
—so says a popelae traeltiaon of the niterior
--several powerful tribes a few litudred
miles ferthor northward swept from their
happy huntiog groimds all Ulnae men and
who wtcoiliseidow
crowd that west, lent out, and subeequene
years of severe privations entlnred by the
ebon outcasts have reducied them to a reel-
iy awful condition of wretchedness.
sage in Many' of its most horrible forma
steaks among them, and the great scythe of
death is performing ite work euielely and
well, and. soon there will be -but earth
Mounds left to testity that the tribe of mit-
casts ever existed. Dwellers in cities little
imagine thee away M tbe silent bush Such
an awful race of people live, • Extremely
low in the scale of humeri intelligence and
lacking the attributes whiah make the
aborigines of mostother portions of the
Continent useful in varioes directions, the
blacks about the gold fields are avotded by
white folk and left to die alone in the still -
mess of their wildhaunts. Their food. is
They devour the huge black `and white
grube whiCh they get from the timber, and
it makes one sick to see the awful juices
trickle out betWeen their lips and their
white -cleated tongues liok it back again.
They enjoy the entraile of sheep or dogs,
and fight with their own dogs for the pos-
session of meat seething, with maggots.
Seated round their fires they may often be
seen all sacking- at the same pieee of a
sheep's intestines several yards In length.
A great many of the blacks have been fear-
fully burnt about black bodies and limbs
while sleeping by their own fires, and then
there is some disease am,ong them almost
as horrible as that awful scourge leprosy:
After looking on such a terrible sight one
is almost impelled to pray for the more
speedy extern -deletion of the tube. •,
Tfie road from Southern Cross to Northam
is next door to impassable. Numerous
teamsters were camped with knocked -up
horses and. bogged vehicles, and the coach
with a good stanch team of, horses found it
impossible to get through. Here andalleaer
teamszers were met with only a half or a
third of their original load aboard. They
bad. found it impossible to get through with
the lot, andaliad stacked a portion of it
alongetde-the track to be brought on later.
*ten rain had fallen and the red mud
Until it prevented them from revolving,and
the unfortunate teamsters had to use pick
and shovel every few minutes to be able to
make any headway. An empty wagon,
drawn by sit horses, had. been pulled along
on its body in one place nearly a quarter of
a mile, and others had been wrecked entire,
ly by the roughness of the road. One very
bad feature about this, and indeed all other
western Australian country tracks, is that
the middle has been worn down to a con-
siderable- depth by the practiosewhich pre-
vails of working the' horses in. single file,
but an effort is now being made to legislate
• On the nfatter. If the driving of horses two
abreast is made compulsory then the first
lot of teams whieh will go through to the
Oran under the new rule will have eome
bitter experiences. It would not be a
difficult or exteasive matter to materially
improve the" track, but in view of the pro.
bable completion of the Northam to Yilgarn
railway early in the new year it is not likely
Shat the goverateent will spencrany money
upon it. In the dry weather ib will be good
enough for the traffic.
ken THEN Tun wseon
trouble will assert itself. The contractors
constructing the line are making rapid prog-
ress with it. The bulk of the clearing has '
been done, and the rails are being laid at
the rate of a mile a day, while arrange-
ments have been made to throw open, the
first section of the line for public traffic,
This will overcome the track troubles for a
distorice of about eighty- miles up from
Northam. There are several hotels and
stores along the track, and at Yoekarakine,
Doodlekine, Merredin, and other places the
traveler, if he chooses, can dine off a table,
sit. on a choir, or sleep hi abed.
• As everybody knows Coolgardie is, not the
only gold field- in west Australia. The
Murohison, Kimberley, and others have all
attracted mach attention and yielded ex-
cellent results. At the Murchieou only a
few weeks back one lucky party 6f mon
raised a bucketful of stone from their reef
and obtained from it by rough dollying be-
tween 200 and SOD ounces of gold. A
number of extremely rich reefs are being
worked both by compaines and privlete
individuals, and the country for some con-
siderable distance round the township is
PRETTY vioononstv pnoseecren.
• This is better circumstanced for tucker
and. wetter than the yonnger field, but like
Coolgardie it had experienced some pretty
hard times. Sone little time back there
Was 5 severe atid lengthy drolight, which
interfered with the wprk of exploration and
swept off nearly all animal We. The cost
of cartage there used to be $260 a ton, And
even et that price it was difficult to get
teamsters to undertake the journey from
Geraddton. Eerly last year provisions ran
very short at retie,- and almost any price
• ootild be obtaited, for the necessaries of
life, Preeervoct meet was $1.25 a tin aud
flour $1,25 around. T. Que, from whom
the township takes its name, is reported to
have picked up 100 ounces of gold in a
couple of hours Ori one of the claims. The
field, hoevever,'is more important for reef-
ing purposes than for alluvial gold, and
many of the alluvial diggers have lately
°leered out to the more reeently diecovered
goid-bearingground at Coolgardie.
Deettbtlitellitlateuiaster and Jansen illoontp
ster !net Tear Death,
A Kingston, epecial says :--There itt tin
doubt that the young race, nobert Ma.
Master and James Dempstet, who left Bath
for Amherst islend in e skill' on Saturday
last, have pc:Tithed. The boat has been
foimd in a betteted condition among cakes
e4 fee, Fiernstee Was to have been married
to Mite MOMatter next Week. Eempatisert
betide is on the itt!and4 mid McAlester
who was the son 01 Edward itleMeetee of
Pittsburg, near here, was goingto visit bite
for s week, Both young men were Well
known and highly respected, It is thOlight
that, a elite of ice stove t hole in the boat,
When they ott out on the ice to ettve them-
ecivece meal ontlele to attract ettention
tar* 'perished with the cold. Oa Tuetelay,
c aof this eiee, oroesea to the ieland,
eaw two dark objeets lying on tits;
etance ine the Rate, Vat
ree0T8t3O morn itAxs,
f.telsy of the eye diseeees Of the preeent
day oWe their origin to the injerloue
euee of ertificeal light. Now that almoet
every oue uses the eleotrie light it is min-
ently eatiefsabory to know that the fore -
Meet English ophthalmic; eutheetties &mord
it unqualified mentieedetiozt. They state
that the intandeseeut lamp, judiciously
placmi and ehaded, is infinitely importer to
any other artifieha Illutninanh, and tbet
not only it it the best light for strong and
healthy eyes, but that even eyes that are
unduly Sensitive or prone to dieeasie may in
it work longer and With less risk and dis-
comfort than with gas, candke or oil.
weer= venrOeu TOnet0A.to ree,
In all arobebility it will not be long be-
fore the city man will "Wel down to his
office frOM hie country or suburben resi-
dence on an electric dog -cart, The seat of
the vehiele will hold all the motive power
he needs, stored, electricity, and he will be
iu the enjoyment of a placid sense of inde-
pendence. For some time an eleatric dog-
cart has been in constant use in the neigh-
borhood of Brighton, England, and now
the Frouch have followed ;mit by stetting
electric phaetons. The hind wheels are
driven by an endless °Main gearing end an
electric motor, fed by storage batteries,
Then and the motor are contained in the
body of the carriage, which it eontrolled
from the front scot by switchee and. brakes.
One charge of the batteries serves for a
journey of forty-two miles ;et 0 speed of
ten miles an hour. The Parisians evince
much interest in the appearance in the
streets of the city of the new vehicle, and
it is likely to become populer.
Much inipartance is now attached to the
perfecting or signal systems. In navy de.
partments, especially, much hag been done
ot late in the deNti,sing of improved ampere-
tta. In these days the tennency is to in-
crease the mobility of naval arms and ships,
and consequently it is of the greeteat mo-
ment that there saould be a most effective
method of signalling between ships et night..
Col. G. E. Gouraud (late of the United
States army) has brought Mat itt Englanrl
an invention celled the Telephotos, for
electrical signaling by night or day, her
naval, military, merchant marine, light-
houtse and life-saving services. It is work-
ed on the Morse system, and the words are
shown on a, sheft of fifty-three incandes-
cent lamps, worked from a keyboard
similar to the typewriter. Col. Gouraud
considers a telephotos to be far more advan-
tageous end simale than either flags or the
heliograph, and it only remains to be prey-,
ed -whether the inventionawal fflTra.-an im-
portant addi_gen et!' 'seaming telegraphic
-Benne:limns 07 FUSED SALM
The qitestiOn of the electrolytic manu -
facture of bleaching powder and caustic
soda has of late been widely discussed, and
Mr. Andreoli, who has taken a prominent
part in investigating and developing the
process, has written an article which con-
tains further details of the possibilities of
electrolysis in -this capaoity. Es vonchee
for the fact thatthe saving effected ley the
electrolytic method in making bleaching
powder and mined° soda is 50 per cent. but
he regards the electrolysis of fused salts as
a more desirable methocieand thinks it will
in many instancesfel:nada° effeotive tlutt
it -will supplant the electrolysis of solu-
tions: Under certain conditione, especially
when the treatment of large quantities is
oot desirable or convenient, chlorine end
soda aro obtained to greater advantage from
fused chloride of sodium than from its go.
Melon, and Mr. Andreoli is eonvineed that
•this electrolysis of fused common Balt will
he the sole, cheap, efficient and commercial
source of chlorine and alkali ia the future.
• THE SIEBilh LEIhti FIglit
Later Parafeeldare ofthe Affair.
The French Fnetreity to Elotne--Frowto
WIU 24ahe,A,Inestds.
A London Special says :—Further details
have been received from Freetown capital
of Sierra Leone, of the killing of Britith
troops by the French. • The British were
encamped in the Connoh district, near
Warieus. Their camp was within the Brit-
ish sphere. At daylight, December 23, they
were sateckecl by the Frenek force, consist•
ing of 30 Senegalese sharpshooters and
1,200 nativee, who were headed by Incest.
Moritz. When they were fired upon the
British at once responded, and the French
shortly afterwards retired. Lieut. Moritz.
was wounded and captured by the British.
He was questioned by his captors as to his
reasons for attacking thern, and explained
that the British trooas, who were bleak's,
were taken for members of the Sofas tribes,
and their European officers, who were
deeply tanned by the African sun, for
.Lieut. Moritz died from the mlect of his
Wound. -
The British loss was less than at first re-
ported. Only six of the privates were .bill-
ed. The report - of the killing of Capt.
Lendy, tints. Wrouehton aud. Liston end
a sergeant was correct, Nineteen of tee
British troops were seriously wounded. The
loss'ef the French forces ie not known. The
British foroe reznains itt en mina, '
Aftother report of the engagement says
that it took place by moonlight, and that
it, was ownieg to thie fact that Lieut. Moritz
was not able to distinguish the uniforms of
the British troops. The latter wae tekeen
by surprise. The confusion in the British
camp Was great, and this was added to by
careless firing on the part of t te 13 ribish.
rho letter were well within British tend -
THE. °moral:, neeour.
Col. A. 13. Ellis, ot the West Indian regi-
ment, has telegraphed to the Right Teen.
Campbell-Etnnermen, Secretary of State
of War, the fleepetch being dated W arina,
December 23, as follows
"Before daybreak tide morning our.camp
was suddenly attacked by a strong force of
natives, several of whose; were armed with
rifles. For 40 minutes th ore was Et hot fire,
Thecorny used trees foe cover. Tho'killed
of the West India, regiment are : Lieut.
Liston, Somme Lieut, Wroughtee, Sorgt.
Carralier and four privates. The killed of
the eonetebuloxy were: Capt. isendy and
two privates. 2ho severely wound were ;
6erro. viia and -14 privates of the regi-
ment, and three privetcs of the oonstabu-
.1• ?'17‘ The firo elackenieg we advaeced and
found seven megmeihe rifles and eight;
ohasse pote. Shortly after a wottadea
prisorier reported that we had been at.;
tacked by laiout, Moritz, of the French
army, 82 Senegalcee sharp -shooters and
1,200 Mat natiVes. The prisoner stated
that tieut. IVICTite had left Earana with
this force ageinet the Sofas alt the Ottd, of
September, and had arrived December a
at Tenbikundut 50 reilee northeese of War.
ins Lieut. Moritz, hearing that there
att in the COttneh clfetrict, believed it
4 on by the SaTae under
rying to
'oir; this
a eke
" Aeother letter hag been sent to the
'reach commander at icissi, informing hint
of the ecourrerico and esserimg him thet
the friendly relatioos exieting will not be
distorbed owing to Lieut. Meritee Pahl -
take, •
" Warina, is within eur own sphere! In
whith is the tource of the liabbea river
whieli (levee eastward,"
The British alovernment has ordered
that n 13 trill gelib eznieity be teed° into the
muit rit'S$0.0 To MUIR.
A Paris epecial sari e—Ati a Ministerial
council tmelay a despatch was reed front the
Governor of Seeegal confirming the reports
ef au engagement between Freneh and
British forces ricer Waelna, The Governor
seed the Eremite commander thought the
British were %mulles.
It is understood that if the English ver-
sion of tbe affair its true France Will not
canted the making of ample reparation.
It is not easily.. explained why the French
force was iu territory that is indisputably
Britielh. Negotiations concerning the
frontier between the French and British
possessions in that part of Afeica are now
Britisll ▪ Troops leired Vpon by French
Solellers 1** 'West ,iterica—Very Meagre
A London special sp.ys :--.M.ilitary and
politioal circlet; were exalted tomater by a
sensational report which reitahecl here from
Sierra Leone, Senegambia, the _British col-
onial settlement of West Africa, According
to this report, Capt. 1.1. A. W. tandy, In-
spector General of the frontier police, with
26 men and several officers of the First
Battalion of "A," West India regiment, who
were engaged in an expedition against the
Sofas, have been killed, and it is added
that they were shot by French troops. it
is also reportedthat a. French officer engag.
ed in the attack was captured. •
A despatch from Sierras - Leone says :—
" Captain Lendy and Sergeant Liston, of
the British army, eamather with 26 men of
it West India regiment, have been killed at
Warina, in the interior. Deteils of the
affair are very meagre. Capt. Lender had
charge of the newly organized frontier police
and it is surmised that, at the time of the
mishap he wars in command ot the frontier
exnedition, and tho French mistookairn and
airs men for the natives against whom they
vvere then operating:"
The news concerning the slaughter of
British troops in th.e interior of Sierra
Leone has, been conanned by the adviees
of the Foreige. and War Offices. • The offi-
cers killed were Capt. Lendy, Lieut. C.
Wroughton, Lieut. Liston, and a sergeant.
The twenty-six privates who were shot
were all negroes. The government despatch-
es are withheld, and only part of their con-
tents can be ascertained. According to all
accounts the Frenoh opened fire upon the
British troops without provocation or
warning. How they could havemade such
a mistake is very difficult to ommeive,e,s the
aerest India regiment wear bright scarlet
uniforms. carry British armee and observe
au the regulations of army discipline. The
attack took place in the district whose pos-
seeeion is still a matter of dispute between
Trance and England.
The British captured a French officer at
The Train SerViee Interrupted—The
• Thames Vfozen—Cosel in the Isle orWlglit
--sari-tangs or the Poor —The Weather on
• Ike continent,
• A Londonidespatela says;—The extremely
cold weather now prevailing has delayed
the mails in the north of Eugle.nd . • A mail
train running between Sleaford, Linco'n-
shire and Peterborough, Northamptonshire,
has not yet arrived at the latter place, and
is thirteen hours overdue. At Spalding,
Lincolnshire, a labourer named Smith has
been found frozen to death.
A despatob. from Mazanaga to Lloyds
says that in the storm off the Morocco
coast the French eteamer Le Vosges struck
sunken rooks and foundered. All on board
were saved and landed at Mazauaga.
In Cornvest the cold irs greater than be.
fore experienced in fifty years,
In Hyde perk, London, the thermometer
registers 11 degrees above zero. The Thames
from 'Windsor to Tedcleing to is frozen
over. A number of trading vessels are fast
in the fee in the middle of the stream.
• A vessel went on the Goodwin sands in
the straitof 'Dover last night. This morn-
ing the wreck had disappeared, having
probably been pounded to piecee, and with-
out doubt, all her cress were &owned. It
is believed the vessel • was the Swedish
barque Caraetina, Capt. Kullsen, from
Trapani, for Gothenhourg,
A despatch from the Isle of Wight where
the Queen is at present sojon ening, says
that the mercury registers 10 (I, grees above
zero, which is the lowest point it has reach-
ed in 100 years.
Snow has been falling in the County of
VIrestmoreland for 24 hours, and the storm
shows no signs of ceasation. The roads in
every direction have been rendered impass-
able by drifts. ,
Two mail coaches, ruening between Lon,
don and Tanbridge, in Kent, are enowed
ID on the road.
The suffering of the poor all over the
country is terrible.
The Frot eglantt 16ishop of gosubay Whlt
draws From the ilaktt-illphito A.1.1Iasted.
A Bombay dispatch says: --The Right
Rev. Louie Milne, Protestant Bishop of
Bombay, has requested the secretary of the
anti -Opium Alliinee to rernove his name
from the list of members of the alliance.
The bishop states •that he withdraws be.
Same a number of medical men halm re-
pudiated their signatures wh lob are„ attaeh •
ecl to the petition to the government
against the We of •opium, and because ho
has become convinted that India is not a
country in whicb the agitation being oar.
rice' me by tho alliance can be pursoed, to
good purpose.
Strange Digcovery at the 0, P. 0.
• There has been a strange resutreetion et
the London-Geberal post -office of seine old
newspapers Which dropped out of eight up-
wards of a quarter of a centery ago, and
have lain undelivered ever sinee. They were
found lying behind some girders, through
vvhieli they had dropped, and the places it
must be assumed, hat never be.eu darned et
Swept Of' seen by limas nye for getter); ana
tweety years. Tho rate had !spared them;
damp had thine theca no ziotioeable i»jory;
the addreeses Were quite legiblethey Only.
boro the emelt of ;sleety ago and'there weer
on them old.fasbioned red penny ritarepe
whish are sow ost of use, Tito have dies*
dab; forwarded to' tbige it itti'oVidAtit rtlitittc,
they Will find thorb triU 14. a fallOtet 1,06tigrO"
Of a surlotta otifS0 • •o•
` e
MIOloos o
Women use 4t,
for ail pOrpOS00
and find it a
great comfort
and saver of
Has no equal
•, for purity, nor
for cleaning and
sweetening, nor
preserving the
clothes and
hands from in-
jury, -nor for -
Smear .0•••••
• all-round
general use. -
Drug Store
A full tstock-of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
• Dyes, constantly
• hand. Winan's
Condition • )
• Powd•
• the best
• in the mark-
et and always •
• resh. Family recip:
ees oarefullY prepared at
Central Drug' Store Exete
This won de ful discovery is the b est known remedy for,'
Biliousness and alt Stoma& and Liver neohles, sucC
as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestio*
Impure Blood, eta. These Lozenges are please**
and harmless, and "though powerful to promote *4
bealtey action of the bowels, do riot weaken likeoillts
If your tongue its coated. yon need 'then/
A' ALL ESZ(.4 STOatree.
litea; rale Ciefe SATISFATIIRS
• PPR SALE 87 5.1.1,
•rn)t:tesT, STRONCIlireeTe Et
, Relay female irrianq`lirantity For making eadr,
ioftenirur water, litabgeetinur, And 5 hundred othet
uses, A. Ono eeeels 29 eoet4ts 551 606a.
Satd Irp A.t1 OPtiaore end 7rvIlsmiste,
Tel. W. Cet-litetteleel'eeek, eleeee.,c,tetele